Пример #1
    Position DocumentStorage::findField(StringData requested) const {
        int reqSize = requested.size(); // get size calculation out of the way if needed

        if (_numFields >= HASH_TAB_MIN) { // hash lookup
            const unsigned bucket = bucketForKey(requested);

            Position pos = _hashTab[bucket];
            while (pos.found()) {
                const ValueElement& elem = getField(pos);
                if (elem.nameLen == reqSize
                    && memcmp(requested.rawData(), elem._name, reqSize) == 0) {
                    return pos;

                // possible collision
                pos = elem.nextCollision;
        else { // linear scan
            for (DocumentStorageIterator it = iteratorAll(); !it.atEnd(); it.advance()) {
                if (it->nameLen == reqSize
                    && memcmp(requested.rawData(), it->_name, reqSize) == 0) {
                    return it.position();

        // if we got here, there's no such field
        return Position();
Пример #2
 void Document::hash_combine(size_t &seed) const {
     for (DocumentStorageIterator it = storage().iterator(); !it.atEnd(); it.advance()) {
         StringData name = it->nameSD();
         boost::hash_range(seed, name.rawData(), name.rawData() + name.size());
Пример #3
// static
Status WiredTigerUtil::checkTableCreationOptions(const BSONElement& configElem) {
    invariant(configElem.fieldNameStringData() == "configString");

    if (configElem.type() != String) {
        return {ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch, "'configString' must be a string."};

    std::vector<std::string> errors;
    ErrorAccumulator eventHandler(&errors);

    StringData config = configElem.valueStringData();
    // Do NOT allow embedded null characters
    if (config.size() != strlen(config.rawData())) {
        return {ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, "malformed 'configString' value."};

    Status status = wtRCToStatus(
        wiredtiger_config_validate(nullptr, &eventHandler, "WT_SESSION.create", config.rawData()));
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        StringBuilder errorMsg;
        errorMsg << status.reason();
        for (std::string error : errors) {
            errorMsg << ". " << error;
        errorMsg << ".";
        return status.withReason(errorMsg.stringData());
    return Status::OK();
Пример #4
    void Logstream::logLockless( const StringData& s ) {

        if ( s.size() == 0 )

        if ( doneSetup == 1717 ) {

#if defined(_WIN32)
            int fd = fileno( logfile );
            if ( _isatty( fd ) ) {
                fflush( logfile );
                writeUtf8ToWindowsConsole( s.rawData(), s.size() );
            if ( isSyslog ) {
                syslog( LOG_INFO , "%s" , s.rawData() );

            if (fwrite(s.rawData(), s.size(), 1, logfile)) {
            else {
                int x = errno;
                cout << "Failed to write to logfile: " << errnoWithDescription(x) << endl;
        else {
            cout << s;
std::string createPasswordDigest(const StringData& username, const StringData& clearTextPassword) {
    md5digest d;
        md5_state_t st;
        md5_append(&st, (const md5_byte_t*)username.rawData(), username.size());
        md5_append(&st, (const md5_byte_t*)":mongo:", 7);
        md5_append(&st, (const md5_byte_t*)clearTextPassword.rawData(), clearTextPassword.size());
        md5_finish(&st, d);
    return digestToString(d);
Пример #6
    int versionCmp(const StringData rhs, const StringData lhs) {
        if (rhs == lhs) return 0;

        // handle "1.2.3-" and "1.2.3-pre"
        if (rhs.size() < lhs.size()) {
            if (strncmp(rhs.rawData(), lhs.rawData(), rhs.size()) == 0 && lhs[rhs.size()] == '-') return +1;
        else if (rhs.size() > lhs.size()) {
            if (strncmp(rhs.rawData(), lhs.rawData(), lhs.size()) == 0 && rhs[lhs.size()] == '-') return -1;

        return LexNumCmp::cmp(rhs, lhs, false);
Пример #7
    void DataFileMgr::deleteRecord(NamespaceDetails* d, const StringData& ns, Record *todelete,
                                   const DiskLoc& dl, bool cappedOK, bool noWarn, bool doLog ) {
        dassert( todelete == dl.rec() );

        if ( d->isCapped() && !cappedOK ) {
            out() << "failing remove on a capped ns " << ns << endl;
            uassert( 10089 ,  "can't remove from a capped collection" , 0 );

