void mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& e) override { if (auto* m = owner.getModel()) { if (isEnabled() && e.mouseWasDraggedSinceMouseDown() && ! isDragging) { SparseSet<int> rowsToDrag; if (owner.selectOnMouseDown || owner.isRowSelected (row)) rowsToDrag = owner.getSelectedRows(); else rowsToDrag.addRange (Range<int>::withStartAndLength (row, 1)); if (rowsToDrag.size() > 0) { auto dragDescription = m->getDragSourceDescription (rowsToDrag); if (! (dragDescription.isVoid() || (dragDescription.isString() && dragDescription.toString().isEmpty()))) { isDragging = true; owner.startDragAndDrop (e, rowsToDrag, dragDescription, true); } } } } if (! isDraggingToScroll) if (auto* vp = owner.getViewport()) isDraggingToScroll = vp->isCurrentlyScrollingOnDrag(); }
std::string SceneComponent::getSelectedSceneName() { SparseSet< int > rows = listBox->getSelectedRows (); if( !rows.size() ) return 0; int idx = rows[0]; return sceneinfo[idx]->getSceneName(); }
var RemoteDirectoryListBoxModel::getDragSourceDescription (const SparseSet<int> ¤tlySelectedRows) { if (currentlySelectedRows.size() > 0) { String path (curlSession->getRemotePath().upToLastOccurrenceOf ("/", true, false) + itemList[currentlySelectedRows[0]]); return path; } return String::empty; }
var getDragSourceDescription (const SparseSet<int>& selectedRows) { // for our drag desctription, we'll just make a list of the selected // row numbers - this will be picked up by the drag target and displayed in // its box. String desc; for (int i = 0; i < selectedRows.size(); ++i) desc << (selectedRows [i] + 1) << " "; return desc.trim(); }
void mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& e) { if (isEnabled() && owner.getModel() != nullptr && ! (e.mouseWasClicked() || isDragging)) { const SparseSet<int> selectedRows (owner.getSelectedRows()); if (selectedRows.size() > 0) { const var dragDescription (owner.getModel()->getDragSourceDescription (selectedRows)); if (! (dragDescription.isVoid() || (dragDescription.isString() && dragDescription.toString().isEmpty()))) { isDragging = true; owner.startDragAndDrop (e, dragDescription); } } } }
//============================================================================== void selectedRowsChanged (int) override { SparseSet<int> newSelectedItems = getSelectedRows(); if (newSelectedItems != lastSelectedItems) { for (int i = 0; i < lastSelectedItems.size(); ++i) { if (! newSelectedItems.contains (lastSelectedItems[i])) parent.closeDevice (isInput, lastSelectedItems[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < newSelectedItems.size(); ++i) { if (! lastSelectedItems.contains (newSelectedItems[i])) parent.openDevice (isInput, newSelectedItems[i]); } lastSelectedItems = newSelectedItems; } }
void mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& e) override { if (isEnabled() && owner.getModel() != nullptr && ! (e.mouseWasClicked() || isDragging)) { SparseSet<int> rowsToDrag; if (owner.selectOnMouseDown || owner.isRowSelected (row)) rowsToDrag = owner.getSelectedRows(); else rowsToDrag.addRange (Range<int>::withStartAndLength (row, 1)); if (rowsToDrag.size() > 0) { const var dragDescription (owner.getModel()->getDragSourceDescription (rowsToDrag)); if (! (dragDescription.isVoid() || (dragDescription.isString() && dragDescription.toString().isEmpty()))) { isDragging = true; owner.startDragAndDrop (e, rowsToDrag, dragDescription, true); } } } }
void MainContentComponent::buttonClicked (Button* buttonThatWasClicked) { //[UserbuttonClicked_Pre] //[/UserbuttonClicked_Pre] if (buttonThatWasClicked == convButton) { //[UserButtonCode_convButton] -- add your button handler code here.. const ScopedLock fl(soundListLock); setPlayheadUiEnabled(false); bool convValid = true; float q; float s; double nfft; { const ScopedLock pl(paramLock); q = qParam; s = sParam; nfft = static_cast<double>(nfftParam); } int fftInputLen = static_cast<int>(std::pow(2.0, nfft)); int fftOutputLen = fftInputLen / 2 + 1; int numChannels = 1; unordered_set<int> includedSounds; int maxChannels = 0; float pSum = 0.0f; float rSum = 0.0f; for (const auto& iter : idToSound) { int id = iter.first; Sound* sound = iter.second.get(); int