String AbstractContextI::loadValueFromURL(const String& urlstring) const throw (Exception) { String result; StringBuffer buf; buf->append(urlstring); if (0 == buf->indexOf(L"http://")) { URL url = new URLI(urlstring); HttpURLConnection httpurlconnection; url->openConnection()->downcast(httpurlconnection); if (verboseOutput()) cout << "JNDI context : Get response from url : " << urlstring << endl; int rc = httpurlconnection->getResponseCode(); UTF8StringBuffer cbuf; #if defined (_WINDOWS_SOURCE) cbuf->append(getenv("TEMP")); cbuf->append("\\"); cbuf->append(getenv("USERNAME")); cbuf->append("."); #else cbuf->append(getenv("USER_HOME")); cbuf->append("/."); #endif cbuf->append(urlstring->toMD5()); cbuf->append(".properties"); String cachefilepath = cbuf->toString()->toLowerCase(); if (200 != rc) { if (verboseOutput()) cout << "JNDI context : HTTP status = " << rc << endl; if (verboseOutput()) cout << "JNDI context : Trying to load from cached file : " << cachefilepath << endl; InputStream file = new FileInputStreamI(cachefilepath); UTF8String content; file->read(content, 0); file->close(); result = content->toString(); } else { String response = httpurlconnection->getResponseMessage(); Writer file = new FileWriterI(cachefilepath); file->write(response); file->close(); if (verboseOutput()) cout << "JNDI context : Caching to file : " << cachefilepath << endl; result = response; } } else if (0 == buf->indexOf(L"file://")) { result = loadValueFromFile(urlstring); } else { throw NamingException(WITHDETAILS(L"Unsupported URI format: " + urlstring)); } StringBuffer b = result; while (-1 < b->indexOf(L"${")) { InitialContext initialcontext = InitialContext::newInstance(); int bpos = 0; int epos = 0; while (bpos < b->length()) { bpos = b->indexOf(L"${", bpos); if (-1 == bpos) break; epos = b->indexOf(L"}", bpos); String variablename = b->substring(bpos + 2, epos); StringAnything variablevalue ; initialcontext->lookup(L"/" + variablename, variablevalue); StringBuffer value = variablevalue->toString(); if (-1 < value->indexOf(L"${" + variablename + L"}") ) throw Exception(WITHDETAILS(L"Recursive reference found : ${" + variablename + L"}")); b->replace(bpos, epos + 1, value->toString()); bpos = epos + 1; } } return b->toString(); }
static void _doReplicate(CActivityBase *activity, IPartDescriptor &partDesc, ICopyFileProgress *iProgress) { StringBuffer primaryName; getPartFilename(partDesc, 0, primaryName);; RemoteFilename rfn; IFileDescriptor &fileDesc = partDesc.queryOwner(); unsigned copies = partDesc.numCopies(); unsigned c=1; for (; c<copies; c++) { unsigned replicateCopy; unsigned clusterNum = partDesc.copyClusterNum(c, &replicateCopy); rfn.clear(); partDesc.getFilename(c, rfn); StringBuffer dstName; rfn.getPath(dstName); assertex(dstName.length()); if (replicateCopy>0 ) { try { queryThor().queryBackup().backup(dstName.str(), primaryName.str()); } catch (IException *e) { Owned<IThorException> re = MakeActivityWarning(activity, e, "Failed to create replicate file '%s'", dstName.str()); e->Release(); activity->fireException(re); } } else // another primary { ActPrintLog(activity, "Copying to primary %s", dstName.str()); StringBuffer tmpName(dstName.str()); tmpName.append(".tmp"); OwnedIFile tmpIFile = createIFile(tmpName.str()); OwnedIFile srcFile = createIFile(primaryName.str()); CFIPScope fipScope(tmpName.str()); try { try { ensureDirectoryForFile(dstName.str()); ::copyFile(tmpIFile, srcFile, 0x100000, iProgress); } catch (IException *e) { IThorException *re = MakeActivityException(activity, e, "Failed to copy to tmp file '%s' from source file '%s'", tmpIFile->queryFilename(), srcFile->queryFilename()); e->Release(); throw re; } try { OwnedIFile dstIFile = createIFile(dstName.str()); dstIFile->remove(); tmpIFile->rename(pathTail(dstName.str())); } catch (IException *e) { IThorException *re = ThorWrapException(e, "Failed to rename '%s' to '%s'", tmpName.str(), dstName.str()); e->Release(); throw re; } } catch (IException *) { try { tmpIFile->remove(); } catch (IException *e) { ActPrintLog(&activity->queryContainer(), e, NULL); e->Release(); } throw; } } } }
int init_main(int argc, char* argv[]) { InitModuleObjects(); Owned<IProperties> inputs = createProperties(true); bool interactive = false; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (stricmp(argv[i], "-?")==0 || stricmp(argv[i], "-h")==0 || stricmp(argv[i], "-help")==0 || stricmp(argv[i], "/?")==0 || stricmp(argv[i], "/h")==0) usage(); else if(stricmp(argv[i], "interactive") == 0) interactive = true; else if (strchr(argv[i],'=')) { inputs->loadProp(argv[i]); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %s", argv[i]); return 0; } } int result = -1; #ifdef _WIN32 if (!interactive) ::SetErrorMode(SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX|SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); #endif SET_ESP_SIGNAL_HANDLER(SIGPIPE, brokenpipe_handler); bool SEHMappingEnabled = false; CEspAbortHandler abortHandler; Owned<IFile> sentinelFile = createSentinelTarget(); removeSentinelFile(sentinelFile); Owned<CEspConfig> config; Owned<CEspServer> server; try { const char* cfgfile = NULL; const char* procname = NULL; if(inputs.get()) { if(inputs->hasProp("config")) cfgfile = inputs->queryProp("config"); if(inputs->hasProp("process")) procname = inputs->queryProp("process"); } if(!cfgfile || !*cfgfile) cfgfile = "esp.xml"; Owned<IPropertyTree> envpt= createPTreeFromXMLFile(cfgfile, ipt_caseInsensitive); Owned<IPropertyTree> procpt = NULL; if (envpt) { envpt->addProp("@config", cfgfile); StringBuffer xpath; if (procname==NULL || strcmp(procname, ".")==0) xpath.appendf("Software/EspProcess[1]"); else xpath.appendf("Software/EspProcess[@name=\"%s\"]", procname); DBGLOG("Using ESP configuration section [%s]", xpath.str()); procpt.set(envpt->queryPropTree(xpath.str())); if (!procpt) throw MakeStringException(-1, "Config section [%s] not found", xpath.str()); } else throw MakeStringException(-1, "Failed to load config file %s", cfgfile); StringBuffer logdir; if(procpt->hasProp("@name")) { StringBuffer espNameStr; procpt->getProp("@name", espNameStr); if (!getConfigurationDirectory(envpt->queryPropTree("Software/Directories"), "log", "esp", espNameStr.str(), logdir)) { logdir.clear(); } } const char* build_ver = BUILD_TAG; setBuildVersion(build_ver); const char* build_level = BUILD_LEVEL; setBuildLevel(build_level); if(logdir.length() == 0) { if(procpt->hasProp("@logDir")) procpt->getProp("@logDir", logdir); } if(logdir.length() == 0) logdir.append("."); if(stricmp(logdir.str(), ".") != 0) { recursiveCreateDirectory(logdir.str()); } if(logdir.charAt(logdir.length() - 1) != PATHSEPCHAR) logdir.append(PATHSEPCHAR); openEspLogFile(logdir.str(), procpt.get()); StringBuffer componentfilesDir; if(procpt->hasProp("@componentfilesDir")) procpt->getProp("@componentfilesDir", componentfilesDir); if(componentfilesDir.length() > 0 && strcmp(componentfilesDir.str(), ".") != 0) { DBGLOG("componentfiles are under %s", componentfilesDir.str()); setCFD(componentfilesDir.str()); } StringBuffer sehsetting; procpt->getProp("@enableSEHMapping", sehsetting); if(!interactive && sehsetting.length() > 0 && (stricmp(sehsetting.str(), "true") == 0 || stricmp(sehsetting.str(), "1") == 0)) SEHMappingEnabled = true; if(SEHMappingEnabled) EnableSEHtoExceptionMapping(); CEspConfig* cfg = new CEspConfig(inputs.getLink(), envpt.getLink(), procpt.getLink(), false); if(cfg && cfg->isValid()) { config.setown(cfg); abortHandler.setConfig(cfg); } } catch(IException* e) { StringBuffer description; ERRLOG("ESP Unhandled IException (%d -- %s)", e->errorCode(), e->errorMessage(description).str()); e->Release(); return -1; } catch (...) { ERRLOG("ESP Unhandled General Exception."); return -1; } if (config && config->isValid()) { PROGLOG("Configuring Esp Platform..."); try { CEspServer *srv = new CEspServer(config); if(SEHMappingEnabled) srv->setSavedSEHHandler(SEHMappingEnabled); server.setown(srv); abortHandler.setServer(srv); setEspContainer(server.get()); config->loadAll(); config->bindServer(*server.get(), *server.get()); } catch(IException* e) { StringBuffer description; ERRLOG("ESP Unhandled IException (%d -- %s)", e->errorCode(), e->errorMessage(description).str()); e->Release(); return -1; } catch (...) { ERRLOG("ESP Unhandled General Exception."); return -1; } writeSentinelFile(sentinelFile); result = work_main(*config, *server.get()); } else { ERRLOG("!!! Unable to load ESP configuration."); } return result; }
