void countDoubles(RhoCandList &l, int &n1, int &n2, int &n3) { int n_smc = 0; int n_strk = 0; int n_both = 0; double d = 0.00001; for (int i=0;i<l.GetLength()-1;++i) { for (int j=i+1;j<l.GetLength();++j) { TLorentzVector dl = l[i]->P4() - l[j]->P4(); bool chkmc = (l[i]->GetMcTruth()==l[j]->GetMcTruth()); bool chktrk = (fabs(dl.X())<d) && (fabs(dl.Y())<d) && (fabs(dl.Z())<d) && (fabs(dl.E())<d); if (chkmc) n_smc++; if (chktrk) n_strk++; if (chktrk && chkmc) n_both++; } } n1 = n_strk; n2 = n_smc; n3 = n_both; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------// //Main Method //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// int main(int argc, char** argv) { TApplication *App = new TApplication("Application",(Int_t*)&argc, argv); TCanvas *Canvas = new TCanvas("canvas", "Canvas", 640, 640); // Set up ROOT as we require. SetupROOT(); // Get list of files to run over. TString fileName("/storage/epp2/phseaj/exercise/basket_2010b.list"); std::ifstream inputFile(fileName.Data(), ios::in); // Declare a TChain for the TGlobalPID module TChain *gRecon = new TChain("ReconDir/Global"); TChain *gGenVtx = new TChain("TruthDir/Vertices"); // Check if the file exists. if (!inputFile.is_open()){ std::cout << "ERROR: File prod4 files not found!" << std::endl; std::cout << " - This file should contain a list of all data files to be processed." << std::endl; return 0; } else{ std::string curFileName; // Add the input files to the TChains. //only doing 10 of the basket files, revert to while to do whole run // while(getline(inputFile,curFileName)){ for(int l = 0; l<10; l++){ if(getline(inputFile,curFileName)){ gRecon->Add(curFileName.c_str()); gGenVtx->Add(curFileName.c_str()); } } } std::cout << "Got input file(s)." << std::endl; //Setup access to the Recon tree int NPIDs(0); // This variable counts the number of particles per event int NVtxFGD1(0), NVtxFGD2(0); // Declare a TClonesArray to hold objects of type TGlobalPID TClonesArray *globalPIDs = new TClonesArray("ND::TGlobalReconModule::TGlobalPID",50); TClonesArray *VtxFGD1 = new TClonesArray("ND::TTruthVerticesModule::TTruthVertex",50); TClonesArray *VtxFGD2 = new TClonesArray("ND::TTruthVerticesModule::TTruthVertex",50); // Associate the right branch in the TTree to the right local variable gRecon->SetBranchAddress("NPIDs",&NPIDs); gRecon->SetBranchAddress("PIDs",&globalPIDs); gGenVtx->SetBranchAddress("VtxFGD1", &VtxFGD1); gGenVtx->SetBranchAddress("NVtxFGD1", &NVtxFGD1); gGenVtx->SetBranchAddress("VtxFGD2", &VtxFGD2); gGenVtx->SetBranchAddress("NVtxFGD2", &NVtxFGD2); //check that truthdir and recon have the same number of entries if(gRecon->GetEntries() != gGenVtx->GetEntries()) cout<<"not equal entries, probably wrong"<<endl; // Loop over the entries in the TChain. //======================================================== // Declare Graphs n stuff here //======================================================== //adding tclones arrays for use with detectors Int_t NTPCs; TClonesArray *TPC; Int_t NFDGs; TClonesArray *FDG; Int_t NECALs; TClonesArray *ECAL; Int_t NPODs; TClonesArray *POD; Int_t NSMRDs; TClonesArray *SMRD; //adding a 2d graph general purpose, change titles each time! TH1D *graph1 = new TH1D("graph1","Momenta of TPC PIDs from FDGs", 100, -50.0 , 50.0); Int_t ninteract(0), nfgd(0),nfgdqes(0),fgdqesneu(0); //======================================================== // end Declare Graphs n stuff here //======================================================== // Loop over the entries in the TChain. (only 1/1000 of whole entries atm) for(unsigned int i = 