double GetMultTrgMean(int itrg) { TH2D* hmulttrg = (TH2D*) gInputfile->Get(Form("%smult_trg_%d",subdir.Data(),itrg)); TH1D* hmulttrg_proj = (TH1D*)hmulttrg->ProjectionY(Form("mult_trg_proj_%d",itrg),-1,-1); double multtrg_mean = hmulttrg_proj->GetMean(); return multtrg_mean; }
void plotTurnOn(TTree* inttree, TString triggerpass, TString variable, TString varname, TString varlatex, Int_t BIN_NUM, Double_t BIN_MIN, Double_t BIN_MAX, TString addcut="") { TLatex* tex = new TLatex(0.18,0.96,triggerpass); tex->SetNDC(); tex->SetTextFont(42); tex->SetTextSize(0.04); TH1D* hinclusive = new TH1D(Form("hinclusive_%s_%s",triggerpass.Data(),varname.Data()),Form(";Matched reco D^{0} %s;Candidates",varlatex.Data()),BIN_NUM,BIN_MIN,BIN_MAX); inttree->Project(Form("hinclusive_%s_%s",triggerpass.Data(),varname.Data()),variable,Form("%s%s",prefilter.Data(),addcut.Data())); hinclusive->Sumw2(); if(triggerpass=="HLT_DmesonTrackingGlobalPt8_Dpt20_v1"||triggerpass=="HLT_DmesonPPTrackingGlobal_Dpt20_v1") { TCanvas* chinclusive = new TCanvas(Form("chinclusive_%s",varname.Data()),"",500,500); hinclusive->Draw(); hinclusive->SetStats(0); tex->Draw(); if(isPbPb) chinclusive->SaveAs(Form("triggerturnonPlots/pthat%.0f/MBseed/pbpb/chinclusive_%s.pdf",pthat,varname.Data())); else chinclusive->SaveAs(Form("triggerturnonPlots/pthat%.0f/MBseed/pp/chinclusive_%s.pdf",pthat,varname.Data())); } TH2D* hempty = new TH2D(Form("hempty_%s_%s",triggerpass.Data(),varname.Data()),Form(";Matched reco D^{0} %s;Pass efficiency (ZB seed)",varlatex.Data()),BIN_NUM,BIN_MIN,BIN_MAX,10,0,1.2); hempty->SetStats(0); TH1D* hMBseed = new TH1D(Form("h%s_MBseed_%s",triggerpass.Data(),varname.Data()),"",BIN_NUM,BIN_MIN,BIN_MAX); inttree->Project(Form("h%s_MBseed_%s",triggerpass.Data(),varname.Data()),variable,Form("%s%s&&%s",prefilter.Data(),addcut.Data(),triggerpass.Data())); hMBseed->Sumw2(); TEfficiency* pEffMBseed = new TEfficiency(*hMBseed,*hinclusive); TCanvas* cMBseed = new TCanvas(Form("c%s_MBseed_%s",triggerpass.Data(),varname.Data()),"",500,500); hempty->Draw(); pEffMBseed->Draw("PSAME"); tex->Draw(); /* if(isPbPb) cMBseed->SaveAs(Form("triggerturnonPlots/pthat%.0f/MBseed/pbpb/c%s_MBseed_%s.pdf",pthat,triggerpass.Data(),varname.Data())); else cMBseed->SaveAs(Form("triggerturnonPlots/pthat%.0f/MBseed/pp/c%s_MBseed_%s.pdf",pthat,triggerpass.Data(),varname.Data())); */ cMBseed->SaveAs(Form("triggerturnonPlots/pthat%.0f/ZBseed/pp/c%s_MBseed_%s.pdf",pthat,triggerpass.Data(),varname.Data())); }
double GetMultAssMean(int jass) { TH2D* hmultass = (TH2D*) gInputfile->Get(Form("%smult_ass_%d",subdir.Data(),jass)); TH1D* hmultass_proj = (TH1D*)hmultass->ProjectionY(Form("mult_ass_proj_%d",jass),-1,-1); double multass_mean = hmultass_proj->GetMean(); return multass_mean; }
Double_t MakeHistsForSlides(TString goodFile, TString badFile, TString rootFile) { //Extracting the histogram TFile* f = TFile::Open(rootFile); TDirectoryFile* dirFile = (TDirectoryFile*)(f->Get("AliAnalysisTaskCalibEmcal")); TList* list = (TList*)(dirFile->Get("histogram")); TH2D* cellVAmplitude = (TH2D*)(list->FindObject("_histogram_cell_id_amplitude")); //Getting a Good Cell TH1D* goodC = new TH1D(); ifstream myFile(goodFile); TString title = ""; const int num = 500; if(myFile.is_open()) { string line = ""; std::getline(myFile,line); int index = 0; double chi2 = 0.0; while(myFile >> index >> chi2 && index < num) { //cout << index << "\t" << chi2 << endl; title = Form("Energy distribution of Cell %d",index); TH1D* goodCell = cellVAmplitude->ProjectionY("goodCell", index+1,index+1); goodC = (TH1D*)goodCell->Clone(); } }
