Пример #1
void solveCircleSummation() {
	int nTests;
	scanf(" %d", &nTests);
	for(int test = 0; test < nTests; ++test) {
		int N;
		int mSize;
		scanf(" %d %d", &N, &mSize);

		vector<ullong> vec;
		for(int entry = 0; entry < N; ++entry) {
			int inp;
			scanf(" %d", &inp);
		//printf("%d %d\n",N, mSize);
		SquareMatrix sqMat = SquareMatrix(N, mSize);
		int N_1 = mSize%N;
		vector<ullong> finalOut(N, 0);
		for(int entry = 0; entry < N; ++entry) {
			sqMat.multiply(vec, finalOut);
			print(finalOut, N_1);
			N_1 = (N_1 + 1) % N;
		if(test < nTests -1)
TEST_F(TestInterReflectanceBSDF, TestBSDFInterreflectance)
    SCOPED_TRACE("Begin Test: Simple BSDF interreflectance.");

    CInterReflectance interRefl = *getInterReflectance();

    SquareMatrix results = interRefl.value();

    const size_t matrixSize = results.size();

    // Test matrix
    size_t size = 7;

    EXPECT_EQ(size, matrixSize);

    SquareMatrix correctResults{{1.005964363, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
                                {0, 1.005964363, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
                                {0, 0, 1.006280195, 0, 0, 0, 0},
                                {0, 0, 0, 1.008724458, 0, 0, 0},
                                {0, 0, 0, 0, 1.021780268, 0, 0},
                                {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.176150952, 0},
                                {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.022280250}};

    for(size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        for(size_t j = 0; j < size; ++j)
            EXPECT_NEAR(correctResults(i, j), results(i, j), 1e-6);
Пример #3
|	Creates and returns a matrix that represents the inverse of this SquareMatrix.
SquareMatrix * SquareMatrix::Inverse() const
    double * col = new double[dim];
    int * permutation = new int[dim];
    SquareMatrix * tmp = new SquareMatrix(*this);
    double ** a = tmp->GetMatrixAsRawPointer();
    SquareMatrix * inv = new SquareMatrix(*this);
    double ** a_inv = inv->GetMatrixAsRawPointer();

    // double **  a           matrix represented as vector of row pointers
    // int        n           order of matrix
    // double *   col         work vector of size n
    // int *      permutation work vector of size n
    // double **  a_inv       inverse of input matrix a (matrix a is destroyed)
    int result = InvertMatrix(a, dim, col, permutation, a_inv);
    delete tmp;
    delete [] col;
    delete [] permutation;
    if (result != 0)
        delete inv;
        return 0;
    return inv;
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                  int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
    int* rowStarts = (int*)mxGetData(prhs[0]);
    int* colIdx = (int*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
    double* values = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[2]);
    int n = (int)*mxGetPr(prhs[3]);
    int nnz = (int)*mxGetPr(prhs[4]);
    double *x = (double*)mxGetData(prhs[5]);
    int *startsOut, *colsOut;
    double *valOut;
    double thetta  = (double)*mxGetPr(prhs[6]);
    SquareMatrix* S = new SquareMatrix(n,nnz, rowStarts, colIdx, values);
    double* mins = new double[n];
    getMinimumsByRow(S, mins);
    zeroLowerThanThetaMaxInRow(S, mins, thetta);
    SquareMatrix* St = trimAndTranspose(S);
    int symNNZ = nnzInSymmetrization(S, St);
    delete mins;
    const int dims[] = {1,n};
    const int dimsNNZ[] = {1,symNNZ};
    plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(2,dims,mxINT32_CLASS,mxREAL);
    plhs[1] = mxCreateNumericArray(2,dimsNNZ,mxINT32_CLASS,mxREAL);
    plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, symNNZ, mxREAL);
    startsOut = (int*)mxGetData(plhs[0]);
    colsOut = (int*)mxGetData(plhs[1]);
    valOut = mxGetPr(plhs[2]);
    symmetrisizeAndTrim(S, St, colsOut, valOut, startsOut, n, symNNZ);
    delete S;
    delete St;
Scalar IsotropicLinearElasticity<Scalar,Dim>::energy(const SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim> &F) const
    SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim> e = 0.5*(F.transpose()+F)-SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim>::identityMatrix();
    Scalar trace_e = e.trace();
    Scalar lambda = this->lambda_;
    Scalar mu = this->mu_;
    Scalar energy = 0.5*lambda*trace_e*trace_e+mu*e.doubleContraction(e);
    return energy;
Пример #6
SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim> NeoHookean<Scalar,Dim>::secondPiolaKirchhoffStress(const SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim> &F) const
    SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim> identity = SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim>::identityMatrix();
    SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim> inverse_c = (F.transpose()*F).inverse();
    Scalar lnJ = log(F.determinant());
    Scalar mu = this->mu_;
    Scalar lambda = this->lambda_;
    SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim> S = mu*(identity-inverse_c)+lambda*lnJ*inverse_c;
    return S;
Пример #7
Scalar NeoHookean<Scalar,Dim>::energy(const SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim> &F) const
    Scalar trace_c = (F.transpose()*F).trace();
    Scalar J = F.determinant();
    Scalar lnJ = log(J);
    Scalar mu = this->mu_;
    Scalar lambda = this->lambda_;
    Scalar energy = mu/2*(trace_c-Dim)-mu*lnJ+lambda/2*lnJ*lnJ;
    return energy;
SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim> IsotropicLinearElasticity<Scalar,Dim>::cauchyStress(const SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim> &F) const
    SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim> identity = SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim>::identityMatrix();
    SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim> e = 0.5*(F.transpose()+F)-identity;
    Scalar trace_e = e.trace();
    Scalar lambda = this->lambda_;
    Scalar mu = this->mu_;
    SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim> stress = lambda*trace_e*identity+2*mu*e;
    return stress;
Пример #9
void BlockLocalPositionEstimator::landCorrect()
	// measure land
	Vector<float, n_y_land> y;

