af::TList Scheme::GetIncludeList() { if(Root.IsNull()) { throw NoLabelInicialisationException("Scheme: label do not inicialised."); } // return IncludeList; TIterator TITER; TList valls; TITER.Init(Root, false); while (TITER.More()) { TList val = (TList)TITER.Value(); QString name = val.GetName(); if(name == "IncludeList") { return val; } TITER.Next(); } TElement e(Root); throw NoExistException("Scheme: Include List do not exists.", e); return valls; }
void addn2() { // open existing f1: char* fn[99]; int ni; // SR90 maps, mod D003 ni = -1; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-00a.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-00b.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-01a.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-01b.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-02.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-03.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-05a.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-05b.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-07a.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-07b.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-07c.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "SR90-map-07d.root"; // direct X-rays 9.4.2014 module D0003 ni = -1; ni++; fn[ni] = "X-ray-20-modtd40000.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "X-ray-20-vthr60-modtd1000.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "X-ray-27-vthr60-modtd1000.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "X-ray-35-modtd40000.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "X-ray-35-vthr60-close-modtd65000.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "X-ray-35-vthr60-midpos-0p1mA-modtd10000.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "X-ray-35-vthr60-midpos-halfcur-modtd40000.root"; ni++; fn[ni] = "X-ray-35-vthr60-modtd40000.root"; int nmax = ni; TFile f1(fn[0]); if( f1.IsZombie() ) { cout << "Error opening " << fn[0] << endl; return; } cout << "opened " << fn[0] << endl; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // create f0: TFile f0("fileA.root", "RECREATE"); cout << "created "; gDirectory->pwd(); /* TFile options: NEW or CREATE create a new file and open it for writing, if the file already exists the file is not opened. RECREATE create a new file, if the file already exists it will be overwritten. UPDATE open an existing file for writing. if no file exists, it is created. READ open an existing file for reading (default). NET used by derived remote file access classes, not a user callable option WEB used by derived remote http access class, not a user callable option "" (default), READ is assumed. */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // copy f1 to f0:; cout << "keys:\n"; f1.GetListOfKeys()->Print(); cout << "pwd: "; f1.pwd(); cout << "ls: \n";; // f1 has sub-dir: cout << "First: " << f1.GetListOfKeys()->First()->GetName() << endl; cout << "First: " << f1.GetListOfKeys()->First()->ClassName() << endl; char* dir1 = f1.GetListOfKeys()->First()->GetName(); cout << "cd to " << dir1 << endl; dir1 ); cout << "we are in "; gDirectory->pwd(); gDirectory->ReadAll(); // load histos TList * lst = gDirectory->GetList(); cout << lst->GetName() << endl; cout << lst->GetTitle() << endl; cout << "size " << lst->GetSize() << endl; cout << "entries " << lst->GetEntries() << endl; cout << "last " << lst->LastIndex() << endl; TIterator *iter = lst->MakeIterator(); int ii = 0; TObject *obj; TH1D *h; TH1D *h0; TH2D *H; TH2D *H0; while( obj = iter->Next() ){ ii++; cout << setw(4) << ii << ": "; cout << obj->ClassName() << " "; cout << obj->InheritsFrom("TH1D") << " "; cout << obj->GetName() << " \""; cout << obj->GetTitle() << "\""; cout << endl; // if( obj->ClassName() == "TH1D" ){ if( obj->InheritsFrom("TH1D") ){ h = (TH1D*) obj; cout << " 1D"; cout << h->GetNbinsX() << " bins, "; cout << h->GetEntries() << " entries, "; cout << h->GetSumOfWeights() << " inside, "; cout << h->GetBinContent(0) << " under, "; cout << h->GetBinContent(h->GetNbinsX()+1) << " over"; cout << endl;; // output file // TH1D* h0 = (TH1D*) h->Clone(); h0 = h; // copy h0->Write(); // write to file f0; // back to file 1 for the loop } else{ if( obj->InheritsFrom("TH2D") ){ H = (TH2D*) obj; cout << " 2D"; cout << H->GetNbinsX() << " bins, "; cout << H->GetEntries() << " entries, "; cout << H->GetSumOfWeights() << " inside, "; cout << H->GetBinContent(0) << " under, "; cout << H->GetBinContent(H->GetNbinsX()+1) << " over"; cout << endl;; // output file H0 = H; // copy H0->Write(); // write to file f0; // back to file 1 for the loop } else cout << "other class " << obj->ClassName() << endl; } } cout << "copied " << ii << endl; cout << "f1 " << f1.GetName() << " close = " << f1.Close() << endl;; cout << "we are in "; gDirectory->pwd(); cout << "f0 " << f0.GetName() << " size = " << f0.GetSize() << endl; cout << "f0 " << f0.GetName() << " write = " << f0.Write() << endl; cout << "f0 " << f0.GetName() << " size = " << f0.GetSize() << endl; cout << "f0 " << f0.GetName() << " close = " << f0.Close() << endl; f0.Delete(); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // list of files 2: bool lAB = true; for( int nn = 1; nn <= nmax; ++nn ){ cout << "\n\n"; cout << "loop " << nn << ": fn = " << fn[nn] << endl; cout << "lAB = " << lAB << endl; if( lAB ) { // A+2 -> B char* fn3 = "fileA.root"; char* fn4 = "fileB.root"; } else{ // B+2 -> A char* fn3 = "fileB.root"; char* fn4 = "fileA.root"; } // create f4: TFile f4( fn4, "recreate" ); if( f4.IsZombie() ) { cout << "Error creating f4\n"; return; } cout << "created f4 = " << f4.GetName() << endl; // re-open as f3: TFile f3( fn3 ); if( f3.IsZombie() ) { cout << "Error opening f3\n"; return; } cout << "re-opened f3 = " << f3.GetName() << endl; lAB = !lAB; cout << "lAB = " << lAB << " for next loop\n"; cout << "f4 = " << f4.GetName() << endl; cout << "f3 = " << f3.GetName() << endl;; gDirectory->ReadAll(); // load histos into f3 memory // cout << "f3 list size = " << gDirectory->GetList()->GetSize() << endl; cout << "f3 list size = " << gDirectory->GetList()->GetSize() << endl; TFile f2(fn[nn]); // TFile *f2 = new TFile(fn[nn]); if( f2.IsZombie() ) { // if( f2 == NULL ) { cout << "Error opening " << fn[nn] << endl; return; } cout << "opened " << fn[nn] << endl; // f2 has sub-dir: f2.GetListOfKeys()->First()->GetName() ); cout << "we are in "; gDirectory->pwd(); gDirectory->ReadAll(); // load histos into f2 memory // loop over f2: cout << "f2 list size = " << gDirectory->GetList()->GetSize() << endl; int jj = 0; TObject *ob2; TH1D *h2; TH1D *h3; TH2D *H2; TH2D *H3; TIterator *ite2 = gDirectory->GetList()->MakeIterator(); while( ob2 = ite2->Next() ){ jj++; // if( jj > 9 ) continue; cout << jj << ". "; cout << "ob2 is "; cout << ob2->GetName() << " "; cout << ob2->ClassName() << " "; cout << ob2->GetTitle(); cout << endl; if( ob2->InheritsFrom("TH1D") ) { h2 = (TH1D*) ob2; cout << "h2 " << h2->GetName() << " " << h2->GetNbinsX() << " bins\n"; cout << "h2 " << h2->GetName() << " " << h2->GetEntries() << " entries\n"; char* hnm2 = h2->GetName(); // search in f3: cout << "search for " << hnm2 << " in f3\n";; cout << "we are in "; gDirectory->pwd(); h3 = (TH1D*) gDirectory->GetList()->FindObject(hnm2); if( h3 == NULL ) { cout << "h3 is null\n" ; continue; } cout << "found h3 = "; cout << h3->GetName() << " "; cout << h3->ClassName() << " "; cout << h3->GetTitle(); cout << endl; cout << "h3 " << h3->GetName() << " " << h3->GetNbinsX() << " bins\n"; cout << "h3 " << h3->GetName() << " " << h3->GetEntries() << " entries\n"; // add:; cout << "we are in "; gDirectory->pwd(); //TH1D h4 = *h3 + *h2; TH1D* h4 = (TH1D*) h3->Clone(); h4->Add(h2); cout << "h4 " << h4->GetEntries() << " entries\n"; cout << "h4 "; cout << h4->GetName() << " "; cout << h4->ClassName() << " "; cout << h4->GetTitle(); cout << endl; cout << "h4 dir " << h4->GetDirectory()->GetName() << endl; cout << "f4 size " << f4.GetSize() << endl; // back to f2 for next iter: f2.GetListOfKeys()->First()->GetName() ); }//1D if( ob2->InheritsFrom("TH2D") ) { H2 = (TH2D*) ob2; cout << "H2 " << H2->GetName() << " " << H2->GetNbinsX() << " bins\n"; cout << "H2 " << H2->GetName() << " " << H2->GetEntries() << " entries\n"; char* Hnm2 = H2->GetName(); // search in f3: cout << "search for " << Hnm2 << " in f3\n";; cout << "we are in "; gDirectory->pwd(); H3 = (TH2D*) gDirectory->GetList()->FindObject(Hnm2); if( H3 == NULL ) { cout << "H3 is null\n" ; continue; } cout << "found H3 = "; cout << H3->GetName() << " "; cout << H3->ClassName() << " "; cout << H3->GetTitle(); cout << endl; cout << "H3 " << H3->GetName() << " " << H3->GetNbinsX() << " bins\n"; cout << "H3 " << H3->GetName() << " " << H3->GetEntries() << " entries\n"; // add:; cout << "we are in "; gDirectory->pwd(); TH2D* H4 = (TH2D*) H3->Clone(); H4->Add(H2); cout << "H4 " << H4->GetEntries() << " entries\n"; cout << "H4 "; cout << H4->GetName() << " "; cout << H4->ClassName() << " "; cout << H4->GetTitle(); cout << endl; cout << "H4 dir " << H4->GetDirectory()->GetName() << endl; cout << "f4 size " << f4.GetSize() << endl; // back to f2 for next iter: f2.GetListOfKeys()->First()->GetName() ); }//2D } //while cout << "processed " << jj << endl; cout << "f4 " << f4.GetName() << " size " << f4.GetSize() << endl; // cout << "f4 map:\n"; // f4.Map(); cout << "f4 " << f4.GetName() << " write = " << f4.Write() << endl; cout << "f4 " << f4.GetName() << " size = " << f4.GetSize() << endl; }// loop over files 2 cout << endl; cout << "combined " << nmax + 1 << " files\n"; cout << "Final file is " << f4.GetName() << endl; f2.Close(); f3.Close(); f4.Close(); }
void readMCPerform(TString filename="QAresults_AOD.root", Int_t drawOnlyDzerDplus = 1, Int_t runNumber=-1) { const Int_t totTrending=5; Float_t vecForTrend[totTrending]; TString varForTrending[totTrending]={"nDzeroCandperEv","nDplusCandperEv","nDsCandperEv","nLcCandperEv","nDstarCandperEv"}; TTree* trtree=new TTree("trendingHF","tree of trending variables"); trtree->Branch("nrun",&runNumber,"nrun/I"); for(Int_t j=0; j<totTrending; j++){ trtree->Branch(varForTrending[j].Data(),&vecForTrend[j],Form("%s/F",varForTrending[j].Data())); vecForTrend[j]=-99.; } TFile *ff = new TFile(filename.Data()); Int_t color[5] = {kBlack, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kOrange}; TDirectoryFile *dirD2H = (TDirectoryFile *)ff->Get("PWG3_D2H_QA"); if(!dirD2H){ printf("Directory PWG3_D2H_QA not found in file %s\n",filename.Data()); return; } TList *listD2H = (TList *)dirD2H->Get("nEntriesQA"); if(!listD2H){ printf("TList nEntriesQA not found in file %s\n",filename.Data()); return; } TH1F *hNentries = (TH1F *)listD2H->FindObject("hNentries"); TH2F *hHasSelBit = (TH2F *)listD2H->FindObject("HasSelBit"); TCanvas *cqa = new TCanvas("cqa", "cqa", 800, 500); cqa->Divide(2, 1); cqa->cd(1); hNentries->Draw(); cqa->cd(2); hHasSelBit->Draw("colz"); cqa->SaveAs("plot_D2HQA.png"); Double_t nEv=hNentries->GetBinContent(10); vecForTrend[0]=hHasSelBit->GetBinContent(1)/nEv; vecForTrend[1]=hHasSelBit->GetBinContent(2)/nEv; vecForTrend[2]=hHasSelBit->GetBinContent(3)/nEv; vecForTrend[3]=hHasSelBit->GetBinContent(4)/nEv; vecForTrend[4]=hHasSelBit->GetBinContent(5)/nEv; TDirectoryFile *dir = (TDirectoryFile *)ff->Get("PWGHF_D2H_MCPerform"); TList* list = 0x0; if (dir) { list = (TList *)dir->Get("coutputDperfQA"); if(list){ TH1F *hn = (TH1F *)list->FindObject("fHistNEvents"); TH1F *hnGenD = (TH1F *)list->FindObject("fHistNGenD"); Int_t entries = hn->GetBinContent(3); TH2F *fHistNCand = (TH2F *)list->FindObject("fHistNCand"); TH1F *fHistNCandDzero = (TH1F *)fHistNCand->ProjectionY("fHistNCandDzero", 1, 1); TH1F *fHistNCandDplus = (TH1F *)fHistNCand->ProjectionY("fHistNCandDplus", 2, 2); TH1F *fHistNCandDstar = (TH1F *)fHistNCand->ProjectionY("fHistNCandDstar", 3, 3); TH1F *fHistNCandDs = (TH1F *)fHistNCand->ProjectionY("fHistNCandDs", 4, 4); TH1F *fHistNCandLc = (TH1F *)fHistNCand->ProjectionY("fHistNCandLc", 5, 5); TString names[5] = {"Dzero", "Dplus", "Dstar", "Ds", "Lc2pkpi"}; TString type[2] = {"Prompt", "Feeddown"}; const Int_t nDecays = 5; TH2F *fHistXvtxResVsPt[2 * nDecays]; TH2F *fHistYvtxResVsPt[2 * nDecays]; TH2F *fHistZvtxResVsPt[2 * nDecays]; TH2F *fHistInvMassVsPt[2 * nDecays]; TH2F *fHistDecLenVsPt[2 * nDecays]; TH2F *fHistNormDLxyVsPt[2 * nDecays]; TH2F *fHistCosPointVsPt[2 * nDecays]; TH3F *fHistPtYMultGenDauInAcc[2 * nDecays]; TH3F *fHistPtYMultRecoFilt[2 * nDecays]; TProfile *fHistXvtxRes[2 * nDecays]; TProfile *fHistYvtxRes[2 * nDecays]; TProfile *fHistZvtxRes[2 * nDecays]; TProfile *fHistXvtxMean[2 * nDecays]; TProfile *fHistYvtxMean[2 * nDecays]; TProfile *fHistZvtxMean[2 * nDecays]; TH1F *fHistXvtxRes2[2 * nDecays]; TH1F *fHistYvtxRes2[2 * nDecays]; TH1F *fHistZvtxRes2[2 * nDecays]; TProfile *fHistInvMass[2 * nDecays]; TProfile *fHistDecLen[2 * nDecays]; TProfile *fHistCosp[2 * nDecays]; TH1F *fHistInvMassRes[2 * nDecays]; TH1F *hEffPt[2 * nDecays]; TH1F *htemp; for (Int_t j = 0; j < 5; j++) { //decays for (Int_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { //prompt and fd Int_t index = j * 2 + i; fHistXvtxResVsPt[index] = (TH2F *)list->FindObject(Form("hXvtxResVsPt%s%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data())); fHistYvtxResVsPt[index] = (TH2F *)list->FindObject(Form("hYvtxResVsPt%s%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data())); fHistZvtxResVsPt[index] = (TH2F *)list->FindObject(Form("hZvtxResVsPt%s%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data())); fHistInvMassVsPt[index] = (TH2F *)list->FindObject(Form("hInvMassVsPt%s%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data())); fHistDecLenVsPt[index] = (TH2F *)list->FindObject(Form("hDecLenVsPt%s%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data())); fHistCosPointVsPt[index] = (TH2F *)list->FindObject(Form("hCosPointVsPt%s%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data())); fHistPtYMultGenDauInAcc[index] = (TH3F *)list->FindObject(Form("hPtYMult%sGenDauInAcc%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data())); fHistPtYMultRecoFilt[index] = (TH3F *)list->FindObject(Form("hPtYMult%sRecoFilt%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data())); fHistXvtxMean[index] = (TProfile *)fHistXvtxResVsPt[index]->ProfileX(Form("hXvtxMean%s%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data())); fHistXvtxMean[index]->SetLineColor(color[j]); fHistXvtxMean[index]->SetLineWidth(2); fHistXvtxMean[index]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pT (GeV/c)"); fHistXvtxMean[index]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Xvtx (reco-true) mean (#mum)"); fHistXvtxMean[index]->SetTitle("Xvtx residual vs pT"); fHistYvtxMean[index] = (TProfile *)fHistYvtxResVsPt[index]->ProfileX(Form("hYvtxMean%s%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data())); fHistYvtxMean[index]->SetLineColor(color[j]); fHistYvtxMean[index]->SetLineWidth(2); fHistYvtxMean[index]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pT (GeV/c)"); fHistYvtxMean[index]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Yvtx (reco-true) mean (#mum)"); fHistYvtxMean[index]->SetTitle("Yvtx residual vs pT"); fHistZvtxMean[index] = (TProfile *)fHistZvtxResVsPt[index]->ProfileX(Form("hZvtxMean%s%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data())); fHistZvtxMean[index]->SetLineColor(color[j]); fHistZvtxMean[index]->SetLineWidth(2); fHistZvtxMean[index]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pT (GeV/c)"); fHistZvtxMean[index]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Zvtx (reco-true) mean (#mum)"); fHistZvtxMean[index]->SetTitle("Zvtx residual vs pT"); fHistXvtxRes[index] = (TProfile *)fHistXvtxResVsPt[index]->ProfileX(Form("hXvtxRes%s%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data()), 1, -1, "s"); fHistYvtxRes[index] = (TProfile *)fHistYvtxResVsPt[index]->ProfileX(Form("hYvtxRes%s%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data()), 1, -1, "s"); fHistZvtxRes[index] = (TProfile *)fHistZvtxResVsPt[index]->ProfileX(Form("hZvtxRes%s%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data()), 1, -1, "s"); fHistXvtxRes2[index] = (TH1F *)fHistXvtxResVsPt[index]->ProjectionX(Form("hXvtxRes2%s%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data())); fHistYvtxRes2[index] = (TH1F *)fHistYvtxResVsPt[index]->ProjectionX(Form("hYvtxRes2%s%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data())); fHistZvtxRes2[index] = (TH1F *)fHistZvtxResVsPt[index]->ProjectionX(Form("hZvtxRes2%s%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data())); fHistXvtxRes[index]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pT (GeV/c)"); fHistXvtxRes[index]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Xvtx (reco-true) RMS (#mum)"); fHistXvtxRes[index]->SetTitle("Xvtx resolution vs pT"); fHistYvtxRes[index]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pT (GeV/c)"); fHistYvtxRes[index]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Yvtx (reco-true) RMS (#mum)"); fHistYvtxRes[index]->SetTitle("Yvtx resolution vs pT"); fHistZvtxRes[index]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pT (GeV/c)"); fHistZvtxRes[index]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Zvtx (reco-true) RMS (#mum)"); fHistZvtxRes[index]->SetTitle("Zvtx resolution vs pT"); fHistXvtxRes2[index]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pT (GeV/c)"); fHistXvtxRes2[index]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Xvtx (reco-true) RMS (#mum)"); fHistXvtxRes2[index]->SetTitle("Xvtx resolution vs pT"); fHistYvtxRes2[index]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pT (GeV/c)"); fHistYvtxRes2[index]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Yvtx (reco-true) RMS (#mum)"); fHistYvtxRes2[index]->SetTitle("Yvtx resolution vs pT"); fHistZvtxRes2[index]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pT (GeV/c)"); fHistZvtxRes2[index]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Zvtx (reco-true) RMS (#mum)"); fHistZvtxRes2[index]->SetTitle("Zvtx resolution vs pT"); fHistXvtxRes2[index]->SetLineColor(color[j]); fHistYvtxRes2[index]->SetLineColor(color[j]); fHistZvtxRes2[index]->SetLineColor(color[j]); fHistXvtxRes2[index]->SetMarkerColor(color[j]); fHistXvtxRes2[index]->SetMarkerStyle(20); fHistYvtxRes2[index]->SetMarkerColor(color[j]); fHistYvtxRes2[index]->SetMarkerStyle(20); fHistZvtxRes2[index]->SetMarkerColor(color[j]); fHistZvtxRes2[index]->SetMarkerStyle(20); fHistXvtxRes2[index]->SetLineWidth(2); fHistYvtxRes2[index]->SetLineWidth(2); fHistZvtxRes2[index]->SetLineWidth(2); fHistXvtxRes2[index]->Sumw2(); fHistYvtxRes2[index]->Sumw2(); fHistZvtxRes2[index]->Sumw2(); fHistInvMass[index] = (TProfile *)fHistInvMassVsPt[index]->ProfileX(Form("hInvMassVsPt%s%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data())); fHistInvMass[index]->SetLineColor(color[j]); fHistInvMass[index]->SetLineWidth(2); fHistInvMass[index]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pT (GeV/c)"); fHistInvMass[index]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Inv Mass (GeV/c2)"); fHistInvMass[index]->SetTitle("Inv Mass vs pT"); fHistDecLen[index] = (TProfile *)fHistDecLenVsPt[index]->ProfileX(Form("hDecLenVsPt%s%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data())); fHistDecLen[index]->SetLineColor(color[j]); fHistDecLen[index]->SetLineWidth(2); fHistDecLen[index]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pT (GeV/c)"); fHistDecLen[index]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Dec Len (#mum)"); fHistDecLen[index]->SetTitle("Prompt Dec Len vs pT"); fHistCosp[index] = (TProfile *)fHistCosPointVsPt[index]->ProfileX(Form("hCosPVsPt%s%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data())); fHistCosp[index]->SetLineColor(color[j]); fHistCosp[index]->SetLineWidth(2); fHistCosp[index]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pT (GeV/c)"); fHistCosp[index]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Cos Point"); fHistCosp[index]->SetTitle("Prompt CosPoint vs pT"); if (index % 2 == 1) fHistDecLen[index]->SetTitle("FeedDown Dec Len vs pT"); htemp = (TH1F *)fHistPtYMultGenDauInAcc[index]->ProjectionX(Form("hPtDen%s%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data())); hEffPt[index] = (TH1F *)fHistPtYMultRecoFilt[index]->ProjectionX(Form("hPtNum%s%s", type[i].Data(), names[j].Data())); fHistPtYMultGenDauInAcc[index]->Sumw2(); fHistPtYMultRecoFilt[index]->Sumw2(); hEffPt[index]->Sumw2(); hEffPt[index]->Divide(htemp); hEffPt[index]->SetLineColor(color[j]); hEffPt[index]->SetLineWidth(2); hEffPt[index]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pT (GeV/c)"); hEffPt[index]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Prompt Efficiency"); hEffPt[index]->SetTitle("Prompt Efficiency"); hEffPt[index]->SetStats(0); fHistCosp[index]->SetStats(0); fHistDecLen[index]->SetStats(0); if (index % 2 == 1) { hEffPt[index]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Feeddown Efficiency"); hEffPt[index]->SetTitle("Feeddown Efficiency"); } fHistInvMassRes[index] = new TH1F(*hEffPt[index]); for (Int_t jj = 1; jj < hEffPt[index]->GetNbinsX() + 1; jj++) { TH1F *hTemp = (TH1F *)fHistInvMassVsPt[index]->ProjectionY("htemp", jj, jj); fHistInvMassRes[index]->SetBinContent(jj, hTemp->GetRMS()); fHistInvMassRes[index]->SetBinError(jj, hTemp->GetRMSError()); fHistInvMassRes[index]->SetLineColor(color[j]); fHistInvMassRes[index]->SetLineWidth(2); fHistInvMassRes[index]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pT (GeV/c)"); fHistInvMassRes[index]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Inv Mass RMS (GeV/c2)"); fHistInvMassRes[index]->SetTitle("Inv Mass RMS vs pT"); if (index == 0) printf("D0: pt=%f, res=%f \n", fHistInvMassRes[index]->GetBinCenter(jj), fHistInvMassRes[index]->GetBinContent(jj)); TH1F *hTempX = (TH1F *)fHistXvtxResVsPt[index]->ProjectionY("htempX", jj, jj); TH1F *hTempY = (TH1F *)fHistYvtxResVsPt[index]->ProjectionY("htempY", jj, jj); TH1F *hTempZ = (TH1F *)fHistZvtxResVsPt[index]->ProjectionY("htempZ", jj, jj); fHistXvtxRes2[index]->SetBinContent(jj, hTempX->GetRMS()); fHistXvtxRes2[index]->SetBinError(jj, hTempX->GetRMSError()); fHistYvtxRes2[index]->SetBinContent(jj, hTempY->GetRMS()); fHistYvtxRes2[index]->SetBinError(jj, hTempY->GetRMSError()); fHistZvtxRes2[index]->SetBinContent(jj, hTempZ->GetRMS()); fHistZvtxRes2[index]->SetBinError(jj, hTempZ->GetRMSError()); } } } fHistNCandDplus->SetLineColor(2); fHistNCandDstar->SetLineColor(3); fHistNCandDs->SetLineColor(4); fHistNCandLc->SetLineColor(kOrange); fHistNCandDplus->SetLineWidth(2); fHistNCandDstar->SetLineWidth(2); fHistNCandDs->SetLineWidth(2); fHistNCandLc->SetLineWidth(2); fHistNCandDzero->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pT (GeV/c)"); fHistNCandDzero->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("counts"); TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9); leg->AddEntry(fHistNCandDzero, "Dzero", "l"); leg->AddEntry(fHistNCandDplus, "Dplus", "l"); leg->AddEntry(fHistNCandDstar, "Dstar", "l"); leg->AddEntry(fHistNCandDs, "Ds", "l"); leg->AddEntry(fHistNCandLc, "Lc", "l"); TLegend *leg1 = new TLegend(0.5, 0.7, 0.7, 0.9); leg1->AddEntry(fHistYvtxRes2[0], "Dzero", "pl"); leg1->AddEntry(fHistYvtxRes2[2], "Dplus", "pl"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) leg1->AddEntry(fHistYvtxRes2[6], "Ds", "pl"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) leg1->AddEntry(fHistYvtxRes2[8], "Lc", "pl"); TLegend *leg2 = new TLegend(0.5, 0.7, 0.7, 