PyResult Command_setattr( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args ) { if( args.argCount() < 4 ) { throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /setattr [itemID] [attributeID] [value]") ); } if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "1st argument must be itemID (got %s).", args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ) ); const uint32 itemID = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ); if( !args.isNumber( 2 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "2nd argument must be attributeID (got %s).", args.arg( 2 ).c_str() ) ); const ItemAttributeMgr::Attr attribute = (ItemAttributeMgr::Attr)atoi( args.arg( 2 ).c_str() ); if( !args.isNumber( 3 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "3rd argument must be value (got %s).", args.arg( 3 ).c_str() ) ); const double value = atof( args.arg( 3 ).c_str() ); InventoryItemRef item = services->item_factory.GetItem( itemID ); if( !item ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Failed to load item %u.", itemID ) ); //item->attributes.SetReal( attribute, value ); sLog.Warning( "GMCommands: Command_dogma()", "This command will modify attribute and send change to client, but change does not take effect in client for some reason." ); item->SetAttribute(attribute, (float)value); return new PyString( "Operation successful." ); }
PyResult Command_roid( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args ) { if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 should be an item type ID" ) ); const uint32 typeID = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ); if( !args.isNumber( 2 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 2 should be a radius" ) ); const double radius = atof( args.arg( 2 ).c_str() ); if( 0 >= radius ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Invalid radius." ) ); if( !who->IsInSpace() ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "You must be in space to spawn things." ) ); sLog.Log( "Command", "Roid %u of radius %f", typeID, radius ); GPoint position( who->GetPosition() ); position.x += radius + 1 + who->GetRadius(); //put it raw enough away to not push us around. SpawnAsteroid( who->System(), typeID, radius, position ); return new PyString( "Spawn successsfull." ); }
PyResult Command_giveisk( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args ) { if( args.argCount() < 3 ) { throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /giveisk [entityID (0=self)] [amount]") ); } if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 should be an entity ID (0=self)" ) ); uint32 entity = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ); if( !args.isNumber( 2 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 2 should be an amount of ISK" ) ); double amount = strtod( args.arg( 2 ).c_str(), NULL ); Client* tgt; if( 0 == entity ) tgt = who; else { tgt = services->entity_list.FindCharacter( entity ); if( NULL == tgt ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Unable to find character %u", entity ) ); } tgt->AddBalance( amount ); return new PyString( "Operation successful." ); }
PyResult Command_dogma( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args ) { //"dogma" "140019878" "agility" "=" "0.2" if( !(args.argCount() == 5) ) { throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /dogma [itemID] [attributeName] = [value]") ); } if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) ){ throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Invalid itemID. \n Correct Usage: /dogma [itemID] [attributeName] = [value]") ); } uint32 itemID = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ); if( args.isNumber( 2 ) ) { throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Invalid attributeName. \n Correct Usage: /dogma [itemID] [attributeName] = [value]") ); } const char *attributeName = args.arg( 2 ).c_str(); if( !args.isNumber( 4 ) ){ throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Invalid attribute value. \n Correct Usage: /dogma [itemID] [attributeName] = [value]") ); } double attributeValue = atof( args.arg( 4 ).c_str() ); //get item InventoryItemRef item = services->item_factory.GetItem( itemID ); //get attributeID uint32 attributeID = db->GetAttributeID( attributeName ); sLog.Warning( "GMCommands: Command_dogma()", "This command will modify attribute and send change to client, but change does not take effect in client for some reason." ); item->SetAttribute( attributeID, attributeValue ); return NULL; }