	if (landMeasure(y) != OK) { return; }

	// measurement matrix
	Matrix<float, n_y_land, n_x> C;
	// y = -(z - tz)
	C(Y_land_vx, X_vx) = 1;
	C(Y_land_vy, X_vy) = 1;
	C(Y_land_agl, X_z) = -1; // measured altitude, negative down dir.
	C(Y_land_agl, X_tz) = 1; // measured altitude, negative down dir.

	// use parameter covariance
	SquareMatrix<float, n_y_land> R;
	R(Y_land_vx, Y_land_vx) = _land_vxy_stddev.get() * _land_vxy_stddev.get();
	R(Y_land_vy, Y_land_vy) = _land_vxy_stddev.get() * _land_vxy_stddev.get();
	R(Y_land_agl, Y_land_agl) = _land_z_stddev.get() * _land_z_stddev.get();

	// residual
	Matrix<float, n_y_land, n_y_land> S_I = inv<float, n_y_land>((C * _P * C.transpose()) + R);
	Vector<float, n_y_land> r = y - C * _x;
	_pub_innov.get().hagl_innov = r(Y_land_agl);
	_pub_innov.get().hagl_innov_var = R(Y_land_agl, Y_land_agl);

	// fault detection
	float beta = (r.transpose() * (S_I * r))(0, 0);

	// artifically increase beta threshhold to prevent fault during landing
	float beta_thresh = 1e2f;

	if (beta / BETA_TABLE[n_y_land] > beta_thresh) {
		if (!(_sensorFault & SENSOR_LAND)) {
			_sensorFault |= SENSOR_LAND;
			mavlink_and_console_log_info(&mavlink_log_pub, "[lpe] land fault,  beta %5.2f", double(beta));

		// abort correction

	} else if (_sensorFault & SENSOR_LAND) {
		_sensorFault &= ~SENSOR_LAND;
		mavlink_and_console_log_info(&mavlink_log_pub, "[lpe] land OK");

	// kalman filter correction always for land detector
	Matrix<float, n_x, n_y_land> K = _P * C.transpose() * S_I;
	Vector<float, n_x> dx = K * r;
	_x += dx;
	_P -= K * C * _P;
SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim> IsotropicLinearElasticity<Scalar,Dim>::firstPiolaKirchhoffStressDifferential(
                                                                const SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim> &F,
                                                                const SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim> &F_differential) const
    Scalar mu = this->mu_;
    Scalar lambda = this->lambda_;
    SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim> identity = SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim>::identityMatrix();
    SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim> e = 0.5*(F.transpose()+F)-identity;
    SquareMatrix<Scalar,Dim> e_differential = 0.5*(F_differential.transpose()+F_differential);
    return 2.0*mu*e_differential+lambda*e_differential.trace()*identity;
Пример #11
SquareMatrix SquareMatrix::operator+(const SquareMatrix & rhs)const
    if (getSize() != rhs.getSize())
        throw "Matrix must be equal size!!!";

