void mySelector::SlaveTerminate() { // The SlaveTerminate() function is called after all entries or objects // have been processed. When running with PROOF SlaveTerminate() is called // on each slave server. cout<<"-------------End of Slave Job----------------"<<endl; tNow.Set();tNow.Print(); cout<<"Number of Event: "<<fNumberOfEvents<<", elapsed time: "<<tNow.Convert()-tBegin.Convert()<<"seconds,rate: "<<float(fNumberOfEvents)/(tNow.Convert()-tBegin.Convert())<<endl; }
void xrootdTestVanderbilt(const int iOption=0) { TDatime *dateTime = new TDatime; int iDate = dateTime->GetDate(); int iTime = dateTime->GetTime(); cout << " Begin Vanderbilt access testing " << iDate << " at " << iTime << endl; if(iOption == 0 || iOption == 1) { TFile *f = TFile::Open("root://cmsxrootd.fnal.gov//store/test/xrootd/T2_US_Vanderbilt//store/mc/SAM/GenericTTbar/GEN-SIM-RECO/CMSSW_5_3_1_START53_V5-v1/0013/CE4D66EB-5AAE-E111-96D6-003048D37524.root"); if(f) { cout << "\n cmsxrootd.fnal.gov successful access to Vanderbilt" << endl; f->ls(); f->Close(); } else { cout << "\n cmsxrootd.fnal.gov unsuccessful access to Vanderbilt" << endl; } dateTime->Set(); // set to system date/time iDate = dateTime->GetDate(); iTime = dateTime->GetTime(); cout << " Completed Vanderbilt access test from FNAL on " << iDate << " at " << iTime << endl; } // check on iOption = 0 or iOption = 1 if(iOption == 0 || iOption == 2) { TFile *g = TFile::Open("root://cms-xrd-global.cern.ch//store/test/xrootd/T2_US_Vanderbilt//store/mc/SAM/GenericTTbar/GEN-SIM-RECO/CMSSW_5_3_1_START53_V5-v1/0013/CE4D66EB-5AAE-E111-96D6-003048D37524.root"); if(g) { cout << "\n cms-xrd-global.cern.ch successful access to Vanderbilt" << endl; g->ls(); g->Close(); } else { cout << "\n cms-xrd-global.cern.ch unsuccessful access to Vanderbilt" << endl; } dateTime->Set(); // set to system date/time iDate = dateTime->GetDate(); iTime = dateTime->GetTime(); cout << " Completed Vanderbilt access test from CERN on " << iDate << " at " << iTime << endl; } // check on iOption = 0 or iOption = 2 dateTime->Set(); // set to system date/time cout << "\n Completed Vanderbilt access testing " << iDate << " at " << iTime << endl; return; }
void mySelector::Begin(TTree * /*tree*/) { // The Begin() function is called at the start of the query. // When running with PROOF Begin() is only called on the client. // The tree argument is deprecated (on PROOF 0 is passed). TString option = GetOption(); tBegin.Set(); fNumberOfEvents = 0; cout<<"-------Begin of job-------"<<endl; tBegin.Print(); }
void MySelector::Begin(TTree * /*tree*/) { // The Begin() function is called at the start of the query. // When running with PROOF Begin() is only called on the client. // The tree argument is deprecated (on PROOF 0 is passed). TString option = GetOption(); // some time measurement tBegin.Set(); printf("*==* ---------- Begin of Job ----------"); tBegin.Print(); }
void mySelector::Terminate() { // The Terminate() function is the last function to be called during // a query. It always runs on the client, it can be used to present // the results graphically or save the results to file. TString option = GetOption(); TString output = "gr_"; output += option; output += ".root"; TFile *hfile = new TFile(output,"RECREATE","FONLL CCbar cross section"); hfile->cd(); const Int_t npoint = eventnumber; Float_t x[npoint]; Float_t y[npoint]; Float_t ylow[npoint]; Float_t yup[npoint]; for(int i=0;i<npoint;i++) { x[i] = Pt[i]; y[i] = Central[i]; ylow[i] = Down[i]; yup[i] = Up[i]; } //TGraph *grFONLLD0 = new TGraph(npoint,Pt,Central); TDirectoryFile *ratioErr = new TDirectoryFile(option,"ratio error of scale pp500 to pp200 "); ratioErr->SetName(option); ratioErr->Add(hRatio); TGraph *grFONLLRatio = new TGraph(npoint,x,y); grFONLLRatio->SetName("grFONLLRatio"); TGraph *grFONLLRatio_u = new TGraph(npoint,x,yup); grFONLLRatio_u->SetName("grFONLLRatio_u"); TGraph *grFONLLRatio_d = new TGraph(npoint,x,ylow); grFONLLRatio_d->SetName("grFONLLRatio_d"); grFONLLRatio->Print(); ///grFONLLRatio->Write(); ratioErr->Add(grFONLLRatio); grFONLLRatio_u->Print(); //grFONLLRatio_u->Write(); ratioErr->Add(grFONLLRatio_u); grFONLLRatio_d->Print(); //grFONLLRatio_d->Write(); ratioErr->Add(grFONLLRatio_d); ratioErr->Write(); hfile->Print(); hfile->Close(); tNow.Set(); cout<<"----------End of job----------"<<endl; tNow.Print(); }
