int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int speed, cost; float road_clearance; std::string s; TQueue<Cars> q; int choice = 0; Cars *item; std::cout << "Hello, here are possbile actions: " << std::endl; std::cout << "1: Push item (Press a). Enter\n\t1. Jeep. Then enter price and road clearance\n\t2. Sedan. Then enter price and speed\n\t3. Hatchback. Then enter price and speed" << std::endl; std::cout << "2: Pop item (Press p)" << std::endl; std::cout << "3: Search (Press s). Enter\n\t1. Jeep. Then enter price and road clearance\n\t2. Sedan. Then enter price and speed\n\t3. Hatchback. Then enter price and speed" << std::endl;; std::cout << "4: Remove item (Press r). Enter\n\t1. Jeep. Then enter price and road clearance\n\t2. Sedan. Then enter price and speed\n\t3. Hatchback. Then enter price and speed" << std::endl; std::cout << "5: Destroy all container (Press d)" << std::endl; std::cout << "6: Output all container items (Press o)" << std::endl; std::cout << "6: Quit (Press q)" << std::endl; while ((choice = getchar()) != 'q') { fflush(stdin); switch (choice) { std::cout << choice << std::endl; case 'a': if ((choice = getchar()) == '1') { std::cin >> cost >> road_clearance; Jeep jeep(cost, road_clearance); q.PushBack(jeep); } else if (choice == '2') { std::cin >> cost >> speed; q.PushBack(Sedan(cost, speed)); }
static double least(void* v) { TQueue* q = (TQueue*)v; TQItem* i = q->least(); double x = -1e9; if (i) { x = i->t_; } return x; }
static double find(void* v) { TQueue* q = (TQueue*)v; TQItem* i = q->find(*getarg(1)); double x = -1e9; if (i) { x = i->t_; q->remove(i); } return x; }
void FogWorker::FloodFill(int32 x, int32 y) { if(x < 0 || x >= TextureSize || y < 0 || y >= TextureSize) { return; } // Wikipedia // Flood-fill (node, target-color, replacement-color): // 1. If target - color is equal to replacement - color, return. // 2. If color of node is not equal to target - color, return. if(FMath::IsNearlyEqual(UnfoggedData[x + y * TextureSize], 1.0f)) { return; } // 3. Set Q to the empty queue. TQueue<FIntVector> Q; // 4. Add node to Q. Q.Enqueue(FIntVector(x, y, 0)); FIntVector N; // 5. For each element N of Q : while(Q.Dequeue(N)) { // 6. Set w and e equal to N. auto w = N, e = N; // 7. Move w to the west until the color of the node to the west of w no longer matches target - color. while(w.X - 1 > 0 && !FMath::IsNearlyEqual(UnfoggedData[w.X - 1 + w.Y * TextureSize], 1.0f)) { w.X--; } // 8. Move e to the east until the color of the node to the east of e no longer matches target - color. while(e.X + 1 < TextureSize && !FMath::IsNearlyEqual(UnfoggedData[e.X + 1 + e.Y * TextureSize], 1.0f)) { e.X++; } // 9. For each node n between w and e : for(auto i = w.X; i <= e.X; ++i) { FIntVector n(i, N.Y, 0); // 10. Set the color of n to replacement - color. UnfoggedData[n.X + n.Y * TextureSize] = 1.0f; // 11. If the color of the node to the north of n is target - color, add that node to Q. if(n.Y + 1 < TextureSize && !FMath::IsNearlyEqual(UnfoggedData[n.X + (n.Y + 1) * TextureSize], 1.0f)) Q.Enqueue(FIntVector(n.X, n.Y + 1, 0)); // 12. If the color of the node to the south of n is target - color, add that node to Q. if(n.Y - 1 > 0 && !FMath::IsNearlyEqual(UnfoggedData[n.X + (n.Y - 1) * TextureSize], 1.0f)) { Q.Enqueue(FIntVector(n.X, n.Y - 1, 0)); } } // 13. Continue looping until Q is exhausted. } // 14. Return. }
TInt DZeroCopyLoopbackDevice::RequestDataReceipt() { iPendingRead = ETrue; if(!(iReceiveQueue.IsEmpty() && iSendQueue.IsEmpty())) { NKern::Lock(); ReceiveDataCallback(); NKern::Unlock(); } return KErrNone; }
void OutputQueue(TQueue queue) { typename TQueue::key_map propertyMap = queue.keys(); // Read out the queue, saving the objects in the order they were in the queue while(!queue.empty()) { typename TQueue::value_type queuedObject =; std::cout << "queuedObject: " << queuedObject << " "; typename boost::property_traits<typename TQueue::key_map>::value_type value = get(propertyMap, queuedObject); std::cout << " value: " << value << std::endl; queue.pop(); } }