PyResult Command_createitem( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args ) { if( args.argCount() < 2 ) { throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /create [typeID]") ); } //basically, a copy/paste from Command_create. The client seems to call this multiple times, //each time it creates an item if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 must be type ID." ) ); const uint32 typeID = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ); uint32 qty = 1; if( 2 < args.argCount() ) { if( args.isNumber( 2 ) ) qty = atoi( args.arg( 2 ).c_str() ); } sLog.Log("command message", "Create %s %u times", args.arg( 1 ).c_str(), qty ); //create into their cargo hold unless they are docked in a station, //then stick it in their hangar instead. uint32 locationID; EVEItemFlags flag; if( who->IsInSpace() ) { locationID = who->GetShipID(); flag = flagCargoHold; } else { locationID = who->GetStationID(); flag = flagHangar; } ItemData idata( typeID, who->GetCharacterID(), 0, //temp location flag, qty ); InventoryItemRef i = services->item_factory.SpawnItem( idata ); if( !i ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Unable to create item of type %s.", args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ) ); //Move to location i->Move( locationID, flag, true ); return new PyString( "Creation successful." ); }
PyResult Command_tr( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args ) { if( args.argCount() < 3 ) { throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /tr [entityID]") ); } const std::string& name = args.arg( 1 ); if( "me" != name ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Translocate (/TR) to non-me who '%s' is not supported yet.", name.c_str() ) ); if( !args.isNumber( 2 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 should be an entity ID" ) ); uint32 loc = atoi( args.arg( 2 ).c_str() ); sLog.Log( "Command", "Translocate to %u.", loc ); GPoint p( 0.0f, 1000000.0f, 0.0f ); //when going to a system, who knows where to stick them... could find a stargate and stick them near it I guess... if( !IsStation( loc ) && !IsSolarSystem( loc ) ) { Client* target = services->entity_list.FindCharacter( loc ); if( NULL == target ) target = services->entity_list.FindByShip( loc ); if( NULL == target ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Unable to find location %u.", loc ) ); loc = target->GetLocationID(); p = target->GetPosition(); } who->MoveToLocation( loc , p ); return new PyString( "Translocation successful." ); }
PyResult Command_ban( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args ) { Client *target; if( args.argCount() == 2 ) { if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) ) { const char *name = args.arg( 1 ).c_str(); target = services->entity_list.FindCharacter( name ); } else throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /ban [Character Name]") ); } //support for characters with first and last names else if( args.argCount() == 3 ) { if( args.isHexNumber( 1 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Unknown arguments") ); std::string name = args.arg( 1 ) + " " + args.arg( 2 ); target = services->entity_list.FindCharacter( name.c_str() ) ; } else throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /ban [Character Name]") ); //ban client target->BanClient(); //disconnect client target->DisconnectClient(); return NULL; }
PyResult Command_online(Client *who, CommandDB *db, PyServiceMgr *services, const Seperator &args) { if( args.argCount() == 2 ) { if( strcmp("me", args.arg( 1 ).c_str())!=0 ) if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 should be an entity ID or me (me=self)" ) ); uint32 entity = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ); Client* tgt; if( strcmp("me", args.arg( 1 ).c_str())==0 ) tgt = who; else { tgt = services->entity_list.FindCharacter( entity ); if( NULL == tgt ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Unable to find character %u", entity ) ); } if( !tgt->InPod() ) tgt->GetShip()->OnlineAll(); else throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Command failed: You can't activate mModulesMgr while in pod")); return(new PyString("All mModulesMgr have been put Online")); } else throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Command failed: You got the arguments all wrong!")); }
PyResult Command_heal( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args ) { if( args.argCount()== 1 ) { /*who->GetShip()->Set_armorDamage(0); who->GetShip()->Set_damage(0); who->GetShip()->Set_shieldCharge(who->GetShip()->shieldCapacity());*/ who->GetShip()->SetAttribute(AttrArmorDamage, 0); who->GetShip()->SetAttribute(AttrDamage, 0); EvilNumber shield_charge = who->GetShip()->GetAttribute(AttrShieldCapacity); who->GetShip()->SetAttribute(AttrShieldCharge, shield_charge); } if( args.argCount() == 2 ) { if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) ) { throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 should be a character ID" ) ); } uint32 entity = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ); Client *target = services->entity_list.FindCharacter( entity ); if(target == NULL) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Cannot find Character by the entity %d", entity ) ); who->GetShip()->SetAttribute(AttrArmorDamage, 0); who->GetShip()->SetAttribute(AttrDamage, 0); EvilNumber shield_charge = who->GetShip()->GetAttribute(AttrShieldCapacity); who->GetShip()->SetAttribute(AttrShieldCharge, shield_charge); } return(new PyString("Heal successful!")); }
