Пример #1
void PageSerializer::retrieveResourcesForCSSDeclaration(StylePropertySet* styleDeclaration, Document* document)
    if (!styleDeclaration)

    // The background-image and list-style-image (for ul or ol) are the CSS properties
    // that make use of images. We iterate to make sure we include any other
    // image properties there might be.
    unsigned propertyCount = styleDeclaration->propertyCount();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < propertyCount; ++i) {
        RefPtr<CSSValue> cssValue = styleDeclaration->propertyAt(i).value();
        if (!cssValue->isImageValue())

        CSSImageValue* imageValue = static_cast<CSSImageValue*>(cssValue.get());
        StyleImage* styleImage = imageValue->cachedOrPendingImage();
        // Non cached-images are just place-holders and do not contain data.
        if (!styleImage || !styleImage->isCachedImage())

        CachedImage* image = static_cast<StyleCachedImage*>(styleImage)->cachedImage();

        KURL url = document->completeURL(image->url());
        addImageToResources(image, 0, url);
Пример #2
void PageSerializer::retrieveResourcesForCSSDeclaration(CSSStyleDeclaration* styleDeclaration)
    if (!styleDeclaration)

    if (!styleDeclaration->stylesheet()->isCSSStyleSheet())

    CSSStyleSheet* cssStyleSheet = static_cast<CSSStyleSheet*>(styleDeclaration->stylesheet());

    // The background-image and list-style-image (for ul or ol) are the CSS properties
    // that make use of images. We iterate to make sure we include any other
    // image properties there might be.
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < styleDeclaration->length(); ++i) {
        // FIXME: It's kind of ridiculous to get the property name and then get
        // the value out of the name. Ideally we would get the value out of the
        // property ID, but CSSStyleDeclaration only gives access to property
        // names, not IDs.
        RefPtr<CSSValue> cssValue = styleDeclaration->getPropertyCSSValue(styleDeclaration->item(i));
        if (!cssValue->isImageValue())

        CSSImageValue* imageValue = static_cast<CSSImageValue*>(cssValue.get());
        StyleImage* styleImage = imageValue->cachedOrPendingImage();
        // Non cached-images are just place-holders and do not contain data.
        if (!styleImage || !styleImage->isCachedImage())

        CachedImage* image = static_cast<StyleCachedImage*>(styleImage)->cachedImage();

        KURL url = cssStyleSheet->document()->completeURL(image->url());
        addImageToResources(image, url);
Пример #3
static void getShapeImageAndRect(const ShapeValue& shapeValue, const RenderBox& renderBox, const LayoutSize& referenceBoxSize, Image*& image, LayoutRect& rect)
    StyleImage* styleImage = shapeValue.image();

    const LayoutSize& imageSize = renderBox.calculateImageIntrinsicDimensions(styleImage, roundedIntSize(referenceBoxSize), RenderImage::ScaleByEffectiveZoom);
    styleImage->setContainerSizeForRenderer(&renderBox, imageSize, renderBox.style().effectiveZoom());

    image = nullptr;
    if (styleImage->isCachedImage() || styleImage->isCachedImageSet())
        image = styleImage->cachedImage()->imageForRenderer(&renderBox);
    else if (styleImage->isGeneratedImage())
        image = styleImage->image(const_cast<RenderBox*>(&renderBox), imageSize).get();

    if (renderBox.isRenderImage())
        rect = toRenderImage(&renderBox)->replacedContentRect(renderBox.intrinsicSize());
        rect = LayoutRect(LayoutPoint(), imageSize);
Image* FixedBackgroundImageLayerAndroid::GetCachedImage(PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> aStyle)
    RefPtr<RenderStyle> style = aStyle;
    if (!style)
        return 0;

    if (!style->hasFixedBackgroundImage())
        return 0;

    FillLayer* layers = style->accessBackgroundLayers();
    StyleImage* styleImage = layers->image();

    if (!styleImage)
        return 0;

    if (!styleImage->isLoaded())
        return 0;

    if (!styleImage->isCachedImage())
        return 0;

    CachedImage* cachedImage = static_cast<StyleCachedImage*>(styleImage)->cachedImage();

    Image* image = cachedImage->image();
    bool willPaintBrokenImage = cachedImage->willPaintBrokenImage();   //SAMSUNG_CHANGES -- MPSG6322 & MPSG6356

    if (image && !image->nativeImageForCurrentFrame())
        return 0;

    //SAMSUNG_CHANGES -- MPSG6322 & MPSG6356
    //WAS: if (image == Image::nullImage())
    if (image == Image::nullImage() || willPaintBrokenImage)
        return 0;

    return image;