        BSONObj obj = BSONObj::make( todelete );

        Collection* collection = cc().database()->getCollection( ns );
        verify( collection );

        BSONObj toDelete;
        collection->deleteDocument( dl, cappedOK, noWarn, doLog ? &toDelete : NULL );

        if ( ! toDelete.isEmpty() ) {
            // TODO: this is crazy, need to fix logOp
            const char* raw = ns.rawData();
            if ( strlen(raw) == ns.size() ) {
                logOp( "d", raw, toDelete );
            else {
                string temp = ns.toString();
                logOp( "d", temp.c_str(), toDelete );
Пример #8
         * scratch must be empty when passed in. It will be used if there is a NUL byte in the
         * output string. In that case the returned StringData will point into scratch, otherwise
         * it will point directly into the input buffer.
        StringData readCStringWithNuls(BufReader* reader, std::string* scratch) {
            const StringData initial = readCString(reader);
            if (reader->peek<unsigned char>() != 0xFF)
                return initial; // Don't alloc or copy for simple case with no NUL bytes.

            scratch->append(initial.rawData(), initial.size());
            while (reader->peek<unsigned char>() == 0xFF) {
                // Each time we enter this loop it means we hit a NUL byte encoded as "\x00\xFF".
                *scratch += '\0';

                const StringData nextPart = readCString(reader);
                scratch->append(nextPart.rawData(), nextPart.size());

            return *scratch;
Пример #9
    /* resets the client for the current thread */
    void Client::resetThread( const StringData& origThreadName ) {
        verify( currentClient.get() != 0 );

        // Detach all client info from thread

        setThreadName( origThreadName.rawData() );
void FieldRef::reserialize() const {
    std::string nextDotted;
    // Reserve some space in the string. We know we will have, at minimum, a character for
    // each component we are writing, and a dot for each component, less one. We don't want
    // to reserve more, since we don't want to forfeit the SSO if it is applicable.
    nextDotted.reserve((_size > 0) ? (_size * 2) - 1 : 0);

    // Concatenate the fields to a new string
    for (size_t i = 0; i != _size; ++i) {
        if (i > 0)
            nextDotted.append(1, '.');
        const StringData part = getPart(i);
        nextDotted.append(part.rawData(), part.size());

    // Make the new string our contents

    // Before we reserialize, it's possible that _cachedSize != _size because parts were added or
    // removed. This reserialization process reconciles the components in our cached string
    // (_dotted) with the modified path.
    _cachedSize = _size;

    // Fixup the parts to refer to the new string
    std::string::const_iterator where = _dotted.begin();
    const std::string::const_iterator end = _dotted.end();
    for (size_t i = 0; i != _size; ++i) {
        boost::optional<StringView>& part =
            (i < kReserveAhead) ? _fixed[i] : _variable[getIndex(i)];
        const size_t size = part ? part->len : _replacements[i].size();

        // There is one case where we expect to see the "where" iterator to be at "end" here: we
        // are at the last part of the FieldRef and that part is the empty string. In that case, we
        // need to make sure we do not dereference the "where" iterator.
        invariant(where != end || (size == 0 && i == _size - 1));
        if (!size) {
            part = StringView{};
        } else {
            std::size_t offset = where - _dotted.begin();
            part = StringView{offset, size};
        where += size;
        // skip over '.' unless we are at the end.
        if (where != end) {
            dassert(*where == '.');

