Пример #1
SgAsmElfRelocEntry::dump(FILE *f, const char *prefix, ssize_t idx, SgAsmElfSymbolSection *symtab) const
    char p[4096];
    if (idx>=0) {
        sprintf(p, "%sElfRelocEntry[%zd]", prefix, idx);
    } else {
        sprintf(p, "%sElfRelocEntry", prefix);
    const int w = std::max(1, DUMP_FIELD_WIDTH-(int)strlen(p));

    /* compact one-line-per-reloc format */
    if (0==idx) {
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s   %-10s %-20s %-10s %4s %-10s %s\n",
                p, w, "", "Offset", "Type", "Addend", "Sym", "Value", "Name + Addend");

    /* Offset */
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08" PRIx64, p, w, "", p_r_offset);

    /* Type */
    SgAsmGenericHeader* header = SageInterface::getEnclosingNode<SgAsmGenericHeader>(this);
    if (header) {
        fprintf(f, " %-20s", reloc_name().c_str());
    } else {
        fprintf(f, " 0x%02zx                ", (size_t)p_type);

    /* Addend */
    if (p_r_addend) {
        fprintf(f, " 0x%08" PRIx64, p_r_addend);
    } else {
        fprintf(f, " %10s", "");

    /* Symbol index */
    fprintf(f, " %4lu", p_sym);

    /* Symbol value and name */
    if (!symtab) {
        fprintf(f, " %10s <no symtab>", "");
    } else if (p_sym>=symtab->get_symbols()->get_symbols().size()) {
        fprintf(f, " %10s <out of range>", "");
    } else {
        SgAsmGenericSymbol *sym = symtab->get_symbols()->get_symbols()[p_sym];
        fprintf(f, " 0x%08" PRIx64 " %s", sym->get_value(), sym->get_name()->get_string(true).c_str());

    /* Addend in decimal */
    if (p_r_addend)
        fprintf(f, " + %" PRIu64, p_r_addend);
    fputc('\n', f);

    /* Auxiliary data */
    if (p_extra.size()>0) {
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %" PRIuPTR " bytes\n", p, w, ".extra", p_extra.size());
        hexdump(f, 0, std::string(p)+"extra at ", p_extra);
Пример #2
AstDOTGeneration::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(SgNode* node, DOTInheritedAttribute ia, SubTreeSynthesizedAttributes l)
     SubTreeSynthesizedAttributes::iterator iter;

  // printf ("AstDOTGeneration::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): node = %s \n",node->class_name().c_str());

  // DQ (5/3/2006): Skip this IR node if it is specified as such in the inherited attribute
     if (ia.skipSubTree == true)
       // I am unclear if I should return NULL or node as a parameter to DOTSynthesizedAttribute
       // Figured this out: if we return a valid pointer then we get a node in the DOT graph 
       // (with just the pointer value as a label), where as if we return a DOTSynthesizedAttribute 
       // with a NUL pointer then the node will NOT appear in the DOT graph.
       // return DOTSynthesizedAttribute(node);
          return DOTSynthesizedAttribute(NULL);

     string nodeoption;
       // cout << "problematic node found." << endl;
          nodeoption="color=\"orange\" ";
     string nodelabel=string("\\n")+node->class_name();

  // DQ (1/24/2009): Added support for output of isForward flag in the dot graph.
     SgDeclarationStatement* genericDeclaration = isSgDeclarationStatement(node);
     if (genericDeclaration != NULL)
       // At the moment the mnemonic name is stored, but it could be computed in the 
       // future from the kind and the tostring() function.
          string name = (genericDeclaration->isForward() == true) ? "isForward" : "!isForward";
          ROSE_ASSERT(name.empty() == false);

       // DQ (3/20/2011): Added class names to the generated dot file graphs of the AST.
          SgClassDeclaration* classDeclaration = isSgClassDeclaration(genericDeclaration);
          if (classDeclaration != NULL)
               nodelabel += string("\\n") + classDeclaration->get_name();

       // DQ (3/20/2011): Added function names to the generated dot file graphs of the AST.
          SgFunctionDeclaration* functionDeclaration = isSgFunctionDeclaration(genericDeclaration);
          if (functionDeclaration != NULL)
               nodelabel += string("\\n") + functionDeclaration->get_name();

          nodelabel += string("\\n") + name;

  // DQ (4/6/2011): Added support for output of the name for SgInitializedName IR nodes.
     SgInitializedName* initializedName = isSgInitializedName(node);
     if (initializedName != NULL)
          nodelabel += string("\\n") + initializedName->get_name();