void GermanStemmer::substitute(StringBuffer& buffer) { substCount = 0; for ( size_t c = 0; c < buffer.length(); c++ ) { // Replace the second char of a pair of the equal characters with an asterisk if ( c > 0 && buffer.charAt( c ) == buffer.charAt ( c - 1 ) ) { buffer.setCharAt( c, _T('*') ); } // Substitute Umlauts. else if ( buffer.charAt( c ) == _T('ä') ) { buffer.setCharAt( c, _T('a') ); } else if ( buffer.charAt( c ) == _T('ö') ) { buffer.setCharAt( c, _T('o') ); } else if ( buffer.charAt( c ) == _T('ü') ) { buffer.setCharAt( c, _T('u') ); } // Fix bug so that 'ß' at the end of a word is replaced. else if ( buffer.charAt( c ) == _T('ß') ) { buffer.setCharAt( c, _T('s') ); buffer.insert( c + 1, _T('s') ); substCount++; } // Take care that at least one character is left left side from the current one if ( c < buffer.length() - 1 ) { // Masking several common character combinations with an token if ( ( c < buffer.length() - 2 ) && buffer.charAt( c ) == _T('s') && buffer.charAt( c + 1 ) == _T('c') && buffer.charAt( c + 2 ) == _T('h') ) { buffer.setCharAt( c, _T('$') ); buffer.deleteChars( c + 1, c + 3 ); substCount =+ 2; } else if ( buffer.charAt( c ) == _T('c') && buffer.charAt( c + 1 ) == _T('h') ) { buffer.setCharAt( c, _T('§') ); buffer.deleteCharAt( c + 1 ); substCount++; } else if ( buffer.charAt( c ) == _T('e') && buffer.charAt( c + 1 ) == _T('i') ) { buffer.setCharAt( c, _T('%') ); buffer.deleteCharAt( c + 1 ); substCount++; } else if ( buffer.charAt( c ) == _T('i') && buffer.charAt( c + 1 ) == _T('e') ) { buffer.setCharAt( c, _T('&') ); buffer.deleteCharAt( c + 1 ); substCount++; } else if ( buffer.charAt( c ) == _T('i') && buffer.charAt( c + 1 ) == _T('g') ) { buffer.setCharAt( c, _T('#') ); buffer.deleteCharAt( c + 1 ); substCount++; } else if ( buffer.charAt( c ) == _T('s') && buffer.charAt( c + 1 ) == _T('t') ) { buffer.setCharAt( c, _T('!') ); buffer.deleteCharAt( c + 1 ); substCount++; } } } }
void processMessage(CMessageBuffer &mb) { ICoven &coven=queryCoven(); SessionId id; int fn;; switch (fn) { case MSR_REGISTER_PROCESS_SESSION: { acceptConnections.wait(); acceptConnections.signal(); Owned<INode> node(deserializeINode(mb)); Owned<INode> servernode(deserializeINode(mb)); // hopefully me, but not if forwarded int role=0; if (mb.length()-mb.getPos()>=sizeof(role)) { // a capability block present; if (!manager.authorizeConnection(role,false)) { SocketEndpoint sender = mb.getSender(); mb.clear(); coven.reply(mb); MilliSleep(100+getRandom()%1000); // Causes client to 'work' for a short time. Owned<INode> node = createINode(sender); coven.disconnect(node); break; } #ifdef _DEBUG StringBuffer eps; PROGLOG("Connection to %s authorized",mb.getSender().getUrlStr(eps).str()); #endif } IGroup *covengrp; id = manager.registerClientProcess(node.get(),covengrp,(DaliClientRole)role); mb.clear().append(id); if (covengrp->rank(servernode)==RANK_NULL) { // must have been redirected covengrp->Release(); // no good, so just use one we know about (may use something more sophisticated later) INode *na = servernode.get(); covengrp = createIGroup(1, &na); } covengrp->serialize(mb); covengrp->Release(); coven.reply(mb); } break; case MSR_SECONDARY_REGISTER_PROCESS_SESSION: {; Owned<INode> node (deserializeINode(mb)); int role;; manager.addProcessSession(id,node.get(),(DaliClientRole)role); mb.clear(); coven.reply(mb); } break; case MSR_REGISTER_SESSION: { SecurityToken tok; SessionId parentid;; SessionId id = manager.registerSession(tok,parentid); mb.clear().append(id); coven.reply(mb); } break; case MSR_SECONDARY_REGISTER_SESSION: {; manager.addSession(id); mb.clear(); coven.reply(mb); } break; case MSR_LOOKUP_PROCESS_SESSION: { // looks up from node or from id Owned<INode> node (deserializeINode(mb)); if (node->endpoint().isNull()&&(mb.length()-mb.getPos()>=sizeof(id))) {; INode *n = manager.getProcessSessionNode(id); if (n) node.setown(n); node->serialize(mb.clear()); } else { id = manager.lookupProcessSession(node.get()); mb.clear().append(id); } coven.reply(mb); } break; case MSR_STOP_SESSION: { SessionId sessid; bool failed;; manager.stopSession(sessid,failed); mb.clear(); coven.reply(mb); } break; case MSR_LOOKUP_LDAP_PERMISSIONS: { StringAttr key; StringAttr obj; Owned<IUserDescriptor> udesc=createUserDescriptor(); StringAttr username; StringAttr passwordenc;; udesc->deserialize(mb); #ifndef _NO_DALIUSER_STACKTRACE //following debug code to be removed StringBuffer sb; udesc->getUserName(sb); if (0==sb.length()) { DBGLOG("UNEXPECTED USER (NULL) in dasess.cpp CSessionRequestServer::processMessage() line %d", __LINE__); } #endif unsigned auditflags = 0; if (mb.length()-mb.getPos()>=sizeof(auditflags)); int err = 0; int ret=manager.getPermissionsLDAP(key,obj,udesc,auditflags,&err); mb.clear().append(ret); if (err) mb.append(err); coven.reply(mb); } break; case MSR_CLEAR_PERMISSIONS_CACHE: { Owned<IUserDescriptor> udesc=createUserDescriptor(); udesc->deserialize(mb); bool ok = manager.clearPermissionsCache(udesc); mb.append(ok); coven.reply(mb); } break; } }
void GermanStemmer::substitute(StringBuffer& buffer) { substCount = 0; for ( size_t i = 0; i < buffer.length(); i++ ) { #ifdef _UCS2 TCHAR c = buffer.charAt(i); #else unsigned char c = buffer.charAt(i); #endif // Replace the second char of a pair of the equal characters with an asterisk if ( i > 0 && c == buffer.charAt ( i - 1 ) ) { buffer.setCharAt( i, _T('*') ); } // Substitute Umlauts. else if ( c == 0xe4 ) { buffer.setCharAt( i, _T('a') ); } else if ( c == 0xf6 ) { buffer.setCharAt( i, _T('o') ); } else if ( c == 0xfc ) { buffer.setCharAt( i, _T('u') ); } // Fix bug so that 'ß' at the end of a word is replaced. else if ( c == 0xdf ) { buffer.setCharAt( i, _T('s') ); buffer.insert( i + 1, _T('s') ); substCount++; } // Take care that at least one character is left left side from the current one if ( i < buffer.length() - 1 ) { // Masking several common character combinations with an token if ( ( i < buffer.length() - 2 ) && c == _T('s') && buffer.charAt( i + 1 ) == _T('c') && buffer.charAt( i + 2 ) == _T('h') ) { buffer.setCharAt( i, _T('$') ); buffer.deleteChars( i + 1, i + 3 ); substCount =+ 2; } else if ( c == _T('c') && buffer.charAt( i + 1 ) == _T('h') ) { buffer.setCharAt( i, 0xa7 ); // section sign in UTF-16 buffer.deleteCharAt( i + 1 ); substCount++; } else if ( c == _T('e') && buffer.charAt( i + 1 ) == _T('i') ) { buffer.setCharAt( i, _T('%') ); buffer.deleteCharAt( i + 1 ); substCount++; } else if ( c == _T('i') && buffer.charAt( i + 1 ) == _T('e') ) { buffer.setCharAt( i, _T('&') ); buffer.deleteCharAt( i + 1 ); substCount++; } else if ( c == _T('i') && buffer.charAt( i + 1 ) == _T('g') ) { buffer.setCharAt( i, _T('#') ); buffer.deleteCharAt( i + 1 ); substCount++; } else if ( c == _T('s') && buffer.charAt( i + 1 ) == _T('t') ) { buffer.setCharAt( i, _T('!') ); buffer.deleteCharAt( i + 1 ); substCount++; } } } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // determineInstallFiles //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CConfigGenEngine::determineInstallFiles(IPropertyTree& processNode, CInstallFiles& installFiles) const { try { m_pCallback->printStatus(STATUS_NORMAL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "Determining files to install for %s", processNode.queryProp("@name")); StringBuffer compListPath(CONFIGGEN_COMP_LIST); if (m_inDir.length()) compListPath.clear().append(m_inDir).append(PATHSEPCHAR).append(CONFIGGEN_COMP_LIST); Owned<IPropertyTree> deployNode = createPTreeFromXMLFile(compListPath.str(), ipt_caseInsensitive); StringBuffer srcFilePath; srcFilePath.ensureCapacity(_MAX_PATH); const bool bFindStartable = &m_process == &processNode && m_startable == unknown; const bool bFindStoppable = &m_process == &processNode && m_stoppable == unknown; StringBuffer xpath; xpath.appendf("Component[@name=\"%s\"]",processNode.queryProp("@buildSet")); IPropertyTree* pComponent = deployNode->queryPropTree(xpath.str()); if (!pComponent) { m_pCallback->printStatus(STATUS_NORMAL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "Cannot find files to install for %s", processNode.queryProp("@buildSet")); return 0; } Owned<IPropertyTreeIterator> iter = pComponent->getElements("File"); ForEach(*iter) { IPropertyTree* pFile = &iter->query(); const char* name = pFile->queryProp("@name"); if (!stricmp(name, "deploy_map.xml")) continue; if (bFindStartable && !strnicmp(name, "startup", sizeof("startup")-1)) m_startable = yes; if (bFindStoppable && !strnicmp(name, "stop", sizeof("stop")-1)) m_stoppable = yes; const char* method = pFile->queryProp("@method"); if (method && !stricmp(method, "schema")) continue; //if we are not deploying build files and method is copy then ignore this file if (!(m_deployFlags & DEFLAGS_BUILDFILES) && (!method || !stricmp(method, "copy"))) continue; const char* srcPath = pFile->queryProp("@srcPath"); const char* destPath= pFile->queryProp("@destPath"); const char* destName= pFile->queryProp("@destName"); bool bCacheable = pFile->getPropBool("@cache", false); // Get source filespec if (srcPath && !strcmp(srcPath, "@temp")) { char tempfile[_MAX_PATH]; getTempPath(tempfile, sizeof(tempfile), m_name); srcFilePath.clear().append(tempfile).append(name); } else { srcFilePath.clear().append(m_inDir); //adjust source paths if (srcPath && 0!