    // Drop any replacements
Пример #11
 // Iterate the hash function to generate SaltedPassword
 void generateSaltedPassword(StringData hashedPassword,
                             const unsigned char* salt,
                             const int saltLen,
                             const int iterationCount,
                             unsigned char saltedPassword[hashSize]) {
     // saltedPassword = Hi(hashedPassword, salt)
     HMACIteration(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(hashedPassword.rawData()),
Пример #12
    std::string FieldRef::dottedField() const {
        std::string res;
        if (_size == 0) {
            return res;

        res.append(_fixed[0].rawData(), _fixed[0].size());
        for (size_t i=1; i<_size; i++) {
            res.append(1, '.');
            StringData part = getPart(i);
            res.append(part.rawData(), part.size());
        return res;
Пример #13
        string Stemmer::stem( const StringData& word ) const {
            if ( !_stemmer )
                return word.toString();

            const sb_symbol* sb_sym = sb_stemmer_stem( _stemmer,
                                                       (const sb_symbol*)word.rawData(),
                                                       word.size() );

            if ( sb_sym == NULL ) {
                // out of memory

            return string( (const char*)(sb_sym), sb_stemmer_length( _stemmer ) );
Пример #14
bool MobileKVEngine::hasIdent(OperationContext* opCtx, StringData ident) const {
    MobileSession* session = MobileRecoveryUnit::get(opCtx)->getSession(opCtx);

    std::string findTableQuery = "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name = ?;";
    SqliteStatement findTableStmt(*session, findTableQuery);
    findTableStmt.bindText(0, ident.rawData(), ident.size());

    int status = findTableStmt.step();
    if (status == SQLITE_DONE) {
        return false;
    checkStatus(status, SQLITE_ROW, "sqlite3_step");

    return true;
Пример #15
    std::string FieldRef::dottedField( size_t offset ) const {
        std::string res;

        if (_size == 0 || offset >= numParts() ) {
            return res;

        for (size_t i=offset; i<_size; i++) {
            if ( i > offset )
                res.append(1, '.');
            StringData part = getPart(i);
            res.append(part.rawData(), part.size());
        return res;
Пример #16
void FTSSpec::_scoreStringV2(FTSTokenizer* tokenizer,
                             StringData raw,
                             TermFrequencyMap* docScores,
                             double weight) const {
    ScoreHelperMap terms;

    unsigned numTokens = 0;

    tokenizer->reset(raw.rawData(), FTSTokenizer::kFilterStopWords);

    while (tokenizer->moveNext()) {
        StringData term = tokenizer->get();

        ScoreHelperStruct& data = terms[term];

        if (data.exp) {
            data.exp *= 2;
        } else {
            data.exp = 1;
        data.count += 1;
        data.freq += (1 / data.exp);

    for (ScoreHelperMap::const_iterator i = terms.begin(); i != terms.end(); ++i) {
        const string& term = i->first;
        const ScoreHelperStruct& data = i->second;

        // in order to adjust weights as a function of term count as it
        // relates to total field length. ie. is this the only word or
        // a frequently occuring term? or does it only show up once in
        // a long block of text?

        double coeff = (0.5 * data.count / numTokens) + 0.5;

        // if term is identical to the raw form of the
        // field (untokenized) give it a small boost.
        double adjustment = 1;
        if (raw.size() == term.length() && raw.equalCaseInsensitive(term))
            adjustment += 0.1;

        double& score = (*docScores)[term];
        score += (weight * data.freq * coeff * adjustment);
        verify(score <= MAX_WEIGHT);
Пример #17
    void DataFileMgr::deleteRecord(NamespaceDetails* d, const StringData& ns, Record *todelete,
                                   const DiskLoc& dl, bool cappedOK, bool noWarn, bool doLog ) {
        dassert( todelete == dl.rec() );

        if ( d->isCapped() && !cappedOK ) {
            out() << "failing remove on a capped ns " << ns << endl;
            uassert( 10089 ,  "can't remove from a capped collection" , 0 );

        BSONObj obj = BSONObj::make( todelete );

        BSONObj toDelete;
        if ( doLog ) {
            BSONElement e = obj["_id"];
            if ( e.type() ) {
                toDelete = e.wrap();
        Collection* collection = cc().database()->getCollection( ns );
        verify( collection );

