Пример #1
void LinFeasPump::separatingCut_(double f_nlp, SolutionPoolPtr s_pool)
  double new_bnd;
  LinearFunctionPtr lf;
  FunctionPtr obj_f;
  double obj_weight          = 0.6; // increase(<1) to get better improvement
  double f_feas              = s_pool->getBestSolutionValue();

  new_bnd = obj_weight*f_nlp + (1-obj_weight)*f_feas; 
  if (objVar_) {
    r_->changeBound(objVar_, Upper, new_bnd);
    logger_->msgStream(LogDebug) << me_ << "upper bound on objective value is "
                                 << new_bnd << std::endl;
  } else {
    if (!objConstraint_) {
      lf = p_->getObjective()->getFunction()->getLinearFunction()->clone();
      obj_f  = (FunctionPtr) new Function(lf);
      objConstraint_ = r_->newConstraint(obj_f, -INFINITY, new_bnd, 
    } else {
      r_->changeBound(objConstraint_, Upper, new_bnd);
#if SPEW
  logger_->msgStream(LogDebug) << me_ << "upper bound on objective value is "
   << new_bnd << std::endl;

Пример #2
void ParQGHandler::updateUb_(SolutionPoolPtr s_pool, double *nlpval,
                          bool *sol_found)
  double val = nlpe_->getSolutionValue();
  double bestval = s_pool->getBestSolutionValue();

  if (val <= bestval) {
    const double *x = nlpe_->getSolution()->getPrimal();
    s_pool->addSolution(x, val);
    *sol_found = true;
#if SPEW
    logger_->msgStream(LogDebug) << me_ << "new solution found, value = "
      << val << std::endl;
  *nlpval = val;
Пример #3
void LinFeasPump::implementFP_(const double*, SolutionPoolPtr s_pool)
  ConstSolutionPtr sol;
  const double* x_lp;
  double hash_val, f_nlp;
  UInt n_to_flip, k;
  SeparationStatus sep_status = SepaContinue;
  EngineStatus lp_status      = EngineUnknownStatus;
  NodePtr node                = NodePtr();
  bool to_continue            = true;
  bool is_feasible            = false;
  bool sol_found              = false;
  bool is_prob_infeasible     = prepareLP_();
  bool should_separate        = true;
  UInt max_NLP                = 10;
  UInt max_LP                 = 2000;
  UInt max_cycle              = 1000;
  UInt min_flip               = 2;
  UInt max_non_zero_obj       = 500;
  double inf_meas             = 0.0;
  int err;
  f_nlp = lpE_->getSolutionValue();
  sol   = lpE_->getSolution();
  should_separate = (p_->getObjective()->getFunction()->
                     getNumVars() > max_non_zero_obj) ? false : true;

  while(!is_feasible && stats_->numNLPs < max_NLP && statsLFP_->numLPs < max_LP
        && stats_->numCycles < max_cycle) {
    while(to_continue && statsLFP_->numLPs < max_LP 
        && stats_->numCycles < max_cycle) { 
      sol_found = false;
      constructObj_(r_, sol);
      lp_status = lpE_->solve();
      if (!(lp_status == ProvenOptimal || lp_status == ProvenLocalOptimal)) {
        logger_->msgStream(LogDebug) << me_ << "LP relaxation is infeasible." 
          << std::endl;
      sol         = lpE_->getSolution();
      x_lp        = sol->getPrimal();
      to_continue = isFrac_(x_lp);
      k           = std::max(min_flip, (UInt) ceil(sol->getObjValue()));
      n_to_flip   = std::min(k, p_->getSize()->bins);

      if (!to_continue) {
        is_feasible = qh_->isFeasible(sol, r_, is_prob_infeasible, inf_meas);
        if (is_feasible) {
#if SPEW
          logger_->msgStream(LogDebug) << me_ << "LP soln is feasible "
            << "to NLP" << std::endl;
          err = 0;
          statsLFP_->bestObjValue = p_->getObjective()->eval(x_lp, &err);
          convertSol_(s_pool, sol);
          sol_found = true;
        } else {
#if SPEW
          logger_->msgStream(LogDebug) << me_ << "LP soln is not feasible "
            << "to NLP." << std::endl;
      hash_val = hash_();
      if (cycle_(hash_val)) {
        perturb_(hash_val, n_to_flip);
    if (!to_continue) {
      if (false==sol_found) {
        qh_->separate(sol, node, r_, 0, s_pool, &sol_found, &sep_status);
        to_continue = true; //reset to continue after separating
#if SPEW
        logger_->msgStream(LogDebug) << me_ << "separation status = " 
          << sep_status << std::endl;
        logger_->msgStream(LogDebug) << me_ << 
          "sol_found = " << sol_found << std::endl;
        if (SepaError==sep_status) {
          break; //exit pump
        if (sol_found) {
          is_feasible = true;
    if (is_feasible) {
#if SPEW
      logger_->msgStream(LogInfo) << me_ << "best solution value = " 
        << s_pool->getBestSolutionValue() << std::endl;
      if (getSolGap_(f_nlp, s_pool->getBestSolutionValue()) > 10 && 
          true==should_separate) {
        separatingCut_(f_nlp, s_pool);
        is_feasible = false;
      } else {