Пример #1
/* static */
already_AddRefed<BrowsingContext> BrowsingContext::Get(uint64_t aId) {
  if (BrowsingContextMap<WeakPtr>::Ptr abc = sBrowsingContexts->lookup(aId)) {
    return do_AddRef(abc->value().get());

  return nullptr;
Пример #2
void BrowsingContext::Detach(bool aFromIPC) {
  MOZ_LOG(GetLog(), LogLevel::Debug,
          ("%s: Detaching 0x%08" PRIx64 " from 0x%08" PRIx64,
           XRE_IsParentProcess() ? "Parent" : "Child", Id(),
           mParent ? mParent->Id() : 0));

  RefPtr<BrowsingContext> kungFuDeathGrip(this);

  BrowsingContextMap<RefPtr>::Ptr p;
  if (sCachedBrowsingContexts && (p = sCachedBrowsingContexts->lookup(Id()))) {
    MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(!mParent || !mParent->mChildren.Contains(this));
    MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(!mGroup || !mGroup->Toplevels().Contains(this));
  } else {
    Children* children = nullptr;
    if (mParent) {
      children = &mParent->mChildren;
    } else if (mGroup) {
      children = &mGroup->Toplevels();

    if (children) {
      // TODO(farre): This assert looks extremely fishy, I know, but
      // what we're actually saying is this: if we're detaching, but our
      // parent doesn't have any children, it is because we're being
      // detached by the cycle collector destroying docshells out of
      // order.
      MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(children->IsEmpty() || children->Contains(this));


  if (mGroup) {

  // As our nsDocShell is going away, this should implicitly mark us as closed.
  // We directly set our member, rather than using a transaction as we're going
  // to send a `Detach` message to other processes either way.
  mClosed = true;

  if (!aFromIPC && XRE_IsContentProcess()) {
    auto cc = ContentChild::GetSingleton();
    cc->SendDetachBrowsingContext(this, false /* aMoveToBFCache */);