PyResult Command_unban( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args ) { if( args.argCount() == 2 ) { if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) ) { const char *name = args.arg( 1 ).c_str(); services->serviceDB().SetAccountBanStatus(db->GetAccountID(name),false); } else throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /ban [Character Name]") ); } //support for characters with first and last names else if( args.argCount() == 3 ) { if( args.isHexNumber( 1 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Unknown arguments") ); std::string name = args.arg( 1 ) + " " + args.arg( 2 ); services->serviceDB().SetAccountBanStatus(db->GetAccountID(name),false); } else throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /unban [Character Name / Character ID]") ); return NULL; }
PyResult Command_unload(Client *who, CommandDB *db, PyServiceMgr *services, const Seperator &args) { if( args.argCount() >= 2 && args.argCount() <= 3 ) { uint32 item=0,entity=0; if( strcmp("me", args.arg( 1 ).c_str())!=0 ) if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) ) { throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 should be an entity ID or me (me=self)" ) ); } entity = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ); if( args.argCount() ==3 ) { if( strcmp("all", args.arg( 2 ).c_str())!=0 ) if( !args.isNumber( 2 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 2 should be an item ID or all" ) ); item = atoi( args.arg( 2 ).c_str() ); } //select character Client* tgt; if( strcmp("me", args.arg( 1 ).c_str())==0 ) tgt = who; else { tgt = services->entity_list.FindCharacter( entity ); if( NULL == tgt ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Unable to find character %u", entity ) ); } if( tgt->IsInSpace() ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Character needs to be docked!" ) ); if( args.argCount() == 3 && strcmp("all", args.arg( 2 ).c_str())!=0) tgt->GetShip()->UnloadModule(item); if( args.argCount() == 3 && strcmp("all", args.arg( 2 ).c_str())==0) tgt->GetShip()->UnloadAllModules(); return(new PyString("All mModulesMgr have been unloaded")); } else throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Command failed: You got the arguments all wrong!")); }
PyResult Command_goto( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args) { if( 3 != args.argCount() || !args.isNumber( 1 ) || !args.isNumber( 2 ) || !args.isNumber( 3 ) ) { throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Correct Usage: /goto [x coord] [y coor] [z coord]" ) ); } GPoint p( atof( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ), atof( args.arg( 2 ).c_str() ), atof( args.arg( 3 ).c_str() ) ); sLog.Log( "Command", "%s: Goto (%.13f, %.13f, %.13f)", who->GetName(), p.x, p.y, p.z ); who->MoveToPosition( p ); return new PyString( "Goto successful." ); }
PyResult Command_getattr( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args ) { if( args.argCount() < 3 ) { throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /getattr [itemID] [attributeID]") ); } if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "1st argument must be itemID (got %s).", args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ) ); const uint32 itemID = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ); if( !args.isNumber( 2 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "2nd argument must be attributeID (got %s).", args.arg( 2 ).c_str() ) ); const ItemAttributeMgr::Attr attribute = (ItemAttributeMgr::Attr)atoi( args.arg( 2 ).c_str() ); InventoryItemRef item = services->item_factory.GetItem( itemID ); if( !item ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Failed to load item %u.", itemID ) ); //return item->attributes.PyGet( attribute ); return item->GetAttribute(attribute).GetPyObject(); }
