Пример #1
  template<> void Op_component<CreCreDesComp>::build_iterators(SpinBlock& b)
      if (b.get_sites().size () == 0) return; // blank construction (used in unset_initialised() Block copy construction, for use with STL)
      const double screen_tol = dmrginp.oneindex_screen_tol();
      vector< int > screened_cdd_ix = (dmrginp.hamiltonian() == BCS) ?
        screened_cddcomp_indices(b.get_complementary_sites(), b.get_sites(), v_1, *b.get_twoInt(), v_cc, v_cccc, v_cccd, screen_tol) :
        screened_cddcomp_indices(b.get_complementary_sites(), b.get_sites(), v_1, *b.get_twoInt(), screen_tol);
      m_op.set_indices(screened_cdd_ix, dmrginp.last_site());      
      std::vector<int> orbs(1);
      for (int i = 0; i < m_op.local_nnz(); ++i)
	  orbs[0] = m_op.get_local_indices()[i];
	  m_op.get_local_element(i)[0]=boost::shared_ptr<CreCreDesComp>(new CreCreDesComp);
	  SparseMatrix& op = *m_op.get_local_element(i)[0];
	  op.set_orbs() = orbs;
	  op.set_initialised() = true;
	  op.set_fermion() = true;
	  //op.set_deltaQuantum() = SpinQuantum(1, SpinOf(orbs[0]), SymmetryOfSpatialOrb(orbs[0]) );
      if (dmrginp.hamiltonian() == BCS) {
        SpinQuantum qorb = getSpinQuantum(orbs[0]);
        op.set_deltaQuantum(0) = qorb;
        op.set_deltaQuantum(1) = SpinQuantum(3, qorb.get_s(), qorb.get_symm());
        op.set_deltaQuantum(2) = SpinQuantum(-1, qorb.get_s(), qorb.get_symm());
        op.set_deltaQuantum(3) = SpinQuantum(-3, qorb.get_s(), qorb.get_symm());
      } else {
	    op.set_deltaQuantum(1, getSpinQuantum(orbs[0]));
Пример #2
  template<> void Op_component<CreCreComp>::build_iterators(SpinBlock& b)
      if (b.get_sites().size () == 0) return; // blank construction (used in unset_initialised() Block copy construction, for use with STL)
      const double screen_tol = dmrginp.twoindex_screen_tol();
      vector< pair<int, int> > screened_dd_ix = (dmrginp.hamiltonian() == BCS) ?
        screened_dd_indices(b.get_complementary_sites(), b.get_sites(), *b.get_twoInt(), v_cc, v_cccc, v_cccd, screen_tol) :
        screened_dd_indices(b.get_complementary_sites(), b.get_sites(), *b.get_twoInt(), screen_tol);
      m_op.set_pair_indices(screened_dd_ix, dmrginp.last_site());      
      std::vector<int> orbs(2);
      for (int i = 0; i < m_op.local_nnz(); ++i)
	  orbs = m_op.unmap_local_index(i);
	  std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<CreCreComp> >& vec = m_op.get_local_element(i);
	  SpinQuantum spin1 = getSpinQuantum(orbs[0]);
	  SpinQuantum spin2 = getSpinQuantum(orbs[1]);
	  std::vector<SpinQuantum> spinvec = spin1+spin2;
	  for (int j=0; j<spinvec.size(); j++) {
	    vec[j]=boost::shared_ptr<CreCreComp>(new CreCreComp);
	    SparseMatrix& op = *vec[j];
	    op.set_orbs() = orbs;
	    op.set_initialised() = true;
	    op.set_fermion() = false;
	      op.set_deltaQuantum(1, spinvec[j]);

