void __fastcall TRigCtlMain::FormShow( TObject */*Sender*/ ) { TIniFile * t = new TIniFile( ".\\Configuration\\RigSelect.ini" ); mfg = t->ReadString( "RigControl", "Manufacturer", "NoMfG" ); model = t->ReadString( "RigControl", "Model", "NoMoDeL" ); delete t; makeRPCObjects(); XMPPInitialise( "RigCtl" ); rig_load_all_backends(); selected = -1; int status = rig_list_foreach( print_model_list, NULL ); if ( status != RIG_OK ) { char buff[ 1024 ]; sprintf( buff, "rig_list_foreach: error = %s \n", rigerror( status ) ); trace( buff ); } RigCombo->Sorted = true; if ( selected != -1 ) { RigCombo->ItemIndex = RigCombo->Items->IndexOfObject( ( TObject * ) selected ); RigSelectButtonClick( this ); } else RigCombo->ItemIndex = 0; }
void* Msclient(void*) { TIniFile tf; char tmp[256]; if (!tf.Open(INI_FILE_NAME)) { printf("can not find\n"); exit(-1000); } int marketnum = tf.ReadInt("COMMON","MARKETDATANUM",1); int i = 0; for(;i<marketnum;i++) { sprintf(tmp,"MARKETDATA%d",i+1); CUstpMs ustpMs; ustpMs.InitInstance(tmp,INI_FILE_NAME,&tradepanel); } while(false) { SLEEP_SECONDS(5000); } return 0; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall CTerminalRobotTyper::RestoreKeyInterval(){ TIniFile *ini = new TIniFile(GetCurrentDir() + "\\app.ini"); int keyInterval = ini->ReadInteger(terminal->xmlConfig->TerminalID , "KeyboardInterval", terminal->panel->TrackBarKey->Position); delete ini; terminal->panel->TrackBarKey->Position =keyInterval; keyIntervalRestored =true; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Сохраняю установки измерения в файл bool SaveSettings(MeasurInfo& measurInfo) { if (access(lpIniFileName.c_str(), 0) == 0) { // TIniFile *Ini = new TIniFile(lpIniFileName); // try { if (Ini->SectionExists("History")) { Ini->WriteInteger("History", "type_check_watt", measurInfo.type_check_watt); Ini->WriteFloat("History", "begin_lw", measurInfo.begin_lw); Ini->WriteFloat("History", "end_lw", measurInfo.end_lw); Ini->WriteFloat("History", "step_lw", measurInfo.step_lw); Ini->WriteFloat("History", "calc_lw", measurInfo.calc_lw); Ini->WriteFloat("History", "time_accumulation", measurInfo.time_accumulation); Ini->WriteBool("History", "makeKorK_bw", measurInfo.makeKorK_bw); Ini->WriteBool("History", "makeKorK_cw", measurInfo.makeKorK_cw); Ini->WriteBool("History", "makeSetZero", measurInfo.makeSetZero); return true; } } __finally { delete Ini; Ini = NULL; } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::CodeBtnClick(TObject *Sender) { TCode Work; String S = ""; // ask for code if (InputQuery("Usage Code Entry", "Enter the code", S)) { TIniFile* Ini = new TIniFile("ONGUARD.INI"); try { // store the usage code in the ini file if it looks OK if (HexToBuffer(S, &Work, sizeof(Work))) { // save the value Ini->WriteString("Codes", "UsageCode", S); CodeLbl->Caption = S; // tell the code component to test the new code, reporting the results OgUsageCode1->CheckCode(true); } } catch (...) { delete Ini; Ini = 0; } delete Ini; } }