    SquareMatrix result(*this);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < result.getSize(); i++)
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < result.getSize(); j++)
            result[i][j] += rhs.get(i, j);
    return result;
void ValidateIdentity(const AffineTransform & t) {
  SquareMatrix m = t.GetMatrix();
  for (unsigned int row = 0; row < m.getRows(); row++) {
    for (unsigned int col = 0; col < m.getCols(); col++) {
      if (row == col) {
        ASSERT_NEAR(1, m[row][col], ABS_ERR);
      } else {
        ASSERT_NEAR(0, m[row][col], ABS_ERR);
Пример #13
SquareMatrix pow(SquareMatrix m, int n)
	SquareMatrix res;

	for (; n > 0; n = n >> 1) {
		if (n & 1) {
			res = res * m;
		m = m * m;
	return res;
double det(const SquareMatrix &a, double EPS = 1e-10) {
  SquareMatrix b(a);
  int n = a.size();
  double res = 1.0;
  std::vector<bool> used(n, false);
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    int p;
    for (p = 0; p < n; p++) {
      if (!used[p] && fabs(b[p][i]) > EPS) {
    if (p >= n) {
      return 0;
    res *= b[p][i];
    used[p] = true;
    double z = 1.0/b[p][i];
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      b[p][j] *= z;
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      if (j != p) {
        z = b[j][i];
        for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
          b[j][k] -= z*b[p][k];
  return res;
double det_naive(const SquareMatrix &a) {
  int n = a.size();
  if (n == 1) {
    return a[0][0];
  if (n == 2) {
    return a[0][0]*a[1][1] - a[0][1]*a[1][0];
  double res = 0;
  SquareMatrix temp(n - 1, typename SquareMatrix::value_type(n - 1));
  for (int p = 0; p < n; p++) {
    int h = 0, k = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        if (j == p) {
        temp[h][k++] = a[i][j];
        if (k == n - 1) {
          k = 0;
    res += (p % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1)*a[0][p]*det_naive(temp);
  return res;
Пример #16
SquareMatrix SquareMatrix::operator*(const SquareMatrix & matrix) const
    if (getSize() != matrix.getSize())
        throw "Matrix must be equal size!!!";

    SquareMatrix result(getSize());
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < result.getSize(); i++)
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < result.getSize(); j++)
            double temp = 0;
            for (unsigned int k = 0; k < getSize(); k++)
                temp += this->get(i, k) * matrix.get(k, j);
            result[i][j] = temp;
    return result;
Пример #17
bool operator==(const SquareMatrix &a, const SquareMatrix &b)
    if (a.dimensions() != b.dimensions())
        return false;

    size_t elementCount = a.elementCount();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < elementCount; ++i)
        if (a.at(i) != b.at(i))
            return false;
    return true;
Пример #18
Foam::scalar Foam::det(SquareMatrix<Type>& matrix)
    labelList pivotIndices(matrix.n());
    label sign;
    LUDecompose(matrix, pivotIndices, sign);

    return detDecomposed(matrix, sign);
Пример #19
|	Returns the Cholesky decomposition of this SquareMatrix as a lower-triangular matrix. Assumes this SquareMatrix is
|   symmetric and positive definite.
SquareMatrix * SquareMatrix::CholeskyDecomposition() const
	PHYCAS_ASSERT(dim > 0);
    SquareMatrix * L = new SquareMatrix(*this);
    double * p = new double[dim];
    double ** a = L->GetMatrixAsRawPointer();

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
        for (unsigned j = i; j < dim; ++j)
            double sum = a[i][j];
            for (int k = i-1; k >= 0; --k)
                sum -= a[i][k]*a[j][k];
            if (i == j)
                if (sum <= 0.0)
                    // matrix is not positive definite
                    return 0;
                p[i] = sqrt(sum);
                a[j][i] = sum/p[i];