  // DQ (4/6/2011): Added support for output of the name for SgInitializedName IR nodes.
     SgIntVal* intValue = isSgIntVal(node);
     if (intValue != NULL)
          nodelabel += string("\\n value = ") + StringUtility::numberToString(intValue->get_value());

  // DQ (4/6/2011): Added support for output of the name for SgInitializedName IR nodes.
     SgVarRefExp* varRefExp = isSgVarRefExp(node);
     if (varRefExp != NULL)
          SgVariableSymbol* variableSymbol = varRefExp->get_symbol();
          ROSE_ASSERT(variableSymbol != NULL);
          string name = variableSymbol->get_name();
          nodelabel += string("\\n name = ") + name;

  // DQ (1/19/2009): Added support for output of what specific instrcution this is in the dot graph.
     SgAsmInstruction* genericInstruction = isSgAsmInstruction(node);
     if (genericInstruction != NULL)
       // At the moment the mnemonic name is stored, but it could be computed in the 
       // future from the kind and the tostring() function.
#if 1
          string unparsedInstruction = unparseInstruction(genericInstruction);
          string addressString       = StringUtility::numberToString( (void*) genericInstruction->get_address() );
       // string name = genericInstruction->get_mnemonic();
          string name = unparsedInstruction + "\\n address: " + addressString;
          string name = unparsedInstruction + "\\n" + addressString;
          ROSE_ASSERT(name.empty() == false);

          nodelabel += string("\\n") + name;
          printf ("Warning: In AstDOTGeneration.C ROSE_BUILD_BINARY_ANALYSIS_SUPPORT is not defined \n");

     SgAsmExpression* genericExpression = isSgAsmExpression(node);
     if (genericExpression != NULL)
          string name = unparseExpression(genericExpression, NULL, NULL);
          ROSE_ASSERT(name.empty() == false);
          nodelabel += string("\\n") + name;
          printf ("Warning: In AstDOTGeneration.C ROSE_BUILD_BINARY_ANALYSIS_SUPPORT is not defined \n");

  // DQ (10/29/2008): Added some support for additional output of internal names for specific IR nodes.
  // In generall there are long list of these IR nodes in the binary and this helps make some sense of 
  // the lists (sections, symbols, etc.).
     SgAsmExecutableFileFormat* binaryFileFormatNode = isSgAsmExecutableFileFormat(node);
     if (binaryFileFormatNode != NULL)
       // The case of binary file format IR nodes can be especially confusing so we want the 
       // default to output some more specific information for some IR nodes (e.g. sections).
          string name;

          SgAsmGenericSection* genericSection = isSgAsmGenericSection(node);
          if (genericSection != NULL)
               SgAsmGenericString* genericString = genericSection->get_name();
               ROSE_ASSERT(genericString != NULL);

               name = genericString->get_string();

          SgAsmGenericSymbol* genericSymbol = isSgAsmGenericSymbol(node);
          if (genericSymbol != NULL)
               SgAsmGenericString* genericString = genericSymbol->get_name();
               ROSE_ASSERT(genericString != NULL);

               name = genericString->get_string();

               if (name.empty() == true)
                    name = "no_name_for_symbol";

          SgAsmGenericDLL* genericDLL = isSgAsmGenericDLL(node);
          if (genericDLL != NULL)
               SgAsmGenericString* genericString = genericDLL->get_name();
               ROSE_ASSERT(genericString != NULL);

               name = genericString->get_string();

          SgAsmPEImportItem* peImportItem = isSgAsmPEImportItem(node);
          if (peImportItem != NULL)
               SgAsmGenericString* genericString = peImportItem->get_name();
               ROSE_ASSERT(genericString != NULL);

               name = genericString->get_string();

          SgAsmDwarfLine* asmDwarfLine = isSgAsmDwarfLine(node);
          if (asmDwarfLine != NULL)
               char buffer[100];

            // It does not work to embed the "\n" into the single sprintf parameter.
            // sprintf(buffer," Addr: 0x%08"PRIx64" \n line: %d col: %d ",asmDwarfLine->get_address(),asmDwarfLine->get_line(),asmDwarfLine->get_column());

               sprintf(buffer,"Addr: 0x%08"PRIx64,asmDwarfLine->get_address());
               name = buffer;
               sprintf(buffer,"line: %d col: %d",asmDwarfLine->get_line(),asmDwarfLine->get_column());
               name += string("\\n") + buffer;

