bool parseIntegerVec(std::string str, IntegerVec& intVector) { StringVec strVector = explodeString(str, ";"); IntegerVec tmpIntVector; for(StringVec::iterator it = strVector.begin(); it != strVector.end(); ++it) { tmpIntVector = vectorAtoi(explodeString((*it), "-")); if(!tmpIntVector[0] && it->substr(0, 1) != "0") continue; intVector.push_back(tmpIntVector[0]); if(tmpIntVector.size() > 1) { while(tmpIntVector[0] < tmpIntVector[1]) intVector.push_back(++tmpIntVector[0]); } } return true; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is basically like the Perl split() function. It splits str into substrings by cutting it at each delimiter. // The result is stored in vec. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Split(const string& str, StringVec& vec, char delimiter) { vec.clear(); size_t strLen = str.size(); if (strLen == 0) return; size_t startIndex = 0; size_t indexOfDel = str.find_first_of(delimiter, startIndex); while (indexOfDel != string::npos) { vec.push_back(str.substr(startIndex, indexOfDel - startIndex)); startIndex = indexOfDel + 1; if (startIndex >= strLen) break; indexOfDel = str.find_first_of(delimiter, startIndex); } if (startIndex < strLen) vec.push_back(str.substr(startIndex)); }
static String expandRecursivePath(const String& path, const String& prefix, const VariableCollectionHierarchy& vch) { // Check if recursive expansion is necessary if (!strEndsWith(path, "/**")) return addPrefixQuoted(path, prefix, vch); // Remove the pesky /** ending String fixedPath = path.substr(0, path.length() - 3); // Expand the path and get an absolute project path String expandedPath = vch.expand(fixedPath); String projectPath = vch.getValue("PROJECT_DIR"); // Make an absolute path String absPath = joinPaths(projectPath, expandedPath); // Get a list of subdirectories to ignore StringVec ignoreList; vch.getValue("EXCLUDED_RECURSIVE_SEARCH_PATH_SUBDIRECTORIES", ignoreList); // Get recursive paths StringVec dirVec; getRecursiveDirList(absPath, dirVec, ignoreList); // Sort the paths such that they are in breadth-first, alphabetic order std::sort(dirVec.begin(), dirVec.end(), compare_nocase_breadth_first); // Substitute back the original form of the path (which likely contains variables) String ret; for (unsigned i = 0; i < dirVec.size(); i++) { dirVec[i].replace(0, absPath.length(), fixedPath); ret += addPrefixQuoted(dirVec[i], prefix, vch); } // Check that the recursive expansion succeeded if (dirVec.empty()) { SBLog::info() << "Failed recursive expansion of \"" << absPath << "\". Path does not exist." << std::endl; return ""; } else { return ret; } }
const std::tuple<bool, std::string, StringVec> proc_tags(const std::string& tags) { bool suggest = false; std::string errtype; StringVec gentags; for(auto& tag : split(tags)) { std::match_results<const char*> result; std::regex_match(tag.c_str(), result, CG_SKIP_TAG); if (result.empty()) { gentags.push_back(tag); } else if(result[2].length() != 0) { if(tag == CG_SUGGEST_TAG) { suggest = true; } else { errtype = result[2]; } } } return std::make_tuple(suggest, errtype, gentags); }
/** check whether a file exists */ bool ParameterNBest::FilesExist(const string ¶mName, size_t tokenizeIndex,std::vector<std::string> const& extensions) { typedef std::vector<std::string> StringVec; StringVec::const_iterator iter; PARAM_MAP::const_iterator iterParam = m_setting.find(paramName); if (iterParam == m_setting.end()) { // no param. therefore nothing to check return true; } const StringVec &pathVec = (*iterParam).second; for (iter = pathVec.begin() ; iter != pathVec.end() ; ++iter) { StringVec vec = Tokenize(*iter); if (tokenizeIndex >= vec.size()) { stringstream errorMsg(""); errorMsg << "Expected at least " << (tokenizeIndex+1) << " tokens per emtry in '" << paramName << "', but only found " << vec.size(); UserMessage::Add(errorMsg.str()); return false; } const string &pathStr = vec[tokenizeIndex]; bool fileFound=0; for(size_t i=0;i<extensions.size() && !fileFound;++i) { fileFound|=FileExists(pathStr + extensions[i]); } if(!fileFound) { stringstream errorMsg(""); errorMsg << "File " << pathStr << " does not exist"; UserMessage::Add(errorMsg.str()); return false; } } return true; }
std::string parseVocationString(StringVec vocStringVec) { std::string str = ""; if(!vocStringVec.empty()) { for(StringVec::iterator it = vocStringVec.begin(); it != vocStringVec.end(); ++it) { if((*it) != vocStringVec.front()) { if((*it) != vocStringVec.back()) str += ", "; else str += " and "; } str += (*it); str += "s"; } } return str; }
StringVec explodeString(const std::string& string, const std::string& separator, bool trim/* = true*/, uint16_t limit/* = 0*/) { StringVec returnVector; size_t start = 0, end = 0; uint16_t i = 1; while((end = string.find(separator, start)) != std::string::npos) { std::string t = string.substr(start, end - start); if(trim) trimString(t); returnVector.push_back(t); start = end + separator.size(); ++i; if(limit > 0 && i > limit) break; } returnVector.push_back(string.substr(start)); return returnVector; }
void Spectators::ban(StringVec _bans) { StringVec::const_iterator it; for(DataList::iterator bit = bans.begin(); bit != bans.end(); ) { it = std::find(_bans.begin(), _bans.end(), bit->first); if(it == _bans.end()) bans.erase(bit++); else ++bit; } for(it = _bans.begin(); it != _bans.end(); ++it) { for(SpectatorList::const_iterator sit = spectators.begin(); sit != spectators.end(); ++sit) { if(asLowerCaseString(sit->second.first) != *it) continue; bans[*it] = sit->first->getIP(); sit->first->disconnect(); } } }
// "Expand" -Wl and -Xlinker tokens // This is OK to do since we're interested in a small subset of flags. // Preserving correctness is not important. static void replaceWlArgs(const StringVec& inArgs, StringVec& outArgs) { for (auto arg : inArgs) { if (strBeginsWith(arg, "-Wl,")) { StringVec tokens; tokenize(arg, tokens, ",", "", "", "", ""); outArgs.insert(outArgs.end(), tokens.begin() + 1, tokens.end()); } else if (arg != "-Xlinker") { outArgs.push_back(arg); } } }
MountInfoVec getMountInfo() { int exitCode; StringVec tcOutput = splitToLines(executeCommand("truecrypt", "-l", exitCode)); if(exitCode != 0) { if(tcOutput.size() > 0) { throw std::runtime_error(tcOutput[0]); } else { throw std::runtime_error("unknown error while querying mounted images"); } } StringVec mntOutput = splitToLines(executeCommand("mount", exitCode)); MountInfoVec info; for(StringVec::const_iterator tcIt = tcOutput.begin(); tcIt != tcOutput.end(); ++tcIt) { StringVec tcWords = splitToWords(*tcIt); std::string device = tcWords[0]; std::string image = tcWords[1]; for(StringVec::const_iterator mntIt = mntOutput.begin(); mntIt != mntOutput.end(); ++mntIt) { StringVec mntWords = splitToWords(*mntIt); std::string mntDev = mntWords[0]; std::string mntPoint = mntWords[2]; if(mntDev == device) { info.push_back(MountInfo(image, mntPoint)); break; } } } return info; }
malValuePtr EVAL(malValuePtr ast, malEnvPtr env) { if (!env) { env = replEnv; } while (1) { const malList* list = DYNAMIC_CAST(malList, ast); if (!list || (list->count() == 0)) { return ast->eval(env); } ast = macroExpand(ast, env); list = DYNAMIC_CAST(malList, ast); if (!list || (list->count() == 0)) { return ast->eval(env); } // From here on down we are evaluating a non-empty list. // First handle the special forms. if (const malSymbol* symbol = DYNAMIC_CAST(malSymbol, list->item(0))) { String special = symbol->value(); int argCount = list->count() - 1; if (special == "def!") { checkArgsIs("def!", 2, argCount); const malSymbol* id = VALUE_CAST(malSymbol, list->item(1)); return env->set(id->value(), EVAL(list->item(2), env)); } if (special == "defmacro!") { checkArgsIs("defmacro!", 2, argCount); const malSymbol* id = VALUE_CAST(malSymbol, list->item(1)); malValuePtr body = EVAL(list->item(2), env); const malLambda* lambda = VALUE_CAST(malLambda, body); return env->set(id->value(), mal::macro(*lambda)); } if (special == "do") { checkArgsAtLeast("do", 1, argCount); for (int i = 1; i < argCount; i++) { EVAL(list->item(i), env); } ast = list->item(argCount); continue; // TCO } if (special == "fn*") { checkArgsIs("fn*", 2, argCount); const malSequence* bindings = VALUE_CAST(malSequence, list->item(1)); StringVec params; for (int i = 0; i < bindings->count(); i++) { const malSymbol* sym = VALUE_CAST(malSymbol, bindings->item(i)); params.push_back(sym->value()); } return mal::lambda(params, list->item(2), env); } if (special == "if") { checkArgsBetween("if", 2, 3, argCount); bool isTrue = EVAL(list->item(1), env)->isTrue(); if (!isTrue && (argCount == 2)) { return mal::nilValue(); } ast = list->item(isTrue ? 