TProfile* overlayTProfiles(TH2F* hdata, TH2F* hdy, float ymin, float ymax, TString savename) { // See how the mean of the dimumass changes vs some variable by making TProfiles of a 2D histogram with the Dimu mass as the y axis. // Compare data to MC and save the results as png files. TString dataname = TString("Golden_JSON_DoubleMuon_Data"); TString dyname = TString("Drell_Yan_Monte_Carlo_2015"); // Make TProfiles from them to see how the mean changes vs the x variable. TProfile* pdata = hdata->ProfileX(); pdata->SetLineColor(1); pdata->SetLineWidth(3); pdata->SetTitle(hdata->GetTitle()); pdata->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(hdata->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); TProfile* pdy = hdy->ProfileX(); pdy->SetLineColor(2); pdy->SetLineWidth(3); pdy->SetTitle(hdy->GetTitle()); pdy->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(hdy->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); std::cout<< "hdata: " << hdata << std::endl; std::cout<< "hdy: " << hdy << std::endl; std::cout<< "pdata: " << pdata << std::endl; std::cout<< "pdy: " << pdy << std::endl; TCanvas* c = new TCanvas(); c->SetGridx(kTRUE); c->SetGridy(kTRUE); // Draw data and MC on the same plot // Have to draw the same plots twice to get error bars and a curve through the error bars. c->cd(); // hdata->Draw("colz"); pdata->SetAxisRange(ymin,ymax,"Y"); pdata->Draw("hist c"); pdata->Draw("E X0 same"); pdy->Draw("hist c same"); pdy->Draw("E X0 same"); // Stat box alignment DiMuPlottingSystem* dps = new DiMuPlottingSystem(); dps->arrangeStatBox(c); // Legend TLegend* l = new TLegend(0.15, 0.15, 0.7, 0.25, "", "brNDC"); l->AddEntry(pdata, dataname, "l"); l->AddEntry(pdy, dyname, "l"); l->Draw("same"); c->Print(savename); return pdata; }
//------------------------------------------------------------// // Get TProfile //------------------------------------------------------------// TProfile* getProfile(TFile* file, TString pname, TString xtitle, TString ytitle, int color, int marker) { TProfile* prof = (TProfile*) (file->Get(pname.Data())->Clone(Form("%s_%i",pname.Data(),color))); prof->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xtitle.Data()); prof->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(ytitle.Data()); prof->SetMarkerStyle(marker); prof->SetMarkerColor(color); //prof->SetMarkerSize(0.5); prof->SetLineColor(color); prof->SetTitle(""); prof->SetStats(0); prof->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); return prof; }
void profile() { TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("canvas","nhitac",1200,600); c1->Divide(2,1); c1->cd(1); TFile *file1 = new TFile("test_nhitac_modified.root"); //TH1F *histo1 = new TH1F("nhitac1","nhitac1",60,0,300); TProfile *profile1 = new TProfile("profile","nhitac profile",100,0,100,0,300); TFile *file2 = new TFile("test_nhitac_unmodified.root"); //TH1F *histo2 = new TH1F("nhitac","nhitac",60,0,300); TProfile *profile2 = new TProfile("profile2","nhitac profile2",100,0,100,0,300); TProfile *ratio = new TProfile("ratio","nhitac ratio", 100,0,100,0,2); //histo2->SetMarkerStyle(31); TLegend *l1 = new TLegend(0.20, 0.60, 0.3, 0.7); l1->SetBorderSize(0); TTree* nhitac_modified = (TTree*)file1->Get("testnhitac"); TTree* nhitac_unmodified = (TTree*)file2->Get("testnhitac"); int testnhitac1, testnhitac2; nhitac_modified->SetBranchAddress("nhitac",&testnhitac1); nhitac_unmodified->SetBranchAddress("nhitac",&testnhitac2); for(int i= 0; i < nhitac_modified->GetEntries(); i++) { nhitac_modified->GetEntry(i); nhitac_unmodified->GetEntry(i); profile1->Fill(i,testnhitac1); profile2->Fill(i,testnhitac2); double temp = testnhitac2; ratio->Fill(i,testnhitac1/temp); //histo1->Fill(testnhitac1); //histo2->Fill(testnhitac2); } //histo1->SetMarkerColor(kRed); //histo1->SetLineColor(kRed); profile1->SetMarkerColor(kRed); profile1->SetMarkerStyle(5); profile2->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); l1->AddEntry(profile1,"modified od bad channel","P"); l1->AddEntry(profile2,"old od bad channel","l"); l1->SetTextSize(0.04); profile1->Draw("e1p"); profile1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("event #"); profile1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("nhitac"); profile2->Draw("same"); l1->Draw(); c1->cd(2); ratio->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("event #"); ratio->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("new/old"); //ratio->SetMarkerStyle(5); //ratio->SetMarkerColor(kRed); ratio->Draw(); }
TCanvas *Plot2D_profileX_my(TChain *data, TString branchname, TString binning,TString selection,TString opt,TString xLabel, TString yLabel){ //type == 0: data only //type == 1: MC only //type == 2: data/MC TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c",""); data->Draw(branchname+">>data_hist"+binning,selection,opt); TH2F *d = (TH2F *) gROOT->FindObject("data_hist"); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1",""); TProfile *prof = d->ProfileX("prof",1,-1,"s"); prof->SetMarkerStyle(20); prof->SetMarkerSize(1); prof->Draw(); prof->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yLabel); prof->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xLabel); return c1; }