          SgAsmDwarfConstruct* asmDwarfConstruct = isSgAsmDwarfConstruct(node);
          if (asmDwarfConstruct != NULL)
               name = asmDwarfConstruct->get_name();

#if 0
       // This might not be the best way to implement this, since we want to detect common base classes of IR nodes.
          switch (node->variantT())
               case V_SgAsmElfSection:
                    SgAsmElfSection* n = isSgAsmElfSection(node);
                    name = n->get_name();

                 // No additional information is suggested for the default case!

          if (name.empty() == false)
               nodelabel += string("\\n") + name;
          printf ("Warning: In AstDOTGeneration.C ROSE_BUILD_BINARY_ANALYSIS_SUPPORT is not defined \n");

  // DQ (11/29/2008): Output the directives in the label of the IR node.
     SgC_PreprocessorDirectiveStatement* preprocessorDirective = isSgC_PreprocessorDirectiveStatement(node);
     if (preprocessorDirective != NULL)
          string s = preprocessorDirective->get_directiveString();

       // Change any double quotes to single quotes so that DOT will not misunderstand the generated lables.
          while (s.find("\"") != string::npos)

          if (s.empty() == false)
               nodelabel += string("\\n") + s;

     nodelabel += additionalNodeInfo(node);

  // DQ (11/1/2003) added mechanism to add additional options (to add color, etc.)
  // nodeoption += additionalNodeOptions(node);
     string additionalOptions = additionalNodeOptions(node);
  // printf ("nodeoption = %s size() = %ld \n",nodeoption.c_str(),nodeoption.size());
  // printf ("additionalOptions = %s size() = %ld \n",additionalOptions.c_str(),additionalOptions.size());

     string x;
     string y;
     x += additionalOptions;

     nodeoption += additionalOptions;

     DOTSynthesizedAttribute d(0);

  // DQ (7/27/2008): Added mechanism to support pruning of AST
     bool commentoutNode = commentOutNodeInGraph(node);
     if (commentoutNode == true)
       // DQ (11/10/2008): Fixed to only output message when (verbose_level > 0); command-line option.
       // DQ (7/27/2008): For now just return to test this mechanism, then we want to add comment "//" propoerly to generated DOT file.
          if (SgProject::get_verbose() > 0)
               printf ("Skipping the use of this IR node in the DOT Graph \n");

// **************************

          case TOPDOWNBOTTOMUP:
          case PREORDER:
          case TOPDOWN:
          case POSTORDER:
          case BOTTOMUP:

  // add edges or null values
     int testnum=0;
     for (iter = l.begin(); iter != l.end(); iter++)
          string edgelabel = string(node->get_traversalSuccessorNamesContainer()[testnum]);
          string toErasePrefix = "p_";

          if (AstTests::isPrefix(toErasePrefix,edgelabel))
               edgelabel.erase(0, toErasePrefix.size());

          if ( iter->node == NULL)
            // SgNode* snode=node->get_traversalSuccessorContainer()[testnum];
               AstSuccessorsSelectors::SuccessorsContainer c;
               SgNode* snode=c[testnum];

            // isDefault shows that the default constructor for synth attribute was used
               if (l[testnum].isDefault() && snode && (visitedNodes.find(snode) != visitedNodes.end()) )
                 // handle bugs in SAGE
                    dotrep.addEdge(node,edgelabel,snode,"dir=forward arrowhead=\"odot\" color=red ");
                    if (snode == NULL)
            // DQ (3/5/2007) added mechanism to add additional options (to add color, etc.)
               string edgeoption = additionalEdgeOptions(node,iter->node,edgelabel);

                    case TOPDOWNBOTTOMUP:
                         dotrep.addEdge(node,edgelabel,(*iter).node,edgeoption + "dir=both");
                    case PREORDER:
                    case TOPDOWN:
                         dotrep.addEdge(node,edgelabel,(*iter).node,edgeoption + "dir=forward");
                    case POSTORDER:
                    case BOTTOMUP:
                         dotrep.addEdge(node,edgelabel,(*iter).node,edgeoption + "dir=back");


// **************************

  // DQ (7/4/2008): Support for edges specified in AST attributes
     AstAttributeMechanism* astAttributeContainer = node->get_attributeMechanism();
     if (astAttributeContainer != NULL)
       // Loop over all the attributes at this IR node
          for (AstAttributeMechanism::iterator i = astAttributeContainer->begin(); i != astAttributeContainer->end(); i++)
            // std::string name = i->first;
               AstAttribute* attribute = i->second;
               ROSE_ASSERT(attribute != NULL);

