//____________________________________________________________________ void Run(const char* newName, const char* oldName, const char* newTitle="New", const char* oldTitle="Old") { TFile* newFile = TFile::Open(newName,"READ"); TFile* oldFile = TFile::Open(oldName,"READ"); if (!newFile || !oldFile) return; TH1* newCent = GetH1(newFile, "realCent"); TH1* oldCent = GetH1(oldFile, "realCent"); if (!newCent || !oldCent) return; TString t; t.Form("#it{R}=#frac{%s}{%s}", newTitle, oldTitle); TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("c", t, 1200, 800); c->SetTopMargin(0.01); c->SetRightMargin(0.20); fLegend = new TLegend(1-c->GetRightMargin(), c->GetBottomMargin(), 1, 1-c->GetTopMargin(), t); fLegend->SetFillStyle(0); fLegend->SetBorderSize(0); THStack* stack = new THStack("ratios",""); fMin = +1e6; fMax = -1e6; TH1* one = 0; for (Int_t i = newCent->GetNbinsX(); i--;) { Double_t c1 = newCent->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(i+1); Double_t c2 = newCent->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(i+1); Info("", "c1=%f c2=%f", c1, c2); TH1* r = One(newFile, oldFile, c1, c2); if (!r) continue; if (!one) { one = static_cast<TH1*>(r->Clone("one")); one->SetDirectory(0); one->Reset(); for (Int_t j = 1; j <= one->GetNbinsX(); j++) { one->SetBinContent(j,1); one->SetBinError (j,0); } } // r->Add(one, i-1); // r->Scale(TMath::Power(10,i)); stack->Add(r); } stack->Draw("nostack"); stack->SetMinimum(0.95*fMin); stack->SetMaximum(1.05*fMax); stack->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("#eta"); stack->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle("#it{R}"); fLegend->Draw(); c->Modified(); c->Update(); c->cd(); c->SaveAs(Form("%sover%s.png", newTitle, oldTitle)); }
/** * Extract ALICE PbPb @ 5.02TeV over |eta|<2 * * @param filename Input file name * @param outname Output file name * @param reweigh Whether it is reweighed */ void Extract(const char* filename="dndneta.pbpb502.20151124.root", const char* outname="TRACKLETS_5023_PbPb.input", Bool_t reweigh=false) { if (filename == 0) return; TFile* file = TFile::Open(filename, "READ"); TObjArray* arr = static_cast<TObjArray*>(file->Get("TObjArray")); // Now count number of bins Int_t nBins = 0; TIter next(arr); TObject* obj = 0; while ((obj = next())) { if (TString(obj->GetName()).Contains("DataCorrSignal")) nBins++; } Info("ExtractdNdeta", "Defining %d centrality bins", nBins); TArrayD c(nBins+1); if (nBins == 5) { c[0] = 0; c[1] = 10; c[2] = 20; c[3] = 40; c[4] = 60; c[5] = 80; } else if (nBins >= 9) { c[0] = 0; c[1] = 5; c[2] = 10; c[3] = 20; c[4] = 30; c[5] = 40; c[6] = 50; c[7] = 60; c[8] = 70; c[9] = 80; if (nBins >= 10) c[10] = 90; if (nBins >= 11) c[11] = 100; } THStack* all = new THStack("all","all"); std::ofstream out(outname); std::ostream& o = out; // std::cout; // std::ostream& o = std::cout; o << "*author: SHAHOYAN : 2015\n" << "*title: Full centrality dependence of the charged " << "particle pseudo-rapidity density over the widest " << "possible pseudo-rapidity range in Pb-Pb collisions " << "at 5.02 TeV\n" << "*detector: TRACKLETS\n" << "*experiment: CERN-LHC-TRACKLETS\n" << "*comment: CERN-LHC: We present the charged particle pseudo-rapidity " << "density of charged particles in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s)/nucleon " "= 5.02 over the widest possible pseudo-rapidity and centrality range " << "possible.