void drawArrowPlot(TChain *mc, TString varU, TString deltaU, TString varV, TString deltaV, Int_t nbinU, Double_t minU, Double_t maxU, Int_t nbinV, Double_t minV, Double_t maxV){ TString uvname = generateRandomName(); TString uname = generateRandomName(); TString vname = generateRandomName(); TH2D * UV = new TH2D(uvname,uvname,10*nbinU,minU,maxU,10*nbinV,minV,maxV); TProfile2D * dU = new TProfile2D(uname,uname,nbinU,minU,maxU,nbinV,minV,maxV); TProfile2D * dV = new TProfile2D(vname,vname,nbinU,minU,maxU,nbinV,minV,maxV); mc->Draw(varV+":"+varU+">>"+uvname,"(isAssoc==1)","goff"); mc->Draw(deltaU+":"+varV+":"+varU+">>"+uname,"(isAssoc==1)","goffprof"); mc->Draw(deltaV+":"+varV+":"+varU+">>"+vname,"(isAssoc==1)","goffprof"); SetFancyGrayscalePalette(); UV->Draw("colsame"); for (Int_t iU=1; iU<nbinU+1; iU++){ for (Int_t iV=1; iV<nbinV+1; iV++){ Double_t uu = dU->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(iU); Double_t vv = dU->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(iV); Double_t du = dU->GetBinContent(iU,iV); Double_t dv = dV->GetBinContent(iU,iV); Double_t due = dU->GetBinError(iU,iV); Double_t dve = dV->GetBinError(iU,iV); drawArrow(uu,vv,du,due,dv,dve); } } }
TH1* getHisto(char * filename, char* histoName, char * dirName, int nBin, double lumi) { TH1 * hpt_=0; TFile *file0 = TFile::Open(filename); if(!file0) return hpt_; TDirectory *dir; TH2D * hMuPt; if(dirName == "0") { hMuPt = (TH2D*) file0->Get(histoName); } else { dir = (TDirectory*) file0->Get(dirName); if(!dir) return hpt_; hMuPt = (TH2D*) dir->Get(histoName); } if(hMuPt) { hpt_ = (TH1*) hMuPt->Clone(); hpt_->Sumw2(); hpt_->Scale(1./lumi); // this take into into account the luminosity hpt_->SetLineWidth(2); hpt_->Rebin(nBin); double nBinX=hpt_->GetNbinsX(); // overFlow hpt_->SetBinContent((int)nBinX,hpt_->GetBinContent((int)nBinX)+hpt_->GetBinContent((int)nBinX+1)); hpt_->SetDirectory(0); file0->Close(); hpt_->SetLineWidth(3); } return hpt_; }
TProfile* GetMultTrgProfileX(int itrg) { TH2D* hmulttrg = (TH2D*) gInputfile->Get(Form("%smult_trg_%d",subdir.Data(),itrg)); hmulttrg->Rebin2D(8,1); TProfile* hmulttrg_profx = (TProfile*)hmulttrg->ProfileX(Form("mult_trg_%d_profx",itrg),-1,-1); return hmulttrg_profx; }
void paint(TString a, TString b) { TChain *t = new TChain(a); t->Add(a + "_" + b +".root"); std::cout << "painting the histograms for: " << a + "_" + b +".root" << std::endl; TDirectory *dir = new TDirectory("dir", "dir"); dir->cd(); // histo = new TH2D("jets", "jets", 50, -2.5, 2.5, 60, 10, 610); // histo = new TH2D("jets", "jets", 50, -2.5, 2.5, 40, 4.7004803657924166, 6.404803657924166); // TH2D * histo = new TH2D("jets", "jets", 25, -2.5, 2.5, 20, 4.0943445622221004, 6.1943445622221004); TH2D * histo = new TH2D("jets", "jets", 50, -2.5, 2.5, 40, 4.0943445622221004, 6.1943445622221004);//original // TH2D * histo = new TH2D("jets", "jets", 50, -2.5, 2.5, 40, 4.0943445622221004, 7.8); histo->SetDirectory(dir); //the varexp part of the draw synatx means: draw log(jetPt+50) versus jetEta and append the existing ("+" -> avoid recreation) histogram called "jets" //selection is an expression with a combination of the Tree variables -> no selection applied in this case "" //option is the drawing option -> if option contains the string "goff", no graphics is generated. //fourth and fifth arguments are: Int_t nevents, Int_t firstevent t->Draw("log(jetPt+50):jetEta >> +jets", "", "Lego goff"); //std::cout <<"jetPt " << log(jetPt+50) << " and jetEta " << jetEta << std::endl; std::cout << "saving the histograms: " << a + "_" + b +"_histo.root" << std::endl; TFile g(a + "_" + b +"_histo.root", "RECREATE"); histo->SetDirectory(&g); delete dir;; histo->Write(); g.Close(); }