bool FAppEventManager::WaitForEventInQueue(EAppEventState InState, double TimeoutSeconds) { bool FoundEvent = false; double StopTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds() + TimeoutSeconds; TQueue<FAppEventData, EQueueMode::Spsc> HoldingQueue; while (!FoundEvent) { int rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&QueueMutex); check(rc == 0); // Copy the existing queue (and check for our event) while (!Queue.IsEmpty()) { FAppEventData OutData; Queue.Dequeue(OutData); if (OutData.State == InState) FoundEvent = true; HoldingQueue.Enqueue(OutData); } if (FoundEvent) break; // Time expired? if (FPlatformTime::Seconds() > StopTime) break; // Unlock for new events and wait a bit before trying again rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&QueueMutex); check(rc == 0); FPlatformProcess::Sleep(0.01f); } // Add events back to queue from holding while (!HoldingQueue.IsEmpty()) { FAppEventData OutData; HoldingQueue.Dequeue(OutData); Queue.Enqueue(OutData); } int rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&QueueMutex); check(rc == 0); return FoundEvent; }
bool do_command(char c, TQueue &queue) { bool continue_input = true; TQueue::entry_type x; switch (c) { case 'r': case 'R': if (TQueue::underflow == queue.retrieve(x)) { std::cout << "Queue is empty!" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << std::endl << "The first entry is : " << x << std::endl; } break; case 's': case 'S': break; case 'a': case 'A': break; case '#': break; case 'q': case 'Q': return false; default: std::cout << "Command is not implemented!" << std::endl; } return continue_input; }
void run() { quint64 lastNum = 0; for (;;) { quint64 num; if (intQueue.dequeue(num)) { QVERIFY(num == lastNum); lastNum++; } QThread::yieldCurrentThread(); } }
TInt DZeroCopyLoopbackDevice::RequestDataSend() { // Push our send buffer in to the queue iSendQueue.Push(); // Trigger reception NKern::Lock(); SendDataCallback(); NKern::Unlock(); return KErrNone; }
DWORD WINAPI LocalThread(LPVOID parms) { try { for(int i=0;i<1000;i++) { printf("put %d\n",i); q.Put(i); Sleep(10); } } catch(const char * c) { printf("EXCEPTION in THREAD: %s, err=%d\n",c,GetLastError()); } return 0; }
void AVL::breadFirstPrint(){ TQueue<Node*> q; if(root_){ q.enqueue(root_); while(!q.isEmpty()){ Node* curr=q.front(); q.dequeue(); if(curr->left_) q.enqueue(curr->left_); if(curr->right_) q.enqueue(curr->right_); cout << curr->data_ << endl; } } }
void TwoThreeTree::levelOrder() { if (root == NULL) return; // Use a tree to do levelOrder Traversal TQueue queue; queue.push(root); root->level = 0; cout << "Level Order Traversal:\n"; int currentLevel = 0; while (!queue.isEmpty()) { const TNode *t =; if (t->level != currentLevel) { cout << endl; currentLevel = t->level; } // push t's children on queue, set their level nubmer t->print(); if (!t->isLeaf) { int nextLevel = t->level + 1; t->left->level = nextLevel; queue.push(t->left); t->middle->level = nextLevel; queue.push(t->middle); if (t->rlow != -1) { t->right->level = nextLevel; queue.push(t->right); } } queue.pop(); } cout << endl << endl; }
void DZeroCopyLoopbackDevice::ReceiveDataCallback() { // Copy buffer from send queue (it's like our receive hardware) to receive queue DCommsBuf* srcBuf = iSendQueue.HeadBuffer(); if(!iReceiveQueue.IsFull() && !iSendQueue.IsEmpty()) { // Alloc a new buffer in to which we will copy the received (sent) buffer (mimicking DMA in the non zerocopy case) DCommsBuf newBuf; TInt result = iLdd->Pond().Alloc(newBuf); if(result == KErrNone) { // Copy our buffer and set the new buffer's properties TInt srcPayloadLength = srcBuf->Length(); newBuf.SetOffset(0); newBuf.SetLength(srcPayloadLength); // Do the copy TUint8* srcPayloadPtr = srcBuf->Ptr(); TUint8* destPayloadPtr = newBuf.Ptr(); memcpy(destPayloadPtr, srcPayloadPtr, srcPayloadLength); // Put the new buffer in the receive queue DCommsBuf* destBuf = iReceiveQueue.TailBuffer(); *destBuf = newBuf; iReceiveQueue.Push(); // Drop the incoming buffer srcBuf->Free(); // Step the queue iSendQueue.Pop(); } // We can now complete any outstanding request for received data - if indeed we managed to alloc a receive buffer if(iPendingRead && !iReceiveQueue.IsEmpty()) { iPendingRead = FALSE; // Tell LDD we're done iLdd->ReceiveDataComplete(KErrNone); } } }