2 : 3); continue; // TCO } if (special == "let*") { checkArgsIs("let*", 2, argCount); const malSequence* bindings = VALUE_CAST(malSequence, list->item(1)); int count = checkArgsEven("let*", bindings->count()); malEnvPtr inner(new malEnv(env)); for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 2) { const malSymbol* var = VALUE_CAST(malSymbol, bindings->item(i)); inner->set(var->value(), EVAL(bindings->item(i+1), inner)); } ast = list->item(2); env = inner; continue; // TCO } if (special == "macroexpand") { checkArgsIs("macroexpand", 1, argCount); return macroExpand(list->item(1), env); } if (special == "quasiquote") { checkArgsIs("quasiquote", 1, argCount); ast = quasiquote(list->item(1)); continue; // TCO } if (special == "quote") { checkArgsIs("quote", 1, argCount); return list->item(1); } if (special == "try*") { checkArgsIs("try*", 2, argCount); malValuePtr tryBody = list->item(1); const malList* catchBlock = VALUE_CAST(malList, list->item(2)); checkArgsIs("catch*", 2, catchBlock->count() - 1); MAL_CHECK(VALUE_CAST(malSymbol, catchBlock->item(0))->value() == "catch*", "catch block must begin with catch*"); // We don't need excSym at this scope, but we want to check // that the catch block is valid always, not just in case of // an exception. const malSymbol* excSym = VALUE_CAST(malSymbol, catchBlock->item(1)); malValuePtr excVal; try { ast = EVAL(tryBody, env); } catch(String& s) { excVal = mal::string(s); } catch (malEmptyInputException&) { // Not an error, continue as if we got nil ast = mal::nilValue(); } catch(malValuePtr& o) { excVal = o; }; if (excVal) { // we got some exception env = malEnvPtr(new malEnv(env)); env->set(excSym->value(), excVal); ast = catchBlock->item(2); } continue; // TCO } } // Now we're left with the case of a regular list to be evaluated. std::unique_ptr<malValueVec> items(list->evalItems(env)); malValuePtr op = items->at(0); if (const malLambda* lambda = DYNAMIC_CAST(malLambda, op)) { ast = lambda->getBody(); env = lambda->makeEnv(items->begin()+1, items->end()); continue; // TCO } else { return APPLY(op, items->begin()+1, items->end()); } } }
void SBSourcesBuildPhase::writeVCProjectFiles(VCProject& proj) const { // We don't support source compilation when building bundles TargetProductType productType = m_parentTarget.getProductType(); if (productType == TargetBundle) { if (!m_phase->getBuildFileList().empty()) { SBLog::warning() << "Ignoring all source files in \"" << m_parentTarget.getName() << "\" bundle target." << std::endl; } return; } SBBuildPhase::writeVSFileDescriptions(proj, "Text"); String xcProjectDir = m_parentTarget.getProject().getProjectDir(); String vsProjectDir = sb_dirname(proj.getPath()); StringSet prefixHeaders; for (auto bs : m_parentTarget.getBuildSettings()) { VCProjectConfiguration* config = proj.addConfiguration(bs.first); // Prefix header (recalculate relative path) String prefixHeader = bs.second->getValue("GCC_PREFIX_HEADER"); if (!prefixHeader.empty()) { String absHeaderPath = m_parentTarget.makeAbsolutePath(prefixHeader); String relHeaderPath = m_parentTarget.makeRelativePath(prefixHeader, vsProjectDir);; relHeaderPath = winPath(relHeaderPath); config->setItemDefinition("ClangCompile", "PrefixHeader", relHeaderPath); // Add plist file to project (only once) if (prefixHeaders.find(absHeaderPath) == prefixHeaders.end()) { addRelativeFilePathToVS("ClInclude", absHeaderPath, "", proj, *bs.second); prefixHeaders.insert(absHeaderPath); } } // Preprocessor definitions StringVec preprocessorTokens; bs.second->getValue("GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS", preprocessorTokens); String preprocessorDefs = joinStrings(preprocessorTokens, ";"); if (!preprocessorDefs.empty()) { config->setItemDefinition("ClangCompile", "PreprocessorDefinitions", preprocessorDefs); } // Optimization level String optimizationLevel = bs.second->getValue("GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL"); if (!optimizationLevel.empty()) { String vsOptimizationLevel; if (optimizationLevel == "s") { vsOptimizationLevel = "MinSpace"; } else if (optimizationLevel == "0") { vsOptimizationLevel = "Disabled"; } else { vsOptimizationLevel = "MaxSpeed"; } config->setItemDefinition("ClangCompile", "OptimizationLevel", vsOptimizationLevel); } // ARC String enableARC = bs.second->getValue("CLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC"); if (enableARC == "YES") { config->setItemDefinition("ClangCompile", "ObjectiveCARC", "true"); } // Modules String enableModules = bs.second->getValue("CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES"); if (enableModules == "YES") { config->setItemDefinition("ClangCompile", "ObjectiveCModules", "true"); } // Header search paths (make them relative) StringVec includePaths; bs.second->getValue("HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS", includePaths); for (auto &cur : includePaths) { cur = m_parentTarget.makeRelativePath(cur, vsProjectDir); cur = winPath(cur); } includePaths.insert(includePaths.begin(), "$(SolutionPublicHeadersDir)"); config->setItemDefinition("ClangCompile", "IncludePaths", joinStrings(includePaths, ";")); // User header search paths (make them relative) StringVec userIncludePaths; bs.second->getValue("USER_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS", userIncludePaths); for (auto &cur : userIncludePaths) { cur = m_parentTarget.makeRelativePath(cur, vsProjectDir); cur = winPath(cur); } if (!userIncludePaths.empty()) { config->setItemDefinition("ClangCompile", "UserIncludePaths", joinStrings(userIncludePaths, ";")); } // Exclude search path subdirectories StringVec excludeSubDirectories; bs.second->getValue("EXCLUDED_RECURSIVE_SEARCH_PATH_SUBDIRECTORIES", excludeSubDirectories); if (!excludeSubDirectories.empty()) { config->setItemDefinition("ClangCompile", "ExcludedSearchPathSubdirectories", joinStrings(excludeSubDirectories, ";")); } // Header map if (bs.second->getValue("USE_HEADERMAP") == "YES") { if (bs.second->getValue("ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS") == "YES") { config->setItemDefinition("ClangCompile", "HeaderMap", "Combined"); } else if (bs.second->getValue("HEADERMAP_INCLUDES_PROJECT_HEADERS") == "YES") { config->setItemDefinition("ClangCompile", "HeaderMap", "Project"); } } // Other C flags String otherCFlags = bs.second->getValue("OTHER_CFLAGS"); processClangFlags(otherCFlags, xcProjectDir, vsProjectDir); if (!otherCFlags.empty()) { config->setItemDefinition("ClangCompile", "OtherCFlags", otherCFlags); } // Other C++ flags String otherCPlusPlusFlags = bs.second->getValue("OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS"); processClangFlags(otherCPlusPlusFlags, xcProjectDir, vsProjectDir); if (!otherCPlusPlusFlags.empty()) { config->setItemDefinition("ClangCompile", "OtherCPlusPlusFlags", otherCPlusPlusFlags); } // CRT String configNameUpper = strToUpper(bs.first); if (configNameUpper.find("DEBUG") != String::npos) { config->setItemDefinition("ClangCompile", "RuntimeLibrary", "MultiThreadedDebugDLL"); } } }
Variant c_DebuggerClient::t_processcmd(CVarRef cmdName, CVarRef args) { INSTANCE_METHOD_INJECTION_BUILTIN(DebuggerClient, DebuggerClient::processcmd); if (!m_client || m_client->getClientState() < DebuggerClient::StateReadyForCommand) { raise_warning("client is not initialized"); return null; } if (m_client->getClientState() != DebuggerClient::StateReadyForCommand) { raise_warning("client is not ready to take command"); return null; } if (!cmdName.isString()) { raise_warning("cmdName must be string"); return null; } if (!args.isNull() && !args.isArray()) { raise_warning("args must be null or array"); return null; } static const char *s_allowedCmds[] = { "break", "continue", "down", "exception", "frame", "global", "help", "info", "konstant", "next", "out", "print", "quit", "step", "up", "variable", "where", "bt", "set", "inst", "=", "@", NULL }; bool allowed = false; for (int i = 0; ; i++) { const char *cmd = s_allowedCmds[i]; if (cmd == NULL) { break; } if (cmdName.same(cmd)) { allowed = true; break; } } if (!allowed) { raise_warning("unsupported command %s", cmdName.toString().data()); return null; } m_client->setCommand(cmdName.toString().data()); StringVec *clientArgs = m_client->args(); clientArgs->clear(); if (!args.isNull()) { for (ArrayIter iter(args.toArray()); iter; ++iter) { CStrRef arg = iter.second().toString(); clientArgs->push_back(std::string(, arg.size())); } } try { if (!m_client->process()) { raise_warning("command \"%s\" not found", cmdName.toString().data()); } } catch (DebuggerConsoleExitException &e) { // Flow-control command goes here Logger::Info("wait for debugger client to stop"); m_client->setTakingInterrupt(); m_client->setClientState(DebuggerClient::StateBusy); DebuggerCommandPtr cmd = m_client->waitForNextInterrupt(); if (!cmd) { raise_warning("not getting a command"); } else if (cmd->is(DebuggerCommand::KindOfInterrupt)) { CmdInterruptPtr cmdInterrupt = dynamic_pointer_cast<CmdInterrupt>(cmd); cmdInterrupt->onClientD(m_client); } else { // Previous pending commands cmd->handleReply(m_client); cmd->setClientOutput(m_client); } Logger::Info("debugger client ready for command"); } catch (DebuggerClientExitException &e) { const std::string& nameStr = m_client->getNameApi(); Logger::Info("client %s disconnected", nameStr.c_str()); s_dbgCltMap.erase(nameStr); delete m_client; m_client = NULL; return true; } catch (DebuggerProtocolException &e) { raise_warning("DebuggerProtocolException"); return null; } return m_client->getOutputArray(); }
