Пример #1
>	OpState	OpBaseConvertPathSegment::BaseGetState(INT32 PathType)

	Author:		Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <*****@*****.**>
	Created:	16/8/95
	Inputs:		Type of the path that ends a segment
	Returns:	The tick/grey state of OpBaseConvertPathSegment and derived classes
	Purpose:	For finding the state of this op
	SeeAlso:	OpState
OpState	OpBaseConvertPathSegment::BaseGetState(INT32 PathType)
	OpState OpSt;


 	SelRange*	Selected = GetApplication()->FindSelection();

	if ((Document::GetSelected() == NULL) || (Selected == NULL) )
	{	// There is no selected document or selrange is invalid
		OpSt.Greyed = TRUE;
	   	return OpSt;                                 

	Node*	pNode = Selected->FindFirst();
	BOOL	FoundSegment = FALSE;
	BOOL	AllConverted = TRUE;
	BOOL	PrevSelected = FALSE;

	while ((pNode != NULL) && AllConverted)
		if (pNode->IsNodePath() && ((NodePath*)pNode)->IsPathAllowable())
			Path* ThisPath = &(((NodePath*)pNode)->InkPath);
			PathFlags* Flags = ThisPath->GetFlagArray();
			PathVerb* Verbs = ThisPath->GetVerbArray();
			INT32 UsedSlots = ThisPath->GetNumCoords();
			PrevSelected = FALSE;

			for (INT32 i=0; i<UsedSlots; i++)
				if (Flags[i].IsEndPoint)
					if (Flags[i].IsSelected)
						if (PrevSelected && ((Verbs[i] & ~PT_CLOSEFIGURE) != PT_MOVETO) )
							FoundSegment = TRUE;
							if ((Verbs[i] & ~PT_CLOSEFIGURE) != PathType)
								AllConverted = FALSE;
						PrevSelected = TRUE;
						PrevSelected = FALSE;
		pNode = Selected->FindNext(pNode);

	OpSt.Greyed = !FoundSegment;
	OpSt.Ticked = AllConverted && FoundSegment;

#endif	// #ifdef STANDALONE

	return OpSt;
Пример #2
OpState	OpBreakAtPoints::GetState(String_256* UIDescription, OpDescriptor*)

	OpState OpSt;
	String_256 DisableReason; 

   	OpSt.Greyed = FALSE;
	BOOL FoundSelected = FALSE;

	// Go through the selection until we find a selected point

	SelRange* Selected = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
	Node* pNode = Selected->FindFirst();

	while (pNode)
		if (IS_A(pNode,NodePath) || IS_A(pNode,NodeBlendPath))
			NodePath* pNodePath = (NodePath*)pNode;
			INT32 NumSplinters = pNodePath->InkPath.NumSplinters();

			if (NumSplinters > 0)
				// We need to ask the effected nodes if they (and their parents) can handle this node being replaced
				ObjChangeFlags cFlags;

				if (NumSplinters > 1)
					cFlags.MultiReplaceNode = TRUE;	// Node will be replaced with more than one node.
					cFlags.ReplaceNode = TRUE;		// Node will be replaced with one node only.

				String_32 optokenstring(OPTOKEN_BREAKATPOINTS);
				ObjChangeParamWithToken ObjChange(OBJCHANGE_STARTING,cFlags,pNodePath,NULL,&optokenstring);

				// Will the node allow this op to happen?
				if (pNodePath->AllowOp(&ObjChange,FALSE))
					FoundSelected = TRUE;
		pNode = Selected->FindNext(pNode);

	// The operation is disabled if there are no complex paths selected

	if (!FoundSelected)
		OpSt.Greyed = TRUE;
		DisableReason = String_256(_R(IDS_NEEDS_SELECTED_POINT));
		*UIDescription = DisableReason;
Пример #3
BOOL NativePrefsDlg::InitDialog ()
	ERROR2IF ( mpParams == NULL, FALSE,
			   "NativePrefsDlg::InitDialog called after duff initialisation?!" );

	//First, do we have a selection?
	Application *pApp = GetApplication();

	ERROR2IF(pApp == NULL, FALSE,"NativePrefsDlg::InitDialog -  no application!");
	SelRange *pRange = pApp->FindSelection();
	ERROR2IF(pRange == NULL, FALSE,"NativePrefsDlg::InitDialog - no selection range!");
	DocRect ClipRect = pRange->GetBoundingRect();

	BOOL fThereIsASelection=!ClipRect.IsEmpty();

	//Now, is there a selection?
	if (fThereIsASelection)
		// Yes. So ungrey both the buttons for selecting the nodes to export.

		//Now, which of those buttons should be selected?
		switch ( mpParams->GetExportSel () )
			// Choose the export pair of buttons.

		case DRAWING:
			// Choose the export pair of buttons.
		//No. So grey the SELECTION button and ungrey
		//the DRAWING button

		// And we must select the DRAWING button for the export area controls.

	return TRUE;
Пример #4
OpState	OpNudge::GetState(String_256* UIDescription, OpDescriptor*)
    OpState OpSt;

    SelRange* pSelRange = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
    if (pSelRange != NULL && pSelRange->FindFirst() != NULL)
        OpSt.Greyed = FALSE;
        OpSt.Greyed = TRUE;

    return (OpSt);
Пример #5
void SelectionState::DeselectAll(BOOL RenderBlobs)
	// Find the selected objects in the tree;
	SelRange* Selected = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
	ERROR3IF( Selected==NULL, "Selection object is null in DeselectAll()");

	// Get the selected spread
 	Spread* pSpread = Document::GetSelectedSpread();
	ERROR3IF(pSpread == NULL,"NULL selected spread");

	// Make sure that we have a spread and a selection
	if (pSpread == NULL || Selected == NULL)

	// Find first selected node

#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
	Node* pFirstSelectedNode = Selected->FindFirst();
	// If there is a selection, EOR blobs off, deselect nodes, and inform everybody
	if (pFirstSelectedNode != NULL && RenderBlobs)
		// Go though and render all the EOR blobs off the screen

		// Find the Blob Manager
		BlobManager* BlobMgr = GetApplication()->GetBlobManager();
		ENSURE( BlobMgr!=NULL, "Blob Manager unexpectedly not there.");

		// Render all the blobs
		BlobMgr->RenderOff(NULL, pFirstSelectedNode->FindParentSpread());

		Tool* pTool = Tool::GetCurrent();
		// Get the tool to remove all its blobs before we deselect the nodes.
		// Only do this if the current tool dosent update itself on sel changed messages
		if (pSpread!=NULL && pTool!=NULL && !pTool->AreToolBlobsRenderedOnSelection())


	// Selection cache is no longer valid, so update and tell everyone that it has changed

	// *Note*, This used to be 'Selected->Update(TRUE)', but I (Will) removed the TRUE, so
	// that a message is NOT broadcast.  This should only be called from an operation,
	// and the op will send a message when it ends.

