void CBuildingPhysicalGuild::dumpBuilding(NLMISC::CLog & log) const
	log.displayNL("<BUILDING_DUMP> CBuildingPhysicalGuild");
	log.displayNL("Name: %s, alias: %s", _Name.c_str(), CPrimitivesParser::aliasToString( _Alias ).c_str());

	for (uint i = 0; i < _UsersInside.size(); i++)
		const TDataSetRow rowId = _UsersInside[i];
		CCharacter * c = PlayerManager.getChar( rowId );
		if ( !c )
			log.displayNL("\tError: cannot find character with row id: %s", rowId.toString().c_str());

		const string charName = c->getName().toUtf8();
		const string charEId = c->getId().toString();

		CMirrorPropValueRO<TYPE_CELL> mirrorCell(TheDataset, rowId, DSPropertyCELL);
		const sint32 cell = mirrorCell;

		IRoomInstance * room = CBuildingManager::getInstance()->getRoomInstanceFromCell( cell );
		if ( !room )
			log.displayNL("\tError: character %s %s is in cell %d but no room was found", charName.c_str(), charEId.c_str(), cell);

		CRoomInstanceGuild * guildRoom = dynamic_cast<CRoomInstanceGuild *>(room);
		if ( !guildRoom )
			log.displayNL("\tError: character %s %s is in cell %d but room is not a guild room but a %s",
				charName.c_str(), charEId.c_str(), cell, room->getRoomDescription().c_str()

		const uint32 guildId = c->getGuildId();
		string guildName;
		CGuild * guild = CGuildManager::getInstance()->getGuildFromId( guildId );
		if (guild)
			guildName = guild->getName().toUtf8();

		log.displayNL("\tCharacter %s %s [guild name='%s' id=%u] is in cell %d, room desc: %s",
			charName.c_str(), charEId.c_str(), guildName.c_str(), guildId, cell, room->getRoomDescription().c_str()

	for (uint i = 0; i < _Guilds.size(); i++)
		const uint32 guildId = _Guilds[i];
		string guildName;
		CGuild * guild = CGuildManager::getInstance()->getGuildFromId( guildId );
		if (guild)
			guildName = guild->getName().toUtf8();

		log.displayNL("\t> Guild registered in building at index %u: %s", i, guildName.c_str());
Пример #2
 * Return the number of changes (slow)
sint32		CChangeTrackerBase::nbChanges() const
	sint32 nb = 0;
	TDataSetRow	entityIndex	(getFirstChanged());
	while ( entityIndex.getIndex() != LAST_CHANGED )
		entityIndex = getNextChanged( entityIndex );
	return nb;
Пример #3
bool CMoveChecker::checkMove(TDataSetRow entityIndex, sint32& x, sint32& y, uint32 tick)
	// setup a refference to the entity's position record, and bomb if it can't be found
	TPositions::iterator positionIt= _Positions.find(entityIndex);
	BOMB_IF(positionIt==_Positions.end(),"Ignoring call to 'checkMove' for an entity who doesn't exist in the move checker",return false);
	SPosition& thePosition= positionIt->second;

	// if the character hasn't moved then just return
	if ( (x==thePosition.X) && (y==thePosition.Y) )
		return true;

//	nlinfo("Checking player move: %s from (%d,%d) @tick: %d to (%d,%d) @tick: %d",
//		entityIndex.toString().c_str(),thePosition.X,thePosition.Y,thePosition.Tick,x,y,tick);

	// if the tick value is out of order (for instance, after an advanced tp request) then ignore the move
	DROP_IF(sint32(tick-thePosition.Tick)<0,"Ignoring out of order move for character "+entityIndex.toString(),return false);

// *** todo: perform a speed test here
// *** todo: perform collision test here 
// *** NOTE: If move not legal then we need to change values of x and y and return false

	// record the new position
	thePosition.X= x;
	thePosition.Y= y;
	thePosition.Tick= tick;

	// generate a few stats

	return true;
void CBuildingPhysicalCommon::dumpBuilding(NLMISC::CLog & log) const
	log.displayNL("<BUILDING_DUMP> CBuildingPhysicalCommon");
	log.displayNL("Name: %s, alias: %s", _Name.c_str(), CPrimitivesParser::aliasToString( _Alias ).c_str());

	for (uint i = 0; i < _UsersInside.size(); i++)
		const TDataSetRow rowId = _UsersInside[i];
		CCharacter * c = PlayerManager.getChar( rowId );
		if ( !c )
			log.displayNL("\tError: cannot find character with row id: %s", rowId.toString().c_str());

		const string charName = c->getName().toUtf8();
		const string charEId = c->getId().toString();

		CMirrorPropValueRO<TYPE_CELL> mirrorCell(TheDataset, rowId, DSPropertyCELL);
		const sint32 cell = mirrorCell;

