bool InsertFxPopup::loadPreset(QTreeWidgetItem *item) { QString str = item->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString(); TFilePath presetsFilepath(m_presetFolder + str.toStdWString()); int i; for (i = item->childCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) item->removeChild(item->child(i)); if (TFileStatus(presetsFilepath).isDirectory()) { TFilePathSet presets = TSystem::readDirectory(presetsFilepath); if (!presets.empty()) { for (TFilePathSet::iterator it2 = presets.begin(); it2 != presets.end(); ++it2) { TFilePath presetPath = *it2; QString name(presetPath.getName().c_str()); QTreeWidgetItem *presetItem = new QTreeWidgetItem((QTreeWidget *)0, QStringList(name)); presetItem->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, QVariant(toQString(presetPath))); item->addChild(presetItem); presetItem->setIcon(0, m_fxIcon); } } else return false; } else return false; return true; }
void InsertFxPopup::loadMacro() { TFilePath fp = m_presetFolder + TFilePath("macroFx"); try { if (TFileStatus(fp).isDirectory()) { TFilePathSet macros = TSystem::readDirectory(fp); if (macros.empty()) return; QTreeWidgetItem *macroFolder = new QTreeWidgetItem((QTreeWidget *)0, QStringList(tr("Macro"))); macroFolder->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, QVariant(toQString(fp))); macroFolder->setIcon(0, m_folderIcon); m_fxTree->addTopLevelItem(macroFolder); for (TFilePathSet::iterator it = macros.begin(); it != macros.end(); ++it) { TFilePath macroPath = *it; QString name(macroPath.getName().c_str()); QTreeWidgetItem *macroItem = new QTreeWidgetItem((QTreeWidget *)0, QStringList(name)); macroItem->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, QVariant(toQString(macroPath))); macroItem->setIcon(0, m_fxIcon); macroFolder->addChild(macroItem); } } } catch (...) { } }
void InsertFxPopup::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = m_fxTree->currentItem(); QString itemRole = item->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString(); TFilePath path = TFilePath(itemRole.toStdWString()); if (TFileStatus(path).doesExist() && TFileStatus(path.getParentDir()).isDirectory()) { QMenu *menu = new QMenu(this); std::string folder = path.getParentDir().getName(); if (folder == "macroFx") //Menu' macro { QAction *remove = new QAction(tr("Remove Macro FX"), menu); connect(remove, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(removePreset())); menu->addAction(remove); } else //Verifico se devo caricare un preset { folder = path.getParentDir().getParentDir().getName(); if (folder == "presets") //Menu' preset { QAction *remove = new QAction(tr("Remove Preset"), menu); connect(remove, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(removePreset())); menu->addAction(remove); } } menu->exec(event->globalPos()); } }
/*! Add a folder in StudioPalette TFilePath \b parentFolderPath. If there are any problems send an error message. */ TFilePath StudioPaletteCmd::addFolder(const TFilePath &parentFolderPath) { TFilePath folderPath; folderPath = StudioPalette::instance()->createFolder(parentFolderPath); if (!folderPath.isEmpty()) TUndoManager::manager()->add(new CreateFolderUndo(folderPath)); return folderPath; }
TFx *InsertFxPopup::createFx() { TApp *app = TApp::instance(); ToonzScene *scene = app->getCurrentScene()->getScene(); TXsheet *xsh = scene->getXsheet(); QTreeWidgetItem *item = m_fxTree->currentItem(); QString text = item->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString(); if (text.isEmpty()) return 0; TFx *fx; TFilePath path = TFilePath(text.toStdWString()); if (TFileStatus(path).doesExist() && TFileStatus(path.getParentDir()).isDirectory()) { std::string folder = path.getParentDir().getName(); if (folder == "macroFx") //Devo caricare una macro fx = createMacroFxByPath(path); else //Verifico se devo caricare un preset { folder = path.getParentDir().getParentDir().getName(); if (folder == "presets") //Devo caricare un preset fx = createPresetFxByName(path); } } else fx = createFxByName(text.toStdString()); if (fx) return fx; else return 0; }