Пример #6
void LiveEffectsTool::OnMouseMove(DocCoord Coord, Spread* pSpread, ClickModifiers mods)
// Stub out this function if the tool isn't wanted

	// We are interested in any selected paths that the cursor is over
	// we will also be needing the current docview
	SelRange* Selected = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
	Node* pNode = Selected->FindFirst();

	// Check to see if the selection is on the same spread as the mouse
	if (pNode!=NULL)
		// Get the spread and return if it is different from the one with the cursor
		Spread* pNodeSpread = pNode->FindParentSpread();
		if (pNodeSpread!=pSpread)

	// Find the Blob manager, so we can find out how big a rect to use
	BlobManager* pBlobMgr = GetApplication()->GetBlobManager();
	if (pBlobMgr==NULL)
	// Find the Rect round the mouse pos that counts as a hit
	DocRect BlobRect;
	pBlobMgr->GetBlobRect(Coord, &BlobRect);
	// Work out the square of the distance that we will count as 'close' to the line
	INT32 Range = BlobRect.Width() / 2;
	Range *= Range;

//	// loop through the selection
//	while (pNode!=NULL)
//	{
//		// Now find the next selected node
//		pNode = Selected->FindNext(pNode);
//	}

	// We did not find anything good, so set the cursor to the normal one

	// And set the status bar text
	StatusMsg.Load(_R(IDS_LIVEEFFECTSTART), Tool::GetModuleID(GetID()));

Пример #7
>	OpState	OpMakeStroke::GetState(String_256*, OpDescriptor*)

	Author:		Richard_Millican (Xara Group Ltd) <*****@*****.**>
	Created:	04/03/97
	Inputs:		-
	Outputs:	-
	Returns:	The state of the OpMakeStroke
	Purpose:	For finding the OpMakeStroke's state. 
OpState	OpMakeStroke::GetState(String_256* UIDescription, OpDescriptor*)
	OpState OpSt;

	SelRange *pSelRange = GetApplication()->FindSelection(); 

	// Set up the ObjChangeParam so we can ask the selected nodes if they mind being deleted
	ObjChangeFlags cFlags(TRUE);
	ObjChangeParam ObjChange(OBJCHANGE_STARTING,cFlags,NULL,NULL);

	// Will one or more selected nodes allow this op?
	if (!pSelRange->AllowOp(&ObjChange,FALSE))
		OpSt.Greyed = TRUE;

Пример #8
BOOL ViewContextMenu::AskBlobsForItems( Spread* pSpread,
										DocCoord ClickPos,
										ClickModifiers ClickMods
	// Test for a click on a fill attribute first, as they aren't NodeRenderableInks, and so
	// won't be included in the tests below.
//	if (AttrFillGeometry::CheckAttrClick(ClickStart, TypeOfClick, ClickMods, StartSpread))
//	{
//		return TRUE;
//	}

	// Look for a selected object to pass the click to.
	SelRange* pSel = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
	if (pSel==NULL)
		return FALSE;

	Node* pNode = pSel->FindFirst();
	if (pNode == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	// Providing we are displaying object blobs, try passing the click on to each object
	// in the selection.
	BlobManager* pBlobs = GetApplication()->GetBlobManager();
	if (pBlobs && pBlobs->GetCurrentInterest().Object)
		// For all selected objects . . .
		while (pNode != NULL)
			// Is this node ink-renderable?
			if (pNode->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodeRenderableInk)))
				// Yes.  Does it want the click?
				if (((NodeRenderableInk*) pNode)->OnBlobPopUp(pSpread, ClickPos, this))
					// An object processed the click, so indicate that there's no more to do.
					return TRUE;

			// Try the next object in the selection.
			pNode = pSel->FindNext(pNode);

	return FALSE;
Пример #9
OpState OpReversePath::GetState (String_256* Description, OpDescriptor*)
	OpState OpSt;

 	SelRange*	Selected = GetApplication ()->FindSelection ();

	if ((Document::GetSelected () == NULL) || (Selected == NULL) )
	{	// There is no selected document or selrange is invalid 
		OpSt.Greyed = TRUE;
	   	return (OpSt);

	if (Selected->Count () == 0)	// if there ain't no selection - return cause we ain't
									// going to be reversing anything
		OpSt.Greyed = TRUE;
	   	return (OpSt);

	Node* pNode = Selected->FindFirst ();

	// scan the selection and if even a single DoThisNode fails, then return that the op
	// is greyed immediately ....

	while (pNode != NULL)
	{	// we're only interested in NodePaths which have selected points
		BOOL DoThisNode = pNode->IsNodePath ();
		//if (DoThisNode)
		//	DoThisNode = (((NodePath*)pNode)->InkPath.IsSubSelection());
		if (DoThisNode)
			DoThisNode = (((NodePath*)pNode)->IsPathAllowable ());

		if (DoThisNode)
			pNode = Selected->FindNext (pNode);
			pNode = NULL;
			OpSt.Greyed = TRUE;

	return (OpSt);
Пример #10
>	BOOL OpMenuSelectPathPoints::DoAction(BOOL SelectPoints)

	Author:		Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <*****@*****.**>
	Created:	30/04/95
	Inputs:		SelectPoints - TRUE to select all the points in the path
							 - FALSE to deslect all the points in the path
	Outputs:	-
	Returns:	TRUE/FALSE for success/failure		    
	Purpose:	Common code for selecting or deselecting all the points in all the selected
	SeeAlso:	-
BOOL OpMenuSelectPathPoints::DoAction(BOOL SelectPoints)
	SelRange* pSelection = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
	Node* pNode = pSelection->FindFirst();

	// Cycle through all the selected paths
	while (pNode != NULL)
		if (pNode->IsNodePath())
			NodePath* pPath = (NodePath*)pNode;
			Spread* pSpread = pNode->FindParentSpread();
			ERROR2IF(pSpread == NULL, FALSE, "NodePath didn't have a parent spread");