		IRoomInstance * room = CBuildingManager::getInstance()->getRoomInstanceFromCell( cell );
		if ( !room )
			log.displayNL("\tError: character %s %s is in cell %d but no room was found", charName.c_str(), charEId.c_str(), cell);

		CRoomInstanceCommon * commonRoom = dynamic_cast<CRoomInstanceCommon *>(room);
		if ( !commonRoom )
			log.displayNL("\tError: character %s %s is in cell %d but room is not a common room but a %s",
				charName.c_str(), charEId.c_str(), cell, room->getRoomDescription().c_str()

		log.displayNL("\tCharacter %s %s is in cell %d, room desc: %s",
			charName.c_str(), charEId.c_str(), cell, room->getRoomDescription().c_str()
// :KLUDGE: This method is was created to avoid duplication of code. It
// results that it doesn't have a meaning without prior code to be executed
// (see sheetChanged and spawn). It's a trick that should be removed since
// there is code duplication anyway in sheetChanged method and its overrides.
/// @TODO Clean that mess
bool CBot::finalizeSpawn(RYAI_MAP_CRUNCH::CWorldPosition const& botWPos, CAngle const& spawnTheta, float botMeterSize)
	// Create eid
	NLMISC::CEntityId eid = createEntityId();
	// Create row
	TDataSetRow	const row = CMirrors::createEntity(eid);
	if (!row.isValid())
		nlwarning("***> Not Enough Mirror Space for Type: %s", RYZOMID::toString(getRyzomType()).c_str());
		return false;

	if (_ClientSheet!=NLMISC::CSheetId::Unknown)
		CMirrors::initSheet(row, _ClientSheet);
		CMirrors::initSheet(row, getSheet()->SheetId());
	// get the spawn of this persistent objet.
	setSpawn(getSpawnBot(row, eid, botMeterSize));
	CSpawnBot* spawnBot = getSpawnObj();
	CAIPos botPos;
	if (!isStuck() && !IsRingShard)
		botPos = CAIPos(botWPos.toAIVector(),0,0);
		botPos = CAIPos(lastTriedPos, 0, 0);
	spawnBot->setPos(botPos, botWPos);
	// Use base class method to avoid overload in 
	this->initAdditionalMirrorValues(); // let derived class do its additional inits before declaring the entity
	linkToWorldMap(this, spawnBot->pos(), getAIInstance()->botMatrix());
	return true;
void CMissionParser::solvePlayerName( TVectorParamCheck & params , const TDataSetRow & playerRow )
	CCharacter * user = PlayerManager.getChar(playerRow);
	if( !user )
		nlwarning("<CMissionParser solvePlayerName>Invalid user %u",playerRow.getIndex());
	for ( uint i = 0; i< params.size(); i++)
		if ( params[i].Type == STRING_MANAGER::player  )
			params[i].setEIdAIAlias( user->getId(), CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getAIAlias(user->getId()) );
Пример #7
void CMoveChecker::teleport(TDataSetRow entityIndex, sint32 x, sint32 y, uint32 tick)
	// get hold of the entity's record in the move checker (and creat a new entry if need be)
	SPosition& thePosition= _Positions[entityIndex];

	nlinfo("Move checker teleporting player: %s from (%d,%d) @tick: %d to (%d,%d) @tick: %d",

	// record the new position
	thePosition.X= x;
	thePosition.Y= y;
	thePosition.Tick= tick;

	// generate a few stats
Пример #8
	void add(TDataSetRow entityIndex, sint32 x, sint32 y, uint32 tick)
		// if we've just teleported then there's no point worrying about the time since last update...
		if (_Teleporting)
			// flag teleporting as finished
			_Teleporting= false;
			// check whether entity has been updated recently
//			if((tick-_LastTick)!=1)
//			{
//				nlwarning("Move Checker Stats: entity %s has only received position update after %d ticks",entityIndex.toString().c_str(),tick-_LastTick);
//			}

		// calculate the distance moved and check whether its a new record
		uint32 squaredist= (_X-x)*(_X-x) + (_Y-y)*(_Y-y);
		if (squaredist>_MaxDist)
			_MaxDistTime= std::max((uint32)_Counter,(uint32)_Distances.size()/2);
		_Distances[_Counter%_Distances.size()]= squaredist;

		// store away basic info for next time round

		// increment our counter...