PyResult Command_unspawn( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args ) { uint32 entityID = 0; uint32 itemID = 0; if( (args.argCount() < 3) || (args.argCount() > 3) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /unspawn (entityID) (itemID), and for now (entityID) is unused, so just type 0, and use the itemID from the entity table for (itemID)") ); if( !(args.isNumber( 1 )) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 should be an item entity ID" ) ); if( !(args.isNumber( 2 )) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 2 should be an item item ID" ) ); entityID = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ); itemID = atoi( args.arg( 2 ).c_str() ); if( !who->IsInSpace() ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "You must be in space to unspawn things." ) ); // Search for the itemRef for itemID: InventoryItemRef itemRef = who->services().item_factory.GetItem( itemID ); SystemEntity * entityRef = who->System()->get( itemID ); // Actually do the unspawn using SystemManager's RemoveEntity: if( entityRef == NULL ) { return new PyString( "Un-Spawn Failed: itemID not found." ); } else { who->System()->RemoveEntity( entityRef ); itemRef->Delete(); } sLog.Log( "Command", "%s: Un-Spawned %u.", who->GetName(), itemID ); return new PyString( "Un-Spawn successful." ); }
// command to modify blueprint's attributes, we have to give it blueprint's itemID ... // isn't much comfortable, but I don't know about better solution ... PyResult Command_setbpattr( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args ) { if( args.argCount() < 6 ) { throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /setbpattr [blueprintID] [0 (not copy) or 1 (copy)] [material level] [productivity level] [remaining runs]") ); } if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 must be blueprint ID. (got %s)", args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ) ); const uint32 blueprintID = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ); if( "0" != args.arg( 2 ) && "1" != args.arg( 2 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 2 must be 0 (not copy) or 1 (copy). (got %s)", args.arg( 2 ).c_str() ) ); const bool copy = ( atoi( args.arg( 2 ).c_str() ) ? true : false ); if( !args.isNumber( 3 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 3 must be material level. (got %s)", args.arg( 3 ).c_str() ) ); const uint32 materialLevel = atoi( args.arg( 3 ).c_str() ); if( !args.isNumber( 4 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 4 must be productivity level. (got %s)", args.arg( 4 ).c_str() ) ); const uint32 productivityLevel = atoi( args.arg( 4 ).c_str() ); if( !args.isNumber( 5 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 5 must be remaining licensed production runs. (got %s)", args.arg( 5 ).c_str() ) ); const uint32 licensedProductionRunsRemaining = atoi( args.arg( 5 ).c_str() ); BlueprintRef bp = services->item_factory.GetBlueprint( blueprintID ); if( !bp ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Failed to load blueprint %u.", blueprintID ) ); bp->SetCopy( copy ); bp->SetMaterialLevel( materialLevel ); bp->SetProductivityLevel( productivityLevel ); bp->SetLicensedProductionRunsRemaining( licensedProductionRunsRemaining ); return new PyString( "Properties modified." ); }
PyResult Command_repairmodules( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args ) { if(args.argCount()==1) { who->GetShip()->RepairModules(); } if(args.argCount()==2) { if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) ) { throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 should be a character ID" ) ); } uint32 charID = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ); Client *target = services->entity_list.FindCharacter( charID ); if(target == NULL) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Cannot find Character by the entity %d", charID ) ); target->GetShip()->RepairModules(); } return(new PyString("Modules repaired successful!")); }
PyResult Command_giveskill( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args ) { uint32 typeID; uint8 level; CharacterRef character; EVEItemFlags flag; uint32 gty = 1; //uint8 oldSkillLevel = 0; EvilNumber oldSkillLevel(0); uint32 ownerID = 0; if( args.argCount() == 4 ) { if( args.isNumber( 1 ) ) { ownerID = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ); character = services->entity_list.FindCharacter( ownerID )->GetChar(); } else if( args.arg( 1 ) == "me" ) { ownerID = who->GetCharacterID(); character = who->GetChar(); } else if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) ) { const char *name = args.arg( 1 ).c_str(); Client *target = services->entity_list.FindCharacter( name ); if(target == NULL) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Cannot find Character by the name of %s", name ) ); ownerID = target->GetCharacterID(); } else throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 must be Character ID or Character Name ") ); if( !args.isNumber( 2 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 2 must be type ID." ) ); typeID = atoi( args.arg( 2 ).c_str() ); if( !args.isNumber( 3 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 3 must be level" ) ); level = atoi( args.arg( 3 ).c_str() ); //levels don't go higher than 5 if( level > 5 ) level = 5; } else throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /giveskill [Character Name or ID] [skillID] [desired level]") ); SkillRef skill; if(character->HasSkill( typeID ) ) { // Character already has this skill, so let's get the current level and check to see // if we need to update its level to what's required: SkillRef oldSkill = character->GetSkill( typeID ); oldSkillLevel = oldSkill->GetAttribute( AttrSkillLevel ); // Now check the current level to the required level and update it if( oldSkillLevel < level ) { character->InjectSkillIntoBrain( oldSkill, level); return new PyString ( "Gifting skills complete" ); } } else { // Character DOES NOT have this skill, so spawn a new one and then add this // to the character with required level and skill points: ItemData idata( typeID, ownerID, 0, //temp location flag = (EVEItemFlags)flagSkill, gty ); InventoryItemRef item = services->item_factory.SpawnItem( idata ); skill = SkillRef::StaticCast( item ); if( !item ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Unable to create item of type %s.", item->typeID() ) ); character->InjectSkillIntoBrain( skill, level); return new PyString ( "Gifting skills complete" ); } return new PyString ("Skill Gifting Failure"); }
PyResult Command_spawnbelt( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args ) { if( !who->IsInSpace() ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "You must be in space to spawn things." ) ); bool makeIceBelt = false; bool makeRareIce = false; uint32 customCount = 0; if( args.argCount() >= 2 ) { if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) ) { if( args.arg( 1 ) == "ice" ) makeIceBelt = true; } else { if( atoi(args.arg( 1 ).c_str()) > 15 ) customCount = atoi(args.arg( 1 ).c_str()); else PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 should be at least 15!" ) ); } } if( args.argCount() >= 3 ) { if( args.isNumber( 2 ) ) { if( atoi(args.arg( 2 ).c_str()) > 15 ) customCount = atoi(args.arg(2).c_str()); else PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 2 should be at least 15!" ) ); } else if( args.arg( 2 ) == "ice" ) makeIceBelt = true; if( args.arg( 2 ) == "rareice" ) { makeIceBelt = true; makeRareIce = true; } } const double beltradius = 100000.0; const double beltdistance = 25000.0; double roidradius; const double beltangle = M_PI * 2.0 / 3.0; uint32 pcs = 0; if( customCount > 15 ) pcs = customCount + static_cast<uint32>(MakeRandomInt( -10, 10 )); else pcs = 30 + static_cast<uint32>(MakeRandomInt( -10, 10 )); const GPoint position( who->GetPosition() ); const double R = sqrt( position.x * position.x + position.z * position.z ); const GPoint r = position * ( R + beltdistance - beltradius ) / R; double phi = atan( position.x / position.z ); if( position.z < 0 ) phi += M_PI; SystemManager* sys = who->System(); std::map<double, uint32> roidDist; if( makeIceBelt ) { std::string securityStatus = sys->GetSystemSecurity(); if( !makeRareIce ) { roidDist.insert(std::pair<double,uint32>(0.60,16264)); // Blue Ice roidDist.insert(std::pair<double,uint32>(0.45,17975)); // Thick Blue Ice roidDist.insert(std::pair<double,uint32>(0.30,28627)); // Azure Ice roidDist.insert(std::pair<double,uint32>(0.20,16262)); // Clear Icicle roidDist.insert(std::pair<double,uint32>(0.10,16267)); // Dark Glitter } if( makeRareIce ) { roidDist.insert(std::pair<double,uint32>(0.90,16263)); // Glacial Mass roidDist.insert(std::pair<double,uint32>(0.80,16265)); // White Glaze roidDist.insert(std::pair<double,uint32>(0.70,16266)); // Glare Crust roidDist.insert(std::pair<double,uint32>(0.60,16268)); // Gelidus roidDist.insert(std::pair<double,uint32>(0.50,16269)); // Krystallos roidDist.insert(std::pair<double,uint32>(0.40,17976)); // Pristine White Glaze roidDist.insert(std::pair<double,uint32>(0.30,17977)); // Smooth Glacial Mass roidDist.insert(std::pair<double,uint32>(0.20,17978)); // Enriched Clear Icicle roidDist.insert(std::pair<double,uint32>(0.10,28628)); // Crystalline Icicle } } else { if( !db->GetRoidDist( sys->GetSystemSecurity(), roidDist ) ) { sLog.Error( "Command", "Couldn't get roid list for system security %s", sys->GetSystemSecurity() ); throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Couldn't get roid list for system security %s", sys->GetSystemSecurity() ) ); } } double distanceToMe; double alpha; GPoint mposition; if( makeIceBelt ) pcs *= 2; for( uint32 i = 0; i < pcs; ++i ) { alpha = beltangle * MakeRandomFloat( -0.5, 0.5 ); if( makeIceBelt ) roidradius = MakeRandomFloat( 1000.0, 10000.0 ); else roidradius = MakeRandomFloat( 100.0, 1000.0 ); mposition.x = beltradius * sin( phi + alpha ) + roidradius * MakeRandomFloat( 0, 15 ); mposition.z = beltradius * cos( phi + alpha ) + roidradius * MakeRandomFloat( 0, 15 ); mposition.y = position.y - r.y + roidradius * MakeRandomFloat( 0, 15 ); distanceToMe = (r + mposition - position).length(); SpawnAsteroid( who->System(), GetAsteroidType( MakeRandomFloat(), roidDist ), roidradius, r + mposition ); } return new PyString( "Spawn successsfull." ); }