            // This can return a non-empty list in user-defined attributes (derived from AstAttribute).
            // printf ("Calling attribute->additionalNodeInfo() \n");
               std::vector<AstAttribute::AttributeNodeInfo> nodeList = attribute->additionalNodeInfo();
            // printf ("nodeList.size() = %lu \n",nodeList.size());

               for (std::vector<AstAttribute::AttributeNodeInfo>::iterator i_node = nodeList.begin(); i_node != nodeList.end(); i_node++)
                    SgNode* nodePtr   = i_node->nodePtr;
                    string nodelabel  = i_node->label;
                    string nodeoption = i_node->options;
                 // printf ("In AstDOTGeneration::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): Adding a node nodelabel = %s nodeoption = %s \n",nodelabel.c_str(),nodeoption.c_str());
                 // dotrep.addNode(NULL,dotrep.traceFormat(ia.tdTracePos)+nodelabel,nodeoption);
                    dotrep.addNode( nodePtr, dotrep.traceFormat(ia.tdTracePos) + nodelabel, nodeoption );

            // printf ("Calling attribute->additionalEdgeInfo() \n");
               std::vector<AstAttribute::AttributeEdgeInfo> edgeList = attribute->additionalEdgeInfo();
            // printf ("edgeList.size() = %lu \n",edgeList.size());
               for (std::vector<AstAttribute::AttributeEdgeInfo>::iterator i_edge = edgeList.begin(); i_edge != edgeList.end(); i_edge++)
                    string edgelabel  = i_edge->label;
                    string edgeoption = i_edge->options;
                 // printf ("In AstDOTGeneration::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): Adding an edge from i_edge->fromNode = %p to i_edge->toNode = %p edgelabel = %s edgeoption = %s \n",i_edge->fromNode,i_edge->toNode,edgelabel.c_str(),edgeoption.c_str());
                    dotrep.addEdge(i_edge->fromNode,edgelabel,i_edge->toNode,edgeoption + "dir=forward");

       // DQ (9/1/2008): Added case for output of SgProject rooted DOT file.
       // This allows source code and binary files to be combined into the same DOT file.
          case V_SgProject: 
               SgProject* project = dynamic_cast<SgProject*>(node);
               ROSE_ASSERT(project != NULL);

               string generatedProjectName = SageInterface::generateProjectName( project );
            // printf ("generatedProjectName (from SgProject) = %s \n",generatedProjectName.c_str());
               if (generatedProjectName.length() > 40)
                 // printf ("Warning: generatedProjectName (from SgProject) = %s \n",generatedProjectName.c_str());
                    generatedProjectName = "aggregatedFileNameTooLong";
                    printf ("Proposed (generated) filename is too long, shortened to: %s \n",generatedProjectName.c_str());

               string filename = string("./") + generatedProjectName + ".dot";

            // printf ("generated filename for dot file (from SgProject) = %s \n",filename.c_str());
               if ( SgProject::get_verbose() >= 1 )
                    printf ("Output the DOT graph from the SgProject IR node (filename = %s) \n",filename.c_str());


       // case V_SgFile: 
          case V_SgSourceFile: 
          case V_SgBinaryComposite: 
               SgFile* file = dynamic_cast<SgFile*>(node);
               ROSE_ASSERT(file != NULL);

               string original_filename = file->getFileName();

            // DQ (7/4/2008): Fix filenamePostfix to go before the "."
            // string filename = string("./") + ROSE::stripPathFromFileName(original_filename) + "."+filenamePostfix+"dot";
               string filename = string("./") + ROSE::stripPathFromFileName(original_filename) + filenamePostfix + ".dot";

            // printf ("generated filename for dot file (from SgSourceFile or SgBinaryComposite) = %s file->get_parent() = %p \n",filename.c_str(),file->get_parent());

            // printf ("file->get_parent() = %p \n",file->get_parent());
            // cout << "generating DOT file (from SgSourceFile or SgBinaryComposite): " << filename2 << " ... ";

            // DQ (9/1/2008): this effects the output of DOT files when multiple files are specified 
            // on the command line.  A SgProject is still built even when a single file is specificed 
            // on the command line, however there are cases where a SgFile can be built without a 
            // SgProject and this case allows those SgFile rooted subtrees to be output as DOT files.
            // If there is a SgProject then output the dot file from there, else output as a SgFile.
               if (file->get_parent() == NULL)
                 // If there is no SgProject then output the file now!
                    if ( SgProject::get_verbose() >= 1 )
                         printf ("Output the DOT graph from the SgFile IR node (no SgProject available) \n");

                 // There is a SgProject IR node, but if we will be traversing it we want to output the 
                 // graph then (so that the graph will include the SgProject IR nodes and connect multiple 
                 // files (SgSourceFile or SgBinaryComposite IR nodes).
                    if ( visitedNodes.find(file->get_parent()) == visitedNodes.end() )
                      // This SgProject node was not input as part of the traversal, 
                      // so we will not be traversing the SgProject IR nodes and we 
                      // have to output the graph now!

