/** * Function that will look at all the devices on the RConnection * and update the device array accordingly. */ TInt CPanConnections::UpdateCurrentConnections() { TInt rerr = KErrNone; HBufC8* buffer=0; const TInt KAddrLen = sizeof(TBTDevAddr); TRAP(rerr, buffer = HBufC8::NewL(7*KAddrLen));// create a buffer to house the device address if(rerr == KErrNone) { TPtr8 ptr = buffer->Des(); // use RConnection to enumerate all the devices rerr = iConnection.Control(KCOLAgent, KCOAgentPanEnumerateDevices, ptr); if(rerr == KErrNone) { iActiveConnections.Reset(); while(ptr.Length()>=KBTDevAddrSize) { // inspect the addr's in the descriptor and append them to the array. TBTDevAddr parsedAddr(ptr.Mid(ptr.Length()-KAddrLen, KBTDevAddrSize)); ptr.SetLength(Max(ptr.Length()-KAddrLen, 0)); iActiveConnections.Append(parsedAddr); } } } delete buffer; return rerr; }
TInt CTlsEncrypt::DecryptAndVerifyL(const TDesC8& aInput,HBufC8*& aOutput, TInt64& aSeqNumber, TRecordProtocol& aType) { if(!aInput.Length()) return KErrBadDescriptor; TLSPROV_LOG2(_L("Before Decryption...RecordType: %d"),(TInt)aType) TLSPROV_LOG_HEX(aInput.Ptr(),aInput.Size() ) TInt nAlloc = iCryptos.iDecryptor->MaxFinalOutputLength(aInput.Size()) + 24; if ( !aOutput || aOutput->Des().MaxLength() < nAlloc ) { delete aOutput; aOutput = NULL; aOutput = HBufC8::NewL( nAlloc ); } TPtr8 DecOutput = aOutput->Des(); DecOutput.Zero(); TRAP_IGNORE(iCryptos.iDecryptor->ProcessFinalL(aInput,DecOutput)); TUint HashSize = KSetOfTLSCipherSuites[iCipherIndex].iHashSize; if(DecOutput.Length() < HashSize) { return KErrSSLAlertDecryptError; } //set ptr to MAC TPtrC8 ReceivedMac = DecOutput.Mid(DecOutput.Length()-HashSize,HashSize); //& set length to trim MAC DecOutput.SetLength( DecOutput.Length()-HashSize ); TBuf8<64> CalculatedMac; ComputeMacL(CalculatedMac,DecOutput,ETrue,aSeqNumber,aType); TInt err = KErrBadMAC; if(ReceivedMac.Compare(CalculatedMac) == 0) { err = KErrNone; } else { TLSPROV_LOG(_L("Decryption: Received MAC error")) err = KErrSSLAlertBadRecordMac; } TLSPROV_LOG(_L("After Decryption , no mac")) TLSPROV_LOG_HEX(aOutput->Ptr(),aOutput->Size() ) return err; }
TInt RBTBaseband::Enumerate(RBTDevAddrArray& aBTDevAddrArray, TUint aMaxNumber) { if (!SubSessionHandle()) { return KErrNotReady; } __ASSERT_DEBUG(aMaxNumber>=1, Panic(EBadArgument)); if(!aMaxNumber) { return KErrArgument; } HBufC8* buffer=0; const TInt KAddrLen = sizeof(TBTDevAddr); TRAPD(err, buffer = HBufC8::NewL(aMaxNumber*KAddrLen)); if(err) { return KErrNoMemory; } TPtr8 ptr = buffer->Des(); err = iSocket.GetOpt(EBBEnumeratePhysicalLinks, KSolBtLMProxy, ptr); if (err) { delete buffer; return err; } /** Parse the supplied descriptor */ aBTDevAddrArray.Reset(); while(ptr.Length()>=KBTDevAddrSize) { TBTDevAddr parsedAddr(ptr.Mid(ptr.Length()-KAddrLen, KBTDevAddrSize)); ptr.SetLength(Max(ptr.Length()-KAddrLen, 0)); aBTDevAddrArray.Append(parsedAddr); } delete buffer; return KErrNone; }
/** CountLinesOfHtmlL() Counts the number of lines of HTML @param aEntry A reference to an object representing the email @return Number of lines of HTML */ TInt CT_MsgComparePopEmailMsgs::CountLinesOfHtmlL(CMsvEntry& aEntry) { TInt lines = 0; aEntry.SetEntryL(aEntry.EntryId()); CMsvStore* store = aEntry.ReadStoreL(); CleanupStack::PushL(store); MMsvAttachmentManager& attManager = store->AttachmentManagerL(); RFile htmlFile = attManager.GetAttachmentFileL(0); CleanupClosePushL(htmlFile); _LIT8(KFindData, "\r\n"); TInt htmlSize = 0; User::LeaveIfError(htmlFile.Size(htmlSize)); HBufC8* fBuf = HBufC8::NewLC(htmlSize); TPtr8 p = fBuf->Des(); htmlFile.Read(p); TInt pos = 0; for(;;) { pos = p.Find(KFindData); if(pos < 0) { break; } p = p.Mid(pos+2); lines++; } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fBuf); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // htmlFile CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store); return lines; }