\n" << std::endl; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nBins; i++) { TString hName = Form("bin%d_DataCorrSignal_PbPb",i); TH1* h = static_cast<TH1*>(arr->FindObject(hName)); if (!h) { hName.ReplaceAll("PbPb", "PBPB"); h = static_cast<TH1*>(arr->FindObject(hName)); if (!h) { Warning("", "Histogram (%s) missing for bin %d", hName.Data(), i); arr->Print(); continue; } } Color_t col = PbPbColor(c[i], c[i+1]); h->SetLineColor(col); h->SetMarkerColor(col); h->SetFillColor(col); all->Add(h); Info("","Making GSE for %0d%% to %3d%% (%d)", Int_t(c[i]), Int_t(c[i+1]), col); MakeGSE(o, h, c[i], c[i+1], reweigh); } // all->Draw("nostack"); o << "*E" << std::endl; out.close(); TCanvas* can = new TCanvas("c","C", 1600, 800); can->SetRightMargin(0.2); can->SetTopMargin(0.01); TLegend* cl = new TLegend(1-can->GetRightMargin(), can->GetBottomMargin(),.99, 1-can->GetTopMargin()); cl->SetFillStyle(0); cl->SetBorderSize(0); gROOT->LoadMacro("$HOME/GraphSysErr/GraphSysErr.C+"); TList* ll = GraphSysErr::Import(outname); // ll->ls(); TIter next(ll); TObject* obj = 0; Bool_t first = true; TH1* frame = 0; Double_t min=100000, max=0; Int_t i = 0; while ((obj = next())) { if (c[i+1] > 80) break; GraphSysErr* g = static_cast<GraphSysErr*>(obj); Color_t col = PbPbColor(c[i], c[i+1]); TLegendEntry* e = cl->AddEntry("", Form("%4.1f-%4.1f%%", c[i], c[i+1]), "F"); e->SetFillColor(col); e->SetFillStyle(1001); g->SetLineColor(col); g->SetMarkerColor(col); g->SetFillColor(col); // g->Print("qual"); g->SetDataOption(GraphSysErr::kNoTick); g->SetSumOption(GraphSysErr::kBox); g->SetSumLineColor(col); g->SetSumFillColor(col); g->SetCommonSumOption(GraphSysErr::kBox); g->SetCommonSumLineColor(col); g->SetCommonSumFillColor(col); g->SetName(Form("tracklets%03dd%02d_%03dd%02d", Int_t(c[i]), Int_t(c[i]*100) % 100, Int_t(c[i+1]), Int_t(c[i+1]*100) % 100)); g->SetTitle(Form("%4.1f - %4.1f%%", c[i], c[i+1])); if (first) g->Draw("combine stat quad axis xbase=2.5"); else g->Draw("combine stat quad xbase=2.5"); if (!frame) frame = g->GetMulti()->GetHistogram(); first = false; Double_t mn, mx; g->GetMinMax("combine stat quad", mn, mx); FindLeastLargest(g, c[i], c[i+1]); min = TMath::Min(min, mn); max = TMath::Max(max, mx); i++; } frame->SetMinimum(min*.9); frame->SetMaximum(max*1.1); cl->Draw(); TFile* outFile = TFile::Open(Form("PbPb5023midRapidity%s.root", reweigh ? "Reweighed" : "Normal"), "RECREATE"); ll->Write("container",TObject::kSingleKey); outFile->Write(); can->SaveAs(Form("PbPb5023midRapidity%s.png", reweigh ? "Reweighed" : "Normal")); }
TCanvas* DrawKs(const char* filename) { TFile* file = TFile::Open(filename, "READ"); if (!file) { Warning("DrawKs", "File %s couldn't be opened", filename); return 0; } TH1* cent = static_cast<TH1*>(file->Get("cent")); if (!cent) { Warning("DrawKs", "Failed to find cent in %s", file->GetName()); return 0; } TString t(filename); t.ReplaceAll("results/", ""); t.ReplaceAll("combine_",""); t.ReplaceAll("_0x3.root", ""); TString nm(filename); nm.ReplaceAll(".root", ""); nm.ReplaceAll("results/", "plots/"); nm.ReplaceAll("combine", "ks"); if (t.Contains("none")) t.ReplaceAll("none", "No weights"); else t.Append(" weights"); Int_t cW = 1200; Int_t cH = 800; TCanvas* c = new TCanvas(nm,t,cW, cH); c->SetTopMargin(0.07); c->SetRightMargin(0.20); c->SetTicks(); TLegend* l = new TLegend(1-c->GetRightMargin(), c->GetBottomMargin(), .99, 1-c->GetTopMargin()); l->SetFillStyle(0); l->SetBorderSize(0); THStack* s = new THStack("ks", ""); Int_t nCent = cent->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nCent; i++) { Double_t c1 = cent->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(i); Double_t c2 = cent->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(i); TH1* h = GetCentK(file, c1, c2, nCent-i+1-2, l); if (!h) continue; s->Add(h); } s->Draw("nostack"); TH1* f = s->GetHistogram(); if (f) { f->SetXTitle("#eta"); f->SetYTitle("#it{k}(#eta)"); } TLatex* tit = new TLatex(0.55, 0.99, t); tit->SetTextFont(42); tit->SetTextAlign(23); tit->SetTextSize(0.03); tit->SetNDC(); tit->Draw(); l->SetBorderSize(0); l->Draw(); c->Modified(); c->Update(); c->cd(); return c; }