                         if ( SgProject::get_verbose() >= 1 )
                              printf ("Output the DOT graph from the SgFile IR node (SgProject was not traversed) \n");

                         if ( SgProject::get_verbose() >= 1 )
                              printf ("Skip the output of the DOT graph from the SgFile IR node (SgProject will be traversed) \n");
            // cout << "done." << endl;

       // DQ (7/23/2005): Implemented default case to avoid g++ warnings 
       // about enum values not handled by this switch
            // nothing to do here

     d.node = node;
     return d;
Visitor::visit(SgNode* n)
     SgAsmGenericSymbol *symbol = isSgAsmGenericSymbol(n);
     if (symbol != NULL)
          printf("Found a SgAsmGenericSymbol, Here: offset = %zu, %p = %s = %s \n",
                 (size_t)0, symbol, escapeString(symbol->class_name()).c_str(),
          printf ("symbol->get_name()      = %s \n",symbol->get_name()->get_string(true).c_str());
          printf ("symbol->get_bound()     = %p \n",symbol->get_bound());
          printf ("symbol->get_size()      = %" PRIu64 " \n",symbol->get_size());
          printf ("symbol->get_value()     = %" PRIu64 " \n",symbol->get_value());

          printf ("symbol->get_type()      = %u = %s \n",symbol->get_type(),symbol->stringifyType().c_str());
          printf ("symbol->get_binding()   = %u = %s \n",symbol->get_binding(),symbol->stringifyBinding().c_str());
          printf ("symbol->get_def_state() = %u = %s \n",symbol->get_def_state(),symbol->stringifyDefState().c_str());

          /* All the ELF-specific stuff and most of the COFF-specific stuff is also represented in the base class, displayed
           * above.  The general rule is that notions that are present in at least two file formats are represented in a
           * common base class and there's no need to access the copies that might be stored in the derived classes. However,
           * they are duplicated in the derived classes because those classes tend to represent data structures described
           * directly in the format specifications. The only reason they're publicly visible in the derived classes is because
           * ROSETTA doesn't support marking certain things as being for internal use only. I'm working on documenting these
           * things better.
           * For instance, the p_st_name member of an SgAsmElfSymbol is a byte offset into an ELF String Table. The actual
           * string is stored in the p_name member of SgAsmGenericSymbol. Modifying the string will cause all the correct
           * memory management actions to occur (ultimately adjusting p_st_name), while modifying p_st_name bypasses string
           * table management (and your new value would be overwritten if/when memory management does occur).
           * [RPM 2008-12-15] */

          /* The Coff-specific stuff may eventually disappear as the base class evolves to handle more of this. In fact, some
           * of these are already duplicates of the same info above. */
          SgAsmCoffSymbol* coffSymbol = isSgAsmCoffSymbol(symbol);
          if (coffSymbol != NULL)
               printf ("   coffSymbol->get_st_name()            = %s \n",coffSymbol->get_st_name().c_str());
               printf ("   coffSymbol->get_st_name_offset()     = %" PRIu64 " \n",coffSymbol->get_st_name_offset());
               printf ("   coffSymbol->get_st_section_num()     = %d  \n",coffSymbol->get_st_section_num());
               printf ("   coffSymbol->get_st_type()            = %u  \n",coffSymbol->get_st_type());
               printf ("   coffSymbol->get_st_storage_class()   = %u  \n",coffSymbol->get_st_storage_class());
               printf ("   coffSymbol->get_st_num_aux_entries() = %u \n",coffSymbol->get_st_num_aux_entries());
               printf ("   coffSymbol->get_aux_data():  size    = %zu \n",coffSymbol->get_aux_data().size());
               for (SgUnsignedCharList::iterator i = coffSymbol->get_aux_data().begin(); i != coffSymbol->get_aux_data().end(); i++)
                    printf ("      coffSymbol->get_aux_data() = %u \n",*i);