bool parseVocationNode(xmlNodePtr vocationNode, VocationMap& vocationMap, StringVec& vocStringVec, std::string& errorStr) { if(xmlStrcmp(vocationNode->name,(const xmlChar*)"vocation")) return true; int32_t vocationId = -1; std::string strValue, tmpStrValue; if(readXMLString(vocationNode, "name", strValue)) { vocationId = Vocations::getInstance()->getVocationId(strValue); if(vocationId != -1) { vocationMap[vocationId] = true; int32_t promotedVocation = Vocations::getInstance()->getPromotedVocation(vocationId); if(promotedVocation != -1) vocationMap[promotedVocation] = true; } else { errorStr = "Wrong vocation name: " + strValue; return false; } } else if(readXMLString(vocationNode, "id", strValue)) { IntegerVec intVector; if(!parseIntegerVec(strValue, intVector)) { errorStr = "Invalid vocation id - '" + strValue + "'"; return false; } size_t size = intVector.size(); for(size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { Vocation* vocation = Vocations::getInstance()->getVocation(intVector[i]); if(vocation && vocation->getName() != "") { vocationId = vocation->getId(); strValue = vocation->getName(); vocationMap[vocationId] = true; int32_t promotedVocation = Vocations::getInstance()->getPromotedVocation(vocationId); if(promotedVocation != -1) vocationMap[promotedVocation] = true; } else { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Wrong vocation id: " << intVector[i]; errorStr = ss.str(); return false; } } } if(vocationId != -1 && (!readXMLString(vocationNode, "showInDescription", tmpStrValue) || booleanString(tmpStrValue))) vocStringVec.push_back(asLowerCaseString(strValue)); return true; }
void MacAddrSuite::testVec00() { bool ok = true; MacAddr macAddr; MacAddrVec vec0; String mac; StringVec macs; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; ++i) { const sample_t& r = SAMPLE[i]; if (r.isValid) { macAddr = r.addr; unsigned int foundAt = vec0.numItems(); if ((!vec0.add(macAddr)) || (vec0.findIndex(macAddr) != foundAt)) { ok = false; break; } mac = macAddr; macs.add(mac); } } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ok); MacAddrVec vec1(vec0); ok = (vec1 == vec0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ok); vec1.reset(); ok = (vec1 != vec0) && (vec1.numItems() == 0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ok); ok = vec1.reset(macs) && (vec1 == vec0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ok); mac = "not-a-mac"; macs.add(mac); ok = (!vec1.reset(macs)) && (vec1 == vec0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ok); bool reverseOrder = false; vec0.sort(reverseOrder); ok = vec1.find(vec0.peek(0)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ok); for (size_t i = 1, numItems = vec0.numItems(); i < numItems; ++i) { if ((!vec1.find(vec0.peek(i))) || (vec0.peek(i - 1) > vec0.peek(i))) { ok = false; break; } } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ok); reverseOrder = true; vec0.sort(reverseOrder); ok = vec1.find(vec0.peek(0)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ok); for (size_t i = 1, numItems = vec0.numItems(); i < numItems; ++i) { if ((!vec1.find(vec0.peek(i))) || (vec0.peek(i - 1) < vec0.peek(i))) { ok = false; break; } } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ok); }
void SBFrameworksBuildPhase::writeVCProjectFiles(VCProject& proj) const { // We don't support linking with frameworks when building bundles TargetProductType productType = m_parentTarget.getProductType(); if (productType == TargetBundle) { if (!m_phase->getBuildFileList().empty()) { SBLog::warning() << "Ignoring all frameworkss in \"" << m_parentTarget.getName() << "\" bundle target." << std::endl; } return; } String linkTarget; if (productType == TargetApplication) linkTarget = "Link"; else if (productType == TargetStaticLib) linkTarget = "Lib"; // Get paths to all the build files (frameworks) StringVec buildFilePaths; if (m_phase) { const BuildFileList& buildFiles = m_phase->getBuildFileList(); sbAssert(buildFiles.size() == m_buildFileTargets.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < buildFiles.size(); i++) { const PBXFile* file = buildFiles[i]->getFile(); // Ignore any frameworks build from source (they will be added as project references) if (file && !m_buildFileTargets[i]) buildFilePaths.push_back(file->getFullPath()); } } for (auto bs : m_parentTarget.getBuildSettings()) { VCProjectConfiguration* config = proj.addConfiguration(bs.first); // Extrace libs/frameworks from OTHER_LDFLAGS StringVec buildFilePaths(buildFilePaths); processLDFlags(bs.second->getValue("OTHER_LDFLAGS"), buildFilePaths); // Construct a list of libraries to link against StringSet linkedLibs; linkedLibs.insert("%(AdditionalDependencies)"); for (auto filePath : buildFilePaths) { if (productType == TargetStaticLib && !strEndsWith(filePath, ".a")) continue; String winLibName = sb_fname(sb_basename(filePath)) + ".lib"; // If the library is blocked then add the replacement library to our additional dependencies auto it = s_blockedLibraries.find(winLibName); while (it != s_blockedLibraries.end()) { // get the replacement library. winLibName = it->second; // follow any transitive replacement. it = s_blockedLibraries.find(winLibName); } if (!winLibName.empty()) { linkedLibs.insert(winLibName); } } // AdditionalDependencies String additionalDeps = joinStrings(linkedLibs, ";"); if (!additionalDeps.empty()) { config->setItemDefinition(linkTarget, "AdditionalDependencies", additionalDeps); } } }
malValuePtr EVAL(malValuePtr ast, malEnvPtr env) { while (1) { const malList* list = DYNAMIC_CAST(malList, ast); if (!list || (list->count() == 0)) { return ast->eval(env); } // From here on down we are evaluating a non-empty list. // First handle the special forms. if (const malSymbol* symbol = DYNAMIC_CAST(malSymbol, list->item(0))) { String special = symbol->value(); int argCount = list->count() - 1; if (special == "def!") { checkArgsIs("def!", 2, argCount); const malSymbol* id = VALUE_CAST(malSymbol, list->item(1)); return env->set(id->value(), EVAL(list->item(2), env)); } if (special == "do") { checkArgsAtLeast("do", 1, argCount); for (int i = 1; i < argCount; i++) { EVAL(list->item(i), env); } ast = list->item(argCount); continue; // TCO } if (special == "fn*") { checkArgsIs("fn*", 2, argCount); const malSequence* bindings = VALUE_CAST(malSequence, list->item(1)); StringVec params; for (int i = 0; i < bindings->count(); i++) { const malSymbol* sym = VALUE_CAST(malSymbol, bindings->item(i)); params.push_back(sym->value()); } return mal::lambda(params, list->item(2), env); } if (special == "if") { checkArgsBetween("if", 2, 3, argCount); bool isTrue = EVAL(list->item(1), env)->isTrue(); if (!isTrue && (argCount == 2)) { return mal::nilValue(); } ast = list->item(isTrue ? 2 : 3); continue; // TCO } if (special == "let*") { checkArgsIs("let*", 2, argCount); const malSequence* bindings = VALUE_CAST(malSequence, list->item(1)); int count = checkArgsEven("let*", bindings->count()); malEnvPtr inner(new malEnv(env)); for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 2) { const malSymbol* var = VALUE_CAST(malSymbol, bindings->item(i)); inner->set(var->value(), EVAL(bindings->item(i+1), inner)); } ast = list->item(2); env = inner; continue; // TCO } if (special == "quasiquote") { checkArgsIs("quasiquote", 1, argCount); ast = quasiquote(list->item(1)); continue; // TCO } if (special == "quote") { checkArgsIs("quote", 1, argCount); return list->item(1); } } // Now we're left with the case of a regular list to be evaluated. std::unique_ptr<malValueVec> items(list->evalItems(env)); malValuePtr op = items->at(0); if (const malLambda* lambda = DYNAMIC_CAST(malLambda, op)) { ast = lambda->getBody(); env = lambda->makeEnv(items->begin()+1, items->end()); continue; // TCO } else { return APPLY(op, items->begin()+1, items->end(), env); } } }
