bool detect_capture_from_motion(const GameState& gs, const Step& step_taken, Step *capture) { if (!possible_capture_from_motion(gs, step_taken)) return false; const unsigned char color = step_taken.get_color(); const Board capturable = gs.get_color_board(color) & ~adj_friendly(gs, color); const char capture_idxs[] = {18, 21, 42, 45}; for(int i=0; i < 4; ++i) { if (capturable.contains(capture_idxs[i])) { // we have a capture! int8_t c, p; gs.color_and_piece_at(capture_idxs[i], &c, &p); // assert(c == color); *capture = Step(color, p, capture_idxs[i], CAPTURE); return true; } } return false; }
void HdfProcessor::updateStep(Step& step) { Group group = _file.openGroup(step.getName()); unlinkAllDatasets(group); for (int i = 0; i < Step::DIMENSION_NUMBER; i++) { writeCoordinatesToDataSet(group, COORDINATES_DATASET_NAMES[i], step.getParticlesNumber(), i, step.getCoordinates()); } map<string, float*>::iterator begin = step.getAdditionalData().begin(); map<string, float*>::iterator end = step.getAdditionalData().end(); while (begin != end) { createDataSet(group, begin->first.c_str(), DataSpace::ALL, begin->second, step.getParticlesNumber()); ++begin; } group.close(); }
void LocationPath::evaluate(NodeSet& nodes) const { bool resultIsSorted = nodes.isSorted(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_steps.size(); i++) { Step* step = m_steps[i]; NodeSet newNodes; HashSet<Node*> newNodesSet; bool needToCheckForDuplicateNodes = !nodes.subtreesAreDisjoint() || (step->axis() != Step::ChildAxis && step->axis() != Step::SelfAxis && step->axis() != Step::DescendantAxis && step->axis() != Step::DescendantOrSelfAxis && step->axis() != Step::AttributeAxis); if (needToCheckForDuplicateNodes) resultIsSorted = false; // This is a simplified check that can be improved to handle more cases. if (nodes.subtreesAreDisjoint() && (step->axis() == Step::ChildAxis || step->axis() == Step::SelfAxis)) newNodes.markSubtreesDisjoint(true); for (unsigned j = 0; j < nodes.size(); j++) { NodeSet matches; step->evaluate(nodes[j], matches); if (!matches.isSorted()) resultIsSorted = false; for (size_t nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < matches.size(); ++nodeIndex) { Node* node = matches[nodeIndex]; if (!needToCheckForDuplicateNodes || newNodesSet.add(node).isNewEntry) newNodes.append(node); } } nodes.swap(newNodes); } nodes.markSorted(resultIsSorted); }
bool GameState::move_piece(const Step &s) { assert(s.is_motion()); const uint8_t c = s.get_color(), p = s.get_piece(), pos = s.get_position(), finish = s.get_finish(); return move_piece(c, p, pos, finish); }
bool GameState::add_piece_at(const Step &s) { return add_piece_at(s.get_color(), s.get_piece(), s.get_position()); }
void Plan::CalcEncoding() { int n = mOrderings.size() + mSteps.size() + 1; if(mA) delete mA; mA = new SparceMatrix(n, mSteps.size()*3 + n); int row = 0; //The current equation int k = 0; //The current slack variable for(vector<Step*>::iterator it = mSteps.begin(); it != mSteps.end(); it++) { Step* curStep = *it; if(curStep->getAction()->LBDurration() == curStep->getAction()->UBDurration()) { //If they are the same we don't need slack variables //s_end - s_start = dur mA->set(row, getStepCol(curStep, StepTime::End), mgr.addOne()); mA->set(row, getStepCol(curStep, StepTime::Start), -mgr.addOne()); (*mb)[row] = mgr.constant(curStep->getAction()->UBDurration()); row++; } else { //Other