void Execute(FRHICommandListBase& CmdList) { FD3D12DynamicRHI::GetD3DRHI()->UpdateBuffer(Destination->GetResource(), Destination->GetOffset(), Source->GetResource(), Source->GetOffset(), NumBytes); }
void* FD3D12DynamicRHI::LockBuffer(FRHICommandListImmediate* RHICmdList, BufferType* Buffer, uint32 Offset, uint32 Size, EResourceLockMode LockMode) { FD3D12LockedData LockedData; // Determine whether the buffer is dynamic or not. const bool bIsDynamic = (Buffer->GetUsage() & BUF_AnyDynamic) ? true : false; void* Data = nullptr; if (bIsDynamic) { check(LockMode == RLM_WriteOnly); TRefCountPtr<FD3D12ResourceLocation> newLocation = new FD3D12ResourceLocation(GetRHIDevice()); // Allocate a new resource Data = GetRHIDevice()->GetDefaultUploadHeapAllocator().AllocUploadResource(Buffer->ResourceLocation->GetEffectiveBufferSize(), Buffer->BufferAlignment, newLocation); // If on the RenderThread, queue up a command on the RHIThread to rename this buffer at the correct time if (ShouldDeferBufferLockOperation(RHICmdList)) { new (RHICmdList->AllocCommand<FRHICommandRenameUploadBuffer<BufferType>>()) FRHICommandRenameUploadBuffer<BufferType>(Buffer, newLocation); } else { Buffer->Rename(newLocation); } } else { FD3D12Resource* pResource = Buffer->ResourceLocation->GetResource(); // Locking for read must occur immediately so we can't queue up the operations later. if (LockMode == RLM_ReadOnly) { // If the static buffer is being locked for reading, create a staging buffer. TRefCountPtr<FD3D12Resource> StagingBuffer; VERIFYD3D11RESULT(GetRHIDevice()->GetResourceHelper().CreateBuffer(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK, Offset + Size, StagingBuffer.GetInitReference())); LockedData.StagingResource = StagingBuffer; // Copy the contents of the buffer to the staging buffer. { const auto& pfnCopyContents = [&]() { FD3D12CommandContext& DefaultContext = GetRHIDevice()->GetDefaultCommandContext(); FD3D12CommandListHandle& hCommandList = DefaultContext.CommandListHandle; FScopeResourceBarrier ScopeResourceBarrierSource(hCommandList, pResource, pResource->GetDefaultResourceState(), D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_COPY_SOURCE, 0); // Don't need to transition upload heaps DefaultContext.numCopies++; hCommandList->CopyBufferRegion( StagingBuffer->GetResource(), 0, pResource->GetResource(), Offset, Size); DefaultContext.FlushCommands(true); }; if (ShouldDeferBufferLockOperation(RHICmdList)) { // Sync when in the render thread implementation check(IsInRHIThread() == false); RHICmdList->ImmediateFlush(EImmediateFlushType::FlushRHIThread); pfnCopyContents(); } else { check(IsInRHIThread()); pfnCopyContents(); } } // Map the staging buffer's memory for reading. VERIFYD3D11RESULT(StagingBuffer->GetResource()->Map(0, nullptr, &Data)); } else { // If the static buffer is being locked for writing, allocate memory for the contents to be written to. TRefCountPtr<FD3D12ResourceLocation> UploadBufferLocation = new FD3D12ResourceLocation(GetRHIDevice()); Data = GetRHIDevice()->GetDefaultFastAllocator().Allocate(Offset + Size, D3D12_TEXTURE_DATA_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT, UploadBufferLocation); // Keep track of the underlying resource for the upload heap so it can be referenced during Unmap. LockedData.UploadHeapLocation = UploadBufferLocation; } } check(Data); // Add the lock to the lock map. LockedData.SetData(Data); LockedData.Pitch = Offset + Size; // Add the lock to the lock map. FD3D12LockedKey LockedKey(Buffer); AddToOutstandingLocks(LockedKey, LockedData); // Return the offset pointer return (void*)((uint8*)LockedData.GetData() + Offset); }