bool argumentsHandler(StringVec args) { StringVec tmp; for(StringVec::iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it) { if((*it) == "--help") { std::cout << "Usage:\n" "\n" "\t--config=$1\t\tAlternate configuration file path.\n" "\t--data-directory=$1\tAlternate data directory path.\n" "\t--ip=$1\t\t\tIP address of gameworld server.\n" "\t\t\t\tShould be equal to the global IP.\n" "\t--login-port=$1\tPort for login server to listen on.\n" "\t--game-port=$1\tPort for game server to listen on.\n" "\t--admin-port=$1\tPort for admin server to listen on.\n" "\t--status-port=$1\tPort for status server to listen on.\n"; #ifndef WINDOWS std::cout << "\t--runfile=$1\t\tSpecifies run file. Will contain the pid\n" "\t\t\t\tof the server process as long as it is running.\n"; #endif std::cout << "\t--output-log=$1\t\tAll standard output will be logged to\n" "\t\t\t\tthis file.\n" "\t--error-log=$1\t\tAll standard errors will be logged to\n" "\t\t\t\tthis file.\n"; return false; } if((*it) == "--version") { std::cout << STATUS_SERVER_NAME << ", version " << STATUS_SERVER_VERSION << " (" << STATUS_SERVER_CODENAME << ")\n" "Compiled with " << BOOST_COMPILER << " at " << __DATE__ << ", " << __TIME__ << ".\n" "A server developed by Elf, slawkens, Talaturen, Lithium, KaczooH, Kiper, Kornholijo.\n" "Visit our forum for updates, support and resources:\n"; return false; } tmp = explodeString((*it), "="); if(tmp[0] == "--config") g_config.setString(ConfigManager::CONFIG_FILE, tmp[1]); else if(tmp[0] == "--data-directory") g_config.setString(ConfigManager::DATA_DIRECTORY, tmp[1]); else if(tmp[0] == "--ip") g_config.setString(ConfigManager::IP, tmp[1]); else if(tmp[0] == "--login-port") g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::LOGIN_PORT, atoi(tmp[1].c_str())); else if(tmp[0] == "--game-port") g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::GAME_PORT, atoi(tmp[1].c_str())); else if(tmp[0] == "--admin-port") g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::ADMIN_PORT, atoi(tmp[1].c_str())); else if(tmp[0] == "--status-port") g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::STATUS_PORT, atoi(tmp[1].c_str())); #ifndef WINDOWS else if(tmp[0] == "--runfile") g_config.setString(ConfigManager::RUNFILE, tmp[1]); #endif else if(tmp[0] == "--output-log") g_config.setString(ConfigManager::OUT_LOG, tmp[1]); else if(tmp[0] == "--error-log") g_config.setString(ConfigManager::ERROR_LOG, tmp[1]); } return true; }
long size() { return m_vec.size(); }
// delete each string individually ~StringTable() { for (long i = 0; i < (long) m_vec.size(); i++) { delete m_vec[i]; } }
bool Chat::talkToChannel(Player* player, MessageClasses type, const std::string& text, uint16_t channelId) { if(text.empty()) return false; ChatChannel* channel = getChannel(player, channelId); if(!channel) return false; if(!player->hasFlag(PlayerFlag_CannotBeMuted)) { if(!channel->hasFlag(CHANNELFLAG_ACTIVE)) { player->sendTextMessage(MSG_STATUS_SMALL, "You may not speak into this channel."); return true; } if(player->getLevel() < channel->getLevel()) { char buffer[100]; sprintf(buffer, "You may not speak into this channel as long as you are on level %d.", channel->getLevel()); player->sendCancel(buffer); return true; } if(channel->getConditionId() >= 0 && player->hasCondition(CONDITION_MUTED, channel->getConditionId())) { player->sendCancel(channel->getConditionMessage().c_str()); return true; } } if(isPublicChannel(channelId)) Manager::getInstance()->talk(player->getID(), channelId, type, text); if(channelId != CHANNEL_GUILD || !g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::INGAME_GUILD_MANAGEMENT) || (text[0] != '!' && text[0] != '/')) { if(channelId == CHANNEL_GUILD) { switch(player->getGuildLevel()) { case GUILDLEVEL_VICE: return channel->talk(player, MSG_CHANNEL_HIGHLIGHT, text); // SPEAK_CHANNEL_O case GUILDLEVEL_LEADER: return channel->talk(player, MSG_GAMEMASTER_CHANNEL, text); // SPEAK_CHANNEL_RN default: break; } } return channel->talk(player, type, text); } if(!player->getGuildId()) { player->sendCancel("You are not in a guild."); return true; } if(!IOGuild::getInstance()->guildExists(player->getGuildId())) { player->sendCancel("It seems like your guild does not exist anymore."); return true; } char buffer[350]; if(text.substr(1) == "disband") { if(player->getGuildLevel() == GUILDLEVEL_LEADER) { IOGuild::getInstance()->disbandGuild(player->getGuildId()); channel->talk(player, MSG_CHANNEL, "The guild has been disbanded."); } else player->sendCancel("You are not the leader of your guild."); } else if(text.substr(1, 6) == "invite") { if(player->getGuildLevel() > GUILDLEVEL_MEMBER) { if(text.length() > 7) { std::string param = text.substr(8); trimString(param); Player* paramPlayer = NULL; if(g_game.getPlayerByNameWildcard(param, paramPlayer) == RET_NOERROR) { if(paramPlayer->getGuildId() == 0) { if(!paramPlayer->isGuildInvited(player->getGuildId())) { sprintf(buffer, "%s has invited you to join the guild, %s. You may join this guild by writing: !joinguild %s", player->getName().c_str(), player->getGuildName().c_str(), player->getGuildName().c_str()); paramPlayer->sendTextMessage(MSG_INFO_DESCR, buffer); sprintf(buffer, "%s has invited %s to the guild.", player->getName().c_str(), paramPlayer->getName().c_str()); channel->talk(player, MSG_CHANNEL, buffer); paramPlayer->invitationsList.push_back(player->getGuildId()); } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name has already been invited to your guild."); } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name is already in a guild."); } else if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->playerExists(param)) { uint32_t guid; IOLoginData::getInstance()->getGuidByName(guid, param); if(!IOGuild::getInstance()->hasGuild(guid)) { if(!IOGuild::getInstance()->isInvited(player->getGuildId(), guid)) { if(IOGuild::getInstance()->guildExists(player->getGuildId())) { IOGuild::getInstance()->invitePlayer(player->getGuildId(), guid); sprintf(buffer, "%s has invited %s to the guild.", player->getName().c_str(), param.c_str()); channel->talk(player, MSG_CHANNEL, buffer); } else player->sendCancel("Your guild does not exist anymore."); } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name has already been invited to your guild."); } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name is already in a guild."); } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name does not exist."); } else player->sendCancel("Invalid guildcommand parameters."); } else player->sendCancel("You don't have rights to invite players to your guild."); } else if(text.substr(1, 5) == "leave") { if(player->getGuildLevel() < GUILDLEVEL_LEADER) { #ifdef __WAR_SYSTEM__ if(!player->hasEnemy()) { #endif sprintf(buffer, "%s has left the guild.", player->getName().c_str()); channel->talk(player, MSG_CHANNEL, buffer); player->leaveGuild(); #ifdef __WAR_SYSTEM__ } else player->sendCancel("Your guild is currently at war, you cannot leave it right now."); #endif } else player->sendCancel("You cannot leave your guild because you are the leader of it, you have to pass the leadership to another member of your guild or disband the guild."); } else if(text.substr(1, 6) == "revoke") { if(player->getGuildLevel() > GUILDLEVEL_MEMBER) { if(text.length() > 7) { std::string param = text.substr(8); trimString(param); Player* paramPlayer = NULL; if(g_game.getPlayerByNameWildcard(param, paramPlayer) == RET_NOERROR) { if(paramPlayer->getGuildId() == 0) { InvitationsList::iterator it = std::find(paramPlayer->invitationsList.begin(), paramPlayer->invitationsList.end(), player->getGuildId()); if(it != paramPlayer->invitationsList.end()) { sprintf(buffer, "%s has revoked your invite to %s guild.", player->getName().c_str(), (player->getSex(false) ? "his" : "her")); paramPlayer->sendTextMessage(MSG_INFO_DESCR, buffer); sprintf(buffer, "%s has revoked the guildinvite of %s.", player->getName().c_str(), paramPlayer->getName().c_str()); channel->talk(player, MSG_CHANNEL, buffer); paramPlayer->invitationsList.erase(it); return true; } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name is not invited to your guild."); } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name is already in a guild."); } else if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->playerExists(param)) { uint32_t guid; IOLoginData::getInstance()->getGuidByName(guid, param); if(IOGuild::getInstance()->isInvited(player->getGuildId(), guid)) { if(IOGuild::getInstance()->guildExists(player->getGuildId())) { sprintf(buffer, "%s has revoked the guildinvite of %s.", player->getName().c_str(), param.c_str()); channel->talk(player, MSG_CHANNEL, buffer); IOGuild::getInstance()->revokeInvite(player->getGuildId(), guid); } else player->sendCancel("It seems like your guild does not exist anymore."); } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name is not invited to your guild."); } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name does not exist."); } else player->sendCancel("Invalid guildcommand parameters."); } else player->sendCancel("You don't have rights to revoke an invite of someone in your guild."); } else if(text.substr(1, 7) == "promote" || text.substr(1, 6) == "demote" || text.substr(1, 14) == "passleadership" || text.substr(1, 4) == "kick") { if(player->getGuildLevel() == GUILDLEVEL_LEADER) { std::string param; uint32_t length = 0; if(text[2] == 'r') length = 9; else if(text[2] == 'e') length = 7; else if(text[2] == 'a') length = 16; else length = 6; if(text.length() < length) { player->sendCancel("Invalid guildcommand parameters."); return true; } param = text.substr(length); trimString(param); Player* paramPlayer = NULL; if(g_game.getPlayerByNameWildcard(param, paramPlayer) == RET_NOERROR) { if(paramPlayer->getGuildId()) { if(IOGuild::getInstance()->guildExists(paramPlayer->getGuildId())) { if(player->getGuildId() == paramPlayer->getGuildId()) { if(text[2] == 