numChannels = sound->getBufferNumChannels(); if (sound->isIncluded() && numChannels > 0) { maxChannels = numChannels > maxChannels ? numChannels : maxChannels; includedSounds.emplace(id); pSum += static_cast<float>(sound->getPValue()); rSum += static_cast<float>(sound->getRValue()); } } float n = static_cast<float>(includedSounds.size()); float pScale = n * q / pSum; float rScale = n * s / rSum; if (maxChannels == 0) { return; } kiss_fftr_state* fftInverseState = kiss_fftr_alloc(fftInputLen, 1, nullptr, nullptr); kiss_fft_cpx* CONV = static_cast<kiss_fft_cpx*>(calloc(fftOutputLen * maxChannels, sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx))); conv.setSize(maxChannels, fftInputLen); float max = -1.0f; // convolve for (int convChannel = 0; convChannel < maxChannels; ++convChannel) { kiss_fft_cpx* CONVCHANNEL = CONV + (convChannel * fftOutputLen); bool isFirstSound = true; for (const auto& id : includedSounds) { Sound* sound = idToSound[id].get(); jassert(sound != nullptr); float p = pScale * static_cast<float>(sound->getPValue()); float r = rScale * static_cast<float>(sound->getRValue()); int soundNumChannels = sound->getBufferNumChannels(); int soundNumSamples = sound->getBufferNumSamples(); int soundChannel = convChannel >= soundNumChannels ? soundNumChannels - 1 : convChannel; const kiss_fft_cpx* SOUNDCHANNEL = sound->getSpectra(fftInputLen, soundChannel); for (int i = 0; i < fftOutputLen; ++i) { float xr = SOUNDCHANNEL[i].r; float xi = SOUNDCHANNEL[i].i; float xMag = sqrtf((xr * xr) + (xi * xi)); float xPhs = atan2f(xi, xr); float convMag = powf(xMag, p); float convPhs = r * xPhs; float convr = convMag * cosf(convPhs); float convi = convMag * sinf(convPhs); if (std::isnan(convr) || std::isnan(convi)) { convValid = false; } if (isFirstSound) { CONVCHANNEL[i].r = convr; CONVCHANNEL[i].i = convi; } else { float a = CONVCHANNEL[i].r; float b = CONVCHANNEL[i].i; float c = convr; float d = convi; CONVCHANNEL[i].r = a * c - b * d; CONVCHANNEL[i].i = a * d + b * c; } } isFirstSound = false; } // ifft kiss_fftri(fftInverseState, CONVCHANNEL, conv.getWritePointer(convChannel)); // check max float channelMax = conv.findMinMax(convChannel, 0, fftInputLen).getEnd(); max = channelMax > max ? channelMax : max; } delete fftInverseState; delete CONV; // normalize conv.applyGain(1.0f / max); if (!convValid) { AlertWindow::showMessageBoxAsync(AlertWindow::WarningIcon, "Error", "Parameters produced NaN value."); return; } setPlayheadAudio(&conv); //[/UserButtonCode_convButton] } else if (buttonThatWasClicked == settingsButton) { //[UserButtonCode_settingsButton] -- add your button handler code here.. AudioDeviceSelectorComponent audioSettingsComp(deviceManager, 0, 256, 0, 256, true, true, true, false); audioSettingsComp.setSize(500, 450); DialogWindow::LaunchOptions o; o.content.setNonOwned(&audioSettingsComp); o.dialogTitle = "Audio Settings"; o.componentToCentreAround = this; o.dialogBackgroundColour = Colours::azure; o.escapeKeyTriggersCloseButton = true; o.useNativeTitleBar = false; o.resizable = false; o.runModal(); ScopedPointer<XmlElement> audioState(deviceManager.createStateXml()); getAppProperties().getUserSettings()->setValue("audioDeviceState", audioState); getAppProperties().getUserSettings()->saveIfNeeded(); //[/UserButtonCode_settingsButton] } else if (buttonThatWasClicked == playButton) { //[UserButtonCode_playButton] -- add your button handler code here.. const ScopedLock pal(playheadAudioLock); playheadState = PlayheadState::playing; playheadAudioSamplesCompleted = 0; //[/UserButtonCode_playButton] } else if (buttonThatWasClicked == loopButton) { //[UserButtonCode_loopButton] -- add your button handler code here.. const ScopedLock pal(playheadAudioLock); playheadState = PlayheadState::looping; //[/UserButtonCode_loopButton] } else if (buttonThatWasClicked == stopButton) { //[UserButtonCode_stopButton] -- add your button handler code here.. const ScopedLock pal(playheadAudioLock); playheadState = PlayheadState::stopped; playheadAudioSamplesCompleted = 0; //[/UserButtonCode_stopButton] } else if (buttonThatWasClicked == qDefaultButton) { //[UserButtonCode_qDefaultButton] -- add