Пример #1
void HlModel::SetSortOrders( SgNode *pNode, BtU32 sortOrder )
	if( pNode->HasMaterials() )
		SgMaterial* pMaterials = pNode->pMaterial();

		// Cache the number of materials
		BtU32 numMaterials = pMaterials->NumMaterials();

		for( BtU32 i=0; i<numMaterials; i++)
			// Cache the material
			RsMaterial* pMaterial = pMaterials->GetMaterial( i );

			// Set the sort order
			pMaterial->SetSortOrder( sortOrder );

			// Set the material
			pMaterials->SetMaterial( i, pMaterial );

	// Cache the first child
	SgNode* pChild = pNode->pFirstChild();

	// Loop through the children
	while( pChild != BtNull )
		// Set the materials
		SetSortOrders( pChild, sortOrder );

		// Move to the next child
		pChild = pChild->pNextSibling();
Пример #2
     ffi_type *getFFIClassType(SgClassType *ct)
          const StructLayoutInfo &sli = typeLayout(ct);
          ffi_type **fieldTypes = new ffi_type*[sli.fields.size()];
          for (size_t i = 0; i < sli.fields.size(); i++)
               SgNode *decl = sli.fields[i].decl;
               if (SgInitializedName *in = isSgInitializedName(decl))
                    fieldTypes[i] = getFFIType(in->get_type());
               else if (SgBaseClass *bc = isSgBaseClass(decl))
                    fieldTypes[i] = getFFIType(bc->get_base_class()->get_type());
                    throw InterpError("Encountered unsupported field decl: " + decl->class_name());

          ffi_type *ctType = new ffi_type;
          ctType->elements = fieldTypes;
          return ctType;
Пример #3
 * Check to see if a variable has its address taken in an I/O operation.
bool RegisterPointers::isAddrTakenInIrrelevantFunc(SgVarRefExp* expr)
	//TODO get function call name
	/*SgExprStatement* stmt = isSgExprStatement(getEnclosingStatement(expr));
		return false;
	SgFunctionCallExp* funcCall = isSgFunctionCallExp(stmt->get_expression());
		return false;
	string name = NAME(funcCall->getAssociatedFunctionSymbol());*/

	SgStatement* encStmt = getEnclosingStatement(expr);
	SgNode* parent = expr->get_parent();
	SgFunctionCallExp* funcCall = NULL;
	while(parent != encStmt)
		funcCall = isSgFunctionCallExp(parent);
		if(funcCall &&
				(functions.find(NAME(funcCall->getAssociatedFunctionSymbol())) != functions.end()))
			return true;

		parent = parent->get_parent();

	/*set<string>::const_iterator funcIt = functions.begin();
	for(funcIt = functions.begin(); funcIt != functions.end(); funcIt++)
		if(name.find(*funcIt) != string::npos)
			return true;
	return false;
Пример #4
void SgGameWriter::WriteNode(const SgNode& node, bool allProps, int boardSize,
                             SgPropPointFmt fmt)
    for (SgPropListIterator it(node.Props()); it; ++it)
        SgProp* prop = *it;
        vector<string> values;
        // Check whether property should be written, and get its value.
        if ((allProps || ShouldWriteProperty(*prop))
                && prop->ToString(values, boardSize, fmt, m_fileFormat))
            // Start specific properties on a new line to make file easier
            // to read.
            if (prop->Flag(SG_PROPCLASS_NEWLINE))
            m_out << prop->Label();
            for (vector<string>::const_iterator it2 = values.begin();
                    it2 != values.end(); ++it2)
                m_out << '[' << (*it2) << ']';
            // Limit number of properties per line.
            if (++m_numPropsOnLine >= 10)