'r') { if(paramPlayer->getGuildLevel() == GUILDLEVEL_MEMBER) { if(paramPlayer->isPremium()) { paramPlayer->setGuildLevel(GUILDLEVEL_VICE); sprintf(buffer, "%s has promoted %s to %s.", player->getName().c_str(), paramPlayer->getName().c_str(), paramPlayer->getRankName().c_str()); channel->talk(player, MSG_CHANNEL, buffer); } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name does not have a premium account."); } else player->sendCancel("You can only promote Members to Vice-Leaders."); } else if(text[2] == 'e') { if(paramPlayer->getGuildLevel() == GUILDLEVEL_VICE) { paramPlayer->setGuildLevel(GUILDLEVEL_MEMBER); sprintf(buffer, "%s has demoted %s to %s.", player->getName().c_str(), paramPlayer->getName().c_str(), paramPlayer->getRankName().c_str()); channel->talk(player, MSG_CHANNEL, buffer); } else player->sendCancel("You can only demote Vice-Leaders to Members."); } else if(text[2] == 'a') { if(paramPlayer->getGuildLevel() == GUILDLEVEL_VICE) { const uint32_t levelToFormGuild = g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::LEVEL_TO_FORM_GUILD); if(paramPlayer->getLevel() >= levelToFormGuild) { paramPlayer->setGuildLevel(GUILDLEVEL_LEADER); player->setGuildLevel(GUILDLEVEL_VICE); IOGuild::getInstance()->updateOwnerId(paramPlayer->getGuildId(), paramPlayer->getGUID()); sprintf(buffer, "%s has passed the guild leadership to %s.", player->getName().c_str(), paramPlayer->getName().c_str()); channel->talk(player, MSG_CHANNEL, buffer); } else { sprintf(buffer, "The new guild leader has to be at least Level %d.", levelToFormGuild); player->sendCancel(buffer); } } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name is not a Vice-Leader."); } else { if(player->getGuildLevel() > paramPlayer->getGuildLevel()) { #ifdef __WAR_SYSTEM__ if(!player->hasEnemy()) { #endif sprintf(buffer, "%s has been kicked from the guild by %s.", paramPlayer->getName().c_str(), player->getName().c_str()); channel->talk(player, MSG_CHANNEL, buffer); paramPlayer->leaveGuild(); #ifdef __WAR_SYSTEM__ } else player->sendCancel("Your guild is currently at war, you cannot kick right now."); #endif } else player->sendCancel("You may only kick players with a guild rank below your."); } } else player->sendCancel("You are not in the same guild as a player with that name."); } else player->sendCancel("Could not find the guild of a player with that name."); } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name is not in a guild."); } else if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->playerExists(param)) { uint32_t guid; IOLoginData::getInstance()->getGuidByName(guid, param); if(IOGuild::getInstance()->hasGuild(guid)) { if(player->getGuildId() == IOGuild::getInstance()->getGuildId(guid)) { if(text[2] == 'r') { if(IOGuild::getInstance()->getGuildLevel(guid) == GUILDLEVEL_MEMBER) { if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->isPremium(guid)) { IOGuild::getInstance()->setGuildLevel(guid, GUILDLEVEL_VICE); sprintf(buffer, "%s has promoted %s to %s.", player->getName().c_str(), param.c_str(), IOGuild::getInstance()->getRank(guid).c_str()); channel->talk(player, MSG_CHANNEL, buffer); } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name does not have a premium account."); } else player->sendCancel("You can only promote Members to Vice-Leaders."); } else if(text[2] == 'e') { if(IOGuild::getInstance()->getGuildLevel(guid) == GUILDLEVEL_VICE) { IOGuild::getInstance()->setGuildLevel(guid, GUILDLEVEL_MEMBER); sprintf(buffer, "%s has demoted %s to %s.", player->getName().c_str(), param.c_str(), IOGuild::getInstance()->getRank(guid).c_str()); channel->talk(player, MSG_CHANNEL, buffer); } else player->sendCancel("You can only demote Vice-Leaders to Members."); } else if(text[2] == 'a') { if(IOGuild::getInstance()->getGuildLevel(guid) == GUILDLEVEL_VICE) { const uint32_t levelToFormGuild = g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::LEVEL_TO_FORM_GUILD); if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->getLevel(guid) >= levelToFormGuild) { IOGuild::getInstance()->setGuildLevel(guid, GUILDLEVEL_LEADER); player->setGuildLevel(GUILDLEVEL_VICE); sprintf(buffer, "%s has passed the guild leadership to %s.", player->getName().c_str(), param.c_str()); channel->talk(player, MSG_CHANNEL, buffer); } else { sprintf(buffer, "The new guild leader has to be at least Level %d.", levelToFormGuild); player->sendCancel(buffer); } } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name is not a Vice-Leader."); } else { sprintf(buffer, "%s has been kicked from the guild by %s.", param.c_str(), player->getName().c_str()); channel->talk(player, MSG_CHANNEL, buffer); IOLoginData::getInstance()->resetGuildInformation(guid); } } } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name is not in a guild."); } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name does not exist."); } else player->sendCancel("You are not the leader of your guild."); } else if(text.substr(1, 4) == "nick" && text.length() > 5) { StringVec params = explodeString(text.substr(6), ","); if(params.size() >= 2) { std::string param1 = params[0], param2 = params[1]; trimString(param1); trimString(param2); Player* paramPlayer = NULL; if(g_game.getPlayerByNameWildcard(param1, paramPlayer) == RET_NOERROR) { if(paramPlayer->getGuildId()) { if(param2.length() > 2) { if(param2.length() < 21) { if(isValidName(param2, false)) { if(IOGuild::getInstance()->guildExists(paramPlayer->getGuildId())) { if(player->getGuildId() == paramPlayer->getGuildId()) { if(paramPlayer->getGuildLevel() < player->getGuildLevel() || (player == paramPlayer && player->getGuildLevel() > GUILDLEVEL_MEMBER)) { paramPlayer->setGuildNick(param2); if(player != paramPlayer) sprintf(buffer, "%s has set the guildnick of %s to \"%s\".", player->getName().c_str(), paramPlayer->getName().c_str(), param2.c_str()); else sprintf(buffer, "%s has set %s guildnick to \"%s\".", player->getName().c_str(), (player->getSex(false) ? "his" : "her"), param2.c_str()); channel->talk(player, MSG_CHANNEL, buffer); } else player->sendCancel("You may only change the guild nick of players that have a lower rank than you."); } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name is not in your guild."); } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name's guild could not be found."); } else player->sendCancel("That guildnick is not valid."); } else player->sendCancel("That guildnick is too long, please select a shorter one."); } else player->sendCancel("That guildnick is too short, please select a longer one."); } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name is not in a guild."); } else if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->playerExists(param1)) { uint32_t guid; IOLoginData::getInstance()->getGuidByName(guid, (std::string&)param1); if(IOGuild::getInstance()->hasGuild(guid)) { if(param2.length() > 2) { if(param2.length() < 21) { if(isValidName(param2, false)) { if(IOGuild::getInstance()->guildExists(guid)) { if(player->getGuildId() == IOGuild::getInstance()->getGuildId(guid)) { if(IOGuild::getInstance()->getGuildLevel(guid) < player->getGuildLevel()) { IOGuild::getInstance()->setGuildNick(guid, param2); sprintf(buffer, "%s has set the guildnick of %s to \"%s\".", player->getName().c_str(), param1.c_str(), param2.c_str()); channel->talk(player, MSG_CHANNEL, buffer); } else player->sendCancel("You may only change the guild nick of players that have a lower rank than you."); } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name is not in your guild."); } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name's guild could not be found."); } else player->sendCancel("That guildnick is not valid."); } else player->sendCancel("That guildnick is too long, please select a shorter one."); } else player->sendCancel("That guildnick is too short, please select a longer one."); } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name is not in any guild."); } else player->sendCancel("A player with that name does not exist."); } else player->sendCancel("Invalid guildcommand parameters."); } else if(text.substr(1, 11) == "setrankname" && text.length() > 12) { StringVec params = explodeString(text.substr(13), ","); if(params.size() >= 2) { std::string param1 = params[0], param2 = params[1]; trimString(param1); trimString(param2); if(player->getGuildLevel() == GUILDLEVEL_LEADER) { if(param2.length() > 2) { if(param2.length() < 21) { if(isValidName(param2, false)) { if(IOGuild::getInstance()->getRankIdByName(player->getGuildId(), param1)) { if(!IOGuild::getInstance()->getRankIdByName(player->getGuildId(), param2)) { IOGuild::getInstance()->changeRank(player->getGuildId(), param1, param2); sprintf(buffer, "%s has renamed the guildrank: \"%s\", to: \"%s\".", player->getName().c_str(), param1.c_str(), param2.c_str()); channel->talk(player, MSG_CHANNEL, buffer); } else