Пример #1
TokenData QPKCS11::selectSlot( const QString &card, SslCertificate::KeyUsage usage )
	delete d->pslot;
	d->pslot = 0;
	TokenData t;
	t.setCard( card );
	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < d->nslots; ++i )
		CK_TOKEN_INFO token;
		if( (d->err = d->f->C_GetTokenInfo( d->pslots[i], &token )) != CKR_OK ||
			card != QByteArray( (const char*)token.serialNumber, 16 ).trimmed() )

		SslCertificate cert = d->readCert( d->pslots[i] );
		if( !cert.keyUsage().keys().contains( usage ) )

		d->pslot = new CK_SLOT_ID( d->pslots[i] );
		t.setCert( cert );
		if( token.flags & CKF_SO_PIN_COUNT_LOW || token.flags & CKF_USER_PIN_COUNT_LOW )
			t.setFlag( TokenData::PinCountLow );
		if( token.flags & CKF_SO_PIN_FINAL_TRY || token.flags & CKF_USER_PIN_FINAL_TRY )
			t.setFlag( TokenData::PinFinalTry );
		if( token.flags & CKF_SO_PIN_LOCKED || token.flags & CKF_USER_PIN_LOCKED )
			t.setFlag( TokenData::PinLocked );
	return t;
Пример #2
void QSigner::selectCert( const QString &card )
	d->selectedCard = card;
	d->sign = QSslCertificate();
	Q_EMIT dataChanged( d->cards.keys(), d->selectedCard, d->sign );
	PKCS11_CERT* certs;
	unsigned int numberOfCerts;
	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < d->slotCount; ++i )
		PKCS11_SLOT* slot = &d->slots[i];
		if( !slot->token ||
			d->selectedCard != QByteArray( (const char*)slot->token->serialnr, 16 ).trimmed() ||
			PKCS11_enumerate_certs( slot->token, &certs, &numberOfCerts ) ||
			numberOfCerts <= 0 )

		SslCertificate cert = SslCertificate::fromX509( Qt::HANDLE((&certs[0])->x509) );
		if( cert.keyUsage().keys().contains( SslCertificate::NonRepudiation ) )
			d->sign = cert;
			d->cards[d->selectedCard] = i;
	Q_EMIT dataChanged( d->cards.keys(), d->selectedCard, d->sign );
Пример #3
void SignatureWidget::link( const QString &url )
	if( url == "details" )
		(new SignatureDialog( s, qApp->activeWindow() ))->show();
	else if( url == "remove" )
		SslCertificate c = s.cert();
		QString msg = tr("Remove signature %1")
			.arg( c.toString( c.showCN() ? "CN serialNumber" : "GN SN serialNumber" ) );
		QMessageBox::StandardButton b = QMessageBox::warning( qApp->activeWindow(), msg, msg,
			QMessageBox::Ok|QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Cancel );
		if( b == QMessageBox::Ok )
			Q_EMIT removeSignature( num );
Пример #4
bool SslContext::UseCertificate(String certdata, String pkeydata, bool cert_asn1)
	if(IsNull(certdata) || IsNull(pkeydata))
		return false;
	SslCertificate cert;
	SslKey pkey;
	if(!cert.Load(certdata, cert_asn1) || !pkey.Load(pkeydata))
		return false;
	if(!SSL_CTX_use_certificate(ssl_ctx, cert) || !SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(ssl_ctx, pkey))
		return false;
		return false;
	return true;
Пример #5
void QSigner::selectCert( const QString &card )
	d->selectedCard = card;
	d->flags = 0;
	d->cert = QSslCertificate();

	if( d->slotCount )
		PKCS11_release_all_slots( d->handle, d->slots, d->slotCount );
		d->slotCount = 0;
	if( PKCS11_enumerate_slots( d->handle, &d->slots, &d->slotCount ) ||
		d->cards[card] >= d->slotCount ||
		!(d->slot = &d->slots[d->cards[card]]) )

	PKCS11_CERT* certs;
	unsigned int numberOfCerts;
	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < d->slotCount; ++i )
		if( !d->slot->token ||
			d->selectedCard != QByteArray( (const char*)d->slot->token->serialnr, 16 ).trimmed() ||
			PKCS11_enumerate_certs( d->slot->token, &certs, &numberOfCerts ) ||
			numberOfCerts <= 0 )

		SslCertificate cert = SslCertificate::fromX509( Qt::HANDLE((&certs[0])->x509) );
		if( cert.keyUsage().keys().contains( SslCertificate::NonRepudiation ) )
			d->cert = cert;
			d->cards[d->selectedCard] = i;
			if( d->slot->token->userPinCountLow || d->slot->token->soPinCountLow )
				d->flags |= TokenData::PinCountLow;
			if( d->slot->token->userPinFinalTry || d->slot->token->soPinFinalTry )
				d->flags |= TokenData::PinFinalTry;
			if( d->slot->token->userPinLocked || d->slot->token->soPinLocked )
				d->flags |= TokenData::PinLocked;
Пример #6
TokenData QCSP::selectCert( const QString &cn, SslCertificate::KeyUsage usage )
	TokenData t;
	t.setCard( cn );

	if( d->h )
		CryptReleaseContext( d->h, 0 );

	QPair<QString,QString> c = d->certs.value( cn );
	if( !CryptAcquireContextW( &d->h, LPCWSTR(c.second.utf16()), LPCWSTR(c.first.utf16()), PROV_RSA_FULL, 0 ) )
		return t;