    // Start first move node after root node on a new line.
    if (node.HasProp(SG_PROP_GAME))
Пример #5
//Returns the next SSA form number for the variable s that is declared or assigned a value in the inTrueBranch branch of the if node labeled with *condLabel
//Generates/updates the phi statement for the variable in the node labeled with *condLabel
int SSAGenerator::nextNumber(string s, Label* condLabel, bool inTrueBranch)
	map<string, int>::iterator i = currentNumberMap.find(s);
	if(i == currentNumberMap.end()) //Variable has never been declared yet so no current number exists for the variable 
		currentNumberMap.insert(pair<string, int>(s, 0));
		return 0;			
	else //Variable has been declared before so a current number for the variable exists
		i->second = i->second + 1;
		if(condLabel != NULL) //Condition node exists
			SgNode* condNode = labeler->getNode(*condLabel);
			AstAttribute* condAtt = condNode->getAttribute("PHI");
			assert(condAtt != NULL);
			PhiAttribute* condPhiAtt = dynamic_cast<PhiAttribute*>(condAtt);
			assert(condPhiAtt != NULL);
			//Generate/update the phi statement for the variable in the condition node if it is not declared locally in the current branch 
			bool declaredLocally = (inTrueBranch && (condPhiAtt->varsDeclaredInTrueBranch.find(s) != condPhiAtt->varsDeclaredInTrueBranch.end())) || 
						(!inTrueBranch && (condPhiAtt->varsDeclaredInFalseBranch.find(s) != condPhiAtt->varsDeclaredInFalseBranch.end()));
				PhiStatement* phi = condPhiAtt->getPhiFor(s);
				if(phi == NULL){ 
					phi = condPhiAtt->generatePhiFor(s);
		       		if(inTrueBranch) phi->trueNumber = i->second;
				else phi->falseNumber = i->second;
		return i->second;	
Пример #6
declarationHasTranslationUnitScope (const SgDeclarationStatement* decl)
     ROSE_ASSERT(decl != NULL);
     SgNode *declParent = decl->get_parent();
     ROSE_ASSERT(declParent != NULL);
     VariantT declParentV = declParent->variantT();

     if (declParentV == V_SgGlobal || declParentV == V_SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement)
       // If the declaration is static (in the C sense), it will have translation unit scope.
          if (decl->get_declarationModifier().get_storageModifier().isStatic())
               return true;

       // Likewise if the declaration is an inline function.
          if (const SgFunctionDeclaration *fnDecl = isSgFunctionDeclaration(decl))
               if (fnDecl->get_functionModifier().isInline())
                    return true;

  // Likewise if the declaration is an anonymous namespace
     if (const SgNamespaceDeclarationStatement *nsDecl = isSgNamespaceDeclarationStatement(decl))
          if (nsDecl->get_isUnnamedNamespace())
               return true;

     return false;
Пример #7
void SgNode::PathToRoot(SgVectorOf<SgNode>* path) const
    for (SgNode* node = const_cast<SgNode*>(this); node;
            node = node->Father())
Пример #8
void HlModel::SetTextures( SgNode *pNode, BtU32 index, RsTexture *pTexture )
	// Cache the materials
	SgMaterial* pMaterials = pNode->pMaterial();

	// Cache the number of materials
	BtU32 numMaterials = pMaterials->NumMaterials();

	for( BtU32 i=0; i<numMaterials; i++)
		// Cache the material
		RsMaterial* pMaterial = pMaterials->GetMaterial( i );

		// Set the texture
		pMaterial->SetTexture( index, pTexture );
	// Cache the first child
	SgNode* pChild = pNode->pFirstChild();

	// Loop through the children
	while( pChild != BtNull )
		// Set the materials
		SetTextures( pChild, index, pTexture );

		// Move to the next child
		pChild = pChild->pNextSibling();
Пример #9
string SgNode::TreeIndex(const SgNode* node)
    ostringstream s;
    if (! node)
        s << "NIL";
        SgNode* father = node->Father();
        if (! father)
            s << '1';
            s << TreeIndex(father) << '.';
            SgNode* son = father->LeftMostSon();
            int index = 1;
            while ((son != node) && son)
                son = son->RightBrother();
            if (son == node)
                s << index;
    return s.str();
Пример #10
SgNode* SgNode::Root() const
    SgNode* node = const_cast<SgNode*>(this);
    while (node->HasFather())
        node = node->Father();
    return node;
Пример #11
void SPRAY::ComputeAddressTakenInfo::computeAddressTakenInfo(SgNode* root)
  // query to match all SgAddressOfOp subtrees
  // process query
  ProcessQuery collectSgAddressOfOp;
  // TODO: not sufficient to pick up address taken by function pointers
  std::string matchquery;