PyResult Command_spawn( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args ) { uint32 typeID = 0; uint32 actualTypeID = 0; std::string actualTypeName = ""; uint32 actualGroupID = 0; uint32 actualCategoryID = 0; double actualRadius = 0.0; InventoryItemRef item; ShipRef ship; double radius; bool offsetLocationSet = false; if( args.argCount() < 2 ) { throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /spawn [typeID(int)/typeName(string)] with optional X Y Z coordinate as in /spawn [typeID(int/typeName(string)] [x(float)] [y(float)] [z(float)]") ); } if( !(args.isNumber( 1 )) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 should be an item type ID" ) ); typeID = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ); if( !who->IsInSpace() ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "You must be in space to spawn things." ) ); // Search for item type using typeID: if( !(db->ItemSearch(typeID, actualTypeID, actualTypeName, actualGroupID, actualCategoryID, actualRadius) ) ) { return new PyString( "Unknown typeID or typeName returned no matches." ); } // Check to see if the X Y Z optional coordinates were supplied with the command: GPoint offsetLocation; if( args.argCount() > 2 ) { if( !(args.isNumber(2)) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 2 should be the X distance from your ship in meters you want the item spawned" ) ); if( !(args.isNumber(3)) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 3 should be the Y distance from your ship in meters you want the item spawned" ) ); if( !(args.isNumber(4)) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 4 should be the Z distance from your ship in meters you want the item spawned" ) ); offsetLocation.x = atoi( args.arg( 2 ).c_str() ); offsetLocation.y = atoi( args.arg( 3 ).c_str() ); offsetLocation.z = atoi( args.arg( 4 ).c_str() ); offsetLocationSet = true; } GPoint loc( who->GetPosition() ); if( offsetLocationSet ) { // An X, Y, Z coordinate offset was specified along with the command, so use this to calculate // the final cooridnate of the newly spawned item: loc.x += offsetLocation.x; loc.y += offsetLocation.y; loc.z += offsetLocation.z; } else { // Calculate a random coordinate on the sphere centered on the player's position with // a radius equal to the radius of the ship/celestial being spawned times 10 for really good measure of separation: radius = (actualRadius * 5.0) * (double)(MakeRandomInt( 1, 3)); // Scale the distance from player that the object will spawn to between 10x and 15x the object's radius loc.MakeRandomPointOnSphere( radius ); } // Spawn the item: ItemData idata( actualTypeID, 1, // owner is EVE System who->GetLocationID(), flagAutoFit, actualTypeName.c_str(), loc ); item = services->item_factory.SpawnItem( idata ); if( !item ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Unable to spawn item of type %u.", typeID ) ); DBSystemDynamicEntity entity; entity.allianceID = 0; entity.categoryID = actualCategoryID; entity.corporationID = 0; entity.flag = 0; entity.groupID = actualGroupID; entity.itemID = item->itemID(); entity.itemName = actualTypeName; entity.locationID = who->GetLocationID(); entity.ownerID = 1; entity.typeID = actualTypeID; entity.x = loc.x; entity.y = loc.y; entity.z = loc.z; // Actually do the spawn using SystemManager's BuildEntity: if( !(who->System()->BuildDynamicEntity( who, entity )) ) return new PyString( "Spawn Failed: typeID or typeName not supported." ); // TEST FOR FUN: If this is a drone, make its destiny manager orbit the ship that spawned it like a little lost puppy... if( item->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Drone ) { ((DroneEntity *)(who->System()->get( entity.itemID )))->Destiny()->SetSpeedFraction( 1.0, true ); ((DroneEntity *)(who->System()->get( entity.itemID )))->Destiny()->Orbit( who, 1000.0, true ); } sLog.Log( "Command", "%s: Spawned %u.", who->GetName(), typeID ); return new PyString( "Spawn successful." ); }
