Пример #1
void RenderMenuList::setTextFromOption(int optionIndex)
    SelectElement* select = toSelectElement(static_cast<Element*>(node()));
    const Vector<Element*>& listItems = select->listItems();
    int size = listItems.size();

    int i = select->optionToListIndex(optionIndex);
    String text = "";
    if (i >= 0 && i < size) {
        Element* element = listItems[i];
        if (OptionElement* optionElement = toOptionElement(element)) {
            text = optionElement->textIndentedToRespectGroupLabel();
            m_optionStyle = element->renderStyle();

Пример #2
PopupMenuStyle RenderMenuList::itemStyle(unsigned listIndex) const
    SelectElement* select = toSelectElement(static_cast<Element*>(node()));
    const Vector<Element*>& listItems = select->listItems();
    if (listIndex >= listItems.size()) {
        // If we are making an out of bounds access, then we want to use the style
        // of a different option element (index 0). However, if there isn't an option element
        // before at index 0, we fall back to the menu's style.
        if (!listIndex)
            return menuStyle();

        // Try to retrieve the style of an option element we know exists (index 0).
        listIndex = 0;
    Element* element = listItems[listIndex];
    RenderStyle* style = element->renderStyle() ? element->renderStyle() : element->computedStyle();
    return style ? PopupMenuStyle(style->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor), itemBackgroundColor(listIndex), style->font(), style->visibility() == VISIBLE, style->display() == NONE, style->textIndent(), style->direction(), style->unicodeBidi() == Override) : menuStyle();
Пример #3
bool RenderMenuList::itemIsEnabled(unsigned listIndex) const
    SelectElement* select = toSelectElement(static_cast<Element*>(node()));
    const Vector<Element*>& listItems = select->listItems();
    if (listIndex >= listItems.size())
        return false;
    Element* element = listItems[listIndex];
    if (!isOptionElement(element))
        return false;

    bool groupEnabled = true;
    if (Element* parentElement = element->parentElement()) {
        if (isOptionGroupElement(parentElement))
            groupEnabled = parentElement->isEnabledFormControl();
    if (!groupEnabled)
        return false;

    return element->isEnabledFormControl();
Пример #4
Color RenderMenuList::itemBackgroundColor(unsigned listIndex) const
    SelectElement* select = toSelectElement(static_cast<Element*>(node()));
    const Vector<Element*>& listItems = select->listItems();
    if (listIndex >= listItems.size())
        return style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor);
    Element* element = listItems[listIndex];

    Color backgroundColor;
    if (element->renderStyle())
        backgroundColor = element->renderStyle()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor);
    // If the item has an opaque background color, return that.
    if (!backgroundColor.hasAlpha())
        return backgroundColor;

    // Otherwise, the item's background is overlayed on top of the menu background.
    backgroundColor = style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor).blend(backgroundColor);
    if (!backgroundColor.hasAlpha())
        return backgroundColor;

    // If the menu background is not opaque, then add an opaque white background behind.
    return Color(Color::white).blend(backgroundColor);
Пример #5
void RenderListBox::paintItemBackground(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty, int listIndex)
    SelectElement* select = toSelectElement(static_cast<Element*>(node()));
    const Vector<Element*>& listItems = select->listItems();
    Element* element = listItems[listIndex];
    OptionElement* optionElement = toOptionElement(element);

    Color backColor;
    if (optionElement && optionElement->selected()) {
        if (document()->frame()->selection()->isFocusedAndActive() && document()->focusedNode() == node())
            backColor = theme()->activeListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor();
            backColor = theme()->inactiveListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor();
    } else
        backColor = element->renderStyle() ? element->renderStyle()->backgroundColor() : style()->backgroundColor();

    // Draw the background for this list box item
    if (!element->renderStyle() || element->renderStyle()->visibility() != HIDDEN) {
        IntRect itemRect = itemBoundingBoxRect(tx, ty, listIndex);
        itemRect.intersect(controlClipRect(tx, ty));
        paintInfo.context->fillRect(itemRect, backColor);
Пример #6
int RenderMenuList::listSize() const
    SelectElement* select = toSelectElement(static_cast<Element*>(node()));
    return select->listItems().size();