        /* check if any cursors point to us.  if so, advance them. */
        ClientCursor::aboutToDelete(ns, d, dl);

        collection->getIndexCatalog()->unindexRecord( obj, dl, noWarn );

        _deleteRecord(d, ns, todelete, dl);


        if ( ! toDelete.isEmpty() ) {
            // TODO: this is crazy, need to fix logOp
            const char* raw = ns.rawData();
            if ( strlen(raw) == ns.size() ) {
                logOp( "d", raw, toDelete );
            else {
                string temp = ns.toString();
                logOp( "d", temp.c_str(), toDelete );
Пример #18
Status DataType::Handler<StringData>::store(const StringData& sdata,
                                            char* ptr,
                                            size_t length,
                                            size_t* advanced,
                                            std::ptrdiff_t debug_offset) {
    if (sdata.size() > length) {
        return makeStoreStatus(sdata, length, debug_offset);

    if (ptr) {
        std::memcpy(ptr, sdata.rawData(), sdata.size());

    if (advanced) {
        *advanced = sdata.size();

    return Status::OK();
Пример #19
bool MozJSImplScope::exec(StringData code,
                          const std::string& name,
                          bool printResult,
                          bool reportError,
                          bool assertOnError,
                          int timeoutMs) {
    MozJSEntry entry(this);

    JS::CompileOptions co(_context);
    JS::RootedScript script(_context);

    bool success = JS::Compile(_context, _global, co, code.rawData(), code.size(), &script);

    if (_checkErrorState(success, reportError, assertOnError))
        return false;

    if (timeoutMs)
        _engine->getDeadlineMonitor().startDeadline(this, timeoutMs);

    JS::RootedValue out(_context);

    success = JS_ExecuteScript(_context, _global, script, &out);

    if (timeoutMs)

    if (_checkErrorState(success, reportError, assertOnError))
        return false;

    ObjectWrapper(_context, _global).setValue(kExecResult, out);

    if (printResult && !out.isUndefined()) {
        // appears to only be used by shell
        std::cout << ValueWriter(_context, out).toString() << std::endl;

    return true;
Пример #20
// static
bool ParsedProjection::_hasPositionalOperatorMatch(const MatchExpression* const query,
                                                   const std::string& matchfield) {
    if (query->isLogical()) {
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < query->numChildren(); ++i) {
            if (_hasPositionalOperatorMatch(query->getChild(i), matchfield)) {
                return true;
    } else {
        StringData queryPath = query->path();
        const char* pathRawData = queryPath.rawData();
        // We have to make a distinction between match expressions that are
        // initialized with an empty field/path name "" and match expressions
        // for which the path is not meaningful (eg. $where and the internal
        // expression type ALWAYS_FALSE).
        if (!pathRawData) {
            return false;
        std::string pathPrefix = mongoutils::str::before(pathRawData, '.');
        return pathPrefix == matchfield;
    return false;
Пример #21
bool IdWrapper::equalsAscii(StringData sd) const {
    if (isString()) {
        auto str = JSID_TO_STRING(_value);

        if (!str) {
            uasserted(ErrorCodes::JSInterpreterFailure, "Failed to JSID_TO_STRING");

        bool matched;
        if (!JS_StringEqualsAscii(_context, str, sd.rawData(), &matched)) {
            uasserted(ErrorCodes::JSInterpreterFailure, "Failed to JS_StringEqualsAscii");

        return matched;

    if (isInt()) {
        JSStringWrapper jsstr(toInt32());
        return jsstr.toStringData().compare(sd) == 0;

    uasserted(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Cannot equalsAscii non-string non-integer jsid");
Пример #22
// static
Status WiredTigerUtil::checkTableCreationOptions(const BSONElement& configElem) {
    invariant(configElem.fieldNameStringData() == "configString");

    if (configElem.type() != String) {
        return {ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch, "'configString' must be a string."};

    std::vector<std::string> errors;
    ErrorAccumulator eventHandler(&errors);