void TPanelTitleBarButtonForSafeArea::getSafeAreaNameList( QList<QString> &nameList) { TFilePath fp = TEnv::getConfigDir(); QString currentSafeAreaName = QString::fromStdString(EnvSafeAreaName); std::string safeAreaFileName = "safearea.ini"; while (!TFileStatus(fp + safeAreaFileName).doesExist() && !fp.isRoot() && fp.getParentDir() != TFilePath()) fp = fp.getParentDir(); fp = fp + safeAreaFileName; if (TFileStatus(fp).doesExist()) { QSettings settings(toQString(fp), QSettings::IniFormat); // find the current safearea name from the list QStringList groups = settings.childGroups(); for (int g = 0; g < groups.size(); g++) { settings.beginGroup(; nameList.push_back(settings.value("name", "").toString()); settings.endGroup(); } } }
/*! to retrieve the both lists with groupFrames option = on and off. */ void TSystem::readDirectory(TFilePathSet &groupFpSet, TFilePathSet &allFpSet, const TFilePath &path) { if (!TFileStatus(path).isDirectory()) throw TSystemException(path, " is not a directory"); std::set<TFilePath, CaselessFilepathLess> fileSet_group; std::set<TFilePath, CaselessFilepathLess> fileSet_all; QStringList fil = QDir(toQString(path)) .entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Readable); if (fil.size() == 0) return; for (int i = 0; i < fil.size(); i++) { QString fi =; TFilePath son = path + TFilePath(fi.toStdWString()); // store all file paths fileSet_all.insert(son); // in case of the sequencial files if (son.getDots() == "..") son = son.withFrame(); // store the group. insersion avoids duplication of the item fileSet_group.insert(son); } groupFpSet.insert(groupFpSet.end(), fileSet_group.begin(), fileSet_group.end()); allFpSet.insert(allFpSet.end(), fileSet_all.begin(), fileSet_all.end()); }
void refresh() override { TDoubleKeyframe kf; TDoubleParam *curve = getCurve(); if (curve) kf = curve->getKeyframeAt(getR0()); if (curve && kf.m_isKeyframe) { TFilePath path; int fieldIndex = 0; std::string unitName = ""; if (kf.m_type == TDoubleKeyframe::File) { path = kf.m_fileParams.m_path; fieldIndex = kf.m_fileParams.m_fieldIndex; if (fieldIndex < 0) fieldIndex = 0; unitName = kf.m_unitName; if (unitName == "") { TMeasure *measure = curve->getMeasure(); if (measure) { const TUnit *unit = measure->getCurrentUnit(); if (unit) unitName = ::to_string(unit->getDefaultExtension()); } } } m_fileFld->setPath(QString::fromStdWString(path.getWideString())); m_fieldIndexFld->setText(QString::number(fieldIndex + 1)); m_measureFld->setText(QString::fromStdString(unitName)); } }
void StudioPaletteTreeViewer::startDragDrop() { TRepetitionGuard guard; if (!guard.hasLock()) return; QDrag *drag = new QDrag(this); QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData; QList<QUrl> urls; QList<QTreeWidgetItem *> items = selectedItems(); int i; for (i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { // Sposto solo le palette. TFilePath path = getItemPath(items[i]); if (!path.isEmpty() && (path.getType() == "tpl" || path.getType() == "pli" || path.getType() == "tlv" || path.getType() == "tnz")) urls.append(pathToUrl(path)); } if (urls.isEmpty()) return; mimeData->setUrls(urls); drag->setMimeData(mimeData); Qt::DropAction dropAction = drag->exec(Qt::CopyAction | Qt::MoveAction); viewport()->update(); }
bool TFilePath::match(const TFilePath &fp) const { return getParentDir() == fp.getParentDir() && getName() == fp.getName() && getFrame() == fp.getFrame() && getType() == fp.getType(); }
void ProjectDvDirModelRootNode::refreshChildren() { m_childrenValid = true; if (m_children.empty()) { TProjectManager *pm = TProjectManager::instance(); std::vector<TFilePath> projectRoots; pm->getProjectRoots(projectRoots); int i; for (i = 0; i < (int)projectRoots.size(); i++) { TFilePath projectRoot = projectRoots[i]; std::wstring rootDir = projectRoot.getWideString(); ProjectDvDirModelSpecialFileFolderNode *projectRootNode = new ProjectDvDirModelSpecialFileFolderNode( this, L"Project root (" + rootDir + L")", projectRoot); projectRootNode->setPixmap(svgToPixmap(":Resources/projects.svg")); addChild(projectRootNode); } // SVN Repository QList<SVNRepository> repositories = VersionControl::instance()->getRepositories(); int count = repositories.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { SVNRepository repo =; ProjectDvDirModelSpecialFileFolderNode *node = new ProjectDvDirModelSpecialFileFolderNode( this, repo.m_name.toStdWString(), TFilePath(repo.m_localPath.toStdWString())); node->setPixmap(svgToPixmap(":Resources/vcroot.svg")); addChild(node); } } }
