Пример #1
  Set the Coin event manager for the widget.
QuarterWidget::setSoEventManager(SoEventManager * manager)
  bool carrydata = false;
  SoNode * scene = NULL;
  SoCamera * camera = NULL;
  SbViewportRegion vp;
  if (PRIVATE(this)->soeventmanager && (manager != NULL)) {
    scene = PRIVATE(this)->soeventmanager->getSceneGraph();
    camera = PRIVATE(this)->soeventmanager->getCamera();
    vp = PRIVATE(this)->soeventmanager->getViewportRegion();
    carrydata = true;

  // ref before deleting the old scene manager to avoid that the nodes are deleted
  if (scene) scene->ref();
  if (camera) camera->ref();

  if (PRIVATE(this)->initialsoeventmanager) {
    delete PRIVATE(this)->soeventmanager;
    PRIVATE(this)->initialsoeventmanager = false;
  PRIVATE(this)->soeventmanager = manager;
  if (carrydata) {

  if (scene) scene->unref();
  if (camera) camera->unref();
/// return the camera definition of the active view
static PyObject *
povViewCamera(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    // no arguments
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
        return NULL;
    PY_TRY {
        std::string out;
        const char* ppReturn=0;


        SoNode* rootNode;
        SoInput in;

        if (!rootNode || !rootNode->getTypeId().isDerivedFrom(SoCamera::getClassTypeId()))
            throw Base::Exception("CmdRaytracingWriteCamera::activated(): Could not read "
                                  "camera information from ASCII stream....\n");

        // root-node returned from SoDB::readAll() has initial zero
        // ref-count, so reference it before we start using it to
        // avoid premature destruction.
        SoCamera * Cam = static_cast<SoCamera*>(rootNode);

        SbRotation camrot = Cam->orientation.getValue();

        SbVec3f upvec(0, 1, 0); // init to default up vector
        camrot.multVec(upvec, upvec);

        SbVec3f lookat(0, 0, -1); // init to default view direction vector
        camrot.multVec(lookat, lookat);

        SbVec3f pos = Cam->position.getValue();
        float Dist = Cam->focalDistance.getValue();

        // making gp out of the Coin stuff
        gp_Vec gpPos(pos.getValue()[0],pos.getValue()[1],pos.getValue()[2]);
        gp_Vec gpDir(lookat.getValue()[0],lookat.getValue()[1],lookat.getValue()[2]);
        lookat *= Dist;
        lookat += pos;
        gp_Vec gpLookAt(lookat.getValue()[0],lookat.getValue()[1],lookat.getValue()[2]);
        gp_Vec gpUp(upvec.getValue()[0],upvec.getValue()[1],upvec.getValue()[2]);

        // getting image format
        ParameterGrp::handle hGrp = App::GetApplication().GetParameterGroupByPath("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/Raytracing");
        int width = hGrp->GetInt("OutputWidth", 800);
        int height = hGrp->GetInt("OutputHeight", 600);

        // call the write method of PovTools....
        out = PovTools::getCamera(CamDef(gpPos,gpDir,gpLookAt,gpUp),width,height);

        return Py::new_reference_to(Py::String(out));
    } PY_CATCH;
Пример #3
void CmdRaytracingWriteCamera::activated(int iMsg)
    const char* ppReturn=0;
    if (ppReturn) {
        std::string str(ppReturn);
        if (str.find("PerspectiveCamera") == std::string::npos) {
            int ret = QMessageBox::warning(Gui::getMainWindow(), 
                qApp->translate("CmdRaytracingWriteView","No perspective camera"),
                qApp->translate("CmdRaytracingWriteView","The current view camera is not perspective"
                                " and thus the result of the povray image later might look different to"
                                " what you expect.\nDo you want to continue?"),
            if (ret != QMessageBox::Yes)

    SoInput in;

    SoNode* rootNode;

    if (!rootNode || !rootNode->getTypeId().isDerivedFrom(SoCamera::getClassTypeId()))
        throw Base::Exception("CmdRaytracingWriteCamera::activated(): Could not read "
                              "camera information from ASCII stream....\n");

    // root-node returned from SoDB::readAll() has initial zero
    // ref-count, so reference it before we start using it to
    // avoid premature destruction.
    SoCamera * Cam = static_cast<SoCamera*>(rootNode);

    SbRotation camrot = Cam->orientation.getValue();

    SbVec3f upvec(0, 1, 0); // init to default up vector
    camrot.multVec(upvec, upvec);

    SbVec3f lookat(0, 0, -1); // init to default view direction vector
    camrot.multVec(lookat, lookat);

    SbVec3f pos = Cam->position.getValue();
    float Dist = Cam->focalDistance.getValue();

    QStringList filter;
    filter << QObject::tr("Povray(*.pov)");
    filter << QObject::tr("All Files (*.*)");
    QString fn = Gui::FileDialog::getSaveFileName(Gui::getMainWindow(), QObject::tr("Export page"), QString(), filter.join(QLatin1String(";;")));
    if (fn.isEmpty()) 
    std::string cFullName = (const char*)fn.toUtf8();

    // building up the python string
    std::stringstream out;
    out << "Raytracing.writeCameraFile(\"" << strToPython(cFullName) << "\"," 
        << "(" << pos.getValue()[0]    <<"," << pos.getValue()[1]    <<"," << pos.getValue()[2]    <<")," 
        << "(" << lookat.getValue()[0] <<"," << lookat.getValue()[1] <<"," << lookat.getValue()[2] <<")," ;
    lookat *= Dist;
    lookat += pos;
    out << "(" << lookat.getValue()[0] <<"," << lookat.getValue()[1] <<"," << lookat.getValue()[2] <<")," 
        << "(" << upvec.getValue()[0]  <<"," << upvec.getValue()[1]  <<"," << upvec.getValue()[2]  <<") )" ;

    doCommand(Doc,"import Raytracing");

    // Bring ref-count of root-node back to zero to cause the
    // destruction of the camera.