wise we do //s_end - s_start - s_k = ub; mA->set(row, getStepCol(curStep, StepTime::End), mgr.addOne()); mA->set(row, getStepCol(curStep, StepTime::Start), -mgr.addOne()); mA->set(row, getSlackVar(k), -mgr.addOne()); (*mb)[row] = mgr.constant(curStep->getAction()->UBDurration()); row++; k++; //s_start - s_end - s_k+1 = -lb; mA->set(row, getStepCol(curStep, StepTime::Start), mgr.addOne()); mA->set(row, getStepCol(curStep, StepTime::End), -mgr.addOne()); mA->set(row, getSlackVar(k), -mgr.addOne()); (*mb)[row] = mgr.constant(curStep->getAction()->LBDurration()); row++; k++; } } for(vector<Ordering*>::iterator it = mOrderings.begin(); it != mOrderings.end(); it++) { Ordering* curOrdering = *it; //Post_time - Pre_time - s_k = epsilon mA->set(row, getStepCol(curOrdering->Post(), curOrdering->PostTime()), mgr.addOne()); mA->set(row, getStepCol(curOrdering->Pre(), curOrdering->PreTime()), -mgr.addOne()); mA->set(row, getSlackVar(k), -mgr.addOne()); (*mb)[row] = mgr.constant(epsilon); row++; k++; } mA->set(row, getStepCol(FrameStep, StepTime::Start), -mgr.addOne()); mA->set(row, getStepCol(FrameStep, StepTime::End), mgr.addOne()); mA->set(row, getSlackVar(k), -mgr.addOne()); (*mb)[row] = mgr.constant(Deadline); row++; k++; int index = 0; mf.resize(k+mA->getNumCols()); for(int i = 0; i < k; i++) { mf[index].index = getSlackVar(i); mf[index].inverted = false; index++; } for(int i = 0; i < mA->getNumCols(); i++) { mf[i].index = i; } }
//PreprocessProgram initializes ETA parameters and validates/modifies ramp conditions void Thermocycler::PreprocessProgram() { Step* pCurrentStep; Step* pPreviousStep = NULL; iProgramHoldDurationS = 0; iEstimatedTimeRemainingS = 0; iHasCooled = false; iProgramControlledRampDurationS = 0; iProgramFastRampDegrees = 0; iElapsedFastRampDegrees = 0; iTotalElapsedFastRampDurationMs = 0; ipProgram->BeginIteration(); while ((pCurrentStep = ipProgram->GetNextStep()) && !pCurrentStep->IsFinal()) { //validate ramp if (pPreviousStep != NULL && pCurrentStep->GetRampDurationS() * 1000 < absf(pCurrentStep->GetTemp() - pPreviousStep->GetTemp()) * PLATE_FAST_RAMP_THRESHOLD_MS) { //cannot ramp that fast, ignored set ramp pCurrentStep->SetRampDurationS(0); } //update eta hold iProgramHoldDurationS += pCurrentStep->GetStepDurationS(); //update eta ramp if (pCurrentStep->GetRampDurationS() > 0) { //controlled ramp iProgramControlledRampDurationS += pCurrentStep->GetRampDurationS(); } else { //fast ramp double previousTemp = pPreviousStep ? pPreviousStep->GetTemp() : GetPlateTemp(); iProgramFastRampDegrees += absf(previousTemp - pCurrentStep->GetTemp()) - CYCLE_START_TOLERANCE; } pPreviousStep = pCurrentStep; } }
int main() { int width, height, select; int c1,x1=34,y1=10, Y1=1; int c, x = Ws+2, y =Hs+1 ,i=Hs,X=0,Y=0; int go_on; initscr(); cbreak(); // disable key buffering noecho(); // disable echoing nodelay( stdscr, 1 ); start_color(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); // enable keypad reading getmaxyx(stdscr, height, width); // get screen size Make_map Map01; Menu M; M.PrintMenu(); Time T; Step S; CheckPosition Check; select = TRUE; while(select) { move(y1,x1); c1 = getch(); switch(c1) { case KEY_UP: mvprintw(y1,x1," "); y1=y1-2; Y1--; M.Check(y1,Y1); mvprintw( y1, x1, "->" ); break; case KEY_DOWN: mvprintw(y1,x1," "); y1=y1+2; Y1++; M.Check(y1,Y1); mvprintw( y1, x1, "->" ); break; case KEY_RIGHT: switch(Y1) { case 1 : erase(); T.setT1(); S.set(); Map01.initialize(); Map01.setMap(); Map01.BanSpace(); Map01.displayMap(); mvaddstr(1,16, "Pressed Key: [1~9]"); mvaddstr(21, 17, "Clear space: [0]"); go_on = TRUE; while (go_on) { move(y, x); c = getch(); switch(c) { case KEY_LEFT: x=x-LRS; X--; Check.CheckPositionX(x,X); mvaddstr(18, 64, " "); break; case KEY_RIGHT: x=x+LRS; X++; Check.CheckPositionX(x,X); mvaddstr(18, 64, " "); break; case KEY_UP: y=y-UDS; Y--; Check.CheckPositionY(y,Y); mvaddstr(18, 64, " "); break; case KEY_DOWN: y=y+UDS; Y++; Check.CheckPositionY(y,Y); mvaddstr(18, 64, " "); break; case '0': Map01.getAns(0,X,Y); S.getStep(); break; case '1': Map01.getAns(1,X,Y); S.getStep(); break; case '2': Map01.getAns(2,X,Y); S.getStep(); break; case '3': Map01.getAns(3,X,Y); S.getStep(); break; case '4': Map01.getAns(4,X,Y); S.getStep(); break; case '5': Map01.getAns(5,X,Y); S.getStep(); break; case '6': Map01.getAns(6,X,Y); S.getStep(); break; case '7': Map01.getAns(7,X,Y); S.getStep(); break; case '8': Map01.getAns(8,X,Y); S.getStep(); break; case '9': Map01.getAns(9,X,Y); S.getStep(); break; case 'z': go_on = FALSE; break; case 'n': Map01.initialize();Map01.setMap();Map01.BanSpace();Map01.displayMap();T.setT1();S.set(); break; case 'f': Map01.CheckAns(); break; case 'Z': go_on = FALSE; break; case 'N': Map01.initialize();Map01.setMap();Map01.BanSpace();Map01.displayMap();T.setT1();S.set(); break; case 'F': Map01.CheckAns(); break; case 's': Map01.Save();T.Save();S.Save();break; case 'S': Map01.Save();T.Save();S.Save();break; case 'l': Map01.initialize();Map01.Load();Map01.displayMap();T.setT1();T.Load();S.Load();break; case 'L': Map01.initialize();Map01.Load();Map01.displayMap();T.setT1();T.Load();S.Load();break; default: T.setT2(); T.displayTime(); } // switch (c) //refresh(); while (x < 0) x += width; while (x >= width) x -= width; while (y < 0) y += height; while (y >= height) y -= height; } // while (go_on) erase(); M.PrintMenu(); break; case 2 : select = FALSE; break; default: ; } break; } } endwin(); return 0; } // main( )
bool StepImpl::operator==(Step& op) { return this->get_name() == op.get_name() && this->is_label() == op.is_label() && this->get_visname() == op.get_visname(); }
//PreprocessProgram initializes ETA parameters and validates/modifies ramp conditions void Thermocycler::PreprocessProgram() { Step* pCurrentStep; Step* pPreviousStep = NULL; m_program_hold_duration_sec = 0; m_estimated_time_remaining_sec = 0; m_has_cooled = false; m_program_controlled_ramp_duration_sec = 0; m_program_fast_ramp_degrees = 0; m_elapsed_fast_ramp_degrees = 0; m_total_elapsed_fast_ramp_duration_ms = 0; m_program->BeginIteration(); while ((pCurrentStep = m_program->GetNextStep()) && !pCurrentStep->IsFinal()) { //validate ramp if (pPreviousStep != NULL && pCurrentStep->GetRampDurationS() * 1000 < fabs(pCurrentStep->GetTemp() - pPreviousStep->GetTemp()) * PLATE_FAST_RAMP_THRESHOLD_MS) { //cannot ramp that fast, ignored set ramp pCurrentStep->SetRampDurationS(0); } //update eta hold m_program_hold_duration_sec += pCurrentStep->GetStepDurationS(); //update eta ramp if (pCurrentStep->GetRampDurationS() > 0) { //controlled ramp m_program_controlled_ramp_duration_sec += pCurrentStep->GetRampDurationS(); } else { //fast ramp double previousTemp = pPreviousStep ? pPreviousStep->GetTemp() : GetPlateTemp(); m_program_fast_ramp_degrees += fabs(previousTemp - pCurrentStep->GetTemp()) - CYCLE_START_TOLERANCE; } pPreviousStep = pCurrentStep; } }