Пример #3
  template<> void Op_component<Des>::build_iterators(SpinBlock& b)
      if (b.get_sites().size () == 0) return; // blank construction (used in unset_initialised() Block copy construction, for use with STL)
      const double screen_tol = dmrginp.oneindex_screen_tol();
      std::vector<int> screened_d_ix = screened_d_indices(b.get_sites(), b.get_complementary_sites(), v_1, *b.get_twoInt(), screen_tol); 
      m_op.set_indices(screened_d_ix, dmrginp.last_site());  
      std::vector<int> orbs(1);
      for (int i = 0; i < m_op.local_nnz(); ++i)
	  orbs[0] = m_op.get_local_indices()[i];
	  m_op.get_local_element(i)[0]=boost::shared_ptr<Des>(new Des);
	  SparseMatrix& op = *m_op.get_local_element(i)[0];
	  op.set_orbs() = orbs;
	  op.set_initialised() = true;
	  op.set_fermion() = true;
	  op.set_deltaQuantum(1, -getSpinQuantum(orbs[0]));//SpinQuantum(1, 1, SymmetryOfSpatialOrb(orbs[0]));      
     op.set_quantum_ladder()["(D)"] = { op.get_deltaQuantum(0) };
Пример #4
double SpinAdapted::mps_nevpt::type1::do_one(SweepParams &sweepParams, const bool &warmUp, const bool &forward, const bool &restart, const int &restartSize, perturber& pb, int baseState)
  int integralIndex = 0;
  SpinBlock system;
  system.nonactive_orb() = pb.orb();
  const int nroots = dmrginp.nroots(sweepParams.get_sweep_iter());

  std::vector<double> finalEnergy(nroots,-1.0e10);
  std::vector<double> finalEnergy_spins(nroots,0.);
  double finalError = 0.;

  // a new renormalisation sweep routine
  if (forward)
    if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0)
      pout << "\t\t\t Starting sweep "<< sweepParams.set_sweep_iter()<<" in forwards direction"<<endl;
    if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0)
      pout << "\t\t\t Starting sweep "<< sweepParams.set_sweep_iter()<<" in backwards direction" << endl;
      pout << "\t\t\t ============================================================================ " << endl;

  InitBlocks::InitStartingBlock (system,forward, baseState, pb.wavenumber(), sweepParams.get_forward_starting_size(), sweepParams.get_backward_starting_size(), restartSize, restart, warmUp, integralIndex, pb.braquanta, pb.ketquanta);
    sweepParams.set_block_iter() = 0;

  if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0)
    pout << "\t\t\t Starting block is :: " << endl << system << endl;

  SpinBlock::store (forward, system.get_sites(), system, pb.wavenumber(), baseState); // if restart, just restoring an existing block --
  sweepParams.savestate(forward, system.get_sites().size());
  bool dot_with_sys = true;
  vector<int> syssites = system.get_sites();

  if (restart)
    if (forward && system.get_complementary_sites()[0] >= dmrginp.last_site()/2)
      dot_with_sys = false;
    if (!forward && system.get_sites()[0]-1 < dmrginp.last_site()/2)
      dot_with_sys = false;
  if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0)
    mcheck("at the very start of sweep");  // just timer

  for (; sweepParams.get_block_iter() < sweepParams.get_n_iters(); ) // get_n_iters() returns the number of blocking iterations needed in one sweep
      if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0)
        pout << "\t\t\t Block Iteration :: " << sweepParams.get_block_iter() << endl;
        pout << "\t\t\t ----------------------------" << endl;
      if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0) {
	    if (forward)
	      pout << "\t\t\t Current direction is :: Forwards " << endl;
	      pout << "\t\t\t Current direction is :: Backwards " << endl;

      if (sweepParams.get_block_iter() != 0) 
	sweepParams.set_guesstype() = TRANSFORM;
        sweepParams.set_guesstype() = TRANSPOSE;

      if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0)
         pout << "\t\t\t Blocking and Decimating " << endl;
      SpinBlock newSystem; // new system after blocking and decimating
      newSystem.nonactive_orb() = pb.orb();

      //Need to substitute by:
     // if (warmUp )
     //   Startup(sweepParams, system, newSystem, dot_with_sys, pb.wavenumber(), baseState);
     // else {
     //   BlockDecimateAndCompress (sweepParams, system, newSystem, false, dot_with_sys, pb.wavenumber(), baseState);
     // }
        BlockDecimateAndCompress (sweepParams, system, newSystem, warmUp, dot_with_sys,pb, baseState);
      //Need to substitute by?

      system = newSystem;
      if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0){
	    pout << system<<endl;
	    pout << system.get_braStateInfo()<<endl;
      //system size is going to be less than environment size
      if (forward && system.get_complementary_sites()[0] >= dmrginp.last_site()/2)
	    dot_with_sys = false;
      if (!forward && system.get_sites()[0]-1 < dmrginp.last_site()/2)
	    dot_with_sys = false;

      SpinBlock::store (forward, system.get_sites(), system, pb.wavenumber(), baseState);	 	
      syssites = system.get_sites();
      if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0)
	      pout << "\t\t\t saving state " << syssites.size() << endl;
#ifndef SERIAL
      mpi::communicator world;
      sweepParams.savestate(forward, syssites.size());
      if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0)
         mcheck("at the end of sweep iteration");

  //It does not seem necessary.

