Пример #1
NLStructuralElement :: giveInternalForcesVector_withIRulesAsSubcells(FloatArray &answer,
                                                                     TimeStep *tStep, int useUpdatedGpRecord)
     * Returns nodal representation of real internal forces computed from first Piola-Kirchoff stress
     * if useGpRecord == 1 then stresses stored in the gp are used, otherwise stresses are computed
     * this must be done if you want internal forces after element->updateYourself() has been called
     * for the same time step.
     * The integration procedure uses an integrationRulesArray for numerical integration.
     * Each integration rule is considered to represent a separate sub-cell/element. Typically this would be used when
     * integration of the element domain needs special treatment, e.g. when using the XFEM.

    FloatMatrix B;
    FloatArray vStress, vStrain;

    IntArray irlocnum;
    FloatArray *m = & answer, temp;
    if ( this->giveInterpolation() && this->giveInterpolation()->hasSubPatchFormulation() ) {
        m = & temp;

    // zero answer will resize accordingly when adding first contribution

    // loop over individual integration rules
    for ( auto &iRule: integrationRulesArray ) {
        for ( GaussPoint *gp: *iRule ) {
            StructuralMaterialStatus *matStat = static_cast< StructuralMaterialStatus * >( gp->giveMaterialStatus() );

            if ( nlGeometry == 0 ) {
                this->computeBmatrixAt(gp, B);
                if ( useUpdatedGpRecord == 1 ) {
                    vStress = matStat->giveStressVector();
                } else {
                    this->computeStrainVector(vStrain, gp, tStep);
                    this->computeStressVector(vStress, vStrain, gp, tStep);
            } else if ( nlGeometry == 1 ) {
                if ( this->domain->giveEngngModel()->giveFormulation() == AL ) { // Cauchy stress
                    if ( useUpdatedGpRecord == 1 ) {
                        vStress = matStat->giveCVector();
                    } else {
                        this->computeCauchyStressVector(vStress, gp, tStep);

                    this->computeBmatrixAt(gp, B);
                } else { // First Piola-Kirchhoff stress
                    if ( useUpdatedGpRecord == 1 ) {
                        vStress = matStat->givePVector();
                    } else {
                        this->computeFirstPKStressVector(vStress, gp, tStep);

                    this->computeBHmatrixAt(gp, B);

            if ( vStress.giveSize() == 0 ) { //@todo is this really necessary?

            // compute nodal representation of internal forces at nodes as f = B^T*stress dV
            double dV = this->computeVolumeAround(gp);
            m->plusProduct(B, vStress, dV);

            // localize irule contribution into element matrix
            if ( this->giveIntegrationRuleLocalCodeNumbers(irlocnum, *iRule) ) {
                answer.assemble(* m, irlocnum);

    // if inactive: update fields but do not give any contribution to the structure
    if ( !this->isActivated(tStep) ) {
Пример #2
NLStructuralElement :: giveInternalForcesVector(FloatArray &answer, TimeStep *tStep, int useUpdatedGpRecord)
    FloatMatrix B;
    FloatArray vStress, vStrain, u;

    // This function can be quite costly to do inside the loops when one has many slave dofs.
    this->computeVectorOf(VM_Total, tStep, u);
    // subtract initial displacements, if defined
    if ( initialDisplacements ) {
        u.subtract(* initialDisplacements);

    // zero answer will resize accordingly when adding first contribution

    for ( auto &gp: *this->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr() ) {
        StructuralMaterialStatus *matStat = static_cast< StructuralMaterialStatus * >( gp->giveMaterialStatus() );

        // Engineering (small strain) stress
        if ( nlGeometry == 0 ) {
            this->computeBmatrixAt(gp, B);
            if ( useUpdatedGpRecord == 1 ) {
                vStress = matStat->giveStressVector();
            } else {
                ///@todo Is this really what we should do for inactive elements?
                if ( !this->isActivated(tStep) ) {
                    vStrain.resize( StructuralMaterial :: giveSizeOfVoigtSymVector( gp->giveMaterialMode() ) );
                vStrain.beProductOf(B, u);
                this->computeStressVector(vStress, vStrain, gp, tStep);
        } else if ( nlGeometry == 1 ) {  // First Piola-Kirchhoff stress
            if ( this->domain->giveEngngModel()->giveFormulation() == AL ) { // Cauchy stress
                if ( useUpdatedGpRecord == 1 ) {
                    vStress = matStat->giveCVector();
                } else {
                    this->computeCauchyStressVector(vStress, gp, tStep);

                this->computeBmatrixAt(gp, B);
            } else { // First Piola-Kirchhoff stress
                if ( useUpdatedGpRecord == 1 ) {
                    vStress = matStat->givePVector();
                } else {
                    this->computeFirstPKStressVector(vStress, gp, tStep);
                    ///@todo This is actaully inefficient since it constructs B and twice and collects the nodal unknowns over and over.

                this->computeBHmatrixAt(gp, B);

        if ( vStress.giveSize() == 0 ) { /// @todo is this check really necessary?

        // Compute nodal internal forces at nodes as f = B^T*Stress dV
        double dV  = this->computeVolumeAround(gp);

        if ( nlGeometry == 1 ) {  // First Piola-Kirchhoff stress
            if ( vStress.giveSize() == 9 ) {
                FloatArray stressTemp;
                StructuralMaterial :: giveReducedVectorForm( stressTemp, vStress, gp->giveMaterialMode() );
                answer.plusProduct(B, stressTemp, dV);
            } else   {
                answer.plusProduct(B, vStress, dV);
        } else   {
            if ( vStress.giveSize() == 6 ) {
                // It may happen that e.g. plane strain is computed
                // using the default 3D implementation. If so,
                // the stress needs to be reduced.
                // (Note that no reduction will take place if
                //  the simulation is actually 3D.)
                FloatArray stressTemp;
                StructuralMaterial :: giveReducedSymVectorForm( stressTemp, vStress, gp->giveMaterialMode() );
                answer.plusProduct(B, stressTemp, dV);
            } else   {
                answer.plusProduct(B, vStress, dV);

    // If inactive: update fields but do not give any contribution to the internal forces
    if ( !this->isActivated(tStep) ) {