string trimmedName(string& s) { //printf("splitting %s\n",s.c_str()); StrVec vec; int n=strsplit_slash(s, vec); //for(int i=0;i<n;i++) printf(" '%s'\n",vec[i].c_str()); unsigned int i=0; while(i<vec.size()) { if(i>0) { if(vec[i]==".." && vec[i-1]!="..") { i--; vec.erase(vec.begin()+i,vec.begin()+i+2); continue; } } i++; } if(!vec.size()) return ""; string ret=""; for(unsigned int i=0; i<vec.size(); i++) { ret+=vec[i]; if(i+1!=vec.size()) ret+="/"; } return ret; }
int Http_Response_Package::prase_package(std::string package) { m_line.clear(); m_fields.clear(); StrVec fields; split_string(package,fields,"\r\n"); if (fields.size()>1) { m_line=fields[0]; } for (unsigned int i=1;i<fields.size(); i++ ) { int colon_pos=fields[i].find(':'); std::string key=fields[i].substr(0,colon_pos); std::string value=fields[i].substr(colon_pos+1); value=trim_string(value," "); if ( m_fields.find(key)==m_fields.end() ) { m_fields[key]=value; } else { m_fields[key]+=";"+value; } } return 0; }
int main() { StrVec sv; print(sv); sv.push_back("s1"); print(sv); sv.push_back("s2"); print(sv); sv.push_back("s3"); print(sv); sv.push_back("s4"); print(sv); sv.push_back("s5"); print(sv); { StrVec sv2(sv); print(sv2); sv2.push_back("s6"); print(sv); print(sv2); sv.pop_back(); print(sv); print(sv2); sv = sv2; print(sv); print(sv2); } sv.reserve(sv.capacity() / 2); print(sv); sv.reserve(sv.capacity() * 2); print(sv); sv.resize(sv.size() + 2); print(sv); sv.resize(sv.size() + 2, "s7"); print(sv); sv.resize(sv.size() - 2); print(sv); sv.resize(sv.size() - 2, "s7"); print(sv); return 0; }
void cGRASS::breakDir(string Dir) { StrVec Vec; Vec.clear(); char dir[255]; strcpy(dir,Dir.c_str()); char * t; string temp; printf ("Splitting string \"%s\" into tokens:\n",dir); t = strtok (dir,"/"); while (t != NULL) { temp = t; Vec.push_back(temp); t = strtok (NULL, "/"); } MapSet = Vec[Vec.size()-1]; Location = Vec[Vec.size()-2]; GDBase = ""; for (uint i = 0; i < Vec.size()-2; i++) { GDBase = GDBase + "/" + Vec[i]; } // printf(MapSet); // printf(Location); // printf(GDBase); }
void Console::exec(std::string cmd) { StrVec args; if(cmd.find(' ') != std::string::npos) { args.push_back(cmd.substr(cmd.find(' ') + 1, cmd.size() - cmd.find(' '))); cmd = cmd.substr(0, cmd.find(' ')); while(args.back().find(' ') != std::string::npos) { args.push_back(args.back().substr(args.back().find(' ') + 1 , args.size() - args.back().find(' '))); - 1) = - 1).substr(0, - 1).find(' ') - 1); } } if(commands.find(cmd) == commands.end()) { addString("Command '" + cmd + "' not found"); return; } if(!commands[cmd].exec(args)) addString("Wrong number of arguments for command '" + cmd + "'."); }
bool operator>=(const StrVec &lhs, const StrVec &rhs) { auto sz = lhs.size() < rhs.size() ? lhs.size() : rhs.size(); auto pl = lhs.begin(), pr = rhs.begin(); while (sz-- && *pl == *pr) ++pl, ++pr; return sz ? *pl >= *pr : pr == rhs.end(); }
bool operator==(const StrVec &lhs, const StrVec &rhs) { if (lhs.size() != rhs.size()) return false; for (auto pl = lhs.begin(), pr = rhs.begin(); pl != lhs.end(); ) if (*pl != *pr) return false; return true; }
bool match(const PackInfo &other) const { if(other.dirs.size() != dirs.size()) return false; assert(dirs.size() == paths.size()); assert(dirs.size() == other.paths.size()); for(int i=0; i<dirs.size(); i++) if(dirs[i] != other.dirs[i] || paths[i] != other.paths[i]) return false; return true; }
bool operator< (const StrVec & s1,const StrVec &s2) { for(size_t i =0 ; i< s1.size() && i < s2.size(); i++) { if(*(s1.elements+i ) < *(s2.elements+i) ) return true ; else if(*(s1.elements+i ) < *(s2.elements+i) ) return false; } if(s1.size() < s2.size()) return true ; return false; }
