Пример #1
/** Packages an image layer as a TMS folder. */
makeTMS( osg::ArgumentParser& args )

    //Read the min level
    unsigned int minLevel = 0;
    while (args.read("--min-level", minLevel));

    //Read the max level
    unsigned int maxLevel = 5;
    while (args.read("--max-level", maxLevel));

    std::vector< Bounds > bounds;
    // restrict packaging to user-specified bounds.    
    double xmin=DBL_MAX, ymin=DBL_MAX, xmax=DBL_MIN, ymax=DBL_MIN;
    while (args.read("--bounds", xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax ))
        Bounds b;
        b.xMin() = xmin, b.yMin() = ymin, b.xMax() = xmax, b.yMax() = ymax;
        bounds.push_back( b );

    std::string tileList;
    while (args.read( "--tiles", tileList ) );

    bool verbose = args.read("--verbose");

    unsigned int batchSize = 0;
    args.read("--batchsize", batchSize);

    // Read the concurrency level
    unsigned int concurrency = 0;
    args.read("-c", concurrency);
    args.read("--concurrency", concurrency);

    bool writeXML = true;

    // load up the map
    osg::ref_ptr<MapNode> mapNode = MapNode::load( args );
    if( !mapNode.valid() )
        return usage( "Failed to load a valid .earth file" );

    // Read in an index shapefile
    std::string index;
    while (args.read("--index", index))
        //Open the feature source
        OGRFeatureOptions featureOpt;
        featureOpt.url() = index;        

        osg::ref_ptr< FeatureSource > features = FeatureSourceFactory::create( featureOpt );

        osg::ref_ptr< FeatureCursor > cursor = features->createFeatureCursor();
        while (cursor.valid() && cursor->hasMore())
            osg::ref_ptr< Feature > feature = cursor->nextFeature();
            osgEarth::Bounds featureBounds = feature->getGeometry()->getBounds();
            GeoExtent ext( feature->getSRS(), featureBounds );
            ext = ext.transform( mapNode->getMapSRS() );
            bounds.push_back( ext.bounds() );            

    // see if the user wants to override the type extension (imagery only)
    std::string extension;
    args.read( "--ext", extension );

    // find a .earth file on the command line
    std::string earthFile = findArgumentWithExtension( args, ".earth" );
    // folder to which to write the TMS archive.
    std::string rootFolder;
    if( !args.read( "--out", rootFolder ) )
        rootFolder = Stringify() << earthFile << ".tms_repo";

    // whether to overwrite existing tile files
    //TODO:  Support
    bool overwrite = false;
    if( args.read( "--overwrite" ) )
        overwrite = true;

    // write out an earth file
    std::string outEarth;
    args.read( "--out-earth", outEarth );

    std::string dbOptions;
    args.read( "--db-options", dbOptions );
    std::string::size_type n = 0;
    while( (n = dbOptions.find( '"', n )) != dbOptions.npos )
        dbOptions.erase( n, 1 );

    osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Options> options = new osgDB::Options( dbOptions );

    // whether to keep 'empty' tiles    
    bool keepEmpties = args.read( "--keep-empties" );

    //TODO:  Single color
    bool continueSingleColor = args.read( "--continue-single-color" );

    // elevation pixel depth
    unsigned elevationPixelDepth = 32;
    args.read( "--elevation-pixel-depth", elevationPixelDepth );
    // create a folder for the output
    osgDB::makeDirectory( rootFolder );
    if( !osgDB::fileExists( rootFolder ) )
        return usage( "Failed to create root output folder" );

    int imageLayerIndex = -1;
    args.read("--image", imageLayerIndex);

    int elevationLayerIndex = -1;
    args.read("--elevation", elevationLayerIndex);
    Map* map = mapNode->getMap();

    osg::ref_ptr< TileVisitor > visitor;

