Пример #1
void SetUpOrLoadInitialState(CommandLineOpts &inception_state, SeqListClass &my_keys, TrackProgress &my_progress, ImageSpecClass &my_image_spec, SlicedPrequel& my_prequel_setup)

  if ( !inception_state.bkg_control.signal_chunks.restart_from.empty() )
    // restarting from saved computational state
    // beadfind, bfmask.bin and beadfind.h5 will be ignored

    // note that if we are here we will never load the separator data
    inception_state.sys_context.GenerateContext (); // find our directories

    LoadBeadFindState(inception_state, my_keys, my_image_spec);
  else if (inception_state.mod_control.reusePriorBeadfind && inception_state.bkg_control.signal_chunks.restart_from.empty())
    // starting execution fresh, justBeadFind already run
    // get any state from beadFind
    LoadBeadFindState(inception_state, my_keys, my_image_spec);

	// save current command line options to state file
	std::string stateFile = inception_state.sys_context.analysisLocation + "/analysisState.json";
    if (rename(stateFile.c_str(),(inception_state.sys_context.analysisLocation+"/analysisState_beadfind.json").c_str()) )
      fprintf(stdout, "Unable to copy beadfind analysisState.json");

    SetUpKeys(my_keys, inception_state.key_context, inception_state.flow_context);
    ProgramState state ( stateFile );
    state.Save ( inception_state,my_keys,my_image_spec );

    // region layout saved in inception_state.loc_context
    // region definitions in background model via my_prequel_setup
    my_prequel_setup.SetRegions ( inception_state.loc_context.numRegions,
				  inception_state.loc_context.regionYSize );
    my_prequel_setup.FileLocations ( inception_state.sys_context.analysisLocation );

   // starting execution fresh, justBeadFind not run

   CreateResultsFolder (inception_state.sys_context.GetResultsFolder());
   // convert from old key representatino to more useful modern style  
   SetUpKeys(my_keys, inception_state.key_context, inception_state.flow_context);
   //@TODO: side effects here on the entire image class
   // after this point, Images will behave differently when read in
   SetUpToProcessImages ( my_image_spec, inception_state );

   // region layout saved into inception_state.loc_context
   SetUpRegionsForAnalysis ( my_image_spec.rows, my_image_spec.cols, inception_state.loc_context );

   // region layout shared in background model and beadfind via my_prequel_setup
   my_prequel_setup.SetRegions ( inception_state.loc_context.numRegions,
				 inception_state.loc_context.regionYSize );
   my_prequel_setup.FileLocations ( inception_state.sys_context.analysisLocation );

  fprintf(stdout, "Analysis region size is width %d, height %d\n", inception_state.loc_context.regionXSize, inception_state.loc_context.regionYSize);
Пример #2
// output from this are a functioning wells file and a beadfind mask
// images are only known internally to this.
void RealImagesToWells (
  OptArgs &opts,
  CommandLineOpts& inception_state,
  SeqListClass&    my_keys,
  TrackProgress&   my_progress,
  ImageSpecClass&  my_image_spec,
  SlicedPrequel&   my_prequel_setup )
  Region            wholeChip(0, 0, my_image_spec.cols, my_image_spec.rows);
  ComplexMask*      complex_mask       = 0;
  BkgFitterTracker* bkg_fitter_tracker = 0;
    // do separator if necessary: generate mask
    IsolatedBeadFind ( my_prequel_setup, my_image_spec, wholeChip, inception_state,
		       inception_state.sys_context.GetResultsFolder(), inception_state.sys_context.analysisLocation,  my_keys, my_progress );

    // restarting execution from known state, restore my_prequel_setup
    // no matter what I do seems like all restoration has to happen in this scope

    string filePath = inception_state.sys_context.analysisLocation + inception_state.bkg_control.signal_chunks.restart_from;

    time_t begin_load_time;
    time ( &begin_load_time );

    ifstream ifs(filePath.c_str(), ifstream::in);

