Пример #1
    explicit symbol(const SymbolRef& sym) {
        StringRef name;
        if(error_code err = sym.getName(name))
        this->name_ = name.str();

        if (error_code err = sym.getType(this->kind_))

        if (error_code err = sym.getAddress(this->addr_))

        if (error_code err = sym.getSize(this->size_))

        uint32_t flags;
        if (error_code err = sym.getFlags(flags))

        if (flags & SymbolRef::SF_Undefined) {
            uint64_t addr;
            if (error_code err = sym.getValue(addr))
            // This will not work for x86-64, since they usually zero
            // the value. BFD library uses index correspondence
            // between plt entry and relocation, to name the plt
            // entry. We can't afford this.
            if (addr) {
                addr_ = addr;
                size_ = 8;
Пример #2
void ModuleInfo::addSymbol(const SymbolRef &Symbol) {
  SymbolRef::Type SymbolType;
  if (error(Symbol.getType(SymbolType)))
  if (SymbolType != SymbolRef::ST_Function && SymbolType != SymbolRef::ST_Data)
  uint64_t SymbolAddress;
  if (error(Symbol.getAddress(SymbolAddress)) ||
      SymbolAddress == UnknownAddressOrSize)
  uint64_t SymbolSize;
  // Getting symbol size is linear for Mach-O files, so assume that symbol
  // occupies the memory range up to the following symbol.
  if (isa<MachOObjectFile>(Module))
    SymbolSize = 0;
  else if (error(Symbol.getSize(SymbolSize)) ||
           SymbolSize == UnknownAddressOrSize)
  StringRef SymbolName;
  if (error(Symbol.getName(SymbolName)))
  // Mach-O symbol table names have leading underscore, skip it.
  if (Module->isMachO() && SymbolName.size() > 0 && SymbolName[0] == '_')
    SymbolName = SymbolName.drop_front();
  // FIXME: If a function has alias, there are two entries in symbol table
  // with same address size. Make sure we choose the correct one.
  SymbolMapTy &M = SymbolType == SymbolRef::ST_Function ? Functions : Objects;
  SymbolDesc SD = { SymbolAddress, SymbolSize };
  M.insert(std::make_pair(SD, SymbolName));
Пример #3
static std::string formatSymbol(const Dumper::Context &Ctx,
                                const coff_section *Section, uint64_t Offset,
                                uint32_t Displacement) {
  std::string Buffer;
  raw_string_ostream OS(Buffer);

  SymbolRef Symbol;
  if (!Ctx.ResolveSymbol(Section, Offset, Symbol, Ctx.UserData)) {
    Expected<StringRef> Name = Symbol.getName();
    if (Name) {
      OS << *Name;
      if (Displacement > 0)
        OS << format(" +0x%X (0x%" PRIX64 ")", Displacement, Offset);
        OS << format(" (0x%" PRIX64 ")", Offset);
      return OS.str();
    } else {
      // TODO: Actually report errors helpfully.

  OS << format(" (0x%" PRIX64 ")", Offset);
  return OS.str();
Пример #4
// Given a vector of relocations for a section and an offset into this section
// the function returns the name of the symbol used for the relocation at the
// offset.
static error_code resolveSymbolName(const std::vector<RelocationRef> &Rels,
                                    uint64_t Offset, StringRef &Name) {
  SymbolRef Sym;
  if (error_code ec = resolveSymbol(Rels, Offset, Sym)) return ec;
  if (error_code ec = Sym.getName(Name)) return ec;
  return object_error::success;
Пример #5
// Given a vector of relocations for a section and an offset into this section
// the function returns the name of the symbol used for the relocation at the
// offset.
static std::error_code resolveSymbolName(const std::vector<RelocationRef> &Rels,
                                         uint64_t Offset, StringRef &Name) {
  SymbolRef Sym;
  if (std::error_code EC = resolveSymbol(Rels, Offset, Sym))
    return EC;
  if (std::error_code EC = Sym.getName(Name))
    return EC;
  return std::error_code();
Пример #6
// Given a section and an offset into this section the function returns the name
// of the symbol used for the relocation at the offset.
std::error_code COFFDumper::resolveSymbolName(const coff_section *Section,
                                              uint64_t Offset,
                                              StringRef &Name) {
  SymbolRef Symbol;
  if (std::error_code EC = resolveSymbol(Section, Offset, Symbol))
    return EC;
  if (std::error_code EC = Symbol.getName(Name))
    return EC;
  return object_error::success;
Пример #7
// Given a vector of relocations for a section and an offset into this section
// the function returns the name of the symbol used for the relocation at the
// offset.
static std::error_code resolveSymbolName(const std::vector<RelocationRef> &Rels,
                                         uint64_t Offset, StringRef &Name) {
  SymbolRef Sym;
  if (std::error_code EC = resolveSymbol(Rels, Offset, Sym))
    return EC;
  Expected<StringRef> NameOrErr = Sym.getName();
  if (!NameOrErr)
    return errorToErrorCode(NameOrErr.takeError());
  Name = *NameOrErr;
  return std::error_code();
Пример #8
// Given a vector of relocations for a section and an offset into this section
// the function returns the name of the symbol used for the relocation at the
// offset.
static std::error_code resolveSymbolName(const std::vector<RelocationRef> &Rels,
                                         uint64_t Offset, StringRef &Name) {
  SymbolRef Sym;
  if (std::error_code EC = resolveSymbol(Rels, Offset, Sym))
    return EC;
  ErrorOr<StringRef> NameOrErr = Sym.getName();
  if (std::error_code EC = NameOrErr.getError())
    return EC;
  Name = *NameOrErr;
  return std::error_code();
Пример #9
// Given a section and an offset into this section the function returns the name
// of the symbol used for the relocation at the offset.
std::error_code COFFDumper::resolveSymbolName(const coff_section *Section,
                                              uint64_t Offset,
                                              StringRef &Name) {
  SymbolRef Symbol;
  if (std::error_code EC = resolveSymbol(Section, Offset, Symbol))
    return EC;
  ErrorOr<StringRef> NameOrErr = Symbol.getName();
  if (std::error_code EC = NameOrErr.getError())
    return EC;
  Name = *NameOrErr;
  return std::error_code();
Пример #10
 explicit symbol(const SymbolRef& sym) {
     StringRef name;
     if(error_code err = sym.getName(name))
     this->name_ = name.str();
     if (error_code err = sym.getType(this->kind_))
     if (error_code err = sym.getAddress(this->addr_))
     if (error_code err = sym.getSize(this->size_))
Пример #11
static std::string formatSymbol(const Dumper::Context &Ctx,
                                const coff_section *Section, uint64_t Offset,
                                uint32_t Displacement) {
  std::string Buffer;
  raw_string_ostream OS(Buffer);