TestProblem MonteCarloConvolution(const int m, const int n, const double xm1, const double xm2, const double xt1, const double xt2, TF1 *truthFn, TF1 *kernelFn, const int nEvents) { static int id = 0; id++; TestProblem t; double dm = (xm2-xm1)/m; double dt = (xt2-xt1)/n; TMatrixD R(m,n); // Discretize the kernel to fill R for (int i=0; i<m; i++) for (int j=0; j<n; j++) R(i,j) = kernelFn->Eval(xt1+j*dt-i*dm); t.Response = MatrixUtils::Matrix2Hist(R, Form("R%d",id), xm1, xm2, xt1, xt2); t.Response->SetTitle(Form("%d x %d convolution matrix;" "s (observed);t (true)", m, n)); TH2D *RMC = new TH2D(Form("R_MC%d",id), "A_{MC}", m,xm1,xm2,n,xt1,xt2); // Model a true and a measured distribution // There is no bIdeal for this problem. t.xTruth = new TH1D("hTrue", "", n, xt1, xt2); t.xTruthEst = new TH1D("hTrueEst", "hTrueEst", n, xt1, xt2); t.bNoisy = new TH1D("hMeas", "hMeas", m, xm1, xm2); t.xTruthEst->Sumw2(); t.bNoisy->Sumw2(); for (Int_t i=0; i<nEvents; i++) { Double_t xt = truthFn->GetRandom(); t.xTruthEst->Fill(xt); Double_t xm = xt + kernelFn->GetRandom(); t.bNoisy->Fill(xm); RMC->Fill(xm,xt); } // MC efficiency histogram t.eff = RMC->ProjectionY("eff",1,m); t.eff->Divide(t.xTruthEst); // Exact truth histogram for (int j=1; j<=n; j++) { double val = truthFn->Eval(t.xTruth->GetBinCenter(j)); t.xTruth->SetBinContent(j, val); } t.xTruth->Scale(nEvents/t.xTruth->Integral()); return t; }
/** * Loads a histogram from a ROOT-file, scales it, and either returns it as \c * returnedHistogram or adds it to \c returnedHistogram . The first if * \c returnedHistogram is \c NULL otherwise the latter. * * @param histogramName * name of the histogram. * @param inputFilename * name of the ROOT-file. * @param scale * scale factor for histogram. * @param returnedHistogram * the returned histogram (input, pass-by-reference does not work). * @param debug * switch on debug output, defaults to \c false * * @return * the returned histogram (output, pass-by-reference does not work). */ void LoadHistogramTH2D(const TString& histogramName, const TString& inputFilename, double scale, TH2D*& returnedHistogram, bool debug = false) { // {{{ TFile inputFile(inputFilename); if (!inputFile.IsOpen()) { cerr << "Could not open '" << inputFilename << "' for reading." << endl; } else { TH2D* histogram = dynamic_cast<TH2D*>( inputFile.Get(histogramName) ); if (!histogram) { cerr << "No histogram named '" << histogramName << "' in file '" << inputFilename << "'" << endl; } else { if (debug) cerr << inputFilename << " " << histogramName << " entries=" << histogram->GetEntries() << " integral=" << histogram->Integral() << " scale*integral=" << scale*histogram->Integral() << endl; histogram->Scale(scale); if (!returnedHistogram) { returnedHistogram = new TH2D(*histogram); returnedHistogram->SetDirectory(0); // otherwise "TFile inputFile" owns this returnedHistogram and deletes it when "TFile inputFile" goes out of scope } else { returnedHistogram->Add(histogram); } } inputFile.Close(); } // }}} };
void paint(TString dir, TString a, TString b) { TChain *t = new TChain(a); t->Add(dir + a + "_" + b +".root"); std::cout << "painting the histograms for: " << dir + a + "_" + b +".root" << std::endl; TDirectory *direc = new TDirectory("dir", "dir"); direc->cd(); TH2D * histo = new TH2D("jets", "jets", 50, -2.5, 2.5, 40, 4.17438727, 6.95654544315);//pt starting from 15 and until 1000 histo->SetDirectory(direc); t->Draw("log(jetPt+50):jetEta >> +jets", "", "Lego goff"); TH2D * histo_lin = new TH2D("jets_lin", "jets_lin", 50, -2.5, 2.5, 40, 15, 1000);//pt starting from 15 and until 1000 t->Draw("jetPt:jetEta >> +jets_lin", "", "Lego goff"); std::cout << "saving the histograms: " << a + "_" + b +"_histo.root" << std::endl; TFile g(a + "_" + b +"_histo.root", "RECREATE"); histo->SetDirectory(&g); histo_lin->SetDirectory(&g); delete direc;; histo->Write(); histo_lin->Write(); g.Close(); }