// sets the default user settings void PREFERENCES::SetDefaultSettings() { TIniFile* storage = new TIniFile( ExtractFilePath( Application->ExeName ) + INIFILENAME_PREFERENCES ); try { storage->WriteInteger( "Various", "DefaultUserLevel", UserLevel ); #define WRITE_SCRIPT( name ) \ if( !mCmdlineSpecified[ name ] ) \ storage->WriteString( "Scripts", #name, Script[ name ] ); WRITE_SCRIPT( AfterModulesConnected ); WRITE_SCRIPT( OnExit ); WRITE_SCRIPT( OnSetConfig ); WRITE_SCRIPT( OnResume ); WRITE_SCRIPT( OnSuspend ); WRITE_SCRIPT( OnStart ); #define WRITE_BUTTON( number ) \ storage->WriteString( "Buttons", "Button" #number "Name", Buttons[ number ].Name ); \ storage->WriteString( "Buttons", "Button" #number "Cmd", Buttons[ number ].Cmd ); WRITE_BUTTON( 1 ); WRITE_BUTTON( 2 ); WRITE_BUTTON( 3 ); WRITE_BUTTON( 4 ); } catch(...) {} delete storage; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TPrefsForm::FormClose(TObject* Sender, TCloseAction& Action) { CheckPrefsInterOpt(); CheckReadonlyOpt(PrefFileOpt); TIniFile* Ini = new TIniFile(PrefFileOpt); try { if (HotKeyComb->HotKey != 0) Ini->WriteBool("Options", "HotKeyEn", 1); else Ini->WriteBool("Options", "HotKeyEn", 0); } catch (...) { Application->MessageBoxA(LMessagesOpt.WritePrefsError, LMessagesOpt.Error, MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR); } delete Ini; if (NeedOnClose) { AnsiString StyleTx = StyleBox->Items->Strings[StyleIs]; SNotesXMForm->TBXSwitcher1->Theme = StyleTx; SNotesXMForm->TBXSwitcher1->EnableXPStyles = WasXPEffects; SNotesXMForm->AllTabs->MultiLine = WasMultiLine; SNotesXMForm->CoolTray->IconVisible = WasTrayIcon; SNotesXMForm->AlphaBlend = WasTrans; SNotesXMForm->AlphaBlendValue = TransIs; if (WasTop) SNotesXMForm->AllTabs->TabPosition = tpTop; else SNotesXMForm->AllTabs->TabPosition = tpBottom; } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TDllTestForm::FormShow(TObject *Sender) { TIniFile *IniFile; if (!FInitialized) { FInitialized = TRUE; IniFile = new TIniFile(FIniFileName); Top = IniFile->ReadInteger(SectionWindow, KeyTop, Top); Left = IniFile->ReadInteger(SectionWindow, KeyLeft, Left); Width = IniFile->ReadInteger(SectionWindow, KeyWidth, Width); Height = IniFile->ReadInteger(SectionWindow, KeyHeight, Height); delete IniFile; DisplayMemo->Clear(); DllHandle = LoadLibraryA("OverbyteIcsDLL1.dll"); if (DllHandle == 0) { MyMessageBox("OverbyteIcsDLL1.dll not found", "Error", MB_OK); Application->Terminate(); return; } IcsDllDemo = (TIcsDllDemo)GetProcAddress(DllHandle, "IcsDllDemo"); if (IcsDllDemo == NULL) { MyMessageBox("IcsDllDemo not found (OverbyteIcsDLL1.dll)", "Error", MB_OK); Application->Terminate(); return; } } }
void __fastcall TTestRigMain::FormShow( TObject */*Sender*/ ) { StartupTimer->Enabled = true; TIniFile * t = new TIniFile( ".\\Configuration\\RigSelect.ini" ); mfg = t->ReadString( "TestRig", "Manufacturer", "NoMfG" ); model = t->ReadString( "TestRig", "Model", "NoMoDeL" ); delete t; rig_load_all_backends(); selected = -1; int status = rig_list_foreach( print_model_list, NULL ); if ( status != RIG_OK ) { return ; } RigCombo->Sorted = true; if ( selected != -1 ) { RigCombo->ItemIndex = RigCombo->Items->IndexOfObject( ( TObject * ) selected ); RigSelectButtonClick( this ); } else RigCombo->ItemIndex = 0; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool __fastcall CIniFile::SearchFile(AnsiString strBarCode,AnsiString &strFileName) { WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; AnsiString strName; char *pFileName; TIniFile *pIniFile; bool bResult=false; strName.sprintf("%s*.ini",IniFile_Dir); HANDLE hFile=FindFirstFile(strName.c_str(),&FindFileData); if(hFile!