    // If we are given a task file, load it up and create a new TileKeyListVisitor
    if (!tileList.empty())
        TaskList tasks( mapNode->getMap()->getProfile() );
        tasks.load( tileList );

        TileKeyListVisitor* v = new TileKeyListVisitor();
        v->setKeys( tasks.getKeys() );
        visitor = v;     
        // This process is a lowly worker, and shouldn't write out the XML file.
        writeXML = false;

    // If we dont' have a visitor create one.
    if (!visitor.valid())
        if (args.read("--mt"))
            // Create a multithreaded visitor
            MultithreadedTileVisitor* v = new MultithreadedTileVisitor();
            if (concurrency > 0)
            visitor = v;            
        else if (args.read("--mp"))
            // Create a multiprocess visitor
            MultiprocessTileVisitor* v = new MultiprocessTileVisitor();
            if (concurrency > 0)
                OE_NOTICE << "Set num processes " << concurrency << std::endl;

            if (batchSize > 0)

            // Try to find the earth file
            std::string earthFile;
            for(int pos=1;pos<args.argc();++pos)
                if (!args.isOption(pos))
                    earthFile  = args[ pos ];

            v->setEarthFile( earthFile );

            visitor = v;            
            // Create a single thread visitor
            visitor = new TileVisitor();            

    osg::ref_ptr< ProgressCallback > progress = new ConsoleProgressCallback();

    if (verbose)
        visitor->setProgressCallback( progress );

    visitor->setMinLevel( minLevel );
    visitor->setMaxLevel( maxLevel );        

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bounds.size(); i++)
        GeoExtent extent(mapNode->getMapSRS(), bounds[i]);
        OE_DEBUG << "Adding extent " << extent.toString() << std::endl;                
        visitor->addExtent( extent );

    // Setup a TMSPackager with all the options.
    TMSPackager packager;

    // new map for an output earth file if necessary.
    osg::ref_ptr<Map> outMap = 0L;
    if( !outEarth.empty() )
        // copy the options from the source map first
        outMap = new Map( map->getInitialMapOptions() );

    std::string outEarthFile = osgDB::concatPaths( rootFolder, osgDB::getSimpleFileName( outEarth ) );

    // Package an individual image layer
    if (imageLayerIndex >= 0)
        ImageLayer* layer = map->getImageLayerAt(imageLayerIndex);
        if (layer)
            packager.run(layer, map);
            if (writeXML)
                packager.writeXML(layer, map);
            std::cout << "Failed to find an image layer at index " << imageLayerIndex << std::endl;
            return 1;
    // Package an individual elevation layer
    else if (elevationLayerIndex >= 0)
        ElevationLayer* layer = map->getElevationLayerAt(elevationLayerIndex);
        if (layer)
            packager.run(layer, map);
            if (writeXML)
                packager.writeXML(layer, map );
            std::cout << "Failed to find an elevation layer at index " << elevationLayerIndex << std::endl;
            return 1;
        // Package all the ImageLayer's
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < map->getNumImageLayers(); i++)
            ImageLayer* layer = map->getImageLayerAt(i);        
            OE_NOTICE << "Packaging " << layer->getName() << std::endl;
            osg::Timer_t start = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
            packager.run(layer, map);
            osg::Timer_t end = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
            if (verbose)
                OE_NOTICE << "Completed seeding layer " << layer->getName() << " in " << prettyPrintTime( osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s( start, end ) ) << std::endl;

            if (writeXML)
                packager.writeXML(layer, map);

            // save to the output map if requested:
            if( outMap.valid() )
                std::string layerFolder = toLegalFileName( packager.getLayerName() );

                // new TMS driver info:
                TMSOptions tms;
                tms.url() = URI(
                    osgDB::concatPaths( layerFolder, "tms.xml" ),
                    outEarthFile );