	HCRYPTKEY key = 0;
	if( !CryptGetUserKey( d->h, usage == SslCertificate::NonRepudiation ? AT_SIGNATURE : AT_KEYEXCHANGE, &key ) )
		return t;

	SslCertificate cert = QSslCertificate( d->keyParam( key, KP_CERTIFICATE, 0 ), QSsl::Der );
	CryptDestroyKey( key );
	if( cert.keyUsage().keys().contains( usage ) )
		t.setCert( cert );

	return t;
Пример #7
PinDialog::PinDialog( PinFlags flags, const TokenData &t, QWidget *parent )
:	QDialog( parent )
	SslCertificate c = t.cert();
	init( flags, c.toString( c.showCN() ? "CN serialNumber" : "GN SN serialNumber" ), t.flags() );
Пример #8
void CertificateDialog::setCertificate( const QSslCertificate &cert )
	d->cert = cert;
	SslCertificate c = cert;
	QString i;
	QTextStream s( &i );
	s << "<b>" << tr("Certificate Information") << "</b><br />";
	s << "<hr>";
	s << "<b>" << tr("This certificate is intended for following purpose(s):") << "</b>";
	s << "<ul>";
	Q_FOREACH( const QString &ext, c.enhancedKeyUsage() )
		s << "<li>" << ext << "</li>";
	s << "</ul>";
	s << "<br /><br /><br /><br />";
	//s << tr("* Refer to the certification authority's statement for details.") << "<br />";
	s << "<hr>";
	s << "<p style='margin-left: 30px;'>";
	s << "<b>" << tr("Issued to:") << "</b> " << c.subjectInfo( QSslCertificate::CommonName );
	s << "<br /><br /><br />";
	s << "<b>" << tr("Issued by:") << "</b> " << c.issuerInfo( QSslCertificate::CommonName );
	s << "<br /><br /><br />";
	s << "<b>" << tr("Valid from") << "</b> " << c.effectiveDate().toLocalTime().toString( "dd.MM.yyyy" ) << " ";
	s << "<b>" << tr("to") << "</b> "<< c.expiryDate().toLocalTime().toString( "dd.MM.yyyy" );
	s << "</p>";
	d->info->setHtml( i );

	d->addItem( tr("Version"), "V" + c.version() );
	d->addItem( tr("Serial number"), QString( "%1 (0x%2)" )
		.arg( c.serialNumber().constData() )
		.arg( QString::number( c.serialNumber().toInt(), 16 ) ) );
	d->addItem( tr("Signature algorithm"), c.signatureAlgorithm() );

	QStringList text, textExt;
	Q_FOREACH( const QByteArray &subject, QList<QByteArray>() << "CN" << "OU" << "O" << "C" )
		const QString &data = c.issuerInfo( subject );
		if( data.isEmpty() )
		text << data;
		textExt << QString( "%1 = %2" ).arg( subject.constData() ).arg( data );
	d->addItem( tr("Issuer"), text.join( ", " ), textExt.join( "\n" ) );
	d->addItem( tr("Valid from"), c.effectiveDate().toLocalTime().toString( "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" ) );
	d->addItem( tr("Vaild to"), c.expiryDate().toLocalTime().toString( "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" ) );

	Q_FOREACH( const QByteArray &subject,
		QList<QByteArray>() << "serialNumber" << "GN" << "SN" << "CN" << "OU" << "O" << "C" )
		const QString &data = c.subjectInfo( subject );
		if( data.isEmpty() )
		text << data;
		textExt << QString( "%1 = %2" ).arg( subject.constData() ).arg( data );
	d->addItem( tr("Subject"), text.join( ", " ), textExt.join( "\n" ) );
	d->addItem( tr("Public key"), QString("%1 (%2)")
			.arg( c.publicKey().algorithm() == QSsl::Rsa ? "RSA" : "DSA" )
			.arg( d->keyLenght( c.publicKey() ) ),
		c.toHex( c.publicKey().toDer() ) );

	QStringList enhancedKeyUsage = c.enhancedKeyUsage().values();
	if( !enhancedKeyUsage.isEmpty() )
		d->addItem( tr("Enhanched key usage"), enhancedKeyUsage.join( ", " ), enhancedKeyUsage.join( "\n" ) );
	QStringList policies = c.policies();
	if( !policies.isEmpty() )
		d->addItem( tr("Certificate policies"), policies.join( ", " ) );
	d->addItem( tr("Authority key identifier"), c.toHex( c.authorityKeyIdentifier() ) );
	d->addItem( tr("Subject key identifier"), c.toHex( c.subjectKeyIdentifier() ) );
	QStringList keyUsage = c.keyUsage().values();
	if( !keyUsage.isEmpty() )
		d->addItem( tr("Key usage"), keyUsage.join( ", " ), keyUsage.join( "\n" ) );
Пример #9
SignatureWidget::SignatureWidget( const DigiDocSignature &signature, unsigned int signnum, QWidget *parent )
:	QLabel( parent )
,	num( signnum )
,	s( signature )
	setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Preferred );
	setWordWrap( true );
	const SslCertificate cert = s.cert();
	QString content;
	QTextStream st( &content );

	if( cert.isTempel() )
		st << "<img src=\":/images/ico_stamp_blue_16.png\">";
		st << "<img src=\":/images/ico_person_blue_16.png\">";
	st << "<b>" << Qt::escape( cert.toString( cert.showCN() ? "CN" : "GN SN" ) ) << "</b>";