    StringData config = configElem.valueStringData();
    Status status = wtRCToStatus(
        wiredtiger_config_validate(nullptr, &eventHandler, "WT_SESSION.create", config.rawData()));
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        StringBuilder errorMsg;
        errorMsg << status.reason();
        for (std::string error : errors) {
            errorMsg << ". " << error;
        errorMsg << ".";
        return {status.code(), errorMsg.str()};
    return Status::OK();
Пример #23
void FieldRef::reserialize() const {
    std::string nextDotted;
    // Reserve some space in the string. We know we will have, at minimum, a character for
    // each component we are writing, and a dot for each component, less one. We don't want
    // to reserve more, since we don't want to forfeit the SSO if it is applicable.
    nextDotted.reserve((_size * 2) - 1);

    // Concatenate the fields to a new string
    for (size_t i = 0; i != _size; ++i) {
        if (i > 0)
            nextDotted.append(1, '.');
        const StringData part = getPart(i);
        nextDotted.append(part.rawData(), part.size());

    // Make the new string our contents

    // Fixup the parts to refer to the new string
    std::string::const_iterator where = _dotted.begin();
    const std::string::const_iterator end = _dotted.end();
    for (size_t i = 0; i != _size; ++i) {
        StringData& part = (i < kReserveAhead) ? _fixed[i] : _variable[getIndex(i)];
        const size_t size = part.size();
        part = StringData(&*where, size);
        where += size;
        // skip over '.' unless we are at the end.
        if (where != end) {
            dassert(*where == '.');

    // Drop any replacements
Пример #24
TEST(Construction, Empty) {
    StringData strData;
    ASSERT_EQUALS(strData.size(), 0U);
    ASSERT_TRUE(strData.rawData() == NULL);
Пример #25
    int LexNumCmp::cmp( const StringData& sd1, const StringData& sd2, bool lexOnly ) {
        bool startWord = true;

        size_t s1 = 0;
        size_t s2 = 0;

        while( s1 < sd1.size() && s2 < sd2.size() ) {
            bool d1 = ( sd1[s1] == '.' );
            bool d2 = ( sd2[s2] == '.' );
            if ( d1 && !d2 )
                return -1;
            if ( d2 && !d1 )
                return 1;
            if ( d1 && d2 ) {
                ++s1; ++s2;
                startWord = true;

            bool p1 = ( sd1[s1] == (char)255 );
            bool p2 = ( sd2[s2] == (char)255 );

            if ( p1 && !p2 )
                return 1;
            if ( p2 && !p1 )
                return -1;

            if ( !lexOnly ) {
                bool n1 = isNumber( sd1[s1] );
                bool n2 = isNumber( sd2[s2] );

                if ( n1 && n2 ) {
                    // get rid of leading 0s
                    if ( startWord ) {
                        while ( sd1[s1] == '0' ) s1++;
                        while ( sd2[s2] == '0' ) s2++;

                    size_t e1 = s1;
                    size_t e2 = s2;

                    // find length
                    // if end of string, will break immediately ('\0')
                    while ( isNumber( sd1[e1] ) ) e1++;
                    while ( isNumber( sd2[e2] ) ) e2++;

                    size_t len1 = e1-s1;
                    size_t len2 = e2-s2;

                    int result;
                    // if one is longer than the other, return
                    if ( len1 > len2 ) {
                        return 1;
                    else if ( len2 > len1 ) {
                        return -1;
                    // if the lengths are equal, just strcmp
                    else {
                        result = strncmp( sd1.rawData() + s1,
                                          sd2.rawData() + s2,
                                          len1 );
                        if ( result )
                            return result;

                    // otherwise, the numbers are equal
                    s1 = e1;
                    s2 = e2;
                    startWord = false;

                if ( n1 )
                    return 1;

                if ( n2 )
                    return -1;

            if ( sd1[s1] > sd2[s2] )
                return 1;

            if ( sd2[s2] > sd1[s1] )
                return -1;

            s1++; s2++;
            startWord = false;

        if ( sd1[s1] )
            return 1;
        if ( sd2[s2] )
            return -1;
        return 0;