bool operator==(const StrVec &s1 ,const StrVec &s2) { if(s1.size() == s2.size()) { for(size_t i =0 ; i< s1.size() ; i++) { if(*(s1.elements+i ) != *(s2.elements+i) ) return false ; } return true; } return false ; }
bool operator==(const StrVec& lhs, const StrVec& rhs) { if(lhs.size() != rhs.size()) { return false; } for(auto itrL=lhs.begin(), itrR=rhs.begin(); itrL!=lhs.end(), itrR!=rhs.end(); itrL++, itrR++) { if(itrL != itrR) { return false; } } return true; }
int main() { StrVec words; words.push_back("ss"); words.push_back("sb"); words.push_back("asf"); words.push_back("safasfd"); words.push_back("asfas"); std::cout<<words.size()<<std::endl; //words = StrVec(); //words = words; std::cout<<"cap "<<words.capacity()<<std::endl; std::cout<<"sz "<<words.size()<<std::endl; for_each(words.begin(), words.end(), [](const std::string &s){std::cout<<s<<std::endl;}); std::cout<<"exit"<<std::endl; }
void CorbaNotifyUtils::getORBOptions(const std::string &appName,const std::string &orbOptions, int &orbArgc,ACE_TCHAR*** orbArgv) { StrVec ORBOptionsVec; size_t ini = orbOptions.find_first_not_of(" \t"); size_t end; while(ini != std::string::npos) { end = orbOptions.find_first_of(" \t", ini + 1); if(end != std::string::npos) { ORBOptionsVec.push_back(orbOptions.substr(ini, end - ini)); ini = orbOptions.find_first_not_of(" \t", end); } else { ORBOptionsVec.push_back(orbOptions.substr(ini)); ini = std::string::npos; } } int i = 1; orbArgc = ORBOptionsVec.size() + 1; *orbArgv = new ACE_TCHAR*[orbArgc]; (*orbArgv)[0] = new ACE_TCHAR[appName.size() + 1]; strncpy((*orbArgv)[0], appName.c_str(), appName.size()); (*orbArgv)[0][appName.size()] = '\0'; for(StrVec::const_iterator it = ORBOptionsVec.begin(); it != ORBOptionsVec.end(); ++it, ++i) { (*orbArgv)[i] = new ACE_TCHAR[it->size() + 1]; strncpy((*orbArgv)[i], it->c_str(), it->size()); (*orbArgv)[i][it->size()] = '\0'; ACE_DEBUG((LM_INFO, "%T ORB option: %s\n", (*orbArgv)[i])); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { argc--, argv++; if (argc == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "mecab_smpl filename\n"); return 1; } try { const std::string fileName = argv[0]; cybozu::Mmap mmap(fileName); if (mmap.size() > (1 << 30)) { fprintf(stderr, "file is too large %lld\n", (long long)mmap.size()); return 1; } cybozu::nlp::Mecab mecab; typedef std::vector<std::string> StrVec; StrVec sv; if (mecab.parse(sv, mmap.get(), (int)mmap.size())) { for (size_t i = 0, n = sv.size(); i < n; i++) { printf("%s ", sv[i].c_str()); } printf("\n"); } return 0; } catch (std::exception& e) { fprintf(stderr, "exception %s\n", e.what()); } catch (...) { fprintf(stderr, "unknown exception\n"); } return 1; }
void print(const StrVec &sv) { std::cout << "<" << &sv << "> size: " << sv.size() << " capacity: " << sv.capacity() << " contents:"; for (const auto &s : sv) std::cout << " <" << s << ">"; std::cout << std::endl; }
bool TestPathops::process () { #ifdef _MSC_VER const char* paths [] = {"\\kokos\\banan", "d:\\Encyclopedia\\Data\\Genomes\\E.coli.K12\\proteins\\fasta\\", "", "\\", "\\ananas\\", NULL}; #else const char* paths [] = {"/kokos/banan", "~/Encyclopedia/Data/Genomes/E.coli.K12/proteins/fasta/", "", "/", "/ananas/", NULL}; #endif const char** path = paths; for (; *path != NULL; path ++) { o_ << "Path " << *path << std::endl; StrVec comps = split_path (*path); o_ << "path " << *path << ", " << comps.size () << " components" << std::endl; StrVec::const_iterator i = comps.begin (); for (;i < comps.end (); i ++) o_ << " '" << (*i).c_str () << "'" << std::endl; std::string rejoined = join_path (comps); o_ << " Rejoined: " << rejoined.c_str () << std::endl; } std::string jp = join_path ("kokos", "banan", "ananas", "yabloko", NULL); o_ << jp.c_str () << std::endl; jp = join_path ("", "kokos", NULL); o_ << jp.c_str () << std::endl; jp = join_path ("", NULL); o_ << jp.c_str () << std::endl; jp = join_path ("kokos", NULL); o_ << jp.c_str () << std::endl; jp = join_path (NULL); o_ << jp.c_str () << std::endl; return true; }
