Пример #1
static void bindExtensions(SourceFile &SF, TypeChecker &TC) {
  // Utility function to try and resolve the extended type without diagnosing.
  // If we succeed, we go ahead and bind the extension. Otherwise, return false.
  auto tryBindExtension = [&](ExtensionDecl *ext) -> bool {
    if (auto nominal = ext->getExtendedNominal()) {
      bindExtensionToNominal(ext, nominal);
      return true;

    return false;

  // Phase 1 - try to bind each extension, adding those whose type cannot be
  // resolved to a worklist.
  SmallVector<ExtensionDecl *, 8> worklist;

  // FIXME: The current source file needs to be handled specially, because of
  // private extensions.
  SF.forAllVisibleModules([&](ModuleDecl::ImportedModule import) {
    // FIXME: Respect the access path?
    for (auto file : import.second->getFiles()) {
      auto SF = dyn_cast<SourceFile>(file);
      if (!SF)

      for (auto D : SF->Decls) {
        if (auto ED = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(D))
          if (!tryBindExtension(ED))

  // Phase 2 - repeatedly go through the worklist and attempt to bind each
  // extension there, removing it from the worklist if we succeed.
  bool changed;
  do {
    changed = false;

    auto last = std::remove_if(worklist.begin(), worklist.end(),
    if (last != worklist.end()) {
      worklist.erase(last, worklist.end());
      changed = true;
  } while(changed);

  // Any remaining extensions are invalid. They will be diagnosed later by
  // typeCheckDecl().
Пример #2
void swift::performTypeChecking(SourceFile &SF, TopLevelContext &TLC,
                                OptionSet<TypeCheckingFlags> Options,
                                unsigned StartElem,
                                unsigned WarnLongFunctionBodies) {
  if (SF.ASTStage == SourceFile::TypeChecked)

  auto &Ctx = SF.getASTContext();

  // Make sure we have a type checker.
  Optional<TypeChecker> MyTC;
  if (!Ctx.getLazyResolver())

  // Make sure that name binding has been completed before doing any type
  // checking.
    SharedTimer timer("Name binding");
    performNameBinding(SF, StartElem);

    // NOTE: The type checker is scoped to be torn down before AST
    // verification.
    SharedTimer timer("Type checking / Semantic analysis");

    if (MyTC) {
      if (Options.contains(TypeCheckingFlags::DebugTimeFunctionBodies))

      if (Options.contains(TypeCheckingFlags::DebugTimeExpressions))

      if (Options.contains(TypeCheckingFlags::ForImmediateMode))
      // Lookup the swift module.  This ensures that we record all known
      // protocols in the AST.
      (void) MyTC->getStdlibModule(&SF);

      if (!Ctx.LangOpts.DisableAvailabilityChecking) {
        // Build the type refinement hierarchy for the primary
        // file before type checking.
        MyTC->buildTypeRefinementContextHierarchy(SF, StartElem);

    TypeChecker &TC =
      MyTC ? *MyTC : *static_cast<TypeChecker *>(Ctx.getLazyResolver());

    // Resolve extensions. This has to occur first during type checking,
    // because the extensions need to be wired into the AST for name lookup
    // to work.
    // FIXME: We can have interesting ordering dependencies among the various
    // extensions, so we'll need to be smarter here.
    // FIXME: The current source file needs to be handled specially, because of
    // private extensions.
    SF.forAllVisibleModules([&](ModuleDecl::ImportedModule import) {
      // FIXME: Respect the access path?
      for (auto file : import.second->getFiles()) {
        auto SF = dyn_cast<SourceFile>(file);
        if (!SF)

        for (auto D : SF->Decls) {
          if (auto ED = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(D))
            bindExtensionDecl(ED, TC);

    // FIXME: Check for cycles in class inheritance here?
    // Type check the top-level elements of the source file.
    for (auto D : llvm::makeArrayRef(SF.Decls).slice(StartElem)) {
      if (isa<TopLevelCodeDecl>(D))

      TC.typeCheckDecl(D, /*isFirstPass*/true);

    // At this point, we can perform general name lookup into any type.

    // We don't know the types of all the global declarations in the first
    // pass, which means we can't completely analyze everything. Perform the
    // second pass now.

    bool hasTopLevelCode = false;
    for (auto D : llvm::makeArrayRef(SF.Decls).slice(StartElem)) {
      if (TopLevelCodeDecl *TLCD = dyn_cast<TopLevelCodeDecl>(D)) {
        hasTopLevelCode = true;
        // Immediately perform global name-binding etc.
      } else {
        TC.typeCheckDecl(D, /*isFirstPass*/false);

    if (hasTopLevelCode) {

    // If we're in REPL mode, inject temporary result variables and other stuff
    // that the REPL needs to synthesize.
    if (SF.Kind == SourceFileKind::REPL && !Ctx.hadError())
      TC.processREPLTopLevel(SF, TLC, StartElem);


  // Checking that benefits from having the whole module available.
  if (!(Options & TypeCheckingFlags::DelayWholeModuleChecking)) {

  // Verify that we've checked types correctly.
  SF.ASTStage = SourceFile::TypeChecked;

    SharedTimer timer("AST verification");
    // Verify the SourceFile.

    // Verify imported modules.
#ifndef NDEBUG
    if (SF.Kind != SourceFileKind::REPL &&
        SF.Kind != SourceFileKind::SIL &&
        !Ctx.LangOpts.DebuggerSupport) {