			// Remove the blobs from the path
			RenderRegion* pRegion = DocView::RenderOnTop(NULL, pSpread, ClippedEOR);
			while (pRegion != NULL)
				pRegion = DocView::GetNextOnTop(NULL);
			// Set the selection state
			const INT32 NumCoords = pPath->InkPath.GetNumCoords();
			for (INT32 loop = 0; loop<NumCoords; loop++)
				pPath->InkPath.GetFlagArray()[loop].IsSelected = SelectPoints;

			// Put the blobs back on the path
			pRegion = DocView::RenderOnTop(NULL, pSpread, ClippedEOR);
			while (pRegion != NULL)
				pRegion = DocView::GetNextOnTop(NULL);


	 	pNode = pSelection->FindNext(pNode);

	return TRUE;
Пример #11
void LiveEffectsTool::OnClick( DocCoord PointerPos, ClickType Click, ClickModifiers ClickMods,
						Spread* pSpread )
// Stub out this function if the tool isn't wanted

	if (ClickMods.Menu) return;							// Don't do anything if the user clicked the Menu button

	// See if there is already a drag going on
	if (Operation::GetCurrentDragOp()!=NULL)

	// If we get a click, treat it like a mouse move, allowing the tool to set up
	// any info that is passed to the operation in the drag
	// NEW 17/4/2000 Now we also want to click-select in the Freehand tool
		OnMouseMove(PointerPos, pSpread, ClickMods);
		DragTool::OnClick (PointerPos, Click, ClickMods, pSpread);

	if (Click == CLICKTYPE_UP)
		// so long as we are not interfering with any drawing operations we will
		// try and change the selection
		//if (JoinInfo.pJoinPath == NULL)
			DragTool::OnClick (PointerPos, Click, ClickMods, pSpread);
SelRange* pSelRange = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
if (pSelRange) pSelRange->MakePartialSelectionWhole(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);

Пример #12
void OpReversePath::Do (OpDescriptor*)
	// Obtain the current selections and the first node in the selection
	SelRange* Selected = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
	BOOL ok = (Selected != NULL);

	// Start the op
	if (ok)
		ok = DoStartSelOp(TRUE,TRUE);

	// Check with the selrange it is ok to run this op
	ObjChangeFlags cFlags;
	ObjChangeParam ObjChange(OBJCHANGE_STARTING,cFlags,NULL,this);
	if (ok)
		if (!Selected->AllowOp(&ObjChange))

	Node* pNode = Selected->FindFirst();
	NodePath* ThisPath = NULL;

	//Document* pDocument = GetWorkingDoc();

	while (ok && (pNode != NULL))
	{	// we're only interested in NodePaths which have selected points
		BOOL DoThisNode = pNode->IsNodePath();
		//if (DoThisNode)
		//	DoThisNode = (((NodePath*)pNode)->InkPath.IsSubSelection());
		if (DoThisNode)
			DoThisNode = (((NodePath*)pNode)->IsPathAllowable());

		if 	( DoThisNode )
			// for convenience, cast the pointer to a pointer to a NodePath
			ThisPath = (NodePath*)pNode;

			// First get pointers to the arrays
			PathVerb* Verbs = NULL;
			PathFlags* Flags = NULL;
			DocCoord* Coords = NULL;
			ThisPath->InkPath.GetPathArrays(&Verbs, &Coords, &Flags);
			INT32 NumCoords = ThisPath->InkPath.GetNumCoords();
//			BOOL PrevSelected = FALSE;
//			INT32 PrevPos = 0;

			ObjChangeFlags cFlags;
			cFlags.TransformNode = TRUE;
			ObjChangeParam ObjChange(OBJCHANGE_STARTING,cFlags,ThisPath,this);
			if (!ThisPath->AllowOp(&ObjChange, TRUE))

			// Set the NeedToRender flags
			for (INT32 loop = 0; loop < NumCoords; loop++)
				if (Flags[loop].IsEndPoint && Flags[loop].IsSelected)
					Flags[loop].NeedToRender = TRUE;
					Flags[loop].NeedToRender = FALSE;

			// Force a re-draw of the place where the path used to be
			if (ok)
				ok = (RecalcBoundsAction::DoRecalc(this, &UndoActions, ThisPath, TRUE) != AC_FAIL);

			DoReversePath (ThisPath);

			// Force a redraw of the place where the path is now.
			if (ok)
				ok = (RecordBoundsAction::DoRecord(this, &UndoActions, ThisPath, TRUE) != AC_FAIL);
		pNode = Selected->FindNext(pNode);

	if (ok)
		if (!UpdateChangedNodes(&ObjChange))


	if (!ok)

Пример #13
void SelectionState::Restore(BOOL RestoreSelBlobs, BOOL RemoveBlobs) 	     	
	DeselectAll(RemoveBlobs); // Deselect all selections

	#ifdef _DEBUG
	UINT32 NumRestored = 0; 	 

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Restore all nodes in the SelNdList
	UINT32 i; 

	for (i=0; i < NumNd; i++)
		// Only NodeRenderableInk nodes should be selected
			   "Node to be selected is not a NodeRenderableInk");
		// Ensure node to be selected is not already selected                                
		//ENSURE(!(SelNdList[i]->IsSelected()), "Invalid selected node"); 

		// Select the node 
		#ifdef _DEBUG
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Restore all nodes in the SelNdRngList	  

	Node* Current; 
	for (i=0; i < NumNdRng; i++) 
		// A SelNdRng shold represent at least two contiguous selected nodes
		ENSURE(SelNdRngList[i].NumSelected >= 2, "Number of nodes in SelNdRng < 2");    

		UINT32 NumNodesSelected = 0; 
		Current = SelNdRngList[i].FirstNode; // First node in range 
		// Select the next SelNdRng->NumSelected nodes
			ENSURE((Current != NULL), "Node in a SelNdRng is NULL, Has tree changed ?" );  
			// Only NodeRenderableInk nodes should be selected   
				   "Selected node is not a NodeRenderableInk"); 

			// [Phil, 11/10/2005] The Current node may be a Caret node
			// because Carets are included in the selection, even when
			// a sub-selection of characters is present, so that attributes
			// optimise correctly within the text story
			// However, the Record function treats them as single selected
			// nodes, not part of a contiguous run of selected nodes to
			// allow for them moving around...
			// So we should ignore carets here
			if (!IS_A(Current, CaretNode))
				// Ensure SelNode not already selected  
				ENSURE(!(Current->IsSelected()), "Invalid selected node");

				Current->SetSelected(TRUE); 	// Set the nodes selected flag
#ifdef _DEBUG
			Current = Current->FindNextNonHidden();  
		while (NumNodesSelected != SelNdRngList[i].NumSelected); 