  //when we are doing twodot, we still need to do the last sweep to make sure that the
  //correctionVector and base wavefunction are propogated correctly across sweeps
//  //especially when we switch from twodot to onedot algorithm
//  if (!sweepParams.get_onedot() && !warmUp) {
//      pout << "\t\t\t Block Iteration :: " << sweepParams.get_block_iter() << endl;
//      pout << "\t\t\t ----------------------------" << endl;
//      if (dmrginp.outputlevel() > 0) {
//	    if (forward)
//	      pout << "\t\t\t Current direction is :: Forwards " << endl;
//	    else
//	      pout << "\t\t\t Current direction is :: Backwards " << endl;
//      }
//    sweepParams.set_onedot() = true;
//    sweepParams.set_env_add() = 0;
//    bool dot_with_sys = true;
//    WavefunctionCanonicalize(sweepParams, system, warmUp, dot_with_sys, targetState, baseState);
//    sweepParams.set_onedot() = false;
//    sweepParams.set_env_add() = 1;
//  }

  pout << "\t\t\t Largest Error for Sweep with " << sweepParams.get_keep_states() << " states is " << finalError << endl;
  pout << "\t\t\t Largest overlap for Sweep with " << sweepParams.get_keep_states() << " states is " << finalEnergy[0] << endl;
  sweepParams.set_largest_dw() = finalError;

  pout << "\t\t\t ============================================================================ " << endl;

  // update the static number of iterations


  return finalError;
Пример #5
void SweepGenblock::do_one(SweepParams &sweepParams, const bool &forward, int stateA, int stateB)
  Timer sweeptimer;
  int integralIndex = 0;
  SpinBlock system;

  // a new renormalisation sweep routine
  pout << ((forward) ? "\t\t\t Starting renormalisation sweep in forwards direction" : "\t\t\t Starting renormalisation sweep in backwards direction") << endl;
  pout << "\t\t\t ============================================================================ " << endl;
  InitBlocks::InitStartingBlock (system,forward, stateA, stateB, sweepParams.get_forward_starting_size(), sweepParams.get_backward_starting_size(), 0, false, false, integralIndex);

  sweepParams.set_block_iter() = 0;

  p2out << "\t\t\t Starting block is :: " << endl << system << endl;

  bool dot_with_sys = true;

  for (; sweepParams.get_block_iter() < sweepParams.get_n_iters(); )
      pout << "\n\t\t\t Block Iteration :: " << sweepParams.get_block_iter() << endl;
      pout << "\t\t\t ----------------------------" << endl;
      if (forward)
	{ p1out << "\t\t\t Current direction is :: Forwards " << endl; }
	{ p1out << "\t\t\t Current direction is :: Backwards " << endl; }

      if (dmrginp.no_transform())
	      sweepParams.set_guesstype() = BASIC;
      else if ( sweepParams.get_block_iter() != 0) 
  	    sweepParams.set_guesstype() = TRANSFORM;
      else if ( sweepParams.get_block_iter() == 0 )
        sweepParams.set_guesstype() = TRANSPOSE;
        sweepParams.set_guesstype() = BASIC;
      p1out << "\t\t\t Blocking and Decimating " << endl;
      SpinBlock newSystem;

      BlockAndDecimate (sweepParams, system, newSystem, false, dot_with_sys, stateA, stateB);

      system = newSystem;

      SpinBlock::store(forward, system.get_sites(), system, stateA, stateB);

      //system size is going to be less than environment size
      if (forward && system.get_complementary_sites()[0] >= dmrginp.last_site()/2)
	dot_with_sys = false;
      if (!forward && system.get_sites()[0]-1 < dmrginp.last_site()/2)
	dot_with_sys = false;

  pout << "\t\t\t Finished Generate-Blocks Sweep. " << endl;
  pout << "\t\t\t ============================================================================ " << endl;

  // update the static number of iterations


  ecpu = sweeptimer.elapsedcputime(); ewall = sweeptimer.elapsedwalltime();
  pout << "\t\t\t Elapsed Sweep CPU  Time (seconds): " << setprecision(3) << ecpu << endl;
  pout << "\t\t\t Elapsed Sweep Wall Time (seconds): " << setprecision(3) << ewall << endl;