   // boost::archive::text_iarchive in_archive(ifs);
    boost::archive::binary_iarchive in_archive(ifs);
    string saved_git_hash;
    in_archive >> saved_git_hash
	       >> my_prequel_setup
	       >> complex_mask
	       >> bkg_fitter_tracker;


    time_t finish_load_time;
    time ( &finish_load_time );
    fprintf ( stdout, "Loading restart state from archive %s took %0.1f sec\n",
	      filePath.c_str(), difftime ( finish_load_time, begin_load_time ));

    if ( inception_state.bkg_control.signal_chunks.restart_check ){
      string git_hash = IonVersion::GetGitHash();
      ION_ASSERT( (saved_git_hash.compare(git_hash) == 0),
		  "This GIT hash " + git_hash + " of Analysis does not match the GIT hash " + saved_git_hash + " where " + filePath + " was saved; disable this check by using --no-restart-check");

    // set file locations
    my_prequel_setup.FileLocations ( inception_state.sys_context.analysisLocation );

  // Check if we have enoguh flows to perform signal processing.
  // If we are starting from flow 0 we should have at least number of flows 
  // equalling flow block size (currently 20) to perform regional paramter 
  // fitting in background model and derive any actional information for the 
  // next set of flows. If we dont have thes minimum number of flows then give
  // an appropriate message and error out
  if (!CheckForMinimumNumberOfFlows(inception_state)) {
    std::cout << "ERROR: Insufficient number of flows to start signal processing. "
              << "Minimum number of flows required is 20." << std::endl;
  // do signal processing generate wells conditional on a separator
  IsolatedSignalProcessing ( my_prequel_setup, my_image_spec, wholeChip, opts, inception_state,
                             inception_state.sys_context.analysisLocation,  my_keys, my_progress, complex_mask, bkg_fitter_tracker );

  // @TODO cleanup causes crash when restarted, why?
  // if (complex_mask != NULL) delete complex_mask;
  // if (bkg_fitter_tracker != NULL) delete bkg_fitter_tracker;
Пример #3
// output from this are a functioning wells file and a beadfind mask
// images are only known internally to this.
void RealImagesToWells (
  CommandLineOpts& inception_state,
  SeqListClass&    my_keys,
  TrackProgress&   my_progress,
  ImageSpecClass&  my_image_spec,
  SlicedPrequel&   my_prequel_setup )
  Region            wholeChip(0, 0, my_image_spec.cols, my_image_spec.rows);
  ComplexMask*      complex_mask       = 0;
  BkgFitterTracker* bkg_fitter_tracker = 0;
    // do separator if necessary: generate mask
    IsolatedBeadFind ( my_prequel_setup, my_image_spec, wholeChip, inception_state,
		       inception_state.sys_context.GetResultsFolder(), inception_state.sys_context.analysisLocation,  my_keys, my_progress );

    // restarting execution from known state, restore my_prequel_setup
    // no matter what I do seems like all restoration has to happen in this scope

    string filePath = inception_state.sys_context.analysisLocation + inception_state.bkg_control.restart_from;

    time_t begin_load_time;
    time ( &begin_load_time );

    ifstream ifs(filePath.c_str(), ifstream::in);

    //boost::archive::text_iarchive in_archive(ifs);
    boost::archive::binary_iarchive in_archive(ifs);
    string saved_svn_rev;
    in_archive >> saved_svn_rev
	       >> my_prequel_setup
	       >> complex_mask
	       >> bkg_fitter_tracker;


    time_t finish_load_time;
    time ( &finish_load_time );
    fprintf ( stdout, "Loading restart state from archive %s took %0.1f sec\n",
	      filePath.c_str(), difftime ( finish_load_time, begin_load_time ));

    if ( inception_state.bkg_control.restart_check ){
      string svn_rev = IonVersion::GetSvnRev();
      ION_ASSERT( (saved_svn_rev.compare(svn_rev) == 0),
		  "This SVN rev " + svn_rev + " of Analysis does not match the SV rev " + saved_svn_rev + " where " + filePath + " was saved; disable this check by using --no-restart-check");

    // set file locations
    my_prequel_setup.FileLocations ( inception_state.sys_context.analysisLocation );

  // do signal processing generate wells conditional on a separator
  IsolatedSignalProcessing ( my_prequel_setup, my_image_spec, wholeChip, inception_state,
                             inception_state.sys_context.analysisLocation,  my_keys, my_progress, complex_mask, bkg_fitter_tracker );

  // @TODO cleanup causes crash when restarted, why?
  // if (complex_mask != NULL) delete complex_mask;
  // if (bkg_fitter_tracker != NULL) delete bkg_fitter_tracker;