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { while(FindNextFile(hFile,&FindFileData)!=0) { pFileName=FindFileData.cFileName; strName.sprintf("%s%s",IniFile_Dir,pFileName); pIniFile = new TIniFile(strName); AnsiString strCode=pIniFile->ReadString(Product_Section,"BarCode","0000"); delete pIniFile; if(strCode==strBarCode) { strFileName=strName; bResult=true; break; } } FindClose(hFile); } return bResult; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall LoadFormPos(TForm *Form, const AnsiString IniFileName, const AnsiString SectionName, const AnsiString KeyName) { TIniFile *IniFile; AnsiString sWindowPositions; if (IniFileName.Length() == 0) return; // Create inifile object => Open ini file IniFile = new TIniFile(IniFileName); // Formatage par défaut de la ligne de la section window sWindowPositions.SetLength(256); WindowPosToStr(sWindowPositions.c_str(), Form); // Get widow's position and size from ini file sWindowPositions = IniFile->ReadString(SectionName, KeyName, sWindowPositions); StrToWindowPos(sWindowPositions.c_str(), Form); // Destroy inifile object => close ini file IniFile->Free(); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall SaveFormPos(TForm *Form, const AnsiString IniFileName, const AnsiString SectionName, const AnsiString KeyName) { TIniFile *IniFile; TWindowState WindowState; char Buffer[256]; if (IniFileName.Length() == 0) return; // Create inifile object => Open ini file IniFile = new TIniFile(IniFileName); WindowState = Form->WindowState; // If window minimized or maximized, restore to normal state if (Form->WindowState != wsNormal) Form->WindowState = wsNormal; // Save the window's postion and size to the ini file IniFile->WriteString(SectionName, KeyName, WindowPosToStr(Buffer, Form)); // Destroy inifile object => close ini file IniFile->Free(); Form->WindowState = WindowState; }
// retrieves the default user settings void PREFERENCES::GetDefaultSettings() { TIniFile* storage = new TIniFile( ExtractFilePath( Application->ExeName ) + INIFILENAME_PREFERENCES ); try { UserLevel = storage->ReadInteger( "Various", "DefaultUserLevel", USERLEVEL_ADVANCED ); #define READ_SCRIPT( name ) \ if( !mCmdlineSpecified[ name ] ) \ Script[ name ] = storage->ReadString( "Scripts", #name, "" ); READ_SCRIPT( AfterModulesConnected ); READ_SCRIPT( OnExit ); READ_SCRIPT( OnSetConfig ); READ_SCRIPT( OnResume ); READ_SCRIPT( OnSuspend ); READ_SCRIPT( OnStart ); #define READ_BUTTON( number ) \ Buttons[ number ].Name = storage->ReadString( "Buttons", "Button" #number "Name", "" );\ Buttons[ number ].Cmd = storage->ReadString( "Buttons", "Button" #number "Cmd", "" ); READ_BUTTON( 1 ); READ_BUTTON( 2 ); READ_BUTTON( 3 ); READ_BUTTON( 4 ); } catch(...) {} delete storage; }
void __fastcall TFrmMain::PopupMenu1Popup(TObject* Sender) { if (OpenOk == true) { AnsiString iniSetFile = ExtractFilePath(Application->ExeName) + "BcdEditer.ini"; AnsiString SectionName = ExtractFileName(CurrentOpenFile); int ColType; TIniFile* ini; ini = new TIniFile(iniSetFile); ColType = ini->ReadInteger(SectionName, "ColType" + IntToStr(sgEdit->Col), 0); delete ini; switch (ColType) { case 0: btIntType->Checked = true; btFloatType->Checked = false; btTxtType->Checked = false; break; case 1: btIntType->Checked = false; btFloatType->Checked = true; btTxtType->Checked = false; break; case 2: btIntType->Checked = false; btFloatType->Checked = false; btTxtType->Checked = true; break; default: btIntType->Checked = true; btFloatType->Checked = false; } } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TFtpServerForm::SaveConfig(void) { TIniFile *IniFile; IniFile = new TIniFile(FIniFileName); IniFile->WriteString(SectionData, KeyPort, FPort); IniFile->Free(); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TFtpServerForm::LoadConfig(void) { TIniFile *IniFile; IniFile = new TIniFile(FIniFileName); FPort = IniFile->ReadString(SectionData, KeyPort, "ftp"); IniFile->Free(); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::ReadConfig () //读取配置 { TIniFile *ini; ini = new TIniFile(ChangeFileExt(Application->ExeName,".INI ")); Form1->Top = ini->ReadInteger( "Form ", "Top ", 100 ); Form1->Left = ini->ReadInteger( "Form ", "Left ", 100 ); AnsiString Caption = ini->ReadString( "Form ", "Caption ", "科传接驳数据合规性检查程序" ); Form1->Edit1->Text = ini->ReadString( "Form ", "DefaultDir", "c:\\" ); delete ini; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TGetTrackThread::OpenDBDetecotr() { if(!ShowReportEXE("TForm_DBDetecter",NULL)) { TIniFile* ini = new TIniFile(ChangeFileExt( Application->ExeName, ".INI" )); //free in next 2 line ini->WriteString("DBCHECK","DCH","false"); delete ini; ShellExecute(CallCenter_Main_Form, "open","DBDetector.exe", NULL, NULL, NULL); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action) { TIniFile *ini; ini = new TIniFile(ChangeFileExt( Application->ExeName, ".INI " ) ); ini->WriteInteger( "Form ", "Top ", Top ); ini->WriteInteger( "Form ", "Left ", Left ); ini->WriteString ( "Form ", "Caption ", Caption ); ini->WriteString ( "Form ", "DefaultDir ", Edit1->Text ); delete ini; }
void __fastcall TMainForm::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { TIniFile *ini = new TIniFile(iniFile); try { fcPanel->Caption = ini->ReadString("FileName", "file-copy", curDir + "data\\C_wzl"); cPanel->Caption = ini->ReadString("FileName", "cyclogram", curDir + "data\\CB_4z"); } __finally { ini->Free(); loadAndPrintAll(); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TTcpSrvForm::FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action) { TIniFile *IniFile; IniFile = new TIniFile(FIniFileName); IniFile->WriteInteger(SectionWindow, KeyTop, Top); IniFile->WriteInteger(SectionWindow, KeyLeft, Left); IniFile->WriteInteger(SectionWindow, KeyWidth, Width); IniFile->WriteInteger(SectionWindow, KeyHeight, Height); delete IniFile; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall THttpTestForm::FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action) { TIniFile *IniFile; IniFile = new TIniFile(FIniFileName); IniFile->WriteString("Data", "URL", URLEdit->Text); IniFile->WriteString("Data", "ProxyHost", ProxyHostEdit->Text); IniFile->WriteString("Data", "ProxyPort", ProxyPortEdit->Text); IniFile->WriteString("Data", "Data", DataEdit->Text); IniFile->WriteString("Data", "DateTime", DateTimeEdit->Text); delete IniFile; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TPOP3ExcercizerForm::FormCloseQuery( TObject *Sender, bool &CanClose) { TIniFile *IniFile; IniFile = new