bool execute() { TFilePath fp; QString fileName = "helloworld.qs"; QFile scriptFile(QString::fromStdWString(fp.getWideString())); if (! { DVGui::MsgBox(DVGui::WARNING, QObject::tr("File not found")); return false; } else { QTextStream stream(&scriptFile); QString contents = stream.readAll(); scriptFile.close(); QScriptEngine myEngine; QScriptEngineDebugger debugger; debugger.attachTo(&myEngine); QScriptValue fFoo = myEngine.newFunction(foo); QScriptValue fGetLevel = myEngine.newFunction(getLevel); myEngine.globalObject().setProperty("foo", fFoo); myEngine.globalObject().setProperty("getLevel", fGetLevel); debugger.action(QScriptEngineDebugger::InterruptAction)->trigger(); myEngine.evaluate(contents, fileName); } return true; }
void MagpieFileImportPopup::showEvent(QShowEvent *) { if (m_info == 0) return; int frameCount = m_info->getFrameCount(); m_fromField->setRange(1, frameCount); m_fromField->setValue(1); m_toField->setRange(1, frameCount); m_toField->setValue(frameCount); int i; QList<QString> actsIdentifier = m_info->getActsIdentifier(); for (i = 0; i < m_actFields.size(); i++) { IntLineEdit *field =; QLabel *label =; if (i >= actsIdentifier.size()) { field->hide(); label->hide(); continue; } QString act =; field->setProperty("act", QVariant(act)); field->show(); label->setText(act); label->show(); } QString oldLevelPath = m_levelField->getPath(); TFilePath oldFilePath(oldLevelPath.toStdWString()); TFilePath perntDir = oldFilePath.getParentDir(); m_levelField->setPath(QString::fromStdWString(perntDir.getWideString())); }
void InsertFxPopup::updatePresets() { int i; for (i = 0; i < m_fxTree->topLevelItemCount(); i++) { QTreeWidgetItem *folder = m_fxTree->topLevelItem(i); TFilePath path = TFilePath(folder->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toString().toStdWString()); if (folder->text(0).toStdString() == "Plugins") { continue; } if (path.getName() == "macroFx") { int j; for (j = folder->childCount() - 1; j >= 0; j--) folder->removeChild(folder->child(j)); m_fxTree->removeItemWidget(folder, 0); delete folder; } else if (path.getParentDir().getName() == "macroFx") continue; else for (int i = 0; i < folder->childCount(); i++) { bool isPresetLoaded = loadPreset(folder->child(i)); if (isPresetLoaded) folder->child(i)->setIcon(0, m_presetIcon); else folder->child(i)->setIcon(0, m_fxIcon); } } loadMacro(); update(); }
inline static TFilePath getAbsolutePath(const TFilePath &file, const TFilePath &relTo) { QDir relToDir( QString::fromStdWString(relTo.getParentDir().getWideString())); QString absFileStr(relToDir.absoluteFilePath( QString::fromStdWString(file.getWideString()))); return TFilePath(absFileStr.toStdWString()); }
bool isResource(const QString &path) { const TFilePath fp(path.toStdWString()); TFileType::Type type = TFileType::getInfo(fp); return (TFileType::isViewable(type) || type & TFileType::MESH_IMAGE || type == TFileType::AUDIO_LEVEL || type == TFileType::TABSCENE || type == TFileType::TOONZSCENE || fp.getType() == "tpl"); }
inline static TFilePath getRelativePath(const TFilePath &file, const TFilePath &relTo) { QDir relToDir( QString::fromStdWString(relTo.getParentDir().getWideString())); QString relFileStr(relToDir.relativeFilePath( QString::fromStdWString(file.getWideString()))); return TFilePath(relFileStr.toStdWString()); }
TFilePath CleanupParameters::getPath(ToonzScene *scene) const { if (m_path == TFilePath()) { int levelType = (m_lineProcessingMode != lpNone) ? TZP_XSHLEVEL : OVL_XSHLEVEL; TFilePath fp = scene->getDefaultLevelPath(levelType); return fp.getParentDir(); } else return scene->decodeSavePath(m_path); }
void TSystem::hideFile(const TFilePath &fp) { #ifdef _WIN32 if (!SetFileAttributesW(fp.getWideString().c_str(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN)) throw TSystemException(fp, "can't hide file!"); #else // MACOSX, and others TSystem::renameFile(TFilePath(fp.getParentDir() + L"." + fp.getLevelNameW()), fp); #endif }