TProfile* plotIsoPerformance( TFile* ftt, const char* signal, // histogram name const char* background, // histogram name const char* name, // unique name bool reverse = false, // normally signal near zero bin, reverse means signal is around max bin double bkg_eff_min = 0, double bkg_eff_max = 1, double sig_eff_min = 0, double sig_eff_max = 0 ) { TH1F* S = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(ftt->Get(signal)); if ( ! S ) { std::cout << "Error: histogram not found " << signal << std::endl; return 0; } TH1F* B = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(ftt->Get(background)); if ( ! B ) { std::cout << "Error: histogram not found " << background << std::endl; return 0; } char buf[1024]; sprintf(buf,"c_%s",name); // TCanvas* c = new TCanvas(buf,buf,500,500); sprintf(buf,"p_%s",name); TProfile* p = new TProfile(buf,buf,50,bkg_eff_min,bkg_eff_max,sig_eff_min,sig_eff_max); p->SetLineColor(kBlue); p->SetLineWidth(2); p->SetMarkerStyle(20); p->SetMarkerSize(1); p->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Background Efficiency"); p->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Signal Efficiency"); p->SetStats(kFALSE); for( int i=0;i<=S->GetNbinsX()+1; ++i ) if ( reverse ) p->Fill(B->Integral(i,B->GetNbinsX()+1)/B->Integral(0,B->GetNbinsX()+1), S->Integral(i,S->GetNbinsX()+1)/S->Integral(0,S->GetNbinsX()+1)); else p->Fill(B->Integral(0,i)/B->Integral(0,B->GetNbinsX()+1), S->Integral(0,i)/S->Integral(0,S->GetNbinsX()+1)); // p->Draw(); return p; }
void Fake100PeVShower(int opt) { // opt == 0 implies save to root file // opt == 1 implies plot and save to canvas TFile* file = NULL; TCanvas* c = NULL; if(opt == 0) file = new TFile("fake100PeVShower.root","recreate"); if(opt == 1) c = makeCanvas("c"); TString gaus = "1.5e7*TMath::Exp(-(pow(x-10,2)/9))"; TString bump = "5e6*TMath::Exp(-(pow(x-17,2)/20))"; TF1* f = new TF1("f",(gaus+"+"+bump).Data(),0,30); int nbins = 3000; float xmin = 0; float xmax = 30; TProfile* prof = new TProfile("prof","",nbins,xmin,xmax); prof->SetStats(0); prof->SetTitle(""); prof->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Charge excess / 1e7"); prof->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("z [m]"); float step = xmax / nbins; for(int i =0; i<nbins; ++i){ float x = step * i; if(opt == 1 ) prof->Fill(x, f->Eval(x)/1e7); else prof->Fill(x, f->Eval(x)); } if(opt == 1){ prof->Draw(); c->SaveAs("JaimeCheck/FakeProfile100PeV.png"); } if(opt == 0){ file->Write(); file->Close(); } }
void fitBjetJES(int ppPbPb=1, int cbinlo=12, int cbinhi=40){ if(!ppPbPb){ cbinlo=0; cbinhi=40; } gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); TFile *fL; if(!ppPbPb)fL=new TFile("histos/ppMC_hiReco_jetTrig_highPurity_JEC.root"); else fL=new TFile("histos/PbPbQCDMC_pt30by3_ipHICalibCentWeight.root"); // these are dummy files for pp TFile *fB=new TFile("histos/PbPbBMC_pt30by3_ipHICalibCentWeight.root"); TFile *fC=new TFile("histos/PbPbCMC_pt30by3_ipHICalibCentWeight.root"); TNtuple *tL = (TNtuple*) fL->Get("nt"); TNtuple *tB = (TNtuple*) fB->Get("nt"); TNtuple *tC = (TNtuple*) fC->Get("nt"); float jtptL, refptL, jtetaL, weightL, refparton_flavorForBL, binL; tL->SetBranchAddress("jtpt",&jtptL); tL->SetBranchAddress("jteta",&jtetaL); tL->SetBranchAddress("refpt",&refptL); tL->SetBranchAddress("weight",&weightL); if(ppPbPb)tL->SetBranchAddress("bin",&binL); tL->SetBranchAddress("refparton_flavorForB",&refparton_flavorForBL); float jtptB, refptB, jtetaB, weightB, refparton_flavorForBB, binB; tB->SetBranchAddress("jtpt",&jtptB); tB->SetBranchAddress("jteta",&jtetaB); tB->SetBranchAddress("refpt",&refptB); tB->SetBranchAddress("weight",&weightB); if(ppPbPb)tB->SetBranchAddress("bin",&binB); tB->SetBranchAddress("refparton_flavorForB",&refparton_flavorForBB); float jtptC, refptC, jtetaC, weightC, refparton_flavorForBC, binC; tC->SetBranchAddress("jtpt",&jtptC); tC->SetBranchAddress("jteta",&jtetaC); tC->SetBranchAddress("refpt",&refptC); tC->SetBranchAddress("weight",&weightC); if(ppPbPb)tC->SetBranchAddress("bin",&binC); tC->SetBranchAddress("refparton_flavorForB",&refparton_flavorForBC); TProfile *hL = new TProfile("hL","hL",250,50,300,0,10); TProfile *hB = new TProfile("hB","hB",250,50,300,0,10); TProfile *hC = new TProfile("hC","hC",250,50,300,0,10); hL->Sumw2(),hB->Sumw2(),hC->Sumw2(); for(int i=0;i<tL->GetEntries();i++){ tL->GetEntry(i); if(!ppPbPb) binL=39; if(fabs(jtetaL)<2 && binL>=cbinlo && binL<cbinhi) hL->Fill(refptL,jtptL/refptL,weightL); if(!ppPbPb){ if(fabs(jtetaL)<2 && binL>=cbinlo && binL<cbinhi && abs(refparton_flavorForBL)==5) hB->Fill(refptL,jtptL/refptL,weightL); if(fabs(jtetaL)<2 && binL>=cbinlo && binL<cbinhi && abs(refparton_flavorForBL)==4) hC->Fill(refptL,jtptL/refptL,weightL); } } if(ppPbPb){ for(int i=0;i<tB->GetEntries();i++){ tB->GetEntry(i); if(fabs(jtetaB)<2 && binB>=cbinlo && binB<cbinhi && abs(refparton_flavorForBB)==5) hB->Fill(refptB,jtptB/refptB,weightB); } for(int i=0;i<tC->GetEntries();i++){ tC->GetEntry(i); if(fabs(jtetaC)<2 && binC>=cbinlo && binC<cbinhi && abs(refparton_flavorForBC)==4) hC->Fill(refptC,jtptC/refptC,weightC); } } hL->SetMinimum(0.); hL->SetLineColor(kBlue); hB->SetLineColor(kRed); hC->SetLineColor(kGreen); hL->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); hB->SetMarkerColor(kRed); hC->SetMarkerColor(kGreen); //hL->SetMarkerStyle(4); //hB->SetMarkerStyle(4); //hC->SetMarkerStyle(4); hL->SetXTitle("genJet p_{T} (GeV/c)"); hL->SetYTitle("<reco p_{T} / gen p_{T} >"); hL->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(50.,199.999); hL->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.5,1.05); TCanvas *c1=new TCanvas("c1","c1",800,600); c1->SetGridx(1); c1->SetGridy(1); hL->Draw("e1"); hB->Draw("e1,same"); hC->Draw("e1,same"); TLegend *leg=new TLegend(0.4,0.15,0.9,0.45); leg->SetBorderSize(0); leg->SetFillStyle(0); if(ppPbPb&&cbinlo==0&&cbinhi==40)leg->SetHeader("Pythia+Hydjet, 0-100%"); leg->AddEntry(hL,"Inclusive jets","pl"); leg->AddEntry(hC,"c-jets","pl"); leg->AddEntry(hB,"b-jets","pl"); leg->Draw(); TCanvas *c2=new TCanvas("c2","c2",1); /* TH1F *hL2 = (TH1F*)hL->Clone("hL2"); TH1F *hB2 = (TH1F*)hB->Clone("hB2"); hL2->Add(hB2,-1); hL2->Draw(); */ TH1F *hcorr = new TH1F("hcorr","hcorr",250,50,300); hcorr->Sumw2(); for(int i=0;i<hL->GetNbinsX();i++){ cout<<" b resp "<<hB->GetBinContent(i+1)<<endl; cout<<" l resp "<<hL->GetBinContent(i+1)<<endl; cout<<" l offset "<<1.-hL->GetBinContent(i+1)<<endl; cout<<" corrected b resp "<<hB->GetBinContent(i+1)+1.-hL->GetBinContent(i+1)<<endl; float jesOffset = 1.-hL->GetBinContent(i+1); hcorr->SetBinContent(i+1,hB->GetBinContent(i+1)+jesOffset); hcorr->SetBinError(i+1,sqrt(hB->GetBinError(i+1)*hB->GetBinError(i+1)+hL->GetBinError(i+1)*hL->GetBinError(i+1))); } hcorr->SetMinimum(0.5); hcorr->SetMaximum(1.1); hcorr->SetLineColor(kRed); hcorr->SetMarkerColor(kRed); hcorr->SetMarkerStyle(4); hcorr->Draw(); TF1 *fCorr = new TF1("fCorr","[0]+[1]*log(x)+[2]*log(x)*log(x)",50,300); fCorr->SetLineWidth(1); fCorr->SetLineColor(kBlue); hcorr->Fit(fCorr); TFile *fout; if(ppPbPb) fout =new TFile(Form("bJEShistos/bJetScale_PbPb_Cent_fineBin_%d_%d.root",cbinlo,cbinhi),"recreate"); else fout =new TFile("bJEShistos/bJetScale_PP_fineBin.root","recreate"); hcorr->Write(); fCorr->Write(); fout->Close(); }
void RunPidGetterQAEff() { TString PidFrameworkDir = "/lustre/nyx/cbm/users/klochkov/soft/PidFramework/"; gSystem->Load( PidFrameworkDir + "build/libPid"); gStyle->SetOptStat(0000); TFile *f2 = new TFile("pid_0.root"); TTree *PidTree = (TTree*) f2->Get("PidTree"); TofPidGetter *getter = new TofPidGetter(); TBranch *PidGet = PidTree->GetBranch("TofPidGetter"); PidGet->SetAddress(&getter); PidGet->GetEntry(0); Float_t ret[3]; TProfile *hEffP = new TProfile ("hEffP", "", 100, 0, 10); TProfile *hEffPi = new TProfile ("hEffPi", "", 100, 0, 6); TProfile *hEffK = new TProfile ("hEffK", "", 100, 0, 5); TProfile *hEffPSigma = new TProfile ("hEffPSigma", "", 100, 0, 10); TProfile *hEffPiSigma = new TProfile ("hEffPiSigma", "", 100, 0, 6); TProfile *hEffKSigma = new TProfile ("hEffKSigma", "", 100, 0, 5); TProfile2D *hEffPtYP = new TProfile2D ("hEffPtYP", "", 100, -2.5, 2.5, 100, 0, 4); TProfile2D *hEffPtYK = new TProfile2D ("hEffPtYK", "", 100, -2.5, 2.5, 100, 0, 4); TProfile2D *hEffPtYPi = new TProfile2D ("hEffPtYPi", "", 100, -2.5, 2.5, 100, 0, 4); TString InTreeFileName = "/lustre/nyx/cbm/users/dblau/cbm/mc/UrQMD/AuAu/10AGeV/sis100_electron/SC_ON/2016_09_01/tree/11111.root"; TFile *InFile = new TFile(InTreeFileName); TTree *InTree = (TTree*) InFile->Get("fDataTree"); DataTreeEvent* DTEvent; InTree -> SetBranchAddress("DTEvent",&DTEvent); int nevents = 100000;//InTree->GetEntries(); int outputstep = 100; std::cout << "Entries = " << nevents << std::endl; for (int j=0;j<nevents;j++) { if ( (j+1) % outputstep == 0) std::cout << j+1 << "/" << nevents << "\r" << std::flush; InTree->GetEntry(j); Int_t Nmc[3] = {100,100,100}; Int_t Ntof[3] = {0,0,0}; Int_t PdgCode[3] = {2212, 212, 211}; Double_t sigmas [3] = {0,0,0}; for (int i=0;i<DTEvent->GetNTracks(); i++) { TLorentzVector v; DataTreeTrack* track = DTEvent -> GetTrack(i); DataTreeMCTrack* mctrack = DTEvent -> GetMCTrack(i); Double_t p = mctrack->GetPt() * TMath::CosH( mctrack->GetEta() ); if (track->GetTOFHitId() < 0) { if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 2212 ) { v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.9386); hEffP->Fill ( p, 0 ); hEffPSigma->Fill ( p, 0 ); hEffPtYP -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(), 0 ); } if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 321 ) { v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.5); hEffK->Fill ( p, 0 ); hEffKSigma->Fill ( p, 0 ); hEffPtYK -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(), 0 ); } if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 211 ) { v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.14); hEffPi->Fill ( p, 0 ); hEffPiSigma->Fill ( p, 0); hEffPtYPi -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(), 0 ); } continue; } // DataTreeTOFHit* toftrack = DTEvent -> GetTOFHit(track->GetTOFHitId()); p = toftrack->GetP(); Double_t m2 = toftrack->GetMass2 (); Bool_t cut = toftrack->GetBeta() > 0.1 && ( track->GetChiSq(0)/track->GetNDF(0) < 3 ) && p > 1.0 ; if ( !cut ) continue; getter->GetBayesProbability (m2, p, ret); sigmas[0] = getter->GetSigmaProton (m2, p); sigmas[1] = getter->GetSigmaKaon (m2, p); sigmas[2] = getter->GetSigmaPion (m2, p); // std::cout << "pdg = " << mctrack->GetPdgId() << " p = " << p << " Sp = " << sigmas[0] << " Sk = " << sigmas[1]<< " Spi = " << sigmas[2] << std::endl; if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 2212 ) { v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.9386); hEffP->Fill ( p, ret[0] > 0.9 ); hEffPSigma->Fill ( p, sigmas[0] < 3&& sigmas[1] > 2 && sigmas[2] > 2 ); hEffPtYP -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(), ret[0] > 0.9 ); } if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 321 ) { v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.5); hEffK->Fill ( p, ret[1] > 0.9 ); hEffKSigma->Fill ( p, sigmas[1] < 3&& sigmas[2] > 2 && sigmas[0] > 2 ); hEffPtYK -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(), ret[1] > 0.9 ); } if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 211 ) { v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.14); hEffPi->Fill ( p, ret[2] > 0.9 ); hEffPiSigma->Fill ( p, sigmas[2] < 3&& sigmas[0] > 2 && sigmas[1] > 2 ); hEffPtYPi -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(), ret[2] > 0.9 ); } } } hEffP -> SetMarkerStyle(21); hEffP -> SetMarkerColor(kRed); hEffP -> SetLineColor(kRed); hEffPi -> SetMarkerStyle(21); hEffPi -> SetMarkerColor(kRed); hEffPi -> SetLineColor(kRed); hEffK -> SetMarkerStyle(21); hEffK -> SetMarkerColor(kRed); hEffK -> SetLineColor(kRed); hEffPSigma -> SetMarkerStyle(22); hEffPSigma -> SetMarkerColor(kBlue); hEffPSigma -> SetLineColor(kBlue); hEffPiSigma -> SetMarkerStyle(22); hEffPiSigma -> SetMarkerColor(kBlue); hEffPiSigma -> SetLineColor(kBlue); hEffKSigma -> SetMarkerStyle(22); hEffKSigma -> SetMarkerColor(kBlue); hEffKSigma -> SetLineColor(kBlue); hEffP->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "p, GeV/c" ); hEffP->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Efficiency" ); hEffP->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0, 1.); hEffK->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "p, GeV/c" ); hEffK->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Efficiency" ); hEffK->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0, 1.); hEffPi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "p, GeV/c" ); hEffPi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Efficiency" ); hEffPi->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0, 1.); hEffPtYP->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "p_{T}, GeV/c" ); hEffPtYP->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Rapidity" ); hEffPtYK->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "p_{T}, GeV/c" ); hEffPtYK->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Rapidity" ); hEffPtYPi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "p_{T}, GeV/c" ); hEffPtYPi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Rapidity" ); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas ("c1", "c1", 1400, 700); c1->Divide(3,1); c1->cd(1); hEffP->Draw(); hEffPSigma->Draw("same"); c1->cd(2); hEffK->Draw(); hEffKSigma->Draw("same"); c1->cd(3); hEffPi->Draw(); hEffPiSigma->Draw("same"); // c1->cd(4); // getter->GetProtonSigma()->Draw(); // getter->GetKaonSigma()->Draw("same"); // getter->GetPionSigma()->Draw("same"); // // c1->cd(5); // getter->GetProtonA()->Draw(); // getter->GetKaonA()->Draw("same"); // getter->GetPionA()->Draw("same"); // // c1->cd(6); // getter->GetProtonM2()->Draw(); // getter->GetKaonM2()->Draw("same"); // getter->GetPionM2()->Draw("same"); TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas ("c2", "c2", 1400, 700); c2->Divide(3,1); c2->cd(1); hEffPtYP->Draw("colz"); c2->cd(2); hEffPtYK->Draw("colz"); c2->cd(3); hEffPtYPi->Draw("colz"); c1->SaveAs("Canvas_Eff_p_all.root"); c1->SaveAs("Canvas_Eff_p_all.C"); c1->SaveAs("Canvas_Eff_p_all.png"); c2->SaveAs("Canvas_Eff_pT_Y_all.root"); c2->SaveAs("Canvas_Eff_pT_Y_all.C"); c2->SaveAs("Canvas_Eff_pT_Y_all.png"); }