void MySelector::SlaveTerminate() { // The SlaveTerminate() function is called after all entries or // objects have been processed. When running with PROOF // SlaveTerminate() is called on each slave server. // some statistics at end of job printf("\n *==* ---------- End of Slave Job ---------- "); tNow.Set(); tNow.Print(); printf( "Number of Events: %i, elapsed time: %i sec, rate: %g evts/sec\n" ,fNumberOfEvents, tNow.Convert()-tBegin.Convert(), float(fNumberOfEvents)/(tNow.Convert()-tBegin.Convert()) ); }
//_____________________________________________________________________________ void THaRunBase::SetDate( UInt_t tloc ) { // Set timestamp of this run to 'tloc' which is in Unix time // format (number of seconds since 01 Jan 1970). #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= ROOT_VERSION(3,1,6) TDatime date( tloc ); #else time_t t = tloc; struct tm* tp = localtime(&t); TDatime date; date.Set( tp->tm_year, tp->tm_mon+1, tp->tm_mday, tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min, tp->tm_sec ); #endif SetDate( date ); }
void MySelector::Terminate() { // The Terminate() function is the last function to be called // during a query. It always runs on the client, it can be used // to present the results graphically or save the results to // file. // finally, store all output TFile hfile("MySelector_Result.root","RECREATE","MuonResults"); fOutput->Write(); //Example to retrieve output from output list h_resistance= dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fOutput->FindObject("resistance")); TCanvas c_result("cresult","Resistance",100,100,300,300); h_resistance->Draw(); c_result.SaveAs("ResistanceDistribution.png"); tNow.Set(); printf("*==* ---------- End of Job ---------- "); tNow.Print(); }
// main method void LEDRef_evtdis(const int runno = 615, const int gainv = 0, /*0=low, 1=high*/ const int evtnum= -10, int ymax=1023, // set the scale of plots const int delay = 1) // -1=no delay, wait for input, X>=0 => sleep aprox. X sec. after making plot { // set ranges to plot const int strip_f = 0; // first const int strip_l = NSTRIPS - 1; const int nsamples = 65; // number of ADC time samples per channel and event const int saveplot = 0; const int numbering = 1; // 0: no numbering, 1: nubering on each plot const int dofit = 0; // 0: no fit, 1: try to fit the spectra const int debug = 0; const float gammaN = 2; // end of setup // Assume we are just interested in the 1st segment, _0.root below for fname* Char_t fname[256]; sprintf(fname, "/local/data/Run_%09d.Seq_1A.Stream_0.root",runno); cout << "TOTCHAN " << TOTCHAN << endl; // set up a raw reader of the data AliRawReader *rawReader = NULL; rawReader = new AliRawReaderRoot(fname); AliCaloRawStream *in = NULL; in = new AliCaloRawStream(rawReader,"EMCAL"); // set up histograms TH1F *hfit[TOTCHAN]; TF1 *f1[TOTCHAN]; char ch_label[TOTCHAN][100]; char buff1[100]; char name[80]; for(int i=0; i<TOTCHAN; i++) { sprintf(buff1,"hfit_%d",i); hfit[i] = new TH1F(buff1,"hfit", nsamples , -0.5, nsamples - 0.5); hfit[i]->SetDirectory(0); sprintf(name,"f1_%d",i); f1[i] = new TF1(name,fitfun,0,70,5); f1[i]->SetLineWidth(2); f1[i]->SetLineColor(2); // int idx = istrip + NSTRIPS * gain; // encoding used later int gain = i / (NSTRIPS); int istrip = i % NSTRIPS; sprintf(ch_label[i], "Strip%02d", istrip); } TCanvas *cc1 = new TCanvas("cc1","3 columns of 8 strips each",600,800); int numcol = NSETS; int numrow = NSTRIPS_IN_SET; cc1->Divide(numcol, numrow); TText *t = new TText; t->SetTextSize(0.17); int clr[2] = {4,2}; // colors // figure out which events we should look at int firstevent = evtnum; int lastevent = evtnum; if (evtnum < 0) { // get a bunch of events firstevent = 0; lastevent = - evtnum; } if (evtnum == 0) { // get all events firstevent = 0; lastevent = 1000000; } Int_t iev =0; AliRawEventHeaderBase *aliHeader=NULL; while ( rawReader->NextEvent() && iev < firstevent) { aliHeader = (AliRawEventHeaderBase*) rawReader->GetEventHeader(); iev++; } // loop over selected events while ( rawReader->NextEvent() && iev <= lastevent) { aliHeader = (AliRawEventHeaderBase*) rawReader->GetEventHeader(); int runNumber = aliHeader->Get("RunNb"); cout << "Found run number " << runNumber << endl; // reset histograms for(int i=0; i<TOTCHAN; i++) { hfit[i]->Reset(); } // get events (the "1" ensures that we actually select all events for now) if ( 1 || aliHeader->Get("Type") == AliRawEventHeaderBase::kPhysicsEvent ) { const UInt_t * evtId = aliHeader->GetP("Id"); int evno_raw = (int) evtId[0]; int timestamp = aliHeader->Get("Timestamp"); cout << " evno " << evno_raw << " size " << aliHeader->GetEventSize() << " type " << aliHeader->Get("Type") << " type name " << aliHeader->GetTypeName() << " timestamp " << timestamp << endl; /// process_event stream while ( in->Next() ) { int strip = in->GetColumn(); int gain = in->GetRow(); if (in->IsLEDMonData()) { int idx = strip + NSTRIPS*gain; //cout << "hist idx " << idx << endl; if (idx < 0 || idx > TOTCHAN) { cout << "Hist idx out of range: " << idx << endl; } else { // reasonable range of idx hfit[idx]->SetBinContent(in->GetTime(), in->GetSignal()); } } // LED Ref data only } // Raw data read // Next: let's actually plot the data.. for (Int_t strip = strip_f; strip <= strip_l; strip++) { int idx = strip + NSTRIPS*gainv; // which set/column does the strip belong in int iset = strip / NSTRIPS_IN_SET; int within_set = strip % NSTRIPS_IN_SET; // on which pad should we plot it? int pad_id = (NSTRIPS_IN_SET-1-within_set)*NSETS + iset + 1; cout << "strip " << strip << ". set="<< iset << ", within_set=" << within_set << ", pad=" << pad_id << endl; cc1->cd(pad_id); hfit[idx]->SetTitle(""); hfit[idx]->SetFillColor(5); hfit[idx]->SetMaximum(ymax); hfit[idx]->SetMinimum(0); // we may or may not decide to fit the data if (dofit) { f1[i]->SetParameter(0, 0); // initial guess; zero amplitude :=) hfit[idx]->Fit(f1[i]); } hfit[idx]->Draw(); if( numbering ) { t->SetTextColor(clr[gainv]); t->DrawTextNDC(0.65,0.65,ch_label[idx]); } } // add some extra text on the canvas // print a box showing run #, evt #, and timestamp cc1->cd(); // first draw transparent pad TPad *trans = new TPad("trans","",0,0,1,1); trans->SetFillStyle(4000); trans->Draw(); trans->cd(); // then draw text TPaveText *label = new TPaveText(.2,.11,.8,.14,"NDC"); // label->Clear(); label->SetBorderSize(1); label->SetFillColor(0); label->SetLineColor(clr[gainv]); label->SetTextColor(clr[gainv]); //label->SetFillStyle(0); TDatime d; d.Set(timestamp); sprintf(name,"Run %d, Event %d, Hist Max %d, %s",runno,iev,ymax,d.AsString()); label->AddText(name); label->Draw(); cc1->Update(); cout << "Done" << endl; // some shenanigans to hold the plotting, if requested if (firstevent != lastevent) { if (delay == -1) { // wait for character input before proceeding cout << " enter y to proceed " << endl; char dummy[2]; cin >> dummy; cout << " read " << dummy << endl; if (strcmp(dummy, "y")==0) { cout << " ok, continuing with event " << iev+1 << endl; } else { cout << " ok, exiting " << endl; //exit(1); } } else { cout << "Sleeping for " << delay * 500 << endl; gSystem->Sleep(delay * 500); } } // save plot, if setup/requested to do so char plotname[100]; if (saveplot==1) { sprintf(plotname,"Run_%d_LEDRef_Ev%d_Gain%d_MaxHist%d.gif", runno,iev,gainv,ymax); cout <<"SAVING plot:"<< plotname << endl; cc1->SaveAs(plotname); } } // event selection