=strcmp(srcPath, ".")) { if (!strncmp(srcPath, "..", 2) && (*(srcPath+2)=='/' || *(srcPath+2)=='\\')) { StringBuffer reldir(srcPath); reldir.replace('/', '\\'); while (!strncmp(reldir.str(), "..\\", 3)) { srcFilePath.setLength( srcFilePath.length() - 1 ); //remove last char PATHSEPCHAR const char* tail = pathTail(srcFilePath.str()); srcFilePath.setLength( tail - srcFilePath.str() ); reldir.remove(0, 3); } srcFilePath.append(reldir).append(PATHSEPCHAR); } else srcFilePath.append(srcPath).append(PATHSEPCHAR); } srcFilePath.append(name); } std::string sDestName; if (method && (!stricmp(method, "esp_service_module") || !stricmp(method, "esp_plugin"))) { //if this is xsl transformation and we are not generating config files then ignore // if (!(m_deployFlags & DEFLAGS_CONFIGFILES) && !stricmp(method, "esp_service_module")) continue; //if this file is an esp service module, encode name of service in the dest file name //so the esp deployment can figure out which service this file belongs to // const char* serviceName = processNode.queryProp("@name"); //if destination name is specified then use it otherwise use <service-name>[index of module].xml sDestName = serviceName; if (destName) { sDestName += '_'; sDestName += destName; } else { int espServiceModules = m_envDepEngine.incrementEspModuleCount(); if (espServiceModules > 1) { char achNum[16]; itoa(espServiceModules, achNum, 10); sDestName += achNum; } sDestName += ".xml"; } //encode name of service herein - this is needed by and removed by CEspDeploymentEngine::processServiceModules() sDestName += '+'; sDestName += processNode.queryProp("@name");//encode the name of service } else if (method && (!stricmp(method, "xsl") || !stricmp(method, "xslt")) && !(m_deployFlags & DEFLAGS_CONFIGFILES)) continue;//ignore xsl transformations if we are not generating config files else { if (!method || !*method) method = "copy"; // Get destination filespec if (destName && *destName) { //we now support attribute names within the destination file names like delimted by @ and + (optional) //for e.g. segment_@attrib1+_file_@attrib2 would produce segment_attribval1_file_attrib2value //+ not necessary if the attribute name ends with the word, for e.g. file_@attrib1 //for instnace, suite_@eclServer+.bat would expand to suite_myeclserver.bat //if this process has an @eclServer with value "myeclserver" // if (strchr(destName, '@') || strchr(destName, '+')) { char* pszParts = strdup(destName); char *saveptr; const char* pszPart = strtok_r(pszParts, "+", &saveptr); while (pszPart) { const char* p = pszPart; if (*p) { if (strchr(p, '@'))//xpath for an attribute? { // find name of attribute and replace it with its value const char* value = m_process.queryProp( p ); if (value) sDestName.append(value); } else sDestName.append(p); //no attribute so copy verbatim } pszPart = strtok_r(NULL, "+", &saveptr); } free(pszParts); } else sDestName = destName; if (sDestName.empty()) throw MakeStringException(-1, "The destination file name '%s' for source file '%s' " "translates to an empty string!", destName, name); } } StringBuffer destFilePath; destFilePath.ensureCapacity(_MAX_PATH); bool bTempFile = (destPath && !stricmp(destPath, "@temp")) || !strnicmp(name, "@temp", 5); //@name starts with @temp or @tmp if (bTempFile) { if (sDestName.empty())//dest name not specified { if (!strcmp(method, "copy")) sDestName = name; else { StringBuffer dir; const char* pszFileName = splitDirTail(name, dir); const char* pExt = findFileExtension(pszFileName); if (pExt) sDestName.append(pszFileName, pExt-pszFileName); else sDestName.append(pszFileName); char index[16]; itoa(m_envDepEngine.incrementTempFileCount(), index, 10); sDestName.append(index); if (pExt) sDestName.append(pExt); } } destFilePath.append("@temp" PATHSEPSTR); } else { if (destPath && *destPath) { destFilePath.append(destPath); if (destPath[strlen(destPath)-1] != PATHSEPCHAR) destFilePath.append(PATHSEPCHAR); } if (sDestName.empty()) sDestName = name; } if (!bTempFile) destFilePath.append(processNode.queryProp("@name")).append(PATHSEPCHAR); destFilePath.append(sDestName.c_str()); //For oss, plugins to be handled globally, per Richard. //esp plugins also end with plugins.xml but they should be handled above. String destFilePathStr(destFilePath); String* tmpstr = destFilePathStr.toLowerCase(); if (tmpstr->indexOf("plugins.xml") > 0) { delete tmpstr; createFakePlugins(destFilePath); continue; } delete tmpstr; //find all occurrences of this destination file in the map and resove any conflicts //like size mismatch etc. bool bAddToFileMap = installFiles.resolveConflicts(processNode, method, srcFilePath.str(), destFilePath.str(), m_name, m_curInstance, NULL); //resolve conflicts if method is not schema or exec if (0 != stricmp(method, "schema") && 0 != stricmp(method, "exec") && 0 != strnicmp(method, "del", 3)) { } else if (!strnicmp(method, "del", 3))//treat files to be deleted as temp files - to be deleted AFTER we are done! { bTempFile = true; bAddToFileMap = false; m_envDepEngine.addTempFile(destFilePath.str()); } if (bAddToFileMap) { if (bTempFile) m_envDepEngine.addTempFile(destFilePath.str()); //enable caching for files to be copied unless expressly asked not to do so // if (!bCacheable && !strcmp(method, "copy")) bCacheable = pFile->getPropBool("@cache", true); installFiles.addInstallFile(method, srcFilePath.str(), destFilePath.str(), bCacheable, NULL); } } } catch (IException* e) { StringBuffer msg; e->errorMessage(msg); e->Release(); throw MakeStringException(0, "Error creating file list for process %s: %s", m_name.get(), msg.str()); } catch (...) { throw MakeErrnoException("Error creating file list for process %s", m_name.get()); } m_pCallback->printStatus(STATUS_NORMAL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); return installFiles.getInstallFileList().size(); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int res=0; if (argc < 3) { printf ("frunssh <nodelistfile> \"command\" [options] \n" " options: -i:<identity-file> \n" " -u:<user> \n" " -n:<number_of_threads>\n" " -t:<connect-timeout-secs>\n" " -a:<connect-attempts>\n" " -d:<working_directory>\n" " -s -- strict, must match known_hosts\n" " -b -- background\n" " -pw:<password> -- INSECURE: requires pssh (NB identity file preferred)\n" " -pe:<password> -- INSECURE: as -pw except encrypted password\n" " -pl -- use plink (on windows)\n" " -v -- verbose, lists commands run\n" " -d -- dry run (for testing, enables verbose)\n" ); return 255; } InitModuleObjects(); #ifndef __64BIT__ // Restrict stack sizes on 32-bit systems Thread::setDefaultStackSize(0x10000); // NB under windows requires linker setting (/stack:) #endif try { StringBuffer logname; splitFilename(argv[0], NULL, NULL, &logname, NULL); Owned<IComponentLogFileCreator> lf = createComponentLogFileCreator("frunssh"); lf->setCreateAliasFile(false); lf->setMsgFields(MSGFIELD_prefix); lf->beginLogging(); Owned<IFRunSSH> runssh = createFRunSSH(); runssh->init(argc,argv); runssh->exec(); const StringArray & strArray = runssh->getReplyText(); const UnsignedArray & unsArray = runssh->getReply(); for(unsigned i = 0;i < unsArray.ordinality();i++) { StringBuffer buf = strArray.item(i); // strip newlines off end of string buf if (buf.length() && (buf.charAt(buf.length()-1)) == '\n') { buf.setLength(buf.length()-1); buf.clip(); } if (buf.length()) PROGLOG("%d: ssh(%d): %s",i+1,unsArray.item(i),buf.str()); } } catch(IException *e) { EXCLOG(e,"frunssh"); e->Release(); res=255; } releaseAtoms(); return res; }
/** * Run the built process. * @return The built process. * @throws SystemException Thrown if there is an error during the build. */ Process *ProcessBuilder::run(void) { #if defined(__unix) || defined(__APPLE__) int error = 0; int old_in = -1, old_out = -1, old_err = -1; Process *process = 0; // Prepare the streams if(in->fd() != io::in.fd()) { old_in = dup(0); if(old_in < 0) error = errno; else dup2(in->fd(), 0); } if(!errno && out->fd() != io::out.fd()) { old_out = dup(1); if(old_out < 0) error = errno; else dup2(out->fd(), 1); } if(!errno && err->fd() != io::err.fd()) { old_err = dup(2); if(old_err < 0) error = errno; else dup2(err->fd(), 2); } // Create the process if(!error) { int pid = fork(); // error if(pid < 0) error = errno; // father else if(pid != 0) process = new Process(pid); // son else { // Build arguments char *tab[args.count() + 1]; for(int i = 0; i < args.count(); i++) tab[i] = (char *)&args[i]; tab[args.count()] = 0; // Launch the command execvp(tab[0], tab); exit(1); } } // Reset the streams if(old_in >= 0) { close(0); dup2(old_in, 0); close(old_in); } if(old_out >= 0) { close(1); dup2(old_out, 1); close(old_out); } if(old_err >= 0) { close(2); dup2(old_err, 2); close(old_err); } #elif defined(__WIN32) || defined(__WIN64) // no need to redirect output, if bInheritHandles is set to false when creating process // it uses standard input, output and error output int error = 0; Process *process; PROCESS_INFORMATION *pi = new PROCESS_INFORMATION; STARTUPINFO si = {sizeof(si)}; if (!error) { // Build arguments StringBuffer tab; for(int i = 0; i < args.count() ; i++) { tab << args[i]; tab << " "; } char tabtemp[tab.length() +1]; strcpy(tabtemp,tab.toString().chars()); cout << tabtemp << " error1 = "<< GetLastError() << io::endl; // Launch process if(CreateProcess(NULL,tabtemp,0,0,TRUE,0,0,0,&si,pi) == 0) error = GetLastError(); cout << "error2 = " << GetLastError() << "error value = " << error << io::endl; process = new Process(pi); cout << "erro3r = " << GetLastError() << io::endl; } // Return the result if(error){ cout << "error detected " << GetLastError() << io::endl; throw new SystemException(error, "process building"); } else return process; #else #error "System Unsupported" #endif // Return the result if(error) throw new SystemException(error, "process building"); else return process; }