void tauStudy(const TString inputfile = "/afs/") { // set up input tree LorentzVector *genTau1=0, *genTau2=0, *genJetTau1=0, *genJetTau2=0, *jetTau1=0, *jetTau2=0; Float_t genTau1pt, genTau2pt, genJetTau1pt, genJetTau2pt, jetTau1pt, jetTau2pt, corrJetTau1pt, corrJetTau2pt; Float_t genTau1eta, genTau2eta, genJetTau1eta, genJetTau2eta, jetTau1eta, jetTau2eta; TFile *infile = new TFile(inputfile, "READ"); assert(infile); TTree *intree = (TTree*) infile->Get("Events"); assert(intree); intree->SetBranchAddress("genTau1", &genTau1); intree->SetBranchAddress("genTau2", &genTau2); intree->SetBranchAddress("genJetTau1", &genJetTau1); intree->SetBranchAddress("genJetTau2", &genJetTau2); intree->SetBranchAddress("jetTau1", &jetTau1); intree->SetBranchAddress("jetTau2", &jetTau2); const Float_t PT_MAX = 500; const Float_t PT_MIN = 0; const Int_t PT_BINS = 50; const Float_t ETA_MAX = 2.4; const Float_t ETA_MIN = -2.4; const Int_t ETA_BINS = 16; TProfile *tauTagEffWithPT = new TProfile("tauTagEffWithPT", "Tau Tagging Efficiency", PT_BINS, PT_MIN, PT_MAX); TProfile *tauTagEffWithEta = new TProfile("tauTagEffWithEta", "Tau Tagging Efficiency", ETA_BINS, ETA_MIN, ETA_MAX); //TProfile *ptScaleWithPT = new TProfile("ptScaleWithPT", "P_{T} Scale Factor between gen Tau and reco Jet", PT_BINS, PT_MIN, PT_MAX); //TProfile *ptJetScaleWithPT = new TProfile("ptJetScaleWithPT", "P_{T} Scale Factor between gen Jet and reco Jet", PT_BINS, PT_MIN, PT_MAX); //TProfile *ptScaleWithEta = new TProfile("ptScaleWithEta", "P_{T} Scale Factor between gen Tau and reco Jet", ETA_BINS, ETA_MIN, ETA_MAX); //TProfile *ptJetScaleWithEta = new TProfile("ptJetScaleWithEta", "P_{T} Scale Factor between gen Jet and reco Jet", ETA_BINS, ETA_MIN, ETA_MAX); //TProfile *ptResWithPT = new TProfile("ptResWithPT", "P_{T} Resolution between gen Tau and reco Jet", PT_BINS, PT_MIN, PT_MAX); TProfile *ptJetResWithPT = new TProfile("ptJetResWithPT", "P_{T} Resolution: (genJet-recoJet)/(genJet)", PT_BINS, PT_MIN, PT_MAX); TProfile *ptJetResCorrWithPT = new TProfile("ptJetResCorrWithPT", "P_{T} Resolution: (genJet-recoJet)/(genJet)", PT_BINS, PT_MIN, PT_MAX); //TProfile *ptResWithEta = new TProfile("ptResWithEta", "P_{T} Resolution between gen Tau and reco Jet", ETA_BINS, ETA_MIN, ETA_MAX); TProfile *ptJetResWithEta = new TProfile("ptJetResWithEta", "P_{T} Resolution: (genJet-recoJet)/(genJet)", ETA_BINS, ETA_MIN, ETA_MAX); TProfile *ptJetResCorrWithEta = new TProfile("ptJetResCorrWithEta", "P_{T} Resolution: (genJet-recoJet)/(genJet)", ETA_BINS, ETA_MIN, ETA_MAX); for (Int_t iEntry=0; iEntry<intree->GetEntries(); iEntry++) { intree->GetEntry(iEntry); genTau1pt = genTau1->Pt(); genTau1eta = genTau1->Eta(); genTau2pt = genTau2->Pt(); genTau2eta = genTau2->Eta(); genJetTau1pt = genJetTau1->Pt(); genJetTau1eta = genJetTau1->Eta(); genJetTau2pt = genJetTau2->Pt(); genJetTau2eta = genJetTau2->Eta(); jetTau1pt = jetTau1->Pt(); jetTau1eta = jetTau1->Eta(); jetTau2pt = jetTau2->Pt(); jetTau2eta = jetTau2->Eta(); // jet corrections //if ( (jetTau1pt != 999) ) cout << "eta " << jetTau1eta << " pt " << jetTau1pt << " scaleCorr " << getJetScaleFactor(jetTau1pt, jetTau1eta) << endl; corrJetTau1pt = jetTau1pt*getJetScaleFactor(jetTau1pt, jetTau1eta); corrJetTau2pt = jetTau2pt*getJetScaleFactor(jetTau2pt, jetTau2eta); if ( (genTau1pt != 999) && (jetTau1pt != 999) ) { tauTagEffWithPT->Fill(genTau1pt, 1); //ptScaleWithPT->Fill(genTau1pt, jetTau1pt/genTau1pt); //ptJetScaleWithPT->Fill(genJetTau1pt, jetTau1pt/genJetTau1pt); //ptResWithPT->Fill(genTau1pt, (genTau1pt-jetTau1pt)/genTau1pt); ptJetResWithPT->Fill(genJetTau1pt, (genJetTau1pt-jetTau1pt)/genJetTau1pt); ptJetResCorrWithPT->Fill(genJetTau1pt, (genJetTau1pt-corrJetTau1pt)/genJetTau1pt); tauTagEffWithEta->Fill(genTau1eta, 1); //ptScaleWithEta->Fill(genTau1eta, jetTau1pt/genTau1pt); //ptJetScaleWithEta->Fill(genJetTau1eta, jetTau1pt/genJetTau1pt); //ptResWithEta->Fill(genTau1eta, (genTau1pt-jetTau1pt)/genTau1pt); ptJetResWithEta->Fill(genJetTau1eta, (genJetTau1pt-jetTau1pt)/genJetTau1pt); ptJetResCorrWithEta->Fill(genJetTau1eta, (genJetTau1pt-corrJetTau1pt)/genJetTau1pt); } else if ( (genTau1pt != 999) && (jetTau1pt == 999) ) { tauTagEffWithPT->Fill(genTau1pt, 0); tauTagEffWithEta->Fill(genTau1eta, 0); } if ( (genTau2pt != 999) && (jetTau2pt != 999) ) { tauTagEffWithPT->Fill(genTau2pt, 1); //ptScaleWithPT->Fill(genTau2pt, jetTau2pt/genTau2pt); //ptJetScaleWithPT->Fill(genJetTau2pt, jetTau2pt/genJetTau2pt); //ptResWithPT->Fill(genTau2pt, (genTau2pt-jetTau2pt)/genTau2pt); ptJetResWithPT->Fill(genJetTau2pt, (genJetTau2pt-jetTau2pt)/genJetTau2pt); ptJetResCorrWithPT->Fill(genJetTau2pt, (genJetTau2pt-corrJetTau2pt)/genJetTau2pt); tauTagEffWithEta->Fill(genTau2eta, 1); //ptScaleWithEta->Fill(genTau2eta, jetTau2pt/genTau2pt); //ptJetScaleWithEta->Fill(genJetTau2eta, jetTau2pt/genJetTau2pt); //ptResWithEta->Fill(genTau2eta, (genTau2pt-jetTau2pt)/genTau2pt); ptJetResWithEta->Fill(genJetTau2eta, (genJetTau2pt-jetTau2pt)/genJetTau2pt); ptJetResCorrWithEta->Fill(genJetTau2eta, (genJetTau2pt-corrJetTau2pt)/genJetTau2pt); } else if ( (genTau2pt != 999) && (jetTau2pt == 999) ) { tauTagEffWithPT->Fill(genTau2pt, 0); tauTagEffWithEta->Fill(genTau2eta, 0); } } TCanvas *c1 = MakeCanvas("c1", "Tau Tagging Efficiency", 800, 600); tauTagEffWithPT->SetMarkerStyle(1); tauTagEffWithPT->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} of Generator Tau"); tauTagEffWithPT->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency"); tauTagEffWithPT->Draw(); c1->SaveAs("tauTagEffWithPT.png"); TCanvas *c2 = MakeCanvas("c2", "Tau Tagging Efficiency", 800, 600); tauTagEffWithEta->SetMarkerStyle(1); tauTagEffWithEta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Eta