0; i < gRecon->GetEntries()/10; ++i) { if((i+1)%10000 == 0) std::cout << "Processing event: " << (i+1) << std::endl; //display status every 10,000 th entry // Get an entry for the Recon tree gRecon->GetEntry(i); gGenVtx->GetEntry(i); ND::TGlobalReconModule::TGlobalPID *gTrack = NULL; //added new loop for truth vertex gGenVtx->GetEntry(i); for (int j=0; j<NPIDs; j++) { // Get a specific track from the TClonesArray gTrack = (ND::TGlobalReconModule::TGlobalPID*)globalPIDs->At(j); //get truevertex (in example, also gets trueparticle, can add in later) ND::TTrueVertex vtx = gTrack->TrueParticle.Vertex; //get position lorrentz vector TLorentzVector vec = vtx.Position; ninteract++; if(ABS(vec.X())<832.2 && ABS(vec.Y()-55)<832.2 && ((vec.Z()>123.45&&vec.Z()<446.95)||(vec.Z()>1481.45&&vec.Z()<1807.95))){ //is it in one of the FGDs? nfgd++; if(vtx.ReactionCode.find("Weak[NC],QES;",0)!=-1){ unsigned long det; det = gTrack->Detectors; string detstr; stringstream stream; stream << det; detstr = stream.str(); if(detstr.find("1",0)||detstr.find("2",0)||detstr.find("3",0)){ graph1->Fill((Double_t)gTrack->FrontMomentum); } nfgdqes++; } } TClonesArray *TPCObjects = new TClonesArray("ND::TGlobalReconModule::TTPCObject",gTrack->NTPCs); ND::TGlobalReconModule::TObject *tpcTrack = NULL; for ( int k = 0 ; k < gTrack->NTPCs; k++) { tpcTrack = (ND::TGlobalReconModule::TObject*) TPCObjects->At(k); //now we can access variables through tpcTrack->PullEle for example } } } // End loop over events //plotting bits at the end :D graph1->Draw(); App->Run(); return 0; }
bool leptonic_fitter_algebraic::fit( const TLorentzVector& B, const TH1& BITF, const TF1& Beff, const TLorentzVector& lep, double MEX, double MEY, const TF1& dnuPDF ) { if( _dbg > 19 ) cout<<"DBG20 Entered leptonic_fitter_algebraic::fit with B mass: "<<B.M()<<", l_m:"<<lep.M()<<", MET: "<<MEX<<" "<<MEY<<endl; if( B.M() <= 0 ) throw std::runtime_error( "leptonic_fitter_algebraic was given a b-jet with an illegal (non-positive) mass!"); if( lep.M() < 0 ) throw std::runtime_error( "leptonic_fitter_algebraic was given a lepton with an illegal (negative) mass!"); _converged = _swapped = false; _obsB = B; _obsL = lep; _BITF = &BITF; _Beff = &Beff; _dnuPDF = dnuPDF; _b_m2 = B.M2(); double lep_b_angle = lep.Angle( B.Vect() ); double cos_lep_b = TMath::Cos( lep_b_angle ); double sin_lep_b = TMath::Sin( lep_b_angle ); double b_p = B.P(); double b_e = B.E(); _denom = b_e - cos_lep_b * b_p; _lep_p = lep.P(); _x0 = - _W_m2 / ( 2 * _lep_p ); _y1 = - sin_lep_b * _x0 * b_p / _denom; _x1_0 = _x0 * b_e / _denom - _y1*_y1 / _x0; _Z2_0 = _x0*_x0 - _W_m2 - _y1*_y1; if( _dbg > 219 ) cout<<"DBG220 lfa updated lepton with: "<<lv2str( lep )<<" -> x0:"<<_x0<<", y1: "<<_y1<<", x1_0: "<<_x1_0<<", Z2_0: "<<_Z2_0<<endl; static double bnums[3]; bnums[0] = B.X(); bnums[1] = B.Y(); bnums[2] = B.Z(); TMatrixD bXYZ( 3, 1, bnums ); _R_T = rotation( 2, lep.Phi() ); // R_z^T _R_T *= rotation( 1, lep.Theta() - 0.5*TMath::Pi() ); // R_z^T R_y^T TMatrixD rotation_vect( _R_T, TMatrixD::kTransposeMult, bXYZ ); // R_y R_z double* rotation_array = rotation_vect.GetMatrixArray(); double phi_x = - TMath::ATan2( rotation_array[2], rotation_array[1] ); if( _dbg > 99 ) cout<<"DBG100 lfa x rotation vector is:"<<rotation_array[0]<<" "<<rotation_array[1]<<" "<<rotation_array[2]<<" -> phi_x:"<<phi_x<<endl; _R_T *= rotation( 0, - phi_x ); // R_z^T R_y^T R_x^T // set up _Nu's non-zero elements so that \vec{nu} = Nu \vec{t} for any \vec{t} (since only t's 3nd component is used, and its always 1). _Nu[0][2] = MEX; _Nu[1][2] = MEY; double