bool CEclDirectEx::onRunEcl(IEspContext &context, IEspRunEclRequest & req, IEspRunEclResponse & resp) { if (!context.validateFeatureAccess(ECLDIRECT_ACCESS, SecAccess_Full, false)) throw MakeStringException(-1, "EclDirect access permission denied."); StringBuffer user; if (!context.getUserID(user).length()) user.append(req.getUserName()); Owned <IWorkUnitFactory> factory = getWorkUnitFactory(context.querySecManager(), context.queryUser()); Owned <IWorkUnit> workunit; if (!user.length()) workunit.setown(factory->createWorkUnit("ECL-Direct", "")); else { workunit.setown(factory->createWorkUnit("ECL-Direct", user.str())); workunit->setUser(user.str()); } Owned<IWUQuery> query = workunit->updateQuery(); query->setQueryText(req.getEclText()); query.clear(); const char* clustername = req.getCluster(); if (!clustername || !*clustername || strieq(clustername, "default")) clustername = defaultCluster.str(); if (!clustername || !*clustername) throw MakeStringException(-1, "No Cluster Specified"); if (!isValidCluster(clustername)) throw MakeStringException(-1, "Invalid TargetCluster %s Specified", clustername); workunit->setClusterName(clustername); if (req.getLimitResults()) workunit->setResultLimit(100); const char* snapshot = req.getSnapshot(); if (snapshot && *snapshot) workunit->setSnapshot(snapshot); // Execute it SCMStringBuffer wuid; workunit->getWuid(wuid); workunit->setAction(WUActionRun); workunit->setState(WUStateSubmitted); workunit.clear(); submitWorkUnit(wuid.str(), context.querySecManager(), context.queryUser()); if (waitForWorkUnitToComplete(wuid.str(), defaultWait)) { Owned<IConstWorkUnit> cw = factory->openWorkUnit(wuid.str(), false); SCMStringBuffer resultXML; getFullWorkUnitResultsXML(context.queryUserId(), context.queryPassword(), cw.get(), resultXML); resp.setResults(resultXML.str()); cw.clear(); if (deleteWorkunits) deleteEclDirectWorkunit(factory, wuid.str()); } else { // Don't delete these ones... DBGLOG("WorkUnit %s timed out", wuid.str()); StringBuffer result; result.appendf("<Exception><Source>ESP</Source><Message>Timed out waiting for job to complete: %s</Message></Exception>", wuid.str()); resp.setResults(result.str()); } return true; }
bool CEclDirectEx::onRunEclEx(IEspContext &context, IEspRunEclExRequest & req, IEspRunEclExResponse & resp) { if (!context.validateFeatureAccess(ECLDIRECT_ACCESS, SecAccess_Full, false)) throw MakeStringException(-1, "EclDirect access permission denied."); const char* eclText = req.getEclText(); if (!eclText || !*eclText) { resp.setResults("<Exception><Source>ESP</Source><Message>No Ecl Text provided</Message></Exception>"); return true; } StringBuffer user; if (!context.getUserID(user).length()) user.append(req.getUserName()); Owned <IWorkUnitFactory> factory = getWorkUnitFactory(context.querySecManager(), context.queryUser()); Owned <IWorkUnit> workunit; if (!user.length()) workunit.setown(factory->createWorkUnit("ECL-Direct", "")); else { workunit.setown(factory->createWorkUnit("ECL-Direct", user.str())); workunit->setUser(user.str()); } Owned<IWUQuery> query = workunit->updateQuery(); query->setQueryText(eclText); query.clear(); const char* cluster = req.getCluster(); if (!cluster || !*cluster || !stricmp(cluster, "default")) cluster = defaultCluster.str(); if (!cluster || !*cluster) throw MakeStringException(-1, "No Cluster Specified"); if (!isValidCluster(cluster)) throw MakeStringException(-1, "Invalid TargetCluster %s Specified", cluster); workunit->setClusterName(cluster); const char* snapshot = req.getSnapshot(); if (snapshot && *snapshot) workunit->setSnapshot(snapshot); if (req.getResultLimit()) workunit->setResultLimit(req.getResultLimit()); // Execute it SCMStringBuffer wuid; workunit->getWuid(wuid); workunit->setAction(WUActionRun); workunit->setState(WUStateSubmitted); workunit.clear(); resp.setWuid(wuid.str()); submitWorkUnit(wuid.str(), context.querySecManager(), context.queryUser()); if (!waitForWorkUnitToComplete(wuid.str(), (req.getWait_isNull()) ? defaultWait : req.getWait())) { StringBuffer result; result.appendf("<Exception><Source>ESP</Source><Message>Timed out waiting for job to complete: %s</Message></Exception>", wuid.str()); resp.setResults(result.str()); return true; } if (!deleteWorkunits && context.queryRequestParameters()->hasProp("redirect")) { StringBuffer url("/WsWorkunits/WUInfo?Wuid="); resp.setRedirectUrl(url.append(wuid).str()); return true; } Owned<IConstWorkUnit> cw = factory->openWorkUnit(wuid.str(), false); EclDirectWUExceptions errors(*cw); resp.setErrors(errors); if (req.getIncludeResults()) { StringBuffer results; CRunEclExFormat outputFormat = req.getFormat(); Owned<IWuWebView> web = createWuWebView(wuid.str(), NULL, NULL, getCFD(), true); if (!web) results.appendf("<Exception><Source>ESP</Source><Message>Failed loading result workunit %s</Message></Exception>", wuid.str()); else if (outputFormat == CRunEclExFormat_Table) { StringBuffer xsltfile(getCFD()); web->applyResultsXSLT(xsltfile.append("xslt/wsecl3_result.xslt").str(), results); } else { unsigned xmlflags = 0; if (outputFormat != CRunEclExFormat_ExtendedXml) xmlflags |= WWV_OMIT_SCHEMAS; if (context.queryRequestParameters()->hasProp("display_xslt")) xmlflags |= WWV_USE_DISPLAY_XSLT; else xmlflags |= WWV_OMIT_XML_DECLARATION; web->expandResults(results, xmlflags); } resp.setResults(results.str()); } if (req.getIncludeGraphs()) { Owned<IConstWUGraphIterator> it = &cw->getGraphs(GraphTypeAny); StringBuffer xgmml("<Graphs>"); SCMStringBuffer s; ForEach(*it) xgmml.append(it->query().getXGMML(s, true).str()); xgmml.append("</Graphs>"); resp.setGraphsXGMML(xgmml.str()); } if (deleteWorkunits) deleteEclDirectWorkunit(factory, wuid.str()); return true; }
int CFileSpraySoapBindingEx::onGetInstantQuery(IEspContext &context, CHttpRequest* request, CHttpResponse* response, const char *service, const char *method) { bool permission = true; bool bDownloadFile = false; bool bProcess; StringBuffer sourceLogicalFile; StringBuffer methodbuf; StringBuffer submethod; StringBuffer xsltFileName(getCFD()); xsltFileName.append("smc_xslt/"); if (stricmp(method, "SprayFixedInput")==0) { if (!context.validateFeatureAccess(FILE_SPRAY_URL, SecAccess_Write, false)) permission = false; bProcess = true; xsltFileName.append("fs_sprayForm.xslt"); methodbuf.append("SprayFixed"); } else if(stricmp(method, "SprayVariableInput")==0) { if (!context.validateFeatureAccess(FILE_SPRAY_URL, SecAccess_Write, false)) permission = false; bProcess = true; xsltFileName.append("fs_sprayForm.xslt"); methodbuf.append("SprayVariable"); request->getParameter("submethod", submethod); } else if (stricmp(method, "DesprayInput")==0) { if (!context.validateFeatureAccess(FILE_DESPRAY_URL, SecAccess_Write, false)) permission = false; request->getParameter("sourceLogicalName", sourceLogicalFile); xsltFileName.append("fs_desprayCopyForm.xslt"); methodbuf.append("Despray"); bProcess = true; } else if (stricmp(method, "CopyInput") == 0) { if (!context.validateFeatureAccess(FILE_SPRAY_URL, SecAccess_Write, false)) permission = false; request->getParameter("sourceLogicalName", sourceLogicalFile); xsltFileName.append("fs_desprayCopyForm.xslt"); methodbuf.append("Copy"); bProcess = true; } else if (stricmp(method, "RenameInput") == 0) { if (!context.validateFeatureAccess(FILE_SPRAY_URL, SecAccess_Write, false)) permission = false; request->getParameter("sourceLogicalName", sourceLogicalFile); xsltFileName.append("fs_renameForm.xslt"); methodbuf.append("Rename"); bProcess = true; } else if (stricmp(method, "DownloadFile") == 0) { if (!context.validateFeatureAccess(FILE_SPRAY_URL, SecAccess_Full, false)) permission = false; downloadFile(context, request, response); bDownloadFile = true; bProcess = true; } else bProcess = false; if (bProcess) { if (bDownloadFile) return 0; StringBuffer xml; Owned<IProperties> params(createProperties()); if (!permission) { params->setProp("@method", methodbuf.str()); xml.append("<Environment><ErrorMessage>Permission denied.