Пример #1
void LatexMaker::writeCorrMatrix( ofstream& file, TMatrixDSym mat, RooArgList *observables, vector<TString> labels ) {

  file << "\\begin{tabular}{ l |";
  for ( int i=0; i < mat.GetNcols(); i++) file << "c";
  file << "}" << endl;
  file << "\\hline" << endl;
  file << "\\hline" << endl;
  file << Form("%-15s","");

  for ( int i=0; i < mat.GetNcols(); i++) {
    TString title = observables->at(i)->GetTitle();
    if ( i < labels.size() ) title = labels[i];
    file << Form(" & %s",title.Data());
  file << "\\\\" << endl;
  file << "\\hline" << endl;
  for ( int i=0; i < mat.GetNrows(); i++) {

    TString title = observables->at(i)->GetTitle();
    if ( i < labels.size() ) title = labels[i];
    file << Form("%-15s",title.Data());

    for (int j=0; j < mat.GetNcols(); j++) {
      if ( mat[i][j] < 0 ) {
        file << Form(" &  %4.2f",mat[i][j]);
      else if ( TMath::Abs(mat[i][j]-1) < 1.e-6 ) {
        file << " &      1";
      else if ( mat[i][j] > 0 ) {
        file << Form(" &   %4.2f",mat[i][j]);
      else {
        file << " &      0";
    file << "  \\\\" << endl;

  file << "\\hline" << endl;
  file << "\\hline" << endl;

  file << "\\end{tabular}" << endl;

Пример #2
void MultiGaus(const TVectorD& parMeans, const TMatrixDSym& covMatrix, TVectorD& genPars)

  TRandom3 rnd(0);

  int nPars = parMeans.GetNrows();
  if(nPars <= 0) {
    Error("MultiGaus", "Must have >0 pars");
  if(covMatrix.GetNrows() != nPars) {
    Error("MultiGaus", "parMeans.GetNrows() != covMatrix.GetNrows()");
  // Check that covMatrix is symmetric
  for(int iRow = 0; iRow < nPars; iRow++) {
    for(int iCol = iRow; iCol < nPars; iCol++) {
      if(covMatrix(iRow, iCol) != covMatrix(iCol, iRow)) {
        Error("MultiGaus", "malformed cov matrix at row %d, col %d", iRow, iCol);


  TMatrixDSymEigen eigenvariances(covMatrix);
  TMatrixD V = eigenvariances.GetEigenVectors();

  TVectorD rotParMeans = V * parMeans;

  for(int iPar = 0; iPar < nPars; iPar++) {
    double variance = eigenvariances.GetEigenValues()[iPar];
    // check for positive-definiteness of covMatrix
    if(variance < 0) {
      Error("MultiGaus", "Got a negative eigenvariance (%f) on iPar = %d", variance, iPar);
    genPars[iPar] = rnd.Gaus(rotParMeans[iPar], sqrt(variance));

  genPars = V * genPars;
