Пример #1
static void tesselate(intptr_t vertices,
                      size_t vertexStride,
                      GrColor color,
                      const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
                      const SkRect& rect,
                      const SkRect* localRect,
                      const SkMatrix* localMatrix) {
    SkPoint* positions = reinterpret_cast<SkPoint*>(vertices);

    positions->setRectFan(rect.fLeft, rect.fTop,
                          rect.fRight, rect.fBottom, vertexStride);
    viewMatrix.mapPointsWithStride(positions, vertexStride, BWFillRectBatchBase::kVertsPerInstance);

    // TODO we should only do this if local coords are being read
    if (localRect) {
        static const int kLocalOffset = sizeof(SkPoint) + sizeof(GrColor);
        SkPoint* coords = reinterpret_cast<SkPoint*>(vertices + kLocalOffset);
        coords->setRectFan(localRect->fLeft, localRect->fTop,
                           localRect->fRight, localRect->fBottom,
        if (localMatrix) {
            localMatrix->mapPointsWithStride(coords, vertexStride,

    static const int kColorOffset = sizeof(SkPoint);
    GrColor* vertColor = reinterpret_cast<GrColor*>(vertices + kColorOffset);
    for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
        *vertColor = color;
        vertColor = (GrColor*) ((intptr_t) vertColor + vertexStride);
Пример #2
    void onPrepareDraws(Target* target) override {
        SkAutoTUnref<const GrGeometryProcessor> gp(create_gp(fOverrides.readsCoverage()));
        if (!gp) {
            SkDebugf("Couldn't create GrGeometryProcessor\n");

        target->initDraw(gp, this->pipeline());

        size_t vertexStride = gp->getVertexStride();
        int instanceCount = fGeoData.count();

        SkAutoTUnref<const GrIndexBuffer> indexBuffer(
        InstancedHelper helper;
        void* vertices = helper.init(target, kTriangles_GrPrimitiveType, vertexStride,
                                     indexBuffer, kVertsPerRect,
                                     kIndicesPerRect, instanceCount * kRectsPerInstance);
        if (!vertices || !indexBuffer) {
            SkDebugf("Could not allocate vertices\n");

        for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; i++) {
            intptr_t verts = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(vertices) +
                             i * kRectsPerInstance * kVertsPerRect * vertexStride;

            Geometry& geo = fGeoData[i];
            SkNinePatchIter iter(fImageWidth, fImageHeight, geo.fCenter, geo.fDst);

            SkRect srcR, dstR;
            while (iter.next(&srcR, &dstR)) {
                SkPoint* positions = reinterpret_cast<SkPoint*>(verts);

                positions->setRectFan(dstR.fLeft, dstR.fTop,
                                      dstR.fRight, dstR.fBottom, vertexStride);

                geo.fViewMatrix.mapPointsWithStride(positions, vertexStride, kVertsPerRect);

                // Setup local coords
                static const int kLocalOffset = sizeof(SkPoint) + sizeof(GrColor);
                SkPoint* coords = reinterpret_cast<SkPoint*>(verts + kLocalOffset);
                coords->setRectFan(srcR.fLeft, srcR.fTop, srcR.fRight, srcR.fBottom, vertexStride);

                static const int kColorOffset = sizeof(SkPoint);
                GrColor* vertColor = reinterpret_cast<GrColor*>(verts + kColorOffset);
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
                    *vertColor = geo.fColor;
                    vertColor = (GrColor*) ((intptr_t) vertColor + vertexStride);
                verts += kVertsPerRect * vertexStride;
    void generateGeometry(GrBatchTarget* batchTarget) override {
        SkAutoTUnref<const GrGeometryProcessor> gp(this->createRectGP());
        if (!gp) {
            SkDebugf("Could not create GrGeometryProcessor\n");

        batchTarget->initDraw(gp, this->pipeline());

        int instanceCount = fGeoData.count();
        size_t vertexStride = gp->getVertexStride();
        SkASSERT(this->hasLocalRect() ?
                 vertexStride == sizeof(GrDefaultGeoProcFactory::PositionColorLocalCoordAttr) :
                 vertexStride == sizeof(GrDefaultGeoProcFactory::PositionColorAttr));
        QuadHelper helper;
        void* vertices = helper.init(batchTarget, vertexStride, instanceCount);