your button handler code here.. qSlider->setValue(1.0); //[/UserButtonCode_qDefaultButton] } else if (buttonThatWasClicked == sDefaultButton) { //[UserButtonCode_sDefaultButton] -- add your button handler code here.. sSlider->setValue(1.0); //[/UserButtonCode_sDefaultButton] } else if (buttonThatWasClicked == saveButton) { //[UserButtonCode_saveButton] -- add your button handler code here.. const ScopedLock pal(playheadAudioLock); if (playheadAudio.getNumChannels() > 0 && playheadAudio.getNumSamples() > 0) { FileChooser fileChooser("Save as...", File::nonexistent, "*.wav", true); if (fileChooser.browseForFileToSave(true)) { File outputFile = fileChooser.getResult(); outputFile.deleteFile(); WavAudioFormat wavFormat; ScopedPointer<FileOutputStream> outputFileStream = outputFile.createOutputStream(); ScopedPointer<AudioFormatWriter> writer = wavFormat.createWriterFor(outputFileStream, 44100.0, playheadAudio.getNumChannels(), 16, StringPairArray(), 0); writer->writeFromAudioSampleBuffer(playheadAudio, 0, playheadAudio.getNumSamples()); outputFileStream.release(); } } //[/UserButtonCode_saveButton] } else if (buttonThatWasClicked == inputRemoveButton) { //[UserButtonCode_inputRemoveButton] -- add your button handler code here.. const ScopedLock fl(soundListLock); SparseSet<int> selectedRows = inputFileListComponent->getSelectedRows(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedRows.size(); ++i) { int row = selectedRows[i]; int id = inputFileListComponent->getIdForRow(row); const auto& iter = idToSound.find(id); jassert(iter != idToSound.end()); idToSound.erase(iter); } if (selectedRows.size() > 0) { inputFilesChanged(dontSendNotification); } //[/UserButtonCode_inputRemoveButton] } else if (buttonThatWasClicked == inputAddButton) { //[UserButtonCode_inputAddButton] -- add your button handler code here.. const ScopedLock fl(soundListLock); FileChooser fileChooser("Add sound...", File::nonexistent, "*.wav;*.aif;*.aiff;*.ogg", true); if (fileChooser.browseForMultipleFilesToOpen()) { Array<File> files = fileChooser.getResults(); StringArray filePaths; for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) { filePaths.add(files[i].getFullPathName()); } filesDropped(filePaths, -1, -1); } //[/UserButtonCode_inputAddButton] } //[UserbuttonClicked_Post] //[/UserbuttonClicked_Post] }
void MappingsDialog::buttonClicked (Button* buttonThatWasClicked) { //[UserbuttonClicked_Pre] //[/UserbuttonClicked_Pre] if (buttonThatWasClicked == addMidiButton) { //[UserButtonCode_addMidiButton] -- add your button handler code here.. MidiMapping *mapping = new MidiMapping(midiManager, pluginField->getFilterGraph(), pluginNode->nodeId, 0, 0, false, 0.0f, 1.0f); midiManager->registerMapping(0, mapping); mappings.add(mapping); pluginField->addMapping(mapping); mappingsList->updateContent(); repaint(); //[/UserButtonCode_addMidiButton] } else if (buttonThatWasClicked == addOscButton) { //[UserButtonCode_addOscButton] -- add your button handler code here.. OscMapping *mapping = new OscMapping(oscManager, pluginField->getFilterGraph(), pluginNode->nodeId, 0, "", 0); oscManager->registerMapping("", mapping); mappings.add(mapping); pluginField->addMapping(mapping); mappingsList->updateContent(); repaint(); //[/UserButtonCode_addOscButton] } else if (buttonThatWasClicked == deleteButton) { //[UserButtonCode_deleteButton] -- add your button handler code here.. int i; Array<int> mappingsToDelete; const SparseSet<int> selectedRows = mappingsList->getSelectedRows(); for(i=0;i<selectedRows.size();++i) { jassert(selectedRows[i] < mappings.size()); mappingsToDelete.add(selectedRows[i]); } mappingsToDelete.sort(comparator); for(i=(mappingsToDelete.size()-1);i>=0;--i) { pluginField->removeMapping(mappings[mappingsToDelete[i]]); mappings.remove(mappingsToDelete[i]); } mappingsList->updateContent(); //[/UserButtonCode_deleteButton] } else if (buttonThatWasClicked == overrideMidiButton) { //[UserButtonCode_overrideMidiButton] -- add your button handler code here.. pluginField->enableMidiForNode(pluginNode, overrideMidiButton->getToggleState()); //[/UserButtonCode_overrideMidiButton] } //[UserbuttonClicked_Post] //[/UserbuttonClicked_Post] }