void ParseBufVC(char* buf, const string& filter_modules, const string& filter_disabled, const string& filter_headers) { static bool ignore_files=false; string line(buf); switch(BufState) { case 0: // expect filter start (set state to 1) or just a line (state =0) { if(line.find("<Filter")!=-1) BufState++; ProjLines.push_back(line); break; } case 1: // found filter, read the name and maybe start ignoring files, state++ { int from=line.find("\"")+1; int to=line.find("\"",from); string name=line.substr(from,to-from); if(name==filter_modules || name==filter_headers || name==filter_disabled) { ProjAssoc[ProjLines.size()+4]=name; ignore_files=true; } BufState++; ProjLines.push_back(line); break; } case 2: // state++ case 3: // state++ case 4: // state++ { BufState++; ProjLines.push_back(line); break; } case 5: // expect file or end of filter (back to 0, stop ignoring files) { // end of filter? if(line.find("</Filter>")!=-1) { BufState=0; ignore_files=false; ProjLines.push_back(line); break; } // file, pass } case 6: // state++ case 7: // state++ case 8: // state++ { if(!ignore_files) ProjLines.push_back(line); BufState++; if(BufState>8) BufState=5; break; } default: ; } }
StrVec::StrVec(const StrVec &s) { auto p = alloc.allocate(s.size()); auto q = uninitialized_copy(s.cbegin(), s.cend(), p); free(); begin_iter = p; end_iter = q; cap = q; }
int main() { StrVec vec = { "aaa", "bbb", "ccc" }; cout << vec.size() << " " << vec.capacity() << endl; vec.push_back("ddd"); vec.print(); system("pause"); return 0; }
size_t Data::curIdx(bool required) const { // special case for single value - no need to call begin() if(1 == m_keys.size() && IdxInvalidPos == m_pos) return 1; if(!end()) return m_pos; if(required) throw std::exception("Invalid sl::Data index"); return IdxInvalidPos; }
// sort freq order void term(int lowerLimit = 3, double upperRateLimit = 0.98) { fprintf(stderr, "#doc=%d, #word=%d\n", docNum_, (int)df_.size()); for (size_t i = 0, n = id2word_.size(); i < n; i++) { const int freq = df_[i]; if (freq <= lowerLimit) continue; pv_.push_back(Pair(i, freq)); } int pvNum = (int)(pv_.size() * upperRateLimit); fprintf(stderr, "shrink %d -> %d\n", (int)pv_.size(), pvNum); std::partial_sort(pv_.begin(), pv_.begin() + pvNum, pv_.end()); pv_.resize(pvNum); }
void Console::update() { StrVec tmpLog = Logger::getLog(); Logger::clearLog(); if(!tmpLog.empty() && != "") { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < tmpLog.size(); i++) { while("\n") != std::string::npos)"\n"), 1); addString(; } } }
void append(const std::string& word) { std::string lower; cybozu::ToLower(lower, word); std::pair<Str2Int::iterator, bool> ret = word2id_.insert(Str2Int::value_type(lower, (int)id2word_.size())); //printf("word=%s, id=%d, ret=%d\n", ret.first->first.c_str(), ret.first->second, ret.second); if (ret.second) { id2word_.push_back(lower); df_.resize(id2word_.size()); } if (set_.insert(word).second) { df_[ret.first->second]++; } }
int strsplit_slash(string& st, StrVec& vec) { vec.clear(); int last_pos=0; int pos=0; int max_pos=st.size(); while(pos<max_pos) { last_pos=pos; while(st[pos]!='/' && pos<max_pos) pos++; vec.push_back(st.substr(last_pos,pos-last_pos)); while(st[pos]=='/' && pos<max_pos) pos++; } return vec.size(); }
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { StrVec svec1; std::ifstream ifs("in.txt"); std::istream_iterator<std::string> beg(ifs), end; std::vector<std::string> src(beg, end); for (auto& s : src) { svec1.push_back(s); } svec1.resize(10, "illidan"); StrVec svec = { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" }; display(svec); std::cout << svec.size() << std::endl; return 0; }
