Пример #1
bool Interchange::runOnScop(Scop &S) {
  if (std::distance(S.begin(), S.end()) != 2) // One statement besides the final statement
    return false;

  for (Scop::iterator SI = S.begin(), SE = S.end(); SI != SE; ++SI) {
    ScopStmt *Stmt = *SI;
    if (!Stmt->isReduction())

    isl_map *Scattering = isl_map_copy(Stmt->getScattering());

    const std::string MapString = "{scattering[i0, i1, i2, i3, i4] -> scattering[i0, i3, i2, i1, i4]}";
    isl_map *Map = isl_map_read_from_str(Stmt->getIslContext(), MapString.c_str(), -1);

    isl_map_add_dims(Map, isl_dim_param, Stmt->getNumParams());
    Scattering = isl_map_apply_range(Scattering, Map);

      isl_printer *p = isl_printer_to_str(S.getCtx());
      isl_printer_print_map(p, Scattering);
      dbgs() << isl_printer_get_str(p) << '\n';
Пример #2
/// @brief Update the scattering in a Scop using the scoplib description of
/// the scattering.
bool ScopLib::updateScattering() {
  if (!scoplib)
    return false;

  StatementToIslMapTy *NewScattering = readScattering(PollyScop, scoplib);

  if (!NewScattering)
    return false;

  if (!D->isValidScattering(NewScattering)) {
    errs() << "OpenScop file contains a scattering that changes the "
      << "dependences. Use -disable-polly-legality to continue anyways\n";
    return false;

  for (Scop::iterator SI = PollyScop->begin(), SE = PollyScop->end(); SI != SE;
       ++SI) {
    ScopStmt *Stmt = *SI;

    if (NewScattering->find(Stmt) != NewScattering->end())

  return true;
Пример #3
void IslScheduleOptimizer::extendScattering(Scop &S, unsigned NewDimensions) {
  for (Scop::iterator SI = S.begin(), SE = S.end(); SI != SE; ++SI) {
    ScopStmt *Stmt = *SI;
    unsigned OldDimensions = Stmt->getNumScattering();
    isl_space *Space;
    isl_map *Map, *New;

    Space = isl_space_alloc(Stmt->getIslCtx(), 0, OldDimensions, NewDimensions);
    Map = isl_map_universe(Space);

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < OldDimensions; i++)
      Map = isl_map_equate(Map, isl_dim_in, i, isl_dim_out, i);

    for (unsigned i = OldDimensions; i < NewDimensions; i++)
      Map = isl_map_fix_si(Map, isl_dim_out, i, 0);

    Map = isl_map_align_params(Map, S.getParamSpace());
    New = isl_map_apply_range(Stmt->getScattering(), Map);
Пример #4
bool IslScheduleOptimizer::runOnScop(Scop &S) {
  Dependences *D = &getAnalysis<Dependences>();

  if (!D->hasValidDependences())
    return false;

  LastSchedule = nullptr;

  // Build input data.
  int ValidityKinds =
      Dependences::TYPE_RAW | Dependences::TYPE_WAR | Dependences::TYPE_WAW;
  int ProximityKinds;

  if (OptimizeDeps == "all")
    ProximityKinds =
        Dependences::TYPE_RAW | Dependences::TYPE_WAR | Dependences::TYPE_WAW;
  else if (OptimizeDeps == "raw")
    ProximityKinds = Dependences::TYPE_RAW;
  else {
    errs() << "Do not know how to optimize for '" << OptimizeDeps << "'"
           << " Falling back to optimizing all dependences.\n";
    ProximityKinds =
        Dependences::TYPE_RAW | Dependences::TYPE_WAR | Dependences::TYPE_WAW;

  isl_union_set *Domain = S.getDomains();

  if (!Domain)
    return false;

  isl_union_map *Validity = D->getDependences(ValidityKinds);
  isl_union_map *Proximity = D->getDependences(ProximityKinds);