// "#SgTemplateArgument|"
// "#SgTemplateArgumentList|"
// "#SgTemplateParameter|"
// "#SgTemplateParameterVal|"
// "#SgTemplateParamterList|"
  // skipping all template declaration specific nodes as they dont have any symbols
  // we still traverse SgTemplateInstatiation*
  matchquery = \
    "#SgTemplateVariableDeclaration|" \
  MatchResult& matches = collectSgAddressOfOp(matchquery, root);
  for(MatchResult::iterator it = matches.begin(); it != matches.end(); ++it) {
    SgNode* matchedOperand = (*it)["$OP"];
    // SgNode* head = (*it)["$HEAD"];
    // debugPrint(head); debugPrint(matchedOperand);
    OperandToVariableId optovid(*this);
Пример #12
SgNode* ReplacementMapTraversal::getOriginalNode (const string & key) const
     SgNode* duplicateNode = NULL;
#if 0
     printf ("ReplacementMapTraversal::getOriginalNode: key = %s \n",key.c_str());
     printf ("mangledNameMap.size() = %ld \n",mangledNameMap.size());
#if 0
     for (MangledNameMapTraversal::MangledNameMapType::iterator i = mangledNameMap.begin(); i != mangledNameMap.end(); i++)
          printf ("i->first  = %s \n",i->first.c_str());
          printf ("i->second = %p \n",i->second);
     if (mangledNameMap.find(key) != mangledNameMap.end())
       // This key already exists in the mangledNameMap
       // duplicateNode = mangledNameMap[key];
       // return mangledNameMap[key];
          duplicateNode = mangledNameMap[key];
#if 0
       // This key does not exist in the mangledNameMap
          printf ("Warning: This key does not exist in the mangledNameMap, ignoring this case! key = %s \n",key.c_str());
#if 0
     printf ("ReplacementMapTraversal::getOriginalNode() returning duplicateNode = %p = %s \n",
          duplicateNode,(duplicateNode != NULL) ? duplicateNode->class_name().c_str() : "NULL");
     return duplicateNode;
Пример #13
main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // This program test the conversion of the ROSE AST to n ATerm and back to a ROSE AST.

  // Generate a ROSE AST as input.
  // printf ("Building the ROSE AST \n");
     SgProject* project = frontend(argc,argv);
  // printf ("Done: Building the ROSE AST \n");

  // Output an optional graph of the AST (just the tree, when active)
  // generateDOT(*project);

     SgFile* roseFile = project->operator[](0);
     ROSE_ASSERT(roseFile != NULL);
     SgSourceFile* sourceFile = isSgSourceFile(roseFile);
     ROSE_ASSERT(sourceFile != NULL);

  // printf ("Calling ATinit \n");
     ATerm bottom;
     ATinit(argc, argv, &bottom);

  // printf ("Calling convertAstNodeToRoseAterm \n");
  // ATerm term = convertNodeToAterm(project);
  // ATerm term = convertNodeToAterm(sourceFile);
  // ATerm term = convertAstNodeToRoseAterm(sourceFile);

  // Actually this implementation in convertNodeToAterm already adds the pointer value to the aterm, so we can just return this Aterm directly.
     ATerm term = convertNodeToAterm(sourceFile);

  // printf ("DONE: Calling convertAstNodeToRoseAterm term = %p \n",term);

     ROSE_ASSERT (term != NULL);

     string roseAST_filename = project->get_file(0).getFileName();
     char* s = strdup(roseAST_filename.c_str());
     string file_basename = basename(s);

  // ATerm_Graph::graph_aterm_ast(term,file_basename);

#if 1
  // DQ (9/17/2014): Adding test for conversion of Aterm back to AST.
     printf ("Testing the reverse process to generate the ROSE AST from the Aterm \n");
     SgNode* rootOfAST = convertAtermToNode(term);
     printf ("rootOfAST = %p = %s \n",rootOfAST,rootOfAST->class_name().c_str());

  // generateDOT(*project);
     generateDOTforMultipleFile(*project, "AFTER_ATERM");

  // Output an optional graph of the AST (the whole graph, of bounded complexity, when active)

#if 0
     printf ("Program Terminated Normally \n");

     return 0;
Пример #14
ATerm AtermSupport::getTraversalChildrenAsAterm(SgNode* n) 
  // This function is using the same infrastructue used to support the AST traversals, so it
  // is equivalent in what it traverses and thus properly traverses the defined ROSE AST.