</ErrorMessage></Environment>"); } else { if(submethod.length() > 0) params->setProp("@submethod", submethod.str()); params->setProp("@method", methodbuf.str()); if (*sourceLogicalFile.str()) { params->setProp("@sourceLogicalName", sourceLogicalFile.str()); Owned<IUserDescriptor> userdesc; StringBuffer username; context.getUserID(username); if(username.length() > 0) { const char* passwd = context.queryPassword(); userdesc.setown(createUserDescriptor()); userdesc->set(username.str(), passwd); try { if (stricmp(method, "CopyInput") == 0) { Owned<IDistributedFile> df = queryDistributedFileDirectory().lookup(sourceLogicalFile.str(), userdesc.get()); if(!df) { throw MakeStringException(ECLWATCH_FILE_NOT_EXIST,"Could not find file %s.",sourceLogicalFile.str()); } const char *kind = df->queryProperties().queryProp("@kind"); if (kind && strcmp(kind,"key")==0) { params->setProp("@compressflag", 0); } else if(df->isCompressed()) { params->setProp("@compressflag", 2); } else { params->setProp("@compressflag", 1); } } params->setProp("@supercopyflag", 0); //super copy only for remote copy } catch (IException *E) { Owned<IXslProcessor> xslp = getXslProcessor(); if (!xslp) throw E; Owned<IMultiException> me = MakeMultiException(); me->append(*E); response->handleExceptions(xslp, me, "FileSpray", method, StringBuffer(getCFD()).append("./smc_xslt/exceptions.xslt").str()); return 0; } } } else { params->setProp("@compressflag", 1); params->setProp("@supercopyflag", 2); } StringBuffer wuid; request->getParameter("wuid", wuid); Owned<IPropertyTree> pTree = createPTreeForXslt(method, wuid.str()); toXML(pTree, xml, false); } IProperties* requestparams = request->queryParameters(); if(requestparams && requestparams->hasProp("rawxml_")) { response->setContent(xml.str()); response->setContentType(HTTP_TYPE_TEXT_XML_UTF8); } else{ StringBuffer htmlbuf; xsltTransform(xml.str(), xsltFileName.str(), params, htmlbuf); response->setContent(htmlbuf.str()); response->setContentType(HTTP_TYPE_TEXT_HTML_UTF8); } response->send(); return 0; } else return CFileSpraySoapBinding::onGetInstantQuery(context, request, response, service, method); }
IPropertyTree* CFileSpraySoapBindingEx::createPTreeForXslt(const char* method, const char* dfuwuid) { Owned<IEnvironmentFactory> factory = getEnvironmentFactory(); #if 0 Owned<IConstEnvironment> m_constEnv = factory->openEnvironment(); #else Owned<IConstEnvironment> m_constEnv = factory->openEnvironmentByFile(); #endif Owned<IPropertyTree> pEnvRoot = &m_constEnv->getPTree(); IPropertyTree* pEnvSoftware = pEnvRoot->queryPropTree("Software"); Owned<IPropertyTree> pRoot = createPTreeFromXMLString("<Environment/>"); IPropertyTree* pSoftware = pRoot->addPropTree("Software", createPTree("Software")); if (pEnvSoftware) { StringBuffer dfuwuidSourcePartIP, wuxml; if(dfuwuid && *dfuwuid) { Owned<IDFUWorkUnitFactory> dfuwu_factory = getDFUWorkUnitFactory(); Owned<IConstDFUWorkUnit> dfuwu = dfuwu_factory->openWorkUnit(dfuwuid, false); if(dfuwu) { dfuwu->toXML(wuxml); Owned<IPropertyTree> wu = createPTreeFromXMLString(wuxml.str()); if (wu) { const char* ip = wu->queryProp("Source/Part/@node"); if (ip && *ip) dfuwuidSourcePartIP.append(ip); } } } Owned<IPropertyTreeIterator> it = pEnvSoftware->getElements("DropZone"); ForEach(*it) { IPropertyTree* pDropZone = pSoftware->addPropTree("DropZone", &it->get()); //get IP Address of the computer associated with this drop zone const char* pszComputer = it->query().queryProp("@computer"); if (!strcmp(pszComputer, ".")) pszComputer = "localhost"; StringBuffer xpath; xpath.appendf("Hardware/Computer[@name='%s']/@netAddress", pszComputer); StringBuffer sNetAddr; const char* pszNetAddr = pEnvRoot->queryProp(xpath.str()); if (strcmp(pszNetAddr, ".")) { sNetAddr.append(pszNetAddr); } else { StringBuffer ipStr; IpAddress ipaddr = queryHostIP(); ipaddr.getIpText(ipStr); if (ipStr.length() > 0) { #ifdef MACHINE_IP sNetAddr.append(MACHINE_IP); #else sNetAddr.append(ipStr.str()); #endif } } pDropZone->addProp("@netAddress", sNetAddr.str()); if ((dfuwuidSourcePartIP.length() > 0) && (sNetAddr.length() > 0)) { IpAddress ip1(dfuwuidSourcePartIP.str()), ip2(sNetAddr.str()); if (ip1.ipequals(ip2)) pDropZone->addProp("@sourceNode", "1"); } Owned<IConstMachineInfo> machine; if (strcmp(pszNetAddr, ".")) machine.setown(m_constEnv->getMachineByAddress(sNetAddr.str())); else { machine.setown(m_constEnv->getMachineByAddress(pszNetAddr)); if (!machine) machine.setown(m_constEnv->getMachineByAddress(sNetAddr.str())); } if (machine) { //int os = machine->getOS(); StringBuffer dir; pDropZone->getProp("@directory", dir); if (machine->getOS() == MachineOsLinux || machine->getOS() == MachineOsSolaris) { dir.replace('\\', '/');//replace all '\\' by '/' pDropZone->setProp("@linux", "true"); } else { dir.replace('/', '\\'); dir.replace('$', ':'); } pDropZone->setProp("@directory", dir); } } it.setown(pEnvSoftware->getElements("ThorCluster")); ForEach(*it) pSoftware->addPropTree("ThorCluster", &it->get()); it.setown(pEnvSoftware->getElements("EclAgentProcess")); ForEach(*it) { IPropertyTree &cluster = it->query(); const char* name = cluster.queryProp("@name"); if (!name||!*name) continue; unsigned ins = 0; Owned<IPropertyTreeIterator> insts = cluster.getElements("Instance"); ForEach(*insts) { const char *na = insts->query().queryProp("@netAddress"); if (!na || !*na) { insts->query().setProp("@gname", name); continue; } SocketEndpoint ep(na); if (ep.isNull()) continue; ins++; StringBuffer gname("hthor__"); //StringBuffer gname; gname.append(name); if (ins>1) gname.append('_').append(ins); insts->query().setProp("@gname", gname.str()); } pSoftware->addPropTree("EclAgentProcess", &it->get()); } if (stricmp(method, "CopyInput") == 0) //Limit for this method only { it.setown(pEnvSoftware->getElements("RoxieCluster")); ForEach(*it) pSoftware->addPropTree("RoxieCluster", &it->get()); } if (wuxml.length() > 0) pSoftware->addPropTree("DfuWorkunit", createPTreeFromXMLString(wuxml.str())); } return pRoot.getClear(); }
virtual void process() { ActPrintLog("process"); CMasterActivity::process(); IHThorSortArg *helper = (IHThorSortArg *)queryHelper(); StringBuffer skewV; double skewError; container.queryJob().getWorkUnitValue("overrideSkewError", skewV); if (skewV.length()) skewError = atof(skewV.str()); else { skewError = helper->getSkew(); if (!skewError) { container.queryJob().getWorkUnitValue("defaultSkewError", skewV.clear()); if (skewV.length()) skewError = atof(skewV.str()); } } container.queryJob().getWorkUnitValue("defaultSkewWarning", skewV.clear()); double defaultSkewWarning = skewV.length() ? atof(skewV.str()) : 0; double skewWarning = defaultSkewWarning; unsigned __int64 skewThreshold = container.queryJob().getWorkUnitValueInt("overrideSkewThreshold", 0); if (!skewThreshold) { skewThreshold = helper->getThreshold(); if (!skewThreshold) skewThreshold = container.queryJob().getWorkUnitValueInt("defaultSkewThreshold", 0); } StringBuffer cosortfilenames; const char *cosortlogname = helper->getSortedFilename(); if (cosortlogname&&*cosortlogname) { Owned<IDistributedFile> file = queryThorFileManager().lookup(container.queryJob(), cosortlogname); Owned<IFileDescriptor> fileDesc = file->getFileDescriptor(); queryThorFileManager().noteFileRead(container.queryJob(), file); unsigned o; for (o=0; o<fileDesc->numParts(); o++) { Owned<IPartDescriptor> partDesc = fileDesc->getPart(o); if (cosortfilenames.length()) cosortfilenames.append("|"); // JCSMORE - picking the primary here, means no automatic use of backup copy, could use RMF's possibly. getPartFilename(*partDesc, 0, cosortfilenames); } } Owned<IRowInterfaces> rowif = createRowInterfaces(container.queryInput(0)->queryHelper()->queryOutputMeta(),queryActivityId(),queryCodeContext()); Owned<IRowInterfaces> auxrowif = createRowInterfaces(helper->querySortedRecordSize(),queryActivityId(),queryCodeContext()); try { imaster->SortSetup(rowif,helper->queryCompare(),helper->querySerialize(),cosortfilenames.length()!=0,true,cosortfilenames.toCharArray(),auxrowif); if (barrier->wait(false)) { // local sort complete size32_t maxdeviance=globals->getPropInt("@sort_max_deviance", 10*1024*1024); try { imaster->Sort(skewThreshold,skewWarning,skewError,maxdeviance,true,false,false,(unsigned)globals->getPropInt("@smallSortThreshold")); } catch (IThorException *e) { if (TE_SkewError == e->errorCode()) { StringBuffer s; Owned<IThorException> e2 = MakeActivityException(this, TE_SortFailedSkewExceeded, "SORT failed. %s", e->errorMessage(s).str()); e->Release(); fireException(e2); } else throw; } barrier->wait(false); // merge complete } imaster->SortDone(); } catch (IException *e) { ActPrintLog(e, "WARNING: exception during sort"); throw; } ::Release(imaster); ActPrintLog("process exit"); }
