void compute_ibl_bssrdf_sampling( SamplingContext& sampling_context, const ShadingContext& shading_context, const EnvironmentEDF& environment_edf, const BSSRDF& bssrdf, const void* bssrdf_data, const ShadingPoint& incoming_point, const ShadingPoint& outgoing_point, const Dual3d& outgoing, const size_t bssrdf_sample_count, const size_t env_sample_count, Spectrum& radiance) { assert(is_normalized(outgoing.get_value())); radiance.set(0.0f); sampling_context.split_in_place(2, bssrdf_sample_count); for (size_t i = 0; i < bssrdf_sample_count; ++i) { // Generate a uniform sample in [0,1)^2. const Vector2d s = sampling_context.next_vector2<2>(); // Sample the BSSRDF (hemisphere cosine). Vector3d incoming = sample_hemisphere_cosine(s); const double cos_in = incoming.y; const double bssrdf_prob = cos_in * RcpPi; incoming = incoming_point.get_shading_basis().transform_to_parent(incoming); if (incoming_point.get_side() == ObjectInstance::BackSide) incoming = -incoming; assert(is_normalized(incoming)); // Discard occluded samples. const double transmission = shading_context.get_tracer().trace( incoming_point, incoming, VisibilityFlags::ShadowRay); if (transmission == 0.0) continue; // Evaluate the BSSRDF. Spectrum bssrdf_value; bssrdf.evaluate( bssrdf_data, outgoing_point, outgoing.get_value(), incoming_point, incoming, bssrdf_value); // Evaluate the environment's EDF. InputEvaluator input_evaluator(shading_context.get_texture_cache()); Spectrum env_value; double env_prob; environment_edf.evaluate( shading_context, input_evaluator, incoming, env_value, env_prob); // Compute MIS weight. const double mis_weight = mis_power2( bssrdf_sample_count * bssrdf_prob, env_sample_count * env_prob); // Add the contribution of this sample to the illumination. env_value *= static_cast<float>(transmission * cos_in / bssrdf_prob * mis_weight); env_value *= bssrdf_value; radiance += env_value; } if (bssrdf_sample_count > 1) radiance /= static_cast<float>(bssrdf_sample_count); }
void DiagnosticSurfaceShader::evaluate( SamplingContext& sampling_context, const PixelContext& pixel_context, const ShadingContext& shading_context, const ShadingPoint& shading_point, ShadingResult& shading_result) const { switch (m_shading_mode) { case Color: { shading_result.set_main_to_opaque_pink_linear_rgba(); const Material* material = shading_point.get_material(); if (material) { const Material::RenderData& material_data = material->get_render_data(); #ifdef APPLESEED_WITH_OSL // Execute the OSL shader if there is one. if (material_data.m_shader_group) { shading_context.execute_osl_shading( *material_data.m_shader_group, shading_point); } #endif if (material_data.m_bsdf) { InputEvaluator input_evaluator(shading_context.get_texture_cache()); material_data.m_bsdf->evaluate_inputs( shading_context, input_evaluator, shading_point); const Vector3d direction = -normalize(shading_point.get_ray().m_dir); material_data.m_bsdf->evaluate( input_evaluator.data(), false, false, shading_point.get_geometric_normal(), shading_point.get_shading_basis(), direction, direction, ScatteringMode::All, shading_result.m_main.m_color); shading_result.m_color_space = ColorSpaceSpectral; } } } break; case Coverage: shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgb(Color3f(1.0f)); break; case Barycentric: shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgb( vector2_to_color(shading_point.get_bary())); break; case UV: shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgb( uvs_to_color(shading_point.get_uv(0))); break; case Tangent: case Bitangent: case ShadingNormal: { #ifdef APPLESEED_WITH_OSL const Material* material = shading_point.get_material(); if (material) { const Material::RenderData& material_data = material->get_render_data(); // Execute the OSL shader if there is one. if (material_data.m_shader_group) { sampling_context.split_in_place(2, 1); shading_context.execute_osl_bump( *material_data.m_shader_group, shading_point, sampling_context.next_vector2<2>()); } } #endif const Vector3d v = m_shading_mode == ShadingNormal ? shading_point.get_shading_basis().get_normal() : m_shading_mode == Tangent ? shading_point.get_shading_basis().get_tangent_u() : shading_point.get_shading_basis().get_tangent_v(); shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgb(vector3_to_color(v)); } break; case GeometricNormal: shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgb( vector3_to_color(shading_point.get_geometric_normal())); break; case OriginalShadingNormal: shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgb( vector3_to_color(shading_point.get_original_shading_normal())); break; case WorldSpacePosition: { const Vector3d& p = shading_point.get_point(); shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgb( Color3f(Color3d(p.x, p.y, p.z))); } break; case Sides: shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgb( shading_point.get_side() == ObjectInstance::FrontSide ? Color3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f) : Color3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); break; case Depth: shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgb( Color3f(static_cast<float>(shading_point.get_distance()))); break; case ScreenSpaceWireframe: { // Initialize the shading result to the background color. shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgba(Color4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f, 0.5f)); if (shading_point.is_triangle_primitive()) { // Film space thickness of the wires. const double SquareWireThickness = square(0.00025); // Retrieve