#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
	// Only restore the blobs if any selections have been restored
	if (((NumNdRng != 0) || (NumNd !=0)) && RestoreSelBlobs)	// We need to restore the selection blobs 
		// Find the current selections 
		SelRange* pSel; 
		pSel = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
		Current = pSel->FindFirst(); // The first selected node 

		Spread *pSpread = NULL;
		if (Current != NULL)
			pSpread = Current->FindParentSpread();

//		ENSURE(pSpread != NULL, "First selected node does not have a parent spread");
		// It's a legal state to not find a selected node - the layers may all be locked.
		if (pSpread == NULL)
			AttrFillGeometry::LastRenderedMesh = NULL;

		// Go get the blob manager
		BlobManager* BlobMgr = GetApplication()->GetBlobManager();
		ENSURE( BlobMgr!=NULL, "Blob Manger was not there when we needed him!");
		if (BlobMgr==NULL)

	    Current = pSel->FindFirst();   // The first selected node 

		while (Current != NULL)
			ENSURE(Current->IsSelected(), "Node not selected"); 
					"Selected Node not a NodeRenderable"); 

			// Tell the node to add selection blobs
			BlobMgr->RenderMyBlobsOn(NULL, pSpread, (NodeRenderable*)Current);
			Current = pSel->FindNext(Current); 	// Get next selected node 

		Tool* pTool = Tool::GetCurrent();
		// Get the tool to remove all its blobs before we deselect the nodes.
		// Only do this if the current tool dosent update itself on sel changed messages
		if (pSpread!=NULL && pTool!=NULL && !pTool->AreToolBlobsRenderedOnSelection())

		AttrFillGeometry::LastRenderedMesh = NULL;
	#ifdef _DEBUG
	//if (IsUserName("Simon"))
	//	TRACE( _T(" Num Restored = %lu\n"), NumRestored);  
Пример #14
BOOL SelectionState::Record() 	     	 
	// Make sure that Record has not been called before     
	ENSURE(((SelNdList == NULL) && (SelNdRngList == NULL)), "SelectionState::Record called twice"); 
	// Find the current selections 
	SelRange* pSel; 
	pSel = GetApplication()->FindSelection();

	Node* StartRange;

	UINT32 SelNdRngListIndex = 0; 
	UINT32 SelNdListIndex = 0; 

	UINT32 NumSelectedNodes = pSel->Count(); 

	if (NumSelectedNodes != 0)

		// At this point we don't know exactly how much memory to allocate for the SelNdRngList
		// and SelNdList. So we allocate two temporary arrays which are more than big enough to
		// store the selection state. When we have completed recording the selection state into 
		// these temporary arrays, we know how big the SelNdRngList and SelNdList should
		// be. so we can allocate memory for these and then copy the data from the temporary 
		// arrays into them.  

		SelNdRng* SelNdRngListTmp = new SelNdRng[NumSelectedNodes];  

		if (SelNdRngListTmp == NULL)
			return FALSE; 
		Node** SelNdListTmp = new Node*[NumSelectedNodes]; 		  

		if (SelNdListTmp == NULL)
			delete[] SelNdRngListTmp; 	// Tidy up 
			return FALSE; 

		// Get the first selected node in the tree
		Node * Current = pSel->FindFirst(); 
		Node* Last; 

		BYTE NumAdjacentSel; 			  // Number of contiguous selected nodes   
		#ifdef _DEBUG   
		UINT32 NumSel = 0; 
		// always use the selection object to determine next node to store... this fixes bug #10775 whereby
		// selected Bevel,Contour & Shadow objects were not being restored on Undo
		while (Current != NULL)
			// At this point Current will always point to the next selected node which needs 
			// recording.      
			// Only NodeRenderableInk nodes should be selected
					"A non NodeRenderableInk node is selected"); 
			NumAdjacentSel = 1;    
			#ifdef _DEBUG   
			StartRange = Current; 
			Last = Current;  
			Current = pSel->FindNext(Current); //next from selection
			// if we have at least two contiguous nodes, store as a range
			if (Current && AreContiguous(Last, Current) && !IS_A(Last, CaretNode) && !IS_A(Current, CaretNode))
				SelNdRngListTmp[SelNdRngListIndex].FirstNode = StartRange;   
					if (IS_A(Current, CaretNode))
						// Give Caret it's own selection record but don't break the contiguous range
						SelNdListTmp[SelNdListIndex] = Current;
						#ifdef _DEBUG   
						#ifdef _DEBUG   
					Last = Current; 
					Current = pSel->FindNext(Current);
	                if (Current == NULL)
				} while ((AreContiguous(Last,Current)) && (NumAdjacentSel < 255));      
				// Either there are no more contiguous selected nodes or 
				// we have hit the maximum number of selected nodes that a SelNdRng can 
				// represent.  
				SelNdRngListTmp[SelNdRngListIndex].NumSelected = NumAdjacentSel; 
			else  // Store node in the SelNdLst 
				ERROR3IF(StartRange==NULL, "Trying to add NULL pointer to SelNdList\n");
				SelNdListTmp[SelNdListIndex] = StartRange; 
		ERROR3IF(NumSel!=NumSelectedNodes,"Incorrect selection state stored!");
		NumNd = SelNdListIndex; 
		NumNdRng = SelNdRngListIndex; 

		if (SelNdRngListIndex != 0) 
			// We have created at least one SelNdRange
	 		SelNdRngList = new SelNdRng[NumNdRng];  
			if (SelNdRngList == NULL)			// Out of memory 
				// Delete the two temporary lists
				delete [] SelNdRngListTmp; 
				delete [] SelNdListTmp; 
				return FALSE; 
			// Copy the SelNdRngListTmp to the SelNdRngList  
			memcpy(SelNdRngList, SelNdRngListTmp, sizeof(SelNdRng)*NumNdRng); 

		delete[] SelNdRngListTmp; // No longer required
		if (SelNdListIndex != 0)
			SelNdList = new Node*[NumNd]; 
			if (SelNdList == NULL)				 // Out of memory 
				delete [] SelNdListTmp; 
				if (SelNdRngList != NULL)		 // We allocated the SelNdRng list
					delete [] SelNdRngList; 
				return FALSE; 
			// copy the SelNdListTmp to the SelNdList 
			memcpy(SelNdList, SelNdListTmp, sizeof(Node*)*NumNd); 

		delete[] SelNdListTmp; // No longer required
		#ifdef _DEBUG   
		//if (IsUserName("Simon"))
			//TRACE( _T("Number of nodes selected = %lu\n"), NumSel); 
	return (TRUE);  
Пример #15
BOOL OpNudge::IsNudgeOK(BOOL dx,BOOL dy)
    // Get the selection
    SelRange* pSel = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
    ERROR2IF(pSel == NULL,FALSE,"Awooga, NULL sel range");

    // Find out the bounding rectangle of the selection
    DocRect BoundingRect = pSel->GetBoundingRect();

    // Find out the Pasteboard rect
    DocRect PasteRect;
    Spread* pSpread = pOurDoc->GetSelectedSpread();
    if (pSpread==NULL)
        PasteRect = BoundingRect;
        // Try to make the pasteboard grow if necessary to include the new object position
        // This is very quick if the pasteboard is large enough already.