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void CZipCompressor::AddFileL(const TDesC8& aFileData,const TDesC& aFileName) { if(iDebugFile.SubSessionHandle()) { iDebugFile.Write(_L8("Add-F, ")); } TFileEntry fileEntry; HBufC8* out = HBufC8::New( aFileData.Size() + 100); if(out) { CleanupStack::PushL(out); if(iDebugFile.SubSessionHandle()) { iDebugFile.Write(_L8("AF1, ")); } TEntry entry; iFs.Entry( aFileName, entry ); TPtr8 outPtr = out->Des(); fileEntry.iVersion = 0x000A; // we could always make settings to handle different compressions within a file fileEntry.iCompression = 0x0008; TInt ErrNo(KErrNone); TRAP(ErrNo,CEZCompressor::CompressL( outPtr, aFileData, CEZCompressor::EDefaultCompression )); if(ErrNo != KErrNone) { fileEntry.iCompression = 0; out->Des().Copy(aFileData); } if(iDebugFile.SubSessionHandle()) { iDebugFile.Write(_L8("AF2, ")); } iFileCounter++; TParsePtrC NameHelp(aFileName); fileEntry.iFileName.Copy(NameHelp.NameAndExt()); fileEntry.iCompressedSize = outPtr.Length() - 6; fileEntry.iUncompressedSize = aFileData.Length(); fileEntry.iRelativeOffset = iStream.Sink()->SizeL(); fileEntry.iAttributes = entry.iAtt; fileEntry.iDateTime = MsDosDateTime( entry.iModified ); if(iDebugFile.SubSessionHandle()) { iDebugFile.Write(_L8("AF3, ")); } iStream.WriteInt32L( 0x04034b50 ); // sign iStream.WriteInt16L( fileEntry.iVersion ); // version iStream.WriteInt16L( 0x0000 ); // general purpose bit flag iStream.WriteInt16L( fileEntry.iCompression ); // compression method iStream.WriteInt32L( fileEntry.iDateTime ); // time TUint32 crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); fileEntry.iCrc32 = crc32( crc, aFileData.Ptr(), aFileData.Length() ); iStream.WriteUint32L( fileEntry.iCrc32 ); // crc iStream.WriteInt32L( fileEntry.iCompressedSize ); // compressed size iStream.WriteInt32L( fileEntry.iUncompressedSize ); // uncompressed size iStream.WriteInt16L( fileEntry.iFileName.Length() ); // filename length iStream.WriteInt16L( 0x0000 ); // extra field length iStream.WriteL( fileEntry.iFileName ); iStream.WriteL( outPtr.Mid( 2, outPtr.Length() - 6 ) ); iFileEntries.Append( fileEntry ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(out); if(iDebugFile.SubSessionHandle()) { iDebugFile.Write(_L8("AF3, ")); } CYBRecognitionResult* Res = new(ELeave)CYBRecognitionResult(); CleanupStack::PushL(Res); iObserver.GetFileHandler().GetFileUtils().RecognizeData(*Res,aFileData,NameHelp.NameAndExt()); TInt TypeIdNum(iObserver.GetFileHandler().GetFileUtils().GetGeneralFileItem().iTypeId); if(Res->iIdString) { TypeIdNum = iObserver.GetFileHandler().GetIconUtils().GetIconIndex(*Res->iIdString); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(Res); if(iDebugFile.SubSessionHandle()) { iDebugFile.Write(_L8("AF4, ")); } iObserver.AddFileToListL(fileEntry.iCompressedSize,fileEntry.iUncompressedSize,NameHelp.NameAndExt(),TypeIdNum); } else { iError = KErrNoMemory; } if(iDebugFile.SubSessionHandle()) { iDebugFile.Write(_L8("Add-Done, ")); } }
