Пример #1
// D0 RedMET with CMG trees
double getD0RedMet(double lpx1, double lpy1, double lpterr1, 
		   double lpx2, double lpy2, double lpterr2, 
		   double sumjpx, double sumjpy, 
		   double pfmet, double pfmetphi, 
		   int flav, int pickAFlav = 1) {

  if( flav==3 ) { 
    if( pickAFlav!=1 && pickAFlav!=2 ) {
      cout << " *** ERROR *** " << endl;
      cout << "  You need to pick a flavor in getD0RedMet(...)! " << endl;
      throw std::exception();
      return -1.;
    else {
      flav = pickAFlav;

  // double wPerpMu = 1.0;
  // double wRecMu  = 2.0;
  // double wUncMu  = 2.5;
  double wPerpMu = 1.0;
  double wRecMu  = 1.5;
  double wUncMu  = 2.75;

  // double wPerpEl = 1.5;
  // double wRecEl  = 2.25;
  // double wUncEl  = 0.0;
  double wPerpEl = 0.75;
  double wRecEl  = 1.0;
  double wUncEl  = 0.25;
  int seplep = 1;
  if (seplep == 0){
		wPerpMu = 1.0;
		wRecMu  = 1.25;
		wUncMu  = 0.0;
		wPerpEl = wPerpMu;
		wRecEl  = wRecMu;
		wUncEl  = wUncMu;

  double kPerp = 1.;
  double kRecoil_l = 1.;
  double kRecoil_t = 1.;
  double kSigmaPt_l = 1.;
  double kSigmaPt_t = 1.;

  if( flav==1 ) {        // mm
    kPerp = wPerpMu;
    kRecoil_l = kRecoil_t = wRecMu;
    kSigmaPt_l = kSigmaPt_t = wUncMu;
  else if( flav==2 ) {  // ee
    kPerp = wPerpEl;
    kRecoil_l = kRecoil_t = wRecEl;
    kSigmaPt_l = kSigmaPt_t = wUncEl;
  else {}

  double pt1 = sqrt(lpx1*lpx1 + lpy1*lpy1);
  double pt2 = sqrt(lpx2*lpx2 + lpy2*lpy2);

  TVector2 lead, subl;
  double leadpt, sublpt, leadpterr, sublpterr;
  if(pt1>pt2) {
    lead = TVector2(lpx1, lpy1);
    subl = TVector2(lpx2, lpy2);
    leadpt = pt1;
    leadpterr = lpterr1;
    sublpt = pt2;
    sublpterr = lpterr2;
  else {
    lead = TVector2(lpx2, lpy2);
    subl = TVector2(lpx1, lpy1);
    leadpt = pt2;
    leadpterr = lpterr2;
    sublpt = pt1;
    sublpterr = lpterr1;

  // Define the thrust and dilepton
  TVector2 dil = lead+subl;
  TVector2 thr = lead-subl;
  TVector2 longi;
  TVector2 perpe;
  double deltaPhi = fabs(lead.DeltaPhi(subl));

  if( deltaPhi>(3.141592654/2.) ) {
    longi = thr.Unit();
    perpe = longi.Rotate(3.141592654/2.);
    if(perpe*lead<0) perpe *= -1;
  else {
    perpe = dil.Unit();
    longi = perpe.Rotate(3.141592654/2.);
    if(longi*lead<0) longi *= -1;

  // Dilepton
  double dileptProj_l = dil*longi;
  double dileptProj_t = dil*perpe;

  // Unclustered
  TVector2 uncl( pfmet*cos(pfmetphi), pfmet*sin(pfmetphi) );
  uncl += dil;
  double unclProj_l = uncl*longi;
  double unclProj_t = uncl*perpe;

  // Sum of jets
  TVector2 sumjVec(sumjpx, sumjpy);
  double sumjetProj_l = sumjVec*longi;
  double sumjetProj_t = sumjVec*perpe;

  // Recoil
  double recoilProj_l = min( sumjetProj_l, -1.0*unclProj_l ); recoilProj_l = min( 0., recoilProj_l );
  double recoilProj_t = min( sumjetProj_t, -1.0*unclProj_t ); recoilProj_t = min( 0., recoilProj_t );
  // Case with 0 jets
  // double recoilProj_l = -1.0*unclProj_l; recoilProj_l = min( 0., recoilProj_l );
  // double recoilProj_t = -1.0*unclProj_t; recoilProj_t = min( 0., recoilProj_t );

  // Lepton uncertainty
  double relErrLead = min( leadpterr/leadpt, 1. );
  double relErrSubl = min( sublpterr/sublpt, 1. );
  TVector2 lowLead = lead*(1.0-relErrLead);
  TVector2 lowSubl = subl*(1.0-relErrSubl);
  TVector2 lowDil = lowLead + lowSubl;
  TVector2 lowThr = lowLead - lowSubl;

  double deltaDileptProj_t = lowDil*perpe - dileptProj_t;
  double deltaDileptProj_l = ( -relErrLead*lead + relErrSubl*subl )*longi;

  double redMET_l = max( (dileptProj_l + kRecoil_l*recoilProj_l + kSigmaPt_l*deltaDileptProj_l), 0.);
  double redMET_t = max( (dileptProj_t + kRecoil_t*recoilProj_t + kSigmaPt_t*deltaDileptProj_t), 0.);
  double redMET = sqrt( pow(redMET_l,2) + kPerp*pow(redMET_t,2) );

  return redMET;
Пример #2
void PMCSZCand::SetA(PMCSEMObj &elec1, PMCSEMObj &elec2) {

  // First we need to calculate the thrust axis
  TVector2 e1(elec1.ppx(),elec1.ppy());
  TVector2 e2(elec2.ppx(),elec2.ppy());

  // Calculate the two phi angles
  double phi1=e1.Phi();
  double phi2=e2.Phi();

  // Order in phi
  if (phi1<phi2) {
    TVector2 dummy=e1;
    double dummy2=phi1;

  // Calculate lengths as well
  double len1=e1.Mod();
  double len2=e2.Mod();

  // Good old Newton
  // initial guess
  TVector2 bisector=(e1.Unit()+e2.Unit()).Unit();
  double alpha=bisector.Phi()-TMath::Pi()/2.;
  double alphaBackup=alpha;
  int nIt=0;
  // iterate
  double oldAlpha=9999.;
  while (fabs(alpha-oldAlpha)>0.000001) {
    double f=len2*sin(phi2-oldAlpha)+len1*sin(oldAlpha-phi1);
    double fp=-len2*cos(phi2-oldAlpha)+len1*cos(oldAlpha-phi1);
    if (nIt>1000) {
      cout<<"Newton did not converge in search for thrust axis"<<endl;

  // Build unit vector
  TVector2 r;
  TVector2 rPerp=r.Rotate(TMath::Pi()/2.);

  // Checks
  if (fabs(e1*rPerp-e2*rPerp)>0.001) {
    cout<<"Looks like Newton was imprecise in calculation of thrust axis: "<<e1*rPerp<<" "<<e2*rPerp<<endl;

  // now we can do the projections
  TVector2 Z=e1+e2;