        if (!vertices) {

        for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; i++) {
            const Geometry& geom = fGeoData[i];

            intptr_t offset = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(vertices) +
                              kVerticesPerQuad * i * vertexStride;
            SkPoint* positions = reinterpret_cast<SkPoint*>(offset);

            positions->setRectFan(geom.fRect.fLeft, geom.fRect.fTop,
                                  geom.fRect.fRight, geom.fRect.fBottom, vertexStride);
            geom.fViewMatrix.mapPointsWithStride(positions, vertexStride, kVerticesPerQuad);

            // TODO we should only do this if local coords are being read
            if (geom.fHasLocalRect) {
                static const int kLocalOffset = sizeof(SkPoint) + sizeof(GrColor);
                SkPoint* coords = reinterpret_cast<SkPoint*>(offset + kLocalOffset);
                coords->setRectFan(geom.fLocalRect.fLeft, geom.fLocalRect.fTop,
                                   geom.fLocalRect.fRight, geom.fLocalRect.fBottom,
                if (geom.fHasLocalMatrix) {
                    geom.fLocalMatrix.mapPointsWithStride(coords, vertexStride, kVerticesPerQuad);

            static const int kColorOffset = sizeof(SkPoint);
            GrColor* vertColor = reinterpret_cast<GrColor*>(offset + kColorOffset);
            for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
                *vertColor = geom.fColor;
                vertColor = (GrColor*) ((intptr_t) vertColor + vertexStride);

Пример #4
void GrDrawTarget::onDrawRect(const SkRect& rect,
                              const SkMatrix* matrix,
                              const SkRect* localRect,
                              const SkMatrix* localMatrix) {

    GrDrawState::AutoViewMatrixRestore avmr;
    if (NULL != matrix) {
        avmr.set(this->drawState(), *matrix);

    set_vertex_attributes(this->drawState(), NULL != localRect);

    AutoReleaseGeometry geo(this, 4, 0);
    if (!geo.succeeded()) {
        GrPrintf("Failed to get space for vertices!\n");

    size_t vsize = this->drawState()->getVertexSize();
    geo.positions()->setRectFan(rect.fLeft, rect.fTop, rect.fRight, rect.fBottom, vsize);
    if (NULL != localRect) {
        SkPoint* coords = GrTCast<SkPoint*>(GrTCast<intptr_t>(geo.vertices()) +
        coords->setRectFan(localRect->fLeft, localRect->fTop,
                           localRect->fRight, localRect->fBottom,
        if (NULL != localMatrix) {
            localMatrix->mapPointsWithStride(coords, vsize, 4);
    SkRect bounds;
    this->getDrawState().getViewMatrix().mapRect(&bounds, rect);

    this->drawNonIndexed(kTriangleFan_GrPrimitiveType, 0, 4, &bounds);
Пример #5
void GrInOrderDrawBuffer::onDrawRect(const SkRect& rect,
                                     const SkRect* localRect,
                                     const SkMatrix* localMatrix) {
    GrDrawState* drawState = this->drawState();

    GrColor color = drawState->getColor();

    set_vertex_attributes(drawState, SkToBool(localRect),  color);

    AutoReleaseGeometry geo(this, 4, 0);
    if (!geo.succeeded()) {
        SkDebugf("Failed to get space for vertices!\n");

    // Go to device coords to allow batching across matrix changes
    SkMatrix matrix = drawState->getViewMatrix();

    // When the caller has provided an explicit source rect for a stage then we don't want to
    // modify that stage's matrix. Otherwise if the effect is generating its source rect from
    // the vertex positions then we have to account for the view matrix change.
    GrDrawState::AutoViewMatrixRestore avmr;
    if (!avmr.setIdentity(drawState)) {

    size_t vstride = drawState->getVertexStride();

    geo.positions()->setRectFan(rect.fLeft, rect.fTop, rect.fRight, rect.fBottom, vstride);
    matrix.mapPointsWithStride(geo.positions(), vstride, 4);