iVarMET = TMath::Power( TMath::Max( 1., dnuPDF.GetHistogram()->GetRMS() ), -2 ); _invFlatVar[0][0] = _invFlatVar[1][1] = iVarMET; // set up the chi^2 distance with the right order of magnitude (generalizes to rotated covariance matrix) if( _dbg > 209 ) cout<<"DBG210 lfa "<<dnuPDF.GetName()<<" --> iVarMET:"<<iVarMET<<endl; // (re)define fit parameter, so all fits start off on an equal footing _mini->SetPrintLevel( _minimizer_print_level ); _mini->Clear(); _mini->SetFunction( _functor ); leptonic_fitter_algebraic_object = this; // set the function in the functor pointing back to this object. Doubtfull that all this redirection is needed... _mini->SetTolerance( _tolerance ); bool OK = _mini->SetLimitedVariable( 0, "sB", 1.0, 0.4, 0.1, 6.0 ); //bool OK = _mini->SetVariable( 0, "sB", 1.0, 0.4 ); if( ! OK ) {cerr<<"minimizer (@lfa) failed to SetVariable."<<endl; return false;} // define 1 sigma in terms of the function _mini->SetErrorDef( 0.5 ); // since this is a likelihood fit // do the minimization OK = _mini->Minimize(); if( _dbg > 19 && ( ! OK || _dbg > 59 ) ) cout<<"DBG INFO: initial fit @lfa returned OK: "<<OK<<", has status: "<<_mini->Status()<<endl; _converged = OK; // use status somehow? depends on fitter? // read parameters const double *xs = _mini->X(); for( int ip = 0; ip < 1; ++ip ) _params[ ip ] = xs[ ip ]; // return all intermediate results to the minimum, in particular, the discriminant calc_MLL( _params, true ); TMatrixD nu_vec( _Emat, TMatrixD::kMult, _tvec ); update_nu_and_decay_chain( nu_vec ); if( _dbg > 203 ) cout<<"DBG204 lfa finalized _genN: "<<lv2str(_genN)<<", _W: "<<lv2str(_W)<<", & _t: "<<lv2str(_T)<<endl; _MLL = _mini->MinValue(); return true; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------// //Main Method //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Set up ROOT as we require. SetupROOT(); cout<<"opening tree"<<endl; // Open the TTree we made TFile *treefile = new TFile("../../../tree/magnetfullwindow.root"); TTree *tree = (TTree*) treefile->Get("newtree"); //Variables to get from the tree UInt_t Detectors(0); UInt_t Status(0); Double_t Quality,FrontMomentum(0), BackMomentum(0); Int_t NHits(0); Bool_t IsForward(0); TLorentzVector *FrontPosition(0), *BackPosition(0); TVector3 *FrontDirection(0), *BackDirection(0); ND::TTrueParticle *TrueParticle(0); UInt_t NNCES(0); UInt_t NTOT(0); TObjString *FOName(0); Int_t EventID(0); UInt_t NNCESatb(0); UInt_t NTOTatb(0); //we dont need these at the moment Int_t NTPCs; TClonesArray *TPC = new TClonesArray("ND::TGlobalReconModule::TTPCObject",3); Int_t NFGDs; TClonesArray *FGD = new TClonesArray("ND::TGlobalReconModule::TFGDObject",2); Int_t NECALs; TClonesArray *ECAL = new TClonesArray("ND::TGlobalReconModule::TECALObject",3); Int_t NP0Ds; TClonesArray *P0D = new TClonesArray("ND::TGlobalReconModule::TP0DObject",2); Int_t NSMRDs; TClonesArray *SMRD = new TClonesArray("ND::TGlobalReconModule::TSMRDObject",3); // add them to the tree cout<<"setting tree branch addresses to variables"<<endl; //cout to debug - Tree->Detectors is fine: returns 0 tree->SetBranchAddress("Detectors", &Detectors); tree->SetBranchAddress("FOName",&FOName); tree->SetBranchAddress("EventID",&EventID); tree->SetBranchAddress("Status", &Status); tree->SetBranchAddress("Quality", &Quality); tree->SetBranchAddress("NHits", &NHits); tree->SetBranchAddress("IsForward", &IsForward); tree->SetBranchAddress("FrontPosition", &FrontPosition); tree->SetBranchAddress("BackPosition", &BackPosition); tree->SetBranchAddress("FrontMomentum", &FrontMomentum); tree->SetBranchAddress("BackMomentum", &BackMomentum); tree->SetBranchAddress("FrontDirection", &FrontDirection); tree->SetBranchAddress("BackDirection", &BackDirection); tree->SetBranchAddress("TrueParticle", &TrueParticle); //cout