Relation Relation::combinator(Relation& right) { Scheme temp; vector <pair<int,int> > at_relation; temp = my_values.combine_schemes(right.my_values, at_relation); Relation result; for (int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++) result.set_value(; for (set<Tuple>::iterator it = Tuple_Set.begin(); it != Tuple_Set.end(); ++it) for (set<Tuple>::iterator it2 = right.Tuple_Set.begin(); it2 != right.Tuple_Set.end(); ++it2) { Tuple t(*it); if (t.joinable((*it2), at_relation)) { t = t.combinator((*it2), at_relation); result.set_tuple(t); } } return result; }
string Interpretter::outputFacts() { string out = ""; // get a list of relations for (auto relation : db) { // print the relation out += relation.first + "\n"; Scheme s = relation.second.getScheme(); set <Tuple> t = relation.second.getTuples(); // for each of the tuples in the relation's set for (auto tuple : t) { out += " "; // for each of the attributes in the relation's scheme: for (int attr = 0; attr < s.size(); attr++) { // print the attribute out += s[attr] + "="; // print the value at the relation's tuple out += tuple[attr] + " "; } if (tuple.size() > 0) { out.pop_back(); } out += "\n"; } out += "\n"; } return out; }
//static uint SchemeUtils::calculateQuantumCost(const Scheme& scheme) { uint size = scheme.size(); if (size == 0) return 0; ReverseElement prevElement; bool isPreviousElementWasUsedBefore = true; uint cost = 0; for (auto& element : scheme) { if (!isPreviousElementWasUsedBefore) { uint peresCost = 0; if (isPeresGate(prevElement, element, &peresCost)) { cost -= getElementQuantumCost(prevElement); cost += peresCost; isPreviousElementWasUsedBefore = true; continue; } } cost += getElementQuantumCost(element); prevElement = element; isPreviousElementWasUsedBefore = false; } return cost; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------// // ---------------- LAPLACE -- CELL CENTER -------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------// // (1) The following function is the core others use this function // //------------------------------------------------------------------// void Grid::triLaplace(triLinSys &axb, shared_ptr<Cell > f, double const &c) { if (!thisVar) {cout << "Laplace0: Variable is not locked!!"<< endl; return; } // cout << "LAPLACE !!!! "<< endl; // cout << f->vol() << endl; Scheme<double> sch = f->normGrad(thisVar); auto area = f->vol().abs(); int n = f->next; int p = f->prev; for (auto i = 0; i < sch.size(); ++i) { // cout << "[" << n << ", "<< p << "] "<< c << " : " << sch.val[i] << " : " << area; auto flux = c*sch.val[i]*area; //cout << " : " << flux << endl; //cin.ignore().get(); if (n >= 0) axb.A(n, sch.ind[i]) -= flux/listCell[n]->vol().abs(); if (p >= 0) axb.A(p, sch.ind[i]) += flux/listCell[p]->vol().abs(); } if (n >= 0) axb.b[n] += c*sch.c*area/listCell[n]->vol().abs(); if (p >= 0) axb.b[p] -= c*sch.c*area/listCell[p]->vol().abs(); return; // int n = f->next; // int p = f->prev; // auto c0 = (p>=0) ? *(listCell.begin() + p) : f; // auto c1 = (n>=0) ? *(listCell.begin() + n) : f; // Vec3 dx = c1->getCoord() - c0->getCoord(); // Vec3 faceArea = f->vol(); // Vec3 norm = faceArea/faceArea.abs(); // if (p>=0 && n>=0) { // double flux = c*faceArea.abs()/(dx*norm); // axb.A[p][p] -= flux; // axb.A[n][n] -= flux; // axb.A[p][n] += flux; // axb.A[n][p] += flux; // return; // } else { // if (!thisVar) {cout<<"laplace0: Boundary is not locked!"<<endl; return;} // auto bndr = (p >= 0) ? -n-1 : -p-1; // auto row = (p >= 0) ? p : n; // if (bndr < 0 || bndr >= thisVar->listBC.size() || !(thisVar->listBC[bndr])) { // cout << "wrong with bndr : Value "<< bndr <<endl; // return; // } // auto bc = thisVar->listBC[bndr]; // if (bc->type == 0) { // double flux = c*faceArea.abs()/(dx*norm); // axb.A[row][row] -= flux*(1.0 - bc->a_val); // axb.b[row] -= flux*(bc->b_val); // } else if (bc->type == 1) { // double flux = c*faceArea.abs(); // if (n >= 0) flux = -flux; // axb.A[row][row] += flux*(bc->a_val); // axb.b[row] -= flux*(bc->b_val); // } else { // cout << "Type is not recognized!"<< endl; // } // } return; }
Scheme CompositeGenerator::generate(const TruthTable& table, ostream& outputLog) { float totalTime = 0; float time = 0; // process truth table with Reed-Muller generator uint size = table.size(); uint n = (uint)(log(size) / log(2)); outputLog << "n = " << n << endl; uint threshold = getRmGeneratorWeightThreshold(n); outputLog << "RM generator index weight threshold: " << threshold << endl; RmGenerator rmGenerator(threshold); RmGenerator::SynthesisResult rmResult; { AutoTimer timer(&time); rmGenerator.generate(table, &rmResult); } totalTime += time; outputLog << "RM generator time: "; logTime(outputLog, time); outputLog << "RM scheme complexity: " << rmResult.scheme.size() << endl; // process residual truth table with Group Theory based generator GtGenerator gtGenerator; Scheme gtLeftScheme; Scheme gtRightScheme; { AutoTimer timer(&time); gtLeftScheme = gtGenerator.generate(rmResult.leftMultTable); gtRightScheme = gtGenerator.generate(rmResult.rightMultTable); } totalTime += time; outputLog << "GT generator time: "; logTime(outputLog, time); outputLog << "GT left scheme complexity: " << gtLeftScheme.size() << endl; outputLog << "GT right scheme complexity: " << gtRightScheme.size() << endl; // combine GT and RM schemes Scheme& scheme = rmResult.scheme; RmGenerator::PushPolicy pushPolicy = rmGenerator.getPushPolicy(); if (pushPolicy.defaultPolicy) { if (gtLeftScheme.size() < gtRightScheme.size()) scheme.insert(scheme.begin(), gtLeftScheme.cbegin(), gtLeftScheme.cend()); else scheme.insert(scheme.end(), gtRightScheme.cbegin(), gtRightScheme.cend()); } else { scheme.insert(scheme.begin(), gtLeftScheme.cbegin(), gtLeftScheme.cend()); scheme.insert(scheme.end(), gtRightScheme.cbegin(), gtRightScheme.cend()); } outputLog << "Complexity before optimization: " << scheme.size() << endl; outputLog << "Quantum cost before optimization: "; outputLog << SchemeUtils::calculateQuantumCost(scheme) << endl; // optimize scheme complexity PostProcessor postProcessor; { AutoTimer timer(&time); scheme = postProcessor.optimize(scheme); } totalTime += time; bool isValid = TruthTableUtils::checkSchemeAgainstPermutationVector(scheme, table); assert(isValid, string("Generated scheme is not valid")); // log post processing parameters outputLog << "Optimization time: "; logTime(outputLog, time); outputLog << "Complexity after optimization: " << scheme.size() << endl; outputLog << "Quantum cost after optimization: "; outputLog << SchemeUtils::calculateQuantumCost(scheme) << endl; outputLog << "Total time: "; logTime(outputLog, totalTime); return scheme; }