  SymbolRef Symbol;
  if (!Ctx.ResolveSymbol(Section, Offset, Symbol, Ctx.UserData)) {
    if (ErrorOr<StringRef> Name = Symbol.getName()) {
      OS << *Name;
      if (Displacement > 0)
        OS << format(" +0x%X (0x%" PRIX64 ")", Displacement, Offset);
        OS << format(" (0x%" PRIX64 ")", Offset);
      return OS.str();

  OS << format(" (0x%" PRIX64 ")", Offset);
  return OS.str();
Пример #12
std::error_code SymbolizableObjectFile::addSymbol(const SymbolRef &Symbol,
                                                  uint64_t SymbolSize,
                                                  DataExtractor *OpdExtractor,
                                                  uint64_t OpdAddress) {
  ErrorOr<SymbolRef::Type> SymbolTypeOrErr = Symbol.getType();
  if (auto EC = SymbolTypeOrErr.getError())
    return EC;
  SymbolRef::Type SymbolType = *SymbolTypeOrErr;
  if (SymbolType != SymbolRef::ST_Function && SymbolType != SymbolRef::ST_Data)
    return std::error_code();
  ErrorOr<uint64_t> SymbolAddressOrErr = Symbol.getAddress();
  if (auto EC = SymbolAddressOrErr.getError())
    return EC;
  uint64_t SymbolAddress = *SymbolAddressOrErr;
  if (OpdExtractor) {
    // For big-endian PowerPC64 ELF, symbols in the .opd section refer to
    // function descriptors. The first word of the descriptor is a pointer to
    // the function's code.
    // For the purposes of symbolization, pretend the symbol's address is that
    // of the function's code, not the descriptor.
    uint64_t OpdOffset = SymbolAddress - OpdAddress;
    uint32_t OpdOffset32 = OpdOffset;
    if (OpdOffset == OpdOffset32 && 
      SymbolAddress = OpdExtractor->getAddress(&OpdOffset32);
  Expected<StringRef> SymbolNameOrErr = Symbol.getName();
  if (!SymbolNameOrErr)
    return errorToErrorCode(SymbolNameOrErr.takeError());
  StringRef SymbolName = *SymbolNameOrErr;
  // Mach-O symbol table names have leading underscore, skip it.
  if (Module->isMachO() && SymbolName.size() > 0 && SymbolName[0] == '_')
    SymbolName = SymbolName.drop_front();
  // FIXME: If a function has alias, there are two entries in symbol table
  // with same address size. Make sure we choose the correct one.
  auto &M = SymbolType == SymbolRef::ST_Function ? Functions : Objects;
  SymbolDesc SD = { SymbolAddress, SymbolSize };
  M.insert(std::make_pair(SD, SymbolName));
  return std::error_code();
Пример #13
error_or<std::string> get_name(const SymbolRef &sym) {
    auto er_name = sym.getName();
    auto e = of_llvm_error_or(er_name);
    return map_value<std::string>(e, [](const StringRef &x){return x.str();});