        // And re-read the bounding rectangle of the selection, as the pasteboard resize may have
        // caused the origin of our entire coordinate space to have moved! Argh!
        BoundingRect = pSel->GetBoundingRect();
//		BoundingRect.Translate(dx,dy);

        // This is in Document Coords, so we need to convert it
        PasteRect = pSpread->GetPasteboardRect();

    // Assume the nudge will be OK.
    BOOL NudgeOK = TRUE;

    if (PasteRect.ContainsRect(BoundingRect))
        // Untranslated bounds fit inside pasteboard rect, so we must complain if the bounds
        // do not fit *after* translation

        // Translate the bounds by the nudge values

        // Do the translated bounds still fit entirely in the pasteboard rect?
        NudgeOK = PasteRect.ContainsRect(BoundingRect);
        // The original bounds overlap the pasteboard rect, so we must complain if the user
        // nudges the bounds completely out of sight

        if (PasteRect.IsIntersectedWith(BoundingRect))
            // The original bounds intersect with the pasteboard rect

            // Only allow the nudge if the translated bounds still overlap with the spread.
            NudgeOK = PasteRect.IsIntersectedWith(BoundingRect);

    // If the nudge is OK, we may need to scroll the DocView?

    /*	Jim, 12/9/96 - removed this because we don't want to scroll to show opn nudges

    	if (NudgeOK)
    		DocCoord Coord(0,0);

    		// If nudging left or right, pick the min or max X coord
    		if (dx != 0)
    			if (dx < 0)
    				Coord.x = BoundingRect.lox;
    				Coord.x = BoundingRect.hix;

    		// If nudging up or down, pick the max or min Y coord
    		if (dy != 0)
    			if (dy < 0)
    				Coord.y = BoundingRect.loy;
    				Coord.y = BoundingRect.hiy;

    		// If we have picked a coord, ensure that this coord is visible in the selected spread
    		// of the selected DocView
    		if (Coord != DocCoord(0,0))
    			DocView* pDocView = DocView::GetSelected();
    			if (pDocView != NULL)
    return NudgeOK;
Пример #16
void LiveEffectsTool::SelectChange(BOOL isSelected)
// Stub out this function if the tool isn't wanted

	if (isSelected)
//MessageBox(NULL, "SelectChange 1", "Debug", MB_OK);
		// Load the cursors
		if (!LoadCursors())

		// Update the list of plug-ins
//MessageBox(NULL, "SelectChange 2", "Debug", MB_OK);
//MessageBox(NULL, "SelectChange 3", "Debug", MB_OK);
SelRange* pSelRange = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
if (pSelRange) pSelRange->MakePartialSelectionWhole(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
//MessageBox(NULL, "SelectChange 4", "Debug", MB_OK);
		// Find the blob manager ready for later
		BlobManager* BlobMgr = GetApplication()->GetBlobManager();

		// Create and display my info bar please
		if (m_pInfoBarOp != NULL)

		// Make sure that Objects blobs are on
		if (BlobMgr != NULL)
			// Decide which blobs to display
			BlobStyle MyBlobs;
			MyBlobs.Object = TRUE;

			// tell the blob manager
//MessageBox(NULL, "SelectChange 5", "Debug", MB_OK);

		// Deselection of the tool
		// Get rid of all the tools cursors

		// Close any open XPE editing

		// Hide and destroy my info bar please
		if (m_pInfoBarOp != NULL)
			// Close any open dialogs related to the info bar here


		// ensure that the colour picker is working
//		SetColourEditorProcessing(TRUE);

		// ensure any tool object blobs are removed.
		BlobManager* BlobMgr = GetApplication()->GetBlobManager();
		if (BlobMgr != NULL)
			BlobStyle bsRemoves;
			bsRemoves.ToolObject = TRUE;
Пример #17
void OpBreakAtPoints::Do(OpDescriptor*)
	// Obtain the current selections 
	SelRange* Selected = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
	NodePath* pSplitNode;

	// Now, because we're going to be doing mad things to the selection, we have to make a list
	// of all the selected nodes, so that adding nodes into the tree won't confuse us

	List* NodeList = Selected->MakeListOfNodes();
	NodeListItem* CurItem = (NodeListItem*)(NodeList->GetHead());

	if (!CurItem)
		goto FailAndDeleteList;

	if (!DoStartSelOp(TRUE,TRUE))
		goto FailAndDeleteList;

	while (CurItem)
		// get a pointer to the NodePath
		NodePath* pThisNode = (NodePath*)(CurItem->pNode);

		// Only interested in NodePaths that have a sub selection, and that will allow the op to happen
		if ((IS_A(pThisNode,NodePath) || IS_A(pThisNode,NodeBlendPath)) && pThisNode->InkPath.IsSubSelection())
			// Find out how many nodes this op will reproduce
			INT32 NumSplinters = pThisNode->InkPath.NumSplinters();
			BOOL DoThisNode = FALSE;

			if (NumSplinters > 0)
				// We need to ask the effected nodes if they (and their parents) can handle this node being replaced
				ObjChangeFlags cFlags;

				if (NumSplinters > 1)
					cFlags.MultiReplaceNode = TRUE;	// Node will be replaced with more than one node.
					cFlags.ReplaceNode = TRUE;		// Node will be replaced with one node only.