int Gui::drawPage( LGraphicsView *view, QGraphicsScene *scene, Steps *steps, int stepNum, QString const &addLine, Where ¤t, QStringList &csiParts, QStringList &pliParts, bool isMirrored, QHash<QString, QStringList> &bfx, bool printing, bool bfxStore2, QStringList &bfxParts, bool calledOut) { bool global = true; QString line; Callout *callout = NULL; Range *range = NULL; Step *step = NULL; bool pliIgnore = false; bool partIgnore = false; bool synthBegin = false; bool multiStep = false; bool partsAdded = false; bool coverPage = false; bool bfxStore1 = false; bool bfxLoad = false; int numLines = ldrawFile.size(current.modelName); bool firstStep = true; steps->isMirrored = isMirrored; QList<InsertMeta> inserts; Where topOfStep = current; Rc gprc = OkRc; Rc rc; statusBar()->showMessage("Processing " + current.modelName); page.coverPage = false; QStringList calloutParts; /* * do until end of page */ for ( ; current <= numLines; current++) { Meta &curMeta = callout ? callout->meta : steps->meta; QStringList tokens; // If we hit end of file we've got to note end of step if (current >= numLines) { line.clear(); gprc = EndOfFileRc; tokens << "0"; // not end of file, so get the next LDraw line } else { line = ldrawFile.readLine(current.modelName,current.lineNumber); split(line,tokens); } if (tokens.size() == 15 && tokens[0] == "1") { QString color = tokens[1]; QString type = tokens[tokens.size()-1]; csiParts << line; partsAdded = true; /* since we have a part usage, we have a valid step */ if (step == NULL) { if (range == NULL) { range = newRange(steps,calledOut); steps->append(range); } step = new Step(topOfStep, range, stepNum, curMeta, calledOut, multiStep); range->append(step); } /* addition of ldraw parts */ if ( && ! pliIgnore && ! partIgnore && ! synthBegin) { QString colorType = color+type; if (! isSubmodel(type) || curMeta.LPub.pli.includeSubs.value()) { if (bfxStore2 && bfxLoad) { bool removed = false; for (int i = 0; i < bfxParts.size(); i++) { if (bfxParts[i] == colorType) { bfxParts.removeAt(i); removed = true; break; } } if ( ! removed) { pliParts << Pli::partLine(line,current,steps->meta); } } else { pliParts << Pli::partLine(line,current,steps->meta); } } if (bfxStore1) { bfxParts << colorType; } } /* if it is a sub-model, then process it */ if (ldrawFile.contains(type) && callout) { /* we are a callout, so gather all the steps within the callout */ /* start with new meta, but no rotation step */ if (callout->bottom.modelName != type) { Where current2(type,0); skipHeader(current2); callout->meta.rotStep.clear(); SubmodelStack tos(current.modelName,current.lineNumber,stepNum); callout->meta.submodelStack << tos; Meta saveMeta = callout->meta; callout->meta.LPub.pli.constrain.resetToDefault(); step->append(callout); calloutParts.clear(); QStringList csiParts2; QHash<QString, QStringList> calloutBfx; int rc; rc = drawPage( view, scene, callout, 1, line, current2, csiParts2, calloutParts, ldrawFile.mirrored(tokens), calloutBfx, printing, bfxStore2, bfxParts, true); callout->meta = saveMeta; if (callout-> && ! callout->meta.LPub.callout.pli.perStep.value() && ! pliIgnore && ! partIgnore && ! synthBegin) { pliParts += calloutParts; } if (rc != 0) { steps->placement = steps->meta.LPub.assem.placement; return rc; } } else { callout->instances++; pliParts += calloutParts; } /* remind user what file we're working on */ statusBar()->showMessage("Processing " + current.modelName); } } else if (tokens.size() > 0 && (tokens[0] == "2" || tokens[0] == "3" || tokens[0] == "4" || tokens[0] == "5")) { csiParts << line; partsAdded = true; /* we've got a line, triangle or polygon, so add it to the list */ /* and make sure we know we have a step */ if (step == NULL) { if (range == NULL) { range = newRange(steps,calledOut); steps->append(range); } step = new Step(topOfStep, range, stepNum, steps->meta, calledOut, multiStep); range->append(step); } } else if (tokens.size() > 0 && tokens[0] == "0" || gprc == EndOfFileRc) { /* must be meta-command (or comment) */ if (global && tokens.contains("!LPUB") && tokens.contains("GLOBAL")) { topOfStep = current; } else { global = false; } QString part; if (gprc == EndOfFileRc) { rc = gprc; } else { rc = curMeta.parse(line,current,true); } /* handle specific meta-commands */ switch (rc) { /* toss it all out the window, per James' original plan */ case ClearRc: pliParts.clear(); csiParts.clear(); steps->freeSteps(); break; /* Buffer exchange */ case BufferStoreRc: bfx[curMeta.bfx.value()] = csiParts; bfxStore1 = true; bfxParts.clear(); break; case BufferLoadRc: csiParts = bfx[curMeta.bfx.value()]; bfxLoad = true; break; case MLCadGroupRc: csiParts << line; break; case IncludeRc: include(curMeta); break; /* substitute part/parts with this */ case PliBeginSub1Rc: if (pliIgnore) { parseError("Nested PLI BEGIN/ENDS not allowed\n",current); } if (steps-> && ! pliIgnore && ! partIgnore && ! synthBegin) { SubData subData = curMeta.LPub.pli.begin.sub.value(); QString addPart = QString("1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 %1") .arg(subData.part); pliParts << Pli::partLine(addPart,current,curMeta); } if (step == NULL) { if (range == NULL) { range = newRange(steps,calledOut); steps->append(range); } step = new Step(topOfStep, range, stepNum, curMeta, calledOut, multiStep); range->append(step); } pliIgnore = true; break; /* substitute part/parts with this */ case PliBeginSub2Rc: if (pliIgnore) { parseError("Nested BEGIN/ENDS not allowed\n",current); } if (steps-> && ! pliIgnore && ! partIgnore && ! synthBegin) { SubData subData = curMeta.LPub.pli.begin.sub.value(); QString addPart = QString("1 %1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 %2") .arg(subData.color) .arg(subData.part); pliParts << Pli::partLine(addPart,current,curMeta); } if (step == NULL) { if (range == NULL) { range = newRange(steps,calledOut); steps->append(range); } step = new Step(topOfStep, range, stepNum, curMeta, calledOut, multiStep); range->append(step); } pliIgnore = true; break; /* do not put subsequent parts into PLI */ case PliBeginIgnRc: if (pliIgnore) { parseError("Nested BEGIN/ENDS not allowed\n",current); } pliIgnore = true; break; case PliEndRc: if ( ! pliIgnore) { parseError("PLI END with no PLI BEGIN",current); } pliIgnore = false; break; /* discard subsequent parts, and don't create CSI's for them */ case PartBeginIgnRc: case MLCadSkipBeginRc: if (partIgnore) { parseError("Nested BEGIN/ENDS not allowed\n",current); } partIgnore = true; break; case PartEndRc: case MLCadSkipEndRc: if (partIgnore) { parseError("Ignore ending with no ignore begin",current); } partIgnore = false; break; case SynthBeginRc: if (synthBegin) { parseError("Nested BEGIN/ENDS not allowed\n",current); } synthBegin = true; break; case SynthEndRc: if ( ! synthBegin) { parseError("Ignore ending with no ignore begin",current); } synthBegin = false; break; /* remove a group or all instances of a part type */ case GroupRemoveRc: case RemoveGroupRc: case RemovePartRc: case RemoveNameRc: { QStringList newCSIParts; if (rc == RemoveGroupRc) { remove_group(csiParts,steps->,newCSIParts); } else if (rc == RemovePartRc) { remove_parttype(csiParts, steps->meta.LPub.remove.parttype.value(),newCSIParts); } else { remove_partname(csiParts, steps->meta.LPub.remove.partname.value(),newCSIParts); } csiParts = newCSIParts; if (step == NULL) { if (range == NULL) { range = newRange(steps,calledOut); steps->append(range); } step = new Step(topOfStep, range, stepNum, curMeta, calledOut, multiStep); range->append(step); } } break; case ReserveSpaceRc: /* since we have a part usage, we have a valid step */ if (calledOut || multiStep) { step = NULL; Reserve *reserve = new Reserve(current,steps->meta.LPub); if (range == NULL) { range = newRange(steps,calledOut); steps->append(range); } range->append(reserve); } break; case InsertCoverPageRc: coverPage = true; page.coverPage = true; case InsertPageRc: partsAdded = true; break; case InsertRc: inserts.append(curMeta.LPub.insert); // these are always placed before any parts in step break; case CalloutBeginRc: if (callout) { parseError("Nested CALLOUT not allowed within the same file",current); } else { callout = new Callout(curMeta,view); callout->setTopOfCallout(current); } break; case CalloutDividerRc: if (range) { range->sepMeta = curMeta.LPub.callout.sep; range = NULL; step = NULL; } break; case CalloutPointerRc: if (callout) { callout->appendPointer(current,curMeta.LPub.callout); } break; case CalloutEndRc: if ( ! callout) { parseError("CALLOUT END without a CALLOUT BEGIN",current); } else { callout->parentStep = step; callout->parentRelativeType = step->relativeType; callout->pli.clear(); callout->placement = curMeta.LPub.callout.placement; callout->setBottomOfCallout(current); callout = NULL; } break; case StepGroupBeginRc: if (calledOut) { parseError("MULTI_STEP not allowed inside callout models",current); } else { if (multiStep) { parseError("Nested MULTI_STEP not allowed",current); } multiStep = true; } steps->relativeType = StepGroupType; break; case StepGroupDividerRc: if (range) { range->sepMeta = steps->meta.LPub.multiStep.sep; range = NULL; step = NULL; } break; /* finished off a multiStep */ case StepGroupEndRc: if (multiStep) { // save the current meta as the meta for step group // PLI for non-pli-per-step if (partsAdded) { parseError("Expected STEP before MULTI_STEP END", current); } multiStep = false; if (pliParts.size() && steps->meta.LPub.multiStep.pli.perStep.value() == false) { steps-> = false; steps->pli.setParts(pliParts,steps->stepGroupMeta); steps->pli.sizePli(&steps->stepGroupMeta, StepGroupType, false); } pliParts.clear(); /* this is a page we're supposed to process */ steps->placement = steps->meta.LPub.multiStep.placement; showLine(steps->topOfSteps()); bool endOfSubmodel = stepNum == ldrawFile.numSteps(current.modelName); int instances = ldrawFile.instances(current.modelName,isMirrored); addGraphicsPageItems(steps, coverPage, endOfSubmodel,instances, view, scene,printing); return HitEndOfPage; } break; /* we're hit some kind of step, or implied step and end of file */ case EndOfFileRc: case RotStepRc: case StepRc: if ( ! partsAdded && bfxLoad) { // special case of no parts added, but BFX load if (step == NULL) { if (range == NULL) { range = newRange(steps,calledOut); steps->append(range); } step = new Step(topOfStep, range, stepNum, curMeta, calledOut, multiStep); range->append(step); } int rc = step->createCsi( isMirrored ? addLine : "1 color 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 foo.ldr", csiParts, &step->csiPixmap, steps->meta); partsAdded = true; // OK, so this is a lie, but it works } if (partsAdded) { if (firstStep) { steps->stepGroupMeta = curMeta; firstStep = false; } if (pliIgnore) { parseError("PLI BEGIN then STEP. Expected PLI END",current); pliIgnore = false; } if (partIgnore) { parseError("PART BEGIN then STEP. Expected PART END",current); partIgnore = false; } if (synthBegin) { parseError("SYNTH BEGIN then STEP. Expected SYNTH_END",current); synthBegin = false; } bool pliPerStep; if (multiStep && steps->meta.LPub.multiStep.pli.perStep.value()) { pliPerStep = true; } else if (calledOut && steps->meta.LPub.callout.pli.perStep.value()) { pliPerStep = true; } else if ( ! multiStep && ! calledOut) { pliPerStep = true; } else { pliPerStep = false; } if (step) { Page *page = dynamic_cast<Page *>(steps); if (page) { page->inserts = inserts; } if (pliPerStep) { PlacementType relativeType; if (multiStep) { relativeType = StepGroupType; } else if (calledOut) { relativeType = CalloutType; } else { relativeType = SingleStepType; } step->pli.setParts(pliParts,steps->meta); pliParts.clear(); step->pli.sizePli(&steps->meta,relativeType,pliPerStep); } int rc = step->createCsi( isMirrored ? addLine : "1 color 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 foo.ldr", csiParts, &step->csiPixmap, steps->meta); statusBar()->showMessage("Processing " + current.modelName); if (rc) { return rc; } } else { if (pliPerStep) { pliParts.clear(); } /* * Only pages or step can have inserts.... no callouts */ if ( ! multiStep && ! calledOut) { Page *page = dynamic_cast<Page *>(steps); if (page) { page->inserts = inserts; } } } if ( ! multiStep && ! calledOut) { /* * Simple step */ if (steps->list.size() == 0) { steps->relativeType = PageType; } steps->placement = steps->meta.LPub.assem.placement; showLine(topOfStep); int numSteps = ldrawFile.numSteps(current.modelName); bool endOfSubmodel = numSteps == 0 || stepNum == numSteps; int instances = ldrawFile.instances(current.modelName,isMirrored); addGraphicsPageItems(steps,coverPage,endOfSubmodel,instances,view,scene,printing); stepPageNum += ! coverPage; steps->setBottomOfSteps(current); return HitEndOfPage; } steps->meta.pop(); stepNum += partsAdded; topOfStep = current; partsAdded = false; coverPage = false; step = NULL; bfxStore2 = bfxStore1; bfxStore1 = false; bfxLoad = false; } inserts.clear(); steps->setBottomOfSteps(current); break; case RangeErrorRc: showLine(current); QMessageBox::critical(NULL, QMessageBox::tr("LPub"), QMessageBox::tr("Parameter(s) out of range: %1:%2\n%3") .arg(current.modelName) .arg(current.lineNumber) .arg(line)); return RangeErrorRc; break; default: break; } } else if (line != "") { showLine(current); QMessageBox::critical(NULL, QMessageBox::tr("LPub"), QMessageBox::tr("Invalid LDraw Line Type: %1:%2\n %3") .arg(current.modelName) .arg(current.lineNumber) .arg(line)); return InvalidLDrawLineRc; } } steps->meta.rotStep.clear(); return 0; }