	QString tooltip;
	QTextStream t( &tooltip );
	QDateTime date = s.dateTime();
	if( !s.location().isEmpty() )
		st << "<br />" << Qt::escape( s.location() );
		t << Qt::escape( s.location() ) << "<br />";
	if( !s.role().isEmpty() )
		st << "<br />" << Qt::escape( s.role() );
		t << Qt::escape( s.role() ) << "<br />";
	if( !date.isNull() )
		st << "<br />" << tr("Signed on") << " "
			<< SslCertificate::formatDate( date, "dd. MMMM yyyy" ) << " "
			<< tr("time") << " "
			<< date.toString( "hh:mm" );
		t << tr("Signed on") << " "
			<< SslCertificate::formatDate( date, "dd. MMMM yyyy" ) << " "
			<< tr("time") << " "
			<< date.toString( "hh:mm" );
	setToolTip( tooltip );

	st << "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr>";
	st << "<td>" << tr("Signature is") << " ";
	switch( s.validate() )
	case DigiDocSignature::Valid: st << "<font color=\"green\">" << tr("valid"); break;
	case DigiDocSignature::Invalid: st << "<font color=\"red\">" << tr("not valid"); break;
	case DigiDocSignature::Unknown: st << "<font color=\"red\">" << tr("unknown"); break;
	if( signature.isTest() )
		st << " (" << tr("Test signature") << ")";
	st << "</font>";
	st << "</td><td align=\"right\">";
	st << "<a href=\"details\">" << tr("Show details") << "</a>";
	st << "</td></tr><tr><td></td>";
	st << "<td align=\"right\">";
	st << "<a href=\"remove\">" << tr("Remove") << "</a>";
	st << "</td></tr></table>";

	setText( content );

	connect( this, SIGNAL(linkActivated(QString)), SLOT(link(QString)) );
Пример #10
SignatureDialog::SignatureDialog( const DigiDocSignature &signature, QWidget *parent )
:	QWidget( parent )
,	s( signature )
,	d( new SignatureDialogPrivate )
	d->setupUi( this );
	setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
	setWindowFlags( Qt::Sheet );

	const SslCertificate c = s.cert();
	QString titleText = c.toString( c.showCN() ? "CN serialNumber" : "GN SN serialNumber" );
	d->title->setText( titleText );
	setWindowTitle( titleText );

	QString msg;
	QTextStream st( &msg );
	switch( s.validate() )
	case DigiDocSignature::Valid:
		st << tr("Signature is valid"); break;
	case DigiDocSignature::Invalid:
		st << "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr>"
			<< "<td>" << tr("Signature is not valid") << "</td>"
			<< "<td align=\"right\"><a href=\"help\">" << tr("Help") << "</a></td>"
			<< "</tr></table>"
			<< "(" << (s.lastError().isEmpty() ? tr("Unknown error") : s.lastError()) << ")";
	case DigiDocSignature::Unknown:
		st << "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr>"
			<< "<td>" << tr("Signature status unknown") << "</td>"
			<< "<td align=\"right\"><a href=\"help\">" << tr("Help") << "</a></td>"
			<< "</tr></table>"
			<< "(" << (s.lastError().isEmpty() ? tr("Unknown error") : s.lastError()) << ")";
	d->error->setText( msg );

	const QStringList l = s.locations();
	d->signerCity->setText( l.value( 0 ) );
	d->signerState->setText( l.value( 1 ) );
	d->signerZip->setText( l.value( 2 ) );
	d->signerCountry->setText( l.value( 3 ) );

	QStringList roles = s.roles();
	d->signerRole->setText( roles.value(0) );
	if( s.type() == DigiDocSignature::DDocType )
		delete d->signerResolution;
		d->signerResolution->setText( roles.value(1) );

	// Certificate info
	QTreeWidget *t = d->signatureView;
	addItem( t, tr("Signing time"), s.dateTime().toString( "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" ) );
	addItem( t, tr("Signature type"), c.publicKey().algorithm() == QSsl::Rsa ? "RSA" : "DSA" );
	addItem( t, tr("Signature format"), s.mediaType() );
	addItem( t, tr("Signed file count"), QString::number( s.parent()->documentModel()->rowCount() ) );
	addItem( t, tr("Certificate serialnumber"), c.serialNumber() );
	addItem( t, tr("Certificate valid at"), c.effectiveDate().toLocalTime().toString( "dd.MM.yyyy" ) );
	addItem( t, tr("Certificate valid until"), c.expiryDate().toLocalTime().toString( "dd.MM.yyyy" ) );
	addItem( t, tr("Certificate issuer"), c.issuerInfo( QSslCertificate::CommonName ) );
	t->resizeColumnToContents( 0 );

