Пример #1
bool tryLock(const Zstring& lockfilepath) //throw FileError
#ifdef ZEN_WIN
#ifdef TODO_MinFFS_ActivatePriviledge
    try { activatePrivilege(SE_BACKUP_NAME); }
    catch (const FileError&) {}
    try { activatePrivilege(SE_RESTORE_NAME); }
    catch (const FileError&) {}

    const HANDLE fileHandle = ::CreateFile(applyLongPathPrefix(lockfilepath).c_str(),              //_In_      LPCTSTR lpFileName,
                                           //use both when writing over network, see comment in file_io.cpp
                                           GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,                           //_In_      DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
                                           FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, //_In_      DWORD dwShareMode,
                                           nullptr,               //_In_opt_  LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes,
                                           CREATE_NEW,            //_In_      DWORD dwCreationDisposition,
                                           FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, //_In_      DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes,
                                           nullptr);              //_In_opt_  HANDLE hTemplateFile
    if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        const DWORD ec = ::GetLastError(); //copy before directly/indirectly making other system calls!
        if (ec == ERROR_FILE_EXISTS || //confirmed to be used
            ec == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) //comment on msdn claims, this one is used on Windows Mobile 6
            return false;

        throw FileError(replaceCpy(_("Cannot write file %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(lockfilepath)), formatSystemError(L"CreateFile", ec));
    ScopeGuard guardLockFile = zen::makeGuard([&] { removeFile(lockfilepath); });
    FileOutput fileOut(fileHandle, lockfilepath); //pass handle ownership

    //be careful to avoid CreateFile() + CREATE_ALWAYS on a hidden file -> see file_io.cpp
    //=> we don't need it that badly //::SetFileAttributes(applyLongPathPrefix(lockfilepath).c_str(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN); //(try to) hide it

#elif defined ZEN_LINUX || defined ZEN_MAC
    const mode_t oldMask = ::umask(0); //important: we want the lock file to have exactly the permissions specified

    //O_EXCL contains a race condition on NFS file systems: http://linux.die.net/man/2/open
    const int fileHandle = ::open(lockfilepath.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY,
                                  S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH);
    if (fileHandle == -1)
        if (errno == EEXIST)
            return false;
            THROW_LAST_FILE_ERROR(replaceCpy(_("Cannot write file %x."), L"%x", fmtPath(lockfilepath)), L"open");
    ScopeGuard guardLockFile = zen::makeGuard([&] { removeFile(lockfilepath); });
    FileOutput fileOut(fileHandle, lockfilepath); //pass handle ownership

    //write housekeeping info: user, process info, lock GUID
    ByteArray binStream = [&]
        MemStreamOut streamOut;
        return streamOut.ref();

    if (!binStream.empty())
        fileOut.write(&*binStream.begin(), binStream.size()); //throw FileError

    guardLockFile.dismiss(); //lockfile created successfully
    return true;