to debug - Tree->NNCES doesnt work properly: return value is NOT 0 ! tree->SetBranchAddress("NNCES", &NNCES); tree->SetBranchAddress("NTPCs", &NTPCs); //it doesn't like these, it might be best to add in individual components of tree->SetBranchAddress("NNCESatb",&NNCESatb); tree->SetBranchAddress("NTOTatb",&NTOTatb); tree->SetBranchAddress("NFGDs", &NFGDs); //them that we want rather than the whole things. tree->SetBranchAddress("NECALs", &NECALs); tree->SetBranchAddress("NP0Ds", &NP0Ds); tree->SetBranchAddress("NSMRDs", &NSMRDs); tree->SetBranchAddress("TPC", &TPC); tree->SetBranchAddress("FGD", &FGD); tree->SetBranchAddress("ECAL", &ECAL); tree->SetBranchAddress("P0D", &P0D); tree->SetBranchAddress("SMRD", &SMRD); UInt_t accepted(0), acceptedNCES(0), acceptedNoise(0), initialNCES(0); NTOT = tree->GetEntries(); // Loop over the entries in the TTree cout<<"looping over " <<NTOT<<" events"<<endl; vector<Cut*> cuts; cuts.push_back(new NoTPC1(&Detectors)); // cuts.push_back(new TPCHits(&NTPCs, &TPC, 18, 1000)); // cuts.push_back(new PosCharge(&NTPCs, &TPC)); // cuts.push_back(new ProtonPull(&NTPCs, &TPC)); // cuts.push_back(new MuonPull(&NTPCs, &TPC)); // cuts.push_back(new PionPull(&NTPCs, &TPC)); // cuts.push_back(new TotNHits(&NHits)); // cuts.push_back(new DetectorOrder(&Detectors, &FrontPosition)); // cuts.push_back(new MinMomentum(&FrontMomentum)); // cuts.push_back(new MinMomentum(&BackMomentum, 130)); // cuts.push_back(new CutECALs(&NECALs)); int NCuts = cuts.size(); int NCEScount[NCuts], totCount[NCuts], CCQEScount[NCuts], CCREScount[NCuts], NCREScount[NCuts], DIScount[NCuts], otherCount[NCuts]; memset(NCEScount, 0, NCuts*sizeof(int)); memset(CCQEScount, 0, NCuts*sizeof(int)); memset(CCREScount, 0, NCuts*sizeof(int)); memset(NCREScount, 0, NCuts*sizeof(int)); memset(DIScount, 0, NCuts*sizeof(int)); memset(otherCount, 0, NCuts*sizeof(int)); memset(totCount, 0, NCuts*sizeof(int)); cout<< "haven't segfaulted yet" << endl; int fgd1count(0),fgd2count(0), fgd1nces(0), fgd2nces(0); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NTOT; ++i) { if((i+1)%1000 == 0) std::cout << "Processing event: " << (i+1) << std::endl; //display status every 1,000 th entry // Get an entry for the tree tree->GetEntry(i); int keep(1), j(0), isNCES = TrueParticle->Vertex.ReactionCode.find("Weak[NC],QES;",0)!=-1; if (inFGD1(FrontPosition)){ fgd1count++; if (isNCES) fgd1nces++; } else if (inFGD2(FrontPosition)){ fgd2count++; if(isNCES) fgd2nces++; } initialNCES += isNCES; //apply cuts here //cout<<TrueParticle->Vertex.ReactionCode<<endl; //APPLY CUTS HERE!!! //This program cuts from our tree, not original data. //Currently doesn't output anything, or cut anything // but cuts are defined in cuts.C for( ; j<NCuts; j++){ keep = cuts[j]->apply(); if(!keep) break; totCount[j]++; NCEScount[j] += isNCES; if (!isNCES){ CCQEScount[j] += TrueParticle->Vertex.ReactionCode.find("Weak[CC],QES;",0)!=-1; CCREScount[j] += TrueParticle->Vertex.ReactionCode.find("Weak[CC],RES;",0)!=-1; NCREScount[j] += TrueParticle->Vertex.ReactionCode.find("Weak[NC],RES;",0)!=-1; DIScount[j] += TrueParticle->Vertex.ReactionCode.find("DIS;",0)!=-1; } } if(keep){ Double_t recon_mom = ((ND::TGlobalReconModule::TTPCObject*)TPC->At(0))->FrontMomentum; TLorentzVector v = TrueParticle->InitMom; Double_t truth_mom = sqrt(v.X()*v.X()+v.Y()*v.Y()+v.Z()*v.Z()); } // if (!isNCES&&keep){ // string type; // if(TrueParticle->Vertex.ReactionCode.find("Weak[CC],QES;",0)!