Пример #6
double SweepGenblock::do_one(SweepParams &sweepParams, const bool &warmUp, const bool &forward, const bool &restart, const int &restartSize, int stateA, int stateB)
  Timer sweeptimer;
  int integralIndex = 0;

  SpinBlock system;
  const int nroots = dmrginp.nroots();
  std::vector<double> finalEnergy(nroots,0.);
  std::vector<double> finalEnergy_spins(nroots,0.);
  double finalError = 0.;

  // a new renormalisation sweep routine
  pout << ((forward) ? "\t\t\t Starting renormalisation sweep in forwards direction" : "\t\t\t Starting renormalisation sweep in backwards direction") << endl;
  pout << "\t\t\t ============================================================================ " << endl;
  InitBlocks::InitStartingBlock (system,forward, stateA, stateB, sweepParams.get_forward_starting_size(), sweepParams.get_backward_starting_size(), restartSize, restart, warmUp, integralIndex);
    sweepParams.set_block_iter() = 0;

  p2out << "\t\t\t Starting block is :: " << endl << system << endl;
  //if (!restart) 
  SpinBlock::store (forward, system.get_sites(), system, stateA, stateB); // if restart, just restoring an existing block --
  sweepParams.savestate(forward, system.get_sites().size());
  bool dot_with_sys = true;
  if (restart)
    if (forward && system.get_complementary_sites()[0] >= dmrginp.last_site()/2)
      dot_with_sys = false;
    if (!forward && system.get_sites()[0]-1 < dmrginp.last_site()/2)
      dot_with_sys = false;

  for (; sweepParams.get_block_iter() < sweepParams.get_n_iters(); )
      pout << "\n\t\t\t Block Iteration :: " << sweepParams.get_block_iter() << endl;
      pout << "\t\t\t ----------------------------" << endl;
      if (forward)
	{ p1out << "\t\t\t Current direction is :: Forwards " << endl; }
	{ p1out << "\t\t\t Current direction is :: Backwards " << endl; }
      //if (SHOW_MORE) pout << "system block" << endl << system << endl;
      if (dmrginp.no_transform())
	      sweepParams.set_guesstype() = BASIC;
      else if (!warmUp && sweepParams.get_block_iter() != 0) 
  	    sweepParams.set_guesstype() = TRANSFORM;
      else if (!warmUp && sweepParams.get_block_iter() == 0 && 
                ((dmrginp.algorithm_method() == TWODOT_TO_ONEDOT && dmrginp.twodot_to_onedot_iter() != sweepParams.get_sweep_iter()) ||
                  dmrginp.algorithm_method() != TWODOT_TO_ONEDOT))
        sweepParams.set_guesstype() = TRANSPOSE;
        sweepParams.set_guesstype() = BASIC;
      p1out << "\t\t\t Blocking and Decimating " << endl;
      SpinBlock newSystem;

      BlockAndDecimate (sweepParams, system, newSystem, warmUp, dot_with_sys, stateA, stateB);

      system = newSystem;

      //system size is going to be less than environment size
      if (forward && system.get_complementary_sites()[0] >= dmrginp.last_site()/2)
	dot_with_sys = false;
      if (!forward && system.get_sites()[0]-1 < dmrginp.last_site()/2)
	dot_with_sys = false;

      SpinBlock::store (forward, system.get_sites(), system, stateA, stateB);	 	

      p1out << "\t\t\t saving state " << system.get_sites().size() << endl;
      //if (sweepParams.get_onedot())
      //pout << "\t\t\tUsing one dot algorithm!!"<<endl; 
      sweepParams.savestate(forward, system.get_sites().size());
  pout << "\t\t\t Finished Generate-Blocks Sweep. " << endl;
  pout << "\t\t\t ============================================================================ " << endl;

  // update the static number of iterations


  ecpu = sweeptimer.elapsedcputime(); ewall = sweeptimer.elapsedwalltime();
  pout << "\t\t\t Elapsed Sweep CPU  Time (seconds): " << setprecision(3) << ecpu << endl;
  pout << "\t\t\t Elapsed Sweep Wall Time (seconds): " << setprecision(3) << ewall << endl;

  return finalEnergy[0];