    SkRect devBounds;
    // since we already computed the dev verts, set the bounds hint. This will help us avoid
    // unnecessary clipping in our onDraw().
    get_vertex_bounds(geo.vertices(), vstride, 4, &devBounds);

    if (localRect) {
        static const int kLocalOffset = sizeof(SkPoint) + sizeof(GrColor);
        SkPoint* coords = GrTCast<SkPoint*>(GrTCast<intptr_t>(geo.vertices()) + kLocalOffset);
        coords->setRectFan(localRect->fLeft, localRect->fTop,
                           localRect->fRight, localRect->fBottom,
        if (localMatrix) {
            localMatrix->mapPointsWithStride(coords, vstride, 4);

    static const int kColorOffset = sizeof(SkPoint);
    GrColor* vertColor = GrTCast<GrColor*>(GrTCast<intptr_t>(geo.vertices()) + kColorOffset);
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        *vertColor = color;
        vertColor = (GrColor*) ((intptr_t) vertColor + vstride);

    this->drawIndexedInstances(kTriangles_GrPrimitiveType, 1, 4, 6, &devBounds);

    // to ensure that stashing the drawState ptr is valid
    SkASSERT(this->drawState() == drawState);
Пример #6
static void tesselate(intptr_t vertices,
                      size_t vertexStride,
                      GrColor color,
                      const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
                      const SkRect& rect,
                      const GrQuad* localQuad) {
    SkPoint* positions = reinterpret_cast<SkPoint*>(vertices);

    positions->setRectFan(rect.fLeft, rect.fTop,
                          rect.fRight, rect.fBottom, vertexStride);

    if (!viewMatrix.hasPerspective()) {
        viewMatrix.mapPointsWithStride(positions, vertexStride,

    // Setup local coords
    // TODO we should only do this if local coords are being read
    if (localQuad) {
        static const int kLocalOffset = sizeof(SkPoint) + sizeof(GrColor);
        for (int i = 0; i < NonAAFillRectBatchBase::kVertsPerInstance; i++) {
            SkPoint* coords = reinterpret_cast<SkPoint*>(vertices + kLocalOffset +
                              i * vertexStride);
            *coords = localQuad->point(i);

    static const int kColorOffset = sizeof(SkPoint);
    GrColor* vertColor = reinterpret_cast<GrColor*>(vertices + kColorOffset);
    for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
        *vertColor = color;
        vertColor = (GrColor*) ((intptr_t) vertColor + vertexStride);
Пример #7
    void writePathVertices(GrDrawBatch::Target* target,
                           GrBatchAtlas* atlas,
                           intptr_t offset,
                           GrColor color,
                           size_t vertexStride,
                           const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
                           const ShapeData* shapeData) const {
        GrTexture* texture = atlas->getTexture();

        SkScalar dx = shapeData->fBounds.fLeft;
        SkScalar dy = shapeData->fBounds.fTop;
        SkScalar width = shapeData->fBounds.width();
        SkScalar height = shapeData->fBounds.height();

        SkScalar invScale = 1.0f / shapeData->fScale;
        dx *= invScale;
        dy *= invScale;
        width *= invScale;
        height *= invScale;

        SkPoint* positions = reinterpret_cast<SkPoint*>(offset);

        // vertex positions
        // TODO make the vertex attributes a struct
        SkRect r = SkRect::MakeXYWH(dx, dy, width, height);
        positions->setRectFan(r.left(), r.top(), r.right(), r.bottom(), vertexStride);

        // colors
        for (int i = 0; i < kVerticesPerQuad; i++) {
            GrColor* colorPtr = (GrColor*)(offset + sizeof(SkPoint) + i * vertexStride);
            *colorPtr = color;

        const SkScalar tx = SkIntToScalar(shapeData->fAtlasLocation.fX);
        const SkScalar ty = SkIntToScalar(shapeData->fAtlasLocation.fY);