void plotTowers_dj( TString inFile0Name="~/scratch01/ana/Hydj_BSC_HF_L1Emul/oh0928_v2/openhlt_hiReco_RAW2DIGI_RECO_*_djana.root", TString outdir = "out/Hydj/BSC_HF_L1Emul/devHLT381") { TChain * djTree = new TChain("dijetAna_data_calojet_tower/djTree"); djTree->Add(inFile0Name); aliases_dj(djTree); cout << " # entries: " << djTree->GetEntries() << endl; gSystem->mkdir(outdir.Data(),kTRUE); Int_t NTowerMax=70; pair<TString,TString> t = make_pair("name","cut"); vector<pair<TString,TCut> > trigs; trigs.push_back(make_pair("All","1==1")); trigs.push_back(make_pair("HfAnyHit","hlt[2]")); trigs.push_back(make_pair("HfCoic1","hlt[3]")); trigs.push_back(make_pair("HfCoic2","hlt[4]")); for (unsigned int i=0; i<trigs.size(); ++i) { TCanvas * cHfNvsP = new TCanvas("HfNvsP_"+trigs[i].first,"HfNvsP_"+trigs[i].first,500,500); //cHfNvsP->SetLogx(); //cHfNvsP->SetLogy(); TH2D * hHfNvsP = new TH2D("hHfNvsP"+trigs[i].first,"hHfNvsP_",NTowerMax,0,NTowerMax,NTowerMax,0,NTowerMax); hHfNvsP->SetAxisRange(0.1,400,"X"); hHfNvsP->SetAxisRange(0.1,400,"Y"); djTree->Draw("NHfN:NHfP>>hHfNvsP"+trigs[i].first,trigs[i].second,"colz"); hHfNvsP->SetTitle("HF Towers;# HF+ Towers (E>3GeV);# HF- Towers (E>3GeV)"); cHfNvsP->Print(Form("%s/trHfNvsP_%s.gif",outdir.Data(),trigs[i].first.Data())); } }
void CaloHitAna::DrawPID(bool cut) { if (fChain == 0) return; TH2D *hpid = new TH2D("qpid", "QPID", 250, 0, 4E5, 250, 0, 4E5); TCutG *cut_proton = NULL; if(cut) { TFile *f = TFile::Open("qpid_cuts.root", "read"); cut_proton = dynamic_cast<TCutG*>(f->Get("qpid_proton")); } Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast(); Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; int i; for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; for(i = 0; i < CaloHit_; i++) { if(!cut_proton || cut_proton->IsInside(CaloHit_fNf[i], CaloHit_fNs[i])) hpid->Fill(CaloHit_fNf[i], CaloHit_fNs[i]); } } hpid->Draw("colz"); }
TH1* processFile(TString fname, double scaleFactor){ static int hcounter=0; cout<<"Doing fname="<<fname<<endl; TFile *_file2 = TFile::Open(fname); PS->cd(); TString plot = "lLV[0].lpfIso:lLV[0].fP.Eta()"; TString hname = Form("h%i",hcounter); jets2p->Draw(plot +" >> " + hname+"(24,-3,3,100,0,2)","","qn"); TH2D *aux = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get(hname); //aux->Scale(scaleFactor); TH1D * ss = aux->ProjectionX(hname+"ss",1,10); // signal region TH1D * ni = aux->ProjectionX(hname+"ni",16,100);// nonIso region (use 11 //cout<<"h="<<hcounter<<" ss="<<ss->GetEntries()<<" ni="<<ni->GetEntries()<<endl; TString statis = Form("( %i / %i )",(int)ss->GetEntries(),(int)ni->GetEntries()); ss->Divide(ni); ss->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(TString("N_{signal}/N_{nonIso}")+statis); ss->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta"); hcounter++; return ss; }
TGraph* getContourFilledX(TH2D* inputHisto, TCanvas* goodCanvas, int Width, int Style, int FillStyle, double X){ TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("temp", "temp",600,600); TH2D* histo = (TH2D*)inputHisto->Clone("temp"); double levels[] = {X}; histo->SetContour(1, levels); histo->Draw("CONT LIST"); c1->Update(); TObjArray* contours = (TObjArray*)gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("contours"); Int_t ncontours = contours->GetSize(); TList *list = (TList*)contours->At(0); delete c1; goodCanvas->cd(); printf("list size = %i\n", (int)list->GetSize()); if(list->GetSize()<=0)return new TGraph(0); for(unsigned int i=0;i<list->GetSize();i++){ TGraph* EXCLUSION = (TGraph*)(list->At(i)->Clone("copy")); EXCLUSION->SetLineColor(1); EXCLUSION->SetLineWidth(Width); EXCLUSION->SetLineStyle(Style); EXCLUSION->SetFillColor(kBlack); EXCLUSION->SetFillStyle(FillStyle); //EXCLUSION->Draw("CL F same"); } return EXCLUSION; }