PyResult Command_spawnn( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args ) { uint32 typeID = 0; uint32 actualTypeID = 0; std::string actualTypeName = ""; uint32 actualGroupID = 0; uint32 actualCategoryID = 0; double actualRadius = 0.0; InventoryItemRef item; ShipRef ship; // "/spawnn" arguments: // #1 = quantity ? // #2 = some double value ? // #3 = typeID if( (args.argCount() < 4) || (args.argCount() > 4) ) { throw PyException( MakeCustomError("LOL, we don't know the correct usage of /spawnn, sorry you're S.O.L., BUT it should have 4 arguments.") ); } // Since we don't know what args 1 and 2 are, we don't care about them right now... if( !(args.isNumber( 3 )) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 3 should be an item type ID" ) ); typeID = atoi( args.arg( 3 ).c_str() ); if( !who->IsInSpace() ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "You must be in space to spawn things." ) ); // Search for item type using typeID: if( !(db->ItemSearch(typeID, actualTypeID, actualTypeName, actualGroupID, actualCategoryID, actualRadius) ) ) { return new PyString( "Unknown typeID or typeName returned no matches." ); } GPoint loc( who->GetPosition() ); // Calculate a random coordinate on the sphere centered on the player's position with // a radius equal to the radius of the ship/celestial being spawned times 10 for really good measure of separation: double radius = (actualRadius * 5.0) * (double)(MakeRandomInt( 1, 3)); // Scale the distance from player that the object will spawn to between 10x and 15x the object's radius loc.MakeRandomPointOnSphere( radius ); // Spawn the item: ItemData idata( actualTypeID, 1, // owner is EVE System who->GetLocationID(), flagAutoFit, actualTypeName.c_str(), loc ); item = services->item_factory.SpawnItem( idata ); if( !item ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Unable to spawn item of type %u.", typeID ) ); DBSystemDynamicEntity entity; entity.allianceID = 0; entity.categoryID = actualCategoryID; entity.corporationID = 0; entity.flag = 0; entity.groupID = actualGroupID; entity.itemID = item->itemID(); entity.itemName = actualTypeName; entity.locationID = who->GetLocationID(); entity.ownerID = 1; entity.typeID = actualTypeID; entity.x = loc.x; entity.y = loc.y; entity.z = loc.z; // Actually do the spawn using SystemManager's BuildEntity: if( !(who->System()->BuildDynamicEntity( who, entity )) ) return new PyString( "Spawn Failed: typeID or typeName not supported." ); sLog.Log( "Command", "%s: Spawned %u.", who->GetName(), typeID ); return new PyString( "Spawn successful." ); }
/* * SQL to remove all asteroids from space in ALL systems. * Important, run in this order or the attributes will not be deleted! * DELETE FROM srvEntity_default_attributes WHERE attributeID > 0 and itemID in (SELECT itemID from srvEntity where ownerID=1 AND typeID in (SELECT typeID from invTypes where groupID in (select groupID FROM invGroups where categoryID=25) or groupID=711)); DELETE FROM srvEntity_attributes WHERE attributeID > 0 and itemID in (SELECT itemID from srvEntity where ownerID=1 AND typeID in (SELECT typeID from invTypes where groupID in (select groupID FROM invGroups where categoryID=25) or groupID=711)); DELETE FROM srvEntity WHERE itemID>=140000000 AND ownerID=1 AND typeID in (SELECT typeID from invTypes where groupID in (select groupID FROM invGroups where categoryID=25) or groupID=711); * */ PyResult Command_spawnbelt( Client* who, const Seperator& args ) { if (!who->IsInSpace()) { throw PyException(MakeCustomError("You must be in space to spawn things.")); } bool makeIceBelt = false; bool makeRareIce = false; uint32 customCount = 0; if( args.argCount() >= 2 ) { if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) ) { if( args.arg( 1 ) == "ice" ) makeIceBelt = true; } else { if( atoi(args.arg( 1 ).c_str()) > 15 ) customCount = atoi(args.arg( 1 ).c_str()); else PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 should be at least 15!" ) ); } } if( args.argCount() >= 3 ) { if( args.isNumber( 2 ) ) { if( atoi(args.arg( 2 ).c_str()) > 15 ) customCount = atoi(args.arg(2).c_str()); else PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 2 should be at least 15!" ) ); } else if( args.arg( 2 ) == "ice" ) makeIceBelt = true; if( args.arg( 2 ) == "rareice" ) { makeIceBelt = true; makeRareIce = true; } } double beltradius = 25000.0; // 25 KM if(makeIceBelt) { beltradius = 100000.0; // 100 KM } uint32 pcs = 0; if (customCount > 15) { pcs = customCount + static_cast<uint32> (MakeRandomInt(-10, 10)); } else { pcs = 200 + static_cast<uint32> (MakeRandomInt(-10, 10)); } SystemManager* sys = who->System(); std::map<double, uint32> roidDist; if (makeIceBelt) { pcs /= 8; std::string securityStatus = sys->GetSystemSecurity(); if (!makeRareIce) { roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.60, 16264)); // Blue Ice roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.45, 17975)); // Thick Blue Ice roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.30, 