        // vertex texture coords
        SkPoint* textureCoords = (SkPoint*)(offset + sizeof(SkPoint) + sizeof(GrColor));
        textureCoords->setRectFan(tx / texture->width(),
                                  ty / texture->height(),
                                  (tx + shapeData->fBounds.width()) / texture->width(),
                                  (ty + shapeData->fBounds.height())  / texture->height(),
Пример #8
static void tesselate_region(intptr_t vertices,
                            size_t vertexStride,
                            GrColor color,
                            const SkRegion& region) {
    SkRegion::Iterator iter(region);

    intptr_t verts = vertices;
    while (!iter.done()) {
        SkRect rect = SkRect::Make(iter.rect());
        SkPoint* position = (SkPoint*) verts;
        position->setRectFan(rect.fLeft, rect.fTop, rect.fRight, rect.fBottom, vertexStride);

        static const int kColorOffset = sizeof(SkPoint);
        GrColor* vertColor = reinterpret_cast<GrColor*>(verts + kColorOffset);
        for (int i = 0; i < kVertsPerInstance; i++) {
            *vertColor = color;
            vertColor = (GrColor*) ((intptr_t) vertColor + vertexStride);

        verts += vertexStride * kVertsPerInstance;
Пример #9
void GrInOrderDrawBuffer::onDrawRect(const SkRect& rect,
                                     const SkMatrix* matrix,
                                     const SkRect* localRect,
                                     const SkMatrix* localMatrix) {
    GrDrawState::AutoColorRestore acr;

    GrDrawState* drawState = this->drawState();

    GrColor color = drawState->getColor();

    int colorOffset, localOffset;
                   this->caps()->dualSourceBlendingSupport() || drawState->hasSolidCoverage(),
                   NULL != localRect,
                   &colorOffset, &localOffset);
    if (colorOffset >= 0) {
        // We set the draw state's color to white here. This is done so that any batching performed
        // in our subclass's onDraw() won't get a false from GrDrawState::op== due to a color
        // mismatch. TODO: Once vertex layout is owned by GrDrawState it should skip comparing the
        // constant color in its op== when the kColor layout bit is set and then we can remove
        // this.
        acr.set(drawState, 0xFFFFFFFF);

    AutoReleaseGeometry geo(this, 4, 0);
    if (!geo.succeeded()) {
        GrPrintf("Failed to get space for vertices!\n");

    // Go to device coords to allow batching across matrix changes
    SkMatrix combinedMatrix;
    if (NULL != matrix) {
        combinedMatrix = *matrix;
    } else {
    // When the caller has provided an explicit source rect for a stage then we don't want to
    // modify that stage's matrix. Otherwise if the effect is generating its source rect from
    // the vertex positions then we have to account for the view matrix change.
    GrDrawState::AutoViewMatrixRestore avmr;
    if (!avmr.setIdentity(drawState)) {

    size_t vsize = drawState->getVertexSize();

    geo.positions()->setRectFan(rect.fLeft, rect.fTop, rect.fRight, rect.fBottom, vsize);
    combinedMatrix.mapPointsWithStride(geo.positions(), vsize, 4);

    SkRect devBounds;
    // since we already computed the dev verts, set the bounds hint. This will help us avoid
    // unnecessary clipping in our onDraw().
    get_vertex_bounds(geo.vertices(), vsize, 4, &devBounds);

    if (localOffset >= 0) {
        SkPoint* coords = GrTCast<SkPoint*>(GrTCast<intptr_t>(geo.vertices()) + localOffset);
        coords->setRectFan(localRect->fLeft, localRect->fTop,
                           localRect->fRight, localRect->fBottom,
        if (NULL != localMatrix) {
            localMatrix->mapPointsWithStride(coords, vsize, 4);

    if (colorOffset >= 0) {
        GrColor* vertColor = GrTCast<GrColor*>(GrTCast<intptr_t>(geo.vertices()) + colorOffset);
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
            *vertColor = color;
            vertColor = (GrColor*) ((intptr_t) vertColor + vsize);

    this->drawIndexedInstances(kTriangles_GrPrimitiveType, 1, 4, 6, &devBounds);

    // to ensure that stashing the drawState ptr is valid
    SkASSERT(this->drawState() == drawState);
Пример #10
    void generateGeometry(GrBatchTarget* batchTarget, const GrPipeline* pipeline) override {
        // Go to device coords to allow batching across matrix changes
        SkMatrix invert = SkMatrix::I();