0.9); leg2->AddEntry(fHistYvtxMean[0], "Dzero", "l"); leg2->AddEntry(fHistYvtxMean[2], "Dplus", "l"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) leg2->AddEntry(fHistYvtxMean[6], "Ds", "l"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) leg2->AddEntry(fHistYvtxMean[8], "Lc", "l"); TLegend *leg3 = new TLegend(0.2, 0.7, 0.4, 0.9); leg3->AddEntry(fHistNCandDzero, "Dzero", "l"); leg3->AddEntry(fHistNCandDplus, "Dplus", "l"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) leg3->AddEntry(fHistNCandDstar, "Dstar", "l"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) leg3->AddEntry(fHistNCandDs, "Ds", "l"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) leg3->AddEntry(fHistNCandLc, "Lc", "l"); TLegend *leg4 = new TLegend(0.7, 0.7, 0.9, 0.9); leg4->AddEntry(fHistNCandDzero, "Dzero", "l"); leg4->AddEntry(fHistNCandDplus, "Dplus", "l"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) leg4->AddEntry(fHistNCandDstar, "Dstar", "l"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) leg4->AddEntry(fHistNCandDs, "Ds", "l"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) leg4->AddEntry(fHistNCandLc, "Lc", "l"); TCanvas *c0_1 = new TCanvas("c0_1", "c0_1", 500, 500); hnGenD->SetTitle("number of generated D mesons"); hnGenD->Draw(); c0_1->SaveAs("plotDgen.png"); TCanvas *c0_2 = new TCanvas("c0_2", "c0_2", 500, 500); c0_2->SetLogy(); fHistNCandDs->SetTitle("Candidates passing filtering cuts"); fHistNCandDs->Draw(""); c0_2->Update(); TPaveStats *stats = (TPaveStats *)c0_2->GetPrimitive("stats"); stats->SetName("h1stats"); stats->SetY1NDC(0.5); stats->SetY2NDC(0.35); c0_2->Update(); fHistNCandDplus->Draw("sames"); c0_2->Update(); TPaveStats *stats2 = (TPaveStats *)c0_2->GetPrimitive("stats"); stats2->SetName("h2stats"); stats2->SetY1NDC(0.8); stats2->SetY2NDC(.65); c0_2->Update(); fHistNCandDstar->Draw("sames"); c0_2->Update(); TPaveStats *stats3 = (TPaveStats *)c0_2->GetPrimitive("stats"); stats3->SetName("h3stats"); stats3->SetY1NDC(0.65); stats3->SetY2NDC(.5); c0_2->Update(); fHistNCandDzero->Draw("sames"); c0_2->Update(); TPaveStats *stats4 = (TPaveStats *)c0_2->GetPrimitive("stats"); stats4->SetName("h4stats"); stats4->SetY1NDC(0.95); stats4->SetY2NDC(.8); c0_2->Update(); fHistNCandLc->Draw("sames"); c0_2->Update(); TPaveStats *stats5 = (TPaveStats *)c0_2->GetPrimitive("stats"); stats5->SetName("h1stats"); stats5->SetY1NDC(0.35); stats5->SetY2NDC(.2); c0_2->Update(); leg->Draw(); c0_2->SaveAs("plotDcandpt.png"); TCanvas *c0_3 = new TCanvas("c0_3", "c0_3", 500, 500); fHistInvMass[0]->SetMinimum(1.6); fHistInvMass[0]->SetMaximum(2.4); fHistInvMass[0]->Draw(); fHistInvMass[2]->Draw("sames"); fHistInvMass[4]->Draw("sames"); fHistInvMass[6]->Draw("sames"); fHistInvMass[8]->Draw("sames"); leg->Draw(); c0_3->SaveAs("plotDcandInvMass.png"); TCanvas *c0_4 = new TCanvas("c0_4", "c0_4", 500, 500); //fHistInvMassRes[0]->SetMinimum(1.6); //fHistInvMassRes[0]->SetMaximum(2.4); fHistInvMassRes[0]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); fHistInvMassRes[0]->SetTitle("D0 Inv Mass RMS vs pT"); fHistInvMassRes[0]->Draw(""); // fHistInvMassRes[2]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) fHistInvMassRes[4]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) fHistInvMassRes[6]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) fHistInvMassRes[8]->Draw("sames"); //leg->Draw(); c0_4->SaveAs("plotD0candInvMassWidth.png"); fHistXvtxMean[0]->SetStats(0); fHistYvtxMean[0]->SetStats(0); fHistZvtxMean[0]->SetStats(0); fHistXvtxMean[2]->SetStats(0); fHistYvtxMean[2]->SetStats(0); fHistZvtxMean[2]->SetStats(0); fHistXvtxRes2[0]->SetStats(0); fHistYvtxRes2[0]->SetStats(0); fHistZvtxRes2[0]->SetStats(0); fHistXvtxRes2[2]->SetStats(0); fHistYvtxRes2[2]->SetStats(0); fHistZvtxRes2[2]->SetStats(0); TCanvas *cc = new TCanvas("cc", "cc", 1200, 500); cc->Divide(3, 