void draw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
    SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::MakeN32Premul(2, 2);
    const size_t size = info.computeMinByteSize();
    SkAutoTMalloc<SkPMColor> storage(size);
    SkPMColor* pixels = storage.get();
    SkBitmap bitmap;
    canvas->scale(50, 50);
    canvas->drawBitmap(bitmap, 2, 0);
void draw(SkCanvas* ) {
    SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::MakeN32Premul(3, 3);
    const size_t size = info.computeMinByteSize();
    SkAutoTMalloc<SkPMColor> storage(size);
    SkPMColor* pixels = storage.get();
    sk_sp<SkSurface> surface(SkSurface::MakeRasterDirect(info, pixels, info.minRowBytes()));
    SkCanvas* canvas = surface->getCanvas();
    SkPMColor pmWhite = pixels[0];
    SkPaint paint;
    canvas->drawPoint(1, 1, paint);
    canvas->flush();  // ensure that point was drawn
    for (int y = 0; y < info.height(); ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < info.width(); ++x) {
            SkDebugf("%c", *pixels++ == pmWhite ? '-' : 'x');
Пример #3
std::unique_ptr<SkCodec> SkIcoCodec::MakeFromStream(std::unique_ptr<SkStream> stream,
                                                    Result* result) {
    // Header size constants
    constexpr uint32_t kIcoDirectoryBytes = 6;
    constexpr uint32_t kIcoDirEntryBytes = 16;

    // Read the directory header
    std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> dirBuffer(new uint8_t[kIcoDirectoryBytes]);
    if (stream->read(dirBuffer.get(), kIcoDirectoryBytes) != kIcoDirectoryBytes) {
        SkCodecPrintf("Error: unable to read ico directory header.\n");
        *result = kIncompleteInput;
        return nullptr;

    // Process the directory header
    const uint16_t numImages = get_short(dirBuffer.get(), 4);
    if (0 == numImages) {
        SkCodecPrintf("Error: No images embedded in ico.\n");
        *result = kInvalidInput;
        return nullptr;

    // This structure is used to represent the vital information about entries
    // in the directory header.  We will obtain this information for each
    // directory entry.
    struct Entry {
        uint32_t offset;
        uint32_t size;
    SkAutoFree dirEntryBuffer(sk_malloc_canfail(sizeof(Entry) * numImages));
    if (!dirEntryBuffer) {
        SkCodecPrintf("Error: OOM allocating ICO directory for %i images.\n",
        *result = kInternalError;
        return nullptr;
    auto* directoryEntries = reinterpret_cast<Entry*>(dirEntryBuffer.get());

    // Iterate over directory entries
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numImages; i++) {
        uint8_t entryBuffer[kIcoDirEntryBytes];
        if (stream->read(entryBuffer, kIcoDirEntryBytes) != kIcoDirEntryBytes) {
            SkCodecPrintf("Error: Dir entries truncated in ico.\n");
            *result = kIncompleteInput;
            return nullptr;

        // The directory entry contains information such as width, height,
        // bits per pixel, and number of colors in the color palette.  We will
        // ignore these fields since they are repeated in the header of the
        // embedded image.  In the event of an inconsistency, we would always
        // defer to the value in the embedded header anyway.

        // Specifies the size of the embedded image, including the header
        uint32_t size = get_int(entryBuffer, 8);

        // Specifies the offset of the embedded image from the start of file.
        // It does not indicate the start of the pixel data, but rather the
        // start of the embedded image header.
        uint32_t offset = get_int(entryBuffer, 12);

        // Save the vital fields
        directoryEntries[i].offset = offset;
        directoryEntries[i].size = size;

    // Default Result, if no valid embedded codecs are found.
    *result = kInvalidInput;

    // It is "customary" that the embedded images will be stored in order of
    // increasing offset.  However, the specification does not indicate that
    // they must be stored in this order, so we will not trust that this is the
    // case.  Here we sort the embedded images by increasing offset.
    struct EntryLessThan {
        bool operator() (Entry a, Entry b) const {
            return a.offset < b.offset;
    EntryLessThan lessThan;
    SkTQSort(directoryEntries, &directoryEntries[numImages - 1], lessThan);

    // Now will construct a candidate codec for each of the embedded images
    uint32_t bytesRead = kIcoDirectoryBytes + numImages * kIcoDirEntryBytes;
    std::unique_ptr<SkTArray<std::unique_ptr<SkCodec>, true>> codecs(
            new SkTArray<std::unique_ptr<SkCodec>, true>(numImages));
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numImages; i++) {
        uint32_t offset = directoryEntries[i].offset;
        uint32_t size = directoryEntries[i].size;

        // Ensure that the offset is valid
        if (offset < bytesRead) {
            SkCodecPrintf("Warning: invalid ico offset.\n");

        // If we cannot skip, assume we have reached the end of the stream and
        // stop trying to make codecs
        if (stream->skip(offset - bytesRead) != offset - bytesRead) {
            SkCodecPrintf("Warning: could not skip to ico offset.\n");
        bytesRead = offset;

        // Create a new stream for the embedded codec
        SkAutoFree buffer(sk_malloc_canfail(size));
        if (!buffer) {
            SkCodecPrintf("Warning: OOM trying to create embedded stream.\n");

        if (stream->read(buffer.get(), size) != size) {
            SkCodecPrintf("Warning: could not create embedded stream.\n");
            *result = kIncompleteInput;

        sk_sp<SkData> data(SkData::MakeFromMalloc(buffer.release(), size));
        auto embeddedStream = SkMemoryStream::Make(data);
        bytesRead += size;

        // Check if the embedded codec is bmp or png and create the codec
        std::unique_ptr<SkCodec> codec;
        Result dummyResult;
        if (SkPngCodec::IsPng((const char*) data->bytes(), data->size())) {
            codec = SkPngCodec::MakeFromStream(std::move(embeddedStream), &dummyResult);
        } else {
            codec = SkBmpCodec::MakeFromIco(std::move(embeddedStream), &dummyResult);

        // Save a valid codec
        if (nullptr != codec) {

    // Recognize if there are no valid codecs
    if (0 == codecs->count()) {
        SkCodecPrintf("Error: could not find any valid embedded ico codecs.\n");
        return nullptr;

    // Use the largest codec as a "suggestion" for image info
    size_t maxSize = 0;
    int maxIndex = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < codecs->count(); i++) {
        SkImageInfo info = codecs->operator[](i)->getInfo();
        size_t size = info.computeMinByteSize();

        if (size > maxSize) {
            maxSize = size;
            maxIndex = i;

    auto maxInfo = codecs->operator[](maxIndex)->getEncodedInfo().copy();

    *result = kSuccess;
    // The original stream is no longer needed, because the embedded codecs own their
    // own streams.
    return std::unique_ptr<SkCodec>(new SkIcoCodec(std::move(maxInfo), codecs.release()));