TIniFile(IniFileName); IniFile->WriteString("Data", "Host", HostEdit->Text); IniFile->WriteString("Data", "Port", PortEdit->Text); IniFile->WriteString("Data", "UserName", UserNameEdit->Text); IniFile->WriteString("Data", "Password", PassWordEdit->Text); delete IniFile; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TPOP3ExcercizerForm::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { TIniFile *IniFile; IniFile = new TIniFile(IniFileName); HostEdit->Text = IniFile->ReadString("Data", "Host", ""); PortEdit->Text = IniFile->ReadString("Data", "Port", ""); UserNameEdit->Text = IniFile->ReadString("Data", "UserName", ""); PassWordEdit->Text = IniFile->ReadString("Data", "Password", ""); delete IniFile; InfoLabel->Caption = ""; }
void __fastcall TFrmMain::btTxtTypeClick(TObject *Sender) { if(OpenOk==true){ AnsiString iniSetFile=ExtractFilePath(Application->ExeName)+"BcdEditer.ini"; AnsiString SectionName=ExtractFileName(CurrentOpenFile); TIniFile *ini; ini = new TIniFile( iniSetFile ); ini->WriteInteger(SectionName,"ColType"+IntToStr(sgEdit->Col),2); delete ini; thOpen->ColType[sgEdit->Col]=2; OpenFileCol(CurrentOpenFile,sgEdit->Col,2); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- __fastcall TMainForm::TMainForm(TComponent* Owner) : TForm(Owner) { TIniFile *Ini = new TIniFile(ExtractFilePath(Application->ExeName) + "settings.ini"); Grid1->Cells[0][0] = "Дата"; Grid1->Cells[1][0] = "Концентрация"; Series1->Clear(); Console->Lines->Add("Программа загружена..."); Console->Lines->Add("Выбран порт " + Ini->ReadString("Port", "Addr", "COM1")); Console->Lines->Add("Скорость " + Ini->ReadString("Port", "BaudRate", "9600")); }
void __fastcall TMainForm::FormDestroy(TObject *Sender) { if( !isCorrect ) // если выбраные файлы не открылись, не нужно их сохранять в .ini return; TIniFile *ini = new TIniFile(iniFile); try { ini->WriteString( "FileName", "file-copy", fcPanel->Caption ); ini->WriteString( "FileName", "cyclogram", cPanel->Caption ); } __finally { ini->Free(); clearAll(); } }
void __fastcall TFrmMain::N1Click(TObject *Sender) { AnsiString iniSetFile=ExtractFilePath(Application->ExeName)+"BcdEditer.ini"; AnsiString SectionName=ExtractFileName(CurrentOpenFile); int ColType; FrmTitle->edTitle->Text=sgEdit->Cells[sgEdit->Col][0]; if(FrmTitle->ShowModal()==mrOk){ TIniFile *ini; ini = new TIniFile( iniSetFile ); ini->WriteString(SectionName,"ColTitle"+IntToStr(sgEdit->Col),FrmTitle->edTitle->Text); delete ini; sgEdit->Cells[sgEdit->Col][0]=FrmTitle->edTitle->Text; } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::RemoveBtnClick(TObject *Sender) { TIniFile* Ini = new TIniFile("ONGUARD.INI"); try { Ini->DeleteKey("Codes", "UsageCode"); } catch (...) { delete Ini; Ini = 0; } delete Ini; // tell the code component to test the new code, reporting the results OgUsageCode1->CheckCode(true); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TDllTestForm::FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action) { TIniFile *IniFile; IniFile = new TIniFile(FIniFileName); IniFile->WriteInteger(SectionWindow, KeyTop, Top); IniFile->WriteInteger(SectionWindow, KeyLeft, Left); IniFile->WriteInteger(SectionWindow, KeyWidth, Width); IniFile->WriteInteger(SectionWindow, KeyHeight, Height); delete IniFile; if (DllHandle) { FreeLibrary(DllHandle); DllHandle = 0; } }