Пример #1
void KVFAZIALNS2016::BuildFAZIA()
   //Build geometry of FAZIASYM
   //All telescopes are : Si(300µm)-Si(500µm)-CsI(10cm)
   //No attempt has been made to implement real thicknesses
   Info("BuildFAZIA", "Compact geometry, %f cm from target",

   TGeoVolume* top = gGeoManager->GetTopVolume();

   Double_t distance_block_cible = fFDist * KVUnits::cm;
   Double_t thick_si1 = 300 * KVUnits::um;
   TGeoTranslation trans;
   trans.SetDz(distance_block_cible + thick_si1 / 2.);

   KVFAZIABlock* block = new KVFAZIABlock;

   TGeoRotation rot1, rot2;
   TGeoHMatrix h;
   TGeoHMatrix* ph = 0;
   Double_t theta = 0;
   Double_t phi = 0;

   Double_t theta_min = fFThetaMin;//smallest lab polar angle in degrees
   Double_t centre_hole = 2.*tan(theta_min * TMath::DegToRad()) * distance_block_cible;
   Double_t dx = (block->GetTotalSideWithBlindage()) / 2.;

   TVector3 centre;
   for (Int_t bb = 0; bb < fNblocks; bb += 1) {

      if (bb == 1)        centre.SetXYZ(-1 * (dx - centre_hole / 2), -dx - centre_hole / 2, distance_block_cible);
      else if (bb == 2)   centre.SetXYZ(-1 * (dx + centre_hole / 2), dx - centre_hole / 2, distance_block_cible);
      else if (bb == 3)   centre.SetXYZ(-1 * (-dx + centre_hole / 2), dx + centre_hole / 2, distance_block_cible);
      else if (bb == 0)   centre.SetXYZ(-1 * (-dx - centre_hole / 2), -dx + centre_hole / 2, distance_block_cible);
      else if (bb == 4)   centre.SetXYZ(-1 * (-dx - centre_hole / 2), -3 * dx + centre_hole / 2, distance_block_cible); //centre.SetXYZ(-1 * (dx - centre_hole / 2), -3 * dx - centre_hole / 2, distance_block_cible);
      else {
         Warning("BuildFAZIA", "Block position definition is done only for %d blocks", fNblocks);
      theta = centre.Theta() * TMath::RadToDeg();
      phi = centre.Phi() * TMath::RadToDeg();
      printf("BLK #%d => theta=%1.2lf - phi=%1.2lf\n", bb, theta, phi);

      rot2.SetAngles(phi + 90., theta, 0.);
      rot1.SetAngles(-1.*phi, 0., 0.);
      h = rot2 * trans * rot1;
      ph = new TGeoHMatrix(h);
      top->AddNode(block, bb, ph);

   // add telescope for elastic scattering monitoring
//   RutherfordTelescope();
   // Change default geometry import angular range for rutherford telescope
   SetGeometryImportParameters(.25, 1., 1.84);
Пример #2
KVFAZIABlock::KVFAZIABlock() : TGeoVolumeAssembly("STRUCT_BLOCK")
   // Default constructor

   SetMedium(gGeoManager->GetMedium("Vacuum"));//to avoid warnings about STRUCT_BLOCK has dummy medium

   KVMaterial mat_si("Si");
   TGeoMedium *Silicon = mat_si.GetGeoMedium();

   KVMaterial mat_csi("CsI");
   TGeoMedium *CesiumIodide = mat_csi.GetGeoMedium();

   KVMaterial mat_plomb("Lead");
   TGeoMedium *Plomb = mat_plomb.GetGeoMedium();

   TGeoVolumeAssembly* quartet = gGeoManager->MakeVolumeAssembly("STRUCT_QUARTET");
   quartet->SetMedium(gGeoManager->GetMedium("Vacuum"));//to avoid warnings about STRUCT_QUARTET has dummy medium

   TGeoVolume* si = 0;
   TGeoVolume* csi = 0;

   Double_t distance_si2_si1 = 0.220;
   Double_t distance_csi_si2 = 0.434;

   Double_t side_si = 2;
   Double_t side_csi_front = 2.050;
   Double_t side_csi_back = 2.272;

   Double_t inter_si = 0.24;

   Double_t thick_si1 = 300 * KVUnits::um;
   Double_t thick_si2 = 500 * KVUnits::um;
   Double_t thick_csi = 10;

   Double_t adjust_csi = 0.0165;

   Int_t ndet = 1;;
   TGeoTranslation* tr = 0;

   Double_t shift = side_si / 2 + inter_si / 2;
   //printf("%lf\n", shift);