void vs_PlotQCDcomp() { Bool_t saveC = false; Bool_t diJets = true; Bool_t isMC = false; TString vsSave; vsSave = "_T07w"; TString jSave; if(diJets) jSave = "2j"; else jSave = "3j"; TString sample; if(diJets) sample = "select_1ph_2jets"; else sample = "select_1ph_3jets"; TString FOtag; if(isMC) FOtag = "_FO_CorrMC"; // else FOtag = "_FO_Corr"; else FOtag = "_FO"; TString sysu = "SYSTUP_"; TString sysd = "SYSTDOWN_"; TString outDir; outDir = "Plots_PhotonSusyAnalysis/QCDweights/"; // string inputFile1 = "/data/user/vsola/CMSSW_Releases/CMSSW_5_3_9/src/Plots_PhotonSusyAnalysis/Merged_QCD_PhotonJet_T07w_PAT/mergedHistos.root"; // string inputFile1 = "/data/user/vsola/CMSSW_Releases/CMSSW_5_3_9/src/Plots_PhotonSusyAnalysis/Merged_Data_V05w_PAT/mergedHistos.root"; string inputFile1 = "/data/user/vsola/CMSSW_Releases/CMSSW_5_3_9/src/Plots_PhotonSusyAnalysis/PhotonHadReReco_22Jan2013_V05_PAT/mergedHistos.root"; setMyTDRStyle(); gROOT->SetStyle("mytdrStyle"); // gStyle->SetHistMinimumZero(); // gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat("4.2f"); gStyle->SetHistLineWidth(2); gStyle->UseCurrentStyle(); // gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(1.0); // gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(3.2); // gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(4.5); // gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(3.2); gROOT->ForceStyle(1); static const Int_t nHt = 7; static const Int_t nPt = 13; static const Int_t nMet = 16; static const Int_t nJet = 15; Double_t binPt[nPt+1] = {0.,75.,90.,120.,160.,210.,260.,320.,400.,500.,650.,800.,1000.,1500.}; Double_t binHt[nHt+1] = {0.,400.,450.,550.,700.,900.,1200.,1500.}; Double_t binMet[nMet+1] = {0.,10.,20.,30.,40.,50.,60.,70.,80.,90.,100.,120.,160.,200.,270.,350.,500.}; Double_t binJet[nJet+1] = {0.,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,9.,10.,11.,12.,13.,14.,15}; TLatex *as = new TLatex(); as->SetNDC(true); as->SetTextColor(12); as->SetTextFont(43); as->SetTextSize(19); TLegend *legend = new TLegend(0.60, 0.70, 0.75, 0.85, ""); legend->SetFillColor(10); legend->SetFillStyle(1001); legend->SetTextSize(0.04); legend->SetBorderSize(0); legend->SetShadowColor(0); std::string outLumi = "CMS Work in Progress - QCD MC #sqrt{s} = 8 TeV - #geq 1 #gamma, #geq 2 j"; TFile* f1 = TFile::Open( inputFile1.c_str() ); //photon Pt TCanvas * cPt = new TCanvas("cPt","cPt"); TH1F* hpt = (TH1F*) f1->Get( sample+"/PreselCut_photonPt" ); TH1F* hptFO = (TH1F*) f1->Get( sample+FOtag+"/PreselCut_photonPt" ); TH1F *hptR = (TH1F*) hpt->Rebin(nPt,hpt->GetTitle(),binPt); if (hptR->GetSumw2N() == 0) hptR->Sumw2(); TH1F *hptFOR = (TH1F*) hptFO->Rebin(nPt,hptFO->GetTitle(),binPt); if (hptFOR->GetSumw2N() == 0) hptFOR->Sumw2(); TH1F* hptSU = (TH1F*) f1->Get( sample+FOtag+"/PreselCut_"+sysu+"photonPt" ); TH1F* hptSD = (TH1F*) f1->Get( sample+FOtag+"/PreselCut_"+sysd+"photonPt" ); TH1F *hptSUR = (TH1F*) hptSU->Rebin(nPt,hptSU->GetTitle(),binPt); if (hptSUR->GetSumw2N() == 0) hptSUR->Sumw2(); TH1F *hptSDR = (TH1F*) hptSD->Rebin(nPt,hptSD->GetTitle(),binPt); if (hptSDR->GetSumw2N() == 0) hptSDR->Sumw2(); if ( hptFOR != 0 ) { for (int b = 0; b < hptFOR->GetNbinsX(); b++) { Double_t mainHistoContent = hptFOR->GetBinContent(b); Double_t systUpHistoContent = hptSUR->GetBinContent(b); Double_t systDnHistoContent = hptSDR->GetBinContent(b); Double_t systDiffUp = fabs( (double) systUpHistoContent - mainHistoContent ); Double_t systDiffDn = fabs( (double) mainHistoContent - systDnHistoContent ); // use average error for histogram