1); cc->cd(1); fHistXvtxMean[0]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); fHistXvtxMean[0]->SetMinimum(-300.); fHistXvtxMean[0]->SetMaximum(300.); fHistXvtxMean[0]->Draw(); fHistXvtxMean[2]->Draw("sames"); leg2->Draw(); cc->cd(2); fHistYvtxMean[0]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); fHistYvtxMean[0]->SetMinimum(-300.); fHistYvtxMean[0]->SetMaximum(300.); fHistYvtxMean[0]->Draw(); fHistYvtxMean[2]->Draw("sames"); leg2->Draw(); cc->cd(3); fHistZvtxMean[0]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); fHistZvtxMean[0]->SetMinimum(-300.); fHistZvtxMean[0]->SetMaximum(300.); fHistZvtxMean[0]->Draw(); fHistZvtxMean[2]->Draw("sames"); leg2->Draw(); cc->SaveAs("plotXYZVtxMean.png"); ///////// TCanvas *ccr = new TCanvas("ccr", "ccr", 1200, 500); ccr->Divide(3, 1); ccr->cd(1); fHistXvtxRes2[0]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); fHistXvtxRes2[0]->SetMinimum(0.); fHistXvtxRes2[0]->SetMaximum(500.); fHistXvtxRes2[0]->Draw(); fHistXvtxRes2[2]->Draw("sames"); leg2->Draw(); ccr->cd(2); fHistYvtxRes2[0]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); fHistYvtxRes2[0]->SetMinimum(0.); fHistYvtxRes2[0]->SetMaximum(500.); fHistYvtxRes2[0]->Draw(); fHistYvtxRes2[2]->Draw("sames"); leg2->Draw(); ccr->cd(3); fHistZvtxRes2[0]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); fHistZvtxRes2[0]->SetMinimum(0.); fHistZvtxRes2[0]->SetMaximum(500.); fHistZvtxRes2[0]->Draw(); fHistZvtxRes2[2]->Draw("sames"); leg2->Draw(); ccr->SaveAs("plotXYZVtxRMS.png"); TCanvas *ccc = new TCanvas("ccc", "ccc", 1200, 800); ccc->Divide(3, 2); ccc->cd(1); fHistDecLen[0]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.45); fHistDecLen[0]->Draw(); fHistDecLen[2]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) fHistDecLen[4]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) fHistDecLen[6]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) fHistDecLen[8]->Draw("sames"); leg3->Draw(); ccc->cd(2); fHistCosp[0]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.45); fHistCosp[0]->Draw(); fHistCosp[2]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) fHistCosp[4]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) fHistCosp[6]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) fHistCosp[8]->Draw("sames"); leg4->Draw(); ccc->cd(3); hEffPt[0]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.45); hEffPt[0]->Draw(); hEffPt[2]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) hEffPt[4]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) hEffPt[6]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) hEffPt[8]->Draw("sames"); leg3->Draw(); ccc->cd(4); fHistDecLen[1]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.45); fHistDecLen[1]->Draw(); fHistDecLen[3]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) fHistDecLen[5]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) fHistDecLen[7]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) fHistDecLen[9]->Draw("sames"); leg3->Draw(); ccc->cd(5); fHistCosp[1]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.45); fHistCosp[1]->Draw(); fHistCosp[3]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) fHistCosp[5]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) fHistCosp[7]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) fHistCosp[9]->Draw("sames"); leg4->Draw(); ccc->cd(6); hEffPt[1]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.45); hEffPt[1]->Draw(); hEffPt[3]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) hEffPt[5]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) hEffPt[7]->Draw("sames"); if (drawOnlyDzerDplus == 0) hEffPt[9]->Draw("sames"); leg3->Draw(); ccc->SaveAs("plot_DL_cosp_Eff_prompt_fd.png"); } } trtree->Fill(); if(runNumber>0){ TFile* foutfile=new TFile("trendingHF.root","recreate"); trtree->Write(); TDirectory* outdir=foutfile->mkdir(dirD2H->GetName()); outdir->cd(); listD2H->Write(listD2H->GetName(),1); foutfile->cd(); if(dir && list){ TDirectory* outdir2=foutfile->mkdir(dir->GetName()); outdir2->cd(); list->Write(list->GetName(),1); } foutfile->Close(); delete foutfile; } }