	// OCSP info
	if( s.type() == DigiDocSignature::DDocType ||
		s.type() == DigiDocSignature::TMType )
		SslCertificate ocsp = s.ocspCert();
		addItem( d->ocspView, tr("Certificate issuer"), ocsp.issuerInfo( QSslCertificate::CommonName ) );
		addItem( d->ocspView, tr("Certificate serialnumber"), ocsp.serialNumber() );
		addItem( d->ocspView, tr("Time"), s.dateTime().toString( "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" ) );
		addItem( d->ocspView, tr("Hash value of validity confirmation"), ocsp.toHex( s.digestValue() ) );
		d->ocspView->resizeColumnToContents( 0 );
		d->tabWidget->removeTab( 2 );
Пример #11
SignatureDialog::SignatureDialog( const DigiDocSignature &signature, QWidget *parent )
:	QDialog( parent )
,	s( signature )
,	d( new SignatureDialogPrivate )
	d->setupUi( this );
	setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );

	const SslCertificate c = s.cert();
#define addCertButton(cert, button) if(!cert.isNull()) \
	d->buttonBox->addButton(button, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole)->setProperty("cert", QVariant::fromValue(cert));
	addCertButton(s.cert(), tr("Show signer's certificate"));
	addCertButton(s.ocspCert(), tr("Show OCSP certificate"));
	addCertButton(s.tsaCert(), tr("Show TSA certificate"));
	addCertButton(qApp->confValue( Application::TSLCert ).value<QSslCertificate>(), tr("Show TSL certificate"));

	QString status;
	switch( s.validate() )
	case DigiDocSignature::Valid:
		status = tr("Signature is valid");
	case DigiDocSignature::Warning:
		status = QString("%1 (%2)").arg( tr("Signature is valid"), tr("Warnings") );
		if( !s.lastError().isEmpty() )
			d->error->setPlainText( s.lastError() );
		if( s.warning() & DigiDocSignature::WrongNameSpace )
			d->info->setText( tr(
				"This Digidoc document has not been created according to specification, "
				"but the digital signature is legally valid. Please inform the document creator "
				"of this issue. <a href='http://www.id.ee/?id=36511'>Additional information</a>.") );
		if( s.warning() & DigiDocSignature::DigestWeak )
			d->info->setText( tr(
				"The current BDOC container uses weaker encryption method than officialy accepted in Estonia.") );
	case DigiDocSignature::Test:
		status = QString("%1 (%2)").arg( tr("Signature is valid"), tr("Test signature") );
		if( !s.lastError().isEmpty() )
			d->error->setPlainText( s.lastError() );
		d->info->setText( tr(
			"Test signature is signed with test certificates that are similar to the "
			"certificates of real tokens, but digital signatures with legal force cannot "
			"be given with them as there is no actual owner of the card. "
			"<a href='http://www.id.ee/index.php?id=30494'>Additional information</a>.") );
	case DigiDocSignature::Invalid:
		status = tr("Signature is not valid");
		d->error->setPlainText( s.lastError().isEmpty() ? tr("Unknown error") : s.lastError() );
		d->info->setText( tr(
			"This is an invalid signature or malformed digitally signed file. The signature is not valid.") );
	case DigiDocSignature::Unknown:
		status = tr("Signature status unknown");
		d->error->setPlainText( s.lastError().isEmpty() ? tr("Unknown error") : s.lastError() );
		d->info->setText( tr(
			"Signature status is displayed unknown if you don't have all validity confirmation service "
			"certificates and/or certificate authority certificates installed into your computer. "
			"<a href='http://www.id.ee/index.php?id=35941'>Additional information</a>.") );
	if( d->error->toPlainText().isEmpty() && d->info->text().isEmpty() )
		d->tabWidget->removeTab( 0 );
		d->buttonBox->addButton( QDialogButtonBox::Help );
	d->title->setText( c.toString( c.showCN() ? "CN serialNumber" : "GN SN serialNumber" ) + "\n" + status );
	setWindowTitle( c.toString( c.showCN() ? "CN serialNumber" : "GN SN serialNumber" ) + " - " + status );

	const QStringList l = s.locations();
	d->signerCity->setText( l.value( 0 ) );
	d->signerState->setText( l.value( 1 ) );
	d->signerZip->setText( l.value( 2 ) );
	d->signerCountry->setText( l.value( 3 ) );

	Q_FOREACH( const QString &role, s.roles() )
		QLineEdit *line = new QLineEdit( role, d->signerRoleGroup );
		line->setReadOnly( true );
		d->signerRoleGroupLayout->addRow( line );

	// Certificate info
	QTreeWidget *t = d->signatureView;
	t->header()->setResizeMode( 0, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents );
	addItem( t, tr("TSL URL"), qApp->confValue( Application::TSLUrl ).toString() );
	addItem( t, tr("Signer's computer time (UTC)"), DateTime( s.signTime() ).toStringZ( "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" ) );
	addItem( t, tr("Signature method"), s.signatureMethod() );
	addItem( t, tr("Container format"), s.parent()->mediaType() );
	if( s.type() != DigiDocSignature::DDocType )
		addItem( t, tr("Signature format"), s.profile() );
	if( !s.policy().isEmpty() )
		#define toVer(X) (X)->toUInt() - 1
		QStringList ver = s.policy().split( "." );
		if( ver.size() >= 3 )
			addItem( t, tr("Signature policy"), QString("%1.%2.%3").arg( toVer(ver.end()-3) ).arg( toVer(ver.end()-2) ).arg( toVer(ver.end()-1) ) );
			addItem( t, tr("Signature policy"), s.policy() );
	addItem( t, tr("Signed file count"), QString::number( s.parent()->documentModel()->rowCount() ) );
	addItem( t, tr("Signer Certificate issuer"), c.issuerInfo( QSslCertificate::CommonName ) );
	if( !s.spuri().isEmpty() )
		addItem( t, "SPUri", s.spuri() );

