nest::music_cont_in_proxy::set_status( const DictionaryDatum& d )
  Parameters_ ptmp = P_; // temporary copy in case of errors
  ptmp.set( d, S_ );     // throws if BadProperty

  State_ stmp = S_;
  stmp.set( d, P_ ); // throws if BadProperty

  // if we get here, temporaries contain consistent set of properties
  P_ = ptmp;
  S_ = stmp;
iaf_psc_exp_multisynapse::set_status( const DictionaryDatum& d )
  Parameters_ ptmp = P_;                 // temporary copy in case of errors
  const double delta_EL = ptmp.set( d ); // throws if BadProperty
  State_ stmp = S_;                      // temporary copy in case of errors
  stmp.set( d, ptmp, delta_EL );         // throws if BadProperty

  // We now know that (ptmp, stmp) are consistent. We do not
  // write them back to (P_, S_) before we are also sure that
  // the properties to be set in the parent class are internally
  // consistent.
  Archiving_Node::set_status( d );

   * Here is where we must update the recordablesMap_ if new receptors
   * are added!
  DynamicRecordablesMap< iaf_psc_exp_multisynapse > rtmp =
    recordablesMap_; // temporary copy in case of errors
  if ( ptmp.tau_syn_.size()
    > P_.tau_syn_.size() ) // Number of receptors increased
    for ( size_t i_syn = P_.tau_syn_.size(); i_syn < ptmp.tau_syn_.size();
          ++i_syn )
      size_t elem = iaf_psc_exp_multisynapse::State_::I_SYN
        + i_syn
          * iaf_psc_exp_multisynapse::State_::NUM_STATE_ELEMENTS_PER_RECEPTOR;
      rtmp.insert( get_i_syn_name( i_syn ), get_data_access_functor( elem ) );
  else if ( ptmp.tau_syn_.size() < P_.tau_syn_.size() )
  { // Number of receptors decreased
    for ( size_t i_syn = ptmp.tau_syn_.size(); i_syn < P_.tau_syn_.size();
          ++i_syn )
      rtmp.erase( get_i_syn_name( i_syn ) );

  // if we get here, temporaries contain consistent set of properties
  P_ = ptmp;
  S_ = stmp;
  recordablesMap_ = rtmp;
Пример #3
nest::ht_neuron::set_status( const DictionaryDatum& d )
  Parameters_ ptmp = P_; // temporary copy in case of errors
  ptmp.set( d );         // throws if BadProperty
  State_ stmp = S_;      // temporary copy in case of errors
  stmp.set( d, ptmp );   // throws if BadProperty

  // We now know that (ptmp, stmp) are consistent. We do not
  // write them back to (P_, S_) before we are also sure that
  // the properties to be set in the parent class are internally
  // consistent.
  Archiving_Node::set_status( d );

  // if we get here, temporaries contain consistent set of properties
  P_ = ptmp;
  S_ = stmp;