     vector<SgNode*> children = n->get_traversalSuccessorContainer();

#if 0
     printf ("In AtermSupport::getTraversalChildrenAsAterm(): n = %p = %s children.size() = %zu \n",n,n->class_name().c_str(),children.size());
     for (vector<SgNode*>::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); i++)
          SgNode* child = *i;
          printf ("   --- child = %p = %s \n",child,(child != NULL) ? child->class_name().c_str() : "NULL");

  // return convertSgNodeRangeToAterm(children.begin(), children.end());
     ATerm term = convertSgNodeRangeToAterm(children.begin(), children.end());

  // I think we are generating invalid aterms in some cases.
#if 0
     int atermKind = ATgetType(term);
     printf ("In AtermSupport::getTraversalChildrenAsAterm(): atermKind = %d = %s \n",atermKind,aterm_type_name(term).c_str());
#if 0
     printf ("In AtermSupport::getTraversalChildrenAsAterm(): returning the aterm \n");
#if 0
     cout << "AtermSupport::getTraversalChildrenAsAterm(): returning the aterm -> " << ATwriteToString(term) << endl;

     return term;
Пример #15
// transfer function
// decides if the given pSet is blocked or split or dead
// if needs to split, pushes the descendants into splitPSetNodes
// if split -> pushes the ConstrGraph corresponding to that into splitConditions
bool pCFGIterator::transfer(const pCFGNode& n, 
                            unsigned int pSet, 
                            const Function& func,                  
                            NodeState& state, 
                            const vector<Lattice*>& dfInfo,
                            bool& isDeadPSet, 
                            bool& isSplitPSet, 
                            vector<DataflowNode>& splitPSetNodes,
                            bool& isSplitPNode,                             
                            bool& isBlockPSet,
                            bool& isMergePSet)
    bool modified = false;
    // Get the ROSE_VisitorPattern instance
        transferVisitor = boost::shared_ptr<IntraPCFGTransferVisitor> 
        (new pCFGIteratorTransfer (n, pSet, func, state, dfInfo, isDeadPSet, isSplitPSet, splitPSetNodes, isSplitPNode, isBlockPSet, isMergePSet, this->mda));

    // get the node on which visitor pattern needs to applied
    const DataflowNode& dfNode = n.getCurNode(pSet);

    // get the node
    SgNode* sgn = dfNode.getNode();

    // set the handler

    modified = transferVisitor->finish() || modified;

    return modified;    
Пример #16
void loopTraversal::visit(SgNode *node) {
    Sg_File_Info *info = NULL;
    SgNode *parent = NULL;

    info = node->get_file_info();

    /* Find code fragment for bottlenecks type 'loop' in C */
    if ((isSgForStatement(node)) &&
        (info->get_line() == globals.linenumber)) {

        /* Found a C loop on the exact line number */
        printf("found a loop on (%s:%d) looking for the parent loop\n",
               info->get_filename(), info->get_line());

        parent = node->get_parent();
        info = parent->get_file_info();

        /* It is a basic block. Who is this basic block's parent? */
        if (NULL != isSgBasicBlock(parent)) {
            parent = parent->get_parent();

        /* Is it a for/do/while? */
        if (isSgForStatement(parent)) {

            /* The parent is a loop */
            printf("parent loop found on (%s:%d)\n", info->get_filename(),

            /* Do the interchange */
            rc = loopInterchange(isSgForStatement(parent), 2, 1);
Пример #17
visit(SgNode* node)
     if (isSgAssignOp(node))
       // simple case: the parent of a "real" assignment op must be an
       // expression statement
       if (!isSgExprStatement(node->get_parent()))
         output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(node));
         // not so simple case: the parent is an expression statement, but if
         // that statement is an if/loop condition, we still want to complain
         SgNode *assignment = node->get_parent();
         SgNode *p = assignment->get_parent();
         SgDoWhileStmt *dws;
         SgForStatement *fs;
         SgIfStmt *is;
         SgSwitchStatement *ss;
         SgWhileStmt *ws;