                ImageLayerOptions layerOptions( packager.getLayerName(), tms );
                layerOptions.mergeConfig( layer->getInitialOptions().getConfig( true ) );
                layerOptions.cachePolicy() = CachePolicy::NO_CACHE;

                outMap->addImageLayer( new ImageLayer( layerOptions ) );

        // Package all the ElevationLayer's
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < map->getNumElevationLayers(); i++)
            ElevationLayer* layer = map->getElevationLayerAt(i);        
            OE_NOTICE << "Packaging " << layer->getName() << std::endl;
            osg::Timer_t start = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
            packager.run(layer, map);
            osg::Timer_t end = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
            if (verbose)
                OE_NOTICE << "Completed seeding layer " << layer->getName() << " in " << prettyPrintTime( osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s( start, end ) ) << std::endl;
            if (writeXML)
                packager.writeXML(layer, map);

            // save to the output map if requested:
            if( outMap.valid() )
                std::string layerFolder = toLegalFileName( packager.getLayerName() );

                // new TMS driver info:
                TMSOptions tms;
                tms.url() = URI(
                    osgDB::concatPaths( layerFolder, "tms.xml" ),
                    outEarthFile );

                ElevationLayerOptions layerOptions( packager.getLayerName(), tms );
                layerOptions.mergeConfig( layer->getInitialOptions().getConfig( true ) );
                layerOptions.cachePolicy() = CachePolicy::NO_CACHE;

                outMap->addElevationLayer( new ElevationLayer( layerOptions ) );


    // Write out an earth file if it was requested
    // Finally, write an earth file if requested:
    if( outMap.valid() )
        MapNodeOptions outNodeOptions = mapNode->getMapNodeOptions();
        osg::ref_ptr<MapNode> outMapNode = new MapNode( outMap.get(), outNodeOptions );
        if( !osgDB::writeNodeFile( *outMapNode.get(), outEarthFile ) )
            OE_WARN << LC << "Error writing earth file to \"" << outEarthFile << "\"" << std::endl;
        else if( verbose )
            OE_NOTICE << LC << "Wrote earth file to \"" << outEarthFile << "\"" << std::endl;

    return 0;
Пример #2
/** Packages image and elevation layers as a TMS. */
int TMSExporter::exportTMS(MapNode* mapNode, const std::string& earthFilePath, const std::string& path, std::vector< osgEarth::Bounds >& bounds, const std::string& outEarth, bool overwrite, const std::string& extension)
    _totalTimeS = 0.0;
    osg::Timer_t startTime = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();

    Map* map = mapNode->getMap();

    // new map for an output earth file if necessary.
    osg::ref_ptr<Map> outMap = 0L;
    if ( !outEarth.empty() )
        // copy the options from the source map first
        outMap = new Map(map->getInitialMapOptions());

    // establish the output path of the earth file, if applicable:
    std::string outEarthName = osgDB::getSimpleFileName(outEarth);
    if (outEarthName.length() > 0 && osgEarth::toLower(osgDB::getFileExtension(outEarthName)) != "earth")
        outEarthName += ".earth";

    std::string outEarthFile = osgDB::concatPaths(path, outEarthName);

    // Create the TMS packager.
    TMSPackager packager;

    std::string tmpEarth;

    // Setup the visitor with the concurrency level and processing mode if it's set.
    if (_concurrency > 1)
        if (_mode == MODE_MULTIPROCESS)
            // Write out a temp earth file so the processes can work on it.
            // Determine the output path.  If we loaded from an earth file write out the temp file right next to it so relative paths will work the same.
            // Otherwise use the temp path
            OE_NOTICE << "Earth file path " << earthFilePath << std::endl;
            if (!earthFilePath.empty())
                std::string root = osgDB::getFilePath(earthFilePath);
                root += "/";
                tmpEarth = getTempName(root, ".earth");
                tmpEarth = getTempName(getTempPath(), ".earth");
            OE_INFO << "Writing to " << tmpEarth << std::endl;
            osgDB::writeNodeFile(*mapNode, tmpEarth );         
            MultiprocessTileVisitor* v = new MultiprocessTileVisitor();
        else if (_mode == MODE_MULTITHREADED)
            MultithreadedTileVisitor* v = new MultithreadedTileVisitor();          