    // zero out upper diagonal and copy diagonal elements
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
        a[i][i] = p[i];
        for (unsigned j = i+1; j < dim; ++j)
            a[i][j] = 0.0;

    return L;
Пример #20
Foam::scalar Foam::det(const SquareMatrix<Type>& matrix)
    SquareMatrix<Type> matrixTmp = matrix;

    labelList pivotIndices(matrix.n());
    label sign;
    LUDecompose(matrixTmp, pivotIndices, sign);

    return detDecomposed(matrixTmp, sign);
Пример #21
|	Creates and returns a matrix that represents this matrix raised to the power `p'.
SquareMatrix * SquareMatrix::Power(
  double p) const   /**< the power to which this matrix should be raised */
	PHYCAS_ASSERT(dim > 0);
	//PHYCAS_ASSERT(p > 0.0);
    double * fv = new double[dim];
    double * w = new double[dim];
    double ** a = this->GetMatrixAsRawPointer();
    SquareMatrix * Z = new SquareMatrix(dim, 0.0);
    double ** z = Z->GetMatrixAsRawPointer();

	// Calculate eigenvalues (w) and eigenvectors (z)
    // int n        input: the order of the matrix a
    // double **a   input: the real symmetric matrix
    // double *fv   input: temporary storage array of at least n elements
    // double **z   output: the eigenvectors
    // double *w    output: the eigenvalues in ascending order
	int err_code = EigenRealSymmetric(dim, a, w, z, fv);
    if (err_code != 0)
        delete Z;
        delete [] fv;
        delete [] w;
        return 0;

    SquareMatrix * Zinv = Z->Inverse();
    SquareMatrix * Lp = new SquareMatrix(dim, 0.0);

    // create diagonal matrix of scaled eigenvalues
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
        double v = pow(w[i],p);
        Lp->SetElement(i, i, v);

    // Zinv * A * Z = L
    //            A = Z * L * Zinv
    //          A^p = Z * L^p * Zinv
    SquareMatrix * ZLp = Z->RightMultiplyMatrix(*Lp);
    SquareMatrix * Ap = ZLp->RightMultiplyMatrix(*Zinv);

    delete Z;
    delete Zinv;
    delete Lp;
    delete ZLp;
    delete [] fv;
    delete [] w;

    return Ap;
Пример #22
|	Creates and returns a matrix that represents the product of this matrix with `matrixOnRight'.
SquareMatrix * SquareMatrix::RightMultiplyMatrix(SquareMatrix & matrixOnRight) const
    double ** l = GetMatrixAsRawPointer();
    double ** r = matrixOnRight.GetMatrixAsRawPointer();
    SquareMatrix * tmp = new SquareMatrix(*this);
    double ** t = tmp->GetMatrixAsRawPointer();

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < dim; ++j)
            double vsum = 0.0;
            for (unsigned k = 0; k < dim; ++k)
                vsum += l[i][k]*r[k][j];
            t[i][j] = vsum;
    return tmp;
Пример #23
  RealType NgammaT::calcConservedQuantity(){

    thermostat = snap->getThermostat();
    // We need NkBT a lot, so just set it here: This is the RAW number
    // of integrableObjects, so no subtraction or addition of constraints or
    // orientational degrees of freedom:
    NkBT = info_->getNGlobalIntegrableObjects()*PhysicalConstants::kB *targetTemp;

    // fkBT is used because the thermostat operates on more degrees of freedom
    // than the barostat (when there are particles with orientational degrees
    // of freedom).  
    fkBT = info_->getNdf()*PhysicalConstants::kB *targetTemp;    

    RealType totalEnergy = thermo.getTotalEnergy();

    RealType thermostat_kinetic = fkBT * tt2 * thermostat.first *
      thermostat.first /(2.0 * PhysicalConstants::energyConvert);

    RealType thermostat_potential = fkBT* thermostat.second / PhysicalConstants::energyConvert;

    SquareMatrix<RealType, 3> tmp = eta.transpose() * eta;
    RealType trEta = tmp.trace();
    RealType barostat_kinetic = NkBT * tb2 * trEta /(2.0 * PhysicalConstants::energyConvert);

    RealType barostat_potential = (targetPressure * thermo.getVolume() / PhysicalConstants::pressureConvert) /PhysicalConstants::energyConvert;

    Mat3x3d hmat = snap->getHmat();
    RealType area = hmat(0,0) * hmat(1, 1);