=-1){ // CCQEScount[j]++; // type = string("CCQES"); // } // else if(TrueParticle->Vertex.ReactionCode.find("Weak[CC],RES;",0)!=-1){ // CCREScount[j]++; // type = string("RES"); // } // else if(TrueParticle->Vertex.ReactionCode.find("Weak[NC],RES;",0)!=-1){ // NCREScount[j]++; // type = string("RES"); // } // else if(TrueParticle->Vertex.ReactionCode.find("DIS;",0)!=-1){ // DIScount[j]++; // type = string("DIS"); // } // Outfile << type << "," << FOName->GetString().Data() << "," << EventID << endl; // } //after cuts applied, keep will be = 1 if it is to be kept } // End loop over events //printf("initially: eff = %6.5f, pur = %6.5f\n", (double)initialNCES/(double)NNCES, (double)initialNCES/(double)NTOT); Double_t mcPOT = 5.e17 * 1554; Double_t scale = 5.e21/mcPOT; cout << "fgd1: " << fgd1count*scale << " fgd2: " << fgd2count*scale << endl; cout << "fgd1nces: " << fgd1nces*scale << " fgd2nces: " << fgd2nces*scale << endl; cout<<"After FGD cuts: eff="<<(double)NNCES/(double)NNCES<<" pur="<<(double)NNCES/(double)NTOT<<endl; cout<<"After in beam time cut: eff="<<(double)NNCESatb/(double)NNCES<<" pur="<<(double)NNCESatb/(double)NTOTatb<<endl; for (int n(0); n < NCuts; n++){ double eff = (double)NCEScount[n]/(double)NNCES, pur = (double)NCEScount[n]/(double)totCount[n]; printf("%12s: eff = %6.5f, pur = %6.5f, e*p = %6.5f\n",cuts[n]->name.c_str(),eff, pur, eff*pur); } cout << "Background components:" << endl; printf("%6.5f%% CCQES\n", (double)CCQEScount[NCuts-1]/((double)totCount[NCuts-1] - (double)NCEScount[NCuts-1])); printf("%6.5f%% NCRES\n", (double)NCREScount[NCuts-1]/((double)totCount[NCuts-1] - (double)NCEScount[NCuts-1])); printf("%6.5f%% CCRES\n", (double)CCREScount[NCuts-1]/((double)totCount[NCuts-1] - (double)NCEScount[NCuts-1])); printf("%6.5f%% DIS\n", (double)DIScount[NCuts-1]/((double)totCount[NCuts-1] - (double)NCEScount[NCuts-1])); treefile->Close(); return 0; }
// Get corrections from table float qq2vvEWKcorrections::getqq2WWEWKCorr( float ptl1 , float etal1 , float phil1 , float idl1 , // lepton from 1st W float ptl2 , float etal2 , float phil2 , float idl2 , // lepton from 2nd W float ptv1 , float etav1 , float phiv1 , // neutrino from 1st W float ptv2 , float etav2 , float phiv2 , // neutrino from 2nd W float x1 , float x2 , // parton x-Bjorken float id1 , float id2 // parton PDG id's // int TypeFirst = 1 , // ?????????????????????????? // float Energy = 8000. ) { float Energy = 8000.; // Create lepton and neutrino vectors TLorentzVector l1; TLorentzVector l2; TLorentzVector v1; TLorentzVector v2; float me = 0.001*0.510998928 ; float mmu = 0.001*105.6583715 ; float mtau = 0.001*1776.82 ; float ml1(0) , ml2(0) ; if ( idl1 == 11 ) ml1 = me ; else if ( idl1 == 13 ) ml1 = mmu ; else if ( idl1 == 15 ) ml1 = mtau ; if ( idl2 == 11 ) ml2 = me ; else if ( idl2 == 13 ) ml2 = mmu ; else if ( idl2 == 15 ) ml2 = mtau ; l1.SetPtEtaPhiM(ptl1,etal1,phil1,ml1); l2.SetPtEtaPhiM(ptl2,etal2,phil2,ml2); v1.SetPtEtaPhiM(ptv1,etav1,phiv1,0.0); v2.SetPtEtaPhiM(ptv2,etav2,phiv2,0.0); TLorentzVector W1 = l1+v1; // W1 TLorentzVector W2 = l2+v2; // W2 TLorentzVector WW = W1+W2; //---- FIX //---- swap 1 <->2 for leptons and neutrinos, to get correctly association l-v: //---- use as test invariatn mass of di-leptons //---- needed because leptons are ordered by "pt" and not by "mother" in the input! if ((W1.M() - 80.385) > 0.1 && (W2.M() - 80.385) > 0.1) { W1 = l1+v2; // W1 W2 = l2+v1; // W2 WW = W1+W2; } //---- end FIX float