		// if we've hit a new record recently then display a log message
		if ( (_Counter-_MaxDistTime) == (_Distances.size()/2) )
			std::string s;
			for (uint32 i=(uint32)_Distances.size();i!=0;--i)
				s+=NLMISC::toString(" %d",_Distances[(_Counter-i)%_Distances.size()]);
			nlinfo("SpeedStats record for %s: %d (%.2f m/s): %s",entityIndex.toString().c_str(),_MaxDist,sqrt((double)_MaxDist)/200,s.c_str());
void CMissionParser::solveEntitiesNames( TVectorParamCheck & params , const TDataSetRow & playerRow,const NLMISC::CEntityId& giver )
	CCharacter * user = PlayerManager.getChar(playerRow);
	if( !user )
		nlwarning("<CMissionParser solveEntitiesNames>Invalid user %u",playerRow.getIndex());
	for ( uint i = 0; i< params.size(); i++)
		if ( params[i].Type == STRING_MANAGER::player  )
			params[i].setEIdAIAlias( user->getId(), CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getAIAlias(user->getId()) );
		else if ( params[i].Type == STRING_MANAGER::bot  )
			if ( params[i].getEId() == NLMISC::CEntityId::Unknown )
				if ( params[i].Identifier == "giver" )
					params[i].setEIdAIAlias( giver, CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getAIAlias(giver) );
					params[i].setEIdAIAlias( CAIAliasTranslator::getInstance()->getEntityId( params[i].Int ), params[i].Int );
		else if ( params[i].Type == STRING_MANAGER::string_id && params[i].Identifier == "$guild_name$" )
			// resolve the player guild name
			/// todo guild mission
			CGuild *g = user->getGuild();
			if (g == NULL)
				nlwarning("<CMissionParser solveEntitiesNames>No guild for user %u",playerRow.getIndex());
			params[i].StringId = g->getNameId();
Пример #10
void cbClientPosition( CMessage& msgin, const string &serviceName, NLNET::TServiceId serviceId )

	CEntityId			id;
	NLMISC::TGameCycle	tick;
	msgin.serial(id, tick);

	TDataSetRow entityIndex = TheDataset.getDataSetRow( id );
	if ( !entityIndex.isValid() )
		// client may send position even before it is added in system
		//nldebug( "%u: Receiving a position from client %s which is not in mirror yet", CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle(), id.toString().c_str() );
	// entity pos (x, y, z, theta)
	sint32				x, y, z;
	float				heading;
	msgin.serial(x, y, z, heading);

	if (IsRingShard)
		// make sure the move that the player is trying to make is legal
		// if the move wasn't legal then the values of 'x' and 'y' will be changed to make them legal
		bool moveWasLegal= pCGPMS->MoveChecker->checkMove(entityIndex, x, y, tick);

		// if the move wasn't legal then dispatch a message to the player
		if (!moveWasLegal)
//  ***TODO ***
//			// Teleport the player back to a previous valid location
//			CMessage msgout( "IMPULSION_ID" );
//			msgout.serial( master->Id );
//			CBitMemStream bms;
//			GenericXmlMsgManager.pushNameToStream( "TP:CORRECT", bms );
//			bms.serial( x );	
//			bms.serial( y );	
//			bms.serial( z );	
//			msgout.serialMemStream( bms );
//			CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->send( master->Id.getDynamicId(), msgout );
//  ***TODO ***

		// set the player coordinates in the ring vision universe

		// todo: determine whether player is in water etc for real;
		bool local= false;
		bool interior= false;
		bool water= false;

		// update the player coordinates in the mirror
		CMirrorPropValue1DS<sint32>( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyPOSX )= x; 
		CMirrorPropValue1DS<sint32>( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyPOSY )= y;
		CMirrorPropValue1DS<sint32>( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyPOSZ )= (z&~7) + (local ? 1 : 0) + (interior ? 2 : 0) + (water ? 4 : 0);
		CMirrorPropValue1DS<float>( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyORIENTATION )= heading;
		CMirrorPropValue1DS<NLMISC::TGameCycle>( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyTICK_POS )= tick;

		CMirrorPropValue1DS<TYPE_CELL> cell ( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyCELL );
		uint32	cx = (uint16) ( + x/CWorldPositionManager::getCellSize() );
		uint32	cy = (uint16) ( - y/CWorldPositionManager::getCellSize() );
		cell = (cx<<16) + cy;

		// update the player position in the ring vision grid
	// check player mode and behaviour
	CMirrorPropValueRO<MBEHAV::TMode> propMode( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyMODE );
	MBEHAV::EMode mode = (MBEHAV::EMode)(propMode().Mode);
	CMirrorPropValueRO<MBEHAV::CBehaviour> propBehaviour( TheDataset, entityIndex, DSPropertyBEHAVIOUR );
	MBEHAV::EBehaviour behaviour = (MBEHAV::EBehaviour)(propBehaviour().Behaviour);
	if (	(mode == MBEHAV::COMBAT)
		||	(mode == MBEHAV::COMBAT_FLOAT)
		||	(mode == MBEHAV::DEATH) )
		CWorldEntity	*player = CWorldPositionManager::getEntityPtr(entityIndex);

		if (player == NULL)

		if (player->X() == 0 && player->Y() == 0 && player->Z() == 0)

		//CWorldPositionManager::setEntityPosition(id, x, y, z, heading, tick);
		if (player->getType() == CWorldEntity::Player && player->CheckMotion && player->PosInitialised)
			CWorldPositionManager::movePlayer(player, x, y, z, heading, tick);
} // cbClientPosition //