void __fastcall TEditTiffForm::SetupPageComboBox(int count, int start) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Заполняет PageComboBox | // Если start == -1, то не меняет ItemIndex | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TStrings *items = PageComboBox->Items; int i; char buf[50]; items->Clear(); for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) { sprintf(buf, "%d / %d", i, count); items->Add(buf); } InsideChange = true; ScrollBar1->Max = count; if (start >= 0) { PageComboBox->ItemIndex = start; ScrollBar1->Position = start; } else if (PageComboBox->ItemIndex == -1) { PageComboBox->ItemIndex = 0; ScrollBar1->Position = 0; } EnumTiffPages(); InsideChange = false; }
str_list* _std str_copylines(str_list*list, u32t first, u32t last) { TStrings lst; if (first<=last) { str_getstrs(list,lst); if (lst.Count()) if (first>=lst.Count()) lst.Clear(); else { if (last>=lst.Count()) last=lst.Max(); if (++last!=lst.Count()) lst.Delete(last,lst.Count()-last); if (first) lst.Delete(0,first); } } return str_getlist_local(lst.Str); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TAddressBook::AssignTo(TPersistent* Dest) { TStrings *DestStrings = dynamic_cast<TStrings *>(Dest); if (DestStrings) { DestStrings->BeginUpdate(); try { DestStrings->Clear(); DestStrings->AddStrings(FNames); } __finally { DestStrings->EndUpdate(); } } }
void splittext(const char *text, u32t width, TStrings &lst, u32t flags) { lst.Clear(); if (!text || width<8) return; const char *ps = text, *pps; char softcr = flags&SplitText_HelpMode?'&':0; int ln = 0; spstr linehead; lst.Add(spstr()); do { while (*ps && (strchr(AllowSet,*ps) || *ps==softcr)) { register char cr=*ps++; if (cr!=' ') { if (cr==softcr) { pps = ps; if (*pps) pps++; while (*pps==' ' || *pps=='\t') pps++; /* get 1 char after eol and all spaces after it and use result as a header for all next lines until real cr */ linehead = spstr(ps, pps-ps).expandtabs(4); ps = pps; } else { lst.Add(spstr()); if (cr=='\r' && *ps=='\n') ps++; linehead.clear(); if (lst[ln].lastchar()==' ') lst[ln].dellast(); ln++; } } } if (*ps==0) break; pps = strpbrk(ps, softcr ? CarrySet AllowSet "&" : CarrySet AllowSet); int carry = pps&&strchr(CarrySet,*pps)?1:0; spstr curr(ps,pps?pps-ps+carry:0), sum; sum = lst[ln]+curr; sum.expandtabs(4); if ((flags&SplitText_NoAnsi?strlen:str_length)(sum())<width-2) lst[ln]=sum; else { lst.Add(linehead+curr); if (lst[ln].lastchar()==' ') lst[ln].dellast(); ln++; } if (!carry||pps&&pps[1]==' ') lst[ln]+=' '; ps=pps; if (carry) ps++; } while (pps); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TPropertiesDialog::LoadRemoteTokens(TComboBox * ComboBox, const TRemoteTokenList * List) { TStrings * Items = ComboBox->Items; Items->BeginUpdate(); try { Items->Clear(); if (List != NULL) { int Count = List->Count(); for (int Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { Items->Add(LoadRemoteToken(*List->Token(Index))); } } } __finally { Items->EndUpdate(); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int __fastcall TThdSend::GetScheme(TScheme *Scheme,String SchemeName) { String NodeName = "自动派发"; String FileName = String(TRjlSysVar()()->TradePath) + "\\TradeScheme.xml"; TStringList *attr = new TStringList(); TStringList *cond = new TStringList(); if(SchemeName==""){ TStrings *Header = new TStringList(); Header->Clear(); TRjlXML::GetHead(FileName,Header); SchemeName = Header->Values["DftSend"]; //方案名为空的话取默认方案 delete Header; } cond->Add("Name="+SchemeName); if(TRjlXML::GetNode(FileName,NodeName,cond,attr)<=0) {delete cond;delete attr;return -1;} if(attr->Count>0){ Scheme->Name = SchemeName; Scheme->ConsignPrice = StrToInt(attr->Values["ConsignPrice"]); Scheme->FloatMny = TRjlFunc::StrToDouble(attr->Values["FloatMny"]); Scheme->VolPercent = TRjlFunc::StrToDouble(attr->Values["VolPercent"]); Scheme->VolScheme = StrToInt(attr->Values["VolScheme"]); Scheme->Vol1 = StrToInt(attr->Values["Vol1"]); Scheme->Vol2 = StrToInt(attr->Values["Vol2"]); Scheme->TrdSec = StrToInt(attr->Values["TrdSec"]); Scheme->Sec1 = StrToInt(attr->Values["Sec1"]); Scheme->Sec2 = StrToInt(attr->Values["Sec2"]); Scheme->TrdCancelTime = StrToInt(attr->Values["TrdCancelTime"]); Scheme->TrdCancelPrc = TRjlFunc::StrToDouble(attr->Values["TrdCancelPrc"]); } delete cond; delete attr; return 0; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TFrPrintProductCatalog::LoadPicList(TStrings *NameUser, TStrings *Status, TStrings *Activities_KC, TStrings *ComboBox9) { // Загрузка нового листа выбора TStrings *S; AnsiString Sl; TField *F, *Fi; TADOQuery *Qi; Qi = Qw; if (Status != NULL) { S = Status; Qi->Close(); Qi->SQL->Clear(); Qi->SQL->Add ("select -1,' ВСЕ' union select 0,' Не распределен' union select idn,iText from spl_LbText256 where iLvl=1156 and datedel is null Order by 2 " ); Qi->Open(); Fi = Qi->Fields->Fields[0]; F = Qi->Fields->Fields[1]; S->Clear(); while (Qi->Eof == false) { S->AddObject(F->AsString, (TObject*)Fi->AsInteger); Qi->Next(); } Qi->Close(); } if (Activities_KC != NULL) { S = Activities_KC; Qi->Close(); Qi->SQL->Clear(); Qi->SQL->Add ("select -1,' ВСЕ' union select Idn,iText from spl_LbText256 where iLvl=1199 and DateDel is null" ); Qi->Open(); Fi = Qi->Fields->Fields[0]; F = Qi->Fields->Fields[1]; S->Clear(); while (Qi->Eof == false) { S->AddObject(F->AsString, (TObject*)Fi->AsInteger); Qi->Next(); } Qi->Close(); } if (ComboBox9 != NULL) { S = ComboBox9; Qi->Close(); Qi->SQL->Clear(); Qi->SQL->Add ("select -1,' ВСЕ' union select 0,' Нет менеджера' union SELECT idManager,u.auFamIO FROM cch_CallManager LEFT JOIN aa_Users u on u.auId=idManager WHERE TypeM=0 ORDER BY 2 " ); Qi->Open(); Fi = Qi->Fields->Fields[0]; F = Qi->Fields->Fields[1]; S->Clear(); while (Qi->Eof == false) { S->AddObject(F->AsString, (TObject*)Fi->AsInteger); Qi->Next(); } Qi->Close(); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TConfiguration::CopyData(THierarchicalStorage * Source, THierarchicalStorage * Target) { TStrings * Names = new TStringList(); try { if (Source->OpenSubKey(ConfigurationSubKey, false)) { if (Target->OpenSubKey(ConfigurationSubKey, true)) { if (Source->OpenSubKey(L"CDCache", false)) { if (Target->OpenSubKey(L"CDCache", true)) { Names->Clear(); Source->GetValueNames(Names); for (int Index = 0; Index < Names->Count; Index++) { Target->WriteBinaryData(Names->Strings[Index], Source->ReadBinaryData(Names->Strings[Index])); } Target->CloseSubKey(); } Source->CloseSubKey(); } if (Source->OpenSubKey(L"Banners", false)) { if (Target->OpenSubKey(L"Banners", true)) { Names->Clear(); Source->GetValueNames(Names); for (int Index = 0; Index < Names->Count; Index++) { Target->WriteString(Names->Strings[Index], Source->ReadString(Names->Strings[Index], L"")); } Target->CloseSubKey(); } Source->CloseSubKey(); } Target->CloseSubKey(); } Source->CloseSubKey(); } if (Source->OpenSubKey(SshHostKeysSubKey, false)) { if (Target->OpenSubKey(SshHostKeysSubKey, true)) { Names->Clear(); Source->GetValueNames(Names); for (int Index = 0; Index < Names->Count; Index++) { Target->WriteStringRaw(Names->Strings[Index], Source->ReadStringRaw(Names->Strings[Index], L"")); } Target->CloseSubKey(); } Source->CloseSubKey(); } } __finally { delete Names; } }