Double_t systDiff = ( systDiffUp + systDiffDn ) / 2.; Double_t statErr = hptFOR->GetBinError(b); Double_t combError = sqrt( systDiff * systDiff + statErr * statErr ); hptFOR->SetBinError(b, combError); } //for }//if cPt->SetLogy(1); gPad->Update(); cPt->Update(); // hptR->Scale(1,"width"); // hptR->SetMinimum(0.02); // hptR->SetMaximum(1000); hptR->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("1^{st} photon p_{T} [GeV]"); hptR->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Events / GeV"); if(isMC) hptR->SetMarkerSize(0); if(isMC) hptR->Draw("histE"); else hptR->Draw("E X0"); hptFOR->SetMarkerSize(0); hptFOR->SetLineColor(2); hptFOR->SetFillColor(2); hptFOR->SetFillStyle(3004); hptFOR->Draw("same hist ][ E2"); legend->Clear(); if(isMC) legend->SetHeader("#gamma/QCD (Sim)"); else legend->SetHeader("#gamma/QCD (Data)"); if(isMC) legend->AddEntry(hptR, "#gamma", "l"); else legend->AddEntry(hptR, "#gamma", "p"); legend->AddEntry(hptFOR, "Pred (from #gamma_{jet})", "f"); legend->Draw(); as->DrawLatex(0.17, 0.93, outLumi.c_str() ); cPt->Update(); cPt->SetBottomMargin(0.2 + 0.8 * cPt->GetBottomMargin() - 0.2 * cPt->GetTopMargin()); TPad *ratioPt = new TPad("BottomPad", "", 0, 0, 1, 1); ratioPt->SetTopMargin(0.8 - 0.8 * ratioPt->GetBottomMargin() + 0.2 * ratioPt->GetTopMargin()); ratioPt->SetFillStyle(0); ratioPt->SetFrameFillColor(10); ratioPt->SetFrameBorderMode(0); ratioPt->Draw(); ratioPt->cd(); ratioPt->SetLogy(0); TH1F *hptRat = (TH1F*) divideHistosForRatio(hptR,hptFOR); hptRat->SetMinimum(0.); hptRat->SetMaximum(10.); hptRat->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505); if(isMC) hptRat->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Sim/Pred"); else hptRat->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Data/Pred"); hptRat->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04); hptRat->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.03); hptRat->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3); hptRat->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505); hptRat->SetMarkerStyle(20); hptRat->SetMarkerSize(1); hptRat->SetMarkerColor(1); hptRat->SetLineColor(1); hptRat->Draw("E X0"); TH1F *hptFRat = (TH1F*) getSystErrForRatio(hptFOR); hptFRat->SetLineColor(2); hptFRat->SetFillColor(2); hptFRat->SetFillStyle(3004); hptFRat->Draw("same hist ][ E2"); TLine * line = new TLine( hptRat->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), 1., hptRat->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(), 1. ); line->SetLineColor(1); line->SetLineWidth(0.5); line->SetLineStyle(1); line->Draw("same"); hptR->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0); hptR->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(""); cPt->RedrawAxis(); gPad->Update(); cPt->Update(); return; }
TCanvas* makeNiceCanvasByPixMargins(Int_t pixelPerBinX, Int_t pixelPerBinY, Int_t nbinx, Int_t nbiny, Int_t top, Int_t bottom, Int_t left, Int_t right) { Int_t rubaX = 4; //determinato sperimentalmente Int_t rubaY = 28; //determinato sperimentalmente TString name = generateRandomName(); Int_t plotBaseDimX = pixelPerBinX*nbinx; Int_t plotBaseDimY = pixelPerBinY*nbiny; Int_t XX = (Int_t)(plotBaseDimX+left+right); Int_t YY = (Int_t)(plotBaseDimY+top+bottom); TCanvas* can = new TCanvas(name,name,XX+rubaX,YY+rubaY); can->SetTopMargin((1.*top)/(1.*YY)); can->SetBottomMargin((1.*bottom)/(1.*YY)); can->SetRightMargin(right/(1.*XX)); can->SetLeftMargin(left/(1.*XX)); can->SetBorderMode(0); std::cout << "Nice canvas " << XX << " * " << YY << " Margin: t " << can->GetTopMargin() << " b " << can->GetBottomMargin() << " l " << can->GetLeftMargin() << " r " << can->GetRightMargin() << std::endl; return can; }