M_12 = 80.385 , M_22 = 80.385 ; TLorentzVector p1; p1.SetPxPyPzE(0.,0.,Energy*x1,Energy*x1); TLorentzVector p2; p2.SetPxPyPzE(0.,0.,-Energy*x2,Energy*x2); //S-HAT float s_hat = pow(WW.E(),2)-pow(WW.Px(),2)-pow(WW.Py(),2)-pow(WW.Pz(),2); // ScalarProd(WW) (p1+p2)^2 = (p3+p4)^2 ~ +2*p1*p2 //T_HAT //float t_hat2 = TypeFirst == 1 ? p1.M()*p1.M() + M_12*M_12 - 2*( p1.E()*W1.E() - p1.Px()*W1.Px() - p1.Py()*W1.Py() - p1.Pz()*W1.Pz() ) : // p1.M()*p1.M() + M_22*M_22 - 2*( p1.E()*W2.E() - p1.Px()*W2.Px() - p1.Py()*W2.Py() - p1.Pz()*W2.Pz() ) ; //T_HAT LO float la1 = sqrt( pow(s_hat,2) ); //la = sqrt( pow(a,2)+pow(b,2)+pow(c,2)-2*(a*b+a*c+b*c) ); float la2 = sqrt( pow(s_hat,2) + pow(M_12,2) + pow(M_22,2) - 2*(s_hat*M_12 + s_hat*M_22 + M_12*M_22) ); // Boost: boost ext. momenta in CM frame of W1,W2 TLorentzVector W1_b = W1, W2_b = W2; TLorentzVector p1_b = p1, p2_b = p2; W1_b.Boost( -WW.BoostVector() ); W2_b.Boost( -WW.BoostVector() ); p1_b.Boost( -WW.BoostVector() ); p2_b.Boost( -WW.BoostVector() ); // Uni-vector TLorentzVector ee1 = p1_b*(1./sqrt( pow(p1_b.X(),2)+pow(p1_b.Y(),2)+pow(p1_b.Z(),2) )); TLorentzVector ee2 = p2_b*(1./sqrt( pow(p2_b.X(),2)+pow(p2_b.Y(),2)+pow(p2_b.Z(),2) )); TLorentzVector z1 = W1_b*(1./sqrt( pow(W1_b.X(),2)+pow(W1_b.Y(),2)+pow(W1_b.Z(),2) )); TLorentzVector z2 = W2_b*(1./sqrt( pow(W2_b.X(),2)+pow(W2_b.Y(),2)+pow(W2_b.Z(),2) )); // "effective" beam axis float abse = sqrt( pow(ee1.X()-ee2.X(),2) + pow(ee1.Y()-ee2.Y(),2) + pow(ee1.Z()-ee2.Z(),2) ); TLorentzVector ee = (ee1-ee2) * (1. / abse); // "effective" scattering angle float costh = ee.X()*z1.X()+ee.Y()*z1.Y()+ee.Z()*z1.Z(); // final T_HAT float t_hat= M_12 - (1./2.)*(s_hat+M_12-M_22) + (1/(2*s_hat))*la1*la2*costh; //Mz-1/2*s+1/(2*s)*la(s,0,0)*la(s,mZ,mZ)*costh or: (p1-p3)^2 = (p2-p4)^2 ~ -2*p1*p3 //Quark Type int quarkType = -1.; if( fabs(id1)==2 && fabs(id2)==2 ) quarkType=0; //delta_uub else if( fabs(id1)==1 && fabs(id2)==1 ) quarkType=1; //delta_ddb else if( fabs(id1)==5 && fabs(id2)==5 ) quarkType=2; //delta_bbb else if( fabs(id1)==4 && fabs(id2)==4 ) quarkType=0; // cc as delta_buu else if( fabs(id1)==3 && fabs(id2)==3 ) quarkType=1; // ss as delta_bdd // Extracting corrections float EWK_w = 1. ; // std::cout << " quarkType = " << quarkType << " id1 = " << id1 << " id2 = " << id2 << std::endl; if( quarkType!=-1 ){ float sqrt_s_hat = sqrt(s_hat); std::vector<std::vector<float> > EWK_w2_vec = findCorrection( sqrt_s_hat, t_hat ); float EWK_w2 = 1. + EWK_w2_vec[0][quarkType]; EWK_w = EWK_w2; } return EWK_w ; }
void BreitBoost(TObjArray &InputCandList, TObjArray &OutputCandList, Double_t PzInLepton, Double_t PzInHadron,TLorentzVector POutLepton,Int_t Scheme) { // Boost input particle into Breit-frame // PInLepton is momentum of incoming lepton in +z direction // POutLepton is momentum of outgoning lepton // PInHadron is momentum of incoming hadron in +z direction // Scheme = 1 => boost to Breit-frame // = 2 => boost from Breit-frame // Loop. vars Int_t k4Vec; // Number of entries Int_t NumInputEntries; // Breit-vars Double_t ArbFactor, PRelLepton,CenterOfMass[4]; Double_t ZHadrons[4], XZ[4]; // boost to and from Breit-frame implemented if (Scheme != 1 && Scheme != 2) return; // Get number of particles stored in the list if (InputCandList.GetEntries()>0) NumInputEntries = InputCandList.GetEntries(); else { printf("Inputlist is empty: No boost possible\n"); return; } /* if(m_Debug > 1) */ /* cout << "In Breitboost: NumInputEntries = " */ /* << NumInputEntries << endl; */ // Init TLorentzVector *Boosted4Vector = new TLorentzVector(0,0,0); for (k4Vec = 0;k4Vec < 4;k4Vec++) { CenterOfMass[k4Vec] = 0; ZHadrons[k4Vec] = 0; XZ[k4Vec] = 0; } // Find 4-momentum of Breit frame (times an arbitrary factor) // Breit-frame 4-vector given by "CenterOfMass" /* if(m_Debug > 1) */ /* cout << PzInHadron << ' ' << PzInLepton << ' ' */ /* << POutLepton.X() << ' ' */ /* << POutLepton.Y() << ' ' */ /* << POutLepton.Z() << ' ' */ /* << POutLepton.E() << endl; */ // Calculate arbitrary factor ArbFactor = fabs(PzInHadron)*(fabs(PzInLepton)-POutLepton.E())-PzInHadron*(PzInLepton-POutLepton.Z()); /* if(m_Debug > 1) */ /* cout << "In Breitboost: ArbFactor = " */ /* << ArbFactor << endl; */ // Relative momentum squared PRelLepton = pow((fabs(PzInLepton)-POutLepton.E()),2)-pow((PzInLepton-POutLepton.Z()),2)-pow(POutLepton.Y(),2)-pow(POutLepton.X(),2); /* if(m_Debug > 1) */ /* cout << "In Breitboost: PRelLepton = " */ /* << PRelLepton << endl; */ // CM-calculation CenterOfMass[0] = ArbFactor * ( -POutLepton.X()); CenterOfMass[1] = ArbFactor * ( -POutLepton.Y()); CenterOfMass[2] = ArbFactor * (PzInLepton - POutLepton.Z())-PRelLepton*PzInHadron; CenterOfMass[3] = ArbFactor * (fabs(PzInLepton)-POutLepton.E())-PRelLepton*fabs(PzInHadron); /* if(m_Debug > 1) */ /* cout << "In Breitboost: CenterOfMass = " */ /* << CenterOfMass[0] << ' ' */ /* << CenterOfMass[1] << ' ' */ /* << CenterOfMass[2] << ' ' */ /* << CenterOfMass[3] << ' ' */ /* << endl; */ // Find rotation to put incoming hadron back on z-axis ZHadrons[0] = 0.; ZHadrons[1] = 0.; ZHadrons[2] = PzInHadron; ZHadrons[3] = fabs(PzInHadron); /* if(m_Debug > 1) */ /* cout << "In Breitboost: ZHadrons = " */ /* << ZHadrons[0] << ' ' */ /* << ZHadrons[1] << ' ' */ /* << ZHadrons[2] << ' ' */ /* << ZHadrons[3] << ' ' */ /* << endl; */ // Init XZ XZ[0] = 0; XZ[1] = 0; XZ[2] = 0; XZ[3] = 0; // introduce a 4-array to get the POutLept into the Boost method Double_t helpPOut[4]; // fix here - this is 2 or 3 in ktbrei - do the rotation to xz helpPOut[0] = POutLepton.Px(); helpPOut[1] = POutLepton.Py(); helpPOut[2] = POutLepton.Pz(); helpPOut[3] = POutLepton.E(); // fix here - this is the 0 or 1 option in ktbrei - no rotation in xz helpPOut[0] = 0.; helpPOut[1] = 0.; helpPOut[2] = 0.; helpPOut[3] = 0.; // Do the boost if(Scheme == 1) Dijets::Boost(CenterOfMass,PzInHadron,ZHadrons, helpPOut,NumInputEntries,InputCandList,OutputCandList,Scheme); else if(Scheme == 2) Dijets::Boost(CenterOfMass,PzInHadron,ZHadrons, helpPOut,NumInputEntries,InputCandList,OutputCandList,Scheme); // Delete old objects delete Boosted4Vector; }
void Boost(Double_t CM[4],Double_t Sign,Double_t ZHad[4], Double_t XZMomentum[4],Int_t NumPart,TObjArray &InputCandList, TObjArray &OutputCandList,Int_t Scheme) { // Boost method // Corresponds to old DKTFRAM subroutine // Rotation matrix Double_t RMatrix[4][4],HelpMatrix[4][4]; Double_t OldVector[4], NewVector[4]; // Declare 4-vector for input and output of boost Double_t Cand4Vec[4], FinalCand4Vec[4]; // Loop. vars Int_t iCol, jLin, iParticle; // Init matrix RMatrix with id. for (iCol = 0;iCol<4;iCol++) for (jLin = 0;jLin < 4;jLin++) { if (iCol != jLin) RMatrix[iCol][jLin] = 0; else RMatrix[iCol][jLin] = 1; } // Do a Lorentz boost to/from cm frame of XXXX Dijets::LorentzBoost(RMatrix,CM,0); //for (iCol = 0;iCol<4;iCol++) //for (jLin = 0;jLin < 4;jLin++) // { //cout << "rmatrix2 = " << iCol << ' ' << jLin << ' ' << RMatrix[iCol][jLin] << endl; // } // Find rotation to put boosted Z on the (sign) z axis if (Sign!