void PlotCh2D(int run) { etf.SetPath(mypath.Data()); etf.Open(run); int maxch = MAXCH*MAXRIO; TH2D* h = MakeHist("hnch",maxch,maxch); for (int i=0;i<etf.GetNumEvents();i++) { etf.GetEvent(i); int nch = 0; int ch1 = -1, ch2 = -1; for (int ch=0;ch<maxch;ch++) { if (etf.myEvent.E[ch] > 0) { nch++; if (ch1 == -1) ch1 = ch; else if (ch2 == -1) ch2 = ch; } } if (nch > 1) for (int ch=0;ch<maxch;ch++) { if (etf.myEvent.E[ch] > 0) { h->Fill(ch1,ch2); } } } h->Draw("COLZ"); }
void multi_palette() { gStyle->SetOptStat(0); TCanvas* can = new TCanvas("can", "can", 400, 600); can->Divide(2, 3, 1e-10, 1e-10); TH2D* hist = new TH2D("hist", "", 50, -5, 5, 50, -5, 5); hist->SetContour(100); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) { double x = gRandom->Gaus(); double y = gRandom->Gaus(); hist->Fill(x, y); } // i gROOT->ProcessLine(".L color_def.C"); TExec* exe[6]; exe[0] = new TExec("ex0", "gStyle->SetPalette(0);"); exe[1] = new TExec("ex1", "gStyle->SetPalette(1);"); exe[2] = new TExec("ex2", "GrayPalette();"); exe[3] = new TExec("ex3", "GrayInvPalette();"); exe[4] = new TExec("ex4", "BPalette();"); exe[5] = new TExec("ex5", "RBPalette();"); for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { gPad = can->cd(i + 1); hist->Draw("axis z"); exe[i]->Draw(); hist->Draw("same colz"); gPad->Update(); } // i }
void erfFit(pair<int, double> bump, vector<pair<int, double> > shower, TH1D* energyResoX, TH1D* energyResoY, TH1D* posResoX, TH1D* posResoY) { TF1* erfX = new TF1("erfX", erfPulse, -5, 5, 3); erfX->SetParameters(IDtoX(bump.first), 1., bump.second); TF1* erfY = new TF1("erfY", erfPulse, -5, 5, 3); erfY->SetParameters(IDtoY(bump.first), 1., bump.second); TH2D* histo = new TH2D("histo", "ShowerFit", 11, -5, 5, 11, -5, 5); vector<pair<int, double> >::iterator b; for (b=shower.begin(); b!=shower.end(); b++) { histo->Fill(IDtoX(b->first), IDtoY(b->first), b->second); } TH1D* histoX = histo->ProjectionX(); TH1D* histoY = histo->ProjectionY(); histoX->Fit(erfX, "Q"); energyResoX->Fill(erfX->Integral(-5, 5)-energyGamma); posResoX->Fill(erfX->GetParameter(0)); histoY->Fit(erfY, "Q"); energyResoY->Fill(erfY->Integral(-5, 5)-energyGamma); posResoY->Fill(erfY->GetParameter(0)); ` }
TProfile* GetMultAssProfileX(int jass) { TH2D* hmultass = (TH2D*) gInputfile->Get(Form("%smult_ass_%d",subdir.Data(),jass)); hmultass->Rebin2D(8,1); TProfile* hmultass_profx = (TProfile*)hmultass->ProfileX(Form("mult_ass_%d_profx",jass),-1,-1); return hmultass_profx; }
TH2D * rootstuff::newTH2D(char *name,char *comment,__int32 xbins,double xmin,double xmax,char *titelx,__int32 ybins,double ymin,double ymax,char *titely,char *option) { TH2D * hist; hist = new TH2D(name,comment,xbins,xmin,xmax,ybins,ymin,ymax); hist->SetOption(option); hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(titelx); hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(titely); return hist; }
void Occupancy::postProcessing() { if (_postProcessed) return; // Generate the bounds of the 1D occupancy hist unsigned int totalHits = 0; unsigned int maxHits = 0; for (unsigned int nsens = 0; nsens < _device->getNumSensors(); nsens++) { Mechanics::Sensor* sensor = _device->getSensor(nsens); TH2D* occ =; for (unsigned int x = 0; x < sensor->getNumX(); x++) { for (unsigned int y = 0; y < sensor->getNumY(); y++) { const unsigned int numHits = occ->GetBinContent(x + 1, y + 1); totalHits += numHits; if (numHits > maxHits) maxHits = numHits; } } } TDirectory* plotDir = makeGetDirectory("Occupancy"); std::stringstream name; std::stringstream title; name << "OccupancyDistribution"; title << "Occupancy Distribution"; _occDistribution = new