        // if we have a local rect, then we apply the localMatrix directly to the localRect to
        // generate vertex local coords
        bool hasExplicitLocalCoords = this->hasLocalRect();
        if (!hasExplicitLocalCoords) {
            if (!this->viewMatrix().isIdentity() && !this->viewMatrix().invert(&invert)) {
                SkDebugf("Could not invert\n");

            if (this->hasLocalMatrix()) {

        SkAutoTUnref<const GrGeometryProcessor> gp(create_rect_gp(hasExplicitLocalCoords,

        batchTarget->initDraw(gp, pipeline);

        // TODO this is hacky, but the only way we have to initialize the GP is to use the
        // GrPipelineInfo struct so we can generate the correct shader.  Once we have GrBatch
        // everywhere we can remove this nastiness
        GrPipelineInfo init;
        init.fColorIgnored = fBatch.fColorIgnored;
        init.fOverrideColor = GrColor_ILLEGAL;
        init.fCoverageIgnored = fBatch.fCoverageIgnored;
        init.fUsesLocalCoords = this->usesLocalCoords();
        gp->initBatchTracker(batchTarget->currentBatchTracker(), init);

        size_t vertexStride = gp->getVertexStride();

        SkASSERT(hasExplicitLocalCoords ?
                 vertexStride == sizeof(GrDefaultGeoProcFactory::PositionColorLocalCoordAttr) :
                 vertexStride == sizeof(GrDefaultGeoProcFactory::PositionColorAttr));

        int instanceCount = fGeoData.count();
        int vertexCount = kVertsPerRect * instanceCount;

        const GrVertexBuffer* vertexBuffer;
        int firstVertex;

        void* vertices = batchTarget->vertexPool()->makeSpace(vertexStride,

        if (!vertices || !batchTarget->quadIndexBuffer()) {
            SkDebugf("Could not allocate buffers\n");

        for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; i++) {
            const Geometry& args = fGeoData[i];

            intptr_t offset = GrTCast<intptr_t>(vertices) + kVertsPerRect * i * vertexStride;
            SkPoint* positions = GrTCast<SkPoint*>(offset);

            positions->setRectFan(args.fRect.fLeft, args.fRect.fTop,
                                  args.fRect.fRight, args.fRect.fBottom, vertexStride);
            args.fViewMatrix.mapPointsWithStride(positions, vertexStride, kVertsPerRect);

            if (args.fHasLocalRect) {
                static const int kLocalOffset = sizeof(SkPoint) + sizeof(GrColor);
                SkPoint* coords = GrTCast<SkPoint*>(offset + kLocalOffset);
                coords->setRectFan(args.fLocalRect.fLeft, args.fLocalRect.fTop,
                                   args.fLocalRect.fRight, args.fLocalRect.fBottom,
                if (args.fHasLocalMatrix) {
                    args.fLocalMatrix.mapPointsWithStride(coords, vertexStride, kVertsPerRect);

            static const int kColorOffset = sizeof(SkPoint);
            GrColor* vertColor = GrTCast<GrColor*>(offset + kColorOffset);
            for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
                *vertColor = args.fColor;
                vertColor = (GrColor*) ((intptr_t) vertColor + vertexStride);

        const GrIndexBuffer* quadIndexBuffer = batchTarget->quadIndexBuffer();

        GrDrawTarget::DrawInfo drawInfo;

        int maxInstancesPerDraw = quadIndexBuffer->maxQuads();
        while (instanceCount) {
            drawInfo.setInstanceCount(SkTMin(instanceCount, maxInstancesPerDraw));
            drawInfo.setVertexCount(drawInfo.instanceCount() * drawInfo.verticesPerInstance());
            drawInfo.setIndexCount(drawInfo.instanceCount() * drawInfo.indicesPerInstance());


            drawInfo.setStartVertex(drawInfo.startVertex() + drawInfo.vertexCount());
            instanceCount -= drawInfo.instanceCount();
Пример #11
// Returns true if this method handled the glyph, false if needs to be passed to fallback
bool GrDistanceFieldTextContext::appendGlyph(GrGlyph::PackedID packed,
                                             SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy,
                                             GrFontScaler* scaler) {
    if (NULL == fDrawTarget) {
        return true;

    if (NULL == fStrike) {
        fStrike = fContext->getFontCache()->getStrike(scaler, true);