	// OCSP info
	switch( s.type() )
	case DigiDocSignature::TSType:
		addItem( t, tr("Signature Timestamp"), DateTime( s.tsaTime().toLocalTime() ).toStringZ( "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" ));
		addItem( t, tr("Signature Timestamp") + " (UTC)", DateTime( s.tsaTime() ).toStringZ( "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" ) );
		addItem( t, tr("TSA Certificate issuer"), SslCertificate(s.tsaCert()).issuerInfo( QSslCertificate::CommonName ) );
	} //Fall through to OCSP info
	case DigiDocSignature::DDocType:
	case DigiDocSignature::TMType:
		SslCertificate ocsp = s.ocspCert();
		addItem( t, tr("OCSP Certificate issuer"), ocsp.issuerInfo( QSslCertificate::CommonName ) );
		addItem( t, tr("OCSP time"), DateTime( s.ocspTime().toLocalTime() ).toStringZ( "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" ) );
		addItem( t, tr("OCSP time") + " (UTC)", DateTime( s.ocspTime() ).toStringZ( "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" ) );
		addItem( t, tr("Hash value of signature"), SslCertificate::toHex( s.ocspNonce() ) );
	default: break;
Пример #12
PrintSheet::PrintSheet( DigiDoc *doc, QPrinter *printer )
:	QPainter( printer )
,	p( printer )
	printer->setOrientation( QPrinter::Portrait );

	left		= p->pageRect().left();
	margin		= left;
	right		= p->pageRect().right() - 2*margin;
	top			= p->pageRect().top();
	bottom		= p->pageRect().y() + p->pageRect().height() - 2*margin;

#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
	scale( 0.8, 0.8 );
	right /= 0.8;
	bottom /= 0.8;

	QFont text = font();
	text.setFamily( "Arial, Liberation Sans, Helvetica, sans-serif" );
	text.setPixelSize( 12 );

	QFont head = text;
	QFont sHead = text;
	head.setPixelSize( 28 );
	sHead.setPixelSize( 18 );

	QPen oPen = pen();
	QPen sPen = pen();
	QPen hPen = pen();
	hPen.setWidth( 2 );
	sPen.setWidth( 1 );
	sPen.setStyle( Qt::DotLine );

	setFont( head );
	QRect rect( left, top, right, 60 );
	drawText( rect, Qt::TextWordWrap, tr("VALIDITY CONFIRMATION SHEET"), &rect );
	setPen( hPen );
	drawLine( left, rect.bottom(), right, rect.bottom() );
	top += rect.height() + 30;

	setFont( sHead );
	drawText( left, top, tr("SIGNED FILES") );
	setPen( sPen );
	drawLine( left, top+3, right, top+3 );
	top += 30;

	setFont( text );
	setPen( oPen );
	drawText( left, top, tr("FILE NAME") );
	drawText( right-150, top, tr("FILE SIZE") );
	for( int i = 0; i < doc->documentModel()->rowCount(); ++i )
		int fileHeight = drawTextRect( QRect( left, top+5, right - left - 150, 20 ),
			doc->documentModel()->index( i, 0 ).data().toString() );
		drawTextRect( QRect( right-150, top+5, 150, fileHeight ),
			doc->documentModel()->index( i, 2 ).data().toString() );
		top += fileHeight;
		newPage( 50 );
	top += 35;

	newPage( 50 );
	setFont( sHead );
	drawText( left, top, tr("SIGNERS") );
	setPen( sPen );
	drawLine( left, top+3, right, top+3 );
	top += 30;

	setFont( text );
	setPen( oPen );

	int i = 1;
	Q_FOREACH( const DigiDocSignature &sig, doc->signatures() )
		const SslCertificate cert = sig.cert();
		bool tempel = cert.isTempel();

		newPage( 50 );
		drawText( left, top, tr("NO.") );
		drawText( left+40, top, tempel ? tr( "COMPANY" ) : tr( "NAME" ) );
		drawText( right-300, top, tempel ? tr("REGISTER CODE") : tr("PERSONAL CODE") );
		drawText( right-170, top, tr("TIME") );
		top += 5;

		int nameHeight = drawTextRect( QRect( left+40, top, right - left - 340, 20 ),
			cert.toString( cert.showCN() ? "CN" : "GN SN" ) );
		drawTextRect( QRect( left, top, 40, nameHeight ),
			QString::number( i++ ) );
		drawTextRect( QRect( right-300, top, 130, nameHeight ),
			cert.subjectInfo( "serialNumber" ) );
		drawTextRect( QRect( right-170, top, 170, nameHeight ),
			DateTime( sig.dateTime() ).toStringZ( "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" ) );
		top += 20 + nameHeight;