   Double_t coefx[4] = { -1., -1., 1., 1.};
   Double_t coefy[4] = {1., -1., -1., 1.};

   for (Int_t nt = 1; nt <= 4; nt += 1) {

      shift = side_si / 2 + inter_si / 2;

      si = gGeoManager->MakeBox(Form("DET_SI1-T%d", nt), Silicon, side_si / 2, side_si / 2, thick_si1 / 2.);
      tr = new TGeoTranslation(coefx[nt - 1]*shift, coefy[nt - 1]*shift, thick_si1 / 2.);

      quartet->AddNode(si, ndet++, tr);
      ((TGeoNodeMatrix*)quartet->GetNodes()->Last())->SetName(Form("DET_SI1-T%d", nt));

      si = gGeoManager->MakeBox(Form("DET_SI2-T%d", nt), Silicon, side_si / 2, side_si / 2, thick_si2 / 2.);
      tr = new TGeoTranslation(coefx[nt - 1]*shift, coefy[nt - 1]*shift, thick_si2 / 2. + distance_si2_si1);
      quartet->AddNode(si, ndet++, tr);
      ((TGeoNodeMatrix*)quartet->GetNodes()->Last())->SetName(Form("DET_SI2-T%d", nt));

      shift = side_si / 2 + inter_si / 2 + adjust_csi;

      csi = gGeoManager->MakeTrd2(Form("DET_CSI-T%d", nt), CesiumIodide, side_csi_front / 2, side_csi_back / 2, side_csi_front / 2, side_csi_back / 2, thick_csi / 2.);
      tr = new TGeoTranslation(coefx[nt - 1]*shift, coefy[nt - 1]*shift, thick_csi / 2. + distance_csi_si2);
      quartet->AddNode(csi, ndet++, tr);
      ((TGeoNodeMatrix*)quartet->GetNodes()->Last())->SetName(Form("DET_CSI-T%d", nt));


   Int_t nbl = 1;
   TGeoVolume* blindage = 0;
//Double_t thick_bld = thick_si1+distance_si2_si1+thick_si2;
   /* l'epaisseur du si1 est compris dans la distance_si2_si1 */
   Double_t thick_bld = distance_si2_si1 + thick_si2;
   Double_t shift_bld = (side_si + inter_si) / 2.;
///Croix inter quartet
// Separation des 4 télescopes
   blindage = gGeoManager->MakeBox("DEADZONE_BLINDAGE_1", Plomb, inter_si / 2, (side_si + inter_si / 2), thick_bld / 2.);
   //printf("%s\n", blindage->GetMaterial()->GetTitle());
   tr = new TGeoTranslation(0, 0, thick_bld / 2.);
   quartet->AddNode(blindage, nbl++, tr);

   blindage = gGeoManager->MakeBox("DEADZONE_BLINDAGE_2", Plomb, (side_si / 2), inter_si / 2, thick_bld / 2.);
   tr = new TGeoTranslation(-1 * shift_bld, 0, thick_bld / 2.);
   quartet->AddNode(blindage, nbl++, tr);
   tr = new TGeoTranslation(+1 * shift_bld, 0, thick_bld / 2.);
   quartet->AddNode(blindage, nbl++, tr);

///Contour de l ensemble du quartet
//Délimiation des bords exterieurs
   shift_bld = (side_si + inter_si);

   blindage = gGeoManager->MakeBox("DEADZONE_BLINDAGE_3", Plomb, (side_si + inter_si / 2), inter_si / 2, thick_bld / 2.);
   tr = new TGeoTranslation(0, shift_bld, thick_bld / 2.);
   quartet->AddNode(blindage, nbl++, tr);
   tr = new TGeoTranslation(0, -1 * shift_bld, thick_bld / 2.);
   quartet->AddNode(blindage, nbl++, tr);
   blindage = gGeoManager->MakeBox("DEADZONE_BLINDAGE_4", Plomb, inter_si / 2, (side_si + inter_si * 1.5), thick_bld / 2.);
   tr = new TGeoTranslation(shift_bld, 0, thick_bld / 2.);
   quartet->AddNode(blindage, nbl++, tr);
   tr = new TGeoTranslation(-1 * shift_bld, 0, thick_bld / 2.);
   quartet->AddNode(blindage, nbl++, tr);

   fTotSidWBlind = 4 * side_si + 5 * inter_si;
//Coordonnées extraite des côtes données par Yvan M.
//vecteur pointant le milieu d un quartet
// Mag=100.000139
// Theta=1.808104
// Phi = -135.014124
   TVector3* placement = new TVector3(-2.231625, -2.230525, 99.950350);
   TVector3* Centre = new TVector3();

   TGeoRotation rot1, rot2;
   TGeoTranslation trans;
   TGeoTranslation invZtrans(0, 0, -100);

   TGeoHMatrix h;
   TGeoHMatrix* ph = 0;

//Boucle sur les 4 quartets d un block
   Double_t tx[4] = {1, -1, -1, 1};
   Double_t ty[4] = {1, 1, -1, -1};

   Double_t theta = 0;
   Double_t phi = 0;
   Double_t trans_z = 0;

   for (Int_t nq = 1; nq <= 4; nq += 1) {

      Centre->SetXYZ(placement->X()*tx[nq - 1], placement->Y()*ty[nq - 1], placement->Z());

      theta = Centre->Theta() * TMath::RadToDeg();
      phi = Centre->Phi() * TMath::RadToDeg();

      trans_z = Centre->Mag() + thick_si1 / 2.;

      rot2.SetAngles(phi + 90., theta, 0.);
      rot1.SetAngles(-1.*phi, 0., 0.);

      h = invZtrans * rot2 * trans * rot1;
      ph = new TGeoHMatrix(h);

      AddNode(quartet, nq, ph);