of Generator Tau"); tauTagEffWithEta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency"); tauTagEffWithEta->Draw(); c2->SaveAs("tauTagEffWithEta.png"); /* TCanvas *c3 = MakeCanvas("c3", "Tau P_{T} Scale (reco Tau Jet P_{T}/gen Tau P_{T})", 800, 600); ptScaleWithPT->SetMarkerStyle(1); ptScaleWithPT->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} of Generator Tau"); ptScaleWithPT->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} Scale"); ptScaleWithPT->Draw(); c3->SaveAs("ptScaleWithPT.png"); TCanvas *c4 = MakeCanvas("c4", "Tau P_{T} Scale (reco Tau Jet P_{T}/gen Tau P_{T})", 800, 600); ptScaleWithEta->SetMarkerStyle(1); ptScaleWithEta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Eta of Generator Tau"); ptScaleWithEta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} Scale"); ptScaleWithEta->Draw(); c4->SaveAs("ptScaleWithEta.png"); TCanvas *c5 = MakeCanvas("c5", "Tau P_{T} Scale (reco Tau Jet P_{T}/gen Tau Jet P_{T})", 800, 600); ptJetScaleWithPT->SetMarkerStyle(1); ptJetScaleWithPT->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} of Generator Tau Jet"); ptJetScaleWithPT->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} Scale"); ptJetScaleWithPT->Draw(); c5->SaveAs("ptJetScaleWithPT.png"); TCanvas *c6 = MakeCanvas("c6", "Tau P_{T} Scale (reco Tau Jet P_{T}/gen Tau Jet P_{T})", 800, 600); ptJetScaleWithEta->SetMarkerStyle(1); ptJetScaleWithEta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Eta of Generator Tau Jet"); ptJetScaleWithEta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} Scale"); ptJetScaleWithEta->Draw(); c6->SaveAs("ptJetScaleWithEta.png"); TCanvas *c7 = MakeCanvas("c7", "Tau P_{T} Resolution ((reco Tau Jet P_{T} - gen Tau P_{T})/gen Tau P_{T})", 800, 600); ptResWithPT->SetMarkerStyle(1); ptResWithPT->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} of Generator Tau"); ptResWithPT->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} Resolution"); ptResWithPT->Draw(); c7->SaveAs("ptResWithPT.png"); TCanvas *c8 = MakeCanvas("c8", "Tau P_{T} Resolution", 800, 600); ptResWithEta->SetMarkerStyle(1); ptResWithEta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Eta of Generator Tau"); ptResWithEta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} Resolution"); ptResWithEta->Draw(); c8->SaveAs("ptResWithEta.png"); TCanvas *c9 = MakeCanvas("c9", "Tau P_{T} Resolution", 800, 600); ptJetResWithPT->SetMarkerStyle(1); ptJetResWithPT->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} of Generator Tau Jet"); ptJetResWithPT->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} Resolution"); ptJetResWithPT->Draw(); ptJetResCorrWithPT->SetMarkerStyle(1); ptJetResCorrWithPT->SetLineColor(2); ptJetResCorrWithPT->Draw("same"); c9->SaveAs("ptJetResWithPT.png"); TCanvas *c10 = MakeCanvas("c10", "Tau P_{T} Resolution ((reco Tau Jet P_{T} - gen Tau Jet P_{T})/gen Tau Jet P_{T})", 800, 600); ptJetResWithEta->SetMarkerStyle(1); ptJetResWithEta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Eta of Generator Tau Jet"); ptJetResWithEta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} Resolution"); ptJetResWithEta->Draw(); ptJetResCorrWithEta->SetMarkerStyle(1); ptJetResCorrWithEta->SetLineColor(2); ptJetResCorrWithEta->Draw("same"); c10->SaveAs("ptJetResWithEta.png"); */ }
void balanceMetVsAj(TString infname = "dj_HCPR-J50U-hiGoodMergedTracks_OfficialSelv2_Final0_120_50.root",TCut myCut = "cent<30", char *title = "",bool drawLegend = false) { TFile *inf = new TFile(infname); TTree *t = (TTree*)inf->Get("ntjt"); const int nBin = 3; double bins[nBin+1] = {0.5,4,8,1000}; double colors[nBin] = {kOrange-8,kBlue-3,kRed}; // Selection cut TCut evtCut = "nljet>100&&abs(nljetacorr)<2&&aljet>50&&abs(aljetacorr)<2&&jdphi>2./3*TMath::Pi()&&!maskEvt"; cout << "Sel evt: " << t->GetEntries(evtCut&&myCut) << endl; TProfile *p[nBin]; for (int i=0;i<nBin;i++) { p[i] = new TProfile(Form("p%d",i),"",5,0.0001,0.49999); t->Project(Form("p%d",i),Form("-1*metxMerged%d:Aj",i), "1"*(evtCut&&myCut)); p[i]->SetLineColor(colors[i]); p[i]->SetMarkerColor(colors[i]); } TProfile *pall = new TProfile("pall","",5,0.0001,0.49999); pall->SetXTitle("A_{J}"); pall->SetYTitle("<#slash{p}_{T}^{#parallel}> (GeV/c)"); pall->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); pall->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); pall->SetNdivisions(505); t->Project("pall","-1*metx:Aj", "1"*(evtCut&&myCut)); pall->SetAxisRange(-50,50,"Y"); pall->SetMarkerSize(1); pall->Draw("E"); for (int i=0;i<nBin;++i) { p[i]->SetLineWidth(3); p[i]->Draw("e hist same"); } pall->Draw("E same"); // Legend TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.10,0.68,0.70,0.96); leg->SetFillStyle(0); leg->SetBorderSize(0); leg->SetTextFont(63); leg->SetTextSize(16); leg->AddEntry(pall,Form("> %.1f GeV/c",bins[0]),"pl"); for (int i=0;i<nBin;++i) { if (i!=nBin-1){ leg->AddEntry(p[i],Form("%.1f - %.1f GeV/c",bins[i],bins[i+1]),"l"); } else { leg->AddEntry(p[i],Form("> %.1f GeV/c",bins[i]),"l"); } } if (drawLegend) leg->Draw(); TLine * l0 = new TLine(0,0,0.5,0); l0->SetLineStyle(2); l0->Draw(); TText *titleText = new TText(0.3,30,title); titleText->Draw(); }