		QString valid;
		switch( sig.validate() )
		case DigiDocSignature::Valid: valid.append( tr("SIGNATURE IS VALID") ); break;
		case DigiDocSignature::Invalid: valid.append( tr("SIGNATURE IS NOT VALID") ); break;
		case DigiDocSignature::Unknown: valid.append( tr("UNKNOWN") ); break;
		if( sig.isTest() )
			valid += " " + tr("(NB! TEST SIGNATURE)");
		customText( tr("VALIDITY OF SIGNATURE"), valid );
		customText( tr("ROLE / RESOLUTION"), sig.role() );
		customText( tr("PLACE OF CONFIRMATION (CITY, STATE, ZIP, COUNTRY)"), sig.location() );
		customText( tr("SERIAL NUMBER OF SIGNER CERTIFICATE"), cert.serialNumber() );

		newPage( 50 );
		drawText( left, top, tr("ISSUER OF CERTIFICATE") );
		drawText( left+207, top, tr("HASH VALUE OF ISSUER'S PUBLIC KEY") );
		top += 5;
		int issuerHeight = drawTextRect( QRect( left, top, 200, 20 ),
			cert.issuerInfo( QSslCertificate::CommonName ) );
		drawTextRect( QRect( left+200, top, right - left - 200, issuerHeight ),
			cert.toHex( cert.authorityKeyIdentifier() ) );
		top += 20 + issuerHeight;

		customText( tr("HASH VALUE OF VALIDITY CONFIRMATION (OCSP RESPONSE)"), cert.toHex( sig.ocspDigestValue() ) );
		top += 15;
	newPage( 50 );
	QTextDocument textDoc;
	textDoc.setTextWidth( right - margin );
	textDoc.setHtml( tr("The print out of files listed in the section <b>\"Signed Files\"</b> "
						"are inseparable part of this Validity Confirmation Sheet.") );
	translate( QPoint( left, top - 30) );
	textDoc.drawContents( this , QRectF( 0, 0, right - margin, 40) );
	top += 30;

	newPage( 90 );
	drawText( left+3, top, tr("NOTES") );
	top += 10;
	drawRect( left, top, right - margin, 80 );

Пример #13
PinDialog::PinDialog( PinType type, const QSslCertificate &cert, TokenData::TokenFlags flags, QWidget *parent )
    :	QDialog( parent )
    SslCertificate c = cert;
    init( type, c.toString( c.isTempel() ? "CN serialNumber" : "GN SN serialNumber" ), flags );
Пример #14
PinDialog::PinDialog( PinType type, const TokenData &t, QWidget *parent )
    SslCertificate c = t.cert();
    init( type, c.toString( c.isTempel() ? "CN serialNumber" : "GN SN serialNumber" ), t.flags() );
Пример #15
PrintSheet::PrintSheet( DigiDoc *doc, QPrinter *printer )
:	QPainter( printer )
,	p( printer )
	printer->setOrientation( QPrinter::Portrait );

	QDateTime utc = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toUTC();
	utc.setTimeSpec( Qt::LocalTime );
	int diffsec = utc.secsTo( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
	QString timediff = diffsec >= 0 ? "+" : "-";
	timediff += QTime().addSecs( diffsec >= 0 ? diffsec : -diffsec ).toString( "hh:mm" );

	left		= p->pageRect().x();
	margin		= left;
	right		= p->pageRect().topRight().x() - 2*margin;
	top			= p->pageRect().topLeft().y() + 30;

#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
	scale( 0.8, 0.8 );
	right /= 0.8;

	QFont text = font();
	text.setFamily( "Arial, Liberation Sans, Helvetica, sans-serif" );
	text.setPixelSize( 12 );

	QFont head = text;
	QFont sHead = text;
	head.setPixelSize( 28 );
	sHead.setPixelSize( 18 );

	QPen oPen = pen();
	QPen sPen = pen();
	QPen hPen = pen();
	hPen.setWidth( 2 );
	sPen.setWidth( 1 );
	sPen.setStyle( Qt::DotLine );

	setFont( head );
	drawText( left, top, tr("VALIDITY CONFIRMATION SHEET") );
	setPen( hPen );
	drawLine( left, top+3, right, top+3 );
	top += 45;

	setFont( sHead );
	drawText( left, top, tr("SIGNED FILES") );
	setPen( sPen );
	drawLine( left, top+3, right, top+3 );
	top += 30;

	setFont( text );
	setPen( oPen );
	drawText( left, top, tr("FILE NAME") );
	drawText( left+400, top, tr("FILE SIZE") );
	for( int i = 0; i < doc->documentModel()->rowCount(); ++i )
		drawLine( left, top+5, right, top+5 );
		drawLine( left, top+5, left, top+25 );
		drawLine( left+395, top+5, left+395, top+25 );
		drawLine( right, top+5, right, top+25 );
		top += 20;
		drawText( left+5, top, doc->documentModel()->index( i, 0 ).data().toString() );
		drawText( left+400, top, doc->documentModel()->index( i, 2 ).data().toString() );
		drawLine( left, top+5, right, top+5 );
		newPage( 50 );
	top += 35;

	newPage( 50 );
	setFont( sHead );
	drawText( left, top, tr("SIGNERS") );
	setPen( sPen );
	drawLine( left, top+3, right, top+3 );
	top += 30;
	setFont( text );
	setPen( oPen );

	int i = 1;
	Q_FOREACH( const DigiDocSignature &sig, doc->signatures() )
		newPage( 50 );
		const SslCertificate cert = sig.cert();
		bool tempel = cert.isTempel();

		drawText( left, top, tr("NO.") );
		drawLine( left+35, top+5, left+35, top+25 );
		drawText( left+40, top, tempel ? tr( "COMPANY" ) : tr( "NAME" ) );
		drawLine( right-305, top+5, right-305, top+25 );
		drawText( right-300, top, tempel ? tr("REGISTER CODE") : tr("PERSONAL CODE") );
		drawLine( right-165, top+5, right-165, top+25 );
		drawText( right-160, top, tr("TIME") );
		drawRect( left, top+5, right - margin, 20 );
		top += 20;

		drawText( left+5, top, QString::number( i ) );
		drawText( left+40, top, cert.toString( cert.showCN() ? "CN" : "GN SN" ) );
		drawText( right-300, top, cert.subjectInfo( "serialNumber" ) );
		drawText( right-160, top, sig.dateTime().toString( "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" ) + " " + timediff );
		top += 25;