    GrGlyph* glyph = fStrike->getGlyph(packed, scaler);
    if (NULL == glyph || glyph->fBounds.isEmpty()) {
        return true;

    // fallback to color glyph support
    if (kA8_GrMaskFormat != glyph->fMaskFormat) {
        return false;

    SkScalar dx = SkIntToScalar(glyph->fBounds.fLeft + SK_DistanceFieldInset);
    SkScalar dy = SkIntToScalar(glyph->fBounds.fTop + SK_DistanceFieldInset);
    SkScalar width = SkIntToScalar(glyph->fBounds.width() - 2*SK_DistanceFieldInset);
    SkScalar height = SkIntToScalar(glyph->fBounds.height() - 2*SK_DistanceFieldInset);

    SkScalar scale = fTextRatio;
    dx *= scale;
    dy *= scale;
    sx += dx;
    sy += dy;
    width *= scale;
    height *= scale;
    SkRect glyphRect = SkRect::MakeXYWH(sx, sy, width, height);

    // check if we clipped out
    SkRect dstRect;
    const SkMatrix& ctm = fContext->getMatrix();
    (void) ctm.mapRect(&dstRect, glyphRect);
    if (fClipRect.quickReject(SkScalarTruncToInt(dstRect.left()),
                              SkScalarTruncToInt(dstRect.bottom()))) {
//            SkCLZ(3);    // so we can set a break-point in the debugger
        return true;

    if (NULL == glyph->fPlot) {
        if (!fStrike->glyphTooLargeForAtlas(glyph)) {
            if (fStrike->addGlyphToAtlas(glyph, scaler)) {
                goto HAS_ATLAS;

            // try to clear out an unused plot before we flush
            if (fContext->getFontCache()->freeUnusedPlot(fStrike, glyph) &&
                fStrike->addGlyphToAtlas(glyph, scaler)) {
                goto HAS_ATLAS;

            if (c_DumpFontCache) {

            // before we purge the cache, we must flush any accumulated draws

            // we should have an unused plot now
            if (fContext->getFontCache()->freeUnusedPlot(fStrike, glyph) &&
                fStrike->addGlyphToAtlas(glyph, scaler)) {
                goto HAS_ATLAS;

        if (NULL == glyph->fPath) {
            SkPath* path = SkNEW(SkPath);
            if (!scaler->getGlyphPath(glyph->glyphID(), path)) {
                // flag the glyph as being dead?
                delete path;
                return true;
            glyph->fPath = path;

        // flush any accumulated draws before drawing this glyph as a path.

        GrContext::AutoMatrix am;
        SkMatrix ctm;
        ctm.setScale(fTextRatio, fTextRatio);
        ctm.postTranslate(sx - dx, sy - dy);
        GrPaint tmpPaint(fPaint);
        am.setPreConcat(fContext, ctm, &tmpPaint);
        GrStrokeInfo strokeInfo(SkStrokeRec::kFill_InitStyle);
        fContext->drawPath(tmpPaint, *glyph->fPath, strokeInfo);

        // remove this glyph from the vertices we need to allocate
        fTotalVertexCount -= kVerticesPerGlyph;
        return true;

    GrDrawTarget::DrawToken drawToken = fDrawTarget->getCurrentDrawToken();

    GrTexture* texture = glyph->fPlot->texture();

    if (fCurrTexture != texture || fCurrVertex + kVerticesPerGlyph > fTotalVertexCount) {
        fCurrTexture = texture;

    bool useColorVerts = !fUseLCDText;

    if (NULL == fVertices) {
        int maxQuadVertices = kVerticesPerGlyph * fContext->getQuadIndexBuffer()->maxQuads();
        fAllocVertexCount = SkMin32(fTotalVertexCount, maxQuadVertices);
        fVertices = alloc_vertices(fDrawTarget,