28627)); // Azure Ice roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.20, 16262)); // Clear Icicle roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.10, 16267)); // Dark Glitter } if (makeRareIce) { roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.90, 16263)); // Glacial Mass roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.80, 16265)); // White Glaze roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.70, 16266)); // Glare Crust roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.60, 16268)); // Gelidus roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.50, 16269)); // Krystallos roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.40, 17976)); // Pristine White Glaze roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.30, 17977)); // Smooth Glacial Mass roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.20, 17978)); // Enriched Clear Icicle roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.10, 28628)); // Crystalline Icicle } } else { if (!CommandDB::GetRoidDist(sys->GetSystemSecurity(), roidDist)) { SysLog::Error("Command", "Couldn't get roid list for system security %s", sys->GetSystemSecurity()); throw PyException(MakeCustomError("Couldn't get roid list for system security %s", sys->GetSystemSecurity())); } } const GPoint position(who->GetPosition()); double phi = atan(position.x / position.z); if (position.z == 0) { phi = M_PI / 2; } if (position.z < 0) { phi += M_PI; } GPoint beltOffset; if (makeIceBelt) { beltOffset.x = (beltradius * 0.75) * sin(phi); beltOffset.z = (beltradius * 0.75) * cos(phi); } double alpha; GPoint mposition; double beltThickness = 3000; double height; double roidradius; const double beltangle = M_PI * 2.0 / 3.0; int triesLeft = pcs * 25; int pcsLeft = pcs; std::vector<std::pair<GPoint, double>> spawned; while (triesLeft-- && pcsLeft) { uint32 typeID = GetAsteroidType(MakeRandomFloat(), roidDist); // Generate asteroid parameters. if( makeIceBelt) { height = MakeRandomFloat(-0.2, 1.8); alpha = beltangle * ((M_PI / 8) * height); roidradius = MakeRandomFloat(4000.0, 10000.0); height *= 8; } else { alpha = beltangle * MakeRandomFloat(-M_PI / 4, M_PI / 4); roidradius = MakeRandomFloat( 100.0, 1000.0 ); height = MakeRandomFloat(-1, 1); const ItemType *type = ItemFactory::GetType(typeID); if (type->groupID() == EVEDB::invGroups::Veldspar) { roidradius *= 2; } } // Calculate new position. mposition.y = beltThickness * height; mposition.x = beltradius * sin(phi + alpha) + beltThickness * MakeRandomFloat(-1, 1); mposition.z = beltradius * cos(phi + alpha) + beltThickness * MakeRandomFloat(-1, 1); // Check for collision. bool collision = false; for (auto pair : spawned) { GPoint point = pair.first; double dist = (mposition - point).length(); double radii = (roidradius + pair.second); if ((dist - radii) < 0) { collision = true; continue; } } if (collision) { // There was a collision, try again. continue; } // Were good, add the asteroid. pcsLeft--; SpawnAsteroid(who->System(), typeID, roidradius, mposition + position - beltOffset); // Save the location for collision checks. spawned.push_back(std::pair<GPoint, double>(mposition, roidradius)); } return new PyString( "Spawn successsfull." ); }
PyResult Command_fit(Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args ) { if( args.argCount() < 2 ) { throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /fit [typeID] ") ); } uint32 typeID = 0; if( args.argCount() == 3) { if( !args.isNumber( 2 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 must be type ID." ) ); typeID = atoi( args.arg( 2 ).c_str() ); } else if( args.argCount() == 2 ) { if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 must be type ID." ) ); typeID = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ); } uint32 qty = 1; _log( COMMAND__MESSAGE, "Create %s %u times", typeID, qty ); EVEItemFlags flag; uint32 powerSlot; uint32 useableSlot; std::string affectName = "online"; if( typeID == 0 ) { throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Unable to create item of type %u.", typeID ) ); return new PyString( "Creation FAILED." ); } else { //Get Range of slots for item InventoryDB::GetModulePowerSlotByTypeID( typeID, powerSlot ); //Get open slots available on ship InventoryDB::GetOpenPowerSlots(powerSlot, who->GetShip(), useableSlot); ItemData idata( typeID, who->GetCharacterID(), 0, //temp location flag = (EVEItemFlags)useableSlot, qty ); InventoryItemRef i = services->item_factory.SpawnItem( idata ); if( !i ) throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Unable to create item of type %u.", typeID ) ); who->MoveItem( i->itemID(), who->GetShipID(), flag ); return new PyString( "Creation successful." ); } }