         if ((dws = isSgDoWhileStmt(p)) && dws->get_condition() == assignment)
           output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(node));
         else if ((fs = isSgForStatement(p)) && fs->get_test() == assignment)
           output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(node));
         else if ((is = isSgIfStmt(p)) && is->get_conditional() == assignment)
           output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(node));
         else if ((ss = isSgSwitchStatement(p)) && ss->get_item_selector() == assignment)
           output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(node));
         else if ((ws = isSgWhileStmt(p)) && ws->get_condition() == assignment)
           output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(node));
     else if (SgMemberFunctionRefExp *mf = isSgMemberFunctionRefExp(node))
       // not so simple case: call to operator= member function that is not an
       // expression statement by itself
       SgFunctionCallExp *call = isSgFunctionCallExp(mf->get_parent()->get_parent());
       if (call && !isSgExprStatement(call->get_parent())
        && mf->get_parent() == call->get_function()
        && std::strcmp(mf->get_symbol()->get_name().str(), "operator=") == 0)
         output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(call));
   } //End of the visit function.
Пример #18
SgNode* SgNode::TopProp(SgPropID id) const
    SgNode* node = const_cast<SgNode*>(this);
    while (node->HasFather() && ! node->Get(id))
        node = node->Father();
    // Return either root node or node with property.
    return node;
Пример #19
void SgNode::PromotePath()
    SgNode* node = this;
    while (node)
        node->PromoteNode(); // promote all nodes on the path to the root
        node = node->Father();
Пример #20
SgNode* SgNode::LeftBrother() const
    if (! HasFather() || ! HasLeftBrother())
        return 0;
    SgNode* node = Father()->LeftMostSon(); // left-most brother
    while (node->RightBrother() != this)
        node = node->RightBrother();
    return node;
Пример #21
// Rename all labels in a (possibly inlined) function definition.  Gotos to
// them will be automatically updated as part of unparsing.
void renameLabels(SgNode* fd, SgFunctionDefinition* enclosingFunctionDefinition) {
#if 0
    SgNode* proj = enclosingFunctionDefinition;
    while (proj && !isSgProject(proj)) proj = proj->get_parent();
    ROSE_ASSERT (isSgProject(proj));
    generateAstGraph(isSgProject(proj), 400000);
    RenameLabelsVisitor(enclosingFunctionDefinition).traverse(fd, preorder);
Пример #22
SgNode* GoPlayer::TransferSearchTraces()
    SgNode* node = m_currentNode;
    if (node->NumSons() == 0)
        return 0;
    m_currentNode = 0;
    return node;
Пример #23
void HlModel::RenderBones( SgNode *pSkin )
	SgNode *pSkeleton = pSkin->GetJoint(0);
	while( pSkeleton->pParent() )
		pSkeleton = pSkeleton->pParent();
	RenderChildBones( pSkin->GetWorldTransform(), pSkeleton, pSkeleton->pFirstChild() );
Пример #24
SgNode* SgNode::RightMostSon() const
    SgNode* node = LeftMostSon();
    if (node)
        while (node->HasRightBrother())
            node = node->RightBrother();
    return node;
Пример #25
SgNode* SgNode::CopyTree() const
    SgNode* newNode = new SgNode();
    if (newNode)
        CopySubtree(this, newNode);
    return newNode;
Пример #26
void SgNode::CopySubtree(const SgNode* node, SgNode* copy)
    for (const SgNode* son = node->LeftMostSon(); son;
            son = son->RightBrother())
        SgNode* sonCopy = copy->NewRightMostSon();
        CopySubtree(son, sonCopy);
Пример #27
bool ClangToSageTranslator::VisitTranslationUnitDecl(clang::TranslationUnitDecl * translation_unit_decl, SgNode ** node) {
    std::cerr << "ClangToSageTranslator::VisitTranslationUnitDecl" << std::endl;
    if (*node != NULL) {
        std::cerr << "Runtime error: The TranslationUnitDecl is already associated to a SAGE node." << std::endl;
        return false;

  // Create the SAGE node: SgGlobal

    if (p_global_scope != NULL) {
        std::cerr << "Runtime error: Global Scope have already been set !" << std::endl;
        return false;

    *node = p_global_scope = new SgGlobal();

    p_decl_translation_map.insert(std::pair<clang::Decl *, SgNode *>(translation_unit_decl, p_global_scope));

  // Traverse the children


    clang::DeclContext * decl_context = (clang::DeclContext *)translation_unit_decl; // useless but more clear

    bool res = true;
    clang::DeclContext::decl_iterator it;
    for (it = decl_context->decls_begin(); it != decl_context->decls_end(); it++) {
        if (*it == NULL) continue;
        SgNode * child = Traverse(*it);