		QString valid = tr("SIGNATURE") + " ";
		switch( sig.validate() )
			case DigiDocSignature::Valid: valid.append( tr("VALID") ); break;
			case DigiDocSignature::Invalid: valid.append( tr("NOT VALID") ); break;
			case DigiDocSignature::Unknown: valid.append( tr("UNKNOWN") ); break;
		if( sig.isTest() )
			valid += " " + tr("(NB! TEST SIGNATURE)");
		customText( tr("VALIDITY OF SIGNATURE"), valid );
		top += 45;

		customText( tr("ROLE / RESOLUTION"), sig.role() );
		top += 45;

		customText( tr("PLACE OF CONFIRMATION (CITY, STATE, ZIP, COUNTRY)"), sig.location() );
		top += 45;

		customText( tr("SERIAL NUMBER OF SIGNER CERTIFICATE"), cert.serialNumber() );
		top += 45;

		customText( tr("ISSUER OF CERTIFICATE"), cert.issuerInfo( QSslCertificate::CommonName ) );
		drawText( left+207, top, tr("HASH VALUE OF ISSUER'S PUBLIC KEY") );
		drawLine( left+200, top+5, left+200, top+25 );
		drawText( left+207, top+20, cert.toHex( cert.authorityKeyIdentifier() ) );
		top += 45;

		customText( tr("HASH VALUE OF VALIDITY CONFIRMATION (OCSP RESPONSE)"), cert.toHex( sig.ocspDigestValue() ) );
		top += 60;

	newPage( 50 );
	QTextDocument textDoc;
	textDoc.setTextWidth( right - margin );
	textDoc.setHtml( tr("The print out of files listed in the section <b>\"Signed Files\"</b> "
						"are inseparable part of this Validity Confirmation Sheet.") );
	translate( QPoint( left, top - 30) );
	textDoc.drawContents( this , QRectF( 0, 0, right - margin, 40) );
	top += 30;

	newPage( 90 );
	drawText( left+3, top, tr("NOTES") );
	top += 10;
	drawRect( left, top, right - margin, 80 );

Пример #16
PinDialog::PinDialog( PinFlags flags, const QSslCertificate &cert, TokenData::TokenFlags token, QWidget *parent )
:	QDialog( parent )
	SslCertificate c = cert;
	init( flags, c.toString( c.showCN() ? "CN serialNumber" : "GN SN serialNumber" ), token );
Пример #17
CertificateDialog::CertificateDialog(const QSslCertificate &cert, QWidget *parent, bool removePath)
:	QDialog( parent )
,	d( new CertificateDialogPrivate )
	d->setupUi( this );
	QPushButton *save = d->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Save);
	if(save && Settings(QSettings::SystemScope).value("disableSave", false).toBool())
		d->tabWidget->removeTab( 2 );

	d->cert = cert;
	SslCertificate c = cert;
	QString i;
	QTextStream s( &i );
	s << "<b>" << tr("Certificate Information") << "</b><br />";
	s << "<hr>";
	s << "<b>" << tr("This certificate is intended for following purpose(s):") << "</b>";
	s << "<ul>";
	for(const QString &ext: c.enhancedKeyUsage())
		s << "<li>" << ext << "</li>";
	s << "</ul>";
	s << "<br /><br /><br /><br />";
	//s << tr("* Refer to the certification authority's statement for details.") << "<br />";
	s << "<hr>";
	s << "<p style='margin-left: 30px;'>";
	s << "<b>" << tr("Issued to:") << "</b> " << c.subjectInfo( QSslCertificate::CommonName );
	s << "<br /><br /><br />";
	s << "<b>" << tr("Issued by:") << "</b> " << c.issuerInfo( QSslCertificate::CommonName );
	s << "<br /><br /><br />";
	s << "<b>" << tr("Valid from") << "</b> " << c.effectiveDate().toLocalTime().toString( "dd.MM.yyyy" ) << " ";
	s << "<b>" << tr("to") << "</b> "<< c.expiryDate().toLocalTime().toString( "dd.MM.yyyy" );
	s << "</p>";
	d->info->setHtml( i );

	d->addItem( tr("Version"), "V" + c.version() );
	d->addItem( tr("Serial number"), QString( "%1 (0x%2)" )
		.arg( c.serialNumber().constData() )
		.arg( c.serialNumber( true ).constData() ) );
	d->addItem( tr("Signature algorithm"), c.signatureAlgorithm() );