player->sendCancel("There is already a rank in your guild with that name."); } else player->sendCancel("There is no such rankname in your guild."); } else player->sendCancel("The new guildrank contains invalid characters."); } else player->sendCancel("The new rankname is too long."); } else player->sendCancel("The new rankname is too short."); } else player->sendCancel("You are not the leader of your guild."); } else player->sendCancel("Invalid guildcommand parameters"); } else if(text.substr(1, 7) == "setmotd") { if(player->getGuildLevel() == GUILDLEVEL_LEADER) { if(text.length() > 8) { std::string param = text.substr(9); trimString(param); if(param.length() > 2) { if(param.length() < 225) { IOGuild::getInstance()->setMotd(player->getGuildId(), param); sprintf(buffer, "%s has set the Message of the Day to: %s", player->getName().c_str(), param.c_str()); channel->talk(player, MSG_CHANNEL, buffer); } else player->sendCancel("That motd is too long."); } else player->sendCancel("That motd is too short."); } else player->sendCancel("Invalid guildcommand parameters."); } else player->sendCancel("Only the leader of your guild can set the guild motd."); } else if(text.substr(1, 9) == "cleanmotd") { if(player->getGuildLevel() == GUILDLEVEL_LEADER) { IOGuild::getInstance()->setMotd(player->getGuildId(), ""); sprintf(buffer, "%s has cleaned the Message of the Day.", player->getName().c_str()); channel->talk(player, MSG_CHANNEL, buffer); } else player->sendCancel("Only the leader of your guild can clean the guild motd."); } else if(text.substr(1, 8) == "commands") player->sendToChannel(player, MSG_CHANNEL, "Guild commands with parameters: disband, invite[name], leave, kick[name], revoke[name], demote[name], promote[name], passleadership[name], nick[name, nick], setrankname[oldName, newName], setmotd[text] and cleanmotd.", CHANNEL_GUILD); else return false; return true; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); typedef std::vector<std::string> StringVec; namespace po = boost::program_options; // optional options po::options_description optionsDesc("options"); optionsDesc.add_options() ("help,h", "help message") ("stats,s", po::value<int>()->default_value(0), "frame statistics verbosity") ("threads,t", po::value<int>()->default_value(-1), "number of threads to use (-1 = auto)") ("opts", po::value<std::string>()->default_value(""), "frame render options") ; // options + positional parameters po::options_description allArgs("All arguments"); allArgs.add(optionsDesc); allArgs.add_options() ("rib_files", po::value<StringVec>(), "RIB files to render") ; po::positional_options_description params; params.add("rib_files", -1); // Parse options po::variables_map opts; po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv) .options(allArgs).positional(params).run(), opts); po::notify(opts); if(opts.count("help") || opts.count("rib_files") == 0) { std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options] model.rib\n\n" << optionsDesc; return 0; } boost::shared_ptr<Ri::RendererServices> renderer(createRenderer()); // Command line options Ri::Renderer& ri = renderer->firstFilter(); ri.Option("statistics", ParamListBuilder() ("endofframe", opts["stats"].as<int>())); ri.Option("limits", ParamListBuilder() ("threads", opts["threads"].as<int>())); // Default hard-coded frame options. ri.PixelSamples(2, 2); ri.PixelFilter(renderer->getFilterFunc("sinc"), 3, 3); ri.ShadingRate(1); ri.Option("limits", ParamListBuilder()("eyesplits", 6)); ri.Clipping(0.3, FLT_MAX); // Build a list of all ribFiles specified, expanding wildcards where necessary StringVec allFiles; const StringVec& ribFiles = opts["rib_files"].as<StringVec>(); for(StringVec::const_iterator rf = ribFiles.begin(), rfEnd = ribFiles.end(); rf != rfEnd; ++rf) { std::vector<std::string> files = cliGlob(*rf); for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator f = files.begin(), fend = files.end(); f != fend; ++f) allFiles.push_back(*f); } RenderWindow win(640, 480, *renderer, opts["opts"].as<std::string>(), allFiles); QObject::connect(&win, SIGNAL(exitApplication()), &app, SLOT(quit()));; win.adjustSize(); return app.exec(); }
void ProfileDlg::OnImportProfile() { CString name; CString tmp; tmp.LoadString(IDS_PROFILE_FILEDIALOG); CFileDialog fd( TRUE, _T("prf"), NULL, OFN_ENABLESIZING|OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST, tmp + _T(" (*.xpas)|*.xpas||"), this); tmp.LoadString(IDS_PROFILE_LOAD); fd.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = tmp; if(fd.DoModal() == IDOK) { StringVec profiles = GetExistingProfiles(); for(int i = 0; i < profiles.size(); ++i) { profiles[i].MakeLower(); fd.GetFileName().MakeLower(); if(profiles[i] == fd.GetFileTitle()) { CString tmp; tmp.LoadString(IDS_PROFILE_EXISTS); if(MessageBox(tmp, NULL, MB_YESNO) == IDNO) { return; } else { DeleteProfile(fd.GetFileTitle()); } } } CFile file(fd.GetPathName(), CFile::modeRead); SettingVec vec; CArchive* ar=new CArchive(&file,CArchive::load); try { while(1) { SETTING set; *ar>>set.settingID; *ar>>set.checked; if((set.settingID <= ITEMCOUNT && set.settingID >= 0) || (set.checked >= 0 && set.checked <= 1)) { vec.push_back(set); } } } catch(CArchiveException* e) { e->Delete(); if(vec.size() > 0) CreateProfile(fd.GetFileTitle(),vec); else { CString tmp; tmp.LoadString(IDS_PROFILE_ERROR); AfxMessageBox(tmp); } } ar->Close(); if(ar) delete ar; file.Close(); }
bool SpeckleyElements::writeToSilo(DBfile* dbfile, const string& siloPath, const StringVec& labels, const StringVec& units, bool writeMeshData) { #ifdef ESYS_HAVE_SILO if (numElements == 0) return true; int ret; if (siloPath != "") { ret = DBSetDir(dbfile, siloPath.c_str()); if (ret != 0) return false; } // write out the full mesh in any case nodeMesh->setSiloPath(siloPath); string siloMeshNameStr = nodeMesh->getFullSiloName(); const char* siloMeshName = siloMeshNameStr.c_str(); int arraylen = numElements * nodesPerElement; int eltype = toSiloElementType(type); string varName = name + string("_zones"); ret = DBPutZonelist2(dbfile, varName.c_str(), numElements, nodeMesh->getNumDims(), &nodes[0], arraylen, 0, 0, numGhostElements, &eltype, &nodesPerElement, &numElements, 1, NULL); if (ret == 0) { CoordArray& coordbase = const_cast<CoordArray&>(nodeMesh->getCoords()); DBoptlist* optList = NULL; int nOpts = labels.size()+units.size(); if (nOpts>0) { optList = DBMakeOptlist(nOpts); if (labels.size()>0) DBAddOption(optList, DBOPT_XLABEL, (void*)labels[0].c_str()); if (labels.size()>1) DBAddOption(optList, DBOPT_YLABEL, (void*)labels[1].c_str()); if (labels.size()>2) DBAddOption(optList, DBOPT_ZLABEL, (void*)labels[2].c_str()); if (units.size()>0) DBAddOption(optList, DBOPT_XUNITS, (void*)units[0].c_str()); if (units.size()>1) DBAddOption(optList, DBOPT_YUNITS, (void*)units[1].c_str()); if (units.size()>2) DBAddOption(optList, DBOPT_ZUNITS, (void*)units[2].c_str()); } ret = DBPutUcdmesh(dbfile, siloMeshName, nodeMesh->getNumDims(), NULL, &coordbase[0], nodeMesh->getNumNodes(), numElements, varName.c_str(), /*"facelist"*/NULL, DB_FLOAT, optList); if (optList) DBFreeOptlist(optList); } if (ret != 0) return false; // write out the element-centered variables if enabled if (writeMeshData) { varName = name + string("_Id"); ret = DBPutUcdvar1(dbfile, varName.c_str(), siloMeshName, (float*)&ID[0], numElements, NULL, 0, DB_INT, DB_ZONECENT, NULL); if (ret == 0) { varName = name + string("_Owner"); ret = DBPutUcdvar1(dbfile, varName.c_str(), siloMeshName, (float*)&owner[0], numElements, NULL, 0, DB_INT, DB_ZONECENT, NULL); } } // "Elements" is a special case if (writeMeshData && name == "Elements") { nodeMesh->writeToSilo(dbfile); } return (ret == 0); #else // !ESYS_HAVE_SILO return false; #endif }