TH1D(name.str().c_str(), title.str().c_str(), 100, 0, (double)maxHits / (double)totalHits); _occDistribution->SetDirectory(_dir); _occDistribution->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Hits per trigger"); _occDistribution->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Pixels"); _occDistribution->SetDirectory(plotDir); // Fill the occupancy distribution for (unsigned int nsens = 0; nsens < _device->getNumSensors(); nsens++) { Mechanics::Sensor* sensor = _device->getSensor(nsens); TH2D* occ =; for (unsigned int x = 0; x < sensor->getNumX(); x++) { for (unsigned int y = 0; y < sensor->getNumY(); y++) { const unsigned int numHits = occ->GetBinContent(x + 1, y + 1); _occDistribution->Fill((double)numHits / (double)totalHits); } } } _postProcessed = true; }
void PlotImages() { gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.2); string filename[1]; char buffer[100]; char buffertext[100]; for (int seed=55; seed<56; seed++) { int n=sprintf(buffer, "/home/les67/locust_faketrack_waterfall.root"); const char *file = buffer; TFile* f = TFile::Open(file); if (!((!f)||f->IsZombie())) { TH2D* hspectrogram = GetSpectrogram(file); TH2D* hlabels = GetLabels(hspectrogram, 40e-21); // threshold for labeling goes here. // TGraph* grlabels = GetLabelGraph(hlabels); // PrintLabels(grlabels); // print labels to terminal. hspectrogram->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.,0.02); hspectrogram->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(149.e6, 170.e6); TCanvas *c = new TCanvas; n=sprintf(buffertext, "hspectrogram_%d.png", seed); const char *pngname = buffertext; hspectrogram->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.25); hspectrogram->DrawCopy("colz"); /* grlabels->SetMarkerColor(2); grlabels->SetMarkerStyle(8); grlabels->SetMarkerSize(0.6); grlabels->SetLineWidth(3.); grlabels->SetLineColor(2); grlabels->Draw("psame"); */ /* TImage *img = TImage::Create(); img->FromPad(c); img->WriteImage(pngname); delete img; delete hspectrogram; delete c; */ f->Close(); } } }
TH2D* combinePlots(std::vector<TH2D*> plots, std::vector<double> scalingFactors) { TH1::SetDefaultSumw2(); TH2D* h = (TH2D*)plots[0]->Clone(plots[0]->GetName()); h->Scale(scalingFactors[0]); for (unsigned i = 1; i < plots.size(); i++) { h->Add(plots[i], scalingFactors[i]); } return h; }
TMatrixD convertHistToMatrix(const TH2D& from) { TMatrixD matrix(from.GetNbinsX(),from.GetNbinsY()); for (int row=0; row<from.GetNbinsX();++row){ for (int col=0; col<from.GetNbinsY(); ++col) { (matrix)[row][col]=(from).GetBinContent(row+1,col+1); } } return matrix; }
TCanvas* pHitSpecPos( ) { TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("cHitSpecPos","cHitSpecPos",1000,1100); c->Divide(2,2); TVirtualPad* p; TH2D *h; TText t; t.SetTextColor(4); p =c->cd(1); p->SetLogy(); p->SetGrid(1,0); h = (TH2D*)gROOT->FindObject("hHitSpec_PtVsPhi_BarMinus"); h->GetYaxis()->SetRange(4,33); h->DrawCopy("box"); t.DrawTextNDC(0.17,0.15, "BARREL MU MINUS"); p =c->cd(2); p->SetLogy(); p->SetGrid(1,0); h = (TH2D*)gROOT->FindObject("hHitSpec_PtVsPhi_BarPlus"); h->GetYaxis()->SetRange(4,32); h->DrawCopy("box"); t.DrawTextNDC(0.17,0.15, "BARREL MU PLUS"); p =c->cd(3); p->SetLogy(); p->SetGrid(1,0); h = (TH2D*)gROOT->FindObject("hHitSpec_PtVsPhi_EndMinus"); h->GetYaxis()->SetRange(4,32); h->DrawCopy("box"); t.DrawTextNDC(0.17,0.15, "ENDCAP MU MINUS"); p =c->cd(4); p->SetLogy(); p->SetGrid(1,0); h = (TH2D*)gROOT->FindObject("hHitSpec_PtVsPhi_EndPlus"); h->GetYaxis()->SetRange(4,32); h->DrawCopy("box"); t.DrawTextNDC(0.17,0.15, "ENDCAP MU PLUS"); return c; }