    RealType conservedQuantity = totalEnergy + thermostat_kinetic
      + thermostat_potential + barostat_kinetic + barostat_potential
      - surfaceTension * area/ PhysicalConstants::energyConvert;

    return conservedQuantity;

Пример #24
SquareMatrix SquareMatrix::operator*(const SquareMatrix &other) const
    if (other.columns() != rows())
        throw std::logic_error("SquareMatrix::operator*(): incompatible dimensions");

    SquareMatrix m(mDimensions, false);
    for (size_t r = 0; r < rows(); ++r)
        for (size_t c = 0; c < columns(); ++c)
            int &v = m.at(r, c) = 0;
            for (size_t s = 0; s < rows(); ++s)
                v += at(r, s) * other.at(s, c);

    return m;
Пример #25
|	Returns the LU decomposition of this SquareMatrix.
SquareMatrix * SquareMatrix::LUDecomposition() const
	PHYCAS_ASSERT(dim > 0);
    SquareMatrix * L = new SquareMatrix(*this);
    double * scaling = new double[dim];
    int * permutation = new int[dim];
    double ** a = L->GetMatrixAsRawPointer();
	int err_code = LUDecompose(a, dim, scaling, permutation, NULL);
    if (err_code == 0)
        // LUDecompose worked
        delete [] scaling;
        delete [] permutation;
        return L;

    // Should throw an exception here
    delete L;
    delete [] scaling;
    delete [] permutation;
    return 0;
Пример #26
|	Returns the natural logarithm of the product of the eigenvalues of this SquareMatrix.
double SquareMatrix::LogDeterminant() const
	PHYCAS_ASSERT(dim > 0);
    double * fv = new double[dim];
    double * w = new double[dim];
    double ** a = this->GetMatrixAsRawPointer();
    SquareMatrix * Z = new SquareMatrix(dim, 0.0);
    double ** z = Z->GetMatrixAsRawPointer();

	// Calculate eigenvalues (w) and eigenvectors (z)
    // int n        input: the order of the matrix a
    // double **a   input: the real symmetric matrix
    // double *fv   input: temporary storage array of at least n elements
    // double **z   output: the eigenvectors
    // double *w    output: the eigenvalues in ascending order
	int err_code = EigenRealSymmetric(dim, a, w, z, fv);
    if (err_code != 0)
        delete Z;
        delete [] fv;
        delete [] w;
        return 0;

    double log_det = 0.0;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
        double v = w[i];
        log_det += log(v);

    delete Z;
    delete [] fv;
    delete [] w;

    return log_det;
void EqualMatrices(const SquareMatrix & l, const SquareMatrix & r) {
  EXPECT_EQ(l.getRows(), r.getRows());
  EXPECT_EQ(l.getCols(), r.getCols());
  for (unsigned int row = 0; row < l.getRows(); row++) {
    for (unsigned int col = 0; col < l.getCols(); col++) {
      ASSERT_NEAR(l[row][col], r[row][col], ABS_ERR);
Пример #28
Foam::scalar Foam::detDecomposed
    const SquareMatrix<Type>& matrix,
    const label sign
    scalar diagProduct = 1.0;

    for (label i = 0; i < matrix.n(); ++i)
        diagProduct *= matrix[i][i];

    return sign*diagProduct;
Пример #29
int main()
	LL tmp_a[SIZE][SIZE] = {{1, 4, 1, 0, 1},
							{1, 0, 0, 0, 0},
							{0, 2, 1, 0, 0},
							{0, 1, 0, 0, 1},
							{0, 0, 0, 1, 0}};
	while (scanf("%d %d", &N, &M) && N != 0) {
		if (N == 1) {
			ans = 1;
		} else {
			A = pow(A, N - 2);
			ans = (A.a[0][0] * 5 + A.a[0][1] * 1 + A.a[0][2] * 2 + A.a[0][3] * 1 + A.a[0][4] * 0) % M;
		printf("%d\n", ans);

	return 0;
Пример #30
void BlockLocalPositionEstimator::gpsCorrect()
	// measure
	Vector<double, n_y_gps> y_global;

	if (gpsMeasure(y_global) != OK) { return; }

	// gps measurement in local frame
	double lat = y_global(Y_gps_x);
	double lon = y_global(Y_gps_y);
	float alt = y_global(Y_gps_z);
	float px = 0;
	float py = 0;
	float pz = -(alt - _gpsAltOrigin);
	map_projection_project(&_map_ref, lat, lon, &px, &py);
	Vector<float, n_y_gps> y;
	y(Y_gps_x) = px;
	y(Y_gps_y) = py;
	y(Y_gps_z) = pz;
	y(Y_gps_vx) = y_global(Y_gps_vx);
	y(Y_gps_vy) = y_global(Y_gps_vy);
	y(Y_gps_vz) = y_global(Y_gps_vz);