void SchemaTypeTuple::validate( const SchemaValidator * sv, const Configuration * cfg, const char * scope, const char * name, const char * typeName, const char * origTypeName, const StringVector & typeArgs, int indentLevel) const throw(ConfigurationException) { StringBuffer msg; StringBuffer errSuffix; StringBuffer fullyScopedName; const char ** list; const char * elemValue; const char * elemTypeName; int i; int listSize; int typeArgsSize; int elemNameIndex; int typeIndex; int rowNum; int numElems; SchemaType * elemTypeDef; StringVector emptyArgs; bool ok; const char * sep; //-------- // Check the length of the list matches the size of the tuple //-------- typeArgsSize = typeArgs.length(); assert(typeArgsSize != 0); assert(typeArgsSize % 2 == 0); numElems = typeArgsSize / 2; cfg->lookupList(scope, name, list, listSize); if (listSize != numElems) { cfg->mergeNames(scope, name, fullyScopedName); msg << cfg->fileName() << ": there should be " << numElems << " entries in the '" << fullyScopedName << "' " << typeName << "; entries denote"; for (i = 0; i < numElems; i++) { msg << " '" << typeArgs[i*2+0] << "'"; if (i < numElems-1) { msg << ","; } } throw ConfigurationException(msg.c_str()); } //-------- // Check each item is of the type specified in the tuple //-------- for (i = 0; i < listSize; i++) { typeIndex = (i * 2 + 0) % typeArgsSize; elemNameIndex = (i * 2 + 1) % typeArgsSize; rowNum = (i / numElems) + 1; elemValue = list[i]; elemTypeName = typeArgs[typeIndex]; elemTypeDef = findType(sv, elemTypeName); ok = callIsA(elemTypeDef, sv, cfg, elemValue, elemTypeName, emptyArgs, indentLevel + 1, errSuffix); if (!ok) { if (errSuffix.length() == 0) { sep = ""; } else { sep = "; "; } cfg->mergeNames(scope, name, fullyScopedName); msg << cfg->fileName() << ": bad " << elemTypeName << " value ('" << elemValue << "') for element " << i+1 << " ('" << typeArgs[elemNameIndex] << "') of the '" << fullyScopedName << "' " << typeName << sep << errSuffix; throw ConfigurationException(msg.c_str()); } } }
bool CWsDfuXRefEx::onDFUXRefArrayAction(IEspContext &context, IEspDFUXRefArrayActionRequest &req, IEspDFUXRefArrayActionResponse &resp) { try { StringBuffer username; context.getUserID(username); DBGLOG("CWsDfuXRefEx::onDFUXRefArrayAction User=%s",username.str()); Owned<IUserDescriptor> userdesc; if(username.length() > 0) { const char* passwd = context.queryPassword(); userdesc.setown(createUserDescriptor()); userdesc->set(username.str(), passwd); } if(*req.getAction() == 0 || *req.getType() == 0 || *req.getCluster() == 0) { ERRLOG("Invalid Parameters into CWsDfuXRefEx::onDFUXRefArrayAction"); throw MakeStringExceptionDirect(ECLWATCH_INVALID_INPUT, "Action, cluster, or type not defined."); } Owned<IXRefNode> xRefNode = XRefNodeManager->getXRefNode(req.getCluster()); if (xRefNode.get() == 0) { ERRLOG("Unable to resolve XRef cluster name %s",req.getCluster()); throw MakeStringException(ECLWATCH_CANNOT_RESOLVE_CLUSTER_NAME, "Unable to resolve cluster name %s",req.getCluster()); } Owned<IXRefFilesNode> _fileNode = getFileNodeInterface(*xRefNode.get(),req.getType()); if (_fileNode.get() == 0) { ERRLOG("Unable to find a suitable IXRefFilesNode interface for %s",req.getType()); throw MakeStringException(ECLWATCH_CANNOT_FIND_IXREFFILESNODE, "Unable to find a suitable IXRefFilesNode interface for %s",req.getType()); } if (!context.validateFeatureAccess(FEATURE_URL, SecAccess_Full, false)) throw MakeStringException(ECLWATCH_DFU_XREF_ACCESS_DENIED, "Failed to run Xref command. Permission denied."); StringBuffer returnStr,UserName; const char* ActionType = req.getAction(); DBGLOG("Running Xref Command %s for user %s",ActionType,context.getUserID(UserName).str()); for(unsigned i = 0; i < req.getXRefFiles().length();i++) { DBGLOG("CWsDfuXRefEx::onDFUXRefArrayAction %s file %s for User=%s", ActionType, req.getXRefFiles().item(i), username.str()); StringBuffer errstr; if (strcmp("Delete" ,ActionType) == 0) { if (_fileNode->RemovePhysical(req.getXRefFiles().item(i),userdesc,req.getCluster(),errstr)) appendReplyMessage(returnStr,NULL,"Removed Physical part %s",req.getXRefFiles().item(i)); else appendReplyMessage(returnStr,NULL,"Error(s) removing physical part %s\n%s",req.getXRefFiles().item(i),errstr.str()); } else if (strcmp("Attach" ,ActionType) == 0) { if(_fileNode->AttachPhysical(req.getXRefFiles().item(i),userdesc,req.getCluster(),errstr) ) appendReplyMessage(returnStr,NULL,"Reattached Physical part %s",req.getXRefFiles().item(i)); else appendReplyMessage(returnStr,NULL,"Error(s) attaching physical part %s\n%s",req.getXRefFiles().item(i),errstr.str()); } if (strcmp("DeleteLogical" ,ActionType) == 0) { // Note we don't want to physically delete 'lost' files - this will end up with orphans on next time round but that is safer if (_fileNode->RemoveLogical(req.getXRefFiles().item(i),userdesc,req.getCluster(),errstr)) { appendReplyMessage(returnStr,NULL,"Removed Logical File %s",req.getXRefFiles().item(i)); } else appendReplyMessage(returnStr,NULL,"Error(s) removing File %s\n%s",req.getXRefFiles().item(i),errstr.str()); } } xRefNode->commit(); resp.setDFUXRefArrayActionResult(returnStr.str()); } catch(IException* e) { FORWARDEXCEPTION(context, e, ECLWATCH_INTERNAL_ERROR); } return true; }
int LdapUtils::getServerInfo(const char* ldapserver, int ldapport, StringBuffer& domainDN, LdapServerType& stype, const char* domainname) { LdapServerType deducedSType = LDAPSERVER_UNKNOWN; LDAP* ld = LdapInit("ldap", ldapserver, ldapport, 636); if(ld == NULL) { ERRLOG("ldap init error"); return false; } int err = LdapSimpleBind(ld, NULL, NULL); if(err != LDAP_SUCCESS) { DBGLOG("ldap anonymous bind error (%d) - %s", err, ldap_err2string(err)); // for new versions of openldap, version 2.2.* if(err == LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR) DBGLOG("If you're trying to connect to an OpenLdap server, make sure you have \"allow bind_v2\" enabled in slapd.conf"); return err; } LDAPMessage* msg = NULL; char* attrs[] = {"namingContexts", NULL}; TIMEVAL timeOut = {LDAPTIMEOUT,0}; err = ldap_search_ext_s(ld, NULL, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "objectClass=*", attrs, false, NULL, NULL, &timeOut, LDAP_NO_LIMIT, &msg); if(err != LDAP_SUCCESS) { DBGLOG("ldap_search_ext_s error: %s", ldap_err2string( err )); if (msg) ldap_msgfree(msg); return err; } LDAPMessage* entry = ldap_first_entry(ld, msg); if(entry != NULL) { CLDAPGetValuesLenWrapper vals(ld, entry, "namingContexts"); if(vals.hasValues()) { int i = 0; const char* curdn; StringBuffer onedn; while((curdn = vals.queryCharValue(i)) != NULL) { if(*curdn != '\0' && (strncmp(curdn, "dc=", 3) == 0 || strncmp(curdn, "DC=", 3) == 0) && strstr(curdn,"DC=ForestDnsZones")==0 && strstr(curdn,"DC=DomainDnsZones")==0 ) { if(domainDN.length() == 0) { StringBuffer curdomain; getName(curdn, curdomain); if(onedn.length() == 0) { DBGLOG("Queried '%s', selected basedn '%s'",curdn, curdomain.str()); onedn.append(curdomain.str()); } else DBGLOG("Ignoring %s", curdn); if(!domainname || !*domainname || stricmp(curdomain.str(), domainname) == 0) domainDN.append(curdn); } } else if(*curdn != '\0' && strcmp(curdn, "o=NetscapeRoot") == 0) { PROGLOG("Deduced LDAP Server Type 'iPlanet'"); deducedSType = IPLANET; } i++; } if(domainDN.length() == 0) domainDN.append(onedn.str()); if (deducedSType == LDAPSERVER_UNKNOWN) { if(i <= 1) { PROGLOG("Deduced LDAP Server Type 'OpenLDAP'"); deducedSType = OPEN_LDAP; } else { PROGLOG("Deduced LDAP Server Type 'Active Directory'"); deducedSType = ACTIVE_DIRECTORY; } } } } ldap_msgfree(msg); LDAP_UNBIND(ld); if (stype == LDAPSERVER_UNKNOWN) stype = deducedSType; else if (deducedSType != stype) WARNLOG("Ignoring deduced LDAP Server Type, does not match config LDAPServerType"); return err; }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { InitModuleObjects(); EnableSEHtoExceptionMapping(); #ifndef __64BIT__ // Restrict stack sizes on 32-bit systems Thread::setDefaultStackSize(0x10000); // 64K stack (also set in windows DSP) #endif Owned<IFile> sentinelFile = createSentinelTarget(); removeSentinelFile(sentinelFile); SocketEndpoint listenep; unsigned sendbufsize = 0; unsigned recvbufsize = 0; int i = 1; bool isdaemon = (memicmp(argv[0]+strlen(argv[0])-4,".exe",4)==0); // bit of a kludge for windows - if .exe not specified then not daemon bool locallisten = false; const char *logdir=NULL; bool requireauthenticate = false; StringBuffer logDir; StringBuffer instanceName; //Get SSL Settings const char * sslCertFile; bool useSSL; unsigned short dafsPort;//DAFILESRV_PORT or SECURE_DAFILESRV_PORT querySecuritySettings(&useSSL, &dafsPort, &sslCertFile, NULL); unsigned maxThreads = DEFAULT_THREADLIMIT; unsigned maxThreadsDelayMs = DEFAULT_THREADLIMITDELAYMS; unsigned maxAsyncCopy = DEFAULT_ASYNCCOPYMAX; unsigned parallelRequestLimit = DEFAULT_STDCMD_PARALLELREQUESTLIMIT; unsigned throttleDelayMs = DEFAULT_STDCMD_THROTTLEDELAYMS; unsigned throttleCPULimit = DEFAULT_STDCMD_THROTTLECPULIMIT; unsigned