void Yield1S(){ TFile *f = new TFile("Upsilon_2D_10ptbins.root"); TH2D *H; H = (TH2D*)gFile->Get("fS1Yield"); double tot(0.); double totE(0.); ofstream OUT("Yield_1S.tex"); OUT << "% ----------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; OUT << "% -- Yields" << endl; for ( int x = 1; x <= H->GetNbinsX(); ++x ){ OUT << Form("\\vdef{%iS_Rap_bin%iLowEdge} {\\ensuremath{ {%.1f } } }",1, x, H->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(x) ) << endl; if ( x == H->GetNbinsX() ) OUT << Form("\\vdef{%iS_Rap_bin%iHighEdge} {\\ensuremath{ {%.1f } } }",1 , x, H->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(x) ) << endl; //OUT << Form("\\vdef{%iS_bin%iContent} {\\ensuremath{ {%.0f } } }",1, x, H->GetBinContent(x) ) << endl; //OUT << Form("\\vdef{%iS_bin%iError} {\\ensuremath{ {%.0f } } }",1, x, H->GetBinError(x) ) << endl; } for ( int x = 1; x <= H->GetNbinsY(); ++x ){ OUT << Form("\\vdef{%iS_Pt_bin%iLowEdge} {\\ensuremath{ {%.1f } } }",1, x, H->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(x) ) << endl; if ( x == H->GetNbinsY() ) OUT << Form("\\vdef{%iS_Pt_bin%iHighEdge} {\\ensuremath{ {%.1f } } }",1 , x, H->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(x) ) << endl; } for ( int x = 1; x <= H->GetNbinsX(); ++x ){ for ( int y = 1; y <= H->GetNbinsY(); ++y ){ OUT << Form("\\vdef{Yield%iS_bin%i_%iContent} {\\ensuremath{ {%.0f } } }",1, x, y, H->GetCellContent(x,y) ) << endl; OUT << Form("\\vdef{Yield%iS_bin%i_%iError} {\\ensuremath{ {%.0f } } }",1, x, y, H->GetCellError(x,y) ) << endl; } } OUT.close(); }
/// /// Cleo histogram for kD, dD /// void PDF_D_Cleo::buildPdfHistogram() { RooMsgService::instance().setGlobalKillBelow(WARNING); TString fName = this->dir+"/ExpNll/CLEO_K3PiScan_2009_GaussianRise_pdf2.root"; TString hName = "hPdf"; obsValSource += ", "+fName; obsErrSource += ", "+fName; corSource += ", "+fName; if ( !FileExists(fName) ) { cout << "PDF_D_CleoNoK2pi::buildPdfHistogram() : ERROR : File not found : " << fName << endl; exit(1); } TFile *fExpNll = new TFile(fName, "ro"); TH2D *hExpNll = (TH2D*)fExpNll->Get(hName); assert(hExpNll); // hExpNll->Scale(1./1.3027449); // scale so best fit value gives chi2=0. hExpNll->Scale(1./0.858588); // scale so best fit value gives chi2=0: run bin/unittests which fits PDFs to minimum. The factor is 1/min. RooRealVar *x_hist = new RooRealVar("x_cleo_k3pi_hist", "x_cleo_k3pi_hist", 0, -1e4, 1e4); RooRealVar *y_hist = new RooRealVar("y_cleo_k3pi_hist", "y_cleo_k3pi_hist", 0, -1e4, 1e4); RooDataHist *dhExpNll = new RooDataHist("dh_cleo_k3pi", "dh_cleo_k3pi", RooArgList(*x_hist,*y_hist), Import(*hExpNll)); RooRealVar *kD_k3pi_obs = (RooRealVar*)observables->find("kD_k3pi_obs"); RooRealVar *kD_k3pi_th = (RooRealVar*)theory->find("kD_k3pi_th"); RooRealVar *dD_k3pi_obs = (RooRealVar*)observables->find("dD_k3pi_obs"); RooRealVar *dD_k3pi_th = (RooRealVar*)theory->find("dD_k3pi_th"); RooHistPdfVar *kD_pdf = new RooHistPdfVar("kD_cleo_k3pi_pdf", "kD_cleo_k3pi_pdf", *kD_k3pi_obs, *kD_k3pi_th, RooConst(0.3325)); // those precise shifts I got from zooming into the exp nll histogram RooHistPdfAngleVar *dD_pdf = new RooHistPdfAngleVar("dD_cleo_k3pi_pdf", "dD_cleo_k3pi_pdf", *dD_k3pi_obs, *dD_k3pi_th, RooConst(1.9984)); RooHistPdf *pdf_kDdD = new RooHistPdf("pdf_cleo_kDdD_k3pi", "pdf_cleo_kDdD_k3pi", RooArgList(*kD_pdf,*dD_pdf), RooArgList(*x_hist,*y_hist), *dhExpNll, 1); // Re-use the full multivariate Gaussian for the rest // blow up errors of kD and dD float largeNumber = 50.; StatErr[ 0] *= largeNumber; // kD_k3pi_obs StatErr[ 1] *= largeNumber; // dD_k3pi_obs buildCov(); RooMultiVarGaussian *pdf_gaus = new RooMultiVarGaussian("pdf_cleo_gaus", "pdf_cleo_gaus", *(RooArgSet*)observables, *(RooArgSet*)theory, covMatrix); // reset errors so that the pull plot remains correct StatErr[ 0] /= largeNumber; // kD_k3pi_obs StatErr[ 1] /= largeNumber; // dD_k3pi_obs // multiply both pdf = new RooProdPdf("pdf_"+name, "pdf_"+name, RooArgSet(*pdf_kDdD, *pdf_gaus)); fExpNll->Close(); RooMsgService::instance().setGlobalKillBelow(INFO); // addToTrash(fExpNll); ///< these two get cleaned by fExpNll->Close(); // addToTrash(hExpNll); addToTrash(x_hist); addToTrash(y_hist); addToTrash(dhExpNll); addToTrash(kD_pdf); addToTrash(dD_pdf); addToTrash(pdf_kDdD); addToTrash(pdf_gaus); }