void CActionSet::PerformAction(TRequestStatus& aStatus) { __UHEAP_MARK; TRequestStatus* status = &aStatus; iResult = EFalse; HBufC8* pkcs12Pwd = 0; // default value is NULL to avoid RVCT warning // C2874W: set may be used before being set CPBEncryptSet* set = 0; if (iKdf == 0) { CleanupStack::PushL(pkcs12Pwd); set = CPBEncryptSet::NewLC(*iPasswd, iCipher); } else { // if supply KDF, must also supply salt len and iteration count ASSERT(iSaltLenBytes != 0 && iIterCount != 0); CPBEncryptParms* ep = CPBEncryptParms::NewLC(); ep->SetCipher(iCipher); TInt saltLenBytes; TInt r = TLex8(*iSaltLenBytes).Val(saltLenBytes); ASSERT(r == KErrNone); ep->ResizeSaltL(saltLenBytes); TInt iterCount; r = TLex8(*iIterCount).Val(iterCount); ASSERT(r == KErrNone); ep->SetIterations(iterCount); CleanupStack::PushL((CBase*)0); CleanupStack::Pop((CBase*)0); if (*iKdf == _L8("PKCS#5")) { ep->SetKdf(CPBEncryptParms::EKdfPkcs5); set = CPBEncryptSet::NewL(*iPasswd, *ep); } else if (*iKdf == _L8("PKCS#12")) { pkcs12Pwd = PKCS12KDF::GeneratePasswordLC(*iPasswd); ep->SetKdf(CPBEncryptParms::EKdfPkcs12); set = CPBEncryptSet::NewL(*pkcs12Pwd, *ep); CleanupStack::Pop(pkcs12Pwd); } else User::Panic(_L("Unrec KDF"), 0); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ep); // encryption could leak here, but for reservation above CleanupStack::PushL(pkcs12Pwd); CleanupStack::PushL(set); } CPBEncryptor* encryptor = set->NewEncryptLC(); HBufC8* ciphertextTemp = HBufC8::NewLC(encryptor->MaxFinalOutputLength(iInput->Length())); TPtr8 ciphertext = ciphertextTemp->Des(); encryptor->ProcessFinalL(*iInput, ciphertext); TBuf<128> newPwdTemp(*iPasswd); newPwdTemp.Append('a'); TBuf8<128> newPwdTemp8; TPBPassword newPassword(KNullDesC); if (pkcs12Pwd == 0) new(&newPassword) TPBPassword(newPwdTemp); else { HBufC8* newPwd = PKCS12KDF::GeneratePasswordLC(newPwdTemp); newPwdTemp8.Copy(*newPwd); new(&newPassword) TPBPassword(newPwdTemp8); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(newPwd); } set->ChangePasswordL(newPassword); //create a mem buffer store CBufStore* store = CBufStore::NewLC(100); RStoreWriteStream write; //write the encrypted master key to a stream TStreamId keyStreamId = write.CreateLC(*store); write << set->EncryptedMasterKey(); write.CommitL(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //CreateLC() //write the encryption data to another stream TStreamId dataStreamId = write.CreateLC(*store); set->EncryptionData().ExternalizeL(write); write.CommitL(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //CreateLC() //prepare to read the streams back in, creating a new TPBEncryptionData RStoreReadStream read; read.OpenLC(*store, dataStreamId); //read in Encryption data CPBEncryptionData* data = CPBEncryptionData::NewL(read); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //OpenLC() CleanupStack::PushL(data); //read in encrypted master key read.OpenLC(*store, keyStreamId); HBufC8* encryptedMasterKey = HBufC8::NewLC(read, 10000); //some large number //create a new set encryption class CPBEncryptSet* set2 = CPBEncryptSet::NewLC(*data, *encryptedMasterKey, newPassword); HBufC8* plaintextTemp = HBufC8::NewLC(ciphertext.Length()); TPtr8 plaintext = plaintextTemp->Des(); CPBDecryptor* decryptor = set2->NewDecryptLC(); decryptor->Process(ciphertext, plaintext); //this Mid call is due to get rid of the decrypted padding at the end if(plaintext.Mid(0,iInput->Length()) == *iInput) { iResult = ETrue; } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(decryptor); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(plaintextTemp); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(set2); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(encryptedMasterKey); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); //OpenLC CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(data); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ciphertextTemp); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(encryptor); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(set); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pkcs12Pwd); User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone); iActionState = CTestAction::EPostrequisite; __UHEAP_MARKEND; }
/** @SYMTestCaseID PDS-SQL-UT-4151 @SYMTestCaseDesc Measures the performance of inserting multiple records into the Music Player MPX database. This test is based on a real Music Player Harvesting use case @SYMTestPriority Medium @SYMTestActions Reads SQL transactions from a file and executes them. Records the time for executing each statement @SYMTestExpectedResults All statements should be executed without error and performance measurements logged @SYMDEF DEF142306 */ void RunTest() { //Open the file with the sql statements _LIT(KSqlFileName,"z:\\test\\t_sqlperformance4.sql"); RFile sqlFile; TInt err = sqlFile.Open(TheFs, KSqlFileName, EFileRead); TEST2(err, KErrNone); TInt fileLen = 0; err = sqlFile.Size(fileLen); TEST2(err, KErrNone); HBufC8* sqlBuf = HBufC8::New(fileLen); TEST(sqlBuf != NULL); TPtr8 sql = sqlBuf->Des(); err = sqlFile.Read(sql); sqlFile.Close(); TEST2(err, KErrNone); TEST2(sql.Length(), fileLen); //Open main database err = TheDbC.Open(TheDbFileName, &TheSqlConfigString); TEST2(err, KErrNone); TheTest.Printf(_L("Beginning INSERTS...\n")); const TInt KRecordCount = 6544; TInt recordCount = 0; TInt insertCnt = 0; TInt updateCnt = 0; TInt selectCnt = 0; TInt trnCnt = 0; TInt totalTime = 0; TInt insertTrnCnt = 0; TInt updateTrnCnt = 0; TInt selectTrnCnt = 0; for(;sql.Length()>0;) { TInt eolPos = sql.Locate(TChar('\n')); if(eolPos < 0) { break;//No more SQL statements } TInt stmtLength = eolPos; while (stmtLength > 0 && (sql[stmtLength-1] == '\r')) { --stmtLength; //Reduce length to remove carriage return characters from the end of the statement string } TPtrC8 sqlStmt8(sql.Ptr(), stmtLength); TPtrC8 ptr = sql.Mid(eolPos + 1);//"eolPos + 1" - first character after '\n' sql.Set(const_cast <TUint8*> (ptr.Ptr()), ptr.Length(), ptr.Length()); ++recordCount; //Convert to 16 bit query string TBuf<1024> query; query.Copy(sqlStmt8); //Execute the statement TInt start = User::FastCounter(); err = TheDbC.Exec(query); TInt end = User::FastCounter(); TEST(err >= 0); //Get the execution time for that statement TInt duration = GetDuration(start, end); totalTime += duration; if(query == KBeginTransaction) { TheTest.Printf(_L("Execute Statement - BEGIN: %d us\n"), duration); } else if(query == KCommitTransaction) { ++trnCnt; TheTest.Printf(_L("Execute Statement - COMMIT: %d us, Trn#%d, \"INSERT\" count: %d, \"UPDATE\" count: %d, \"SELECT\" count: %d\n"), duration, trnCnt, insertTrnCnt, updateTrnCnt, selectTrnCnt); insertTrnCnt = updateTrnCnt = selectTrnCnt = 0; } else { TPtrC queryType(query.Ptr(), 6); TheTest.Printf(_L("Execute Statement - %S: %d us\n"),&queryType, duration); if(queryType.FindF(_L("INSERT")) >= 0) { ++insertCnt; ++insertTrnCnt; } else if(queryType.FindF(_L("UPDATE")) >= 0) { ++updateCnt; ++updateTrnCnt; } else if(queryType.FindF(_L("SELECT")) >= 0) { ++selectCnt; ++selectTrnCnt; } } } delete sqlBuf; TheDbC.Close(); TheTest.Printf(_L("Total time to process Songs: %d us\n"), totalTime); TheTest.Printf(_L("Transactions count: %d, \"INSERT\" count: %d, \"UPDATE\" count: %d, \"SELECT\" count: %d\n"), trnCnt, insertCnt, updateCnt, selectCnt); TEST2(recordCount, KRecordCount); }