std::wstring OverwriteDialog::execute(ToonzScene *scene, const TFilePath &srcLevelPath, bool multiload) { TFilePath levelPath = srcLevelPath; TFilePath actualLevelPath = scene->decodeFilePath(levelPath); if (!TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(actualLevelPath)) return levelPath.getWideName(); if (m_applyToAll && m_choice == RENAME) { levelPath = addSuffix(levelPath); actualLevelPath = scene->decodeFilePath(levelPath); } if (m_applyToAll) { if (m_choice != RENAME || !TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(actualLevelPath)) return levelPath.getWideName(); } m_label->setText(tr("File %1 already exists.\nWhat do you want to do?").arg(toQString(levelPath))); // find a compatible suffix if (TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(actualLevelPath)) { int i = 0; while (TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(scene->decodeFilePath(addSuffix(srcLevelPath)))) { m_suffix->setText("_" + QString::number(++i)); } } if (multiload) m_okToAllBtn->show(); else m_okToAllBtn->hide(); // there could be a WaitCursor cursor QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor)); raise(); exec(); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); if (m_rename->isChecked()) { if (m_suffix->text() == "") { MsgBox(WARNING, tr("The suffix field is empty. Please specify a suffix.")); return execute(scene, srcLevelPath, multiload); } levelPath = addSuffix(srcLevelPath); actualLevelPath = scene->decodeFilePath(levelPath); if (TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(actualLevelPath)) { MsgBox(WARNING, tr("File %1 exists as well; please choose a different suffix.").arg(toQString(levelPath))); return execute(scene, srcLevelPath, multiload); } m_choice = RENAME; } else if (m_overwrite->isChecked()) m_choice = OVERWRITE; else { assert(m_keep->isChecked()); m_choice = KEEP_OLD; } return levelPath.getWideName(); }
std::string ResourceImporter::extractPsdSuffix(TFilePath &path) { if (path.getType() != "psd") return ""; std::string name = path.getName(); int i = name.find("#"); if (i == std::string::npos) return ""; std::string suffix = name.substr(i); path = path.withName(name.substr(0, i)); return suffix; }
void CastTreeViewer::onItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column) { if (column != 0) return; if (item->isSelected()) { TFilePath oldPath(item->data(1, Qt::DisplayRole).toString().toStdWString()); TFilePath newPath = getLevelSet()->renameFolder(oldPath, item->text(0).toStdWString()); item->setText(1, QString::fromStdWString(newPath.getWideString())); } }
void PsdSettingsPopup::setPath(const TFilePath &path) { m_path = path; // doPSDInfo(path,m_psdTree); QString filename = QString::fromStdString(path.getName()); //+psdpath.getDottedType()); QString pathLbl = QString::fromStdWString(path.getParentDir().getWideString()); m_filename->setText(filename); m_parentDir->setText(pathLbl); }
MovieGenerator::MovieGenerator(const TFilePath &path, const TDimension &resolution, TOutputProperties &outputProperties, bool useMarkers) { if (path.getType() == "swf" || path.getType() == "scr") m_imp.reset(new FlashMovieGenerator(path, resolution, outputProperties)); else m_imp.reset(new RasterMovieGenerator(path, resolution, outputProperties)); m_imp->m_useMarkers = useMarkers; }
void TSystem::renameFileOrLevel_throw(const TFilePath &dst, const TFilePath &src, bool renamePalette) { if (renamePalette && ((src.getType() == "tlv") || (src.getType() == "tzp") || (src.getType() == "tzu"))) { // Special case: since renames cannot be 'grouped' in the UI, palettes are // automatically // renamed here if required const char *type = (src.getType() == "tlv") ? "tpl" : "plt"; TFilePath srcpltname(src.withNoFrame().withType(type)); TFilePath dstpltname(dst.withNoFrame().withType(type)); if (TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(src) && TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(srcpltname)) TSystem::renameFile(dstpltname, srcpltname, false); } if (src.isLevelName()) { TFilePathSet files; files = TSystem::readDirectory(src.getParentDir(), false); for (TFilePathSet::iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); it++) { if (it->getLevelName() == src.getLevelName()) { TFilePath src1 = *it; TFilePath dst1 = dst.withFrame(it->getFrame()); TSystem::renameFile(dst1, src1); } } } else TSystem::renameFile(dst, src); }