				ObjChangeParam ObjChange(OBJCHANGE_STARTING,cFlags,NULL,this);
				DoThisNode = pThisNode->AllowOp(&ObjChange);

			if (DoThisNode)

				BOOL ok;
				Node* pnode;

				// Copy the nodepath and all its children, without placing the copy in the tree
				CALL_WITH_FAIL(pThisNode->NodeCopy(&pnode), this, ok);
				if (!ok) goto DeleteList;
				pSplitNode = (NodePath*)pnode;

				// remove the fill from this path as we're about to open it
				pSplitNode->InkPath.IsFilled = FALSE;

				// Now stick the new path into the tree
					DoInsertNewNode(pSplitNode, pThisNode, NEXT, TRUE, FALSE),
				if (!ok) 
					goto DeleteListAndPath;

				// Now breakup this copy of the path where necessary
				Path* pChildPath;
				INT32 split;

					// Create a new path, ready for split
					ALLOC_WITH_FAIL(pChildPath, new Path, this);
					if (!pChildPath) 
						goto DeleteList;

					// Now split the path, possibly into two pieces.
			    	split = pSplitNode->InkPath.BreakInTwo(pChildPath);

					if (split==-1) 
						InformError(_R(IDS_OUT_OF_MEMORY), _R(IDS_OK));
						delete pChildPath;
						goto FailAndDeleteList;

					/*	Karim 05/12/2000
						No longer required - see code addition at the bottom of this loop.

					if (split==1) 
						delete pChildPath;


					if (split>1)

						// update the split paths bounding rectangle

						// Create a new nodepath.
						NodePath* pChildNode;
						ALLOC_WITH_FAIL(pChildNode, new NodePath(), this);
						if (!pChildNode)
							delete pChildPath;
							goto DeleteList;

						// make room for the new path in the node path.
						if (!ok)
							delete pChildNode;
							delete pChildPath;
							goto DeleteList;

						// now copy the path data in there.
						delete pChildPath;

						// Clear the selection flag from the first element in both the split
						// and child paths.  All others apart from the last will be	unselected
						// by definition.  Also select the last element in the child
						(pSplitNode->InkPath.GetFlagArray())[0].IsSelected = FALSE;
						(pChildNode->InkPath.GetFlagArray())[0].IsSelected = FALSE;
						(pChildNode->InkPath.GetFlagArray())[(pChildNode->InkPath.GetNumCoords()-1)].IsSelected = TRUE;
						pChildNode->InkPath.IsFilled = FALSE;

						// now, copy all attributes from the parent split to the child split
						Node* pAttr = pSplitNode->FindFirstChild();
						while (pAttr != NULL)
							if (pAttr->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodeAttribute)))
								Node* pAttrCopy;
								CALL_WITH_FAIL(pAttr->NodeCopy(&pAttrCopy), this,ok);
								if (!ok) 
									delete pChildNode;
									goto DeleteList;
								pAttrCopy->AttachNode(pChildNode, FIRSTCHILD);
							pAttr = pAttr->FindNext();

						for (INT32 loop = 0; loop < pChildNode->InkPath.GetNumCoords(); loop ++)
							pChildNode->InkPath.GetVerbArray()[loop] = pChildNode->InkPath.GetVerbArray()[loop] & ~PT_CLOSEFIGURE;

						// Now stick the new path into the tree
							DoInsertNewNode(pChildNode, pSplitNode, NEXT, TRUE, FALSE),

						if (!ok)
							delete pChildNode;
							goto DeleteList;

						pSplitNode = pChildNode;

					// Karim 05/12/2000
					// Fix for memory leak.
						delete pChildPath;
			    while (split);

				// Clear out any remaining closefigures on the last bit of the path
				for (INT32 loop = 0; loop < pSplitNode->InkPath.GetNumCoords(); loop ++)
					pSplitNode->InkPath.GetVerbArray()[loop] = pSplitNode->InkPath.GetVerbArray()[loop] & ~PT_CLOSEFIGURE;

				// Now we've broken up this path, let's hide it
				CALL_WITH_FAIL(DoHideNode(pThisNode,TRUE), this, ok)
				if (!ok) goto DeleteList;
		CurItem = (NodeListItem*)(NodeList->GetNext(CurItem));
Пример #18
>	void OpBaseConvertPathSegment::Do(OpDescriptor*)

	Author:		Peter_Arnold (Xara Group Ltd) <*****@*****.**>
	Created:	16/8/95
	Inputs:		OpDescriptor (unused)
	Purpose:	Performs the common SelRange scanning part of converting path segments.  Calls
				the ProcessSegment function in derived classes to do the actual processing
	Errors:		-
	SeeAlso:	-
void OpBaseConvertPathSegment::Do(OpDescriptor*)

	// Obtain the current selections and the first node in the selection
	SelRange* Selected = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
	BOOL ok = (Selected != NULL);

	// Start the op
	if (ok)
		ok = DoStartSelOp(TRUE,TRUE);

	// Check with the selrange it is ok to run this op
	ObjChangeFlags cFlags;
	ObjChangeParam ObjChange(OBJCHANGE_STARTING,cFlags,NULL,this);
	if (ok)
		if (!Selected->AllowOp(&ObjChange))

	Node* pNode = Selected->FindFirst();
	NodePath* ThisPath = NULL;

	while (ok && (pNode != NULL))
	{	// we're only interested in NodePaths which have selected points
		BOOL DoThisNode = pNode->IsNodePath();
		if (DoThisNode)
			DoThisNode = (((NodePath*)pNode)->InkPath.IsSubSelection());
		if (DoThisNode)
			DoThisNode = (((NodePath*)pNode)->IsPathAllowable());

		if 	( DoThisNode )
			// for convenience, cast the pointer to a pointer to a NodePath
			ThisPath = (NodePath*)pNode;

			// First get pointers to the arrays
			PathVerb* Verbs = NULL;
			PathFlags* Flags = NULL;
			DocCoord* Coords = NULL;
			ThisPath->InkPath.GetPathArrays(&Verbs, &Coords, &Flags);
			INT32 NumCoords = ThisPath->InkPath.GetNumCoords();
			BOOL PrevSelected = FALSE;
			INT32 PrevPos = 0;

			// Set the NeedToRender flags
			INT32		loop;
			for (loop = 0; loop < NumCoords; loop++)
				if (Flags[loop].IsEndPoint && Flags[loop].IsSelected)
					Flags[loop].NeedToRender = TRUE;
					Flags[loop].NeedToRender = FALSE;

			// Force a re-draw of the place where the path used to be
			if (ok)
				ok = (RecalcBoundsAction::DoRecalc(this, &UndoActions, ThisPath, TRUE) != AC_FAIL);