Argument* Argument::ConstructArgument(const std::string& str, StrVarMap& v_map, SymbolTable& symbol_table, bool isRel, Log log) { if(str[0] != '(') { if(str[0] == '?') { StrVarMap::iterator it; if((it = v_map.find(str)) != v_map.end()) return it->second; else { Argument* out = new Argument(); out->t = Argument::Var; out->val = str; v_map[str] = out; return out; } } Symbol* sym; size_t id = symbol_table.CheckEntry(str, 0, isRel, sym); if(sym == NULL) id = symbol_table.AddEntry(str, Location(), 0, isRel); Argument* out = new Argument(); if(isRel) out->t = Argument::Relation; else out->t = Argument::Function; out->value = id; return out; } std::string cmd; StringVec args; if(!SeparateCommand(str, cmd, args, log)) { log.Fatal << "Unable to construct argument from " << str << std::endl; return NULL; } Symbol* sym; size_t id = symbol_table.CheckEntry(cmd, args.size(), isRel, sym); if(sym == NULL) id = symbol_table.AddEntry(cmd, Location(), args.size(), isRel); Argument* out = new Argument(); if(isRel) out->t = Argument::Relation; else out->t = Argument::Function; out->value = id; for(size_t i = 0;i < args.size();i++) { Argument* arg; if(id == SymbolTable::NotID || id == SymbolTable::OrID) arg = ConstructArgument(args[i], v_map, symbol_table, true, log); else arg = ConstructArgument(args[i], v_map, symbol_table, false, log); if(arg != NULL) out->args.push_back(arg); } return out; }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { if ( argc < 3 ) { std::cout << "Usage: ./compileSHE <domain.pddl> <task.pddl>\n"; std::cout << "Writes domain file to standard output and instance file to standard error\n"; exit( 1 ); } d = new Domain( argv[1] ); ins = new Instance( *d, argv[2] ); // Generate dependency graph among actions and identify durations and depths graph g( d->actions.size() ); for ( unsigned i = 0; i < d->actions.size(); ++i ) { for ( unsigned j = 0; j < d->actions.size(); ++j ) if ( i != j ) detectDependency( i, j, g ); } g.computeDurations(); g.computeDepths(); // Identify contexts that are threatened by contents // RIGHT NOW PRE & EFF ASSUME POSITIVE PRECONDITIONS !!! int maxCount = 0; for ( unsigned i = 0; i < d->actions.size(); ++i ) { maxCount = MAX( maxCount, *g.depths[i].rbegin() ); for ( unsigned j = 0; j < get( i )->pre_o->conds.size(); ++j ) { Ground * pre = dynamic_cast< Ground * >( get( i )->pre_o->conds[j] ); if ( pre ) { int k = d->preds.index( pre->name ); if ( k >= 0 && isPre( i, k, g ) ) pres.insert( k ); } } } // Create classical domain cd = new Domain; cd->name = d->name; cd->equality = d->equality; cd->condeffects = cd->typed = true; cd->cons = d->cons || ( maxCount && pres.size() ) || g.subtractionPairs.size(); cd->equality = d->equality; // Add types cd->setTypes( d->copyTypes() ); if ( maxCount && pres.size() ) cd->createType( "COUNT" ); if ( g.subtractionPairs.size() ) cd->createType( "TIME" ); // Add constants StringVec counts; for ( int i = 0; maxCount && pres.size() && i <= maxCount; ++i ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "COUNT" << i; counts.push_back( ss.str() ); cd->createConstant( counts[i], "COUNT" ); } StringVec times; for ( unsigned i = 0; g.subtractionPairs.size() && i < g.durationMap.size(); ++i ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "TIME" << i; times.push_back( ss.str() ); cd->createConstant( times[i], "TIME" ); } // Add predicates for ( unsigned i = 0; i < d->preds.size(); ++i ) { StringVec pars = d->typeList( d->preds[i] ); cd->createPredicate( d->preds[i]->name, pars ); if ( pres.find( i ) != pres.end() ) { pars.push_back( "COUNT" ); cd->createPredicate( "COUNT-" + d->preds[i]->name, pars ); } } StringVec stacks( 1, "EMPTYSTACK" ); cd->createPredicate( stacks[0] ); for ( int i = 1; i <= maxCount; ++i ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "STACK" << i; stacks.push_back( ss.str() ); cd->createPredicate( stacks[i] ); cd->createPredicate( stacks[i] + "-REMAINING", StringVec( 1, "TIME" ) ); cd->createPredicate( stacks[i] + "-INCREASE", StringVec( 1, "TIME" ) ); cd->createPredicate( stacks[i] + "-DECREASE" ); cd->createPredicate( stacks[i] + "-CONTINUE", StringVec( 1, "TIME" ) ); } for ( unsigned i = 0; i < d->actions.size(); ++i ) for ( IntSet::iterator j = g.depths[i].begin(); g.outgoing( i ) && j != g.depths[i].end(); ++j ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "STACK" << *j + 1 << "-" << d->actions[i]->name; cd->createPredicate( ss.str(), d->typeList( d->actions[i] ) ); } if ( counts.size() ) cd->createPredicate( "CONSECUTIVE", StringVec( 2, "COUNT" ) ); if ( times.size() ) cd->createPredicate( "SUBTRACT", StringVec( 3, "TIME" ) ); // Currently does NOT add functions // for ( unsigned i = 0; i < d->funcs.size(); ++i ) // cd->createFunction( d->funcs[i]->name, d->funcs[i]->returnType, d->typeList( d->funcs[i] ) ); // Add actions for ( unsigned i = 0; i < d->actions.size(); ++i ) // DOES NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENT COUNT MECHANISM !!! for ( IntSet::iterator j = g.depths[i].begin(); j != g.depths[i].end(); ++j ) if ( g.outgoing( i ) ) { // Action is an envelope: compile into push and pop action // Push action std::string name = "PUSH-" + d->actions[i]->name; unsigned size = d->actions[i]->params.size(); Action * push = cd->createAction( name, d->typeList( d->actions[i] ) ); //std::cout << "Creating action " << name << "\n"; // ONLY DEALS WITH POSITIVE PRECONDITIONS HERE !!! cd->setPre( name, d->actions[i]->pre ); for ( unsigned k = 0; k < get( i )->pre_o->conds.size(); ++k ) { Ground * pre = dynamic_cast< Ground * >( get( i )->pre_o->conds[k] ); if ( pre && !includes( 0, pre, ( And * )get( i )->pre ) && !includes( 0, pre, ( And * )get( i )->eff ) ) cd->addPre( 0, name, pre->name, pre->params ); // if precon is not positive, just copy it if ( !pre ) ( ( And * )push->pre )->add( get( i )->pre_o->conds[k]->copy( *cd ) ); } cd->addPre( 0, name, stacks[*j] ); cd->setEff( name, d->actions[i]->eff ); cd->addEff( 1, name, stacks[*j] ); if ( *j ) cd->addEff( 0, name, stacks[*j] + "-INCREASE", IntVec( 1, cd->constantIndex( times[g.durationMap[d->actions[i]->duration()]], "TIME" ) ) ); else cd->addEff( 0, name, stacks[1] ); cd->addEff( 0, name, stacks[*j + 1] + "-" + d->actions[i]->name, incvec( 0, size ) ); cd->addEff( 0, name, stacks[*j + 1] + "-REMAINING", IntVec( 1, cd->constantIndex( times[g.durationMap[d->actions[i]->duration()]], "TIME" ) ) ); // Pop action name = "POP-" + d->actions[i]->name; cd->createAction( name, d->typeList( d->actions[i] ) ); //std::cout << "Creating action " << name << "\n"; // ONLY DEALS WITH POSITIVE PRECONDITIONS HERE !!! cd->setPre( name, get( i )->pre_e ); for ( unsigned k = 0; k < get( i )->pre_o->conds.size(); ++k ) { Ground * h = dynamic_cast< Ground * >( get( i )->pre_o->conds[k] ); if ( h && !includes( 0, h, get( i )->pre_e ) ) cd->addPre( 0, name, h->name, h->params ); } cd->addPre( 0, name, stacks[*j + 1] ); cd->addPre( 0, name, stacks[*j + 1] + "-" + d->actions[i]->name, incvec( 0, size ) ); cd->setEff( name, get( i )->eff_e ); cd->addEff( 0, name, stacks[*j + 1] + "-DECREASE" ); cd->addEff( 1, name, stacks[*j + 1] ); cd->addEff( 1, name, stacks[*j + 1] + "-" + d->actions[i]->name, incvec( 0, size ) ); } else { // Action is not an envelope: compile into compressed action std::string name = "DO-" + d->actions[i]->name; Action * doit = cd->createAction( name, d->typeList( d->actions[i] ) ); //std::cout << "Creating action " << name << "\n"; // ONLY DEALS WITH POSITIVE PRECONDITIONS HERE !!! cd->setPre( name, d->actions[i]->pre ); for ( unsigned k = 0; k < get( i )->pre_o->conds.size(); ++k ) { Ground * pre = dynamic_cast< Ground * >( get( i )->pre_o->conds[k] ); if ( pre && !includes( 0, pre, ( And * )get( i )->pre ) && !includes( 0, pre, ( And * )get( i )->eff ) ) cd->addPre( 0, name, pre->name, pre->params ); // if precon is not positive, just copy it if ( !pre ) ( ( And * )doit->pre )->add( get( i )->pre_o->conds[k]->copy( *cd ) ); } for ( unsigned k = 0; k < get( i )->pre_e->conds.size(); ++k ) { Ground * h = ( Ground * )get( i )->pre_e->conds[k]; if ( !includes( 0, h, ( And * )get( i )->pre ) && !includes( 0, h, ( And * )get( i )->eff ) ) cd->addPre( 0, name, h->name, h->params ); } cd->addPre( 0, name, stacks[*j] ); cd->setEff( name, get( i )->eff_e ); GroundVec add = get( i )->addEffects(); for ( unsigned k = 0; k < add.size(); ++k ) if ( !includes( 1, add[k], get( i )->eff_e ) ) cd->addEff( 0, name, add[k]->name, add[k]->params ); GroundVec del = get( i )->deleteEffects(); for ( unsigned k = 0; k < del.size(); ++k ) if ( !includes( 0, del[k], get( i )->eff_e ) ) cd->addEff( 1, name, del[k]->name, del[k]->params ); if ( *j ) { cd->addEff( 1, name, stacks[*j] ); cd->addEff( 0, name, stacks[*j] + "-CONTINUE", IntVec( 1, cd->constantIndex( times[g.durationMap[d->actions[i]->duration()]], "TIME" ) ) ); } } for ( int i = 1; i <= maxCount; ++i ) { if ( i < maxCount ) { // Increase action std::stringstream ss; ss << "INCREASE" << i; std::string name = ss.str(); cd->createAction( name, StringVec( 3, "TIME" ) ); cd->addPre( 0, name, stacks[i] + "-REMAINING", incvec( 0, 1 ) ); cd->addPre( 0, name, stacks[i] + "-INCREASE", incvec( 2, 3 ) ); cd->addPre( 0, name, "SUBTRACT", incvec( 0, 3 ) ); cd->addEff( 0, name, stacks[i + 1] ); cd->addEff( 1, name, stacks[i] + "-REMAINING", incvec( 0, 1 ) ); cd->addEff( 0, name, stacks[i] + "-REMAINING", incvec( 1, 2 ) ); cd->addEff( 1, name, stacks[i] + "-INCREASE", incvec( 2, 3 ) ); } // Decrease action std::stringstream ss; ss << "DECREASE" << i; std::string name = ss.str(); cd->createAction( name, StringVec( 1, "TIME" ) ); cd->addPre( 0, name, stacks[i] + "-REMAINING", incvec( 0, 1 ) ); cd->addPre( 0, name, stacks[i] + "-DECREASE" ); cd->addEff( 0, name, stacks[i - 1] ); cd->addEff( 1, name, stacks[i] + "-REMAINING", incvec( 0, 1 ) ); cd->addEff( 1, name, stacks[i] + "-DECREASE" ); // Continue action std::stringstream ss2; ss2 << "CONTINUE" << i; name = ss2.str(); cd->createAction( name, StringVec( 3, "TIME" ) ); cd->addPre( 0, name, stacks[i] + "-REMAINING", incvec( 0, 1 ) ); cd->addPre( 0, name, stacks[i] + "-CONTINUE", incvec( 2, 3 ) ); cd->addPre( 0, name, "SUBTRACT", incvec( 0, 3 ) ); cd->addEff( 0, name, stacks[i] ); cd->addEff( 1, name, stacks[i] + "-REMAINING", incvec( 0, 1 ) ); cd->addEff( 0, name, stacks[i] + "-REMAINING", incvec( 1, 2 ) ); cd->addEff( 1, name, stacks[i] + "-CONTINUE", incvec( 2, 3 ) ); } cd->PDDLPrint( std::cout ); cins = new Instance( *cd ); cins->name = ins->name; // create initial state for ( unsigned i = 0; i < ins->init.size(); ++i ) if ( d->preds.index( ins->init[i]->name ) >= 0 ) cins->addInit( ins->init[i]->name, d->objectList( ins->init[i] ) ); cins->addInit( stacks[0] ); for ( unsigned i = 1; i < counts.size(); ++i ) { StringVec pars( 1, counts[i - 1] ); pars.push_back( counts[i] ); cins->addInit( "CONSECUTIVE", pars ); } for ( DoublePairSet::iterator i = g.subtractionPairs.begin(); i != g.subtractionPairs.end(); ++i ) { StringVec pars( 1, times[g.durationMap[i->first]] ); pars.push_back( times[g.durationMap[i->first - i->second]] ); pars.push_back( times[g.durationMap[i->second]] ); cins->addInit( "SUBTRACT", pars ); } // create goal state for ( unsigned i = 0; i < ins->goal.size(); ++i ) cins->addGoal( ins->goal[i]->name, d->objectList( ins->goal[i] ) ); cins->addGoal( stacks[0] ); cins->PDDLPrint( std::cerr ); delete cins; delete cd; delete ins; delete d; }
