/* entry point callable from the Dalvik VM */ JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_com_mosync_STROPBenchNativeAndroidActivity_invokeNativeFunction(JNIEnv* env, jobject javaThis) { glob_env = env; //save the java environment glob_obj = &javaThis; //save the object that called us! StropBencher * sb = new StropBencher(); sb->bench(); delete sb; // return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "Done!"); }
/** * Entry point of the program. The MAMain function * needs to be declared as extern "C". * * Create a Moblet project to use the high level * MoSync C++ library. */ extern "C" int MAMain() { StropBencher * stropbencher = new StropBencher; stropbencher->bench(); /*MAEvent event; printf("Press zero or back to exit"); while (TRUE) { maWait(0); maGetEvent(&event); if (EVENT_TYPE_CLOSE == event.type) { // Exit while loop. break; } else if (EVENT_TYPE_KEY_PRESSED == event.type) { if (MAK_BACK == event.key || MAK_0 == event.key) { // Exit while loop. break; } printf("You typed: %c", event.key); } }*/ //free heap mem delete stropbencher; return 0; }