	QStringList text, textExt;
	for(const QByteArray &obj: c.issuerInfoAttributes())
		const QString &data = c.issuerInfo( obj );
		if( data.isEmpty() )
		text << data;
		textExt << QString( "%1 = %2" ).arg( obj.constData() ).arg( data );
	d->addItem( tr("Issuer"), text.join( ", " ), textExt.join( "\n" ) );
	d->addItem( tr("Valid from"), DateTime( c.effectiveDate().toLocalTime() ).toStringZ( "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" ) );
	d->addItem( tr("Valid to"), DateTime( c.expiryDate().toLocalTime() ).toStringZ( "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" ) );

	for(const QByteArray &obj: c.subjectInfoAttributes())
		const QString &data = c.subjectInfo( obj );
		if( data.isEmpty() )
		text << data;
		textExt << QString( "%1 = %2" ).arg( obj.constData() ).arg( data );
	d->addItem( tr("Subject"), text.join( ", " ), textExt.join( "\n" ) );
	d->addItem( tr("Public key"), c.keyName(), c.publicKeyHex() );

	QStringList enhancedKeyUsage = c.enhancedKeyUsage().values();
	if( !enhancedKeyUsage.isEmpty() )
		d->addItem( tr("Enhanched key usage"), enhancedKeyUsage.join( ", " ), enhancedKeyUsage.join( "\n" ) );
	QStringList policies = c.policies();
	if( !policies.isEmpty() )
		d->addItem( tr("Certificate policies"), policies.join( ", " ) );
	d->addItem( tr("Authority key identifier"), c.toHex( c.authorityKeyIdentifier() ) );
	d->addItem( tr("Subject key identifier"), c.toHex( c.subjectKeyIdentifier() ) );
	QStringList keyUsage = c.keyUsage().values();
	if( !keyUsage.isEmpty() )
		d->addItem( tr("Key usage"), keyUsage.join( ", " ), keyUsage.join( "\n" ) );

	d->parameters->header()->setSectionResizeMode(0, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);
Пример #18
SignatureWidget::SignatureWidget( const DigiDocSignature &signature, unsigned int signnum, QWidget *parent )
:	QLabel( parent )
,	num( signnum )
,	s( signature )
	setObjectName( QString("signatureWidget%1").arg(signnum) );
	setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Preferred );
	setWordWrap( true );
	setTextInteractionFlags( Qt::LinksAccessibleByKeyboard|Qt::LinksAccessibleByMouse );
	connect( this, SIGNAL(linkActivated(QString)), SLOT(link(QString)) );

	const SslCertificate cert = s.cert();
	QString accessibility, content, tooltip;
	QTextStream sa( &accessibility );
	QTextStream sc( &content );
	QTextStream st( &tooltip );

	if( cert.type() & SslCertificate::TempelType )
		sc << "<img src=\":/images/ico_stamp_blue_16.png\">";
		sc << "<img src=\":/images/ico_person_blue_16.png\">";
	sc << "<b>" << Qt::escape( cert.toString( cert.showCN() ? "CN" : "GN SN" ) ) << "</b>";

	if( !s.location().isEmpty() )
		sa << " " << tr("Location") << " " << s.location();
		sc << "<br />" << Qt::escape( s.location() );
		st << Qt::escape( s.location() ) << "<br />";
	if( !s.role().isEmpty() )
		sa << " " << tr("Role") << " " << s.role();
		sc << "<br />" << Qt::escape( s.role() );
		st << Qt::escape( s.role() ) << "<br />";
	DateTime date( s.dateTime().toLocalTime() );
	if( !date.isNull() )
		sa << " " << tr("Signed on") << " "
			<< date.formatDate( "dd. MMMM yyyy" ) << " "
			<< tr("time") << " "
			<< date.toString( "hh:mm" );
		sc << "<br />" << tr("Signed on") << " "
			<< date.formatDate( "dd. MMMM yyyy" ) << " "
			<< tr("time") << " "
			<< date.toString( "hh:mm" );
		st << tr("Signed on") << " "
			<< date.formatDate( "dd. MMMM yyyy" ) << " "
			<< tr("time") << " "
			<< date.toString( "hh:mm" );
	setToolTip( tooltip );

	sa << " " << tr("Signature is") << " ";
	sc << "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr>";
	sc << "<td>" << tr("Signature is") << " ";
	switch( s.validate() )
	case DigiDocSignature::Valid:
		sa << tr("valid");
		sc << "<font color=\"green\">" << tr("valid");
	case DigiDocSignature::Warning:
		sa << tr("valid") << " (" << tr("Warnings") << ")";
		sc << "<font color=\"green\">" << tr("valid") << "</font> <font>(" << tr("Warnings") << ")";
	case DigiDocSignature::Test:
		sa << tr("valid") << " (" << tr("Test signature") << ")";
		sc << "<font color=\"green\">" << tr("valid") << "</font> <font>(" << tr("Test signature") << ")";
	case DigiDocSignature::Invalid:
		sa << tr("not valid");
		sc << "<font color=\"red\">" << tr("not valid");
	case DigiDocSignature::Unknown:
		sa << tr("unknown");
		sc << "<font color=\"red\">" << tr("unknown");
	sc << "</font>";
	sc << "</td><td align=\"right\">";
	sc << "<a href=\"details\" style=\"color: #509B00\" title=\"" << tr("Show details") << "\">" << tr("Show details") << "</a>";
	sc << "</td></tr><tr><td></td>";
	sc << "<td align=\"right\">";
	if( s.parent()->isSupported() )
		sc << "<a href=\"remove\" style=\"color: #509B00\" title=\"" << tr("Remove") << "\">" << tr("Remove") << "</a>";
	sc << "</td></tr></table>";

	setText( content );
	setAccessibleName( tr("Signature") + " " + cert.toString( cert.showCN() ? "CN" : "GN SN" ) );
	setAccessibleDescription( accessibility );