  // Simplify the dependences by removing the constraints introduced by the
  // domains. This can speed up the scheduling time significantly, as large
  // constant coefficients will be removed from the dependences. The
  // introduction of some additional dependences reduces the possible
  // transformations, but in most cases, such transformation do not seem to be
  // interesting anyway. In some cases this option may stop the scheduler to
  // find any schedule.
  if (SimplifyDeps == "yes") {
    Validity = isl_union_map_gist_domain(Validity, isl_union_set_copy(Domain));
    Validity = isl_union_map_gist_range(Validity, isl_union_set_copy(Domain));
    Proximity =
        isl_union_map_gist_domain(Proximity, isl_union_set_copy(Domain));
    Proximity = isl_union_map_gist_range(Proximity, isl_union_set_copy(Domain));
  } else if (SimplifyDeps != "no") {
    errs() << "warning: Option -polly-opt-simplify-deps should either be 'yes' "
              "or 'no'. Falling back to default: 'yes'\n";

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "\n\nCompute schedule from: ");
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Domain := "; isl_union_set_dump(Domain); dbgs() << ";\n");
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Proximity := "; isl_union_map_dump(Proximity);
        dbgs() << ";\n");
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Validity := "; isl_union_map_dump(Validity);
        dbgs() << ";\n");

  int IslFusionStrategy;

  if (FusionStrategy == "max") {
    IslFusionStrategy = ISL_SCHEDULE_FUSE_MAX;
  } else if (FusionStrategy == "min") {
    IslFusionStrategy = ISL_SCHEDULE_FUSE_MIN;
  } else {
    errs() << "warning: Unknown fusion strategy. Falling back to maximal "
    IslFusionStrategy = ISL_SCHEDULE_FUSE_MAX;

  int IslMaximizeBands;

  if (MaximizeBandDepth == "yes") {
    IslMaximizeBands = 1;
  } else if (MaximizeBandDepth == "no") {
    IslMaximizeBands = 0;
  } else {
    errs() << "warning: Option -polly-opt-maximize-bands should either be 'yes'"
              " or 'no'. Falling back to default: 'yes'\n";
    IslMaximizeBands = 1;

  isl_options_set_schedule_fuse(S.getIslCtx(), IslFusionStrategy);
  isl_options_set_schedule_maximize_band_depth(S.getIslCtx(), IslMaximizeBands);
  isl_options_set_schedule_max_constant_term(S.getIslCtx(), MaxConstantTerm);
  isl_options_set_schedule_max_coefficient(S.getIslCtx(), MaxCoefficient);

  isl_options_set_on_error(S.getIslCtx(), ISL_ON_ERROR_CONTINUE);

  isl_schedule_constraints *ScheduleConstraints;
  ScheduleConstraints = isl_schedule_constraints_on_domain(Domain);
  ScheduleConstraints =
      isl_schedule_constraints_set_proximity(ScheduleConstraints, Proximity);
  ScheduleConstraints = isl_schedule_constraints_set_validity(
      ScheduleConstraints, isl_union_map_copy(Validity));
  ScheduleConstraints =
      isl_schedule_constraints_set_coincidence(ScheduleConstraints, Validity);
  isl_schedule *Schedule;
  Schedule = isl_schedule_constraints_compute_schedule(ScheduleConstraints);
  isl_options_set_on_error(S.getIslCtx(), ISL_ON_ERROR_ABORT);

  // In cases the scheduler is not able to optimize the code, we just do not
  // touch the schedule.
  if (!Schedule)
    return false;

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Schedule := "; isl_schedule_dump(Schedule); dbgs() << ";\n");

  isl_union_map *ScheduleMap = getScheduleMap(Schedule);

  for (Scop::iterator SI = S.begin(), SE = S.end(); SI != SE; ++SI) {
    ScopStmt *Stmt = *SI;
    isl_map *StmtSchedule;
    isl_set *Domain = Stmt->getDomain();
    isl_union_map *StmtBand;
    StmtBand = isl_union_map_intersect_domain(isl_union_map_copy(ScheduleMap),
    if (isl_union_map_is_empty(StmtBand)) {
      StmtSchedule = isl_map_from_domain(isl_set_empty(Stmt->getDomainSpace()));
    } else {
      assert(isl_union_map_n_map(StmtBand) == 1);
      StmtSchedule = isl_map_from_union_map(StmtBand);


