bool ContainerWidget::raiseSectionContent(const SectionContent::RefPtr& sc) { // Search SC in sections for (int i = 0; i < _sections.count(); ++i) { SectionWidget* sw =; int index = sw->indexOfContent(sc); if (index < 0) continue; sw->setCurrentIndex(index); return true; } // Search SC in floatings for (int i = 0; i < _floatings.size(); ++i) { FloatingWidget* fw =; if (fw->content()->uid() != sc->uid()) continue; fw->setVisible(true); fw->raise(); return true; } // Search SC in hidden if (_hiddenSectionContents.contains(sc->uid())) return showSectionContent(sc); qFatal("Unable to hide SectionContent, don't know this one 8-/"); return false; }
bool ContainerWidget::showSectionContent(const SectionContent::RefPtr& sc) { // Search SC in floatings for (int i = 0; i < _floatings.count(); ++i) { FloatingWidget* fw =; const bool found = fw->content()->uid() == sc->uid(); if (!found) continue; fw->setVisible(true); fw->_titleWidget->setVisible(true); fw->_contentWidget->setVisible(true); emit sectionContentVisibilityChanged(sc, true); return true; } // Search SC in hidden sections // Try to show them in the last position, otherwise simply append // it to the first section (or create a new section?) if (_hiddenSectionContents.contains(sc->uid())) { const HiddenSectionItem hsi = _hiddenSectionContents.take(sc->uid());>setVisible(true);>setVisible(true); SectionWidget* sw = NULL; if (hsi.preferredSectionId > 0 && (sw = SWLookupMapById(this).value(hsi.preferredSectionId)) != NULL) { sw->addContent(, true); emit sectionContentVisibilityChanged(sc, true); return true; } else if (_sections.size() > 0 && (sw = _sections.first()) != NULL) { sw->addContent(, true); emit sectionContentVisibilityChanged(sc, true); return true; } else { sw = newSectionWidget(); addSection(sw); sw->addContent(, true); emit sectionContentVisibilityChanged(sc, true); return true; } } // Already visible? // TODO qWarning("Unable to show SectionContent, don't know where 8-/ (already visible?)"); return false; }
bool ContainerWidget::hideSectionContent(const SectionContent::RefPtr& sc) { // Search SC in floatings // We can simply hide floatings, nothing else required. for (int i = 0; i < _floatings.count(); ++i) { const bool found =>content()->uid() == sc->uid(); if (!found) continue;>setVisible(false); emit sectionContentVisibilityChanged(sc, false); return true; } // Search SC in sections // It's required to remove the SC from SW completely and hold it in a // separate list as long as a "showSectionContent" gets called for the SC again. // In case that the SW does not have any other SCs, we need to delete it. for (int i = 0; i < _sections.count(); ++i) { SectionWidget* sw =; const bool found = sw->indexOfContent(sc) >= 0; if (!found) continue; HiddenSectionItem hsi; hsi.preferredSectionId = sw->uid(); hsi.preferredSectionIndex = sw->indexOfContent(sc); if (!sw->takeContent(sc->uid(), return false;>setVisible(false);>setVisible(false); _hiddenSectionContents.insert(sc->uid(), hsi); if (sw->contents().isEmpty()) { delete sw; sw = NULL; deleteEmptySplitter(this); } emit sectionContentVisibilityChanged(sc, false); return true; } // Search SC in hidden elements // The content may already be hidden if (_hiddenSectionContents.contains(sc->uid())) return true; qFatal("Unable to hide SectionContent, don't know this one 8-/"); return false; }