void draw_clouds_profiles() { // gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ../utils.C"); // gROOT->ProcessLine(".L AliLRCFit.cxx"); TFile *f[8]; // f[0] = new TFile( "output_classesByV0M_LHC10h.root" ); // f[0] = new TFile( "output_classesByV0M_LHC10h_c10_5_1.root" ); f[0] = new TFile( "output_classesByV0M_LHC10h_c10_5_25_1_05.root" ); // f[0] = new TFile( "output_classesByV0M_LHC11h_FemtoPlus_c10_5_CUT_OUTLIERS.root" ); // f[0] = new TFile( "output_classesByV0M_LHC15o_fieldMM_c10_5_CUT_OUTLIERS.root" ); // f[0] = new TFile( "output_classesByV0M_LHC15o_fieldPP_c10_5_CUT_OUTLIERS.root" ); // const int nCW = 2; //nCentrWidths // const double cWidths[nCW] = { 10, 5 }; //width of the centrality bins // const double cStep[nCW] = { 5, 2.5 }; //centrality bins step // const int nCentrBins[nCW] = { 17, 35 }; //n centrality bins // const int nCW = 3; //nCentrWidths // const double cWidths[nCW] = { 10, 5, 1.0 }; //width of the centrality bins // const double cStep[nCW] = { 5, 2.5, 1.0 }; //centrality bins step // const int nCentrBins[nCW] = { 17, 35, 90 }; //n centrality bins // const int nCW = 4; //nCentrWidths // const double cWidths[nCW] = { 10, 5, 1.0, 0.5 }; //width of the centrality bins // const double cStep[nCW] = { 5, 2.5, 1.0, 1.0 }; //centrality bins step // const int nCentrBins[nCW] = { 17, 35, 90, 90 }; //n centrality bins const int nCW = 5; //nCentrWidths const double cWidths[nCW] = { 10, 5, 2.5, 1.0, 0.5 }; //width of the centrality bins const double cStep[nCW] = { 5, 2.5, 2.5, 1.0, 1.0 }; //centrality bins step const int nCentrBins[nCW] = { 17, 35, 36, 90, 90 }; //n centrality bins TH2D *hist2D;//[200][3]; TProfile *profile;//[200][3]; int cW = 2; int etaW = 1; int phiW = 0; const int kCorrType = 1; //0-NN, 1-PtPt, 2-PtN TCanvas *canv_tmp_for_fit = new TCanvas("canv_tmp_for_fit","canv_tmp_for_fit",50,50,300,300 ); TCanvas *canv_2D_clouds = new TCanvas("canv_2D_clouds","canv_2D_clouds",150,250,1400,600 ); tuneCanvas(canv_2D_clouds); canv_2D_clouds->Divide(2,1); gStyle->SetOptStat( kFALSE ); TGraph *grFromFit2D = new TGraph; bool firstDraw = true; // for ( int cBin = 0; cBin < nCentrBins[cW]; cBin++ ) for ( int cBin = nCentrBins[cW]-1; cBin >= 0; cBin-- ) { if (cBin%2!=0) continue; // cout << "cBin=" << cBin << endl; float cBinMin = cStep[cW] * cBin; float cBinMax = cWidths[cW] + cStep[cW] * cBin; // ##### pad 1 - clouds tunePad( canv_2D_clouds->cd(1) ); if ( kCorrType == 0 ) { hist2D = (TH2D*)f[0]->Get( Form("hist2D_NN_c%.1f-%.1f_etaW_%d_phiW_%d", cBinMin, cBinMax, etaW, phiW) ); hist2D->SetTitle( ""); hist2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "N_{ch} Forward"); hist2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "N_{ch} Backward"); hist2D->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,650); hist2D->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,650); } else if ( kCorrType == 1 ) { hist2D = (TH2D*)f[0]->Get( Form("hist2D_PtPt_c%.1f-%.1f_etaW_%d_phiW_%d", cBinMin, cBinMax, etaW, phiW) ); hist2D->SetTitle( ""); hist2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "#LTp_{T}#GT Forward"); hist2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "#LTp_{T}#GT Backward"); } hist2D->SetMarkerColor(kOrange-9+cBin); tuneHist2D_onPad(hist2D); hist2D->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); hist2D->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); // removeBinsWithFewEntries(hist2D); hist2D->DrawCopy( firstDraw ? "" : "same" ); // ##### pad 2 - profiles tunePad( canv_2D_clouds->cd(2) ); profile = hist2D->ProfileX(); //(TProfile*)f[0]->Get( Form("hist2D_c%.1f-%.1f_etaW_%d_phiW_%d_pfx", cBinMin, cBinMax, etaW, phiW) ); if ( kCorrType == 0 ) { profile->SetTitle( ""); profile->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "#LTN_{ch}#GT Backward"); profile->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,650); profile->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,650); } else if ( kCorrType == 1 ) { profile->SetTitle( ""); profile->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "#LT#LTp_{T}#GT#GT Backward"); } profile->SetLineColor(kOrange-9+cBin); profile->SetMarkerStyle(7); tuneProfile_onPad( profile ); profile->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); deleteProfileEmptyBinErrors(profile); canv_tmp_for_fit->cd(); profile->Fit("pol1","Q");//,"",0.25,1.2);//,"N"); canv_2D_clouds->cd(2); TF1 *fit = profile->GetFunction("pol1"); Double_t p0 = fit->GetParameter(0); Double_t p1 = fit->GetParameter(1); grFromFit2D->SetPoint(grFromFit2D->GetN(), (cBinMax+cBinMin)/2, p1); double meanX = hist2D->ProjectionX()->GetMean(); double rmsX = hist2D->ProjectionX()->GetRMS(); fit->SetRange( meanX-3*rmsX, meanX+3*rmsX ); fit->SetLineColorAlpha( kRed, 0.6 ); fit->Draw("same"); profile->DrawCopy( firstDraw ? "" : "same" ); firstDraw = false; } TGraphErrors *grByFormula; /*[cW][etaW]*/ if ( kCorrType == 0 ) { grByFormula = (TGraphErrors*)f[0]->Get( Form( "grNN_c%d_eta%d", cW, etaW ) ); } else if ( kCorrType == 1 ) { grByFormula = (TGraphErrors*)f[0]->Get( Form( "grPtPt_c%d_eta%d", cW, etaW ) ); } TCanvas *canv_GrCoeff = new TCanvas("canv_GrCoeff","canv_GrCoeff",20,150,900,700 ); grByFormula->Draw("APL"); grFromFit2D->SetLineColor(kRed); grFromFit2D->DrawClone("PL"); return; TGraphErrors *gr[10][10]; for ( int cW = 0; cW < 2; cW++ ) for ( int etaW = 0; etaW < 3; etaW++ ) gr[cW][etaW] = (TGraphErrors*)f[0]->Get( Form( "grPtPt_c%d_eta%d", cW, etaW ) ); drawGraph( gr[1][0], 24, kBlack, "APL" ); drawGraph( gr[0][0], 20, kBlack, "PL" ); // drawGraph( gr[1][1], 24, kBlue, "PL" ); // drawGraph( gr[0][1], 20, kBlue, "PL" ); // drawGraph( gr[1][2], 24, kGreen, "PL" ); // drawGraph( gr[0][2], 20, kGreen, "PL" ); //// drawGraph( gr[6], 24, kRed, "PL" ); // drawGraph( gr[7], 20, kRed, "PL" ); f[1] = new TFile( "output_histos_graphs_LHC15o_fieldMM.root" ); TGraphErrors *grMM[10][10]; for ( int cW = 0; cW < 2; cW++ ) for ( int etaW = 0; etaW < 3; etaW++ ) grMM[cW][etaW] = (TGraphErrors*)f[1]->Get( Form( "grPtPt_c%d_eta%d", cW, etaW ) ); drawGraph( grMM[1][0], 24, kGreen, "PL" ); drawGraph( grMM[0][0], 20, kGreen, "PL" ); // drawGraph( grMM[1][1], 24, kRed, "PL" ); // drawGraph( grMM[0][1], 20, kRed, "PL" ); // drawGraph( grMM[1][2], 24, kGreen, "PL" ); // drawGraph( grMM[0][2], 20, kGreen, "PL" ); // gROOT->ProcessLine( ".q"); }
void getMyPlot(TString name, TString canv){ TFile * f= TFile::Open(name); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c", "c",242,131,604,638); c1->Range(0.3110345,-0.07230999,1.01908,0.6295608); c1->SetFillColor(0); c1->SetBorderMode(0); c1->SetBorderSize(2); c1->SetLeftMargin(0.12); c1->SetRightMargin(0.01); c1->SetTopMargin(0.04); c1->SetFrameBorderMode(0); c1->SetFrameBorderMode(0); c1->Divide(1,3); c1->cd(1); TProfile * p = ((TH2D*)f->Get("hFinalFNeg"))->ProfileX(); p->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("F_{L} input"); p->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("F_{L} output"); p->Draw(); c1->cd(2); TProfile * q = ((TH2D*)f->Get("hFinalFZero"))->ProfileX(); q->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("F_{0} input"); q->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("F_{0} output"); q->Draw(); c1->cd(3); TProfile * r = ((TH2D*)f->Get("hFinalFPos"))->ProfileX(); r->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("F_{R} input"); r->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("F_{R} output"); r->Draw(); c1->SaveAs(canv+".C"); TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2", "c2",242,131,604,638); c2->Range(0.3110345,-0.07230999,1.01908,0.6295608); c2->SetFillColor(0); c2->SetBorderMode(0); c2->SetBorderSize(2); c2->SetLeftMargin(0.12); c2->SetRightMargin(0.01); c2->SetTopMargin(0.04); c2->SetFrameBorderMode(0); c2->SetFrameBorderMode(0); c2->Divide(1,3); c2->cd(1); TProfile * p2 = ((TH2D*)f->Get("hFinalFNegVR"))->ProfileX(); p2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("V_{R} input"); p2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("F_{L} output"); p2->Draw(); c2->cd(2); TProfile * q2 = ((TH2D*)f->Get("hFinalFZeroVR"))->ProfileX(); q2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("V_{R} input"); q2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("F_{0} output"); q2->Draw(); c2->cd(3); TProfile * r2 = ((TH2D*)f->Get("hFinalFPosVR"))->ProfileX(); r2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("V_{R} input"); r2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("F_{R} output"); r2->Draw(); c2->SaveAs(canv+"_AnomInput.C"); }
void gammaJetRapidity_energyClosure() { TH1::SetDefaultSumw2(); TString file; file = "/mnt/hadoop/cms/store/user/luck/pA2013_MC/HiForest2_QCDPhoton30_5020GeV_100k.root"; HiForest *c = new HiForest(file, "Forest", cPPb, true); c->InitTree(); TProfile *mcClosure = new TProfile("mcClosure",";p_{T}^{gen};<p_{T}^{reco}/p_{T}^{gen}>",40,0,300); Int_t notMatched = 0; //loop over events in each file int nentries = c->GetEntries(); for(int jentry = 0; jentry<nentries; jentry++) { if (jentry% 1000 == 0) { printf("%d / %d\n",jentry,nentries); } c->GetEntry(jentry); //event selection (mc only) if( !( c->skim.phfPosFilter1 && c->skim.phfNegFilter1 && c->skim.phltPixelClusterShapeFilter && c->skim.pprimaryvertexFilter) ) continue; if(c->photon.nPhotons == 0) continue; //loop over photons in the event Float_t leadingPt = 0; Int_t leadingIndex = -1; for(int i = 0; i<c->photon.nPhotons; i++) { if(c->[i] > leadingPt) { leadingPt = c->[i]; leadingIndex = i; } } if(leadingIndex == -1) continue; if(c->photon.isGenMatched[leadingIndex]) { Double_t genPt = c->photon.genMatchedPt[leadingIndex]; Double_t ratio = leadingPt/genPt; mcClosure->Fill(genPt,ratio); } else { notMatched++; } } mcClosure->Draw(); mcClosure->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.,2.); TLine *line = new TLine(0, 1, 300, 1); line->Draw(); drawText("Leading Photons",0.75,0.75); printf("Number of not matched leading photons: %d\n",notMatched); }