  LastSchedule = Schedule;

  unsigned MaxScatDims = 0;

  for (Scop::iterator SI = S.begin(), SE = S.end(); SI != SE; ++SI)
    MaxScatDims = std::max((*SI)->getNumScattering(), MaxScatDims);

  extendScattering(S, MaxScatDims);
  return false;
Пример #5
bool JSONImporter::runOnScop(Scop &scop) {
  S = &scop;
  Region &R = S->getRegion();
  Dependences *D = &getAnalysis<Dependences>();

  std::string FileName = ImportDir + "/" + getFileName(S);

  std::string FunctionName = R.getEntry()->getParent()->getName();
  errs() << "Reading JScop '" << R.getNameStr() << "' in function '"
         << FunctionName << "' from '" << FileName << "'.\n";
  OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> result;
  error_code ec = MemoryBuffer::getFile(FileName, result);

  if (ec) {
    errs() << "File could not be read: " << ec.message() << "\n";
    return false;

  Json::Reader reader;
  Json::Value jscop;

  bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse(result->getBufferStart(), jscop);

  if (!parsingSuccessful) {
    errs() << "JSCoP file could not be parsed\n";
    return false;

  isl_set *OldContext = S->getContext();
  isl_set *NewContext =
      isl_set_read_from_str(S->getIslCtx(), jscop["context"].asCString());

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < isl_set_dim(OldContext, isl_dim_param); i++) {
    isl_id *id = isl_set_get_dim_id(OldContext, isl_dim_param, i);
    NewContext = isl_set_set_dim_id(NewContext, isl_dim_param, i, id);


  StatementToIslMapTy &NewScattering = *(new StatementToIslMapTy());

  int index = 0;

  for (Scop::iterator SI = S->begin(), SE = S->end(); SI != SE; ++SI) {
    Json::Value schedule = jscop["statements"][index]["schedule"];
    isl_map *m = isl_map_read_from_str(S->getIslCtx(), schedule.asCString());
    isl_space *Space = (*SI)->getDomainSpace();

    // Copy the old tuple id. This is necessary to retain the user pointer,
    // that stores the reference to the ScopStmt this scattering belongs to.
    m = isl_map_set_tuple_id(m, isl_dim_in,
                             isl_space_get_tuple_id(Space, isl_dim_set));
    NewScattering[*SI] = m;

  if (!D->isValidScattering(&NewScattering)) {
    errs() << "JScop file contains a scattering that changes the "
           << "dependences. Use -disable-polly-legality to continue anyways\n";
    return false;

  for (Scop::iterator SI = S->begin(), SE = S->end(); SI != SE; ++SI) {
    ScopStmt *Stmt = *SI;

    if (NewScattering.find(Stmt) != NewScattering.end())

  int statementIdx = 0;
  for (Scop::iterator SI = S->begin(), SE = S->end(); SI != SE; ++SI) {
    ScopStmt *Stmt = *SI;

    int memoryAccessIdx = 0;
    for (ScopStmt::memacc_iterator MI = Stmt->memacc_begin(),
                                   ME = Stmt->memacc_end();
         MI != ME; ++MI) {
      Json::Value accesses = jscop["statements"][statementIdx]["accesses"][
      isl_map *newAccessMap =
          isl_map_read_from_str(S->getIslCtx(), accesses.asCString());
      isl_map *currentAccessMap = (*MI)->getAccessRelation();

      if (isl_map_dim(newAccessMap, isl_dim_param) !=
          isl_map_dim(currentAccessMap, isl_dim_param)) {
        errs() << "JScop file changes the number of parameter dimensions\n";
        return false;

      // We need to copy the isl_ids for the parameter dimensions to the new
      // map. Without doing this the current map would have different
      // ids then the new one, even though both are named identically.
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < isl_map_dim(currentAccessMap, isl_dim_param);
           i++) {
        isl_id *id = isl_map_get_dim_id(currentAccessMap, isl_dim_param, i);
        newAccessMap = isl_map_set_dim_id(newAccessMap, isl_dim_param, i, id);

      // Copy the old tuple id. This is necessary to retain the user pointer,
      // that stores the reference to the ScopStmt this access belongs to.
      isl_id *Id = isl_map_get_tuple_id(currentAccessMap, isl_dim_in);
      newAccessMap = isl_map_set_tuple_id(newAccessMap, isl_dim_in, Id);

      if (!isl_map_has_equal_space(currentAccessMap, newAccessMap)) {
        errs() << "JScop file contains access function with incompatible "
               << "dimensions\n";
        return false;
      if (isl_map_dim(newAccessMap, isl_dim_out) != 1) {
        errs() << "New access map in JScop file should be single dimensional\n";
        return false;
      if (!isl_map_is_equal(newAccessMap, currentAccessMap)) {
        // Statistics.
      } else {

  return false;