EXPORT_C TInt CHTTPResponse::LocateField(THttpHeaderField aField, TInt aStartIndex) const { // Content-Type is a special case; it appears to always be at the first // byte of the header, and doesn't have any encoding of the field name - // just straight into the Field Value at byte 0. This is an assumption // however, since the WSP spec is not explicit - could it possibly be just // the NWSS GW's implementation of WSP that does this? if ( (aStartIndex == 0) && (aField == EHttpContentType) ) { return aStartIndex; // the content-type field value position - ie. 0 } // Deal with other Field Names, (Possibly including Content-Type if the // start index is offset into the header? Note that this is not likely to // occur though, with the abbreviated encoding.) TInt respLength = iResponse->Length(); TPtr8 respChars = iResponse->Des(); for (TInt index = aStartIndex; index < respLength; index++) { // Examine the byte at this position in the header TUint8 byteCode = respChars[index]; // Expect byteCode to be a Field Name code (unless the search is at // position zero, which has a missing content-type field name). Check // for the search field, remembering to clear the top bit if ( ( (byteCode & 0x7f) == aField) && (index != 0) ) { // Got it - return the next position to locate the field value, // checking for potential overrun if (index < respLength - 1) { // Advance 1 to the header field value ++index; return index; } else { return KErrNotFound; } } else { // Check that we aren't dealing with the Content-Type field // (expected at position 0), since it doesn't use a field type if (index != 0) { // WSP Spec Section - Field Names // // If the byte is an alphanumeric, then it must be a field name that doesn't have // a WSP encoding. In this circumstance, we can't handle the field, and must // therefore skip over it if ((byteCode >= 32) && (byteCode <= 127)) { // Hit the start of a Header Name string - this will be assumed // continuous until the NUL is found or until the end // of the header is hit (which would be an error) while ( (respChars[index] != 0) && (index < respLength - 1) ) ++index; } // WSP Spec Section - Field Values // // Now examine the field value by advancing one place. If that advance takes us off // the end of the buffer, then (a) the WSP is invalid, and (b) the field is not found! ++index; if (index == respLength) return KErrNotFound; } // Read the next byte at this position in the header byteCode = respChars[index]; // Codes 0-30 represent that number of following data octets, so // they should be skipped if (byteCode == 0) // 0 data octets follow !???? : (Strange but true) { // __DEBUGGER(); } else if (byteCode <= 30) { index += byteCode; } else { // Code 31 indicates that the following bytes make a UIntVar, // which indicates the number of data octets after it. The // UIntVar itself could be composed of upto 5 bytes if (byteCode == 31) { // Copy a full 5 bytes from the header - note that actually // fewer might have been used; the UIntVar to Int // converter function returns the exact number that were // used. TInt value = 0; TInt consumed = ParseUIntVar(respChars.Mid(index + 1), value); if( consumed < KErrNone ) return KErrCorrupt; // Advance to the last byte of data in this header index += consumed + value; } else // Codes 32-127 are alphanumerics representing a text // string, up to a NUL termination if (byteCode <= 127) // Hit the start of a string - this will be assumed // continuous until the NUL is found or until the end // of the header is hit (which would be an error) while ( (respChars[index] != 0) && (index < respLength - 1) ) ++index; } } } // This return only occurs if the search ran off the end of the header return KErrNotFound; }
EXPORT_C TBool CHTTPResponse::CharSet(TPtrC8& aDesc) const { // __LOG_ENTER(_L("CHTTPResponse::CharSet")); // Find the byte index in the header for the content type value TInt index = LocateField(EHttpContentType); TUint8 byteCode = 0; TInt paramByteCode = KErrNotFound; TInt valueByteCode1 = KErrNotFound; TInt charsetCode = 0; // Read the byte code, unless KErrNotFound was returned if (index != KErrNotFound) { TPtr8 respChars = iResponse->Des(); TInt respLength = iResponse->Length(); // If the byteCode is in the range 0-30 then a range of bytes is // indicated: the following byte gives the content type and the // remainder are arranged as a series of parameter attribute-value // pairs. This method checks for the presence of a 'charset' parameter. byteCode = respChars[index]; // __LOG1(_L("CHTTPResponse::CharSet : found bytecode = %d"), byteCode); // Check valid range ... note that a range of zero could not contain a charset // parameter anyway, so exclude it... if ((byteCode > 0) && (byteCode <= 30)) { // Check for overrun... if this occurs it should be an error. Note that // corruption _could_ occur in this response buffer - some gateways, which // don't return error decks (e.g. AnyTime GW) send a response buffer 1 byte // long, containing only the value 0x01 - which is invalid WSP. // Be conservative and safe here - we can't overrun. Use the value of byte- // -Code (which should be the WSP encoding of how many bytes follow), or the // total length of the response - whichever is smaller. if (index + byteCode < respLength) { // e,g, header to illustrate use of offsets in this code: // 03 94 81 84 : Content-Type: application/vnd.wap.wmlc; charset=iso-8859-1 // +0 +1 +2 +3 : 03 = no. bytes in Content-Type header // : 94 = 14 | 80 = application/vnd.wap.wmlc // : 81 = 01 | 80 = Charset parameter // : 84 = 04 | 80 = iso-8859-1 paramByteCode = respChars[index + 2]; if ((paramByteCode & 0x7f) == EHttpCharset) { // We have a charset paramByteCode &= 0x7f; valueByteCode1 = respChars[index + 3]; if (valueByteCode1 & 0x80) { // A short one-byte value charsetCode = valueByteCode1 & 0x7f; } else { // A multibyte value ExtractMultiOctetInteger(charsetCode, respChars.Mid(index + 3)); } } } else { index = KErrNotFound; } } } // If a parameter-value pair was found, determine whether it encodes a // charset if ( (index != KErrNotFound) && (paramByteCode == EHttpCharset) ) { // Look up the value from the charset table. const TText8* chset; chset = CharSet(charsetCode); // Convert the charset string to the supplied descriptor if (chset) aDesc.Set(TPtrC8(chset)); else index = KErrNotFound; // We've found a charset but we don't recognise it } else // Either no content-type header (hence no charset) or a content-type // header with a parameter other than charset { index = KErrNotFound; } // __LOG1(_L("CHTTPResponse::CharSet : CharSet = %S"), &aDesc); // __LOG_RETURN; return (index !=KErrNotFound); }