    // Make the output directory if it doesn't exist  

    // Setup the osgDB options for the packager.
    osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Options> options = new osgDB::Options(_dbOptions);
    packager.setWriteOptions( options.get() );

    // Add all the bounds
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bounds.size(); i++)
        packager.getTileVisitor()->addExtent( osgEarth::GeoExtent(map->getProfile()->getSRS(), bounds[i]));
    packager.getTileVisitor()->setProgressCallback( _progress.get() );

    // Compute the total number of layers we are going to operate on.
    unsigned int totalLayers = map->getNumImageLayers() + map->getNumElevationLayers();  

    unsigned int layerNum = 1;

    // Package each image layer
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < map->getNumImageLayers(); i++)
        // Don't continue if the export has been canceled
        if (_progress->isCanceled())
        osg::ref_ptr< ImageLayer > layer = map->getImageLayerAt(i);      
        std::stringstream buf;
        buf << "Packaging " << layer->getName() << " (" << layerNum << " of " << totalLayers << ")";
        OE_NOTICE << buf.str() << std::endl;
        packager.run(layer.get(), map);
        packager.writeXML(layer.get(), map);
        if (outMap)
            std::string layerFolder = toLegalFileName( packager.getLayerName() );

            // new TMS driver info:
            TMSOptions tms;
            tms.url() = URI(
                osgDB::concatPaths( layerFolder, "tms.xml" ),
                outEarthFile );

            ImageLayerOptions layerOptions( packager.getLayerName(), tms );
            layerOptions.mergeConfig( layer->getInitialOptions().getConfig( true ) );
            layerOptions.cachePolicy() = CachePolicy::NO_CACHE;

            outMap->addImageLayer( new ImageLayer( layerOptions ) );

    // Package each elevation layer
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < map->getNumElevationLayers(); i++)
        // Don't continue if the export has been canceled
        if (_progress->isCanceled())

        osg::ref_ptr< ElevationLayer > layer = map->getElevationLayerAt(i);      
        std::stringstream buf;
        buf << "Packaging " << layer->getName() << " (" << layerNum << " of " << totalLayers << ")";
        OE_NOTICE << buf.str() << std::endl;
        packager.run(layer.get(), map);
        packager.writeXML(layer.get(), map);

        if( outMap.valid() )
            std::string layerFolder = toLegalFileName( packager.getLayerName() );

            // new TMS driver info:
            TMSOptions tms;
            tms.url() = URI(
                osgDB::concatPaths( layerFolder, "tms.xml" ),
                outEarthFile );

            ElevationLayerOptions layerOptions( packager.getLayerName(), tms );
            layerOptions.mergeConfig( layer->getInitialOptions().getConfig( true ) );
            layerOptions.cachePolicy() = CachePolicy::NO_CACHE;

            outMap->addElevationLayer( new ElevationLayer( layerOptions ) );


    // Don't continue if the export has been canceled
    if (!_progress->isCanceled())
        // Write out an earth file if it was requested
        // Finally, write an earth file if requested:
        if( outMap.valid() )
            MapNodeOptions outNodeOptions = mapNode->getMapNodeOptions();
            osg::ref_ptr<MapNode> outMapNode = new MapNode( outMap.get(), outNodeOptions );
            if( !osgDB::writeNodeFile( *outMapNode.get(), outEarthFile ) )
                OE_WARN << LC << "Error writing earth file to \"" << outEarthFile << "\"" << std::endl;

    osg::Timer_t endTime = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();

    _totalTimeS = osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s(startTime, endTime );

    // Tell the progress dialog that we're finished and it can close

    // Remove the temp earth file.
    if (!tmpEarth.empty())

    return 0;