bool argumentsHandler(StringVec args) { StringVec tmp; for(StringVec::iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it) { if((*it) == "--help") { std::clog << "Usage:\n" "\n" "\t--config=$1\t\tAlternate configuration file path.\n" "\t--data-directory=$1\tAlternate data directory path.\n" "\t--ip=$1\t\t\tIP address of the server.\n" "\t\t\t\tShould be equal to the global IP.\n" "\t--login-port=$1\tPort for login server to listen on.\n" "\t--game-port=$1\tPort for game server to listen on.\n" "\t--admin-port=$1\tPort for admin server to listen on.\n" "\t--manager-port=$1\tPort for manager server to listen on.\n" "\t--status-port=$1\tPort for status server to listen on.\n"; #ifndef WINDOWS std::clog << "\t--runfile=$1\t\tSpecifies run file. Will contain the pid\n" "\t\t\t\tof the server process as long as run status.\n"; #endif std::clog << "\t--log=$1\t\tWhole standard output will be logged to\n" "\t\t\t\tthis file.\n" "\t--closed\t\t\tStarts the server as closed.\n" "\t--no-script\t\t\tStarts the server without script system.\n"; return false; } if((*it) == "--version" || (*it) == "-v") { std::clog << "The " << SOFTWARE_NAME << " Version: (" << SOFTWARE_VERSION << "." << MINOR_VERSION << PATCH_VERSION << " - " << REVISION_VERSION << ") - Codename: (" << SOFTWARE_CODENAME << ")\n" "Compilied with " << BOOST_COMPILER << " for arch " #if defined(__amd64__) || defined(_M_X64) "64 Bits" #elif defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_X86_) "32 Bits" #else "unk" #endif " at " << __DATE__ << " " << __TIME__ << "\n" "\n" "A server developed by: "SOFTWARE_DEVELOPERS".\n" "Visit our forums for updates, support, and resources:\n" ""FORUMS"\n"; return false; } tmp = explodeString((*it), "="); if(tmp[0] == "--config") g_config.setString(ConfigManager::CONFIG_FILE, tmp[1]); else if(tmp[0] == "--data-directory") g_config.setString(ConfigManager::DATA_DIRECTORY, tmp[1]); else if(tmp[0] == "--logs-directory") g_config.setString(ConfigManager::LOGS_DIRECTORY, tmp[1]); else if(tmp[0] == "--ip") g_config.setString(ConfigManager::IP, tmp[1]); else if(tmp[0] == "--login-port") g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::LOGIN_PORT, atoi(tmp[1].c_str())); else if(tmp[0] == "--game-port") g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::GAME_PORT, atoi(tmp[1].c_str())); else if(tmp[0] == "--status-port") g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::STATUS_PORT, atoi(tmp[1].c_str())); #ifndef WINDOWS else if(tmp[0] == "--runfile" || tmp[0] == "--run-file" || tmp[0] == "--pidfile" || tmp[0] == "--pid-file") g_config.setString(ConfigManager::RUNFILE, tmp[1]); #endif else if(tmp[0] == "--log") g_config.setString(ConfigManager::OUTPUT_LOG, tmp[1]); #ifndef WINDOWS else if(tmp[0] == "--daemon" || tmp[0] == "-d") g_config.setBool(ConfigManager::DAEMONIZE, true); #endif else if(tmp[0] == "--closed") g_config.setBool(ConfigManager::START_CLOSED, true); else if(tmp[0] == "--no-script" || tmp[0] == "--noscript") g_config.setBool(ConfigManager::SCRIPT_SYSTEM, false); } return true; }
/**************************************************************************** ** ** Author: Marc Bowes ** Author: Tim Sjoberg ** ** Extracts variable information from the login packet ** FIXME: Poll data looks fishy ** ****************************************************************************/ VariableHash Login::handle(const QByteArray &packet) { /* == PACKET FORMAT *************************************************************************** ** ** 1\0 ** errorCode[\1errorMessage]\0 ** sesid\0 ** deprecated\1loginname\1dateTime\1URL\1 ** maxSupportedVer\1pricePlan\1flags ** [\0Poll data] ** *************************************************************************** == DEFINITIONS *************************************************************************** ** ** sesid the session ID (>1 for HTTP connections and 0 for ** TCP connections) ** deprecated deprecated functionality (expect an empty string) ** loginname the user's loginname ** dateTime the date and time in number of seconds since ** 1 January 1970 (UTC) ** URL is the URL of the proxy handling your current ** session. Use this URL to reconnect to if ** disconnected. ** maxSupportedVer maximum protocol version supported by the server ** (major*10+minor) ** pricePlan the price plan the user is on: ** 1 - free ** 2 - premium ** flags contains specific flags for this user. At the ** moment only indicates if session is encrypted or not. ** poll data if getContacts was set to 1, this will contain the ** user's contacts as well as their presence information ** and all new messages; ** *************************************************************************** == ERRORS *************************************************************************** ** ** 3 Invalid password ** 16 Redirect[1] to new proxy ** 99 Something went wrong ** *************************************************************************** == NOTES *************************************************************************** ** ** [1] Redirect ** The client is requested to redirect to the URL specified in the ** errorMessage field. The URL will be in the following format: ** protocol://host:port;type[;msg] ** *************************************************************************** */ /* setup */ StringVec variables; /* first break up packet by \0 into variable sections */ variables.append("sesid"); /* sesid\0 */ variables.append("data"); /* deprecated..flags\0 */ /* extract \0 seperated values */ VariableHash pass1 = hashVariables(packet, variables, '\0'); /* need to expand data section */ variables.clear(); variables.append("deprecated"); variables.append("loginname"); variables.append("dateTime"); variables.append("URL"); variables.append("maxSuppertedVer"); variables.append("pricePlan"); variables.append("flags"); /* extract \1 seperated values */ VariableHash pass2 = hashVariables(pass1["data"], variables, '\1'); /* no clean-up needed, just return the variables */ return pass1.unite(pass2); }
StringTable() { m_map.clear(); m_vec.clear(); m_invalid = "invalid-string"; }
Path::StringVec Path::split(const std::string & path) { /** * Don't use boost::tokenizer because we need to handle the prefix specially. * Handling the prefix is messy on windows, but this is the only place we have * to do it */ StringVec parts; std::string::size_type curpos = 0; if (path.size() == 0) return parts; #ifndef WIN32 // only possible prefix is "/" if (path[0] == '/') { parts.push_back("/"); curpos++; } #else // prefix may be 1) "\", 2) "\\", 3) "[a-z]:", 4) "[a-z]:\" if (path.size() == 1) { // captures both "\" and "a" parts.push_back(path); return parts; } if (path[0] == '\\') { if (path[1] == '\\') { // case 2 parts.push_back("\\\\"); curpos = 2; } else { // case 1 parts.push_back("\\"); curpos = 1; } } else { if (path[1] == ':') { if (path.size() > 2 && path[2] == '\\') { // case 4 parts.push_back(path.substr(0, 3)); curpos = 3; } else { parts.push_back(path.substr(0, 2)); curpos = 2; } } } #endif // simple tokenization based on separator. Note that "foo//bar" -> "foo", "", "bar" std::string::size_type newpos; while (curpos < path.size() && curpos != std::string::npos) { // Be able to split on either separator including mixed separators on Windows #ifdef WIN32 std::string::size_type p1 = path.find("\\", curpos); std::string::size_type p2 = path.find("/", curpos); newpos = p1 < p2 ? p1 : p2; #else newpos = path.find(Path::sep, curpos); #endif if (newpos == std::string::npos) { parts.push_back(path.substr(curpos)); curpos = newpos; } else { // note: if we have a "//" then newpos == curpos and this string is empty if (newpos != curpos) { parts.push_back(path.substr(curpos, newpos - curpos)); } curpos = newpos + 1; } } return parts; }