    SkFixed tx = SkIntToFixed(glyph->fAtlasLocation.fX + SK_DistanceFieldInset);
    SkFixed ty = SkIntToFixed(glyph->fAtlasLocation.fY + SK_DistanceFieldInset);
    SkFixed tw = SkIntToFixed(glyph->fBounds.width() - 2*SK_DistanceFieldInset);
    SkFixed th = SkIntToFixed(glyph->fBounds.height() - 2*SK_DistanceFieldInset);


    size_t vertSize = get_vertex_stride(useColorVerts);

    SkPoint* positions = reinterpret_cast<SkPoint*>(
                               reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(fVertices) + vertSize * fCurrVertex);
    positions->setRectFan(glyphRect.fLeft, glyphRect.fTop, glyphRect.fRight, glyphRect.fBottom,

    // The texture coords are last in both the with and without color vertex layouts.
    SkPoint* textureCoords = reinterpret_cast<SkPoint*>(
                               reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(positions) + vertSize  - sizeof(SkPoint));
                              SkFixedToFloat(texture->texturePriv().normalizeFixedX(tx + tw)),
                              SkFixedToFloat(texture->texturePriv().normalizeFixedY(ty + th)),
    if (useColorVerts) {
        // color comes after position.
        GrColor* colors = reinterpret_cast<GrColor*>(positions + 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
            *colors = fPaint.getColor();
            colors = reinterpret_cast<GrColor*>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(colors) + vertSize);

    fCurrVertex += 4;
    return true;
Пример #12
    void generateGeometry(GrBatchTarget* batchTarget, const GrPipeline* pipeline) override {
        // Go to device coords to allow batching across matrix changes
        SkMatrix invert = SkMatrix::I();

        // if we have a local rect, then we apply the localMatrix directly to the localRect to
        // generate vertex local coords
        bool hasExplicitLocalCoords = this->hasLocalRect();
        if (!hasExplicitLocalCoords) {
            if (!this->viewMatrix().isIdentity() && !this->viewMatrix().invert(&invert)) {
                SkDebugf("Could not invert\n");

            if (this->hasLocalMatrix()) {

        SkAutoTUnref<const GrGeometryProcessor> gp(create_rect_gp(hasExplicitLocalCoords,

        batchTarget->initDraw(gp, pipeline);

        int instanceCount = fGeoData.count();
        size_t vertexStride = gp->getVertexStride();
        SkASSERT(hasExplicitLocalCoords ?
                 vertexStride == sizeof(GrDefaultGeoProcFactory::PositionColorLocalCoordAttr) :
                 vertexStride == sizeof(GrDefaultGeoProcFactory::PositionColorAttr));
        QuadHelper helper;
        void* vertices = helper.init(batchTarget, vertexStride, instanceCount);

        if (!vertices) {

        for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; i++) {
            const Geometry& geom = fGeoData[i];

            intptr_t offset = GrTCast<intptr_t>(vertices) + kVerticesPerQuad * i * vertexStride;
            SkPoint* positions = GrTCast<SkPoint*>(offset);

            positions->setRectFan(geom.fRect.fLeft, geom.fRect.fTop,
                                  geom.fRect.fRight, geom.fRect.fBottom, vertexStride);
            geom.fViewMatrix.mapPointsWithStride(positions, vertexStride, kVerticesPerQuad);

            if (geom.fHasLocalRect) {
                static const int kLocalOffset = sizeof(SkPoint) + sizeof(GrColor);
                SkPoint* coords = GrTCast<SkPoint*>(offset + kLocalOffset);
                coords->setRectFan(geom.fLocalRect.fLeft, geom.fLocalRect.fTop,
                                   geom.fLocalRect.fRight, geom.fLocalRect.fBottom,
                if (geom.fHasLocalMatrix) {
                    geom.fLocalMatrix.mapPointsWithStride(coords, vertexStride, kVerticesPerQuad);

            static const int kColorOffset = sizeof(SkPoint);
            GrColor* vertColor = GrTCast<GrColor*>(offset + kColorOffset);
            for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
                *vertColor = geom.fColor;
                vertColor = (GrColor*) ((intptr_t) vertColor + vertexStride);