	// gps measurement matrix, measures position and velocity
	Matrix<float, n_y_gps, n_x> C;
	C(Y_gps_x, X_x) = 1;
	C(Y_gps_y, X_y) = 1;
	C(Y_gps_z, X_z) = 1;
	C(Y_gps_vx, X_vx) = 1;
	C(Y_gps_vy, X_vy) = 1;
	C(Y_gps_vz, X_vz) = 1;

	// gps covariance matrix
	SquareMatrix<float, n_y_gps> R;

	// default to parameter, use gps cov if provided
	float var_xy = _param_lpe_gps_xy.get() * _param_lpe_gps_xy.get();
	float var_z = _param_lpe_gps_z.get() * _param_lpe_gps_z.get();
	float var_vxy = _param_lpe_gps_vxy.get() * _param_lpe_gps_vxy.get();
	float var_vz = _param_lpe_gps_vz.get() * _param_lpe_gps_vz.get();

	// if field is not below minimum, set it to the value provided
	if (_sub_gps.get().eph > _param_lpe_gps_xy.get()) {
		var_xy = _sub_gps.get().eph * _sub_gps.get().eph;

	if (_sub_gps.get().epv > _param_lpe_gps_z.get()) {
		var_z = _sub_gps.get().epv * _sub_gps.get().epv;

	float gps_s_stddev =  _sub_gps.get().s_variance_m_s;

	if (gps_s_stddev > _param_lpe_gps_vxy.get()) {
		var_vxy = gps_s_stddev * gps_s_stddev;

	if (gps_s_stddev > _param_lpe_gps_vz.get()) {
		var_vz = gps_s_stddev * gps_s_stddev;

	R(0, 0) = var_xy;
	R(1, 1) = var_xy;
	R(2, 2) = var_z;
	R(3, 3) = var_vxy;
	R(4, 4) = var_vxy;
	R(5, 5) = var_vz;

	// get delayed x
	uint8_t i_hist = 0;

	if (getDelayPeriods(_param_lpe_gps_delay.get(), &i_hist)  < 0) { return; }

	Vector<float, n_x> x0 = _xDelay.get(i_hist);

	// residual
	Vector<float, n_y_gps> r = y - C * x0;

	// residual covariance
	Matrix<float, n_y_gps, n_y_gps> S = C * _P * C.transpose() + R;

	// publish innovations
	for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
		_pub_innov.get().vel_pos_innov[i] = r(i);
		_pub_innov.get().vel_pos_innov_var[i] = S(i, i);

	// residual covariance, (inverse)
	Matrix<float, n_y_gps, n_y_gps> S_I = inv<float, n_y_gps>(S);

	// fault detection
	float beta = (r.transpose() * (S_I * r))(0, 0);

	// artifically increase beta threshhold to prevent fault during landing
	float beta_thresh = 1e2f;

	if (beta / BETA_TABLE[n_y_gps] > beta_thresh) {
		if (!(_sensorFault & SENSOR_GPS)) {
			mavlink_log_critical(&mavlink_log_pub, "[lpe] gps fault %3g %3g %3g %3g %3g %3g",
					     double(r(0) * r(0) / S_I(0, 0)),  double(r(1) * r(1) / S_I(1, 1)), double(r(2) * r(2) / S_I(2, 2)),
					     double(r(3) * r(3) / S_I(3, 3)),  double(r(4) * r(4) / S_I(4, 4)), double(r(5) * r(5) / S_I(5, 5)));
			_sensorFault |= SENSOR_GPS;

	} else if (_sensorFault & SENSOR_GPS) {
		_sensorFault &= ~SENSOR_GPS;
		mavlink_and_console_log_info(&mavlink_log_pub, "[lpe] GPS OK");

	// kalman filter correction always for GPS
	Matrix<float, n_x, n_y_gps> K = _P * C.transpose() * S_I;
	Vector<float, n_x> dx = K * r;
	_x += dx;
	_P -= K * C * _P;