throttleQueueLimit = DEFAULT_STDCMD_THROTTLEQUEUELIMIT; unsigned parallelSlowRequestLimit = DEFAULT_SLOWCMD_PARALLELREQUESTLIMIT; unsigned throttleSlowDelayMs = DEFAULT_SLOWCMD_THROTTLEDELAYMS; unsigned throttleSlowCPULimit = DEFAULT_SLOWCMD_THROTTLECPULIMIT; unsigned throttleSlowQueueLimit = DEFAULT_SLOWCMD_THROTTLEQUEUELIMIT; Owned<IPropertyTree> env = getHPCCEnvironment(); if (env) { StringBuffer dafilesrvPath("Software/DafilesrvProcess"); if (instanceName.length()) dafilesrvPath.appendf("[@name=\"%s\"]", instanceName.str()); IPropertyTree *daFileSrv = env->queryPropTree(dafilesrvPath); if (daFileSrv) { // global DaFileSrv settings: maxThreads = daFileSrv->getPropInt("@maxThreads", DEFAULT_THREADLIMIT); maxThreadsDelayMs = daFileSrv->getPropInt("@maxThreadsDelayMs", DEFAULT_THREADLIMITDELAYMS); maxAsyncCopy = daFileSrv->getPropInt("@maxAsyncCopy", DEFAULT_ASYNCCOPYMAX); parallelRequestLimit = daFileSrv->getPropInt("@parallelRequestLimit", DEFAULT_STDCMD_PARALLELREQUESTLIMIT); throttleDelayMs = daFileSrv->getPropInt("@throttleDelayMs", DEFAULT_STDCMD_THROTTLEDELAYMS); throttleCPULimit = daFileSrv->getPropInt("@throttleCPULimit", DEFAULT_STDCMD_THROTTLECPULIMIT); throttleQueueLimit = daFileSrv->getPropInt("@throttleQueueLimit", DEFAULT_STDCMD_THROTTLEQUEUELIMIT); parallelSlowRequestLimit = daFileSrv->getPropInt("@parallelSlowRequestLimit", DEFAULT_SLOWCMD_PARALLELREQUESTLIMIT); throttleSlowDelayMs = daFileSrv->getPropInt("@throttleSlowDelayMs", DEFAULT_SLOWCMD_THROTTLEDELAYMS); throttleSlowCPULimit = daFileSrv->getPropInt("@throttleSlowCPULimit", DEFAULT_SLOWCMD_THROTTLECPULIMIT); throttleSlowQueueLimit = daFileSrv->getPropInt("@throttleSlowQueueLimit", DEFAULT_SLOWCMD_THROTTLEQUEUELIMIT); // any overrides by Instance definitions? // NB: This won't work if netAddress is "." or if we start supporting hostnames there StringBuffer ipStr; queryHostIP().getIpText(ipStr); VStringBuffer daFileSrvPath("Instance[@netAddress=\"%s\"]", ipStr.str()); IPropertyTree *dafileSrvInstance = daFileSrv->queryPropTree(daFileSrvPath); if (dafileSrvInstance) { maxThreads = dafileSrvInstance->getPropInt("@maxThreads", maxThreads); maxThreadsDelayMs = dafileSrvInstance->getPropInt("@maxThreadsDelayMs", maxThreadsDelayMs); maxAsyncCopy = dafileSrvInstance->getPropInt("@maxAsyncCopy", maxAsyncCopy); parallelRequestLimit = dafileSrvInstance->getPropInt("@parallelRequestLimit", parallelRequestLimit); throttleDelayMs = dafileSrvInstance->getPropInt("@throttleDelayMs", throttleDelayMs); throttleCPULimit = dafileSrvInstance->getPropInt("@throttleCPULimit", throttleCPULimit); throttleQueueLimit = dafileSrvInstance->getPropInt("@throttleQueueLimit", throttleQueueLimit); parallelSlowRequestLimit = dafileSrvInstance->getPropInt("@parallelSlowRequestLimit", parallelSlowRequestLimit); throttleSlowDelayMs = dafileSrvInstance->getPropInt("@throttleSlowDelayMs", throttleSlowDelayMs); throttleSlowCPULimit = dafileSrvInstance->getPropInt("@throttleSlowCPULimit", throttleSlowCPULimit); throttleSlowQueueLimit = dafileSrvInstance->getPropInt("@throttleSlowQueueLimit", throttleSlowQueueLimit); } } } while (argc>i) { if (stricmp(argv[i],"-D")==0) { i++; isdaemon = true; } else if (stricmp(argv[i],"-R")==0) { // for remote run i++; #ifdef _WIN32 isdaemon = false; #else isdaemon = true; #endif } else if (stricmp(argv[i],"-A")==0) { i++; requireauthenticate = true; } else if ((argv[i][0]=='-')&&(toupper(argv[i][1])=='T')&&(!argv[i][2]||isdigit(argv[i][2]))) { if (argv[i][2]) setDafsTrace(NULL,(byte)atoi(argv[i]+2)); i++; isdaemon = false; } else if ((argc>i+1)&&(stricmp(argv[i],"-L")==0)) { i++; logDir.clear().append(argv[i++]); } else if ((argc>i+1)&&(stricmp(argv[i],"-I")==0)) { i++; instanceName.clear().append(argv[i++]); } else if (stricmp(argv[i],"-LOCAL")==0) { i++; locallisten = true; } else if (stricmp(argv[i],"-NOSSL")==0) {//overrides config setting i++; if (useSSL) { PROGLOG("DaFileSrv SSL specified in config but overridden by -NOSSL in command line"); useSSL = false; dafsPort = DAFILESRV_PORT; } } else break; } if (useSSL && !sslCertFile) { ERRLOG("DaFileSrv SSL specified but certificate file information missing from environment.conf"); exit(-1); } if (0 == logDir.length()) { getConfigurationDirectory(NULL,"log","dafilesrv",instanceName.str(),logDir); if (0 == logDir.length()) logDir.append("."); } if (instanceName.length()) { addPathSepChar(logDir); logDir.append(instanceName.str()); } #ifdef _WIN32 if ((argc>i)&&(stricmp(argv[i],"-install")==0)) { if (installService(DAFS_SERVICE_NAME,DAFS_SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME,NULL)) { PROGLOG(DAFS_SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME " Installed"); return 0; } return 1; } if ((argc>i)&&(stricmp(argv[i],"-remove")==0)) { if (uninstallService(DAFS_SERVICE_NAME,DAFS_SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME)) { PROGLOG(DAFS_SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME " Uninstalled"); return 0; } return 1; } #endif if (argc == i) listenep.port = dafsPort; else { if (strchr(argv[i],'.')||!isdigit(argv[i][0])) listenep.set(argv[i], dafsPort); else listenep.port = atoi(argv[i]); if (listenep.port==0) { usage(); exit(-1); } sendbufsize = (argc>i+1)?(atoi(argv[i+1])*1024):0; recvbufsize = (argc>i+2)?(atoi(argv[i+2])*1024):0; } if (isdaemon) { #ifdef _WIN32 class cserv: public CService { bool stopped; bool started; SocketEndpoint listenep; bool useSSL; bool requireauthenticate; unsigned parallelRequestLimit; unsigned throttleDelayMs; unsigned throttleCPULimit; class cpollthread: public Thread { cserv *parent; public: cpollthread( cserv *_parent ) : Thread("CService::cpollthread"), parent(_parent) { } int run() { while (parent->poll()) Sleep(1000); return 1; } } pollthread; Owned<IRemoteFileServer> server; public: cserv(SocketEndpoint _listenep, bool _useSSL, unsigned _parallelRequestLimit, unsigned _throttleDelayMs, unsigned _throttleCPULimit) : listenep(_listenep),useSSL(_useSSL),pollthread(this), parallelRequestLimit(_parallelRequestLimit), throttleDelayMs(_throttleDelayMs), throttleCPULimit(_throttleCPULimit) { stopped = false; started = false; } virtual ~cserv() { stopped = true; if (started) pollthread.join(); } bool init() { PROGLOG(DAFS_SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME " Initialized"); started = true; pollthread.start(); return true; } bool poll() { if (stopped||!running()) { PROGLOG(DAFS_SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME " Stopping"); if (server) { server->stop(); server.clear(); } return false; } return true; } void run() { // Get params from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DaFileSrv\Parameters int requireauthenticate=0; HKEY hkey; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\DaFileSrv\\Parameters", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(requireauthenticate); RegQueryValueEx(hkey, "RequireAuthentication", NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)&requireauthenticate, &dwSize); RegCloseKey(hkey); } StringBuffer eps; if (listenep.isNull()) eps.append(listenep.port); else listenep.getUrlStr(eps); enableDafsAuthentication(requireauthenticate!=0); PROGLOG("Opening " DAFS_SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME " on %s%s", useSSL?"SECURE ":"",eps.str()); const char * verstring = remoteServerVersionString(); PROGLOG("Version: %s", verstring); PROGLOG("Authentication:%s required",requireauthenticate?"":" not"); PROGLOG(DAFS_SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME " Running"); server.setown(createRemoteFileServer(maxThreads, maxThreadsDelayMs, maxAsyncCopy)); server->setThrottle(ThrottleStd, parallelRequestLimit, throttleDelayMs, throttleCPULimit); server->setThrottle(ThrottleSlow, parallelSlowRequestLimit, throttleSlowDelayMs, throttleSlowCPULimit); try { server->run(listenep, useSSL); } catch (IException *e) { EXCLOG(e,DAFS_SERVICE_NAME); e->Release(); } PROGLOG(DAFS_SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME " Stopped"); stopped = true; } } service(listenep, useSSL, parallelRequestLimit, throttleDelayMs, throttleCPULimit); service.start(); return 0; #else int ret = initDaemon(); if (ret) return ret; #endif } { Owned<IComponentLogFileCreator> lf = createComponentLogFileCreator(logDir.str(), "DAFILESRV"); lf->setCreateAliasFile(false); lf->setMaxDetail(TopDetail); lf->beginLogging(); } PROGLOG("Parallel request limit = %d, throttleDelayMs = %d, throttleCPULimit = %d", parallelRequestLimit, throttleDelayMs, throttleCPULimit); const char * verstring = remoteServerVersionString(); StringBuffer eps; if (listenep.isNull()) eps.append(listenep.port); else listenep.getUrlStr(eps); enableDafsAuthentication(requireauthenticate); PROGLOG("Opening Dali File Server on %s%s", useSSL?"SECURE ":"",eps.str()); PROGLOG("Version: %s", verstring); PROGLOG("Authentication:%s required",requireauthenticate?"":" not"); server.setown(createRemoteFileServer(maxThreads, maxThreadsDelayMs, maxAsyncCopy)); server->setThrottle(ThrottleStd, parallelRequestLimit, throttleDelayMs, throttleCPULimit); server->setThrottle(ThrottleSlow, parallelSlowRequestLimit, throttleSlowDelayMs, throttleSlowCPULimit); class CPerfHook : public CSimpleInterfaceOf<IPerfMonHook> { public: virtual void processPerfStats(unsigned processorUsage, unsigned memoryUsage, unsigned memoryTotal, unsigned __int64 fistDiskUsage, unsigned __int64 firstDiskTotal, unsigned __int64 secondDiskUsage, unsigned __int64 secondDiskTotal, unsigned threadCount) { } virtual StringBuffer &extraLogging(StringBuffer &extra) { return server->getStats(extra.newline(), true); } virtual void log(int level, const char *msg) { PROGLOG("%s", msg); } } perfHook; startPerformanceMonitor(10*60*1000, PerfMonStandard, &perfHook); writeSentinelFile(sentinelFile); try { server->run(listenep, useSSL); } catch (IException *e) { EXCLOG(e,"DAFILESRV"); e->Release(); } stopPerformanceMonitor(); if (server) server->stop(); server.clear(); PROGLOG("Stopped Dali File Server"); return 0; }
