//************************************************************************* // Method: get_FullExecutableName // Description: FullExecutableName property get method // // Parameters: // None // // Return Value: the string representing the full path to the executable for this log // data array //************************************************************************* String *LogPaneDataArray::get_FullExecutableName() { String *applicationName = this->ExecutablePath; if (applicationName->CompareTo("") != 0) applicationName = String::Concat(applicationName, "\\", this->ExecutableFileName); else applicationName = this->ExecutableFileName; return applicationName; }
//************************************************************************* // Method: functionCheckChanged_Handler // Description: Called when the user checks a funtion in the treeview // Updates the listview of selected functions // // Parameters: // functionName - the list of selected functions // // Return Value: (ArrayList) updated list of selected functions //************************************************************************* void TestGetFunctionsListDialog::functionCheckChanged_Handler(String * functionName, bool IsChecked) { String * originalDLL = ""; InterceptedFunction * func = this->tvFunctions->GetFunctionDefinitionFromFunctionName (functionName); if (!func) originalDLL = "Internal Symbol"; else originalDLL = func->OriginalDll; if (IsChecked) { String * funcNameWithoutClass = functionName; int dotIndex = functionName->LastIndexOf('.'); if (dotIndex != -1) funcNameWithoutClass = functionName->Substring(dotIndex + 1); //The listviewitem will have the function name only ListViewItem * newItem = new ListViewItem (funcNameWithoutClass); //The fullname (with class) will be stored in the tag information newItem->Tag = functionName; newItem->SubItems->Add (originalDLL); this->lvItems->Items->Add (newItem); } else { for (int i=0; i < this->lvItems->Items->Count; i++) { ListViewItem * lvItem = this->lvItems->Items->Item[i]; String * fullFunctionName = dynamic_cast <String *> (lvItem->Tag); if ((fullFunctionName->CompareTo (functionName) == 0) && (lvItem->SubItems->Item[1]->Text->CompareTo (originalDLL) == 0)) { this->lvItems->Items->Remove (lvItem); break; } } } }
//************************************************************************* // Method: onParamListSelectedIndexChanged // Description: called when the selection changes in the list view // // Parameters: // sender - the sender of this event // args - the args representing this event // // Return Value: None //************************************************************************* void TestOutParamSelectionPage::onParamListSelectedIndexChanged(Object *sender, EventArgs *args) { if (paramListView->SelectedIndices->Count == 0) return; newValueComboBox->Items->Clear(); ListViewItem *item = paramListView->Items->get_Item(paramListView->SelectedIndices->get_Item(0)); ListViewItem::ListViewSubItem *currentValueItem = dynamic_cast<ListViewItem::ListViewSubItem *>(item->SubItems->get_Item(2)); if (!currentValueItem) return; String *currentValue = currentValueItem->Text; if (!currentValue) currentValue = ""; if (currentValue->CompareTo(OUT_PARAM_NO_CHANGE_STRING) != 0) newValueComboBox->Items->Add(currentValue); newValueComboBox->Items->Add(new String(OUT_PARAM_NO_CHANGE_STRING)); newValueComboBox->SelectedIndex = 0; }
void IRailConnection::OnTransactionReadyToRead(HttpSession& httpSession, HttpTransaction& httpTransaction, int availableBodyLen) { //LEZEN werkt ! ArrayListT<Connection> connections; connections.Construct(10); HttpResponse* resp = httpTransaction.GetResponse(); ByteBuffer* buf = (resp->ReadBodyN()); xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseMemory((char*) (buf->GetPointer()), buf->GetLimit()); if (doc != null) { xmlNodePtr connection = null; xmlNodePtr pRoot = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); for (connection = pRoot->children; connection; connection = connection->next) { xmlNodePtr child = null; Connection con; for (child = connection->children; child; child = child->next) { if (child->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { String nodeName; Osp::Base::Utility::StringUtil::Utf8ToString( (char*) child->name, nodeName); if (nodeName.CompareTo("departure") == 0) { xmlNodePtr child1 = null; for (child1 = child->children; child1; child1 = child1->next) { if (child1->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { String nodeName1; Osp::Base::Utility::StringUtil::Utf8ToString( (char*) child1->name, nodeName1); if (nodeName1.CompareTo("time") == 0) { xmlAttrPtr isoTime = child1->properties; if (isoTime != null && isoTime->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { String time; Osp::Base::Utility::StringUtil::Utf8ToString( (char*) isoTime->children->content, time); con.setFromTime(time); } } else if (nodeName1.CompareTo("station") == 0) { String station; Osp::Base::Utility::StringUtil::Utf8ToString( (char*) child1->children->content, station); con.setFromStation(station); } } } } else if (nodeName.CompareTo("arrival") == 0) { xmlNodePtr child1 = null; for (child1 = child->children; child1; child1 = child1->next) { if (child1->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { String nodeName1; Osp::Base::Utility::StringUtil::Utf8ToString( (char*) child1->name, nodeName1); if (nodeName1.CompareTo("time") == 0) { xmlAttrPtr isoTime = child1->properties; if (isoTime != null && isoTime->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { String time; Osp::Base::Utility::StringUtil::Utf8ToString( (char*) isoTime->children->content, time); con.setToTime(time); } } else if (nodeName1.CompareTo("station") == 0) { String station; Osp::Base::Utility::StringUtil::Utf8ToString( (char*) child1->children->content, station); con.setToStation(station); } } } } else if (nodeName.CompareTo("duration") == 0) { String duration_; Osp::Base::Utility::StringUtil::Utf8ToString( (char*) child->children->content, duration_); int duration; Integer::Parse(duration_, duration); con.setDuration(duration); } } } if(con != null) { connections.Add(con); } } xmlFreeDoc(doc); this->pTrainsResultsForm->setConnections(connections); } else { AppLog("parsing internet file failed"); } }
void VKUServiceProxy::OnMessageReceivedN(RemoteMessagePort* pRemoteMessagePort, IMap* pMessage) { AppLog("VKU : A response message is Received."); VKUApp* pApp = static_cast<VKUApp*>(App::GetInstance()); if (pApp != null) { String* event = static_cast<String*>(pMessage->GetValue(String(L"event"))); if (event != null) { if(event->CompareTo(L"newmessage") == 0) { int messageId; Integer::Parse(*static_cast<String *>(pMessage->GetValue(String(L"messageid"))), messageId); Frame* frame = pApp->GetFrame(FRAME_NAME); Form* form = frame->GetCurrentForm(); if (form->GetName() == IDF_DIALOG) { VKUDialogPanel* pDialogPanel = static_cast<VKUDialogPanel*>(form->GetControl(IDC_PANEL_DIALOG)); if (pDialogPanel != null) { pDialogPanel->LoadNewMessage(messageId); } } } else if(event->CompareTo(L"typing") == 0) { Frame* frame = pApp->GetFrame(FRAME_NAME); Form* form = frame->GetCurrentForm(); if (form->GetName() == IDF_DIALOG) { VKUDialogPanel* pDialogPanel = static_cast<VKUDialogPanel*>(form->GetControl(IDC_PANEL_DIALOG)); if (pDialogPanel != null) { pDialogPanel->OnTyping(); } } } else if(event->CompareTo("read") == 0) { int messageId; Integer::Parse(*static_cast<String *>(pMessage->GetValue(String(L"msg_id"))), messageId); if(_readEventListener != null) { _readEventListener->OnReadEvent(messageId); } } else if(event->CompareTo(L"status") == 0) { int userId; bool online; bool current; Integer::Parse(*static_cast<String *>(pMessage->GetValue(String(L"user_id"))), userId); online = static_cast<String *>(pMessage->GetValue(String(L"status")))->CompareTo(L"online") == 0; current = static_cast<String *>(pMessage->GetValue(String(L"current")))->CompareTo(L"true") == 0; // TODO: status processing // current = user in current dialog? } else if(event->CompareTo("audio-progress") == 0) { long duration, position; Long::Parse(*static_cast<String *>(pMessage->GetValue(String(L"duration"))), duration); Long::Parse(*static_cast<String *>(pMessage->GetValue(String(L"position"))), position); if(_audioProgressListener != null) { _audioProgressListener->OnAudioProgress(duration, position); } if(_audioElement != null) { _audioElement->OnProgress((int)(((double)position / (double)duration)*100)); } } } } delete pMessage; }