			// loop through the points
			for (loop = 0; loop<NumCoords; loop++)
				if (Flags[loop].IsEndPoint)
				{	// its an endpoint
					if (Flags[loop].IsSelected)
					{	// which is selected
						if (PrevSelected && ((Verbs[loop] & ~PT_CLOSEFIGURE) == GetProcessPathType()) )
						{	//  and the previous was selected and it's a processable segment
							if (ok)
								ok = ProcessSegment(ThisPath, &loop, PrevPos);
							// Recache array pointers
							ThisPath->InkPath.GetPathArrays(&Verbs, &Coords, &Flags);
							NumCoords = ThisPath->InkPath.GetNumCoords();
							Flags[loop].NeedToRender = TRUE;
						PrevSelected = TRUE;
						PrevPos = loop;
						PrevSelected = FALSE;

			// Having finished processing this path go round and smooth it.
			DocCoord NewCoord;
			for (loop = 0; (ok && (loop < NumCoords)); loop++)
				if (Verbs[loop] == PT_BEZIERTO && !(Flags[loop].IsEndPoint) && Flags[loop].IsSmooth)
					NewCoord = ThisPath->InkPath.SmoothControlPoint(loop);
					if (ok && (NewCoord != Coords[loop]))
						ok = DoAlterPathElement(ThisPath, loop, NewCoord, Flags[loop], Verbs[loop], FALSE);
						ThisPath->InkPath.GetPathArrays(&Verbs, &Coords, &Flags);


			// Force a redraw of the place where the path is now.
			if (ok)
				ok = (RecordBoundsAction::DoRecord(this, &UndoActions, ThisPath, TRUE) != AC_FAIL);
		pNode = Selected->FindNext(pNode);

	if (ok)
		if (!UpdateChangedNodes(&ObjChange))


	if (!ok)


Пример #19
BOOL ViewContextMenu::BuildOverView(Spread* pSpread, DocCoord ClickPos, ClickModifiers ClickMods)
	ERROR2IF(pSpread==NULL,FALSE,"BuildOverView passed NULL spread pointer");

	BOOL ok = TRUE;

	// First ask selected nodes if they want to supply items and if so show the blob menu...
	if (AskBlobsForItems(pSpread, ClickPos, ClickMods))
		// If they supply items then we won't add the normal items about the selection
		return TRUE;

	// Find what the click was on and show the object menu...
//	NodeRenderableInk* pHitNode = NodeRenderableInk::FindSimpleAtPoint(pSpread, ClickPos);

	NodeRenderableInk* pHitNode = FindNodeAtPoint(pSpread,ClickPos);
	if (pHitNode)
		BOOL HitNodeIsGuideline = IS_A(pHitNode,NodeGuideline);

		if (!HitNodeIsGuideline)		// BODGE so that guidelines (which can't be selected) can have a pop-up menu
			// Now find out if there's just one node selected and if so ask it for some items...
			SelRange* pSel = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
			if (pSel!=NULL)
				Node* pNode = pSel->FindFirst();
				if (pNode && pSel->FindNext(pNode) == NULL)
					// There's only one object selected so let's ask it about itself...
					((NodeRenderableInk*) pNode)->OnNodePopUp(pSpread, ClickPos, this);
			pHitNode->OnNodePopUp(pSpread, ClickPos, this);

		if (!HitNodeIsGuideline)		// BODGE to stop guideline pop-up menus having irrelevant menu items
			// Build the rest of the standard object menu...
			// Effect commands
			ok = ok && BuildEffectCommands();
			// Edit commands
			ok = ok && BuildTransferCommands(TRUE);
			// Arrange commands
		//	WEBSTER-ranbirr-13/11/96
//	#ifndef WEBSTER
			ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_MAKE_SHAPES);
//	#endif //webster
			ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_CONVERTTOBITMAP);
	// WEBSTER-ranbirr-13/11/96
	// Now Taken out by vector stroking code Neville 2/10/97
		//	ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_MAKE_STROKE);
			ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_COMBINESHAPES,TRUE);
			MenuItem* pCombineRoot = GetLastItem();
	//	WEBSTER-ranbirr-13/11/96
//	#ifndef WEBSTER
				ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_ADDSHAPES, FALSE, pCombineRoot);
				ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_SUBTRACTSHAPES, FALSE, pCombineRoot);
				ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_INTERSECTSHAPES, FALSE, pCombineRoot);
				ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_SLICESHAPES, FALSE, pCombineRoot);
//	#endif //webster

	#ifndef WEBSTER
			// Imagesetting submenu
			ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_IMAGESETTING, TRUE);
			pCombineRoot = GetLastItem();
				ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_OVERPRINTFILL,	  FALSE, pCombineRoot);
				ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_OVERPRINTLINE,	  TRUE,  pCombineRoot);
				ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_PRINTONALLPLATES, FALSE, pCombineRoot);
	#endif //webster
			// Utils commands
			ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_WEBADDRESSDLG);
			ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_COLOUREDITDLG, TRUE);
PORTNOTE("other", "Removed brush edit dialog from popup menu")
			ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_BRUSHEDIT_DLG);
			ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_SELECTBRUSH);

		return ok;

	// If on white space then show the white space menu...
	// Window commands
//	WEBSTER-ranbirr-13/11/96
#ifndef WEBSTER
	ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_WINDOWNEWVIEW);
	ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_VIEWFULLSCREEN,TRUE);
	ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_WINDOWNEWVIEW,TRUE);
#endif //webster

	// Paste option - we don't need to do the
	// BuildTransferCommands as the Cut and Copy operations
	// are never applicable here...	matt-23/08/2000
	ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_PASTE, TRUE);

	// View quality
	ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_WINDOWQUALITY,FALSE);
	MenuItem* pQualityRoot = GetLastItem();
	ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_QUALITYANTIALIASED, FALSE, pQualityRoot);
	ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_QUALITYNORMAL, FALSE, pQualityRoot);
	ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_QUALITYSIMPLE, FALSE, pQualityRoot);
	ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_QUALITYOUTLINE, FALSE, pQualityRoot);
	// View commands
//	WEBSTER-ranbirr-13/11/96
#ifndef WEBSTER
	ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_SHOWGRID);
	ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_SHOWGUIDES,TRUE);
	ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_SHOWGRID,TRUE);
#endif //webster
//	WEBSTER-ranbirr-13/11/96
#ifndef WEBSTER
	ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_SNAPTOGRID);
	ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_SNAPTOGUIDES);
	ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_SNAPTOOBJECTS,TRUE);
	ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_SNAPTOGRID,TRUE);
#endif //webster
	// Page commands (almost "Properties...")
	ok = ok && BuildCommand(OPTOKEN_PAGESIZEDLG);

	return ok;
Пример #20

>	BOOL MakeBitmapFilter::DoCreateBitmap(Operation *pOp, Document *pDoc, KernelBitmap** ppBitmap)