bool loadKeywordFile(const std::string& keyFile) { std::ifstream ifs(keyFile.c_str(), std::ios::binary); if (!ifs) return false; std::string word; while (std::getline(ifs, word)) { size_t pos = word.find('\t'); if (pos == std::string::npos) break; word.resize(pos); std::pair<Str2Int::iterator, bool> ret = word2id_.insert(Str2Int::value_type(word, (int)id2word_.size())); if (ret.second) { id2word_.push_back(word); } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERR already set %s\n", word.c_str()); } } df_.resize(id2word_.size()); fprintf(stderr, "#word = %d\n", (int)df_.size()); return true; }
void RedisClient::HDel(const std::string & hask_name, const StrVec & keys){ if( keys.empty() ) { LOGE("HDEL warning : keys is empty vector"); return ; } std::stringstream sm; sm << "HDEL "<< hask_name ; bool avaliad_param = false ; for( const auto & key : keys ) { if(key.empty()) continue; sm<<" "<<key; avaliad_param = true ; } if( !avaliad_param ) { LOGE("HDEL warning :all key are empty string .keys has " <<keys.size()); return ; } redisReply *redis_reply = RedoCommand(sm.str(),REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER); freeReplyObject_Safe(redis_reply); }
bool TestFileUtils :: process () { std::string fname = fixture_.dirname (); fname += path_separator (); fname += "*.txt"; StrVec sv; expand_wildcards (fname.c_str (), sv); StrVec::iterator itr = sv.begin (); for (; itr != sv.end (); itr ++) { o_ << (*itr).c_str () << std::endl; } if (!sv.size ()) { o_ << "No files to test reader" << std::endl; return false; } LineReader lr (sv.front ().c_str ()); char* ln; int no = 0; int slen = 0; time_t st = time (NULL); while ((ln = lr.nextLine ())) { ++ no; slen += strlen (ln); //if (strlen (ln) > 100) o_ << ln; if (no % 100000 == 0) { int td = time (NULL) - st; double rd = double (slen) / (1024*1024); o_ << "\rline " << no << ", " << rd << " Mb, average speed " << rd / (td?td:1) << " Mb/s " << std::flush; } } time_t et = time (NULL); lr.close (); return true; }
int main() { string temp[] = {"one", "two", "three"}; StrVec sv(temp, temp + sizeof(temp)/sizeof(*temp)); // run the string empty funciton on the first element in sv if (!sv[0].empty()) sv[0] = "None"; // assign a new value to the first string // we'll call getVec a couple of times // and will read the same file each time ifstream in("data/storyDataFile"); StrVec svec = getVec(in); print(svec); in.close(); cout << "copy " << svec.size() << endl; StrVec svec2 = svec; print(svec2); cout << "assign" << endl; StrVec svec3; svec3 = svec2; print(svec3); StrVec v1, v2; v1 = v2; // v2 is an lvalue; copy assignment"data/storyDataFile"); v2 = getVec(in); // getVec(in) is an rvalue; move assignment in.close(); StrVec vec; // empty StrVec string s = "some string or another"; vec.push_back(s); // calls push_back(const string&) vec.push_back("done"); // calls push_back(string&&) return 0; }
void MapDataLoader::parse() { for (auto value : _mapVec) { if ("id")) { MapData data; StrVec vec = value.second; data._id = atoi(value.first.c_str()); int lastIndex = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { std::string value =; switch (i) { case 0: data._level = atoi(value.c_str()); break; case 1: data._stage = atoi(value.c_str()); break; case 2: data._width = atoi(value.c_str()); break; case 3: data._height = atoi(value.c_str()); break; case 4: data._bonus = stringToBonus(value); break; case 5: data._cheatName = value.c_str(); lastIndex = i + 1; break; default: int count = atoi(value.c_str()); if (count != 0) { data._npcVec.push_back(std::make_pair(ID_NPC(i - lastIndex), count)); } break; } } _maps.push_back(data); } } }