Пример #1
void StreamingSocket::close()
    if (handle != SOCKET_ERROR || connected)
        closesocket (handle);

    connected = false;
    if (connected)
        connected = false;

        if (isListener)
            // need to do this to interrupt the accept() function..
            StreamingSocket temp;
            temp.connect ("localhost", portNumber, 1000);

    if (handle != -1)
        ::close (handle);

    portNumber = 0;
    handle = -1;
    isListener = false;
Пример #2
void StreamingSocket::close()
    if (handle != SOCKET_ERROR || connected)
        closesocket (handle);

    connected = false;
    if (connected)
        connected = false;

        if (isListener)
            // need to do this to interrupt the accept() function..
            StreamingSocket temp;
            temp.connect (IPAddress::local().toString(), portNumber, 1000);

    if (handle != -1)
        ::shutdown (handle, SHUT_RDWR);
        ::close (handle);

    portNumber = 0;
    handle = -1;
    isListener = false;
Пример #3
void StreamingSocket::close()
    closesocket (handle);
    connected = false;
    if (connected)
        connected = false;

        if (isListener)
            // need to do this to interrupt the accept() function..
            StreamingSocket temp;
            temp.connect ("localhost", portNumber, 1000);

    ::close (handle);

    hostName = String::empty;
    portNumber = 0;
    handle = -1;
    isListener = false;
bool SunriseCheckWanMicroJob::runJob()
    StreamingSocket streamingSocket;
    const int64 start   = Time::getCurrentTime().toMilliseconds();
    const bool ret      = streamingSocket.connect ("google.com", 80, 5000);
    setProgress ((double) (Time::getCurrentTime().toMilliseconds() - start));
    return (ret);
Пример #5
    static void closeSocket (std::atomic<int>& handle, CriticalSection& readLock,
                             bool isListener, int portNumber, std::atomic<bool>& connected) noexcept
        const SocketHandle h = handle.load();
        handle = -1;

       #if JUCE_WINDOWS
        ignoreUnused (portNumber, isListener, readLock);

        if (h != (unsigned) SOCKET_ERROR || connected)
            closesocket (h);

        // make sure any read process finishes before we delete the socket
        CriticalSection::ScopedLockType lock (readLock);
        connected = false;
        if (connected)
            connected = false;

            if (isListener)
                // need to do this to interrupt the accept() function..
                StreamingSocket temp;
                temp.connect (IPAddress::local().toString(), portNumber, 1000);

        if (h != -1)
            // unblock any pending read requests
            ::shutdown (h, SHUT_RDWR);

                // see man-page of recv on linux about a race condition where the
                // shutdown command is lost if the receiving thread does not have
                // a chance to process before close is called. On Mac OS X shutdown
                // does not unblock a select call, so using a lock here will dead-lock
                // both threads.
               #if JUCE_LINUX || JUCE_ANDROID
                CriticalSection::ScopedLockType lock (readLock);
                ::close (h);
                ::close (h);
                CriticalSection::ScopedLockType lock (readLock);
Пример #6
SmugID SmugMug::uploadFile(int queue, int index)
	SmugID retval;

	UploadFile& uf = uploadQueue[queue]->getImageFileInfo(index);

	int64 bytesDone = 0;
	MD5 md5(uf.file);

	Time start = Time::getCurrentTime();


	String headers;
    String filename = uf.file.getFileName();
    headers = "PUT http://upload.smugmug.com/" + URL::addEscapeChars(filename, false) + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
		      "Host: upload.smugmug.com\r\n" +
			  "Content-Length: " + String(uf.file.getSize()) + "\r\n" +
		      "Content-MD5: " + md5.toHexString() + "\r\n" +
			  "X-Smug-SessionID: " + sessionId + "\r\n" +
			  "X-Smug-Version: 1.2.2\r\n" +
			  "X-Smug-ResponseType: REST\r\n" +
			  "X-Smug-AlbumID: " + String(uploadQueue[queue]->getAlbumId().id) + "\r\n" +
			  "X-Smug-FileName: " + filename + "\r\n\r\n";


	const char* headerUtf8 = headers.toUTF8();

	StreamingSocket soc;

	if (soc.connect("upload.smugmug.com", 80))
		int bytesWritten = soc.write(headerUtf8, (int)strlen(headerUtf8));
		if (bytesWritten == -1)
			uf.status = UploadFile::Failed;
			return retval;

		FileInputStream* fos = uf.file.createInputStream();
		if (fos)
			char buffer[1024 * 8];
			while (!fos->isExhausted())
				int in = fos->read(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
				int out = soc.write(buffer, in);


				if (in != out)
					delete fos;
					uf.status = UploadFile::Failed;
					return retval;
					bytesDone += in;
					uf.complete = float(bytesDone)/float(uf.file.getSize());

				if (uf.status == UploadFile::Cancelled)
					delete fos;
					return retval;
			delete fos;
			uf.status = UploadFile::Failed;
			return retval;

		String response;

		while (1)
			char buffer;
			int read = soc.read(&buffer, 1, true);
			if (read == -1)

			response += buffer;

			if (response.endsWith(("\r\n\r\n")) || response.endsWith(("\n\n")))
				String len = response.fromFirstOccurrenceOf(("Content-Length: "), false, true);
				if (len.isNotEmpty())
					// normal mode
					String num;

					int i = 0;
					while (CharacterFunctions::isDigit(len[i]))
						num += len[i++];
					int bytes = num.getIntValue();

					char* buffer = new char[bytes + 1];
					soc.read(buffer, bytes, true);
					buffer[bytes] = 0;

					response += buffer;
					delete[] buffer;
					// chunked
					while (1)
						String line;
						char ch;
						while (!line.endsWith("\r\n"))
							soc.read(&ch, 1, true);
							line += ch;

						int sz = line.getHexValue32();
						if (sz == 0)

						char* buf = new char[sz + 1];
						soc.read(buf, sz, true);
						buf[sz] = 0;

						response += buf;
						delete buf;

						soc.read(&ch, 1, true);
						soc.read(&ch, 1, true);

#ifdef JUCE_DEBUG				

				String xml = response.fromFirstOccurrenceOf(("<?xml"), true, true); 
				XmlDocument doc(xml);
				XmlElement* e = doc.getDocumentElement();
				if (e)
					XmlElement* image = e->getChildByName(("Image"));
					if (image)
						int val = image->getIntAttribute(("id"));
						if (val >= 0)
							uf.status = UploadFile::Finished;
							uf.complete = 1.0f;
							uf.url = image->getStringAttribute("URL");

							Time end = Time::getCurrentTime();
							RelativeTime diff = end - start;

							addLogEntry(("Info: ") + uf.file.getFileName() + (" uploaded in ") + String(int(diff.inSeconds())) + (" seconds [") + String(uf.file.getSize() / 1024 / diff.inSeconds(), 1) + ("KB/s]"));

							retval.id  = val;
							retval.key = image->getStringAttribute(("Key"));
							delete e;
							return retval;
					delete e;

	uf.status = UploadFile::Failed;
	return retval;