void makeScreenSaver( TFilePath scrFn, TFilePath swfFn, std::string screenSaverName) { struct _stat results; if (_wstat(swfFn.getWideString().c_str(), &results) != 0) throw TException(L"Can't stat file " + swfFn.getWideString()); int swfSize = results.st_size; std::auto_ptr<char> swf(new char[swfSize]); FILE *chan = _wfopen(swfFn.getWideString().c_str(), L"rb"); if (!chan) throw TException(L"fopen failed on " + swfFn.getWideString()); fread(swf.get(), swfSize, 1, chan); fclose(chan); TFilePath svscrn = TSystem::getBinDir() + "screensaver.dat"; if (!TFileStatus(svscrn).doesExist()) { throw TException( std::wstring(L"Screensaver template not found: ") + svscrn.getWideString()); } TSystem::copyFile(scrFn, svscrn); HANDLE hUpdateRes = BeginUpdateResourceW(scrFn.getWideString().c_str(), FALSE); if (hUpdateRes == NULL) throw TException(L"can't write " + scrFn.getWideString()); BOOL result = UpdateResource( hUpdateRes, "FLASHFILE", MAKEINTRESOURCE(101), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL), swf.get(), swfSize); if (result == FALSE) throw TException(L"can't add resource to " + scrFn.getWideString()); /* result = UpdateResource( hUpdateRes, RT_STRING, MAKEINTRESOURCE(1), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL), (void*)screenSaverName.c_str(), screenSaverName.size()); if (result == FALSE) throw TException(L"can't add name to "+scrFn.getWideString()); */ if (!EndUpdateResource(hUpdateRes, FALSE)) throw TException(L"Couldn't write " + scrFn.getWideString()); }
void TLevelSet::removeFolder(const TFilePath &folder) { if (folder == m_defaultFolder) return; std::vector<TFilePath> folders; for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_folders.size(); i++) if (!folder.isAncestorOf(m_folders[i])) folders.push_back(m_folders[i]); folders.swap(m_folders); std::map<TXshLevel *, TFilePath>::iterator it; for (it = m_folderTable.begin(); it != m_folderTable.end(); ++it) { if (folder.isAncestorOf(it->second)) it->second = m_defaultFolder; } }
void PsdSettingsPopup::doPsdParser() { TFilePath psdpath = TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->getScene()->decodeFilePath(m_path); std::string mode = ""; switch (m_mode) { case FLAT: { break; } case FRAMES: { mode = "#frames"; std::string name = psdpath.getName() + "#1" + mode + psdpath.getDottedType(); psdpath = psdpath.getParentDir() + TFilePath(name); break; } case COLUMNS: { std::string name = psdpath.getName() + "#1" + psdpath.getDottedType(); psdpath = psdpath.getParentDir() + TFilePath(name); break; } case FOLDER: { mode = "#group"; std::string name = psdpath.getName() + "#1" + mode + psdpath.getDottedType(); psdpath = psdpath.getParentDir() + TFilePath(name); break; } default: { assert(false); return; } } try { m_psdparser = new TPSDParser(psdpath); m_psdLevelPaths.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m_psdparser->getLevelsCount(); i++) { int layerId = m_psdparser->getLevelId(i); std::string name = m_path.getName(); if (layerId > 0 && m_mode != FRAMES) { if (m_levelNameType->currentIndex() == 0) // FileName#LevelName name += "#" + std::to_string(layerId); else // LevelName name += "##" + std::to_string(layerId); } if (mode != "") name += mode; name += m_path.getDottedType(); TFilePath psdpath = m_path.getParentDir() + TFilePath(name); m_psdLevelPaths.push_back(psdpath); } } catch (TImageException &e) { error(QString::fromStdString(::to_string(e.getMessage()))); return; } }
TFilePath TFilePath::decode(const std::map<string, string> &dictionary) const { TFilePath parent = getParentDir(); TFilePath filename = withParentDir(""); std::map<string, string>::const_iterator it = dictionary.find(filename.getFullPath()); if (it != dictionary.end()) filename = TFilePath(it->second); if (parent.isEmpty()) return filename; else return parent.decode(dictionary) + filename; }
void CastTreeViewer::onCastFolderAdded(const TFilePath &path) { QTreeWidgetItem *root = topLevelItem(0)->child(0); assert(root->data(1, Qt::DisplayRole).toString() == toQString(getLevelSet()->getDefaultFolder())); QString childName = QString::fromStdWString(path.getWideName()); QString childPathQstr = QString::fromStdWString(path.getWideString()); QTreeWidgetItem *childItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(root, QStringList(childName) << childPathQstr); childItem->setFlags(childItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable); root->addChild(childItem); setCurrentItem(childItem); }