void DFS(const TGraph& g, int v, TLine* result) { result->resize(g.size()); fill(result->begin(), result->end(), -1); TQueue q; (*result)[v] = 0; q.push(v); while (!q.empty()) { int now = q.front(); q.pop(); for (int i = 0; i < g[now].size(); ++i) { int next = g[now][i]; if (-1 == (*result)[next]) { (*result)[next] = (*result)[now] + 1; q.push(next); } } } }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { DWORD id; HANDLE thread[THREADS]; for(unsigned int i=0;i<THREADS;i++) thread[i] = CreateThread(0,10000,LocalThread, 0, 0, &id); try { for(int x=0;;) { x = q.Get(); printf("x = %d\n",x); if (x==999) break; } for(int i=0;i<THREADS;i++) CloseHandle(thread[i]); } catch(const char * c) { printf("EXCEPTION: %s, err=%d\n",c,GetLastError()); } return 0; }
DCommsBuf* DZeroCopyLoopbackDevice::ReceiveBuffer() { return iReceiveQueue.HeadBuffer(); }
static double print(void* v) { TQueue* q = (TQueue*)v; q->print(); return 1.; }
void sim() { int j = 0; int tickskip = 0, proctime = 0, taskskip = 0; int tick; int critT, critP; TQueue queue; printf("??????? ??????????? ???????? ?????\n"); critT = input(DIAP); printf("??????? ??????????? ???????? ??????????\n"); critP = input(DIAP); printf("??????? ?????????? ??????\n"); tick = input(9000); if (tick < 20) { for (int i = 0; i < tick; i++) { if (TaskRand(critT)) { if (!queue.IsFull()) { queue.Put(1); printf("????????? ??????\n"); } else { taskskip++; printf("?????? ?????????\n"); } } if (proctime != 0) { printf("????????? ???????????? ??????\n"); if (ProcRand(critP)) { proctime = 0; printf("?????? ??????????\n"); } else { proctime++; printf("?????? ??????????????\n"); } } else if (!queue.IsEmpty()) { printf("????????? ?????? ??????\n"); queue.Push(); if (ProcRand(critP)) { printf("?????? ??????????\n"); } else { proctime++; printf("?????? ??????????????\n"); } } else { tickskip++; printf("????????? ???????????\n"); } } while (!queue.IsEmpty()) { queue.Push(); j++; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < tick; i++) { if (TaskRand(critT)) { if (!queue.IsFull()) { queue.Put(1); } else { taskskip++; } } if (proctime != 0) { if (ProcRand(critP)) { proctime = 0; } else { proctime++; } } else if (!queue.IsEmpty()) { queue.Push(); if (ProcRand(critP)) { } else { proctime++; } } else { tickskip++; } } while (!queue.IsEmpty()) { queue.Push(); j++; } } printf("????????? ? ???????: %d\n", j); printf("????? ?????????: %d\n ????? ???????: %d\n", taskskip, tickskip); }
int main() { #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin); #endif int n = ReadInt(); int m = ReadInt(); int s = ReadInt() - 1; int f = ReadInt() - 1; TGraph g(n); for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { int begin = ReadInt() - 1; int end = ReadInt() - 1; int cost = ReadInt(); double p = 1.0 - static_cast<double>(cost) / 100.0; g[begin].push_back( TNode(end, p) ); g[end].push_back( TNode(begin, p) ); } /* for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { shuffle(g[i].begin(), g[i].end(), default_random_engine()); } */ const TCost INF(n + 1000, -10.0); TCosts costs(n, INF); TIntegers parent(n, -1); parent[s] = -2; TQueue q; { const TCost cost(0, 1.0); q.push(s); costs[s] = cost; } while (!q.empty()) { const int now = q.front(); q.pop(); if (now == f) { break; } const TCost& nowCost = costs[now]; for (TNodes::const_iterator toNode = g[now].begin(); toNode != g[now].end(); ++toNode) { const int next = toNode->_to; TCost nextCost(nowCost._iDist + 1, nowCost._fine*toNode->_p); if (-1 == parent[next] || ((nowCost._iDist + 1 == costs[next]._iDist) && (nowCost._fine*toNode->_p > costs[next]._fine))) { if (-1 == parent[next]) { q.push(next); } costs[next] = nextCost; parent[next] = now; } } } TIntegers path; int now = f; while (-2 != now) { path.push_back(now); now = parent[now]; } printf("%d %.12lf\n", path.size(), 1.0 - costs[f]._fine); for (TIntegers::const_reverse_iterator toPath = path.rbegin(); toPath != path.rend(); ++toPath) { printf("%d ", *toPath + 1); } printf("\n"); return 0; }
static double remove(void* v) { TQueue* q = (TQueue*)v; q->remove(q->find(*getarg(1))); return 1.; }
static double mvleast(void* v) { TQueue* q = (TQueue*)v; q->move_least(*getarg(1)); return 1.; }
static double stats(void* v) { TQueue* q = (TQueue*)v; q->statistics(); return 1.; }
DCommsBuf* DZeroCopyLoopbackDevice::SendBuffer() { return iSendQueue.TailBuffer(); }
static double insert(void* v) { TQueue* q = (TQueue*)v; q->insert(*getarg(1), (void*)1); return 1.; }
void DZeroCopyLoopbackDevice::AdvanceReceiveQueue() { iReceiveQueue.Pop(); }
TInt DZeroCopyLoopbackDevice::ReceivedQueueLen() { return iReceiveQueue.Length(); }