void GermanStemmer::strip(StringBuffer& buffer) { bool doMore = true; while ( doMore && buffer.length() > 3 ) { if ( ( buffer.length() + substCount > 5 ) && buffer.substringEquals( buffer.length() - 2, buffer.length(), _T("nd"), 2 ) ) { buffer.deleteChars( buffer.length() - 2, buffer.length() ); } else if ( ( buffer.length() + substCount > 4 ) && buffer.substringEquals( buffer.length() - 2, buffer.length(), _T("em"), 2 ) ) { buffer.deleteChars( buffer.length() - 2, buffer.length() ); } else if ( ( buffer.length() + substCount > 4 ) && buffer.substringEquals( buffer.length() - 2, buffer.length(), _T("er"), 2 ) ) { buffer.deleteChars( buffer.length() - 2, buffer.length() ); } else if ( buffer.charAt( buffer.length() - 1 ) == _T('e') ) { buffer.deleteCharAt( buffer.length() - 1 ); } else if ( buffer.charAt( buffer.length() - 1 ) == _T('s') ) { buffer.deleteCharAt( buffer.length() - 1 ); } else if ( buffer.charAt( buffer.length() - 1 ) == _T('n') ) { buffer.deleteCharAt( buffer.length() - 1 ); } // "t" occurs only as suffix of verbs. else if ( buffer.charAt( buffer.length() - 1 ) == _T('t') ) { buffer.deleteCharAt( buffer.length() - 1 ); } else { doMore = false; } } }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { #if defined(WIN32) && defined(_DEBUG) int tmpFlag = _CrtSetDbgFlag( _CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG ); tmpFlag |= _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF; _CrtSetDbgFlag( tmpFlag ); #endif InitModuleObjects(); addAbortHandler(ControlHandler); EnableSEHtoExceptionMapping(); dummyProc(); #ifndef __64BIT__ Thread::setDefaultStackSize(0x10000); // NB under windows requires linker setting (/stack:) #endif #ifdef _WIN32 Owned<CReleaseMutex> globalNamedMutex; #endif if (globals) globals->Release(); { Owned<IFile> iFile = createIFile("thor.xml"); globals = iFile->exists() ? createPTree(*iFile, ipt_caseInsensitive) : createPTree("Thor", ipt_caseInsensitive); } unsigned multiThorMemoryThreshold = 0; try { if (argc==1) { usage(); return 1; } cmdArgs = argv+1; mergeCmdParams(globals); cmdArgs = argv+1; const char *master = globals->queryProp("@MASTER"); if (!master) usage(); const char *slave = globals->queryProp("@SLAVE"); if (slave) { slfEp.set(slave); localHostToNIC(slfEp); } else slfEp.setLocalHost(0); if (globals->hasProp("@SLAVENUM")) mySlaveNum = atoi(globals->queryProp("@SLAVENUM")); else mySlaveNum = slfEp.port; // shouldn't happen, provided by script setMachinePortBase(slfEp.port); slfEp.port = getMachinePortBase(); startSlaveLog(); startMPServer(getFixedPort(TPORT_mp)); #ifdef USE_MP_LOG startLogMsgParentReceiver(); LOG(MCdebugProgress, thorJob, "MPServer started on port %d", getFixedPort(TPORT_mp)); #endif SocketEndpoint masterEp(master); localHostToNIC(masterEp); setMasterPortBase(masterEp.port); markNodeCentral(masterEp); if (RegisterSelf(masterEp)) { #define ISDALICLIENT // JCSMORE plugins *can* access dali - though I think we should probably prohibit somehow. #ifdef ISDALICLIENT const char *daliServers = globals->queryProp("@DALISERVERS"); if (!daliServers) { LOG(MCerror, thorJob, "No Dali server list specified\n"); return 1; } Owned<IGroup> serverGroup = createIGroup(daliServers, DALI_SERVER_PORT); unsigned retry = 0; loop { try { LOG(MCdebugProgress, thorJob, "calling initClientProcess"); initClientProcess(serverGroup,DCR_ThorSlave, getFixedPort(TPORT_mp)); break; } catch (IJSOCK_Exception *e) { if ((e->errorCode()!=JSOCKERR_port_in_use)) throw; FLLOG(MCexception(e), thorJob, e,"InitClientProcess"); if (retry++>10) throw; e->Release(); LOG(MCdebugProgress, thorJob, "Retrying"); Sleep(retry*2000); } } setPasswordsFromSDS(); #endif StringBuffer thorPath; globals->getProp("@thorPath", thorPath); recursiveCreateDirectory(thorPath.str()); int err = _chdir(thorPath.str()); if (err) { IException *e = MakeErrnoException(-1, "Failed to change dir to '%s'",thorPath.str()); FLLOG(MCexception(e), thorJob, e); throw e; } // Initialization from globals setIORetryCount(globals->getPropInt("Debug/@ioRetries")); // default == 0 == off StringBuffer str; if (globals->getProp("@externalProgDir", str.clear())) _mkdir(str.str()); else globals->setProp("@externalProgDir", thorPath); const char * overrideBaseDirectory = globals->queryProp("@thorDataDirectory"); const char * overrideReplicateDirectory = globals->queryProp("@thorReplicateDirectory"); StringBuffer datadir; StringBuffer repdir; if (getConfigurationDirectory(globals->queryPropTree("Directories"),"data","thor",globals->queryProp("@name"),datadir)) overrideBaseDirectory = datadir.str(); if (getConfigurationDirectory(globals->queryPropTree("Directories"),"mirror","thor",globals->queryProp("@name"),repdir)) overrideReplicateDirectory = repdir.str(); if (overrideBaseDirectory&&*overrideBaseDirectory) setBaseDirectory(overrideBaseDirectory, false); if (overrideReplicateDirectory&&*overrideBaseDirectory) setBaseDirectory(overrideReplicateDirectory, true); StringBuffer tempdirstr; const char *tempdir = globals->queryProp("@thorTempDirectory"); if (getConfigurationDirectory(globals->queryPropTree("Directories"),"temp","thor",globals->queryProp("@name"),tempdirstr)) tempdir = tempdirstr.str(); SetTempDir(tempdir,true); useMemoryMappedRead(globals->getPropBool("@useMemoryMappedRead")); LOG(MCdebugProgress, thorJob, "ThorSlave Version LCR - %d.%d started",THOR_VERSION_MAJOR,THOR_VERSION_MINOR); StringBuffer url; LOG(MCdebugProgress, thorJob, "Slave %s - temporary dir set to : %s", slfEp.getUrlStr(url).toCharArray(), queryTempDir()); #ifdef _WIN32 ULARGE_INTEGER userfree; ULARGE_INTEGER total; ULARGE_INTEGER free; if (GetDiskFreeSpaceEx("c:\\",&userfree,&total,&free)&&total.QuadPart) { unsigned pc = (unsigned)(free.QuadPart*100/total.QuadPart); LOG(MCdebugProgress, thorJob, "Total disk space = %"I64F"d k", total.QuadPart/1000); LOG(MCdebugProgress, thorJob, "Free disk space = %"I64F"d k", free.QuadPart/1000); LOG(MCdebugProgress, thorJob, "%d%% disk free\n",pc); } #endif if (getConfigurationDirectory(globals->queryPropTree("Directories"),"query","thor",globals->queryProp("@name"),str.clear())) globals->setProp("@query_so_dir", str.str()); else globals->getProp("@query_so_dir", str.clear()); if (str.length()) { if (globals->getPropBool("Debug/@dllsToSlaves", true)) { StringBuffer uniqSoPath; if (PATHSEPCHAR == str.charAt(str.length()-1)) uniqSoPath.append(str.length()-1, str.str()); else uniqSoPath.append(str); uniqSoPath.append("_").append(getMachinePortBase()); str.swapWith(uniqSoPath); globals->setProp("@query_so_dir", str.str()); } PROGLOG("Using querySo directory: %s", str.str()); recursiveCreateDirectory(str.str()); } multiThorMemoryThreshold = globals->getPropInt("@multiThorMemoryThreshold")*0x100000; if (multiThorMemoryThreshold) { StringBuffer lgname; if (!globals->getProp("@multiThorResourceGroup",lgname)) globals->getProp("@nodeGroup",lgname); if (lgname.length()) { Owned<ILargeMemLimitNotify> notify = createMultiThorResourceMutex(lgname.str()); setMultiThorMemoryNotify(multiThorMemoryThreshold,notify); PROGLOG("Multi-Thor resource limit for %s set to %"I64F"d",lgname.str(),(__int64)multiThorMemoryThreshold); } else multiThorMemoryThreshold = 0; } slaveMain(); } LOG(MCdebugProgress, thorJob, "ThorSlave terminated OK"); } catch (IException *e) { FLLOG(MCexception(e), thorJob, e,"ThorSlave"); e->Release(); } catch (CATCHALL) { FLLOG(MCerror, thorJob, "ThorSlave exiting because of uncaught exception"); } ClearTempDirs(); if (multiThorMemoryThreshold) setMultiThorMemoryNotify(0,NULL); roxiemem::releaseRoxieHeap(); #ifdef ISDALICLIENT closeEnvironment(); closedownClientProcess(); // dali client closedown #endif #ifdef USE_MP_LOG stopLogMsgReceivers(); #endif stopMPServer(); ::Release(globals); releaseAtoms(); // don't know why we can't use a module_exit to destruct these... return 0; }