TH1D* GetRawBackground1D(int itrg, int jass) { TH2D* hbackground = (TH2D*) GetRawBackground2D(itrg,jass); TH1D* hbackphi = (TH1D*)hbackground->ProjectionY(Form("backphi_trg%d_ass%d",itrg,jass),hbackground->GetXaxis()->FindBin(detaprojmin),hbackground->GetXaxis()->FindBin(detaprojmax),"e"); hbackphi->Scale(hbackground->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1)); hbackphi->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); hbackphi->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); hbackphi->SetYTitle("B(#Delta#phi)"); hbackphi->SetName(Form("backphi_scale_trg%d_ass%d",itrg,jass)); return hbackphi; }
TH1D* GetRawSignal1D(int itrg, int jass) { TH2D* hsignal = GetRawSignal2D(itrg,jass); TH1D* hsignalphi = (TH1D*)hsignal->ProjectionY(Form("signalphi_trg%d_ass%d",itrg,jass),hsignal->GetXaxis()->FindBin(detaprojmin),hsignal->GetXaxis()->FindBin(detaprojmax),"e"); hsignalphi->Scale(hsignal->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1)); hsignalphi->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); hsignalphi->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); hsignalphi->SetYTitle("S(#Delta#phi)"); hsignalphi->SetName(Form("signalphi_scale_trg%d_ass%d",itrg,jass)); return hsignalphi; }
void drawDist(const char* infilename, const char* system, Int_t rWrite, Int_t rPerformance) { myOptions(0); gROOT->ForceStyle(); gStyle->SetPalette(1.0); TDatime now; int iDate = now.GetDate(); int iYear=iDate/10000; int iMonth=(iDate%10000)/100; int iDay=iDate%100; char* cMonth[12]={"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun", "Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"}; char cStamp1[25],cStamp2[25]; sprintf(cStamp1,"%i %s %i",iDay, cMonth[iMonth-1], iYear); sprintf(cStamp2,"%i/%.2d/%i",iDay, iMonth, iYear); TFile *f = new TFile(infilename, "read"); // TList *list = (TList*)f->Get("femtolist"); // pseudorapidity vs pt TH2D* ypt =(TH2D*)f->Get(Form("EtaPtcutPass1%stpcM%i",system,0)); int minMultBin = 0; int maxMultBin = 6; double EvMultall = 0; for(int i = minMultBin; i < maxMultBin; i++) { TH1D* yptN =(TH1D*)f->Get(Form("EtaPtcutPass1%stpcM%i",system,i)); ypt->Add(yptN); //delete hEvMult; } TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("pseudorapidity vs pt", "pseudorapidity vs pt"); c2->SetGridx(); c2->SetGridy(); c2->SetFillColor(10); ypt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta"); ypt->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T}"); ypt->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3); ypt->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3); ypt->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.8,0.8); ypt->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.1,8.); ypt->Draw("colz"); // gPad->SetRightMargin( 0.12 ); // The default right margin is 0.1 i.e. 10% of the image width // TPaletteAxis* palette // = dynamic_cast<TPaletteAxis*>( myHistogram.GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject( "palette" ) ); // if( palette ) { // palette->SetX1NDC( 0.86 ); // Start the palette 86 % of the way across the image // palette->SetX1NDC( 0.91 ); // End the palette 91% of the way across the image // gPad->Modified(); // Update with the new position // } // if postprocess(c2,Form("ypt%s",system),rWrite,rPerformance); }