        SgDeclarationStatement * decl_stmt = isSgDeclarationStatement(child);
        if (decl_stmt == NULL && child != NULL) {
            std::cerr << "Runtime error: the node produce for a clang::Decl is not a SgDeclarationStatement !" << std::endl;
            std::cerr << "    class = " << child->class_name() << std::endl;
            res = false;
        else if (child != NULL) {
            // FIXME This is a hack to avoid autonomous decl of unnamed type to being added to the global scope....
            SgClassDeclaration * class_decl = isSgClassDeclaration(child);
            if (class_decl != NULL && (class_decl->get_name() == "" || class_decl->get_isUnNamed())) continue;
            SgEnumDeclaration * enum_decl = isSgEnumDeclaration(child);
            if (enum_decl != NULL && (enum_decl->get_name() == "" || enum_decl->get_isUnNamed())) continue;



  // Traverse the class hierarchy

    return VisitDecl(translation_unit_decl, node) && res;
Пример #28
// One match at a time
bool pCFGIterator::matchSendRecv(const pCFGNode& pcfgn,
                                 set<unsigned int>& sendPSets,
                                 set<unsigned int>& recvPSets,
                                 set<unsigned int>& blockedPSets,
                                 set<unsigned int>& activePSets,
                                 set<unsigned int>& releasedPSets)
    set<unsigned int>::iterator send_it, recv_it;
    bool matched = false;
    for(send_it = sendPSets.begin(); send_it != sendPSets.end(); send_it++) {
        // try to match each recv for a given send
        const DataflowNode& dfSend = pcfgn.getCurNode(*send_it);
        SgNode* sgnSend = dfSend.getNode();
        pcfgMatchAnnotation *sendAnnotation = dynamic_cast<pcfgMatchAnnotation*> (sgnSend->getAttribute("pCFGAnnotation"));
        ROSE_ASSERT(sendAnnotation != NULL);
        pair<string, int> sendSource = sendAnnotation->getSource();
        pair<string, int> sendTarget = sendAnnotation->getTarget();
        for(recv_it = recvPSets.begin(); recv_it != recvPSets.end(); recv_it++) {
            const DataflowNode& dfRecv = pcfgn.getCurNode(*recv_it);
            SgNode* sgnRecv = dfRecv.getNode();
            pcfgMatchAnnotation *recvAnnotation = dynamic_cast<pcfgMatchAnnotation*> (sgnRecv->getAttribute("pCFGAnnotation"));
            ROSE_ASSERT(recvAnnotation != NULL);
            pair<string, int> recvSource = recvAnnotation->getSource();
            pair<string, int> recvTarget = recvAnnotation->getTarget();

            if(sendSource == recvTarget && recvSource == sendTarget) {
                // we have a match
                matched = true;


    if(matched) {
        int sendPSet = *send_it;
        int recvPSet = *recv_it;
        // move send/ recv psets from blocked to active
        pCFGNode& ref = const_cast<pCFGNode&>(pcfgn); // downgrade the const cast
        printEdge(ref.getCurAncsNode(sendPSet), ref.getCurAncsNode(recvPSet), "red");
        movePSet(sendPSet, activePSets, blockedPSets);
        movePSet(recvPSet, activePSets, blockedPSets);
    else {
        cout << "ERROR: No matches available in blocked state\n";

    return matched;
Пример #29
void PositionDragger::adjustSize()
    BoundingBox bb;
    for(int i=0; i < numChildren(); ++i){
        SgNode* node = child(i);
        if(node != translationDragger_ && node != rotationDragger_){
Пример #30
SgNode* GoNodeUtil::CreatePosition(int boardSize, SgBlackWhite toPlay,
                               const SgVector<SgPoint>& bPoints,
                               const SgVector<SgPoint>& wPoints)
    SgNode* node = new SgNode();
    node->Add(new SgPropInt(SG_PROP_SIZE, boardSize));
    node->Add(new SgPropPlayer(SG_PROP_PLAYER, toPlay));
    node->Add(new SgPropAddStone(SG_PROP_ADD_BLACK, bPoints));
    node->Add(new SgPropAddStone(SG_PROP_ADD_WHITE, wPoints));
    return node;