=0.) { for (jLin = 0;jLin<4;jLin++) { OldVector[jLin] = 0.; for (iCol = 0;iCol < 4;iCol++) OldVector[jLin] += RMatrix[jLin][iCol]*ZHad[iCol]; } //cout << "old1 = " // << OldVector[0] << ' ' // << OldVector[1] << ' ' // << OldVector[2] << ' ' // << OldVector[3] << ' ' // << endl; // Check if not 0 and fill in new vector if (OldVector[0]!=0. || OldVector[1]!=0. || OldVector[2]!=0.) { NewVector[0] = 0.; NewVector[1] = 0.; NewVector[2] = Sign; NewVector[3] = fabs(Sign); //cout << "new1 = " // << NewVector[0] << ' ' // << NewVector[1] << ' ' // << NewVector[2] << ' ' // << NewVector[3] << endl; Dijets::RRot(RMatrix,OldVector,NewVector); // Find rotation to put boosted Z and rotated XZMomentum into XZ-plane // fix here for (jLin = 0;jLin<4;jLin++) { OldVector[jLin] = 0.; for (iCol = 0;iCol < 4;iCol++) OldVector[jLin] += RMatrix[jLin][iCol]*XZMomentum[iCol]; } /* for (jLin = 0;jLin<4;jLin++) { cout << " rmat = " << RMatrix[jLin][0] << ' ' << RMatrix[jLin][1] << ' ' << RMatrix[jLin][2] << ' ' << RMatrix[jLin][3] << endl; } cout << "xzmomentum = " << XZMomentum[0] << ' ' << XZMomentum[1] << ' ' << XZMomentum[2] << ' ' << XZMomentum[3] << endl; cout << "old2 = " << OldVector[0] << ' ' << OldVector[1] << ' ' << OldVector[2] << ' ' << OldVector[3] << ' ' << endl; */ // check if not negative if (OldVector[0]!=0. || OldVector[1]!=0.) { NewVector[0] = 1.; NewVector[1] = 0.; NewVector[2] = 0.; NewVector[3] = 1.; OldVector[2] = 0.; /*cout << "new2 = " << NewVector[0] << ' ' << NewVector[1] << ' ' << NewVector[2] << ' ' << NewVector[3] << ' ' << OldVector[0] << ' ' << OldVector[1] << ' ' << OldVector[2] << ' ' << OldVector[3] << ' ' << endl; */ //---NOTE THAT A POTENTIALLY AWKWARD SPECIAL CASE IS AVERTED, BECAUSE IF // OLD AND NEW ARE EXACTLY BACK-TO-BACK, THE ROTATION AXIS IS UNDEFINED // BUT IN THAT CASE DKTRROT WILL USE THE Z AXIS, AS REQUIRED Dijets::RRot(RMatrix, OldVector, NewVector); } } } // Invert the transformation if necessary if (Scheme==2) { Dijets::MatrixInv(RMatrix,HelpMatrix); for (iCol = 0;iCol<4;iCol++) for (jLin = 0;jLin < 4;jLin++) RMatrix[iCol][jLin] = HelpMatrix[iCol][jLin]; } // Clear output list OutputCandList.Clear(); // Apply the result for all vectors for (iParticle=0;iParticle<NumPart;iParticle++) { // get actual 4-vector candidate // For Energy --> mass assumption = 0 => massless TLorentzVector Candidate; if(InputCandList.At(iParticle)->InheritsFrom(TLorentzVector::Class())) { Candidate = *((TLorentzVector*)InputCandList.At(iParticle)); } else { cout << "ERROR in Boost: InputCand of unknown type !" << endl; } Cand4Vec[0] = Candidate.X(); Cand4Vec[1] = Candidate.Y(); Cand4Vec[2] = Candidate.Z(); Cand4Vec[3] = Candidate.T(); /* if(m_Debug > 1) */ /* cout << "Cand = " */ /* << Cand4Vec[0] << ' ' << Cand4Vec[1] << ' ' */ /* << Cand4Vec[2] << ' ' << Cand4Vec[3] << endl; */ // Boost Cand4Vec --> FinalCand4Vec for (jLin = 0;jLin < 4;jLin++) { FinalCand4Vec[jLin] = 0.; for (iCol = 0;iCol<4;iCol++) FinalCand4Vec[jLin] += RMatrix[jLin][iCol]*Cand4Vec[iCol]; } //cout << "Final= " // << FinalCand4Vec[0] << ' ' // << FinalCand4Vec[1] << ' ' // << FinalCand4Vec[2] << ' ' // << FinalCand4Vec[3] // << endl; // Create particle with boosted 4-vector TLorentzVector* Cand5 = new TLorentzVector( FinalCand4Vec[0], FinalCand4Vec[1], FinalCand4Vec[2], FinalCand4Vec[3]); OutputCandList.Add(Cand5); // delete Cand5; // Fill in outputlist /* if(m_Debug > 1) */ /* { */ /* cout << "-------- Output particle list (Boost) --------" << endl; */ /* cout << ((TLorentzVector*)Cand5)->Px() << ' ' */ /* << ((TLorentzVector*)Cand5)->Py() << ' ' */ /* << ((TLorentzVector*)Cand5)->Pz() << ' ' */ /* << ((TLorentzVector*)Cand5)->E() */ /* << endl; */ /* } */ } }