	Author:		Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <*****@*****.**>
	Created:	11/6/96
	Purpose:	Exports the current selection as a bitmap, via the virtual fns of the
				inherited class.
	Returns:	TRUE if worked, FALSE if failed.
	SeeAlso:	GetExportOptions; PrepareToExport; ExportRenderNodes; CleanUpAfterExport;

BOOL MakeBitmapFilter::DoCreateBitmap(Operation *pOp, Document *pDoc, KernelBitmap** ppBitmap)
	ERROR3IF(ppBitmap == NULL, "NULL bitmap pointer passed to MakeBitmapFilter::DoCreateBitmap");
	if (ppBitmap == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	pTheBitmap = NULL;
	*ppBitmap = NULL;

	// Set the bitmap pointer to null just in case, usually only used by DoExportBitmap
	pExportBitmap = NULL;

	// Get pointer to the spread to export.
PORTNOTE("spread", "Multi-spread warning!")
	pSpread = GetFirstSpread(pDoc);

	// remember the document in the class variable
	TheDocument = pDoc;

	// We must now check if there is a selection present so that we can set up whether the
	// user gets the choice of exporting the selection, drawing or spread if there is a 
	// selection present OR just a choice between the spread or drawing if no selection is
	// present.
	// If have a caret selected in a text story then the selection will be almost zero so trap
	// this case as well. 
	RangeControl rg = GetApplication()->FindSelection()->GetRangeControlFlags();
	rg.PromoteToParent = TRUE;
	SelRange Rng(*(GetApplication()->FindSelection()));

	// now, run through the selection selecting all nodes under all compound nodes
	// if we don't do this then all compound nodes aren't rendered correctly with transparent
	// bitmaps
	Node * pNode = Rng.FindFirst(FALSE);

	while (pNode)
		pNode = Rng.FindNext(pNode, FALSE);

	rg.PromoteToParent = FALSE;

	DocRect ClipRect = GetApplication()->FindSelection()->GetBoundingRect();
	SelectionType Selection = DRAWING;
 	if ( ClipRect.IsEmpty() || ClipRect.Width() < MinExportSize ||
		 ClipRect.Height() < MinExportSize)
		Selection = DRAWING;		// no selection present, so choose drawing by default
		Selection = SELECTION;		// selection present, so choose this by default

	if (Selection != SELECTION)
		BOOL UseDrawingBounds = TRUE;
		SelRange* pSel = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
		if (pSel && pSel->Count()==1)
			// Only one thing selected ... Is it the Text Caret per chance ?
			Node* pSelNode = pSel->FindFirst();
			if (pSelNode && pSelNode->IsAVisibleTextNode())
				VisibleTextNode* pTextNode = (VisibleTextNode*)pSelNode;
				if (pTextNode->IsACaret())
				 	// Aha! It's the Caret that's selected.
					// We'll use the bounds of the parent text line instead then ...
					Node* pTextLine = pTextNode->FindParent();
					ERROR3IF(!IS_A(pTextLine, TextLine), "Caret doesn't have a parent text line in DoCreateBitmap");
					// Get the bounds of the text line
					ClipRect = ((TextLine*)pTextLine)->GetBoundingRect();				

					Selection = SELECTION;
					UseDrawingBounds = FALSE;

		if (UseDrawingBounds)
			// Work out the size of the rectangle encompassing the drawing (visible layers only)
			ClipRect = GetSizeOfDrawing(pSpread);

	// Create somewhere to put the user options and fill them up
	MakeBitmapExportOptions* pMakeBmpExportOptions = (MakeBitmapExportOptions*)CreateExportOptions();
	if (pMakeBmpExportOptions == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	pMakeBmpExportOptions->SetDepth(32); // create bmp copies shoulda always default to being 32 bit

	// Set the BaseBitmapFilter member so we can use base class functionality - blurghh

	BOOL ok = GetExportOptions( (BitmapExportOptions*)pMakeBmpExportOptions );

	BOOL IsAnimation = BmapPrevDlg::m_pExportOptions == NULL;
	BaseBitmapFilter * pNewFilter = this;
	BitmapExportOptions * pExportOptions = BmapPrevDlg::m_pExportOptions;
	if (!IsAnimation)
		pNewFilter = pExportOptions->FindBitmapFilterForTheseExportOptions();
		// from the exporting point of view we should always have been using png options
		// set them to the png options for the export part
		if (pNewFilter)
		// gets the real export options that the prevdlg has set up for us
		BmapPrevDlg::m_pExportOptions = NULL; // take responsibility for this data
		// the animation export didn't bring up the dlg so never set BmapPrevDlg::m_pExportOptions
		// so continue with these options
		pExportOptions = (BitmapExportOptions*)pMakeBmpExportOptions;


	if (!ok)
		SetExportOptions(NULL); // deletes the filter ptr and nulls it
		delete pExportOptions;
		return FALSE;									// if cancelled

//////////////// SMFIX


	// Set up device context and render region for this export.
	// This will show a progress hourglass for the objects being rendered
	// THis will now also write the data out to file via our ExportRenderNodes function
	if (!PrepareToExport(pSpread, pExportOptions->GetDepth(), pExportOptions->GetDPI(), 
							pExportOptions->GetSelectionType(), pExportOptions->GetDither()))
		delete pExportOptions;
		return FALSE;

	RenderInStrips = FALSE;
	if (!ExportRender(ExportRegion))
		pNewFilter->SetExportOptions(NULL); // deletes the filter ptr and nulls it
		delete pExportOptions;
		return FALSE;

	// Now get the converted 32Bit BMP
	pTheBitmap = GetTheBitmap(pExportOptions);

	// if we`ve got a transparency index AND we`ve got a 32 Bit Render region with alpha channel info
	// then we can quickly do
	if(pExportOptions->GetDepth() <= 8 && pExportOptions->GetTransparencyIndex() != -1 && pTheBitmap)
		// What we do now is to go throught the bitmap setting the relavent pixels to transparent
		// depending on the alpha channel info held in the 32 bit version.
			pNewFilter->SetExportOptions(NULL); // deletes the filter ptr and nulls it
			return FALSE;

		// Now make sure the bitmap knows that it has a transparent colour!

	// Set pointer to the bitmap we have created
	*ppBitmap = pTheBitmap;

	pNewFilter->SetExportOptions(NULL); // deletes the filter ptr and nulls it
	delete pExportOptions;

	return *ppBitmap != NULL;

//////////////// SMFIX