the time, the scene and the camera. const double time = shading_point.get_time().m_absolute; const Scene& scene = shading_point.get_scene(); const Camera& camera = *scene.get_camera(); // Compute the film space coordinates of the intersection point. Vector2d point_ndc; camera.project_point(time, shading_point.get_point(), point_ndc); // Loop over the triangle edges. for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { // Retrieve the end points of this edge. const size_t j = (i + 1) % 3; const Vector3d vi = shading_point.get_vertex(i); const Vector3d vj = shading_point.get_vertex(j); // Compute the film space coordinates of the edge's end points. Vector2d vi_ndc, vj_ndc; if (!camera.project_segment(time, vi, vj, vi_ndc, vj_ndc)) continue; // Compute the film space distance from the intersection point to the edge. const double d = square_distance_point_segment(point_ndc, vi_ndc, vj_ndc); // Shade with the wire's color if the hit point is close enough to the edge. if (d < SquareWireThickness) { shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgba(Color4f(1.0f)); break; } } } else { assert(shading_point.is_curve_primitive()); // todo: implement. } } break; case WorldSpaceWireframe: { // Initialize the shading result to the background color. shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgba(Color4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f, 0.5f)); if (shading_point.is_triangle_primitive()) { // World space thickness of the wires. const double SquareWireThickness = square(0.0015); // Retrieve the world space intersection point. const Vector3d& point = shading_point.get_point(); // Loop over the triangle edges. for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { // Retrieve the end points of this edge. const size_t j = (i + 1) % 3; const Vector3d& vi = shading_point.get_vertex(i); const Vector3d& vj = shading_point.get_vertex(j); // Compute the world space distance from the intersection point to the edge. const double d = square_distance_point_segment(point, vi, vj); // Shade with the wire's color if the hit point is close enough to the edge. if (d < SquareWireThickness) { shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgba(Color4f(1.0f)); break; } } } else { assert(shading_point.is_curve_primitive()); // todo: implement. } } break; case AmbientOcclusion: { // Compute the occlusion. const double occlusion = compute_ambient_occlusion( sampling_context, sample_hemisphere_uniform<double>, shading_context.get_intersector(), shading_point, m_ao_max_distance, m_ao_samples); // Return a gray scale value proportional to the accessibility. const float accessibility = static_cast<float>(1.0 - occlusion); shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgb(Color3f(accessibility)); } break; case AssemblyInstances: shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgb( integer_to_color(shading_point.get_assembly_instance().get_uid())); break; case ObjectInstances: shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgb( integer_to_color(shading_point.get_object_instance().get_uid())); break; case Regions: { const uint32 h = mix_uint32( static_cast<uint32>(shading_point.get_object_instance().get_uid()), static_cast<uint32>(shading_point.get_region_index())); shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgb(integer_to_color(h)); } break; case Primitives: { const uint32 h = mix_uint32( static_cast<uint32>(shading_point.get_object_instance().get_uid()), static_cast<uint32>(shading_point.get_region_index()), static_cast<uint32>(shading_point.get_primitive_index())); shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgb(integer_to_color(h)); } break; case Materials: { const Material* material = shading_point.get_material(); if (material) shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgb(integer_to_color(material->get_uid())); else shading_result.set_main_to_opaque_pink_linear_rgba(); } break; case RaySpread: { const ShadingRay& ray = shading_point.get_ray(); if (!ray.m_has_differentials) break; const Material* material = shading_point.get_material(); if (material) { const Material::RenderData& material_data = material->get_render_data(); #ifdef APPLESEED_WITH_OSL // Execute the OSL shader if there is one. if (material_data.m_shader_group) { shading_context.execute_osl_shading( *material_data.m_shader_group, shading_point); } #endif if (material_data.m_bsdf) { const Dual3d outgoing( -ray.m_dir, ray.m_dir - ray.m_rx.m_dir, ray.m_dir - ray.m_ry.m_dir); InputEvaluator input_evaluator(shading_context.get_texture_cache()); material_data.m_bsdf->evaluate_inputs( shading_context, input_evaluator, shading_point); const void* bsdf_data = input_evaluator.data(); BSDFSample sample(shading_point, outgoing); material_data.m_bsdf->sample( sampling_context, bsdf_data, false, false, sample); if (!sample.m_incoming.has_derivatives()) break; // The 3.0 factor is chosen so that ray spread from Lambertian BRDFs is approximately 1. const double spread = max( norm(sample.m_incoming.get_dx()), norm(sample.m_incoming.get_dy())) * 3.0; shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgb( Color3f(static_cast<float>(spread))); } } } break; case FacingRatio: { const Vector3d& normal = shading_point.get_shading_normal(); const Vector3d& view = shading_point.get_ray().m_dir; const double facing = abs(dot(normal, view)); shading_result.set_main_to_linear_rgb( Color3f(static_cast<float>(facing))); } break; default: assert(false); shading_result.set_main_to_transparent_black_linear_rgba(); break; } }